This Midwife Meets People Where They Are with Reproductive Health TikTok Videos

Menstruation can be an ever-complicated and mysterious thing.

Even to us women.

That’s probably why a TikTok midwife went viral for videos explaining the anatomy and mechanics of childbirth.

It started with a silly, brief video about a speculum during quarantine, and then her following exploded.


#midwife #obgyn#inyourface #fyp#happyfriday

♬ ac butunstable – 🧑🏻‍🦳

Midwife Sarah Pringle, @midwifemama, has been using TikTok to educate the masses, including her more than 700 thousand followers, for the past year.

As she told BuzzFeed:

“I posted a funny speculum TikTok and started to gain followers. I realized that people want to know about their bodies and their health. This led me to create educational content featuring common office procedures, women’s health products, and the basics of childbirth.”

She’s made dozens of videos–enough to support a 9th grade Health class for the entire semester.

Using 3-D models and set to catchy music, Sarah demonstrates things as mundane as where a tampon rests after insertion:


#fyp#period#menses#PerfectGifts #NBAIsBack

♬ Plastic – Unghetto Mathieu

And a clear representation (at last!) of exactly what the doctor is poking and squeezing during your annual pelvic exam.


#PajamaJam EDUCATION #gyn#midwife#pelvic #pelvicexam #pelvicfloor #womenshealth #FallGuysMoments

♬ Out the Frame – Marv Allen

She shares specifics on different types of birth control from the ring:


#birthcontrolring #birthcontrol#baby#womensrights #womenshealth#rbg #OhNo

♬ Paper Planes – M.I.A.

to IUD insertion:


#iud#birthcontrol#smear#RnBVibes #HolidayTikTok

♬ Stuck in the Middle – Tai Verdes

She also offers advice for products to quell troublesome yeast infections.


Link in bio!!!! #bv #yeastinfection #yeast#bacterialvaginosis #boricacid #boricacidsuppositories #midwifemama #feminiva #healthfare

♬ THE BEST THING – Cecilia Grace

But it’s Sarah’s videos about dilation and childbirth that have proven the most popular.

This one, demonstrating checking fetal position within the cervix, garnered over 10 million views:



♬ Adderall (Corvette Corvette) – Popp Hunna

And this cervical check illustrating different dilation ranges has been viewed more than 13 million times.


#baby#preg#pregnant#labor#labour#rn#laboranddelivery #laboranddeliveryrn #laboranddeliverynurse #midwife#midwifemama #YesDayChallenge #tt#springbreak

♬ Renai Circulation (English Cover) [TV Size] – Lizz Robinett

Sarah is definitely providing a much needed service, and people are here for it, as evidenced by her views, likes, and shares.

Sexual health education is so important.

It’s great when educators can find a way to meet people where they are.

What do you think? Did you learn anything? Tell us in the comments!

The post This Midwife Meets People Where They Are with Reproductive Health TikTok Videos appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Hilarious Things That Were Blurted Out When Children Were Born

For a lot of people, there’s nothing more natural or terrifying than childbirth. Is the baby going to come out alright? Is the mom gonna make it? Will the dad pass out or not?

And when it comes to this Ask Reddit thread… nothing was held back. And I mean… nothing.

Doctors, nurses who deliver babies, what are some strange/funny things people have screamed while giving birth? from AskReddit

From surprise genders to raptor babies to some REALLY inappropriate things… these stories have got it all!

Let’s take a look.

1. Surprises abound!

My dad has told me they thought I was a girl all the way up to birth.

I came out as a c-section and the doctor goes “huh, this ones got extra equipment.”

2. Once you get there…

I am not an obgyn but I was questioning a patient in the ER about some other health problem, she wasn’t carrying at that time. When I got to the part about the gynecological history I asked how many kids did she have and how were they born. She had two kids and were both born with C-section. I should clarify that this was in Spain and the patient was gypsy, now gypsies are not usually well educated and women often marry young and don’t finish school, they also talk weird.

Now, the lady told me she had 2 kids and 2 c-sections and I asked her why she had to deliver by c-section she said because the first kid was a “come coño”.

Well, this can be translated as “p*ssy eater.” This lady was convinced that her first child was going to eat her pussy and had to be taken out before he did.

You can imagine my surprise.

At first I didn’t understand and left the room after the questioning still puzzled. I went and started digging in her file and found out that the c-section had to be done because after she broke water the doctors noticed the amniotic fluid was filled with baby sh*t, usually when a baby shits in-utero, it is a sign that the baby is suffering and has to come out quick, that was why she had a c-section. Now here is why it is funny:

  1. In-utero baby shit is called meconio.
  2. The doctors probably told this lady that she had to get a c-section because the baby comes with meconio
  3. Comes with meconio = “viene con meconio” in spanish.
  4. “Viene con meconio” sounds a lot like “viene comecoño” (p*ssy eater)
  5. Imagine being told your whole life that your mom had to get a c-section because you were going to eat her p*ssy when you actually almost died at childbirth.

I know it must not be that funny in English but I did my best translating it and hope some of you see how funny it was for me.

3. Well, that happened!

One lady was too posh to swear when in pain from contractions, she just said “jeepers creepers.”

4. Haha… can you imagine??

When I was born, my dad didn’t know that babies are usually born face down.

And as I was coming out he screams “OH MY GOD SHE DOESN’T HAVE A FACE.”

5. Let’s go higher!

I was high on meds at the time, I was begging for BBQ ribs in between contractions.

“C’mon, honey! The nurses will never know!”

They were standing right there.

6. Oh snap… that’s hilarious

Apparently, when my aunt was giving birth, she was all jokes.

Very angry jokes, but jokes none-the-less.


7. Dino baby!

Not a doctor, but a father.

When my first child was born his head was kind of misshapen, and when the doctor lifted him up to show my wife she yelled “why the f*ck does he look like a raptor?”

I lost it.

8. Perfect timing

EMT who did a birth on the side of the road.

Woman shouted “f*ck me!” during a contraction and the husband casually replied “that’s how we got into this mess, dammit!”.

I had a very hard time containing myself.

9. Nope! Time to go!

Patient fully dilated, started pushing, then changed her mind. “I don’t wanna do this, I’m going the f*ck home.”

And then tried to get off the table.

10. Haha… gurl…

When my sister was in labor, she was screaming and our mom was trying to be comforting:

“It’ll be OK. Take some deep breaths. It’ll be over soon.”

Then my sister looks up at our mom and says “You have no idea what this is like.”

11. It’s not a tumor!

Paramedic here: Delivered a baby for a lady who did not realize she was pregnant and called us for ‘abdominal pain’

Patient: ‘You are an idiot! I am not f*cking pregnant’

Me: ‘Well, I can see a head crowning’

Patient: That must be a f*cking tumor!

The tumor was a healthy baby girl. Mom was totally sweet afterwards btw.

12. Bad timing…

My roommate and I just finished our labor and delivery rotation in July.

During one of the births she was helping out in, the mom and the dad were separated but still good friends. So while this woman is pushing out her baby she begins to half tell/half scream that my roommate should date her ex/the baby daddy. The conversation went something like this:

Mom: You should really….(screams in pain)….go out with….(Screams again) him sometime. He’s really fun.

Dad: I wouldn’t mind some drinks sometime, what are you doing this evening?

No, she did not go out with him.

13. Is that even possible?

I’m white, Irish ancestry so I had red hair when I was a child, and my wife is black.

Her sister was also in the delivery room. When the baby crowned her sister told her she could see the baby’s hair. My wife who can barely breathe blurted out, “The hair isn’t red is it?!”

Apparently she was terrified the baby would be black with red hair.

14. She’ll never live that down

My mothers labour was extremely short, I was born within an hour. So that means that she went from experiencing minimal pain, to extreme pain with little time to adjust.

When my dad was driving her to the hospital, he unfortunately had to stop for gas. He went into pay, and just then an elderly man in a wheelchair stopped him, asking him to buy cigarettes for him as the store was not wheelchair accessible.

My mom then proceeded to lean out the window, yelling “DON’T HELP THE CRIPPLE.”

We have never let her forget that one.

15. Get the tongs!

When my brother was born, they had to use forceps to get him out.


I am seriously crying laughing. The things people say at their most vulnerable are comedic gold, right?

Do you have a story as crazy/silly as this? Let us know in the comments!

The post People Share the Hilarious Things That Were Blurted Out When Children Were Born appeared first on UberFacts.

Baby Care Instructions From 1968 Show Just How Much Things Have Changed Since Then

Women continue to learn more about how our bodies work and how science can improve the way we care for tiny human beings. And let’s not forget that there have been some very real developments in the world, like cars that require safety seats, that have irrevocably altered child-rearing.

There’s nothing that illustrates that point quite like taking a look back at how we used to advise moms to care for wee ones, and this list of instructions from 1968 does a great job of showing how different things are today.

The advice here was for the care of your newborn while still in the hospital after birth.

Yeah, most of this is pretty insane, but I really wish someone would have at least considered my nipples.

My mom was going through her things and we saw this, it's rules in regards to just having a baby. It gave me a chuckle….

Posted by Micala Gabrielle Henson on Friday, March 29, 2019

I am not a fan of them not being able to see their babies whenever they want. However, again, I could have done with more sleep and actual recovery time.

Also, real question… how long did it take these women’s milk to come in on this schedule?!?

I assume, unlike many others did not, that the baby was not starving the rest of the time, but simply being bottle fed, since they mention bottles and formula.

Image Credit: Facebook

The list of foods you’re not allowed to eat is very curious. Like…were that many people scarfing green coconut cake on the regular?

And don’t even get me started on the smoking.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Overall, obviously this advice never killed any of us born during that timeframe, and seriously, hospitals could be a lot more mom-focused now, instead of wringing out new mothers to the point that they can hardly function by the time they’re sent home.

But I suppose that’s a soapbox for another day…

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Baby Care Instructions From 1968 Show Just How Much Things Have Changed Since Then

Women continue to learn more about how our bodies work and how science can improve the way we care for tiny human beings. And let’s not forget that there have been some very real developments in the world, like cars that require safety seats, that have irrevocably altered child-rearing.

There’s nothing that illustrates that point quite like taking a look back at how we used to advise moms to care for wee ones, and this list of instructions from 1968 does a great job of showing how different things are today.

The advice here was for the care of your newborn while still in the hospital after birth.

Yeah, most of this is pretty insane, but I really wish someone would have at least considered my nipples.

My mom was going through her things and we saw this, it's rules in regards to just having a baby. It gave me a chuckle….

Posted by Micala Gabrielle Henson on Friday, March 29, 2019

I am not a fan of them not being able to see their babies whenever they want. However, again, I could have done with more sleep and actual recovery time.

Also, real question… how long did it take these women’s milk to come in on this schedule?!?

I assume, unlike many others did not, that the baby was not starving the rest of the time, but simply being bottle fed, since they mention bottles and formula.

Image Credit: Facebook

The list of foods you’re not allowed to eat is very curious. Like…were that many people scarfing green coconut cake on the regular?

And don’t even get me started on the smoking.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Overall, obviously this advice never killed any of us born during that timeframe, and seriously, hospitals could be a lot more mom-focused now, instead of wringing out new mothers to the point that they can hardly function by the time they’re sent home.

But I suppose that’s a soapbox for another day…

The post Baby Care Instructions From 1968 Show Just How Much Things Have Changed Since Then appeared first on UberFacts.

A New Father Wrote a Heartfelt Letter Describing the Feelings He Had While His Wife Gave Birth

Giving birth is intense. There’s pain, a lot of bodily fluids, usually some colorful language, awe, shock, and yeah, plenty of things you can never unsee.

At the end of it, if you’re lucky, you’ve brought a healthy baby into the world, so most people forget the rest of it (in time).

Posted by Lauren Battle on Tuesday, December 24, 2019

This dad never will, though, because he’s written down every thought he had while his wife brought their child into the world.

He posted the tribute to his wife’s miraculous birth of their son on Facebook.

I honestly don’t know how she did it. The pain was so intense, so overwhelming, that even I felt it. Everyone in the…

Posted by William Trice Battle on Sunday, November 17, 2019

It’s a reminder of what a miracle life is, what we all sacrifice to bring it forth and nurture it as it grows, and how important it is that we commit to doing it together.

It reads, in part:

I honestly don’t know how she did it. The pain was so intense, so overwhelming, that even I felt it. Everyone in the room felt it. Yet she pulled through. Her pain was gruesome. Her struggle seemed almost unbearable. I found myself gritting my teeth when she did, tensing my entire body when her contractions hit, and shedding tears along with her. All while realizing that I was merely a passenger, never to truly understand the excruciating pain she was experiencing.

Posted by Lauren Battle on Tuesday, December 24, 2019

He continued:

We all finally get to love and hold the boy that she sacrificed her body, comfort, energy, and self for. My son is an absolute miracle. Babies are absolute miracles. But to me, the greater miracle is his mother, who has shown me what selfless sacrifice really is. What love really is. My wife is the real miracle.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a little tear!

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16 Baby Shower Confessions That Made Us Very Uncomfortable

Confession time: I’ve actually never attended a baby shower. I’m sure I will at some point, and after seeing these crazy confessions, I guess I’m semi-looking forward to enjoying the drama.

1. Just feel how you feel. Those emotions are all yours.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Dem hoes…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Nerd baby FTW!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Bless their lily white souls…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Wait… what?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. This f**king guy! O_o

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. She’s going to need all the support she can get. Be there for her.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Oh snap.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. **sniff**

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. So fabulously, profanely petty.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Just. Say. No.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Oh, this sucks…

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Y.I.K.E.S.

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Pro gift.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Divorce her immediately.

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Not a bad point, tbh…

Photo Credit: Whisper

Shocking, yes. Surprising? Not really.

But that Grandmother-To-Be shower and then no baby shower for the mom is peak pettiness. How does something like that even happen?

F**king people…

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20 Chrissy Teigen Pregnancy Tweets That Are Honest and Relatable

Chrissy Teigen has over 10 million followers, and for good reason.

She’s funny, blunt, and refreshingly honest. Especially when it comes to her personal life. Here are 20 brutally honest tweets about pregnancy that Teigen was nice enough to share.





















Photo Credit: Twitter,chrissyteigen

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