Ford Is Making Headlights from McDonald’s Coffee Bean Waste

This is pretty cool!

Coffee beans and headlights don’t seem like a natural pairing, but McDonald’s and Ford are working to change that.

The two historic American companies have come together in a joint effort to drive sustainability initiatives in quite a unique way. This year, Ford began utilizing coffee chaff—the coffee bean skin that comes off during the roasting process—as a key component of its plastic headlamp housing. Naturally, the iconic car manufacturer turned to McDonald’s to steer them in the direction of the fast-food giant’s coffee bean suppliers.

As data showing the harmful effects of plastic pollution and carbon emissions makes its way into the public consciousness, there has been a trickle-down effect into the business world as well. Environmentally-conscious consumers continue to push for products that are comprised of sustainable materials.

Hence: coffee bean waste into plastic alternatives.

Debbie Miewelski, Ford’s senior technical leader of materials sustainability, explained that the coffee-containing version of the company’s headlamps is more sustainable than its traditional plastic and talc-based models due to its lighter weight. Additionally, talc is not a renewable component, whereas coffee chaff is widely available and has typically been discarded.

The coffee chaff innovation is just the latest in a long line of sustainability projects by Ford. Ford vehicles have featured soy-based foam in their cushions since 2011, and waste from wheat, coconut, tomato and other plants has been utilized in other Ford car components.

“If you came to our lab, it looks somewhere between a landfill and a farm,” Miewelski said.

When Ford decided coffee was its next fix, its team reached out to McDonald’s due to its scale and similar sustainability goals.

The gigantic fast-food restaurant chain achieved its goal of sourcing all of its U.S. coffee sustainability a year ahead of schedule in 2019. Their partnership with Ford will hopefully lead to more opportunities for crafting environmentally-friendly, sustainable products.

As Ian Olson, senior director of global sustainability at McDonald’s, said, “This is just scratching the surface of trying to understand what’s possible.”

Cheers to that!

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Take a Look at These Craigslist Screenshots of Really Annoying People

These screenshots might make you question humanity…because, unless these people are just messing around and trying to be funny, humanity is in trouble.


Let’s take a look at the evidence…

1. Go get it fixed.

Trying to sell my old beater on Craigslist from ChoosingBeggars

2. Free isn’t good enough.

I was giving away a free dishwasher on Craigslist and caught one in the wild! from ChoosingBeggars

3. A hard bargain.

Always love dealing with people on Craigslist. from ChoosingBeggars

4. He lives on F*ck Off Lane.

I hate craigslist. This guy has been bothering me all day, never posting my number again from ChoosingBeggars

5. Bringin’ out the crazies. 

Posted FREE china cabinet on Craigslist and it brought out the crazies. This was the entirety of this conversation, the post only had a city name and they were “on the way” already from ChoosingBeggars

6. Seems like a great guy.

A Pre-owned PS4 goes for $240 on gamestop, I put mine up on craigslist for $180 which was apparently still too high for this guy from ChoosingBeggars

7. No thanks!

An actual ad I saw on Craigslist this morning from ChoosingBeggars

8. Full price and then some.

This person was selling frames on craigslist and I offered full price. He then goes and sends me this. from ChoosingBeggars

9. This is great.

The second interaction I’ve had with a choosing beggar on Craigslist. This time for a lawn-mower I was selling from ChoosingBeggars

10. People are unbelievable.

You dont deliver on free craigslist?? from ChoosingBeggars

11. That’s a little extreme.

My girlfriends mom was giving away furniture on Craigslist. from ChoosingBeggars

12. Bizarre.

Craig’s list always has the choosiest of the beggars. from ChoosingBeggars

13. It’s clearly your fault.

Game design student needed my Craigslist video card because his broke "2 months ago" and had a breakdown when I didn’t want to trade for a Wii from ChoosingBeggars

14. You owe him!

This guy got extremely angry when I didn’t immedietly respond to his question from ChoosingBeggars

15. Just get a private jet.

Posted my rabbit on craigslist, along with her cage, supplies, food bins, etc., and apparently it wasn’t a good enough deal. Honestly, I should be paying her $100. from ChoosingBeggars

Ugh, sorry you had to see that.

We apologize…

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A Company Will Pay You $3,000 a Month to Smoke and Review Marijuana. Really.

Are you on the lookout for a new gig? Does the new job you’re looking for ideally involve smoking a lot of weed and getting paid a decent amount of cash to do it?

Well, you’re in luck, my friend!

American Marijuana is an online company packed with information about medical marijuana, and they’re looking for product reviewers to test out marijuana products for their “cannabis product reviewer” position. I know many people who I think might be interested in this as a career move.

Here’s what the job entails. First of all, you have to live in a state where medical marijuana is legal. You’ll receive a monthly package on your doorstep filled with cannabis products that you’ll have to honestly review in blog posts and in short videos that you’ll film…so you do have to be kind of technically savvy and not high as a kite when you do the actual reviews.


To get the job, you also have to be physically fit and healthy. Most importantly, you have to know your shit. You need to have a lot of knowledge about marijuana and different strains. If you get the job, you’ll be paid up to $3,000 a month, and you’ll receive a whole lot of weed products. We’re talking weed, edibles, CBD, vapes, oils, etc.

Posted by on Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The company says, “This may not be for everybody but I bet you’re interested in this type of work. I mean, come on, who doesn’t want to get paid by doing what you love?”

What do you think? Are you gonna give it a shot?!?!

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15 Funny Tweets That Sum up the Aldi Shopping Experience

Remember “Aldi: The Stock-up Store“? I totally remember those commercials from my childhood, but I don’t think I ever actually stepped foot into an Aldi until 2005 in Chicago. I was working for a catering company, and I got sent there constantly to pick stuff up. I grew to kind of dislike Aldi, to be honest with you…

But let’s not complain, let’s get to the funny stuff about Aldi, okay!

Here are tweets that sum up the Aldi shopping experience…if you’ve been there, then you know…

1. Knock-off brands.

2. Let’s all take it easy.

3. Just keep it going.

4. Rest in peace.

5. It’s a skill.

6. That means wealth in my book.

7. They don’t mess around.

8. It is kind of like a garage.

9. Load it on up.

10. A good mix.

11. Very, very true.

12. That’s all you need.

13. Don’t go that far…

14. Some more knock-off brands.

15. That is blasphemous!

Are you an Aldi lover?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

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Here Are Some Funny Jokes About the Cheesecake Factory Just for You

If you’ve made the journey to The Cheesecake Factory before, you know they have a massive menu and the options are ENDLESS.

It’s truly an American icon, isn’t it? Tons of food, enormous portions, no sense of self-control. It’s great!

If you know, you know. Right?

1. You’ve been missing out.

2. You’re dead to me.

3. I’m in love with you.

4. It takes a while.

5. You’re right!

6. Seems like life and death.

7. Gonna be a while…

8. Are you having an affair?

9. Let’s get hitched!

10. Here come the waterworks.

11. Gotta power through it.

12. I need another two hours.

13. A new game in town.

14. Better than a new car.

15. You better believe it!

When’s the last time you ate at the almighty Cheesecake Factory?

Tell us about it! We want to get fired up before our next trip there!

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Kenya Installed First Solar Power Plant That Transforms Ocean Water into Drinking Water

A lot of us, as Americans, take clean water for granted. It’s just something that’s part of our everyday routine, whether we need to grab a drink from the faucet, to wash the dishes, or to take a shower – water is always (mostly) there for us.

But that’s not the case in certain parts of the world.

Roughly 2.2 billion people around the globe don’t have access to clean drinking water, but an organization called GivePower is looking to change that. The nonprofit recently installed a solar-powered plant in Kenya that turns salty ocean water into fresh drinking water, benefiting 25,000 people per day.

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After being constructed in 1 week, the 6kW solar microgrid began serving power to 40 homes and businesses ? #GivePowerInNepal⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #GivePower⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #JoinTheCharge ⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ #actnow #takeaction #active #building #buildingthefuture #buildingabetterfuture #workforchange #agentsofchange #bethechange #bigsteps #solarpanel #solarmicrogrids #solarenergy #solaristheanswer #solaristhefuture #future #futuregenerations ⠀

A post shared by GivePower (@givepowerfoundation) on

The plant was built in the small town Kiunga, Kenya because of the lack of clean drinking water in sub-Saharan Africa. Turning saltwater into drinking water is both expensive and energy-intensive, which is why GivePower decided to build the plant using solar panels that harvest energy. The two water pumps at the solar-powered plant provide clean drinking water to residents 24 hours a day.

Before the plant was built, people in Kiunga had to travel more than an hour to get clean drinking water. And bathing and washing clothing in saltwater is harsh on skin and fabrics, so access to clean water helps the people in that way, too.

Because of the success of the plant in Kenya, GivePower wants to use this technology to help out people around the world. The organization is already planning projects in Colombia and Haiti. If you want to help out this great cause and donate, you can do that HERE.

Great work!

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Economists Say That Forgiving Student Debt Could Give the Economy a Major Boost

I don’t know if anyone in power will take these recommendations seriously, but a headline like this is probably music to the ears of the millions of people out there are struggling to pay off their student loans.

Although different politicians have different ideas and plans about how much student loan debt they would forgive (or not), economists say that forgiving student debt could boost the economy in huge ways while also fighting income inequality.

Economists argue that the debt forgiveness could boost the economy because so many Americans are limiting their life decisions based on their student loans.

A prime example is Laura Greenwood, 30, of Montpelier, Vermont. Greenwood works for the state education agency in Vermont, making $63,000 a year. She said, “I make probably a better salary than a lot of my peers.” But, she added about a major life decision, “Children, it’s not about if you want them. It’s about can you afford them?”

Greenwood said she owes $96,000 in student loans for college and graduate school. She admits that this is a major hindrance to the decision to have kids with her partner. She said, “We’re interested in having kids, but just cost of living and all our other bills and then the student loans, it’s just like the final straw.”

Greenwood added that her debt makes the possibility of having children seem impossible.


Economists argue that if people like Greenwood and others saddled with debt had that anchor removed, more of them would buy houses, have kids, and start businesses.

Lawrence Yun, the National Association of Realtors chief economist, said, “In the short term, it would be very positive for the housing market. Home sales could be, say, 300,000 higher annually if people were not saddled with large student debt.” According to Yun, this would be “a boost to the housing sector as well as the economy.”

William Foster, a vice president with Moody’s, said about total loan forgiveness, “There’ve been some estimates that U.S. real GDP could be boosted on average by $86 billion to $108 billion per year.” He also said, “Student loans are now contributing to what’s perceived as lower economic prospects for younger Americans.”


On the flip side of those seemingly encouraging statements is the fact that loan debt forgiveness would be expensive. Foster said the total for student loan debt is about $1.5 trillion – which is why it’s such a drain on the economy. He claims the federal government would have to give up $85 billion in annual revenue that it collects from these loans, which would result in a wider fiscal deficit (not that it seems to matter these days).

What do you think about this controversial and divisive topic? Should student debt loan be forgiven? Or partially forgiven? Or do you think that these former students need to pay in full?

Let us know what you think in the comments.

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A CEO Gives His Employees $2,000 to Go on Vacation and Says They’re More Productive Than Ever

This is pretty great.

Mark Douglas is the CEO of a marketing and advertising company called SteelHouse who has very specific rules when it comes to vacation time for his employees. No, he’s not cutting down on time off – he requires that his workers take vacation time, and he gives each employee a $2,000 bonus each year that they have to spend on their vacations.

How amazing is that?

Beautiful Beach

Douglas said, “It’s one thing to say ‘You have three weeks’ vacation,’ as most companies do. It’s another thing to say ‘You have cash, and if you don’t go on vacation and spend this money, the money literally goes to waste.’ It’s another level of saying this is real.”

Douglas also said that the bonus pays off. He says his workers are more productive than ever and that they “have virtually zero turnovers.” Douglas said that between 2013 and 2016, only 3 employees left out of a workforce of 250 people.

Speicher Durlaßboden - Austria

Douglas said there are five main reasons why he enacted the vacation policy:

1. It gives employees a chance to recharge.

2. It encourages team-building among staff members.

3. A give-and-take mindset gets the best out of people.

4. A good life-work balance attracts great employees.

5. Customers view the company’s dedication to its employees in a positive light.

Douglas added, “I think it’s important that everyone be able to essentially really, truly leave work.”

In addition to that nice perk, the entire SteelHouse company takes a 3-day weekend once a month.

Not too shabby, huh?

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A Company Is Offering Nonsmokers Six Extra Vacation Days to Make up for Cigarette Breaks

If you work with smokers, they take breaks constantly. I’m sure you’ve noticed this. I’ve worked with some people who took at least one cigarette break per hour and sometimes even more.

That time really adds up.

A company in Japan has taken notice and decided to give non-smokers an extra six days of vacation per year to make up for the time that smokers take on breaks. Piala Inc. is a marketing firm in Tokyo, and they decided to take this step after non-smokers at the company complained about working more than people at the business who take time each day to smoke.

A spokesperson for the company said, “One of our non-smoking staff put a message in the company suggestion box earlier in the year saying that smoking breaks were causing problems. Our CEO saw the comment and agreed, so we are giving non-smokers some extra time off to compensate.”

The company is based on the 29th floor of a building so you can imagine how much time was spent by smokers venturing all the way downstairs, taking a leisurely cigarette break, and then coming back up 29 flights. Like I said, it adds up.

Group of smokers, Tokyo 2016

Takao Asuka, the CEO of the company, said, “I hope to encourage employees to quit smoking through incentives rather than penalties or coercion.”

What do you think about this? Fair? Unfair? Unnecessary?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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Instant Pot Released a ‘Star Wars’ Collection so the Force Can Be Strong with Your Next Batch of Chili

Star Wars fans! Food fans! Eating fans! It’s time to unite! Instant Pot has released a new line of multi-cookers that are Star Wars-themed just in time for the holidays.

The cookers are for sale exclusively at Williams Sonoma and feature a variety of designs. The 6-quart cookers go for $100 and you can choose from R2-D2, a Stormtrooper, and Darth Vader designs. The 3-quart BB-8 sells for $80. And then there’s the 8-quart Chewbacca Instant Pot that you can pick up for $120. These are special edition products, so you can assume that they aren’t going to last very long.

We have joined forces with Instant Pot to bring you a special edition Star Wars x Instant Pot collection. Transform…

Posted by Williams Sonoma on Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I’m not even a true Star Wars fan, and I think these are pretty awesome.

And besides looking cool, Instant Pots are AMAZING. In case you’re a stranger to these babies, you can choose from seven different functions on an Instant Pot: pressure cooking, slow cooking, rice cooking, steaming, sautéing, yogurt making, and a warming option.

If you’re really looking to nerd out, there’s also a new line of Star Wars cookware designed by Le Creuset, also available at Williams Sonoma. This line of cookware features a ton of cool pieces, including a Han Solo Carbonite Signature Roaster, Millennium Falcon and Death Star Trivets, and a Darth Vader Round Dutch Oven. WOW.

Don’t sleep on this! It sounds like these will be gone before you know it!

Also, remember that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker opens in theaters on December 20!

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