Hilarious Tweets About Looking at Our Screen Time Reports

Have you checked your screen time report in the last little while? If not, go ahead and take a look. We’ll wait for you…

Yikes, right?

It makes sense though, why our screen time has gone through the roof. Most of us are confined to our homes 99% of the time and the people we live with are driving us insane. So the only natural thing to do is stare at your phone and fall down various rabbit holes all day, right? And, as a result, our screen time reports are out of control.

These people know the truth…

1. You can’t even believe your eyes.

Is your mind blown?


I get it, okay?

3. Well, this is life now.

But hopefully not forever…

4. I don’t need any reminders.

Can we please change the subject?

5. That’s when you know it’s REALLY bad.

You’re doing the unthinkable.

6. Think about that one.

Maybe YOU’RE to blame?

7. Get out of my face.

And don’t come back!

8. You’re doing a great job!

Way to go! A whole 36 seconds!

9. Just checking in…

To make sure you’re not losing your mind…

10. How is this even possible?

Giving you a whole new perspective about time.

11. Hang your head in shame.

Look at what you’ve done!

12. Talk to the hand!

Because I don’t want to hear it.

13. That’s all anyone wants right now.

I hope we can all get together soon! Stay safe out there!

Hahahaha. Funny and, more importantly, accurate.

So how about you?

Have you looked into your screen time reports at all?

If so, tell us what they look like in the comments.

We want to hear from all of you out there!

The post Hilarious Tweets About Looking at Our Screen Time Reports appeared first on UberFacts.

This Is Why Your Phone Struggles for Service on Airport Tarmacs

One thing is certain when you’re on the tarmac: your cell phone service sucks. Unfortunately for passengers sending a “taking off” or “just landed” text from the airport tarmac, the message never seems to reach its destination in a timely fashion.

From a logical perspective, perhaps being trapped inside a sealed metal plane explains why your cell phone struggles for service worse than me trying to make a decision at the buffet. It turns out you can blame the structural design of both airports and planes for the terribly slow service on the tarmac.

Christopher Schaberg, a writer for The Atlantic, spoke to three commercial pilots who fly for major airlines like Delta and British Airways in order to discover the secret behind the slow cell service on airport tarmacs. The professor at Loyola University of New Orleans discovered that cellular antennae often do not provide sufficient coverage to span the entire distance of an airport, including the tarmac.

Airports utilize distributed antenna systems that work best indoors. Unfortunately for travelers (and even pilots), those antennae really only work inside the terminal. That lack of capacity combined with the plane’s materials—which are obviously designed for structural integrity rather than connectivity—means that anyone sitting in the tarmac has a better chance of winning the lottery than refreshing their Instagram feed in a timely fashion.

And if your flight gets delayed, the connection conundrum only gets worse.

To avoid the painful boredom of sitting in the cabin with nothing to do, try downloading some content before boarding your flight. Having a few episodes of your favorite show stored in your downloads will come in handy to pass the time, especially if weather or technical issues cause a delay.

Believe me, bing-watching a few episodes of Breaking Bad is far better than thumbing through the safety evacuation manual.

The post This Is Why Your Phone Struggles for Service on Airport Tarmacs appeared first on UberFacts.

A Mom Wrote an Open Letter to the Man Who Shamed Her for Looking at Her Phone Instead of Her Kids

Parenting is tough, and most of us are genuinely doing our best. If you see people out and about with their kids, the truth is that you’re only getting a snapshot of their day – and their lives – so if you have an opinion about what you glimpse in that moment, you’re probably better off keeping it to yourself.

Cell phones make life both easier and harder, and while sometimes we are looking at our phones while with the kids, it’s really none of your business why.

Maybe we need a mental break. Or, like Tracy Bennett, we could be using our phones in an attempt to thwart the very outcome you’re so concerned with happening.


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She was standing in a customer service line because she’d forgotten her Costco card, and as it was taking forever, she decided to grab her phone and see if she could use the app to check out.

Which is when some random stranger decided to inform her that she should be paying attention to her fidgety kids instead.

Excuse me. What?

Her post, shared in the group Breastfeeding Mama Talk, is getting plenty of well-deserved attention.

"To the man at Costco today who glanced over at me on my phone while my babies were fussing and felt the need to say,…

Posted by Breastfeeding Mama Talk on Sunday, September 29, 2019

“To the man at Costco today who glanced over at me on my phone while my babies were fussing and felt the need to say, ‘You see these babies? They fuss like that because they want your attention. Maybe you should get off of your phone and give them your attention.’

First of all, I had no idea the toddler saying, “Mama, pizza, mama, pizza” over and over and the baby making pre-cry warnings to alert me that if we don’t move soon he’s going to lose it wanted my attention. Thank you for that brilliant analysis of the situation.

Secondly, I had been in the Membership line for 15 minutes already. I pulled out books, snacks, patty cake, and even took to creepily pointing out items in buggies as customers left the store to entertain them.

Thirdly, you had been in the Refunds line next to me for a total of two minutes or else you would have seen the smiles and laughs and interaction.

Lastly, after 15 minutes, these babies got a bit fussy. And on the meltdown scale, they were barely even at a 1. Sensing the meltdown brewing, I took out my phone, downloaded the Costco app and texted my husband to ask what our log in is in an attempt to just get my membership card on my phone. Because I ran out of tricks and my kids ran out of patience and now my goal was to just get us out of this line as quickly as possible before they released the kraken.

But thank you for your parenting advice. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to shame a young mother with two tiny children. Thank you for seeing a stressful moment and deciding, ‘I think I’ll make this worse for her.’

Everyone, if you see a mother (or father) with young children out in public ANYWHERE, assume she is stressed out. Assume she is trying her damndest to get through the situation. Assume this is the very last place she wants to be. Assume she’d rather be home cuddling, playing, running around with her babies. Assume she probably has had no sleep since her first child was born. Assume she is hungry because her toddler decided he wanted extra eggs this morning so she gave him her breakfast in addition to his own. And if you have nothing kind or supportive to offer her, please mind your own business.

Our babies are healthy, our babies are happy (despite the fact that they are not currently pleased with standing in line at Costco), and our babies are loved fiercely by us. And for the love of God, our babies can wait 2 minutes while we try to solve a problem on your phone.”

Take our advice – the next time you want to make a face or a judgement when you spot a parent doing something you would “never” do, remember this article.

And definitely, do not, ever be this guy.

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A Florida man used a cell…

A Florida man used a cell phone jammer everyday while travelling to work because he didn’t want drivers around him to be distracted on their phones. As a result, he was fined $48,000 by the FCC.

These 10 Costly Mistakes Might Be Killing Your Phone

Cell phones are such a huge part of life these days, it’s hard to imagine a time when we lived without them.

While the manufacturers keep doing their part to convince us to buy bigger and better devices on a regular basis, most of us are trying to figure out how we can get our current model to last as long as possible. To that end, take a scroll through the list below – because you might be making mistakes that play right into manufacturers’ greedy little hands.

#10. Not updating your software/firmware when prompted.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I’m totally guilty of not wanting to take the time, but I’ll try harder after learning that not doing so is basically crippling the brain and body of your phone from running at optimal performance levels.

#9. Letting it overheat.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Even sunlight through a window at home or in a car can raise the temperature to a level that can damage your chip or battery, so be aware of where you set it.

#8. Trusting weird DIY advice from the Internet.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Unless it’s from a vetted source, just don’t risk it, y’all.

#7. Holding your phone in your hand on the street.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

40% of stolen iPhones were nabbed last year when the person was standing on the street talking on the speakerphone.

#6. Trying to clean out your phone’s insides by yourself.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Go to a professional or research carefully before blowing air or sticking things into your phone’s cavities to clean out dust. There are delicate spaces that shouldn’t be disturbed willy nilly.

#5. Using knockoff chargers or headphones.

Photo Credit: Reddit

That old saying that you get what you pay for? It’s totally true in some circumstances – knockoff chargers may not be optimized for preserving the life of your cell phone battery (though if you do your research you can likely find a high quality off brand charger).

#4. Not using a cover.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Particularly if you toss it into a bag that way – they’re more than a fashion statement, after all. Covers protect your phone from damage, dust, and overheating.

#3. Keeping your phone in your back pocket.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Not only can slimmer versions be damaged, but the practice can also make it easier for thieves and other types of damage to happen accidentally.

#2. Jamming in the plug.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Electrical connections are not as sturdy as you might think, and trying to jam your charger in blindly before bed an actually cut your charger’s lifespan short.

#1. Replacing your battery with a cheap imitation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

I know, I know, you got a good deal – but chances are the battery won’t last long, or – worse – it will damage your phone beyond repair.

I think I’m going to change a few habits myself…

The post These 10 Costly Mistakes Might Be Killing Your Phone appeared first on UberFacts.