Childhood Memories That Will Bring Back 1990s Nostalgia

There’s nothing like a little walk down memory lane to make you feel all the feels from your childhood.

The 80s and 90s may have been a time of bad hair and bright clothes, and all the plastic you could possibly consume, but man, there was some great stuff too.

These 19 blasts from the past will leave anyone over 30 feeling nostalgic:

1. Ballerina jewellery box

I had one. You had one. We all had one. The nice thing is they still make them today, but a little more inclusive versions.

2. Bath beads

As someone who LOVES baths, I had all but forgotten about these! And I don’t remember any kids ever being tempted to try eating them…

3. The fishing game

Possibly as boring and tedious, but more anxiety laden, than actual fishing.

Fishing game from ForgottenToys

4. MapQuest

Apparently it’s still a thing. I have vivid memories of getting lost in a very fancy neighborhood because of bad MapQuest directions.

5. Trix fruit shapes

I didn’t know they stopped being shaped like real fruit. Was it to stop giving the illusion that there was anything healthy about this sugar-cereal?

6. Corduroy bear

Who didn’t love him to bits?

7. Skip-It

A catchy tune. Kids having fun. I wanted in! Does anyone suddenly feel tricked into exercising?

8. Crossfire game

I didn’t have one, but I’m willing to bet my husband did.

9. Duracell Power-Check batteries

That made you go “oh wow, I remember those” didn’t it?

Duracell powercheck batteries from nostalgia

10. The Brave Little Toaster

Haunting your nightmares and making you anthropomorphize your belongings for decades.

who remembers The Brave Little Toaster? honestly the AC guy scared me from nostalgia

11. Pull Toys

Also known as “the creepy weird telephone pull toy” that everyone had.

12. Book It!

For a kid who loved to read, an award for reading was the best thing ever. And don’t forget that personal pan pizza you would earn!

13. Scratch ‘n Sniff stickers

Normalizing huffing since sometime in the 60s.

The way scratch ‘n sniff stickers smelled from nostalgia

14. Garfield

The comic book. The cartoon show! Would kids today even get my references about scarfing lasagna?

Another goodwill “haul” … definitely a favorite from my childhood! from nostalgia

15. You Can’t Do That On Television

And yet they did. (I was forbidden to watch them do it.)

You Can’t Do that On Television. from nostalgia

16. Don’t Wake Daddy

Because apparently all of our board games were anxiety provoking and full of trauma.

17. Wishbone!

If I’m being honest, I learned a lot of the classics from Wishbone. He was my first introduction to Mr. Darcy. He was the reason I read the Count of Monte Cristo.

18. Orange Nickelodeon tapes

And OMG Harriet the Spy! Am I the only one who grew up to watch Harriet’s buddy Sport in Rookie Blue? I can’t be the only one.

Orange VHS tapes from Nickelodeon from nostalgia

19. The Y2K Panic

Remember how people thought everything was just going to shut down. Where is this same fear about cyber hacking today??

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling extremely nostalgic.

What’s your favorite childhood memory that most people have long-forgotten? Tell us in the comments.

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A Video Blogger Asked for Comparisons to Today’s Tough Times. The Internet Delivers.

The past year has definitely left many of us feeling unsettled and uncertain.

During times like these, it can help to look to the past to find hope about our future.

One young woman, Cleo Abram, turned to TikTok looking for comfort.

Appealing to the older crowd in a video posted under the handle @cleoabram, she said:

Ok here’s my question: it feels like this particular moment in history is really hard. It’s a global pandemic after all…

So, if you’re 50, 65, or older (80! 95!), could you tell us about a time that felt similarly uncertain? …

I want to know what it felt like, and I want to know what you learned.

Check out the video…


been thinking about this a lot and wondering if there’s anyone older than me out there (50, 65, 75, 80!) who can help ❤ #learnontiktok

♬ Lofi – Domknowz

Many commenters responded that these are unprecedented times and despite their age, they’ve never seen anything like it.

Others exhibited the same lack of concern that has become all too familiar.

But some users patiently described the struggles previous generations faced, a good reminder that we have lived through history so far, and we’ll get through this too.

Some reflected on the earlier civil rights movement, the origin of similar movements today:

“1968. There was civil unrest all the time. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, riots in the streets of Washington, DC, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed, more violence. A few weeks later — the Democratic National Convention, nothing but riots and violence. And the Vietnam War still raging! ’68 was not a good year, but by ’69 we had man landing on the moon and Woodstock and things started to get better. We got through that. It was rough. We’ll get through this. It’s rough, but we will survive, we will thrive. Hang in there.”


And more than one person mentioned Apartheid:

“I grew up in Apartheid South Africa as a person who isn’t white. We had no idea if the oppression would ever end. Violence was rife. But we got there.”


And the lessons learned:

“I’m 58 and I grew up in Apartheid South Africa. I learned that things can go from fearful and hopeless, to positive and hopeful with good leadership.”


Memories of the JFK assassination echoed what we will probably tell future generations about the attack on the Capitol:

“A time in my life when I was really afraid was when President John F. Kennedy was shot. I will never forget that day. I was in geometry class when we got the announcement over the loudspeaker, and we were devastated. We didn’t think our country would ever heal or survive from that horrific event because we all loved President Kennedy.”


The Cold War was also a popular theme, which shows that some things never change.
The nature of the specific threat may differ, but the players are still dancing the same dance:

“When I was a kid, we lived in the DC area and my dad worked there. He was also in the Navy. I can remember those years during the Cold War when he would come home and there would be such an air of seriousness and uncertainty. Uncertainty causes a lot of stress and anxiety, and we knew things could change at any second. After the Cuban missile crisis, we had the arms race, and that was the only time I can remember this degree of uncertainty. Other than that, I don’t remember another time with this level of stress.”


Although no one mentioned the 1918 pandemic, many users recalled the AID crisis of the ’80s:

“The HIV/AIDS crisis. I was a child when it broke and it scarred me for life. The adverts were horrific. Nobody knew what caused it when it first happened. People thought you could contract it from sitting on a toilet seat or sharing a cup and predominantly from gay people because it was hitting that community the hardest. It was horrific…but we got through it because we followed the science.”


Another user reminded us that the threat of climate change isn’t a new concern:

“From ’77 to ’79, we had the worst drought in California and also had people shooting each other over gas. There were the hostages in Iran. In first grade, I learned the destructive power of nuclear weapons. In high school it was HIV, fear of being gay, and just not knowing what the world was going to look like. Then, in ’89, the wall came down. Every generation goes through its bad times and we get through it. Having gone through what I did as a young person gives me perspective about what we are going through now. It will get better.”


Nor is domestic terrorism, although it never stops feeling shocking:

“I’m 55 and I grew up for the first 34 years of my life living in N. Ireland during the ‘troubles.’ It was very scary at times and has left many scars.”

-@user45787591 Alan Johnston

And a few users passed on their grandparents’ experiences in WWII:

my grandma during ww2!!! she told us that they even escape in the middle of the night using a boat from one island to another. & changed their surname!! she’s 11 at the time and it was very scary for them. she’s 90 now!


This one really hit home:

I’m just 40, but I grew up with my grandpa, a WW2 vet (he passed in 2005). To him, every event in his life was either “prewar” or “postwar”.


Honestly, that feels like the most real answer of all.

We will get through it, because humans are resilient, but for many of us, our lives will forever be defined as “pre-Covid” and “post-Covid.”

What about you? Do you have any wisdom to impart about similarly stressful times in human history? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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You Might Have Grown Up in the 1990s if These Scenarios Make You Nostalgic

We’re around 40 now, but those who grew up in the ’90s still have a fair amount of nostalgia for the decade.

If these scenarios give you the warm fuzzies of nostalgia, then you were definitely a child of the 90s.

Like WWI before it, the era of the 90s was on the cusp of so much new technology, which would be adopted quickly and advance at lightning speed.

It’s fun to think back on some of the common place items that have all but disappeared.

1. Space travel meant the Shuttle

Sure the new rockets are sleek and fancy and touch-screen.

But there was something undeniably special about the spaceship that took off like a rocket and landed like a plane.

Image credit: NASA via Unsplash

2. Cameras with actual film in them

Sure photographers and artists still use film, but the rest of us have basically gone digital.

Now we can take a MILLION shots of the same exact thing, and never print out a single one!

With one of these bad boys, you just better hope you click fast to get a good shot of that Space Shuttle lifting off.

Image credit: Alberico Bartoccini via Unsplash

3. Books filled with phone numbers

What time is that movie showing? Look up the theater in the phone book and call.

Want a pizza? Unless you have a Pizza Hut flyer–check the phone book. (And OMG – remember free personal pan pizzas if you read enough books?)

If only there were a centralized search tool with all the phone numbers AND the other information so you didn’t even have to call…


4. Along came the internet

Remember the initial excitement of hearing the dial-up modem start to go? And then the boredom as you waited for it to connect…

As soon as it finally did, your mom needed you to get off the internet because she looked up a number in the phone book and needed to make a call…


With the widespread adoption of the internet, communication leapfrogged into the new millennium.

5. You could phone home from anywhere, for 25 cents

Remember pay phones? I think the last time I saw a working one was in New Zealand, but before that, it was definitely the movie theater in my home town when I was 16.

Sometimes they even came with their own phone books!

Image credit: Maarten van den Heuvel via Unsplash

6. When you called, people would answer

And then they invented answering machines and caller-ID and suddenly, we could screen our calls if we wanted to.

Sure in 90s we mostly still rolled the dice–unlike now. Who even answers their phone anymore?


7. Conference calling was a luxury

If you wanted to talk to 2 friends at once, you had to convince your parents to pay for 3-way calling. Of course they wouldn’t, because it was too expensive, so then you had to invite the friend with the rich parents.

Now you don’t even opt in–people stick your number in group texts and your phone explodes for hours.


8. Going to the mall was like planning a covert operation

You had to plan where to meet and what time and god forbid someone be late. And then if you split up, you better have a plan for when and where to be if you wanted a ride home!

Otherwise you’ll be looking for a pay phone and scrounging for quarters.

Image credit: Dieter de Vroomen via Unsplash

9. Thank goodness they invented cell phones

We had one in our car in the late 90s, just for emergencies. You couldn’t really use it, or you’d go over your minutes and get slammed with a massive overage fee!

Going out of town? Take it, I guess, but for heaven’s sake don’t use it or you’ll rack up roaming charges! Basically, it was for emergencies and the Snake game.


Media of the 90s was pretty great too. Remember learning how to program the VCR?

10. Tapes or CDs: the eternal question

The two co-existed side-by-side for awhile towards the end of the decade. Of course you WANTED CDs. But tapes were so much cheaper.

And also, did you have a discman? Or a CD player in the car?

We couldn’t quite give up those cassette tapes because no one could record to CDs yet, and anyway “mix CD” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

Image credit: Mayte Wisniewskit via Unsplash

11. Oops–recorded over again!

Speaking of mix tapes, how about taping your favorite episodes of Star Trek: the Next Generation? Just me?

But how many times did you accidentally record over something important? (I meant to keep that one!) Or record the wrong channel and instead, you got the 9:00 news?

Image credit: Daniel von Appen via Unsplash

12. Be kind: Rewind

And speaking of tapes, who didn’t love going to Blockbuster on a Friday night? The new releases might cost more, but if you rented 6, the seventh one was free.

Just don’t be late returning it and rack up all the late fees.


Toys and games were different in the 90s too.

13. Blowing the dust out of Nintendo cartridges

Videos weren’t all you could rent from Blockbuster, after all. You could rent video games, too!

And if you put it in, and it didn’t play quite right? No worries!

Just blow in the cartridge, blow in the machine, clear away the cobwebs and it worked as good as new.


14. You know what dysentery is because you died of it on the Oregon Trail

When asked what we wanted on our tombstone, a popular answer in my school computer class was “Pepperoni and cheese”.

Why did we use to specify cheese though? The world may never know…


15. The loss of a Tamagatchi pet hit you like it was real

They were real to us. They were ours, and we loved them. We didn’t want to let them down.


16. At camp, we made tie dye

It was a legitimate arts and crafts project.

Image credit: Sharon McCutcheon via Pexels

Every single one of these takes me back to my childhood. If these situations ring true for you, then you definitely grew up in the 90s.

Which ones hit hardest for you? What did we leave out? Let us know in the comments.

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A Girl Shared Her Boyfriend’s Mango Hack and It Went Viral

I’ve only tried to prepare mango a few times. Both times, I had to google what to do with the thing.

I guess it depends where you live, but it seems like everyone struggles just a little over what to do with a mango. That’s why a woman’s TikTok about her boyfriend’s unusual mango hack took social media by storm.

I was taught to cut a sort of grid into the mango and then peel the sin back and scrape the cubes off the skin.

But Katie Feeney’s boyfriend had a different sort of technique.

First, he sliced the mango around the middle, crosswise.

Image credit: Katie Feeney via TikTok

Next, he pried the two sides apart.

Image credit: Katie Feeney via TikTok

As Buzzfeed explained:

Then, he pops out what he calls the “lollipop” center…

Image credit: Katie Feeney via TikTok

After scooping out the inside of each half, he is left with a perfect, delicious mango, ready to eat or cook with.

Image credit: Katie Feeney via TikTok

This method totally blew my mind. Because if you’ve ever eaten a fresh mango, you know how completely frustrating the process of getting that massive seed out of the middle is.

And this guy did it like it was nothing!

A lot of viewers felt the same way.

Image credit via TikTok

They really appreciated the clever ingenuity and vowed to try it themselves.

Image credit via TikTok

Some even went so far as to describe it as life-altering.

Image credit via TikTok

Others, however, were less impressed.

Image credit via TikTok

It seems that this is a very common way of preparing a mango in Middle Eastern and Asian cultures.

Image credit via TikTok

In fact for some, it was the only way they knew how to eat a mango.

Image credit via TikTok

Isn’t it funny how something that seems completely revolutionary to one group of people can be just as mundane to the other?

Take a look at the video, and see what you think for yourself.


what do you guys think?🥭 #howto

♬ original sound – ☆ katie feeney ☆

Ordinary? Or extraordinary?

Let us know in the comments!

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Things That 1990’s Kids Remember Doing at One Point and Never Again

So, let’s have some real talk… this one hit me right in the feels because I am very much a 90s kid and I remember ALL of these.

Remember Blockbuster? Remember Nokia phones? Remember ALL THE GREAT THINGS!?!

Here are fifteen things you unwittingly did for the last time and never even thought twice about.

1. Used your T9.

I legit still miss those Nokias.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Watching the news to see that cancellation…

The only time I watched the news as a kid.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

3. Tune in TV…

Man… we actually had to be in front of the TV at a certain time!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Those balls… gotta clean ’em…

This was oddly satisfying.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Make sure you had batteries for that CD player…

You gotta make sure ya got your tunes!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Physical media was bae!

Pour one out for our physical media…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

7. Oh man… not crying… a lot…

I mean… this is going to happen to anybody… so I consider this emotional blackmail!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

8. How’s your SIM family doing…

You all doing okay?

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Blockbuster… RIP.

I am so gutted by this.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Oh snap! There were movie times in papers!

I remember the day these left and it was a bad day.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Remember digital cameras?

Do people even have these anymore?

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

12. AIM logging in with that modem sound…

Ahhhh…. the memories…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Cassettes had lyrics inside of them…

I REALLY miss this.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

14. Directions on paper?

My grandmother still does this, though, so…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Illegal song downloads.

Did you all really think this was gonna last? Borrowing? HAHAHAHAHA… you f**king people…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

How many of these did you do back in the day? Oh, all of them? Of course you did!

Share some bit of nostalgia in the comments. We love to read that stuff.

Thanks, fam!

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People Share Their Stories About Big Mistakes They Made

Listen up, y’all!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. And these 12 people made mistakes, but then realized it and the results were hilarious.

Best + Worst = Better Than Best

Sit back, relax, and let these hilarious mistakes roll!

1. YUM!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. OH NOIZE!!!!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. I approve this mistake!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Fan fic probs!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Uh ohhhhhh…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Roped in!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Hahaha… does Australia actually exist? Hmmmm?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Haha… wrong man, MAN!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Awwww! Wasabi frog!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Same same…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. You will always be “anal sneeze boy”

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Which one did you like the most?

Let us know in the comments!

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15+ Hilarious Parenting Tweets. Their Patience Is Impressive…

The following kids are testing their parents’ patience to the limits and then some.

Just be glad you aren’t them.


19. Right on target!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

18. This kid is gonna be rich!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

17. I’ll offer you zero dollars!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

16. Okay, listen here you dummy…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Oh damn. Dat me.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. He had to find out sometime!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Because they kept losing the brush… desperate measure were employed!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Actually, not mad at this kid at all. Wood penguins FTW!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Everything is a dog to a toddler.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Attack of the killer tomatoes!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Yeah dad, what if?!?!?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. You’ve got a future billionaire on your hands, sir!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. I am extremely impressed, actually.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Now they’re safe… forever!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. It just knew. Don’t question it.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Well, she did it!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Well, can you?!?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

1. Guess she’s not going to Disney World then!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

So yeah, don’t have kids. Or do.

But don’t come blaming me when they act like psychopaths!

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10+ OMFG Tweets That Will Bring You All the LOLs

Great jokes are just like a fine wine…they get better with age.

So I submit to you today a collection of 13 deliciously robust tweets that you will be able to revisit time and time again for the LOLs you need on even your toughest days.


13. Too much upkeep, send it back…

12. Just a little game we all play

11. It makes it all the more impressive, really

10. He’s even lying on a canvas

9. If you find out, let me know!

8. Laughing FOREVER!

7. Pipe down, liver!

6. Use your words!

5. If only it were that easy…

4. Respect.

3. This is seriously where we’ve ended up?

2. Can I pet him?

1. Boom.

You’re welcome.

The post 10+ OMFG Tweets That Will Bring You All the LOLs appeared first on UberFacts.

12 Times People Did Petty Things to Get Back at Someone

When people are petty, it’s entertaining for us all. Isn’t that right?

Buzzfeed asked their community to tell them about all those petty things they’ve done, and these folks delivered BIG time.

1. Trust officially broken…

“My ex cheated on me, then had the nerve to say that he didn’t trust me.

So I waited until he was at work then took his phone, dumped all his cologne onto his bed, kicked his air conditioner out of the window, and gave his dog away.

He didn’t have a reason not to trust me so I gave him one.”

2. Ass if…

“After years of treating me terribly, my so-called ‘best friend’ was riding my ass about a cheap dress I’d borrowed from her that I hadn’t returned yet, and I just snapped and ended our friendship.

But not before wiping my ass with the dress, putting it in a plastic bag, and giving it to her dad to return to her. To this day, I wonder if she ever caught pink eye from that.

I would never do anything like that again…but fuck that bitch, seriously.”

3. Petty sex

“A college friend was having a small party and invited a guy that she thought was really cute.

Well, that cute guy took a liking to me and kept hanging around me that night, even though I wasn’t really into him. But my friend was still upset that he was paying me so much attention, so she SPRAYED HER CIDER ALL OVER ME with a simple ‘oops.’

After the party ended, the cute guy asked me to crash on the couch with him, but my friend insisted that I sleep in her room instead or else she would totally cut ties with me. I turned her down nicely, and she slammed the door in my face.

So I had sex with the guy on her couch.

I regret nothing.”

4. Mother of the year

“My ex was in prison at the time, and he pissed me off right before Father’s Day. So I bought a card for my daughter to send him that said, ‘I may not be a perfect child, but look on the bright side…at least I’m not mailing this from prison.

Happy Father’s Day!”

5. Screams of displeasure

“My roommate and her boyfriend were having really loud sex against the wall between our bedrooms when they knew I was trying to take a nap.

So I put my speaker right next to the wall and blasted a series of shrill, screaming reaction videos from the internet.

It very effectively killed the mood.”

6. The log of lies

“When I was younger, I would keep a log of all the times my sister lied to my parents.

Then one day, she really pissed me off, so I gave the compilation of years of lies to my mom.

My sister got in so much trouble that my mom still brings it up.”

7. Fun with photoshop…

“I went on a beach trip with my friends and a girl that I don’t like was invited.

So before posting all our pics to social media, I edited the photos to correct blemishes and thin out everyone’s faces,

except hers…which I widened.”

8. Cancel the marriage. It’s done!

“My (now ex) husband would always wake me up to yell at me for leaving a cabinet door open, so one day I waited until he was asleep in his recliner then I went in the kitchen and OPENED EVERY CABINET, all of the drawers, the oven, the dishwasher, and the microwave.

Then, knowing he’d have to cross the kitchen to get to our bedroom, I crawled back in bed and waited.

As soon as I heard him swearing I felt so much glee. That’s when I realized our marriage was over.”

9. Like petty mother, like petty daughter

“My dad pissed me and my mom off one day, so we teamed up and ate his Jimmy John’s tuna sandwich and replaced it with a regular white bread sandwich filled with dry canned tuna.

And hey — my mom wanted to put wet dog food in there instead!

Clearly, the petty apple does not fall far from the petty tree.”

10. When pettiness pays off!

“There was a girl who bullied me in high school and made my life hell.

Well, when I found out that she didn’t get accepted to her dream school, I applied out of spite to see if I could get in.

Not only did I get in with a scholarship, I ended up attending and even made the Dean’s List.”

11. Paging the adult daycare center… we have a petty child for you!

“My mom remarried a few years after my dad died, and I really hate her husband.

So whenever I visit them, I take one of his belongings and I hide it.

Yep — I’m 37 years old and petty AF!”

12. When you don’t makeup

“After a fight with my sister, I secretly dumped her makeup setting spray and filled the bottle with water.

For months, I watched with evil satisfaction as she sprayed water on her face and wondered why it didn’t work.”

Ohhhh, these were so very petty.

Love it!

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Epic Text Thread About Cake Decorating, Lies & a Girl Named Trisha Goes Viral

Meet Josh, who is apparently a genius with cakes!

Photo Credit: reddit

Josh is texting with his “friend” Trisha.

And Trisha is not buying Josh’s bulls**t about cakes.

Photo Credit: reddit

Oh Josh, don’t try to convince Trisha that you did anything to that cake.

She clearly knows you’re lying.

Just own up to it.

Photo Credit: reddit

Oh. You doubled down?

And…. yep!

Trisha totally called you on it.

Photo Credit: reddit

Wait… you’re tripling down?

Has that ever been attempted in the history of lying about baking and/or decorating cakes?!

Photo Credit: reddit

You do realize that Trisha is completely immune to your attempts at making her feel bad, right?

She does not give ONE SINGLE F**K about your feelings.

What I’m saying is Trisha will destroy you if you keep giving her the chance.

Photo Credit: reddit

Wait WHAT?!?!

You’re quadrupling down?

Has that ever been attempted in the history of lying about baking and/or decorating birthday cakes for nieces?!?!?

Photo Credit: reddit

Oh Josh.

Josh, Josh, Josh…

You know what you have to do, right?

Photo Credit: reddit

No. NO!!!!

Trying to confuse Trisha isn’t what you’re supposed to do!

Trisha is CLEARLY much, much, much, much, much smarter than you.

Like, sooooooooo much smarter.

She is not to be f**ked with.

Photo Credit: reddit

Best to come clean.

Better late than never!

Photo Credit: reddit

I don’t know buddy… looks like you’ve still got a shot with Trisha!

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