Baby Care Instructions From 1968 Show Just How Much Things Have Changed Since Then

Women continue to learn more about how our bodies work and how science can improve the way we care for tiny human beings. And let’s not forget that there have been some very real developments in the world, like cars that require safety seats, that have irrevocably altered child-rearing.

There’s nothing that illustrates that point quite like taking a look back at how we used to advise moms to care for wee ones, and this list of instructions from 1968 does a great job of showing how different things are today.

The advice here was for the care of your newborn while still in the hospital after birth.

Yeah, most of this is pretty insane, but I really wish someone would have at least considered my nipples.

My mom was going through her things and we saw this, it's rules in regards to just having a baby. It gave me a chuckle….

Posted by Micala Gabrielle Henson on Friday, March 29, 2019

I am not a fan of them not being able to see their babies whenever they want. However, again, I could have done with more sleep and actual recovery time.

Also, real question… how long did it take these women’s milk to come in on this schedule?!?

I assume, unlike many others did not, that the baby was not starving the rest of the time, but simply being bottle fed, since they mention bottles and formula.

Image Credit: Facebook

The list of foods you’re not allowed to eat is very curious. Like…were that many people scarfing green coconut cake on the regular?

And don’t even get me started on the smoking.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Overall, obviously this advice never killed any of us born during that timeframe, and seriously, hospitals could be a lot more mom-focused now, instead of wringing out new mothers to the point that they can hardly function by the time they’re sent home.

But I suppose that’s a soapbox for another day…

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Baby Care Instructions From 1968 Show Just How Much Things Have Changed Since Then

Women continue to learn more about how our bodies work and how science can improve the way we care for tiny human beings. And let’s not forget that there have been some very real developments in the world, like cars that require safety seats, that have irrevocably altered child-rearing.

There’s nothing that illustrates that point quite like taking a look back at how we used to advise moms to care for wee ones, and this list of instructions from 1968 does a great job of showing how different things are today.

The advice here was for the care of your newborn while still in the hospital after birth.

Yeah, most of this is pretty insane, but I really wish someone would have at least considered my nipples.

My mom was going through her things and we saw this, it's rules in regards to just having a baby. It gave me a chuckle….

Posted by Micala Gabrielle Henson on Friday, March 29, 2019

I am not a fan of them not being able to see their babies whenever they want. However, again, I could have done with more sleep and actual recovery time.

Also, real question… how long did it take these women’s milk to come in on this schedule?!?

I assume, unlike many others did not, that the baby was not starving the rest of the time, but simply being bottle fed, since they mention bottles and formula.

Image Credit: Facebook

The list of foods you’re not allowed to eat is very curious. Like…were that many people scarfing green coconut cake on the regular?

And don’t even get me started on the smoking.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Overall, obviously this advice never killed any of us born during that timeframe, and seriously, hospitals could be a lot more mom-focused now, instead of wringing out new mothers to the point that they can hardly function by the time they’re sent home.

But I suppose that’s a soapbox for another day…

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A Mom Lost Her Son and Then Donated 500 Ounces of Breast Milk to Babies in Need

A mom whose baby passed away found a way to turn her personal tragedy into a way to help other babies in need.

Sierra Strangfeld lost her unborn son, Samuel, in September after he was diagnosed with a rare condition called Trisomy 18, or Edwards syndrome. Sierra had been excited to breastfeed Samuel, who was her second child. But she never got that chance.

Heartbroken, Sierra decided to donate her breast milk to babies in need.

“I couldn’t save Samuel’s life, but maybe I could save another baby’s life,” she wrote on Facebook.

She pumped for 63 days after Samuel’s birth — until November 13, his due date. That day, she went to the NICU milk banks to make her last donation.

“Pumping is not for the faint of heart,” she admitted. “It’s hard. Mentally and physically. And it’s even harder when you don’t actually have a baby.”

Posted by Sierra Strangfeld on Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sometimes, she was angry that her milk came in in the first place: “Why did my milk have to come in when I had no baby to feed? Why was I waking up in the middle of the night for this?” But ultimately, she said, it was all worth it, as it felt like the only thing connecting her to Samuel. “I sure hope he’s proud of me! Walking through the hallways of the hospital was just another step in healing. And I know, (because I felt him), that Samuel was there with me.”

In total, Sierra — who describes herself as “not an over supplier by any means” — managed to donate 500 ounces of breast milk. Her original goal was 1000 ounces, but she didn’t produce quite enough milk for that.

Posted by Sierra Strangfeld on Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sierra also started a nonprofit organization: Smiling For Samuel. Her organization, and her touching story, are raising awareness about Trisomy 18 — and warming hearts everywhere.

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Woman Threatens Breastfeeding Moms on Facebook is Immediately Roasted by EVERYONE

Oh, Carly, Carly, Carly.

Why’d you have to go and do something so stupid?

Photo Credit: Fatherly

Did she post a threat of physical violence against any woman she saw breastfeeding in public?

“I’m not sorry – the next female that tries to whip her boob out to breastfeed in front of my kids will get a black eye, move that baby [because] I’ll punch it too #zerocare #why #inpublicletsjustshowkidsboobs #notmine.”

Yep, Carly did that.

And it turns out that women who breastfeed (or women in general) don’t like to be threatened online or anywhere else for feeding their children. Crazy, right?!

Yeah, this went viral very, very quickly.

Photo Credit: Carol Freeman/Facebook

Because moms have to stick up for themselves.

Carly’s response?

She was defiant, and followed up on her Facebook post with this comment which, honestly, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Photo Credit: Kim Riendeau/Facebook

What Carly doesn’t seem to realize is that women aren’t just pulling their boobs out just to pull their boobs out. We’re in the late 2010s. Things have changed Carly. They’ve changed!!!

This was hinted at earlier in the article, but people could see her profile and found out where she worked…

Photo Credit: Cafe Mom

And yeah, you know what’s coming next…

Photo Credit: Cafe Mom

Here’s the thing folks, if you want to post something like this on Facebook, you should probably select a very, very small group of people to share it with. Rant all you want, but rant to close friends. Don’t make things like this public, or else you are bound to suffer the consequences.

Or here’s a crazy thought… don’t put something this toxic online in the first place. Right it down on a piece of paper and throw it the garbage where it belongs.

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PETA Just Posted a Bizarre Image That Left the Internet Horrified

Between all the squabbling that’s tearing our nation apart these days, there’s still one surefire way to bring people across all aisles of the spectrum together: PETA crossing the damn line with their weirdness.

The organization’s name stands for “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,” which seems like a noble enough goal… until you see some of the outrageous stunts they pull (like suing a wildlife photographer on behalf of the monkey he photographed). They’re more of a radical anti-human group than they are a pro-animal rights group.

While they have occasionally done some good, they’ve wasted millions of dollars in truly bizarre, totally useless bids for publicity. The latest case in point?

This horror that I can’t unsee.

Yeah, it’s exactly what it looks like. A weird, anthropomorphized cow letting some creepy old man suckle from it.

The caption reads:

Looks weird right? It’s what you’re doing if you drink cow’s milk. Raiseyour hand if you know that humans shouldn’t be drinking cow’s breast milk. It was made for their babies—not you!

It didn’t take long before nearly all of Twitter united to make fun of it…

Photo Credit: Twitter

Some people definitely liked the image more than I did.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Others wondered if the images were part of some kind of secret furry agenda PETA has.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

For those of you who don’t know, a “furry” is someone who’s “an enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online.” Thanks,!

While being a furry isn’t inherently sexual, it definitely can have that component to it (and is probably most famous for that reason).

Some people were even… stirred… pretty deeply by the image.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

The longer you look at it, the more weirdness you start to notice.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Seriously PETA, WTF?

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Chrissy Teigen Kept It Real About Motherhood Even on Father’s Day

The majority of mothers (and humans in general) love the fact that Chrissy Teigen (and John Legend) keep it real online when it comes to the realities of relationships, parenting, and parenting while trying to maintain your relationship.


Photo Credit: Twitter

After the birth of their second child (a boy!) Chrissy and John were on their way to a Father’s Day dinner…but, as this image showed, not off duty.

Photo Credit: Instagram

And people love them for keeping it real about how mommies are never really off duty. Not for a few decades, at least!

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