15 Tweets From Mid-2000s Kids

Ahhhhhh, remember those halycon days of yesteryear? You were a tween (or teen) and everything just made perfect sense! It was the mid-2000s and life was awesome! The internet was actually kind of fast finally, TV looked better than ever and companies sent you DVDs in the mail! Oh, and you also had no bills and really had no responsibilities.

Can’t we time travel to back then and just stay there forever?

No? Okay, we’ll just have to settle for these tweets.

16. What is reading?!?

15. Curls get the gurls…

14. This is so specific, but I feel like so many people did it!

13. Yeah, this is super “old”…

12. “Just be quiet Sharon! We don’t want the Tiffanys to know!”

11. Ahhh, to be 6 again…

10. Why do you let them do it today?

9. Come on, we’re all emo! Right franges!

8. So middle

7. My memories are proof of your shame. Always remember that.

6. He cared.

5. What am I supposed to do with these people?!

4. Oh yes. This was a thing we all did. ALL of us.

3. Okay, but The Cat In the Hat was particularly weird.

2. O_O

1. The coolest song of your youth.

See! That was like a teleportation back to the best years of your life.

You’re welcome!

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20 Nannies Confess How They Really Feel About Their Host Families

An au pair is a nanny, but just a little bit fancier. They travel with families to a foreign country to take care of the family’s kids, in exchange for a place to stay, and, of course, money.

What’s the job like? What kind of weird circumstances do they get into? Do they end up screwing the parents?

These 20 people working as au pairs open up about their thoughts, feelings and struggles about their unique line of work.

Eye opening confessions in 3, 2, 1…

20. Haha, you’re not very good at this, are you?

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Well, it’s a different country and a strange family…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Yeah, those aren’t really great years…

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. First affair!

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. “I need to GTFO!”

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Some au pairs are considered part of the family, eventually. So don’t feel guilty!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Yeah, that’s a tough schedule. But that’s the job.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. THIS!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Yeah, the relationship with the parents can make a difference!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. That’s fair!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Ack! Icy heart melting…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Fight. That. Urge.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Everybody has their reasons!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Again… fight those urges!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. They’ll get over it. Trust me.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Ugh. The parents should help out if this kind of stuff happens.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. This happens A LOT.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Yeah, that’s a problem. Tough to talk to them about it, though.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. ARRGH! Now that’s frustrating AF!

Photo Credit: Whisper

1. Oh, so you get to be the bad guy. That sucks! But, ya know, money…

Photo Credit: Whisper

Again… never develop a crush on the dad. Just don’t do it. That’s like au pair rule #1!

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15+ Hilarious Parenting Tweets. Their Patience Is Impressive…

The following kids are testing their parents’ patience to the limits and then some.

Just be glad you aren’t them.


19. Right on target!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

18. This kid is gonna be rich!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

17. I’ll offer you zero dollars!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

16. Okay, listen here you dummy…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Oh damn. Dat me.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. He had to find out sometime!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Because they kept losing the brush… desperate measure were employed!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Actually, not mad at this kid at all. Wood penguins FTW!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Everything is a dog to a toddler.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Attack of the killer tomatoes!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Yeah dad, what if?!?!?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. You’ve got a future billionaire on your hands, sir!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. I am extremely impressed, actually.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Now they’re safe… forever!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. It just knew. Don’t question it.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Well, she did it!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Well, can you?!?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

1. Guess she’s not going to Disney World then!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

So yeah, don’t have kids. Or do.

But don’t come blaming me when they act like psychopaths!

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People Share the Crazy Rules They Followed When They Were Kids

The question posed on Reddit was: “What’s the weirdest rule you had in your home growing up?”

And after reading the responses… here’s the follow up question: What the fuck is wrong with people?

Plenty apparently, because these 13 people share insane rules they had to follow when they were growing up. And some of them are rules they put on themselves… because people are dumb.

Get ready for some craziness!

13. Dumb brother is dumb.

“My dad made up this rule to stop my big brother from asking about getting a dog every 10 seconds.

We had neighbors on both sides who already had dogs, so the rule was that only every OTHER house could have a dog.

My brother believed it for a LONG time.”

12. Salty…

“Salt was for guests only.

The actual use of spices was VERY looked down on in my house and was seen as a huge insult to my mom and dad, even though they were absolutely horrid cooks.”

11. Liquid sex…

“I couldn’t recline or lay my body down AT ALL if my boyfriend was over.

My mom thought that me laying down would give them ‘thoughts,’ so I couldn’t do it.

Once I put my feet up on the couch while my FIANCÉ was over and my mom got pissed because she thought I was ‘trying to turn him on.’”

10. When you go to prison…

“I wasn’t allowed to put sugar in my tea because my mum told me that ‘when you go to prison they don’t let you have sugar, so it will make prison that much harder.’

1. Thanks for having so much faith in me, mum.

2. I’m pretty sure you are allowed sugar for your tea in prison.”

9. Diverticulosis SUCKS

“My dad had diverticulosis (pockets in the intestine) and couldn’t eat sesame seeds (among other things).

So, when we would eat fast food sandwiches, everyone HAD to give their bottom buns to Dad, in exchange for his top buns.

However, this reasoning was never explained and it was this way from before I born, so it was LITERALLY when I was in college that I realized that it wasn’t normal. I thought it was just ‘Dad Privilege’ to have two bottom buns.”

8. No pizza-balling!

“At my friend’s house they had a ‘no pizza-balling’ rule.

There were three teenage brothers living there, and when they ordered pizzas, tempers flared quickly when someone would try to grab as many slices as they could. The first rule in place was that you couldn’t have more than one slice at a time, and you could grab another once you had the last bite in your mouth. Anyway, one of the brothers quickly figured it out that if you ball up a slice he could fit it in his mouth and grab another one.

Hence the ‘no pizza-balling’ rule.”

7. She timed you?!?

“I could only buy things if I was buying them for a birthday or Christmas gift for somebody else.

Mind you, this was my OWN money I earned from my OWN job.

My mom knew exactly how long it took me to get home from school, so if I stopped at the store she knew, and I’d be in trouble.”

6. Pronoun probs

“My parents acted like referring to them as ‘he’ or ‘she’ while they were in the room was the equivalent of saying ‘fuck you.”

So referring to my parents with pronouns was, effectively, not allowed.”

5. Backdoor blues…

“We were not allowed to use the front door. Ever.

There was a metal screen on it with a deadbolt that needed a key for either side.

My stepdad kept the key and even visitors had to go to the back through the side gate.”

4. What happens to stupid people when they get older?

“When my dad would get home from work, my friend would have to go home. His parents told him that because that meant it was dinnertime and therefore he should come home.

However, him being a child, didn’t grasp that portion of the rule. He only understood ‘come home when the dad gets home.’ This translated in my friend being terrified of my father.

If he saw my dad turning into the driveway, he would drop whatever we were doing and sprint home.”

3. High hats…

“I wasn’t allowed to wear my hat backwards because my dad thought that it was a gang thing.

Mind you, this was in rural Wisconsin in the ’90s.

My parents are wonderful people, they just may not have had the best understanding of the world at that time.”

2. The candy trick

“My mom had me believing the Great Pumpkin from the classic It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown special existed.

The rules of Halloween were that I could only pick 10 candies from my trick-or-treat bag and the rest had to be ‘given to the Great Pumpkin.’

In reality, the ‘Great Pumpkin’ was my dad’s work cubicle.”

1. More towels!!!

“We were only allowed one clean towel a week.

We could do whatever we wanted with it, but we didn’t get another clean one until the next week.”

Note to self…

…gotta use that Great Pumpkin trick when I have kids…

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13 People Who Weren’t Pleased That Their Widowed Parents Started Dating Again

Losing a parent is one of the hardest events a person can go through in life. But this opens up a new question for your surviving parent: how soon is it okay to love someone again?

The answer is different for everybody, but the decision to date again can really upset a child.

It takes some folks time to adjust… while others never cozy up to the idea.

These 13 people share their stories… and, well, you’ll see…

1. I mean, this is understandable. But… it’s not your life.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Just tell him no. But if she sticks around…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Sorry to see this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Sounds like something was up…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yeah, that’s PLENTY of time to grieve. You gotta get over this. Sorry.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Totally fine to have these feelings, but he needs to live his life.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Not a thing you’ll ever probably know, so why worry about it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. She wasn’t his property. She needs to be able to move on. Period.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Sounds like this isn’t the reason you’re sad…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Ouch.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. I mean, two years is a decent chunk of time. Best to just roll with it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Finally! A healthy take!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Wait… it has been FIFTEEN YEARS?!? GET OVER IT!!!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

The end for some doesn’t need to be the end for others.

Have you dealt with a situation like this? How did you respond?

Let us know in the comments!

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According to a study…

According to a study, children that have been exposed to family violence show much of the same brain activity as soldiers that have been in combat.

15 People Share the Weird Things They Did When They Were Kids

All of us were kids at one point and we all did weird sh*t.

With that in mind, one Reddit user asked this question recently:  “What are some strange things you did as a kid?”

15 people shared what they used to do, and the last one is EPIC. Make sure to check out #1. Seriously.

15. “…it was very important to me to do what felt like the right thing.”

When a family pet would die, Dad placed it in a garbage bag and put our dead cat or dog in the trash bin for collection.

Even though he wouldn’t allow a “pet cemetery” on their property, the minute he left for work I retrieved our pet and buried it in a remote section of the back yard (with an etched stone for a marker).

Mom would help me, and Dad never found out It felt strange keeping a secret from him because it was the only one – but it was very important to me to do what felt like the right thing.

14. “I liked the taste of the limestone dust/concretions.”

when we had tornado drills in school we would all go into the new tornado shelter under the cafeteria.

It was dark and had really encrusted limestone gravel. I’d suck on the rocks because I liked the taste of the limestone dust/concretions. It was a rare event because we didn’t have a lot of tornado drills.

Suckin rocks in the dark surrounded by hundreds of kids.

13. “Then I took each pair off one-by-one…”

I used to put on somewhere between 5-10 pairs of shorts and go visit an elderly couple that lived a few houses down.

Upon arriving, I’d get them to guess how many pairs they thought I was wearing. Then I took each pair off one-by-one (except for the last) to reveal the final count.

They usually gave me powdered donuts afterwards. Then I’d be on my way.

12. “…even my mom said it was really creepy.”

For whatever reason, I always used to repeat things immediately after I said them but in a whisper.

“I’ll have chicken tenders!”

I’ll have chicken tenders

Years later, even my mom said it was really creepy.

11. “I miss my light buddy.”

You know how light reflects on the tile floor to create a glowing orb? I used to be best friends with that little guy till about 5th grade.

When I’d see him in the school auditorium or in class I distinctly remember whispering “Hey buddy” or something like that.

I kind of miss the times where you could just personify inanimate nonsense.

I miss my light buddy.

10. “There are no dentists in our family…

We pretended that we lived in the mouth of a boy named Johnny.

Basically, we’d wrap a thick blanket around our legs (to represent the gums), and shout with excitement when Johnny brushed his teeth or drank milk, or scream in horror when he ate chocolate or other sugary foods.

No idea how this started. There are no dentists in our family…

9. “My sinuses were full of rotting bread.”

I’m the 2nd of 4 kids in a military family.

When I was still a preschooler, one day, my mother notices I stink. Not dirty, not sweaty, but full on rolled in garbage stink.

So I get yelled at for playing in the garbage and bathed and made to put on new clothes and a little while later I stink again.

So I get yelled at and bathed and made to put on new clothes and a little while later I stink again.

This went on until my mother had (the first of many) mini nervous breakdowns.

She took me to the doctor. She was crying and sobbing and explained the insanity of what was going on and begged him to find out what was wrong … because even then I stank like garbage.

It took him a few minutes but he did sort it out.

I had been taking small bits of white bread from my sandwiches, rolling them into little balls and shoving them up my nose.

My sinuses were full of rotting bread.

He pulled out as much as he could, I sneezed out the rest over a couple of days and then I stopped stinking.

Side Note : I have no memory of this, only my mother telling the story every chance she gets.

8. “I would then climb into the fireplace…”

When I was about 1-2 years old, I apparently used to take of all my clothes.

That’s not the strange thing. Lots of kids like to run around naked.

The strange part is that I would then climb into the fireplace and eat charcoal.

My older siblings all love to remind me of it.

7. “I had to do it again 4 more times…”

I had OCD where everything I did, I had to do in multiples of 5.

Everything, number of bites before swallowing, I had to take 5 chips at one time, scratch myself 5 times etc you get the idea.

So if ever I had to do something for the 6th time, I had to do it again 4 more times to hit 10


6. “A few other neighbours didn’t lock their doors.”

I used to break into my neighbours homes when I was 7 or 8 maybe.

Never stole anything of value, just wandered around. Had a neighbour who had a massive house but didn’t appear to live there.

The stairs leading from the parking pad into the home was just surrounded by bars, I was able to squeeze through the bars to enter the home.

A few other neighbours didn’t lock their doors. I remember one instance of being in someone’s home and walking around and found a box of cookies on the kitchen counter. They were sprinkle cookies, very delicious.

I remember being upstairs and I heard someone in the shower. They came out before I could get down the stairs.

I spent a long time trying to escape unseen.

5. “the other person would ram them in the ass…”

Ok..finally I can confess.

My friend and I used to play this game where one person (we’re females ) would bend over with their ass in the air on the bed and the other person would ram them in the ass with their head.

I was never really into it. Mostly since I was usually the one with my ass in there. My friend was weird. But I did it because some times it was funny.

I have lived with the shame of the stupidity of this game for years.

4. “I’ll get a craving every now and again…”

I used to eat paper.

If I got a napkin with a meal, I’d eat that along with the food, and I’d tear corners off textbooks for a snack.

Even now as an adult, I’ll get a craving every now and again for a paper towel.

3. “I decided to try to make perfume by pulverizing…”

What strange things didn’t I do?

I dug up nightcrawlers for the sheer pleasure of seeing how gross/slimy/interesting they were.

My best friend and I had a game where we played at being vampires and werewolves.

I decided to try to make perfume by pulverizing magnolia flowers, putting them in a bottle with some other random stuff that smelled good, and left it in the sun, long story short, it didn’t turn into perfume.

I had a “pet” squirrel that would come and climb window-screens if I didn’t feed it by a certain time each day.

Honestly, I could go on and on.

2. “The people below us screamed, grabbed the croc for a minute…”

My extended family would visit a timeshare condo in Vermont in the summer. My mom, dad, brother and I stayed in one bedroom with a bunk bed, and my cousin, aunt, and uncle stayed in the other.

My family’s room had a full-length mirror on the door. My cousin, brother, and I would play a game called “Funny News”, where I would pretend to be a news anchor in front of the mirror and talk about the weather and make up random news and they would throw stuffed animals at me and I would react to them. I would say things like “And today the forecast calls for…” and they would throw a teddy bear at me and I would say “…for BEARS?!” Goofy things like that.

Another time we took my cousin’s stuffed crocodile, tied a string around it, and lowered it down from the balcony. We were on the fifteenth floor of the building. The people below us screamed, grabbed the croc for a minute, and then tossed it back over their balcony…

1. “I once woke my parents up in the middle of the night singing “We Will Rock You” by Queen.”

Oh boy. Where do I start?

I had an imaginary boyfriend named Boomafitz. He had spiky hair, a red bowtie with blue polka dots, and sharp teeth.

Among my other imaginary friends were a british ghost girl named Jenny who spent all her time crying and eating potato chips and a goldfish named Mustard, who ate dogs.

I fought with people all the time. I would constantly make huge scenes in public arguing with other kids. Once I met another little girl, and we got along at first, until she said that her dad was the strongest man in the world. I politely informed her that my dad was the strongest man in the world. We went back and forth telling stories of our father’s feats of strength, and she told me that her dad once lifted up a skyscraper. With 100 people in it. I couldn’t compete with that. I went home heartbroken after learning that there was a man stronger than my dad.

I had a crush on Mighty Mouse, and left out bars of soap for him every night in the hopes that he would come to my house to retrieve the soap, and I would catch him and he would marry me.

Whenever I played with Barbies, which I did until I was 13 years old, the games were usually about Ken kidnapping the Barbies and taking them all to a deserted island, where he used them as his sex slaves, whom he murdered brutally every time they tried to fight back. Eventually, the Barbies who had survived escaped and killed Ken by hanging him with his intestines. They went back home on a large makeshift boat, and I then played follow-up games about them dealing with the trauma of what had happened to them.

I wrote a lot of songs about unicorns stabbing people I didn’t like to death with their horns.

I talked to strangers a lot, and I thought everyone I spoke to was my friend. Except for that girl who’s dad was stronger than mine, she was my worst enemy even though I never saw her again. I would tell them really weird, personal things, too. I remember once when I got lost in the store, I just waltzed right up to this poor elderly couple to regale them with tales of how I kept getting bloody noses because I picked my nose too much, until my parents found me and dragged me away from them, apologizing profusely right before I got the chance to move on to the topic of peeing my pants.

Now I love Halloween and Horror, but I used to be absolutely petrified of that stuff. I couldn’t set foot into the Spirit Halloween store without sobbing like a baby until I was 11 years old.

I played a lot of melodramatic “Grey’s Anatomy” type games where I was dying in the hospital.

I once woke my parents up in the middle of the night singing “We Will Rock You” by Queen.

When I was a toddler, I absolutely loved “Walk” by Pantera.

I used to take the head off of my toy horse and put it in my dad’s bed.

I used to dress my Elmo toy up as Hitler and put him in my dad’s bed.

I pretended I was a little angel around adults, but when I was around other kids, I was a huge jerk who bossed everyone around all the time. I don’t know how my best friend put up with it all these years. She was basically my minion in the beginning of out relationship. She liked me more than I liked her, and I just ordered her around, and she happily obeyed my every word. But sometimes I would make kids cry or get mad and start attacking me. I may have pretended to be big and powerful, but I was really a weakling.

I wrote a series of books about a floating green head who went on adventures with his friends, Stick Figure, Sarah, Cookie, and Vampire Rabbit.

Whenever I would visit my cousins, I would always cry because I thought they would go blind from playing video games too much. My older cousin usually tried to comfort me, while my other cousin who’s a little younger than me always got annoyed and tried to tease me and make it worse.

Okay, that last one wins all of the internet points. You are officially the strangest kid in existence.

All hail user/SadButterscotch2!

But it’s fun to be strange, right? Just as long as you grow out of most of it?

Naw, who am I kidding. Being strange is what makes us who we are.

So stay strange, fam!

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11 Stepparents Explain Why They’re Fed up with Their Stepkids’ Nonsense

Stepmoms and stepdads have a tough job, and you that sometimes they just want to vent. Well, now they’re in luck!

Because you can do it anonymously with this app called Whisper! Pretty cool, right?

These 11 stepparents did just that and we’re sure getting this off their chest was a HUGE relief.


1. This sounds AWFUL!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, you have to do something about it. You’re the adult.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Time to have a chat with their father, yeah?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Time to shut that shit down!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Their mom needs to step in and lay down the law.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. So… why are you still with her?

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Not cool at all.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Yeah, this sounds unfortunately way too common…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Listen here you little shit!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Time to move on dude… it’s over.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Well, you are the adult here. You can’t do something about it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

What do you think? Have step kids that aren’t cool with you?

Sound off in the comments!

The post 11 Stepparents Explain Why They’re Fed up with Their Stepkids’ Nonsense appeared first on UberFacts.

These 30 Kids Are Really Bad at Hide-And-Seek

Not everybody can be a natural at hide-and-seek. For some, it takes practice.

In homage to all of those people, here are 30 kids who are still learning the ropes of the game:

#30. This one’s pretty impressive, but also a poor spot.

Photo Credit: Jackie Blackshear

#29. A blindingly bad idea.

Photo Credit: imgur

#28. So much wrong going on.

Photo Credit: greecedlightnin

#27. Sometimes, you gotta bag it up.

Photo Credit: Stephlynn3

#26. Points for attempted camo.

Photo Credit: octbar

I had a hard time deciding how to rank? Cutest? Worst? Funniest.

I’m still not sure how I decided to rank them, but I know they’re all f’n awesome.

15 Parents Share Their “I Raised an Idiot” Stories

Does every parent have a moment where they look in the mirror and say…”Is my child a total and complete moron?” It sure seems that way.

Parents of AskReddit share the moments they realized they raised an idiot. Hey, the truth hurts.

You have to laugh…or else you’ll get really depressed.

1. Poor Dad

“My dad’s moment was when I made him drive around with me because my car had been making a “thunk” noise every time I made a turn. After 15 minutes he announced it was the baseball bat in my trunk rolling around.”

2. Out the window

“I used to tell my kids not to take off their shoes and socks in the car, especially on short trips. Just leave them on so that we don’t have to spend 5 minutes finding and putting them back on before we run into the store. Imagine a single dad with two young kids running around the car trying to re-shoe my children in the grocery store parking lot in the middle of an Arizona summer, yuck.

One day we went to the store and my daughter was missing her shoe. It was nowhere to be found. “Daddy, I didn’t want you to be mad that my shoe was off so I threw it out the window.” Made sense to a 5-year old I guess.”

3. Know it all

“When my son was 11 years old, he confidently informed me he was pretty sure he knew everything there was to know, because he tried to think of something that he didn’t know, and couldn’t think of anything.”

4. LOL

“When one of my daughters tries to insult the other by telling her how ugly she is.

They’re identical twins.”

5. That was for me

“When I asked my 14yo if she could please bring me a piece of cake, she cut it, forgot why, then ate it.”

6. Uggghhhh

“When my youngest son, who was 10 at the time, was getting his ears checked at the pediatrician and they found a “foreign object” in his left ear.

Said object was a dead housefly. Because he thought sticking a fly in his ear would give him flying powers.

He had caught it and shoved it in there alive about a week prior.”

7. Hmmmm

“Daughter calls me “there is a cop behind me with his lights on. What should I do?” “

8. C’mon kid!

“He knew there was a frozen pizza in the garage but couldn’t find it. Didn’t even think to check the freezer.”

9. Magic carrots

“Told my kid that carrots help you see in the dark, he then went into the basement with a carrot and started waving it around like a flashlight.”

10. Stop!

“When we had to take down our shed and my son took a chainsaw to the support posts….from the inside. Fortunately, his brothers are not idiots and they stopped him.”

11. This is good

“When my son was disappointed by sex ed class. He thought they were going to learn some moves.”

12. Speechless

“My 14 yr old soon went into a dressing room to try on 5 pairs of pants. After waiting 15 min and yelling twice into the men’s dressing room to see if was ok, he admitted he couldn’t find the shorts he had worn in. He gave me 3 pairs of the pants and still couldn’t find them.

I finally had to go into the stall to look. They were balled up in the leg of one of the pair of pants. It was extremely noticeable. He swore he took his shorts off before trying on any of the pants so he didn’t think to look in them. I was speechless. He’s in the gifted and talented program in our school district.”

13. Oh boy

“I was in the shower yesterday when my phone rang. I asked my 13yo to answer it. He says ” um…she’s in the shower”. Then silence. I asked him to take a message and he responds “how do i do that?” I had to explain how to write i note on a piece of paper…..”

14. Good job buddy

“My dad loves to tell the story of him teaching me to tell time. I had just learned money, so a quarter was 25 to my small brain. After about an hour of trying to convince me that it was only 15 minutes in time, my mom walked in the kitchen to both of us crying out of frustration.

Also my step son is almost two. He is tough as nails. Last night we were helping him do front flips. He would just put his head on the ground and we would flip his legs over his head. Apparently at some point, he thought he had it by himself and took off running just to jump and faceplant on the floor. He looked up at me so proud of himself. I just said “good job buddy” and tried to deflect my laughter.”

15. A thoughtful idiot

“My 13 year old son was sniffing really hard and moving his head all around the area he was standing in. Slightly concerned he had lost his mind, I asked him what he was doing. He told me, “I farted. I’m trying to smell it all up, so you dont have to smell it.” He’s a thoughtful idiot.”

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