15 Brutally Honest Tweets from Parents

To all the parents out there: we understand that you love your children unconditionally, but we also realize that some days feel like never-ending journeys to the bottomless pits of Hell because you’re about to lose your minds.

We’re here for you!

These tweets will make you forget about your woes for a bit and will provide you with some much-needed laughs.

You may begin!

1. All four sound wonderful.

2. Try that one out.

3. Don’t bother…

4. Great choice.

5. That’s very good.

6. You never know what you’re gonna get.

7. She already figured that out.

8. Winning!


10. What’s the Google?

11. I’d like to know…

12. Might be a while.

13. Ice cold.

14. Bullshit!

15. Good effort!

To all the parents out there…how are you holding up…?

Come on, be honest with us…

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Parents, These Funny Tweets About ‘Screen Time’ Will Probably Look Familiar

I hear a lot of parents talk these days about “screen time.” I can’t seem to escape it for some reason.

Limiting screen time, extending screen time, it never ends!

In the spirit of SCREEN TIME, let’s look at these funny tweets…

1. Sure…

2. Not gonna happen, friends.

3. Don’t bother me anymore.

4. Great job.

5. Can’t get away from it.

6. Changed pretty quickly on that one.

7. You’re lying!

8. A different kind of screen.

9. Cat enforcer.

10. Don’t torture yourself.

11. The choice is yours.

12. Didn’t even bother looking.

13. A serious threat.

14. Definitely the better option.

15. That’s why she’s doing it…

Moms and dads out there, how do you deal with screen time for your little ones?

Tell us your methods and tips in the comments so we can all compare notes.

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Moms and Dads Hilariously Share the Struggle of Parenthood on Twitter

The struggles of adulthood are real, folks. Those little rugrats can push people to the edge of sanity if they don’t take a break to vent once in a while.

These parents took to Twitter to share their pain.

Moms and dads, do any of these stories sound familiar…?

1. Nice thing to wake up to.

2. Avoid at all costs.

3. Money well spent.

4. We have big news!

5. All parents dread this.

6. It never ends…

7. How could you?

8. Very good.

9. Genius!

10. It’s all coming out.

11. Following Mom’s lead.

12. I lost.

13. LOL.

14. Don’t even bother.

15. You said that out loud.

Parents, share some of your funniest and most painful stories about your kiddos in the comments.

Remember, you need to vent!

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Your Kids Can Text Santa Claus This Christmas. Give It a Shot!

Do you have a kid who’s too shy to sit on Santa’s lap? There are other more convenient ways to contact Santa now — he’s even available by text message.

Santa has an official phone number: 951-262-3062. Don’t worry, it goes directly to voicemail (can you imagine if Santa had to pick up the phone for every kid that wanted to talk to him?).

However, if you (or your child) get onto Santa’s contact list, you can receive regular texts from him throughout the month of December.

Photo Credit: iStock

The service is called The Santa Texting Project. It’s provided by SlickText, a marketing platform that allows businesses to communicate through mass text messages.

Children who sign up for texts from Santa can expect to receive messages such as jokes, sayings, recipes and fun facts. He sends regular texts without being prompted — he’ll text approximately once every five days throughout the month; then, in the week before Christmas, he’ll text daily.

To sign up, just go to SlickText’s website and enter your name and phone number. You must also choose whether you’re signing up as a child, adult, or senior (hey, everybody needs a little Christmas cheer!). Then, reply “Yes” to the first text to opt in to the service.

Photo Credit: iStock

This festive service is completely free, and the company says the phone numbers won’t be shared with any outside entities. They’ll also be deleted on December 26, so no annoying follow-up texts.

Happy texting!

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These Hilarious Tweets About Raising Kids Are for All the Parents out There

Aren’t kids just perfect little angels?

Sure…something like that…

If you’re a mom or a dad, these tweets about raising kids will make you laugh, cry, scream, and then cry again.

Enjoy these tweets, all you parents out there!

1. Silence is not golden.

2. What kind of mother are you?

3. So very blessed.

4. Nothing strange about it.

5. Anyone will do.

6. All the hits!

7. Isn’t that nice?

8. That’s hot.

9. That was fast.

10. Sacred ground.

11. Don’t even bother.

12. Of course they did…

13. What’s that called again?

14. He might still be snoozing.

15. Here are the requirements.

Parents, share your horror, I mean, wonderful stories about your kids in the comments. Let’s have some fun!

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The Stubborn Children Law (repealed in 1973)…

The Stubborn Children Law (repealed in 1973) enacted by Massachusetts Bay Colony (1646), Connecticut (1650), Rhode Island (1668), and New Hampshire (1679), allowed a disobedient son “of sufficient years and understanding” (at least 16) to be put to death.

A Single Dad Adopted a Baby With Down Syndrome After She Was Rejected by 20 Families

This is an adorable story about the power of love and how important relationships are in our lives. An Italian man named Luca Trapanese adopted a beautiful little girl named Alba when she was only 13 months old.

Alba has Down Syndrome and was rejected by 20 potential families before Trapanese came along to give the girl a new life. Trapanese has been working for and volunteering with organizations that focus on children with special needs since he was a teenager. He’s wanted to be a father for many years, but seeing that he is still single, Trapanese decided to go the route of adoption.

In July 2017, Trapanese was given permission to adopt a child even though he was still single, under one condition: he had to adopt a special needs child who had previously been rejected by other families. It was then that he became aware of little Alba. When he first met her, the connection was instantaneous. He said, “When I first held her in my arms, I was overcome with joy. I felt she was my daughter straight away. It was the first time I held a newborn baby. Before that moment, I had always been scared. But, when I first held Alba, I knew I was ready to be her dad.”

Trapanese said, “Alba revolutionized my life and everything revolves around her. She brought me happiness and a sense of fulfillment. I am proud to be her dad. I wanted her to be my daughter.”

A beautiful story, don’t you think?

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An NFL Linebacker Wearing a Mic Adorably Searched for His Mom in the Stands, Over and Over Again

Even big, tough NFL players still love their moms and want to make them proud.

Jerome Baker Jr. is a second-year linebacker with the Miami Dolphins. He played college ball for Ohio State and was taken by the Dolphins in the third round of the 2018 NFL Draft.

Recently, Baker had a ticket reserved for his mother Theodora for a game between the Dolphins and the New York Jets in Miami. The linebacker was mic’d up for the game by NFL Films, which is great because they captured both video and audio of Baker trying to find his mom in the stands during the game. Baker spent a good deal of time both trying to locate Theodora in the crowd and telling his teammates about his quest to find her amidst the tens of thousands of spectators at the game.

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BIFC! If you know, you know! I’m home baaabby!

A post shared by Jerome Baker (@lastname_baker) on

Baker said he forgot that he was even wearing a microphone during the game against the Jets and that when he watched the whole video of his comments spliced together, he thought it was pretty funny.

“You don’t realize how many times I was saying it, but I was saying it so much. The video made it funnier. If you look at the video, I was clean at one point. Then later on, I had a little bit of dirt on me. Then later on, I was full of dirt. It was like the whole game, I was saying, ‘Where’s my mom? Where’s my mom?’ It was just a funny moment I didn’t realize, but I was definitely looking for my mom a lot.”

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I’m in control of my destiny, never in doubt..

A post shared by Jerome Baker (@lastname_baker) on

Theodora had flown down from her home in Cleveland to visit her son, but Baker wasn’t positive that his mom was going to show up to the game that day.

Watch this whole clip. It’s pretty entertaining and heartwarming.

And make sure to watch until the very end, so you can see what happens.

Now that is just nice, isn’t it?

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Take a Look at These Adorable Kids with Down Syndrome Dressed as Disney Characters

Nicole Perkins is a photographer who also works at a special needs school. She undertook a photo series in order to “celebrate and help raise awareness for Down syndrome.”

Perkins said, “The response has been incredible, and it was so much fun creating the images,” she said. “I have met some amazing families in the process and I’m so glad to see the joy the images of their children has brought to so many people.”


1. They’re loving it.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

2. Prince and Princess.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

3. All dolled up.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

4. Don’t cross her.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

5. Under the bright moon.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

6. Boo!

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

7. Snow White.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

8. A mini Peter Pan.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

9. The gang’s all here.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

10. Under the sea.

Posted by Nicole Louise Photography on Saturday, November 9, 2019

Adorable photos, that’s for sure!

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