Great Facts That Will Arouse Your Curiosity

It’s important to be curious about our planet and to always want to learn more about this special place that we inhabit.

That’s why I like to call myself a “lifelong learner.”

And I think it’s something that we should all strive for! Don’t you?

Let’s keep the train a-rollin’ with another great set of facts that will make you think and will definitely arouse your curiosity.


1. Let’s bring it over here!

I love a good nap!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. A sign of wealth.

We need to make this happen again.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Does this describe you?

Let’s be friends, okay?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. They don’t work.

And they never will.

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5. Can’t do both.

She was a wild child.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Public Enemy Number One.

He was a true gangster.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. Across the universe.

That’s pretty wild.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. This is amazing.

“The ones who help humans.”

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. I sure hope so…

This is good news!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. That makes me sad.

I hope they don’t have too many problems…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Those facts are great, don’t you think?

Now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, please share an interesting fact or a fascinating article or story that you’ve seen lately.

Thanks in advance!

The post Great Facts That Will Arouse Your Curiosity appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What They Think Is GOOD About the United States

I’ve been lucky to travel a lot in my life and I’ve been overseas a few times.

I totally understand why there is anti-American sentiment around the world (and here at home) because of some of our policies and our terrible leaders, but I really do believe that we live in a great country and there are many positives about the U.S.

We just have a lot of work to do and we’re gonna get there together!

Here’s what people on AskReddit had to say regarding what’s good about the United States.

1. From an international student.

“I’m an International student in the USA from a 3rd world country. It’s basically a different universe. Everything is so cheap when you earn in dollars.

Large convenience stores like Target or Walmart are (as the name suggests) incredibly convenient. Electricity is dirt cheap. Amazon packages can arrive in 2 days. High school system (from what I gathered talking to friends) facilitates students pursuing specific interests, while higher education also gives enough flexibility to do a complete 180.

Public transport (where it exists) is great. People are incredibly diverse. Idk, the USA has a lot going for it.”

2. It’s HUGE.

“The size of the US is what makes it so diverse . I’ve lived in the Deep South (AL, MS) and the total opposite northwest areas (Colorado ,Washington state)

If anyone has visited multiple regions it’s so easy to realize how night & day the cultures and customs can be. Yet we are all Americans.

And people wonder why all of America can’t agree on anything (politics, etc.) It’s all perspective…”

3. Welcome!

“As someone who has visited both the northwest and southeast, you Americans sure know your hospitality and how to make tourists feel welcome.

Your rollercoasters and theme parks are great, your love for bubble gum and cinnamon flavored treats is endearing, and your forests, mountains and national conservation areas are magnificent!

Oh, and despite them being unfashionable gas gulpers, I have a weak spot for classic American muscle cars.”

4. Well, that’s good.

“Years ago I stayed a few nights in a relative’s house on Long Island New York.

In their back yard they had a long low fridge. Inside this fridge were loads of cans of beer.

There was no lock on this fridge. Nobody hopped the fence and stole it.

They also had a scarecrow and various other Halloween things out the front of the house.

Nobody stole or destroyed this stuff!

Having lived all over Dublin I was shocked.”

5. So much shit…

“The US has so much shit. Great National parks, good music in all tastes, video games, technology, food.

Many cities that could be the capital in most countries. All those skyscrapers, all sorts of neighbourhood’s.

The US can literally define a generation. People in other countries use US definitions. E.g. Baby boomers, Gen X, Gen Z. Count yourselves lucky because other regions have next to nothing (economically).”

6. Very true…

“There are not many countries out there where you can openly mock the president and criticize their every move and not have the slightest fear of reprisal.”

7. Neighbors to the north.

“My experience as a Canadian is that Americans are generally chill, friendly people and are very approachable. I have long felt more comfortable talking to strangers there than in my own country.

Canadians can be very passive aggressive and reserved, while Americans as a generalization like to chat with strangers. I’ve seen that no matter what state I’ve visited. Customer service is also a million times better in the US than in Canada, whether it be at a restaurant or even Walmart.

I get tired of fellow Canadians dumping on the US just because they don’t like the current president. The country is the sum of all its people and not who’s in the White House at this moment.

I’m looking forward to visiting your country again once Coronavirus slows down. I had hoped to do some US travel this year; at least I got one trip in before the pandemic got bad and our land border closed.

Also, you guys produced Seinfeld.”

8. Interesting.

“The fact that as a woman of color, while I do experience racism, the bulk of people stand up when they see something wrong or unjust.

I may not be this lucky in a lot of other places.”

9. Be optimistic!

“I love my European bothers and sisters dearly, but you are a cynical bunch.

American optimism may not be based completely in reality but I believe to my core it has contributed to success in life.”

10. Our principles.

“I love that that one of our founding principles (life liberty and pursuit of happiness) are still our goals as a people. We still haven’t figured out how to do it right, but damn if everyone doesn’t fight for those rights every chance they get.

Our nationality is a concept, not a race. I guess that’s true of other countries in a way, but it feels so much more here. You could have a someone, say, with Sioux heritage, someone with Chinese heritage, someone with Dominican heritage, and someone with British heritage standing next to each other and they’re all American. And they all want to be treated with respect and dignity and believe that this country should stand for that.

We have a really awful history of not following up on our founding principles, but I think every population within the US fights for those principles and agrees on them as a concept. We differ on the exact interpretation, sure, but generally – we agree that America is a place where people should be free, respected, and able to build the life they want for themselves. I’m not saying it always happens, but I am saying that’s what holds us together.

While we don’t have our shit figured out with how we treat one another, we’re all in this country and we all are demanding to be treated justly and fairly like scrappy little revolutionaries.

11. The ultimate melting pot.

“It’s such an INCREDIBLY diverse place.

So many people from all walks of life, but I also love the thought of places like Chinatown, where you can get a real taste of a different culture and you don’t even need to get on a plane.”

12. An ongoing experiment.

“Nature, national parks and their protections

All kinds of music, including jazz, pop, … all one big continuous experiment. It’s nice.”

13. Fairly stable.

“Strong input in the arts. Americans, or their corporations, make high or old culture accessible for the masses.

Disney has adapted many old stories, legends and fairy tales to modern times. The US comic book culture has created new heroes that are loved almost universally (Spider-Man, Superman, Batman).

You have a fairly stable constitution of the country. In the almost 250 years you exist you have seen one Civil War. Compare this to the rest of the world in the same time frame and your Civil War looks like a bar fight.”

14. Abundance.

“We have an absolutely incredible amount of living space that just sits there unused, and we’ve had one of the luckiest startup locations in human history.

Abundance is very American. We can afford it.”

15. It’s true.

“At the end of the day. It is still one of the best places to have an opportunity for success. People like to shit in the US, meanwhile people waiting for their visas and looking for ways to migrate.

And the food. LA, NY, SF. Whatever kind of food you’re craving for, there’s a good restaurant out there.”

Okay, let’s hear from all of you.

Tell us what you think is good and positive about the U.S.

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Share What They Think Is GOOD About the United States appeared first on UberFacts.

Horrible Bosses Who Got the Shaming They Deserve

Almost all of us have or have had bosses in our time, and for me, at least, they’ve run the gamut. A few have been despicably horrible, a few have been outstanding, and most have labored somewhere in between. I’ve been tempted to call them out before, but the truth is, most people are doing their best.

That, though, cannot be said of these 13 peaches, who totally deserve to be called out and publicly shamed.

13. Dream on, jackash.

We’re outta here sorry not sorry about your party.

Quit my job yesterday because I was tired of the unprofessional environment – got this text from my supervisor today. from mildlyinfuriating

12. That is a truly bizarre thing to say.

And how do you know whether or not you’re “ready?”

My boss has a chest of random items that she likes. She told me on my first day to “look in the chest when you’re ready.” from WTF

11. I would have thought I was being pranked.

And when I found out I wasn’t, I would not know how to handle this.

Came to work to find that my boss threw away everyone’s desks and replaced them with dressers, a sheet of glass, and saddle chairs. from mildlyinfuriating

10. I hope they called the cops AND a lawyer.

Artists at my local tattoo shop left this for their boss after finding a motion detector that records video in the unisex BR

9. That is legit the smallest monitor I have ever seen.

It might be smaller than my laptop monitor.

Leave work for one day and my boss replaced my large monitor that I use to make prototype models and engravings on products with this tiny one. from mildlyinfuriating

8. Yes, when is a good time.

But why is also an acceptable answer.

My boss’s texting style from mildlyinfuriating

7. I don’t…why would this make you think of someone?

I think it’s time to run away.

My boss gave this to me and told me he was thinking of me…(I’m pretty sure its human skin) from WTF

6. Why are dolls so horribly creepy?

I would have straight-up had a heart attack.

My boss left this in the bathroom for me from WTF

5. That was a question, you know?

Guess he either didn’t know or didn’t read it. Or both.

I present my boss lady’s and gentlemen. from mildlyinfuriating

4. That seems like a totally appropriate way to get revenge.

And no, I don’t care about the customers.

My coworker went all Wet Seal on our boss today. from pics

3. If I was the “public” I wouldn’t be leaving a tip for someone who didn’t help me.

What a complete ashhole, no?

When your good service rewards only your boss from mildlyinfuriating

2. This is actually fairly amazing, right?

Don’t act like you’re not mentally giving this guy a high-five.

So my boss likes to make soap… from WTF

1. She’s probably kidding, right?

But I would order more pens just to be sure.

The way my boss asked me to order her more pens like this one. I’m sure she’s just bluffing……. from funny

I’m aghast at how purposefully horrible so many people are at their jobs.

Do you have a boss that could have made this list? Tell us why in the comments!

The post Horrible Bosses Who Got the Shaming They Deserve appeared first on UberFacts.

Bosses Who Got and Deserved a Public Shaming

There are many good bosses out there, and they deserve to be celebrated – managing people is a hard job, and working for someone who does it well is a blessing that many people will never know.

Sadly, there are plenty of really crappy bosses out there. People who revel in lording their power over others, who pass the buck, blame the next person down on the totem pole, and always take credit for the successes of their underlings.

Those are the sort of bosses we’re talking about here – and these 16 really take the sh*t cake.

16. I think they’re operating on different definitions of “new.”

But I mean…that’s no one’s definition of new.

"Boss, we need new tools", "You just got new tools" from pics

15. This tool is going to get someone killed.

I hope he was reported and there was no reprisal.

my boss thought it would be a good idea to play drag racing. on his iPad. while driving a truck. on the highway. from WTF

14. What in the actual heck is going on here.

How is this an adult person in charge of ANYTHING?

Quarantine or not this is whathow my boss eats… from pics

13. That thermometer can’t even read it!

I still think this is better than it being too cold, though.

The temperature my boss keeps the office at. from mildlyinfuriating

12. I would really like to know the dumbash reason behind this, because you know he has one.

Just why would you be so wasteful on purpose?

Our boss doesn’t let us take any home! from mildlyinfuriating

11. I’m confused as to why people can’t open their own packets?

Or, if it’s for seasoning the meat ahead of time, why anyone would think this is cheaper than just a container of black pepper?

My boss ordered a box of 6000 pepper packets instead of a shaker, so now I get to spend my Saturday cutting open packets for our burger seasoning. from pics

10. Maybe they’re colorblind?

That’s the only reasonable explanation.

This is how my boss decided to organize our color chips from mildlyinfuriating

9. If he’s older than 15 this is really not acceptable.

What on earth has happened to self control.

Boss lost his cool at work and kicked a hole in the door. We covered it up. from pics

8. Oh it’s definitely time to get a new job.

And if he tried to dock anyone’s pay, get a lawyer.

One of a seemingly endless series of unreasonable notes left by my boss. It’s great here. from mildlyinfuriating

7. This company might be run by George Costanza.

If it’s not, he definitely works there. #TheHumanFund #MoneyForPeople

My Christmas gift from my boss. Fortune 500 company. No Christmas bonus, post it notes, 2 pieces of chocolate, pen, jeans one day. from mildlyinfuriating

6. I know some of you can’t even look at this picture.

It doesn’t bother me, but I still want to know why.

The way my boss cut this cake. Not gonna lie the pieces were even af though. from mildlyinfuriating

5. How To Let People Know Your A Douche Without Them Seeing Your Face, 101.

Seriously, why does anyone thinks this makes them cool?

If you park like this…you are my boss, so I can’t say anything. from pics

4. He’s going to pay for that when OSHA makes a surprise visit.

Or when it falls over and hurts someone, whichever comes first.

This structural pole my boss refuses to fix from WTF

3. That is such a sh*tty break room to begin with.

I’m guessing he’s really just against the breaks, not the room.

Boss didn’t like the color of the chairs in the break room. So now we just don’t have chairs. from mildlyinfuriating


I mean I know it was a pecan pie, but still!

So I bring a pecan pie to work. By noon it was missing. Found it a few hours later in my boss’s office. from funny

1. It looks like my television at home!

But I mean, I have two kids under 3.

My boss is physically incapable of pointing without touching from mildlyinfuriating


I’ve had bosses that have fallen all over the spectrum, but these are NUTS!

Do you have a boss that was insane? Let us know in the comments!

The post Bosses Who Got and Deserved a Public Shaming appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit Propaganda They Used to Buy Into, but Later Realized Was BS

These days, a lot of people live in complete echo chambers and they never hear any dissenting opinions or information AT ALL.

And sometimes those echo chambers are filled with misinformation, lies, fake news, and absolute BULLSHIT.

But that’s how propaganda works.

And that’s just the world we live in right now.

Let’s hear from some AskReddit users who talk about how they used to buy into certain propaganda only to later learn that it was total BS.

1. YOU’RE the idiot.

“When I was a teenager I thought that everyone over 30 is old and doesn’t understand me.

I was a fucking idiot.

It’s something in the brain chemistry but to the teenager, life experience is irrelevant because that life took place before I was born and therefore is now out of date and not in the slightest but applicable to me.”

2. Pretty rare, actually.

“That most people achieve success in their lives during their 20’s. This is bullshit in the grander scheme of things. Lots of super talented people end up becoming successful in their late 30’s, 40’s, and even 50’s.

The same goes for the concept of “If you want to get good at something, you have to start super young..” Which does SOMETIMES work. But a lot of people can actually get good at a skill in older ages.

You can learn the Piano in your 30’s, and get really good at it. But you’re not going to be doing concerts or anything. But it doesn’t mean that you’re not good/great/exceptional at it.”

3. Not true!

“That carrots give you exceptional night vision.

I later found out that that particular belief became widely accepted due to a British propaganda campaign from world war II designed to hide the invention of radar from the Germans. They claimed that the reason their air force pilots were so effective at night was due to them being fed carrots to increase their night vision. It was so effective that people still tout that particular benefit of carrots years after the war ended.

Edit, a couple corrections: While carrots are rich in vitamin a which helps prevent your eyesight from deteriorating, they still do not give superhuman vision like the propaganda claimed. The myth isn’t that they are good for your eyesight. It is an exaggeration of how effective they actually are.

Also I was incorrect when I said that the British were trying to cover up the invention of radar. They were in actuality trying to cover up an an advancement in radar technology that they didn’t want the Germans finding out about.”

4. Cult life.

“I was born into the cult of jehovahs witnesses. I left at 25 when I found out the leaders were covering up child abuse and then instead of changing their rules to protect victims they enforced their archaic rules and then told elders to burn and delete any evidence relating to past cases.

Sick bastards, but Ofc I get shunned and disowned and called a worker of Satan, an agent of the devil, a spiritual warrior committing acts of warfare against god sent to dissuade gods chosen people from the one true god….(who’s chosen peoples leaders cover up child abuse. ) when all I did was try to show my friends and family the multitude of court cases against them

Least I got a badass title.”

5. Accept it.

“Trivial but I bought into the lie that the more you cut hair, the more it grows. I’ve been shaving my beard for years hoping to get a nice thick bush to no avail.

I just have to accept that nature played me and deal with my patchy face hair.”

6. Imagine that! Reading!

“Anti-vax. At one point I was completely sold on the whole “how can you inject infants with dangerous chemicals” thing.

Then I read up on the actual science and realised how uninformed I was.”

7. GMOs.

“GMOs are dangerous for your health.

Not only is the idea that they’re bad bullshit, the global food supply would be more expensive, less plentiful, and poor parts of the world would experience more frequent, prolonged shortages of crucial items if it weren’t for GMOs.”

8. Not for everyone.

“That the only way to achieve success in life is to study hard, get top grades, and go to university and study something like law or medicine.

Plenty of people I know have achieved success and happiness without top university education. I also believed the idea that the career you study for is for life.”

9. Conspiracy theory.

“I totally bought into that ridiculous Denver airport conspiracy for a few months after a friend showed me it in high school.”

10. Going on a mission.

“Mission trips are for helping others…. really it’s just a huge ego boost for many people who want to exploit people’s needs to feel better about themselves.

Plus the whole part where it might actually be more harmful than helpful…”

11. Chiropractors.

“I had always thought chiropractors were bullshit, but what confirmed it for me was when one day after hurting my back a friend recommended I try it and I thought “meh I guess it’s worth checking out at least.”

So I called but forgot it was a Sunday and they were closed, but I left my name and number saying I was interested in making an appointment. While I was at work the next day and couldn’t answer, the chiropractor left me about 7 or 8 voicemails, each one sounding like one of those gym sales people trying to get you to join.

After that I was like yeah no legit healthcare place would be trying to sell me this hard on making an appointment offering this discount or the other just to get me in the door.”

12. Just say no!

“The anti drug campaigns we all had to listen to as a kid.

The cop that came to my school to give our anti drug talks ended up drinking himself to death at 51.

Guess no one told him alcohol was more dangerous than what he was telling us not to take.”

13. Total fiasco.

“Iraq had WMDs.

I believed it well before Bush came into office. I would read in the paper how even during the Clinton era that Saddam would block actively block weapon inspectors. To me, that sounded like he was hiding something. I still believed it months after the invasion.

Then the truth started coming out, ‘Curveball’ was some taxi driver that made shit up, Cheney outed a CIA agent because she found out that Iraq wasn’t going for nuclear material and it went against their narrative. It would be one thing if they have bad intel, but this was intentionally falsified intel to justify their war.”

14. Too bad a lot of people still believe this shit.

“I used to be big into conspiracy. Alex Jones was right, Clinton’s are actually alien lizard people, and all sorts of crazy stuff.

I even believed Obama was a secret agent Muslim going to install martial law and kill all non muslims. It got to the point I was even considering grabbing guns, I even thought about if I attacked a mosque that I could help stop the Muslim takeover.

It took so long to get my mind straight. It’s a slippery slope, and it’s not something I want anyone to go down on.”

15. Not getting laid.

“I bought into the abstinence-until-marriage crap in middle school, when they made you sign all the fancy pamphlets about why it’s the right thing to do. Really felt it would stop my fellow classmates from having sex until marriage.

My belief in that fell apart in high school. A teammate on my football team would tell stories in the pregame time for JV games about how he had banged some girl the other week. I can still remember 3 specific stories, one of which was how he had sex while wearing a ziplock baggie instead of a condom.”

16. Politics as usual.

“Everyone on my political spectrum are all good and everyone on the other side are terrible people who have absolutely nothing to offer in a discussion and no valid opinions”

In middle school, they made us take political party quizzes to see what we would vote. It became this whole us vs them atmosphere. This only became worse when my parents would be talking about the other side like they were all idiots.

I firmly believed growing up that anyone opposite to me on the political spectrum are evil, dumb people and any points that may align with them are bad. I believed you had to be all or nothing. I was very closed minded.”

Very interesting perspectives in there, that’s for sure.

How about you?

Did you previously believe wholeheartedly in things that you later realized were not true or even total BS?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Admit Propaganda They Used to Buy Into, but Later Realized Was BS appeared first on UberFacts.