15 People Reveal What Their Childhood Bullies Grew Up to Be

At some point in your life, you probably had a bully. Sadly, it’s just too common of a phenomenon. I remember in 2nd grade there was this kid who’d keep trying to beat me up in the playground and always made fun of the lunches my mom packed me.

Do you remember your childhood bully? Hopefully, it wasn’t you doing the bullying – though if you were, maybe reflect a little on that and apologize? I don’t know, don’t ask me.

AskReddit users shared their personal stories of what happened to their childhood bullies. Let us know if any resonate with you.

1. Acting out

“The bully was just a kid acting out. He’s parents were struggling financially and he had around 7 little siblings. He was probably being neglected and I noticed his younger sister who was about 12 at the time was always taking care of the little ones while their parents worked. I actually bumped into him and a mutual friend years ago and I felt really bad. He lost so much weight and looked like he was definitely taking drugs – I heard a lot of rumours and it looked like it was true.

He couldn’t look at me in the eyes I felt terrible for him. His friend and him disappeared from social media so I don’t know what happened to him now but I really hope he’s okay.”

2. What a story

“Her parents divorced, then her local celebrity dad went to prison, then her mom killed herself, then her grandparents died.

Her dad got out of prison and died when she was almost out of high school. The family money was gone on the divorce, dad’s legal defense and the 2008 housing crisis so she ended up working a shitty job.

She ended up dropping out of college two years in and joining a cult run by a dentist. Supposedly found Jesus, and is still in that cult.”

3. No longer a bully

“He got his sh*t straight, and he’s working as a carpenter. Good for him!”

4. Hasn’t changed

“I didn’t get along with most of my classmates until my junior year. We were from a tiny school and were together since kindergarten. Our junior year we kind of collectively thought, “Well, that was dumb,” and started getting along. All but one are lovely people.

The one that’s not a lovely person? I know because my mom arrested him post high-school. She was booking him and asked him if he had any money to post bond. He said, “I don’t need money. I got bitches.” Sure enough some woman, married to someone else, if I remember right, came and bailed him out.

So, yeah. He hasn’t changed.”

5. The bully speaks

“Well I’m ashamed to say that I was actually a bit of a bully in school, I used to pick on a guy who was taller than I was, I can’t even remember why. One day I finally made him crack and he had had enough and left right in the middle of class to go home.

I felt so terrible I called him that night to apologize for what I did to him. Turns out, we had a lot in common, we became friends, great friends actually, and I was the best man at his wedding. Still best friends to this day.”

6. Uh oh

“He became a TSA agent.”

7. Man…

“Crashed his car in Grade 12 and died.”

8. Hmmmmm

“Most of them are nurses or work in the healthcare field. It worries me.”

9. Classy

“She sells It Works! and describes herself on Facebook as a “business owner, mom, wino.”

10. Depressing

“There was an asshole in my high school who would mercilessly bully and torture a friend of mine who was a stereotypical nerd but a fantastic artist. In our final year nearing graduation the asshole bought a really fancy car and would show off by driving dangerously around the streets. He got into an accident by hitting a semi-truck on the highway. He’s forever bound in a wheel-chair, while my friend became an animator at Pixar.”

11. Catfished!

“She ended up being caught as a catfish on the T.V. show. My old school mates had a field day with that.”

12. Top 500

“My bully who convinced everyone that I’m a nerd and that I should be bullied because I played videogames is now like top 500 in overwatch or something while I’m stuck in diamond lol.”

13. Maybe trying to make up for her past?

“She became a school guidance counselor. 😐

14. OMG

“There were many, but probably the worst of bad seeds didn’t make it much past high school. He was dicking around with a pistol at a party and when called on it said “What?! It’s not even loaded!” before putting it to his temple and pulling the trigger. Needless to say, it was loaded.”

15. Sad story

“He hanged himself in jail.”

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People Share the Craziest Threats They’ve Received from a Family Member

Anyone who says that their family is “totally normal” is a dirty, dirty liar. EVERYONE’S family is at least a little crazy. There’s literally no way that so many different personalities can live with each other day in, day out without going a little nuts.

But some families are definitely crazier than others, as you can see from these wild family stories!

Below are 10 of the craziest threats people have received from family members. They might just make you grateful for yours.

1. Chill out, Grandma.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

2. This is a new spin on disowning someone!

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

3. This is terrifying.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

4. Imagine this police report.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

5. But why tho?!?!

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

6. Threatening to disown a family member is so not OK.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

7. This brother threatened to out his bisexual sibling.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

8. Not the horse, mom!

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

9. Choosing the pit bull.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

10. You have no jurisdiction here.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

Do… Do any of these people need help?

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Mom’s Racism is Laid Bare After Dad Got His Daughter’s Hair Braided

The world can be an ugly, ugly place. You’d think we’d have gotten over this kind of appalling behavior by now, and yet here we are.

Nick Harris is a black man who has a daughter with a white woman. After he recently had their daughter’s hair braided, his “Babymom” was not pleased – at all. In fact, the woman clearly has some pent-up issues that we can sum up with one word: racism. Harris shared the interaction on Facebook for all the world to see.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Nick Harris

Damn. She really went there.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Nick Harris

Babymom then took the argument to another level.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Nick Harris

Then it got worse.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Nick Harris

After Harris shared the encounter on Facebook, people commented with their thoughts. As you can imagine, most were in favor of Harris and his seemingly harmless act of simply getting his daughter’s hair braided.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Poor kid. Hopefully “Babymom” will come around soon and see the error of her ways.

h/t: Pizza Bottle

We know you can choose a lot of sites to read, but we want you to know that we’re thankful you chose Did You Know.

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10 Tweets by Celebrity Parents That Even Us Regular Folks Can Relate To

We all know celebrities live a charmed existence. They have seemingly endless amounts of money, they’re always gorgeous, and they’ve got all sorts of staff to help them manage life.

That said, parenting is one of those things that affects all of us similarly. Sure, if you’re wealthy you can afford extra help, but a sassy kid is a sassy kid no matter what. These 10 tweets are proof.

1. Christina Applegate hasn’t showered but it’s fine.

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Pink remembers the important stuff.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Serena Williams’s kid is growing up too fast.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Carrie Underwood mostly eats her kids’ leftovers.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard are clearly delirious from sleep deprivation.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Chrissy Teigen’s toddler has a knack for words.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Anna Faris is amazing at potty-training.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Cardi B doesn’t speak baby language.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Conan O’Brien is fed up with children’s movies.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Lin-Manuel Miranda has a wordsmith for a son.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Hey, at least you know you’re doing as well as a mega movie star at parenting.


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Mom Accidentally Discovers How to Finally Help Kids Clean Their Rooms Properly

Everyone who’s ever taken care of children knows that getting them to clean up after themselves is quite a hassle. In fact, this single task can often be so difficult that many caregivers just give up and clean up the mess themselves.

But one mom has had a lot of success with a method that you may not have tried with your gremlins already. It’s called the “Mountain Method,” and it arose out of sheer desperation.

Photo Credit: iStock

Writer Kristen Mae‘s son was around 9 years old when she couldn’t handle another second of helping him clean up the mess that he’d created. So, she swept all of his toys from their various hiding places into the middle of his room. She informed him that he couldn’t enjoy any screen time until everything in the pile was in its proper place. Then she left the room.

Kristen says she didn’t expect the trick to actually work – the mountain was more-so to make a point about how much mess really existed.

Amazingly enough, though, her son slowly chipped away at the pile until it was all cleaned up. Now, the Mountain Method is a regular part of her family’s cleaning routine.

Photo Credit: iStock

If you’re familiar with Marie Kondo’s philosophy of cleaning, the Mountain Method makes a ton of sense. Like Kristen, Marie recommends first piling all of your mess into one place so you can see everything – then starting to organize.

“Having everything in one place turned what felt like a thousand tasks into one single task,” Kristen explained.

A mountain of a task, sure. But a doable one. It’s worth a try!

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Mom Shares the Petty Revenge Her 9-Year-Old Got on a ‘Fake Friend’, and It’s GOLD

I’ve always believed that it’s so important to have good parents who help you understand the difference between right and wrong, and who have your back when things get rough.

That’s what happened when this Redditor was called into her daughter’s school after an incident. While she was ready to defend her baby tooth and nail, it turns out the young lady had already handled her problem in a rather admirable way.

Here’s the full story:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Oh snap! That is priceless!

Naturally, other Redditors delighted in the way the little girl handled the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Others also pointed out that the principal’s handling of the situation left a lot to be desired.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Have you ever had a situation like this? How did you handle it?

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There is a cafe in Amsterdam…

There is a cafe in Amsterdam where children cook and serve. Kinderkookkafé is a family restaurant that is run entirely by children: they cook, serve, bring the bill and wash up, all with a little help from adults. Parents leave their children in the afternoon and when they come back, they try what the children […]

20 Parents Who Pretty Much Gave Up Trying to Win ‘Parent of the Year’

Good parenting doesn’t actually require you to be perfect, it just requires you to be good enough. Raising kids is a LOT of work, so it’s no surprise that we all make some mistakes along the way.

I mean, hey, who wants to win “Parent of the Year” anyway?

1. Yup

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2. An honest mistake

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3. What day is it?

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4. Thanks a lot

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5. Way to go

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6. That’s awkward

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7. Losing my religion

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8. You’re gonna love it

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9. Not even close

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10. So proud

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11. I give up

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12. Sure….

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13. Learn how it’s done

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14. You can do that in jail

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15. Raised by the telly

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16. That’s the way it goes

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17. Could be any day

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18. Dark humor

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19. Sounds like a winner

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. On the fly

Photo Credit: Twitter

Well done! Keep up the okay/decent/passable work, parents!

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10+ of the Funniest Things Kids Said in 2018

Kids are such an endless treasure trove of ridiculous, random things, that I think sometimes that’s half the reason some people have them at all.

These little whippersnappers might have a career in comedy if they play their cards right.

1. Should’ve filmed it

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. What a coincidence

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3. Little trickster

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4. Blew his mind

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5. That’s a lot

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6. They’re real?!?

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7. Probably

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8. For sale

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9. That’s not good

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10. Why?

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11. Bet that was quite a surprise

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12. Sunscream

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13. Sounds like a hoot

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14. Not gonna happen

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15. It’ll get there

Photo Credit: Twitter

C’mon, you LOL’d, didn’t you?

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