People Share the Things Their Parents Get Wrong That Really Annoy Them

I was obsessed with watching Saved by the Bell after school every day when I was younger, and my mom would always, without fail, call it Who Rings the Bell? 

And, when I used to watch Headbanger’s Ball on MTV, she would call that show Harvey Wallbangers.

Dammit, Mom! Get it straight.

We all have trivial little things that our parents do that drive us nuts. And people are sharing their hilarious stories on Twitter. Let’s take a look.

1. Getting angrier…

2. Pesky Blinders.

3. I kind of like that better.

4. Peperami pizza.

5. I like this a lot.

6. Why? Whyyyyyy???

7. Lots of love.

8. The Bart Simpson Program.

9. This is amazing.

10. Still thinking about it

11. That is disgusting.

12. The one and only website.

13. A bit of a difference.

Boy, do those bring back some memories…

Did your parents ever do this? And did it drive you up the wall?

Tell us about it in the comments!

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These Funny Tweets Should Be Right up Your Alley if You’re a Parent

There’s seems to be a never-ending supply of hilarious parenting tweets. You know why? Because raising kids is hysterical and full of ridiculousness.

Take these 15 tweets for example…you’ll see what I mean.

1. You might get to read two pages.

2. That bad, huh?

3. Sure he is…

4. You are a LIAR!

5. The perfect spot.

6. It’s gonna be a long year.

7. Sounds awesome.

8. Is it called ‘parenthood’?

9. Yes, I’m your grandma.

10. Things look out of place…

11. A constant struggle.

12. Just roll with it.

13. Didn’t go as planned.

14. World War II took place in the ’90s.

15. Where did this come from?

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Very accurate, methinks.

Are you a parent? Do these tweets speak to your soul?

Tell us a funny story about your little rugrats in the comments!

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15 Parenting Memes That Are Pretty Hilarious

To all the moms and dads…we feel your pain in a major way.

We know you have to deal with those crazy rugrats all day and sometimes, you’re at the end of your rope.

We’re here to give you a little humor break from the daily grind!

Now it’s time to laugh…and then maybe cry…

1. Time to go into battle.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. Embarrass the hell out of them.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. Oh no! That’s terrible!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. Sounds like a blast.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. That is genius!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. A bare chamber.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. They know what they’re talking about.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. It’s never gonna happen.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. No alone time ever again.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. How does it work that way?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. Put ’em to work.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. It was an accident.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

13. Gone with the wind.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

14. Completely out of control.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

15. One look says it all.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Are those memes accurate, or what?

Did any of them remind you of your crazy kiddos?

Tell us the craziest things your little ones have done lately that drove you up the wall. We’d love to hear from you!

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People Share the Weird Things That Creeped Them out When They Were Kids

When I was a young lad, I was always terrified of being shot in the back with an arrow as I ran up the stairs in our house. So I would sprint up that set of stairs as fast as I could like my life depended on it. Every single time.

Clearly, I was a normal child and have now transitioned into a well-adjusted adult.

Okay, maybe not.

AskReddit users went on the record and shared their frightful childhood memories.

1. Freaked out by the peach.

“James and the Giant peach. Not the insects, but the actual peach.”

2. Don’t like that sound at all.

“The sound of a balloon popping i dont know why but that used to absolutely terrify me.”

3. Haunted by ET.

“Fucking ET, the Extra-Terrestrial. Used to give me nightmares that he was trying to stab me with a long butcher knife.”

4. Still fired up about this one.

“China dolls, but it’s not ridiculous and I’m 40 next week and still scared of them.

Right, so they’re toys, yes? So why do their EYES FUCKING MOVE? They can fuck off.”

5. Even the tiny ones…

“Spiders, even the tiny ones. I really have a severe arachnophobia.”

6. Beware of the wolves.

“Imaginary wolves. I grew up in a house in the woods. Our nearest neighbors were a mile away. Whenever I went outside to get something from my moms car or the mailbox or whatever I always imagined that a pack of wolves was on the prowl and if I wasn’t as fast as I could possibly go, they would eat me.”

7. Urban legend.

“Bloody Mary. Where you go into the bathroom, turn the light off, turn a round three times while chanting “Bloody Mary” three times and then look in the mirror and she will appear and scratches will be left on your face.”

8. From beyond…

“I was convinced the martians from Mars Attacks would eventually show up and vaporize us all. You couldn’t convince me otherwise.

My dad would say, “aliens aren’t real.” And I would counter with my paranoid logic, “But how do you KNOW that? You can’t know for sure.””

9. Don’t run in these.

“Courdory pants. When I was 3 or 4, my sister told me that if I wore them and ran, my crotch would catch on fire. I am 31 and still have a strong aversion to courdory.”

10. We’re under attack!

“As a toddler I would watch those trashy ultraviolent action movies they’d play on TNT. It was one of the few times he was ever chill/not screaming or hitting me or my brother, so we were all in.

Then military operations against our house became a very real fear. What if they use paratroopers??!!”

11. Stranger danger.

“The stranger danger stuff. Still waiting to be offer drugs, lol Was offered alchohol when underage, declined because 1. beer is gross and 2. I was watching a sick baby.

Well now as an adult lots of people in my life are strangers.”

12. Scared in general.

“The talking toilet from Look Who’s Talking. Gave me my very first nightmare where I couldn’t talk or run, I could just stare helplessly at this talking toilet, which was giant in my nightmare. I was 3 or 4 I think. For a while I was just scared of toilets in general.

I also remember being afraid of the country being invaded for no particular reason. My mom tried to reason with me that anything can happen, so it’s not worth worrying about. She said a plane could crash into the house at any moment too, but it probably won’t. This reasoning backfired because for a while I was scared of a plane crashing into the house randomly.

Oh and also, when I was 5, I thought a tornado drill was a tornado that could drill through the ground and get you through the floor…….I was a pretty scared child in general.”

13. He’s heeeeeeeere.

“I always thought Big Foot would decide to show up outside of my back yard door late at night.”

14. That makes sense.

“Purple gloves. I knew that if a doctor put on purple gloves, they were about to get a needle or do something that would hurt. I had a lot of anxiety with doctors and doctors offices, probably because I was born premature and spent the first three months of my life in the NICU and dealt with medical problems the first three to four years of my life.”

15. I definitely thought about this as a kid.

“The never ending timeline of eternity in the afterlife (if it exists).”

That brought back a flood of memories from when I was a kid, that’s for sure.

Do you remember the things that freaked you out when you were a child?

Share them with us in the comments! Let’s compare notes on this one!

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Funny Things That Kids Shared With The World

We know that kids have little or no filter – they say and do what they want, when they want.

And because people like these folks on Twitter share these interactions, we’re all the better for it!

Here are some truly funny things that kids did last year.


1. I think he nailed it.

2. I would’ve cried, too.

3. Can’t win with this one.

4. Camp is really bad.

5. That’s a huge step forward.

6. Now you’re in for it.

7. “You better pick me up!”

8. No response to that line.

9. That’s kind of amazing.

10. Just do your best.

11. That’s commitment.

12. Ugh! Gross!

13. You better get that kid some spaghetti.

14. That means you better share.

15. Pride Cheerios.

Did your adorable little monsters do or say anything totally hilarious or outrageous last year?

Tell us all about it in the comments, please!

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If Kids Aren’t Your Thing, These Memes Are For You

Are you the type of person who does NOT want to have kids? Hey! Me too!!

We hate the idea that our independence will be threatened by bedtimes, diaper changes, responsibilities, crying, and snot leakage.

Yeah… completely understandable reasons, fam!

If you’re one of those people, these memes pretty much sum up your outlook on life and kids, so let’s go!

1. Seriously the worst!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

2. This won’t end well…

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

3. Stop looking at me!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

4. Too late… already do this…

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

5. The right response…

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

6. Get away from me, you devil child!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

7. Wut sup!?

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

8. Get it away!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

9. Move away from the child…

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

10. OMG… YES!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

11. Yes? No? Hmmm, better take all of the birth control then!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

So, you’re going out to the store right now to gets some condoms, right? Because there’s NO way you want to have a little you running around. That would be horrible.

What do you think? One of these speak to you in a special way?

Let us know in the comments!

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3 year-old genius girl accepted into Mensa

A 3 year old genius girl was accepted into Mensa. The doctors who tested Alexis said she tested so high, they couldn’t even calculate her IQ score. They say she is smarter than 99.9% of the world. Alexis started reading at two and taught herself Spanish via her parents’ iPad.

Students Clean Their Own Classrooms and Toilets in Japan

It’s actually common for Japanese people to take responsibility for cleaning public spaces they utilize.

Photo Credit: Needpix

After a recent win over the Colombian football team during the World Cup, the fans naturally wanted to celebrate. But not until they all pitched in to clean the stadium.

This Japanese drive to maintain cleanliness is a concept introduced during their early school years. According to Bright Vibes, the o-soji (cleaning), as it is called, is tradition in Japanese schools.

【News: Japanese-Style Education “Special Activities” /Tokubetsukatsudo(Tokkatsu) Spreads to Egyptian Elementary…

Posted by JICA – Japan International Cooperation Agency on Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Making the children clean their schoolrooms and restrooms has nothing to do with lack of manpower. Even though people – called yomushuji, often shortened to shuji – are hired for non-teaching roles like cleaning and maintaining school grounds, children are still taught to clean. The idea is to instill the values of discipline, responsibility and the joint care of spaces into children. It’s a value they go on to hold throughout their lives.

Starting each day (except Wednesdays and Saturdays) after lunch, the students clean for approximately 20 minutes. They start with their own classrooms, then rotate as groups to clean other spaces like the playground, library and common areas. Then, they get recess.

The school gets a longer cleaning on the last day of each semester. The children also get an o-soji song or something else to get them pumped while they clean. Older kids also help teach the little ones what to do, which bonds the kids like siblings.

Once they reach the third grade, children start participating in chiiki seiso – a full neighborhood clean-up.

If you ask me, this Japanese tradition is onto something. If everyone was taught to clean up after themselves starting in early childhood, the world would be a much cleaner place.

What do you think about the practice? Let us know in the comments.

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