An Expert Says That Unmarried Women Without Kids Are the ‘Healthiest and Happiest Population Subgroup’

We all face a lot of pressures in our lives – pressures about marriage, kids, happiness, and what the perfect ingredients are to live a “perfect” life. Well, the older we all get, we know that there is no such thing as perfect,’ and we also know that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else.

As a man, it seems to me that women have it much tougher than men when it comes to societal expectations (though I can only speak from my personal experience). A lot of people still think that women are supposed to settle down, get married, have children, and raise a family. That’s been the ‘traditional’ way for generations, but what if those pressures really aren’t pushing women toward happiness at the end of the day?

Woman pointing

A professor of behavioral science named Paul Dolan published a book in 2019 called Happy Ever After: Escaping the Myths of the Perfect Life in which he makes some very interesting claims. Dolan, who teaches at the London School of Economics, said something quite controversial: he claims that “married people are happier than other population subgroups,”  but only “when their spouse is in the room when they’re asked how happy they are. When the spouse is not present: f—ing miserable.”

Wow. That sure turns a lot of ‘common knowledge’ on its head, doesn’t it? On top of that, Dolan said that “the healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children.”

Dolan’s book and his claims are based on research that polled people who are married, single, divorced, separated, and widowed. Dolan also claims that men seem to get more out of marriage because many of them “calmed down” after getting married.

Dolan pointed out the different effects that marriage has on the sexes: For men, “you take less risks, you earn more money at work and you live a little longer. She, on the other hand, has to put up with that, and dies sooner than if she never married.”

Woman's portrait

Dolan also added this little nugget about his research and findings: “You see a single woman of 40, who has never had children — ‘Bless, that’s a shame, isn’t it? Maybe one day you’ll meet the right guy and that’ll change.’ No, maybe she’ll meet the wrong guy and that’ll change. Maybe she’ll meet a guy who makes her less happy and healthy, and die sooner.”


What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

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15 Tweets About Living That Mom Life

Aren’t moms just the best?

Of course they are! That’s why we can’t get enough of them!

Let’s take a look at some hilarious tweets about the moms out there and what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

1. Burns a lot of calories.

2. That will ruin their young lives.

3. Hmmmmm.

4. That’s what it’s like.

5. Flippin’ the bird.

6. Oh, that’s right…

7. Oh yes it is.

8. That’s all they want.

9. There should be more.

10. Not gonna happen.

11. You can’t win ’em all.

12. Don’t bother looking for me.

13. She’ll learn…

14. Prepare for a meltdown.

15. Absolutely not.

Let’s all do something in the comments for fun!

Give your mom a shout out and tell us a funny (or embarrassing) story about her!

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Enjoy These Hilarious Tweets About Preschool Graduations

I bet you’ve noticed that there’s a graduation for everything now. And every grade. If I remember correctly, I think I had an eighth-grade graduation, and then I graduated from high school (barely).

Nowadays, judging by social media, every single grade has an elaborate ceremony with all kinds of pageantry. What is going on?

I think you know what I’m talking about…let’s get to the jokes!

1. How dumb…wait a second.

2. It’s about time.

3. Doesn’t bother me at all…

4. A little underdressed.

5. Ouch…

6. You got served.

7. Just like that.

8. Didn’t go as planned.

9. Hope you have deep pockets.

10. I like the last option.

11. This is hilarious.

12. Ninety minutes?

13. Gonna be intense.

14. Wait, they get presents?

15. This tweet sums it up.

If you have any funny memories or stories from your kids’ graduations, share them with us in the comments!

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Check out These Hilarious Tweets About Christmas Wish Lists

It’s time to double-check those Christmas wish lists your kiddos gave you so you can make sure they have the best holiday ever…or at least until they present you with next year’s list…

Let’s take a deep dive into some hilarious Christmas lists from kids who will hopefully get everything they asked for this year…

1. “Fake head that is not alive.”

2. That’s a lot!

3. I want a scary ghost, too.

4. This kid is not messing around.

5. Have to include that trademark.

6. You did the right thing.

7. Color-coordinated.

8. You better make it happen.

9. Proper dictation.

10. Playing mind games.

11. You definitely need that intro.

12. All the way to the top.

13. That is sweet.

14. That’s quite a list.

15. I’m with him on this one.

What was on your kids’ lists?

What are the trendy toys this year?

Or maybe you just gave them a lump of coal?

Let us know in the comments!

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Funny Tweets From Parents Who Are Totally Over the Holidays

Moms and dads…at least you can take comfort in the fact that we’re in the home stretch right now.

The holidays have been long and stressful, but now there’s an end in sight.

So put your shoulders back, put a smile on your face, and power through!

It’ll be 2020 in no time!

1. The “updated” list.

2. Tell them the truth.

3. Put a ride to school on there, too.

4. Perfect!

5. That’s the way it works.

6. Not a bad deal!

7. A lot of peaks and valleys.

8. Don’t even bother.

9. Get those diamonds!

10. You better start working!

11. That’s what moms are for.

12. That makes sense.

13. Got carried away.

14. It’ll work like a charm!

15. Not exactly a relaxing night…

Have you had enough of your family and holiday festivities yet?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

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Enjoy These Hilarious Tweets About the Trials and Tribulations of Potty Training

It can break the will of the strongest of parents, pushing them to their absolute limits.

I’m talking about potty training.

Have you been there? Maybe you’ve even been there multiple times?

If so, these tweets might bring back some painful memories…

1. Oh, no!

2. Proud of you.

3. We all need a theme song.

4. Might be in your 20s…

5. Vicious cycle.

6. You made it!

7. Isn’t this great?

8. I think a lot of parents feel this way.

9. Let’s do it in order.

10. Going great!

11. Break out the pee socks.

12. Just do it!

13. Treat yourself.

14. That’s kind of weird.

15. Who’s in charge here?

Wooo! That sure was a rollercoaster ride, wasn’t it?!?!

Tell us about your own potty training tales in the comments!

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Children belonging to the Moken…

Children belonging to the Moken tribe of Thailand have perfect vision underwater. They do is by constricting their pupils and changing their lens shape, just like dolphins and seals. They use this ability to hunt for fish, clam and shells to eat. This skill can be acquired, when exposed to underwater environment enough at an […]

15 Hilarious Tweets About Taking Your Kids to Meet Santa

Taking your little ones to meet Santa can go one of two ways: they either love it and enjoy telling the old man what they want for Christmas…or they have a meltdown because they can’t handle the trauma of being handed over to a stranger dressed in red and white.

And it’s basically a crapshoot which way it’ll go.

Parents took to Twitter to let off some steam about this dreaded interaction that they’re all forced to go through at some point…

1. I just need this one photo…

2. That’s a good way to look at it.

3. Intimidating the big man.

4. That’s pretty steep.

5. I need a favor.

6. Kinda weird when you think about it.

7. Alert the authorities.

8. A fake dude.

9. He belongs in the fiery depths.

10. Actually, I need two favors…

11. I’m sure he loved that.

12. Christmas is canceled!

13. That’s not good.

14. You’ve been very bad.

15. You don’t have to make it a big secret anymore.

Be honest with us…how’d it go when you took your kiddos to meet Santa?

Was it a disaster or were they happy about it? Share your stories in the comments.

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These Tweets Sum up the Pain of Grocery Shopping with Little Kids

Don’t you think grocery shopping with little kids just the greatest?!?! I have a distinct memory of being in a grocery store with my mom when I was about five-years-old and picking up a gallon of milk, dropping it on the ground, and watching it explode.

Let’s just say I got into enormous trouble when I got home that night.

Parents with kids, these tweets are for you…we feel your pain.

1. Let’s all have a good cry.

2. It should be…

3. Pick your poison.

4. Total chaos.

5. Thanks a lot!

6. Ain’t that the truth?

7. Making a mess.

8. Now you know.

9. Hold it!

10. It’s a nightmare.

11. It’ll make you stronger.

12. Watch your ankles.

13. Just keep telling yourself that.

14. Like a zoo in there.

15. Like a pack of zombies.

How do you manage to shop with your little ones?

Share your tips AND your horror stories in the comments with us!

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15 Funny Jokes About Being an Only Child

I was lucky enough to grow up in a crazy house filled with a bunch of kids, so I kind of feel sorry for only children. Who do you play with? Who torments you? How do you escape from the watchful eye of your parents?

But I assume there are probably some advantages as well: lots of presents, lots of attention, doting parents…

I don’t know, it’s a give-and-take, I guess.

Enjoy these tweets about being an only child, whether you are one or you know one.

1. That’s a good way of looking at it.

2. You were definitely bored.

3. Well, that’s nice.

4. Has-No-Bro.

5. Over it!

6. Half birthday?

7. Just don’t bother.

8. Sounds like a hoot.

9. That hurts a lot.

10. Which one do you think is true?

11. No fun at all.

12. The only child on the planet.

13. A gift for you.

14. Her only choice.

15. Should’ve kicked it against a wall.

Are you an only child?

If so, tell us about it in the comments. And, make sure to tell us a funny anecdote about growing up!

The post 15 Funny Jokes About Being an Only Child appeared first on UberFacts.