Teens Took Fake Babies Home for School Project, and Their Teacher Shared Their Desperate Text Messages

My brother had to do an assignment similar to this when he was in high school, and I believe his fake baby was broken by the second day. Sadly, he received an F for the project.

Bottom line: my brother was and still is very smart, obviously…

But let’s get to the story. At the Chippewa Secondary School in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, teen students got a little bit of a reality check when they had to take fake babies home and take care of them.

The teacher, Andrea Lefebvre, said, “Our students are in a grade 11 class called Raising Healthy Children. The students bring home one of the Real Care babies for the weekend to apply their learning for the caring for a newborn unit.”

Posted by Chippewa Secondary School on Monday, November 18, 2019

Let’s see how they did, shall we?

1. Don’t do that.

Posted by Chippewa Secondary School on Monday, November 18, 2019

2. A whole lot going on here.

Posted by Chippewa Secondary School on Monday, November 18, 2019

3. A little confused…

Posted by Chippewa Secondary School on Monday, November 18, 2019

4. Took a tumble.

Posted by Chippewa Secondary School on Monday, November 18, 2019

5. It’s your fault!

Posted by Chippewa Secondary School on Monday, November 18, 2019

6. Please shut off the child.

Posted by Chippewa Secondary School on Monday, November 18, 2019

7. SMH…

Posted by Chippewa Secondary School on Monday, November 18, 2019


And now let’s see some of the great reactions from people out there.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

This is so entertaining. Did you have to do this when you were in school? If so, how did it go?

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Funny Tweets from Dads Who Are Raising Children

Parents have a tough job raising those little monsters. But it’s all worth it, isn’t it? To experience the joy of molding little people to become productive members of society…

These dads were nice enough to post tweets about the trials and tribulations of raising children, and they sure are humorous.

Take a look. Do any of these situations look familiar to you?

1. No…it’s not.

2. Totally over it.

3. Whoopsy daisy!

4. Your time is up.

5. A lot to look forward to.

6. Thanks a lot…

7. Might as well use them.

8. Sounds fun, right?

9. A HUGE mistake.

10. Annoyed to the max.

11. What did you do?!?!

12. Non-stop commentary.

13. I think you mean all of them.

14. You’ll need a lifetime supply.

15. A major milestone.

To all the dads out there: keep up the great work!

If you have a funny photo or anecdote about raising your kiddos, share them with us in the comments!

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These Tweets Might Make Parents Laugh…and Cry

Parents, you have a tough job, and we take off our hats to you.

We also understand that you probably get a little (just a little…) fed up from time to time due to how much your little angels drive you up the wall.

So let’s enjoy some funny/painful tweets that should look familiar to all parents out there…let me know if you need a tissue…

1. Sick burn by Mom!

2. Not gonna happen.

3. Or where I am…

4. Don’t do it!

5. Thank you for that.

6. You showed them!

7. You’re doing great!

8. That’s not what I meant.

9. A slowwwww burn.


11. You made a huge mistake.

12. Gee, thanks a lot.

13. Something totally different…

14. Yes, it is.

15. Now it makes sense.

Parents…do these tweets look accurate, or what?

Do us a favor: share a funny or painful anecdote about your kiddos in the comments below!

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Italy’s Schools Will Require That Children Learn About Climate Change Starting in 2020

It looks like Italy is taking a big step in the fight against global warming and climate change, and for that, we should be thankful…and we should hope that this kind of curriculum spreads across the globe.

Lorenzo Fioramonti is Italy’s education minister, and he is now requiring that, starting in September 2020, all children in his country will receive education about climate change. All students will be required to have 33 hours of lessons each year dedicated to climate change and environmental sustainability.

Fioramonti also wants to eventually make climate change education part of math and geography curriculum so students will take sustainability into consideration when they study these subjects as well. The lessons will teach students the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and will be formed with help from environmental experts.

Fioramonti said, “The entire ministry is being changed to make sustainability and climate the centre of the education model. I want to make the Italian education system the first education system that puts the environment and society at the core of everything we learn in school.”

Italy’s education minister also believes that older people need to educate themselves and play a role in this movement, so all citizens can work together toward sustainability. Fioramonti said he wants to “build a strong bridge between old and new generations around sustainable development as a social glue.”

An NPR poll found that 80% of American parents are in favor of their kids learning about the issue. Wouldn’t that be nice…?

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A Public Service Announcement Compares the Dangers of Kids Playing Football to Smoking

When I was growing up, parents didn’t think twice about letting their kids play organized football. I played myself for several years, and I never thought about any of the possible repercussions that came along with getting hit over and over again on the field.

But parents with young kids today, including several of my friends who now have children of their own, are adamant that they will never, ever let their children play football. And maybe there’s a good reason for that…

Letting kids play football has come under fire in recent years due to the knowledge about chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), the disease that many former football players and others have suffered from after receiving multiple head injuries. To make the point, the Concussion Legacy Foundation released a public service announcement comparing the long-term effects of kids playing football to children smoking cigarettes.

In the PSA, a young boy says, “Tackle football is like smoking. The younger I start, the longer I am exposed to danger. You wouldn’t let me smoke. When should I start tackling?”

A study reports that it’s the number of years spent playing football, not the number of head injuries a person suffers, that impacts the severity of CTE.

The PSA calls for parents to wait until their children are 14 years old to let them play tackle football. Take a look at the PSA below.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you let your kids play football or do you refuse?

Sound off in the comments.

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A Man Paid off the Entire School Lunch Debt for 400 Kids in His Town

Children should never go hungry in the United States, but the sad fact is that it happens every day to thousands and thousands of kids. And sometimes we forget there are actually things we can do to help – but there are.

Andrew Levy, a real estate agent in Jupiter, Florida, decided to take things into his own hands after he saw a list detailing the outstanding lunch debt owed by 400 kids in 9 schools in his area.

The debt totaled $944.34, which is not so much, all things considered. Levy decided to pay the entire debt off for the kids and their families.

One man in Jupiter, Florida, decided that he could make a difference in his town by paying off the lunch debt for every child in the system.

Posted by 5NEWS on Monday, October 14, 2019

A woman in Jupiter named Angie Vyas-Knight got the ball rolling when she shared a post on Facebook talking about the school lunch issue and how kids were going hungry. She then got the local stats from the Palm Beach County school board and compiled a list outlining the debts. This list eventually reached Andrew Levy, who said, “I thought that’s crazy. Food is something you shouldn’t have to think about. Children shouldn’t learn hungry.”

After he paid off the debt, Levy started thinking about the issue in a bigger context. Levy realized that many more kids in his area, not just in Jupiter, need help paying for their school lunches. In fact, students in Palm Beach County, a district with more than 180,000 students, currently have an outstanding lunch debt of $50,000 .

Levy said, “I’m going to do either a GoFundMe page or a fundraising page that can raise money every quarter, so lunch debt never accumulates so that children never have to worry about a hot meal and parents never have to worry about paying the bill.”

If you want to help out, visit the district’s website to get more information.

Unfortunately, this is a major issue that many school districts have to address. We can only hope that more people like Andrew Levy will step up to the plate to help out the kids in need.

It’s called thinking BIG!

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Here Are Some Spooky Movies Kid-Friendly Enough to Watch with Your Little Ones This Halloween

Listen up, parents!

Halloween and scary movies don’t have to be all about blood, guts, and gore, right?


We need to leave some room for the kids to have a good time and get all creeped out this Halloween season, too. Well, we’re all in luck!

Here are 12 movies that are spooky, but not too spooky. They’re creepy, but not too creepy. You get my drift: they’re Halloween movies that are kid-friendly.

So before you send your kids out the door to trick or treat, they can enjoy these movies to get in the Halloween spirit.

Bonus: some of these are on Netflix so you don’t have to go very far!

1. A Witch’s Ball

It’s tough out there for a young witch, isn’t it? Beatrix’s chances of being inducted into the ranks of witches becomes jeopardized and she relies on her best friend, a rat, to help her out.

2. R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly

Is R.L. Stine the best, or what? If you’re familiar with his Goosebumps series, then you’ll love this movie.

3. All Hallows Eve

Eve is a teenage witch who just turned Sweet 16, and she accidentally summons an ancestor who might be up to no good. Uh oh!

4. Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween

Goosebumps + Halloween + kids who need to save the day = a great recipe.

5. Mickey’s House of Villains

Our beloved Mickey faces off against a whole lot of Disney villains. Don’t mess with Mickey!

6. DreamWorks Spooky Stories

Four short stories that will definitely send chills up your spine (and definitely the kids’!).

7. DreamWorks Spooky Stories 2

Another set of stories that features characters from some of DreamWorks’ most iconic films, including Shrek and Megamind. Spooky and fun!

8. Little Monsters

We’re going all the way back to the 1980s with this one! A very young Fred Savage befriends the monster who lives under his bed. What an adventure!

9. Monster Family

Enjoy the family dynamic of a group of classic movie monsters, including characters similar to Frankenstein, a mummy, a werewolf, and a witch.

10. My Babysitter’s A Vampire

A kid who is a little too old to have a babysitter discovers that the one his parents hired to watch him might not exactly be human.

11. Spookley The Square Pumpkin

Spookley is a different kind of pumpkin…he’s square. But he doesn’t let that get him down and he shows all the other pumpkins that it’s okay to be different.

12. Coraline

I’ve heard some parents say that Coraline is a little too creepy for the young ones, but give it a shot and see how the kiddos react. At least they’ll be interested because visually the film is so fascinating.

What are some of your top Halloween movies that you like to watch with your kids during October?

Share them in the comments below!

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These Hilarious Parenting Tweets Are for All the Moms and Dads out There

Parents put up a strong front, but they have a tough job. Long days, screaming kids, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.

But let’s take a little time to laugh, shall we? We shall.

Moms and dad: do these tweets look familiar to you?

1. It’s gone. Forever.

2. What does that mean?

3. An everyday occurrence.

4. All the parents are on the same side.

5. It’s a horror show.

6. Big time score!

7. I need a little “me” time.

8. Very sound science.

9. We clearly have a lot in common.

10. The biggest lie of all time.

11. I’m…busy…

12. I’ll believe it when I see it.

13. It’s worse. Much worse.

14. Mom, watch this cannonball!

15. Gee, thanks a lot.

Let’s give it up for all the moms and dads out there!

Although we like to give them a hard time, they’re doing just fine. Probably.

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These Tweets Show That Kids Are Pretty Hilarious Even When They’re Not Trying

Kids are pretty amusing even when they’re not even trying to be. It must just be part of the DNA of young boys and girls, and then once we get a little bit older, we grow out of it and become bland adults.

Good times!

Here are some kiddos that are downright hilarious. Do any of them remind you of your little monsters?

1. These kids have bright futures.

2. That is not cool.

3. Genius move, right there.

4. Wait, that’s not an emergency?

5. This kid gets it.

6. My kind of kid.

7. No honey, it doesn’t.

8. Always erase the history.

9. Newspaper was hacked.

10. We’re laughing with you.

11. Acting a fool.

12. Don’t say a word.

13. Would you look at that?

14. Speaking the truth.

15. I agree with him.

Fill us in on what your kiddos have done recently that made you laugh out loud!

We’d love to hear from you!

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Michael Buble’s Song ‘Forever Now’ Is About Kids Growing up and Parents Are Emotional About It

Beyond the bottle feedings and weekend soccer games, the unconditional love parents feel grows deeper by the minute. From the time your baby is born, your bond never stops expanding, even after they go off to college.

Michael Buble put all that into words with his new song “Forever, Now” and I’ll tell ya, it gave me all the watery eyes.

I’m not a mom, but I watch my friends raise their children and my heart swells. It’s no easy feat but what’s incredible is that everlasting love.

With lyrics such as these how can you not cry!

I tuck you in at night

Another day has passed

Every week goes by a little faster than the last

It wasn’t so long ago

We walked together and you held my hand

And now you’re getting too big to want to

But I hope you’ll always understand

Within a few lines, Buble has literally managed to span time from a baby to a grown adult, all through a parent’s eyes. OMG, please pass the tissues!

In an interview with Magic Radio, Buble admits that when he wrote it he never meant to make it personal, but after recording the demo it truly was. He also feels he’ll never perform it live.

“I did a vocal demo…and the truth is I never sang it again. And to this day I’d never sang it again…I’m not ready to handle it yet.”

Michael Bublé on his song 'Forever Now' | Magic Radio

For his new album Love, Michael Bublé wrote a song that he'll never be able to perform again.

Posted by Magic Radio on Saturday, September 29, 2018

Even the crooner heart-throb is affected by his own music! This makes me love him even more. Oh, and for all you parents of fur-babies? Yeah, he mentioned that you are parents too with a deep love for your pets. Gah! Does he get any better?

Whether you just had a child, are seeing one off to college, or they are having children of their own, grab the tissues and enjoy this beautiful song. Thanks, Buble!

Hopefully this video filled your heart and gave you tears of joy! I think Buble is out to keep Kleenex in business.

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