People Share Their Funny #ChristmasBreakupExcuses

A lot of people get dumped around the holidays for one reason or another. The pressure, the fighting, family issues. There are a lot of potential excuses for doing the deed.

These folks shared funny, punny, probably-not-real-but-who-can-say #ChristmasBreakupExcuses for all of us to enjoy. Ho Ho Ho!

1. I see what you did there.

2. I knew this one was coming.

3. Not a good thing to hear.

4. Zing!

5. That’s pretty good.

6. Oh, no!

7. It’s hard to explain.

8. Sounds likely.

9. This is legit.

10. Fun with words! Oh, and we’re done.

11. It’s Opposite Day.

12. Showed her.

13. Classy move.

14. That’s harsh.

15. This is a good one to finish with.

They’re Grinches! All of ’em, I tell ya!

Have you ever been on the giving or receiving end of a holiday breakup? Tell us about it in the comments.

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Funny Christmas Tweets That Have Already Gone Viral

It’s the best time of the year! Well, I mean, besides Halloween.

But hey, Christmas is great, too.

It can also be a frustrating, weird and hilarious time of year as well, as evidenced by these funny tweets that have already gone viral.

Oh, the holidays…

1. Listen to your mother.

2. Oh yeah!

3. There’s a lot of them out there.

4. Sounds awesome.

5. I’m a big fan of this video.

6. Good second effort.

7. Gonna be a looooong month.

8. Keep that a secret.

9. Never seen that before…

10. Belt it out.

11. Watch your mouth.

12. This is true.

13. Almost there…

14. Gonna be a great Christmas!

15. Merry Christmas?

Are you ready to celebrate Christmas this year?

Tell us all about your plans in the comments!

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Christmas dinner in a can

In 2013 tech retailer GAME released an affordable £2 ($2.64) Christmas dinner in a can for hardcore gamers who spend their Christmas playing games online and don’t want to leave their chair.

Mall Santas Share Their Favorite Stories from Their Holiday Jobs

You have to be a special sort of person to take a job as a mall Santa during the holidays. For one thing, you have to look the part! Also, dealing with kids (and their parents’ expectations!) for hours every day can’t be the easiest task – especially when the season already has people stressed out.

If you want to know why they do it (or at least how they get through it) here are 15 stories that make the experience a little more real.

15. A kid that’s going places, for sure.

Not a Santa, but I have been a Mrs. Claus for the last few years and I always ask the kids what they want while we do our crafts.

My favorite was this 4-5 year old girl that told me she wanted “one of those loud horns”. She made a gesture like she was using those canned air horns and she made a little horn sound. She said she wants to use it to wake up her baby brother when he naps in the daytime so he “knows what it’s like.”

14. It’s best to be specific.

Not a santa but an elf.

I read a letter (maybe I shouldn’t have) from a child who asked for a dolphin, specifically not autistic. Not sure if he had had a bad experience with disabled dolphins or what but he was about 6 years old .

13. Well, Santa tried.

My 3 year old son asked Santa once for “a baby rhino” Santa told him that “The baby rhinos mama would be very sad to lose her baby though”

Then my son said, “okay, well I’ll take the mama too, maybe she can sleep in my moms bed”

12. Lol, yikes.

Many years ago a small girl would not tell her mother what she wanted for Christmas. Mom told me the problem and I was to tell her after the kid jumped off my lap. The little girl hopped up and told me she wanted some make up and some tits…. ok now I have to tell mom.

11. That Santa probably had some *thoughts*.

My sister asked Santa for “Black Men” for Christmas. She meant “Men in Black.”

10. I bet he had a baby sibling.

Not me but my dad

a kid asked for his moms milk he was like 7

9. This is so incredibly pure.

I was an assistant manager for a mall Santa with Noerr Programs. There was a special needs 20-something black guy that would come by nearly every day. He easily weighed more than 250 pounds so we did eventually convince him to sit next to Santa instead of on his lap. Every time he had to remind Santa what he wanted for Christmas. His list was Home Alone on DVD, Straight Outta Compton on DVD, and Prince’s 1999 album on CD. Santa was awesome and brought him the Prince CD a few days before Christmas.

8. It’s always the younger sibling you have to watch out for.

Yesterday the big sister asked for a pet mouse, the little sister asked for a snake.

7. That’s not as weird as it is sweet.

Not a mall santa my friend was one. He said that the weirdest thing he heard from a kid was a husband for his mom.

6. This is tough.

I worked in Russia as “Snow Maiden”. This is a Christmas character here, Santa Claus granddaughter. One of the children in a wheelchair asked to walk again. It was hard.

Upd. For people’s, who wanted funny answer. In my practis was a boy, who wanted a girlfriend. He was 5-6 years.

5. Being a parent is hard.

Was a Santa at a party last week. A kid asked for a whistle that she could blow at night to wake her mom up and scare her when she was sleeping.

I said “No, that would put you on the Naughty list, let your mom sleep you little gremlin.”

Mom laughed.

4. Smart kid.

My uncle was a Santa and he told me that one year a kid asked for a coffee maker because he wanted to start his own Starbucks coffee stand instead of a lemonade stand. Apparently business was not very good as a lemonade stand but he noticed a lot of adults drink coffee, so he’d make coffee.

That kid is probably a millionaire now.

3. Bread is life.

A piece of toast.

2. You sit on a throne of lies!

For me to “stop upholding this charade”

1. Did your dad tell you to say that?

There was a joke a radio host told that I heard about 10 years ago or so and there was a mall santa and this kid, and the kid wanted a tonka truck that had a hitch or crane/hook or something, and when it comes time to tell santa what he wants the kid says “I want a truck with a hooker”

I couldn’t do it, I don’t think!

Have you ever played Santa? What’s the best/worst thing that ever happened to you when you did?

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Your Kids Can Text Santa Claus This Christmas. Give It a Shot!

Do you have a kid who’s too shy to sit on Santa’s lap? There are other more convenient ways to contact Santa now — he’s even available by text message.

Santa has an official phone number: 951-262-3062. Don’t worry, it goes directly to voicemail (can you imagine if Santa had to pick up the phone for every kid that wanted to talk to him?).

However, if you (or your child) get onto Santa’s contact list, you can receive regular texts from him throughout the month of December.

Photo Credit: iStock

The service is called The Santa Texting Project. It’s provided by SlickText, a marketing platform that allows businesses to communicate through mass text messages.

Children who sign up for texts from Santa can expect to receive messages such as jokes, sayings, recipes and fun facts. He sends regular texts without being prompted — he’ll text approximately once every five days throughout the month; then, in the week before Christmas, he’ll text daily.

To sign up, just go to SlickText’s website and enter your name and phone number. You must also choose whether you’re signing up as a child, adult, or senior (hey, everybody needs a little Christmas cheer!). Then, reply “Yes” to the first text to opt in to the service.

Photo Credit: iStock

This festive service is completely free, and the company says the phone numbers won’t be shared with any outside entities. They’ll also be deleted on December 26, so no annoying follow-up texts.

Happy texting!

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Hallmark Christmas Movies Are so Popular Because People Want an Escape from Everyday Life

The older I get, the more mindless entertainment I tend to watch to relax at the end of a long day (or a long week). I definitely don’t always need to watch something dark and thought-provoking anymore to give my brain a workout.

That’s why I’ve watched Air Bud: Golden Receiver 75 times this year…is that weird?

But back to the point…

Part of the reason why Hallmark Christmas movies are insanely popular is that people want to escape the everyday stresses of life and our current news cycle, which, let’s be honest, isn’t very positive or uplifting. Tens of millions of viewers watch Hallmark Christmas movies, and the Hallmark Channel has already hit record-breaking numbers in 2019 since their “Countdown to Christmas” programming kicked off on October 25.

Hallmark Hall of Fame's special presentation of “A Christmas Love Story” starts now!

Posted by Hallmark Channel USA on Saturday, December 7, 2019

One woman who is a huge fan of the Hallmark Christmas movies said, “It’s just something to watch that’s mindless and doesn’t stress you out. It’s not political. It’s something somebody can watch and just be happy about, something that can take your mind off the world for a little bit.”

According to Michelle Vicary, the executive vice president of programming and network publicity for Crown Media Family Networks, which owns the Hallmark Channel,

“People need to feel good. They need to feel positive. There’s so much good television that is dark, edgy, and fantastic. But in the huge spectrum of the human experience, things can also turn out okay. Life can be good and life can be positive, and people need that too. That’s where we come in and that’s where our brand comes in and delivers on an emotional experience that says, ‘You know what, things are going to turn out okay, and you’re good and life is good.’”

Re-discover the magic of "Christmas Town" with Candace Cameron Bure and Tim Rozon with an encore presentation on December 5 at 8pm/7c!

Posted by Hallmark Channel USA on Monday, December 2, 2019

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to see how this big-city lawyer guy is going to fare in the small, rural town where he got isolated for Christmas because he got a flat tire. Will he find love and learn to appreciate the peoples’ small-town charm?

We’ll see!

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10 Tips for Dealing With Grief Around the Holidays

For many, the holidays are a really hard time. People who have lost loved ones or had other difficult experiences in their lives tend to get depressed around the holiday season, as they reflect on their past and relive old memories.

If you are one of the many people who deals with grief and depression around the holidays, here are 10 tips you should consider to try to alleviate your pain.

1. Time and space.


Give yourself time and space to deal with your emotions. It’s okay to feel pain and loneliness if you’ve experienced loss. Treat yourself well and give yourself a break. You’re only human.

2. Spend time alone.

The holiday season can be very overwhelming for many people, so you need to find time to spend alone so you can work on yourself and get away from it all. Do what you need to do to recharge your batteries: take a walk, sit in a park, and if you want to leave parties or events early, go ahead and do it.

3. Escape route.


Have an escape plan if you attend parties or events that you know might trigger you and make you sad, emotional, or angry. It’s okay if you need to bolt, just be ready and make sure you have all your belongings so you don’t have to make a return appearance.

4. No thanks.

It’s okay to say no to parties, events, or any other kinds of invitations that you think might make you feel uncomfortable or might cause you to lose control. Remember, it’s up to you.

5. Honor their memory.


Some people choose to celebrate the traditions that their lost loved ones did to honor their memory. This can help people to remember the good times and to be nostalgic.

6. Start new traditions.

Instead of trying to recreate the traditions that you enjoyed with your departed loved ones, try to create some new ones. This practice can help you deal with the grief.

7. Get out of town.

Road trip near Sykkylven

Go somewhere new or take a road trip. Get your mind off of the familiar and the places that are associated with your loved ones who are no longer with you. A new atmosphere may do you some good.

8. Fulfillment.

Focus on some activities that you know will fulfill you and make you feel good. Volunteer. Read. Exercise. Walk your dog. Try to make some new friends. Whatever makes you feel good, do it.

9. Totally random.


Practice random acts of kindness. Help out other people and try to better, not bitter. In other words, live your life to honor the people who are gone and do your best. Part of that can be helping out strangers.

10. Remember the good times.

It might sound easy, but it can be tough. Try to remember the positive memories and happy times you spent with your departed loved ones instead of suppressing all thoughts about them. In the long run, it will help.

And while you’re at it, listen to this short but sweet song by the great Willie Nelson.

Enjoy your holidays, everyone.

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Enjoy These Photos of Super Lazy People and Their Christmas Decorations

We can’t all be Clark Griswold, now can we? Some of us just want to do the bare minimum (or nothing at all) when it comes to Christmas decorations.

Which camp do you fall in?

These folks definitely belong to the latter category…but are they lazy or are they geniuses? You be the judge…

1. You nailed it.

Our Christmas Decorations from funny

2. Hahaha. This is good.

Neighbors’ outdoor Christmas decorations.. before the cops made them take it down from funny

3. That’ll work.

Finally finished the Christmas decorations! from funny

4. Use what you got.

View post on

5. Hmmmmm.

I’m too lazy for Christmas decorations. from funny

6. You did a great job.

Put up the Christmas Tree… from funny

7. Not really feeling it.

Was out with the wife and our 5 year old daughter looking for Christmas light displays last night. Found this gem. My daughter thought it was beautiful. She’s still learning to read. from funny

8. Ho Ho Ho!

No one at work has taken responsibility for decorating the Christmas tree, for the last week it has been propped up in its box waiting. Today, I stepped up to the plate. from funny

9. A+ life hack!

I trusted my husband to clean-up from Christmas last year. This is what I discovered when I went down to our basement to begin decorating this year. He’s so proud! I can’t decide: life hack or lazy? [X-Posted] from lifehacks

10. The eyes are a little off…

Repurposed our Halloween decoration from pics

11. Look at that beautiful tree.

Australian Christmas tree from australia

12. One bright ball. That’s all you get.


13. It’s a Christmas miracle!

Room = decorated. from pics

14. Okay, that’s a little creepy.

Too lazy to get a Christmas tree this year from pics

15. Works for me.

My girlfriend won’t agree that this is a suitable Christmas tree substitute. from funny

Do you go all out decorating for Christmas or do you kind of half-ass it?

Share some pics of your house with us in the comments, please!

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Instant Pot Released a ‘Star Wars’ Collection so the Force Can Be Strong with Your Next Batch of Chili

Star Wars fans! Food fans! Eating fans! It’s time to unite! Instant Pot has released a new line of multi-cookers that are Star Wars-themed just in time for the holidays.

The cookers are for sale exclusively at Williams Sonoma and feature a variety of designs. The 6-quart cookers go for $100 and you can choose from R2-D2, a Stormtrooper, and Darth Vader designs. The 3-quart BB-8 sells for $80. And then there’s the 8-quart Chewbacca Instant Pot that you can pick up for $120. These are special edition products, so you can assume that they aren’t going to last very long.

We have joined forces with Instant Pot to bring you a special edition Star Wars x Instant Pot collection. Transform…

Posted by Williams Sonoma on Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I’m not even a true Star Wars fan, and I think these are pretty awesome.

And besides looking cool, Instant Pots are AMAZING. In case you’re a stranger to these babies, you can choose from seven different functions on an Instant Pot: pressure cooking, slow cooking, rice cooking, steaming, sautéing, yogurt making, and a warming option.

If you’re really looking to nerd out, there’s also a new line of Star Wars cookware designed by Le Creuset, also available at Williams Sonoma. This line of cookware features a ton of cool pieces, including a Han Solo Carbonite Signature Roaster, Millennium Falcon and Death Star Trivets, and a Darth Vader Round Dutch Oven. WOW.

Don’t sleep on this! It sounds like these will be gone before you know it!

Also, remember that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker opens in theaters on December 20!

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“Pinch of Grinch” Cookies Will Be on Shelves During the Holidays

I LOVE the type of holiday-themed food and drinks that only come out for special occasions. It doesn’t matter if it’s for Halloween, Easter, 4th of July, Valentine’s Day: if it’s fun and only available for a limited time, I’m all in.

And there have been a whole lot of these products to choose from this year. Of course, there is the now-annual tradition of the phenomenon known as the Pumpkin Spice Latte…what was life like before it?!?!

This year, we’ve also seen an IHOP menu full of spooky treats and a jet-black Icee drink at AMC Theaters in conjunction with the release of the new, animated version of The Addams Family. You know, fun stuff…

Well, I have some great news for you if you agree with me on this front: Pinch of Grinch cookies for the holiday season! The green sugar cookie dough is topped with a red heart. Yummy!

The packs from Nestlé Toll House cost $2.99 and will be on the shelves at Target, Kroger, and other select retailers.

Each package contains 20 pre-cut cookies, so all you have to do is pop these babies in the oven and you’ll be munching on these green treats in no time.

Hopefully, the Grinch himself approves as well…but you never know with that fella…

UPDATE: It seems that Nestlé recalled many of their products recently, so the Pinch of Grinch cookie dough is not currently in stores. So we’ll all just have to see how this situation plays out…

We’ll be waiting…

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