Cats, those enigmatic and independent creatures that share our homes, are a source of endless fascination and mystery. From their ancient history to their quirky behaviors, there’s so much more to these feline friends than meets the eye. Here are ten interesting facts about cats that might just surprise you. 1. Self-Domestication: Unlike most domesticated … Continue reading 10 facts about cats
Why people shaved their eyebrows in ancient Egypt
In ancient Egypt, it was common for people to shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when their cats died. Cats were considered sacred animals in ancient Egypt and were often depicted in art and literature as symbols of grace, beauty, and good fortune. The loss of a beloved pet cat was therefore a […]
Saving Money When Buying a Cat: Tips for Feline Fans
If you have decided to buy a cat, you may be unaware of the various costs involved before, during, and after you have picked up your new feline friend. It can, however, allow you to budget ahead of time and familiarise yourself with how your monthly outgoings are likely to look with an additional family member in the home. If you are looking to save money when buying a cat, continue reading to find out everything you need to know. Visit local shelters If you want to save money and rehome a vulnerable, neglected, or aging cat, a local shelter
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A cat’s purr frequency is between 25…
A cat’s purr frequency is between 25 and 150 Hertz. This frequency corresponds with the frequency that scientists have found that promote bone density and healing. This vibrational frequency technique is used in astronauts to help mitigate bone density issues from low gravity.
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People Break Down The Most Random Animal Facts They Know
Did you know that the blue-and-yellow macaw can live between 65 and 70 years? To put it simply: it will likely outlive a bunch of you (including me). It can also talk and bond very closely with humans.
It’s a pretty striking and fascinating animal. They’re also pretty readily available. I ran into a woman in the park the other day who had one perched on her shoulder!
But guess what? That’s just one of the multitudes of animals on this planet, and each one is cooler than the last.
That’s what we were so kindly reminded about after Redditor SerialNarcissist asked the online community:
“What random animal fact should everyone know?”
“If you’re camping…”
“If you’re camping and you hear an animal moving around, it’s probably a skunk or a beaver or a porcupine. Bears, moose, and other large animals are surprisingly sneaky.” ~ TypicalCricket
“The ones who don’t make it…”
“A Tasmanian Devil gives birth to dozens of babies, however, the mother only has four nipples. So it’s a race for those babies to reach one of them. The ones who don’t make it are then eaten by the mother.” ~ downvotecitybitch
“Dragonfly nymphs…”
“Dragonfly nymphs are aquatic and can launch their lower jaw like a grappling hook. They use this for hunting other pond-dwelling creatures before they leave the water. Probably the most badass thing in nature for a set of wings.
“That said they have a ridiculous hunt success rate, somewhere above 90%, so you best watch out if you’re a fly just enjoying your day.” ~ TheMadMellom
“You can tell which one…”
“Elephants can be left tusked or right tusked, similar to how humans are right or left-handed. You can tell which one an elephant is by the shorter tusk, if it’s a short right tusk then they’re right tusked and vice versa.” ~ CubsFan30
“A drone bee dies…”
“A drone bee dies immediately after mating with a queen due to powerful ejaculation, causing his penis to eject from his abdomen. He dies having the best orgasm of his life.” ~ insideoutcollar
“If a male clownfish loses his partner…”
“If a male clownfish loses his partner, he will develop female reproductive parts and mate with his male offspring.” ~ [deleted]
“An owl’s eyes…”
“An owl’s eyes are so large that they are immobile, they never develop any muscles for moving their eyes inside their sockets. Instead, they move their entire head.” ~ i-throw-socks-at-a-cat
“Penguins have a gland…”
“Penguins have a gland behind their eye that converts salt water into freshwater.” ~ Ozymandias200
“Leave them alone.”
“A moose will kill you. Like… Leave it alone.”
“It will gore you. It will kick you. It will headbutt you until you’re just a shredded corpse hanging from its antlers.”
“It will kill you in your car. It will kill you in a forest. It will kill you in a swamp.”
“You can’t just run one over with your car if it’s on the road. You can’t run away once it’s spotted you.”
“They are not nice, calm, or gentle creatures. They are massive, terrifying beasts. Leave them alone.” ~ [deleted]
“If you get bitten by a cat…”
“Cat bites are way more dangerous than most people think. A cat bite might not look like much from the outside, but their long, pointy teeth penetrate deep and are much more likely to cause an infection than a dog bite.”
“If you get bitten by a cat (like when trying to pet their tummy), always disinfect the wound, even if it doesn’t look bad.” ~ WarKiel
“They are part of a group of birds…”
“European magpies are the only non-mammal species able to recognize themselves in a mirror test.”
“They are part of a group of birds called Corvids which is basically the crow family, birds such as crows, ravens, rooks, magpies, jays, and jackdaws. Corvids are the most intelligent of all the birds and some of the most intelligent animals on earth.”
“Studies are revealing more and more about this amazing group of birds and their cognitive power easily rivals apes and monkeys –– if not surpasses them. Go check out some documentaries or read up on them… it’s fascinating!” ~ Spawkee
“Orcas hunt out of boredom…”
“Orcas hunt out of boredom and will often toss the dead body of a seal around as if it was just a ball.” ~ IDAbaffal
“Some species of shark…”
“Some species of shark, like the grey nurse shark, eat their siblings (or the egg cells that would have become their siblings) while still in the uterus, meaning they become cannibals before they’re even born.” ~ Poorly-Drawn-Beagle
“They don’t even have feet…”
“Maggots can climb walls. Those don’t even have feet but god damn they hustle around the room.” ~ iremovebrains
“Call ducks were bred…”
“Call ducks were bred to aid their owners in hunting. They make loud noises to lure predators.”
“They’re cheeky, scared cutie-pies. They waggle their tail when they’re happy. They have oil from their butt which they use to clean themselves and keep themselves dry.”
“In some areas, it is illegal to own only one call duck because they’re a very social bird. They’re the cutest pets with personalities of their own.” ~ cteduck
“They are fertile only…”
“Female pandas ovulate only once a year. They are fertile only two or three days of the year.” ~ awesomecutepandas
“CATS DO NOT DRINK ENOUGH WATER!!! Generally, cats don’t drink enough water to keep themselves properly hydrated.”
“In addition to the fact that their tongues aren’t designed to scoop water like dog tongues, it’s also possible for them to feel too anxious to drink from their bowl.”
“Cats in the wild derive most of their water intake from the moisture in their food. If all you feed is kibble, your cat is in a perpetual state of dehydration, which can lead to an overwhelming amount of health issues for them.” ~ OhBee86
How many of these awesome animal facts did you know?
All of them?
None of them?
Few of them?
The world is a fascinating place, isn’t it? We truly take it for granted.
We should probably stop that, especially if we want others to enjoy the wonders of the animal kingdom for years to come.
In 1949 Simon the cat was awarded…
In 1949 Simon the cat was awarded a military medal after surviving injuries from a cannon shell, raising morale, and killing off a rat infestation during the Yangtze Incident.
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These Pets Are Rocking Their Own Unique Looks
Have you ever read Charles Darwin’s groundbreaking work The Origin of Species?
I have. Well, some of it anyway. Honestly, it’s very dense and not really written for lay people like me, so what I get out of it is that birds need better beaks sometimes and they can get them because evolution does a bunch of mix ups with the bodies and whatnot and some of the new things stay and other ones go.
But if you don’t feel up to delving into a giant scientific tome like that, maybe you’d just prefer to see some adorable instances of genetic variation via these wonderful pets found on Reddit.
I think even Darwin himself would approve of that kind of education.
10. Meet Frankie
He looks like he’s trying to pick up some transmissions from space and I’m here for it.
Frankie was born with four ears and an eye deformity but he’s still purrfect from aww
9. A perfect circle
I think his first album was better.
My dog has a spot that is a near perfect circle. from mildlyinteresting
8. Hi there, Milo
Never mistrust him, he definitely nose what’s up.
7. Heart on my sleeve
She’s absolutely perfect.
6. Boots with the fur
(With the fuuuur)
5. A mighty roar
I’d say his bark is worse than his bite, but he no bark.
Having a cat with no teeth makes for the funniest play biting! from cats
4. Running circles
I feel adorably intimidated right now.
My sister’s puppy has a unique fur pattern that makes it look like she has glasses from aww
3. Dirt
A fitting name for what looks to be a very good boi.
This is Dirt, his coloration makes him look like a dirty boy. But we still love him from cats
2. The brows
When you got it, flaunt it.
Very rare eyebrow pup she knows she’s on fleek from rarepuppers
1. What a mix!
The possibilities are endless.
german shepherd, timberwolf, and catahoula! cutiepie Ares says hello! from rarepuppers
So many different kinds of puppies and kitties to love, so little time to do it.
What’s your pet like? Do they have any unique features?
Tell us all about them in the comments.
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People Share Their Lovely Older Pets with the World
One of the best things any human can experience in this life is the bond we form with our pets.
And one of the most heartbreaking realities is how short their lives tend to be compared to ours.
It feels like some cruel irony – an absolutely perfect and unconditionally loving companion who only gets to stick around for about about a fifth as long as do. But that short span also makes the time we do have with them all the more precious, and to be enjoyed.
Which is exactly what these older pet owners are doing. Let’s meet some cuties. (Names invented by yours truly where not provided. I just go with the vibe.)
11. Luis – Nine Years Old
We goin for a ride today?!
This guys been with me through elementary, middle and now high school, and today he just turned 9 years old from aww
10. Lexi – Ten Years Old
Wherever you go, I’ll be right there with you.
My dog Lexi is turning 10 soon. Through college, 3 cities, 2 apartments, and our first real house – anywhere we go, we go together. from aww
9. Derpinger – Eleven Years Old
Hows come they look so very skeptical?
11 years ago today, this derpy angel fell from heaven and into my arms. from aww
8. Ramble – Fourteen Years Old
He’s a ramblin’ man, and he’s still ready for some adventure.
Meet Ramble. He’s been my best friend for 14 years and is, of course, the goodest boy. from aww
7. Lucy – Fifteen Years Old
Your time is our time, and it is valued.
My old girl is still up and running at 15 years old – I give her the biggest hugs and tell her she’s loved every single day because I will never know when she decides it’s time
from aww
6. Kendor – Sixteen Years Old
You lay right there until he decides he’s done.
My old friend is approaching 16 years, yet he is still as fresh as he ever. Today he wanted to cuddle, so I guess my chores have to wait from aww
5. Ms. Kitty – Seventeen Years Old
She looks as vivacious as ever!
4. Gregory – Eighteen Years Old
In need of boops, please.
3. Fritz – Nineteen Years Old
Practically a kitten, still.
My 19-year-old Fritz content in his favorite spot under the table from aww
2. Snag – Twenty One Years Old
There’s wisdom in those eyes.
Just turned 21 years. He has accompanied me through teenage years, college, marriage, and was still able to meet my 4 month old baby. Thank you for a lifetime of companionship…I love you with all my
. from aww
1. My Boy – Twenty Five Years Old
He is absolutely a cutie, what are you talking about?!
He may not be a cutie but my boy turned 25(human years) today and I wanted to share his beauty with all of you from aww
Much love to them all. Go hug your pets.
Who’s your favorite pet you’ve ever had?
Tell us about them in the comments. Several-way ties allowed.
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These Things Are Only for Wealthy Pets, Apparently
I’ve never met a dog who seemed particularly picky. Not even about food.
In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met a dog who was not full-on, b**ls to the walls THRILLED to be eating the exact same bowl of dry food he’d been getting every single day for his entire existence.
They’re really not that difficult to please, is the point. So one might well wonder why a company like Home Concept, which is based in Russia, might offer an entire array of pet beds that are way, way too expensive.
What animal is impressed by these? How is this a thing? Look at these prices (converted to USD.)
(Also I made up all the names because I don’t speak Russian, and I named all the pet models because I like fun.)
15. The Woofer Couch – $1,384
This is Woofer, he is currently looking at a much cheaper box he’d like to lay on.
14. Her Highness’ Throne – $945
This is Patricia and she did not invite you here.
13. The Sacred Temple – $647
Mr. Beans will see you when you’ve reached enlightenment.
12. The Trusted Circle – $1,223
I didn’t catch this dog’s name because he’s on too many drugs.
11. The Simple Pleasures – $878
His name is probably Lucas or something, I just know it.
10. The Chomp – $735
Old Man Edgar does not care for this tomfoolery. Neither do the Kitten Gang.
9. The One That’s Haunted – $945
Here, Sgt. Peppers demonstrates what your dog will be doing five minutes after you buy this thing.
8. Royalty – $225
I think these are just two of the actual Kings of England.
7. The Stretch Pad – $918
Oh dang it’s Patricia again and she’s getting angry.
6. Rolley Boy – $1,347
This is doing Buster here a heckin’ concern.
5. My Place – $510
Wait, which one is the cushion?
4. A Sandbox – $538
No pet models would accept this gig.
3. Livin’ Leather – $1,149
Charlie has no idea what he’s doing here today but he’s happy to be a part of things.
2. Pride and Joy – $878
Curly is amused.
1. Running on Empty – $1,326
This one is actually just for humans who hate both having money and going to sleep.
Ah, to live as a rich dog.
Would you actually consider buying any of these? Why or why not?
Tell us in the comments.
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Adorable Animal Memes to Give You All the Feels
Nothing gives you the feels like cute animal memes, am I right?
I still get the giggles over basically the first-ever meme that I can remember–the bunny with a pancake on its head.
I wonder who owns the NFT of that one?
Recently, BuzzFeed did a great roundup of all the best memes, so here are the top animal-themed ones to get you through to Friday.
1. Smile, you’re on candid camera
He’s been on to you this whole time.
I bought a camera to spy on my dog while I'm gone. I think he knows…
— Miinute (@miinute_) April 3, 2018
2. I love going out, I promise
We just want to be loved.
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3. Actually, here’s what happens next
You find the dog, and you pet the dog.
And you let the party go on without you.
When u find a dog at the party
— Sprinkling Kindness (@Sprinklingkindn) September 11, 2020
4. All the best cats like stories
Especially ones that are about them.
"My cat decided to arrive at precisely the right moment during story time with my daughter."
— Relax My Cat (@RelaxMyCat) May 15, 2020
5. Blame my mom
She’s the one who always said it’s the thought that counts.
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6. Lookit his little face
I think we should call him Shakespeare.
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7. Okay but from now on, Hedgehogs
I want to bring the energy of this little floof to everything I do.
This hedgehog is cheering for you because you can do anything!!
— Brick Tamland (@Ch4BrickTamland) July 16, 2015
8. That’s the same puppy as #2, isn’t it?
He’s insta-famous! And insta-dorbs!
(Sorry-not sorry for the bad joke.)
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9. Fox, not sox
But don’t you sort of wish your socks looked that comfy?
While doing an important research, I discovered that foxes can, in fact, become a loaf.
— Serena Samborski (@Sererena) November 12, 2018
Bath time doesn’t have to be stressful
Look how proud!
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10. Oreo cloud!
When I worked at the zoo we had a goat called Double Stuff. So what I’m saying is… this one should be called Cookies ‘n Cream.
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11. Because who HASN’T been dreaming of gator skritches?
At least since their Crocodile Hunter binge-watching days…
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12. Even puppies love puppy smooches
And they don’t mind puppy breath!
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13. This little raccoon knows whats up
I want him. I want him and his stuffed fren!
Just in case you've had a bad day, look how happy this racoon is with his stuffed raccoon
— Gabriel Shoe
(@Gabriel_Shoe) October 3, 2020
I love all these little fluff-balls so very much. Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy now?
What is your favorite critter meme? Drop it in the comments!
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