In Case You Didn’t Know, Chuck E. Cheese Has a Pretty Dark Origin Story

Did you even know the character Chuck E. Cheese had an origin story? Also, did you ever learn what the “E”, as in his middle initial, stands for?

“Entertainment.” Charles Entertainment Cheese. Who knew? Mind = BLOWN.

Chuck E. Cheese’s has over 600 locations, so I’m willing to bet that you spent at least a little bit of time there as a kid at a pizza party for someone’s birthday. I’m sorry, but this article might make you feel a little bit differently about your time frolicking throughout the arcade and getting your photo taken with Chuck E.

Celebrate Family Day with some friendly All You Can Play competition! Who would win in your fam?

Posted by Chuck E. Cheese on Monday, September 24, 2018

Because his background is kinda depressing. Hang on for the mouse’s tale…

Chuck E. Cheese is an orphan, and he grew up in St. Mariana’s Orphanage. He loved to play games and sing the “Happy Birthday” song. The online book detailing his childhood reads, “Because Chuck E. was an orphan, no one knew when his birthday was, so he never had a birthday party of his own. This made Chuck E. sad.”

Chuck E. liked celebrating other kids’ birthdays since he didn’t know his own. At these parties, he developed a love for pizza and video games. After a while, Chuck E. won $50 in a Pong video game tournament, bought a bus ticket to New York and left the orphanage.

But New York City was hard. “Chuck E. would sleep above the kitchen in a pizzeria run by a friendly Italian chef named Pasqually. Chuck E. loved the smell of pizza plus he had plenty of music: Pasqually would listen to, and sing along to, the radio. It was a great place to live.”

Pasqually the chef eventually discovered Chuck E. was living there and he freaked out. Chuck E. didn’t know what else to do so he sang. Pasqually was shocked that a mouse could sing and he decided he was going to make Chuck E. a star.

Chuck E.’s first singing performance was a major bomb and people started walking out of the restaurant. He eventually sang “Happy Birthday” and that went over much better with the crowd. Chuck E. created a franchise for pizza, games, and, most importantly, birthdays, and it turned into the Chuck E. Cheese’s that we all know and love.

As you can imagine, people on Twitter were blown away.

Wow, that was an emotional rollercoaster. I’m spent.

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Toy and Game Company Hasbro Now Owns Death Row Records — Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Tupac and MR. Potato Head?

You just never know what companies are going to consolidate/merge/buy each other out, etc. Which can lead to business, usually pretty dry, sometimes making big headlines for weird, weird stuff.

Like this!

Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Tupac…Mr. Potato Head?

Hasbro, the toy and game company behind such favorites as Monopoly, Transformers, G.I. Joe, and My Little Pony, now owns Death Row Records, the notorious gangsta rap record label that was founded in 1991 by Dr. Dre, Suge Knight and The D.O.C.

How’s that for a mashup?

Death Row was absolutely HUGE in the 1990s – at its peak, it was raking in $150 million a year. Eventually, Death Row had a very public fall from grace, and Suge Knight is now serving a 28-year prison sentence.

So how exactly did this transaction come to be?

Here’s the deal: Hasbro purchased Entertainment One, which owned the Peppa Pig franchise, but it also had an enormous music division. Part of their music empire included the back catalog of Death Row Records, which declared bankruptcy back in 2006. Entertainment One acquired the back catalog in 2013.

But now it’s in Hasbro’s hands!

Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner said of the deal, “The acquisition of eOne adds beloved story-led global family brands that deliver strong operating returns to Hasbro’s portfolio and provides a pipeline of new brand creation driven by family-oriented storytelling.” That’s one way of looking at it.

People on Twitter couldn’t help themselves and just had to weigh in on the purchase. I mean, the possibilities are endless, don’t you think?

This story and the tweets that emanated from it bring me much happiness…

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A High School Student Used TikTok to Organize a Student Strike to Support Her Teachers

None of us are surprised that teachers in many school districts are not paid their worth.

I mean, how do you put a price on the people responsible for teaching the next generation? I guess some districts view it as a low priority.

This debate over teachers salaries and benefits hits home, as I have many family and friends in the education field. Many times, budgets are cut, and teachers end up pulling out their own wallets to pay for supplies and books for their classrooms. No questions asked. Because their students need a quality education, regardless of what budgets say.

And a lot of students don’t see that.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

That is until 16-year-old, Gillian Sullivan’s TikTok video hit social media.

TikTok was once as a lip-syncing app, but it has changed its features to include short, funny videos, much like the late Vine.

Sullivan took to the platform and voiced her concerns for the teachers of Clark County School District in Nevada. The teachers are planning to strike on September 10th in order to protest denied raises that had been promised by the school district. Sullivan’s video was used to gather students to strike along with them in a show of solidarity set for September 5th.

“Our district is refusing to give teachers — who spent the past three years earning enough credits out of their own pockets, spending extra hours outside of school to earn credits to get a raise. And our school district won’t give it to them. Like, literally, they won’t pay the teachers what the teachers earned,” Gillian says in the video.

Negotiations for salary increases have been going on for three years according to KSNV:

“…the union says teachers are owed for professional development. The union says 2,500 teachers are owed $5,400 under an agreement with CCSD three years ago.”

Sullivan told BuzzFeed News that this is personal. Her mother has been employed by the district for 20 years.

 “I can’t even imagine how frustrating it must be to work at a job and be promised a raise contractually and then not be guaranteed that.”

With that passion, she took to her TikTok account.

“That night, I posted on TikTok, my Instagram story, and my Snapchat story, and I posted the TikTok I made on Twitter as well,” she said. “I just figured I might as well use social media because I know all my friends are on it, and it’s a good way to get stuff out there.”

Photo Credit: CCSD

The result? A viral video receiving 35,000 likes. No surprise, as CCSD is the fifth-largest school district in the nation, educating 315,000 students.

The aftermath of this sensation has been positive for Sullivan.

“A lot of people in my classes have been talking about it. Today one of my teachers brought it up, like, ‘Hey, who’s not gonna be here the fifth?’ and like 10 kids raised their hand in that class alone. A lot of teachers have said they’re proud of me and really appreciate that I’m getting students involved.”

Here’s to hoping her voice continues to make an impact for teacher at CCSD and other districts.

“This raise issue isn’t just about money — it’s driving teachers’ passion out,” she said. “When teachers aren’t passionate, it really affects the students. When teachers don’t care about they’re teaching, students don’t care about what they’re learning. And we’re not that important currently, but we’re the future of the nation and the school district.”

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A Travel Influencer Admits to Photoshopping Her Pics After People Keep Noticing the Same Cloud Formation

This influencer culture is kind of weird, right?

A travel influencer with more than 300,000 Instagram followers has admitted to using Photoshop to add cloud formations to some of her photos after people noticed the clouds were the same in multiple photos.

Tupi Saravia said that she uses photo editing software after screenshots of some of her Instagram photos went viral.

Saravia said in an email, “I can’t believe how far this went I used an app called Quickshot to help the composition of the photograph when the sky is burned or overexposed.” She added, “I just happened to like that one.”

She continued, “They were always aware about this [photo editing] because I never hide it I always tell [them] the apps I use. Actually I’m the first one to tell the joke [that] the clouds are following me around the world.”

People weighed in online after the story came to light.

If you ask me (and I know you didn’t), the whole thing is just strange. I guess traveling for free and getting products at no cost would be nice for a while, but how long can that really last? There was a survey put out this summer that revealed that American kids would rather be YouTube stars than astronauts. If that’s not depressing, I don’t know what is.

I’m shaking my head over here…

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments – we’d like to hear from you!

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The World’s First Salmon ATM Is Now Open in Singapore

In a mall in Singapore, you can buy Norwegian salmon out of an ATM machine. The ATM opened in January 2019 in the Wisteria shopping mall and proved to be so popular that there are now dozens of ATMS supplying 200-gram fillets of salmon around Singapore.

The company behind the vending machines, Norwegian Salmon Pte Ltd, intends to make salmon affordable for everyone by cutting out a lot of costs: storefronts, distributors, staff, etc. The fillets sell for $4.25 (U.S.), which sounds like a pretty great deal to me. The salmon in the machines is kept at -4 degrees Fahrenheit, so it can remain fresh for up to two years.

Singapore was a natural choice for the company to establish the salmon vending machines because the fish is very popular there and the city-state is known for its vending culture. People in Singapore get many things from vending machines, including ice cream, pizza, salads, books – even luxury cars.

Norwegian Salmon Pte Ltd’s founder and CEO, Manish Kumar, who is from Norway, said about his company’s product:

“Part of the reason why I made sure to show that my product is Norwegian salmon and not just any salmon is because Norway has such high standards for sustainability, health, and safety when it comes to the farmed salmon that it exports. The motivation for the Norwegian Salmon ATM was to make Norwegian salmon time- and cost-effective for everyday people. We put the nutrition facts for our salmon on the front of every ATM because we are proud of how healthy it is.”

The machines do not accept cash, but they are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What do you think? Would you buy frozen salmon from a vending machine? I think I would!

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Four facts that set entrepreneurs apart from the average Joe

With about 400 million entrepreneurs in the world, it’s clear that starting or running a business is a popular career choice for many. However, not everyone is cut out for this line of work. When it comes to being an entrepreneur, there are a few distinctive traits that easily set them apart from the rest of the population – proving that some people are just born for the job. 1.A mindset built for success One of the main traits that all entrepreneurs possess is having the mindset built for the job itself. This includes having the drive, motivation, and determination, all of which

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An Instagram Influencer Defended Posting Photos of Her Motorcycle Accident and She Insists It’s All Real

I still can’t figure out how this “influencer” culture that surrounds us actually works. So people are famous and make a living because they have a lot of followers on Instagram…but I’m not really sure what they actually do.

But what do I know? Very strange times we live in…

But let’s move on to the story.

A lifestyle blogger named Tiffany Mitchell, who has more than 200,000 Instagram followers, was called out by some people on the social media network because of her decision to turn her motorcycle accident into an impromptu photoshoot that she posted online.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

A lot of Mitchell’s followers wished her well, but there were some who thought the whole accident (and photoshoot) was a staged scene.

Photo Credit: Instagram

One person commented, “This must have been super scary and I’m glad you’re okay, but… if my friend continued to take photos while I was lying semi-unconscious in the road, I’d be furious. I love your photos but it’s a little weird to include those.”

Here are some more responses from people who were cynical that the accident even took place:

Photo Credit: Instagram

Mitchell insists the accident was legit. She said, “I didn’t know she was taking them, but later on when she showed them to me I was so grateful that she captured such an intense moment for me.”

Mitchell further insisted, “All motives for taking the photos and sharing them along with the details of the experience were good. I’m really sad that raising this topic without all the context may inspire negativity and hatred, but I did my best and hope whatever happens can add to people’s lives in some way.”

Other commenters pointed out that the perfectly placed bottle of Smartwater was a little curious, but Mitchell insisted, “I would never turn a very important personal story like this into a brand campaign. The water was given to me while I was resting.”

In response to all the backlash, she posted this photo and explanation.

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I’ve been figuring out how to respond to everything that’s unfolded recently regarding the post I shared 3 weeks ago about my moto accident. I won’t get into that post here (see my Moto Accident story highlight for all the details), but I want to talk about the reactions I’ve been getting to the article @buzzfeednews posted sensationalizing what I went through that day, and making a mockery of the post I shared. As a result, I’ve been accused of staging the accident to get attention, using it as a product placement opportunity with a water company, and other things I can’t even wrap my head around. I’ve been sharing real life stories here since I started my account. I’ve opened up about miscarriage, divorce, anxiety, losing my partner in a moto accident 3 years ago, and navigating the grief that followed. I’ve chosen to use Instagram as a tool for healing and connecting with other humans who may be going through similar things so we can do it together. And it’s been beautiful. When I work with brands, they’re ones I personally enjoy, and I disclose every single sponsorship. Accusing someone of faking or exploiting an accident is extremely serious—because what if you’re wrong? It really happened to me, and I was scared. I really was injured and had to recover. I was in shock laying on the side of the road, having flashbacks to when I lost someone very important to me. Friends were by my side, strangers called an ambulance, waited while I was checked out and then gave me a ride home. When I found out my professional photographer friend who I’d been shooting with earlier took photos of everything, I was completely moved. I shared this on my feed with humans who have been on a journey with me for years because I knew they would understand what it meant to me and I understood what it would mean to them. I’m sad that something so true and personal has been treated this way, and disappointed in BuzzFeed for spinning it there. I would just ask that if you’re here because of this, consider that the post I made was something real that happened in my life that resonated deeply with me and those who have chosen to follow me. That’s what it was intended for. ??

A post shared by Tiffany / ? tifforelie (@tifforelie) on

Like I said, we live in strange times…

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An Instagram Influencer Defended Posting Photos of Her Motorcycle Accident and She Insists It’s All Real

I still can’t figure out how this “influencer” culture that surrounds us actually works. So people are famous and make a living because they have a lot of followers on Instagram…but I’m not really sure what they actually do.

But what do I know? Very strange times we live in…

But let’s move on to the story.

A lifestyle blogger named Tiffany Mitchell, who has more than 200,000 Instagram followers, was called out by some people on the social media network because of her decision to turn her motorcycle accident into an impromptu photoshoot that she posted online.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

A lot of Mitchell’s followers wished her well, but there were some who thought the whole accident (and photoshoot) was a staged scene.

Photo Credit: Instagram

One person commented, “This must have been super scary and I’m glad you’re okay, but… if my friend continued to take photos while I was lying semi-unconscious in the road, I’d be furious. I love your photos but it’s a little weird to include those.”

Here are some more responses from people who were cynical that the accident even took place:

Photo Credit: Instagram

Mitchell insists the accident was legit. She said, “I didn’t know she was taking them, but later on when she showed them to me I was so grateful that she captured such an intense moment for me.”

Mitchell further insisted, “All motives for taking the photos and sharing them along with the details of the experience were good. I’m really sad that raising this topic without all the context may inspire negativity and hatred, but I did my best and hope whatever happens can add to people’s lives in some way.”

Other commenters pointed out that the perfectly placed bottle of Smartwater was a little curious, but Mitchell insisted, “I would never turn a very important personal story like this into a brand campaign. The water was given to me while I was resting.”

In response to all the backlash, she posted this photo and explanation.

View this post on Instagram

I’ve been figuring out how to respond to everything that’s unfolded recently regarding the post I shared 3 weeks ago about my moto accident. I won’t get into that post here (see my Moto Accident story highlight for all the details), but I want to talk about the reactions I’ve been getting to the article @buzzfeednews posted sensationalizing what I went through that day, and making a mockery of the post I shared. As a result, I’ve been accused of staging the accident to get attention, using it as a product placement opportunity with a water company, and other things I can’t even wrap my head around. I’ve been sharing real life stories here since I started my account. I’ve opened up about miscarriage, divorce, anxiety, losing my partner in a moto accident 3 years ago, and navigating the grief that followed. I’ve chosen to use Instagram as a tool for healing and connecting with other humans who may be going through similar things so we can do it together. And it’s been beautiful. When I work with brands, they’re ones I personally enjoy, and I disclose every single sponsorship. Accusing someone of faking or exploiting an accident is extremely serious—because what if you’re wrong? It really happened to me, and I was scared. I really was injured and had to recover. I was in shock laying on the side of the road, having flashbacks to when I lost someone very important to me. Friends were by my side, strangers called an ambulance, waited while I was checked out and then gave me a ride home. When I found out my professional photographer friend who I’d been shooting with earlier took photos of everything, I was completely moved. I shared this on my feed with humans who have been on a journey with me for years because I knew they would understand what it meant to me and I understood what it would mean to them. I’m sad that something so true and personal has been treated this way, and disappointed in BuzzFeed for spinning it there. I would just ask that if you’re here because of this, consider that the post I made was something real that happened in my life that resonated deeply with me and those who have chosen to follow me. That’s what it was intended for. ??

A post shared by Tiffany / ? tifforelie (@tifforelie) on

Like I said, we live in strange times…

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The New Vegan “Beyond Fried Chicken” from KFC Is a Big Hit

“A Kentucky Fried Miracle”. Yes, you read that right. If you need any more proof about how popular veganism is these days, look no further than that old standby, KFC.


The fast food chain tested a new vegan chicken in Atlanta on August 27, and to the astonishment of literally everyone, they sold out in only five hours.

The new vegan chicken is made in collaboration with Beyond Meat, the fake-meat superpower that is gaining popularity by the day. The vegan product was offered as a nugget with dipping sauce and as a boneless wing covered in sauce.

Because the experiment went so well, it’ll be interesting to see what’s next for KFC in the vegan department. Will they forge ahead with permanent vegan items on the menu, or was this just a tease? You’d have to hope that the company will take note of what a big hit this was. I mean, the lines were out the door, apparently.

A nutritionist who attended the Atlanta extravaganza said, “These taste more like fried chicken than any of the other options that I’ve tried, so I really hope that they make these available nationwide and very soon.”

It’s been a big year for fast food vegan options. Burger King launched the Impossible Whopper, and other places like Carl’s Jr., my beloved White Castle, and Dunkin’ Donuts offered up vegan fare as well. Is the tide turning in the fast food world? We shall see…

One note: the KFC vegan products are 100% plant-based but they do share a fryer with meat products, so keep that in mind, okay?

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The New Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew from Starbucks Is Here to Help You Get Ready for Fall

You know how hyped everyone gets when the pumpkin spice drinks get fired up at Starbucks every fall. Well, it’s time to add a new pumpkin-flavored beverage to your rotation.

Starbucks has launched the new Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, so we can all rejoice in the fact that we have even more options now. It’s available now in stores in the United States and Canada, and it looks like a welcome addition to all you coffee lovers out there.

Now, I know the weather isn’t cold enough yet, but it will be soon – and it’s never really too early for anything pumpkin-related, am I right? The Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew is the first new pumpkin-flavored coffee drink that Starbucks has released in 16 years, so you know people are definitely jonesing for it.

The drink is mostly cold brew and vanilla, but it has a pumpkin cream cold foam topping that is made with real pumpkins. Yes – real pumpkins. There’s also a dusting of pumpkin spice on the top for good measure.

If for some reason this new drink doesn’t suit your fancy, you still have a variety of pumpkin-themed treats you can enjoy at your local Starbucks. Pumpkin scones, pumpkin cream cheese muffins and Pumpkin Spice Madeleines, to name a few.

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Decided to be a basic bitch and try the new Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew from @starbucks I never had a PSL before, nor did I ever feel the need to get one. But so many people were saying that they liked this more, and that it was so good. So I broke, and gave into the peer pressure lol. I regret it, I didn't like it at all. It smelled like a pumpkin pie, but just tasted like slightly sweetened coffee. I would not purchase this again. I will just stick to my caramel macchiato's. #starbucks #pumpkincream #coldbrew #pumpkincreamcoldbrew #new #newdrink #prefercaramelmacchiato #sticktowhatiknow #itsanofromme #notabasicbitch #food #drink #coffee #foodie #foodstagram #foodofinstagram #drinkstagram #drinksofinstagram #coffeeofinstagram

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Clearly, you’re going to have a whole smorgasbord of pumpkin-related items to choose from at Starbucks this autumn. And here’s a little fact to get you in the mood: since Starbucks debuted its Pumpkin Spice Latte in 2003, they’ve sold more than 424 million of those babies in the U.S. alone. I think we can now call this a national obsession, don’t you?

Bring on that fall weather!

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