15 People Reveal the Moment That Ended Their Last Relationships

Fact: relationships are fluid. They’re constantly evolving, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. And sometimes it just needs to end but one spark is needed to send a relationship over the edge to its death.

In this AskReddit article, people opened up about the tipping points in their last relationship. Hang on tight!

1. That’s a GOOD tipping point

“When she drove 4 hours to meet me at the hospital where my mom was dying. We had not been together for long but she comforted me in such a way that i could never forget. I knew I loved her and I married her 1 year later.”

2. That’s awful

“He and I had this moment, lying on the bed, listening to some music, in my room, while the sun was setting, the city buzzing away below us, after a long day and I felt this wholesome feeling, like I knew where I belonged. And right then and there, he looks at me and said: “if you ever leave me, I’m gonna make your life a fucking hell.”

Guess I belonged far far away from him.”

3. Can’t stop, won’t stop

“She wouldn’t stop sleeping with her ex boyfriend and then decided to marry him. She told me this via text.”

4. I can breathe again

“Month after month after month, excuses why he couldn’t pay rent. And yet he would spend all his income on eating out, online gaming memberships, etc. Would also try to guilt trip me into getting him stuff constantly. 1 day we went to visit relatives in another state during the week before xmas and my uncle snapped.

He told him off about how he’s manipulative and can see that what he does has dragged me down as a serious burden. I didn’t attempt to intervene, he was absolutely right. And after we left, ex bitched me out for not stepping up for him. We broke up the day after and suddenly I felt like I could breathe again.”

5. Karma

“He was going out during the night to see two other girls. TWO. And when I saw him during the morning he would be tired as hell (because obviously he was out) and tell me he had sleeping issues. I found out he was cheating on me with the two girls when they both saw me hugging him and went to scream at me. For the karma part, the three of us agreed to leave him and not talk to him again, and I’m still a friend with one of them.”

6. Makes me feel sick

“She would threaten me with physical violence and self harm for years if I ever left her, I was made to choose between my friends or her, certain threats made if I’d choose friends over her etc. having to be in contact with her at all times if I wasn’t with her, going through my phone and years of messages with my closest friends whilst I’m asleep etc, deciding who I could follow on Instagram, be friends with on Facebook based off how attractive they were or if she deemed them as a ‘threat’ etc. even if they were long term friends – Makes me feel sick thinking about it all again.

Crazy shit. I was younger and didn’t realise how abusive she really was – lost a lot of friends because of her.

She eventually did another one of her ‘fake’ break ups and I decided not to crawl back to the person that would always tell me that no one else would ever love me etc. said “Okay, I’ll pick up my stuff tomorrow” or something along those lines and then she obviously freaked out realising I wasn’t falling for her tricks and playing into her usual games. Haven’t seen or heard from her in four years now.”

7. Ugggghhhhh

“I was leaving the gym and told her I would be over to her apartment in about 45 minutes after I showered. I kid you not, at the 45 minute mark she was texting me upset that I wasn’t there yet. I apologized and told her I had to go to the bathroom so its taking a little longer but I was on my way and almost there. Showed up at about the 50 minute mark, she would not open the door beyond leaving the security latch attached, and only to tell me to fuck off.

So, after about 5 minutes of trying to reason with her to let me in and her responding that she didn’t want to hang out anymore because I took too long because I was probably talking to “some hoe at the gym”, i decided to leave. When I got back to my apartment I figured might as well entertain myself and play some video games. About 40 minutes later she shows up to my place banging on the door. I happily open the door thinking she changed her mind!

She sees that I was clearly playing video games and enjoying a glass of wine, walks over and picks up the wine and throws it on the ground pissed off that I found something to do other than stare at the wall because she didn’t want to hang out with me. She sees how in shock I am at her reaction and tries to brush up the broken wine glass with her bare hands. She is bleeding and crying and im in shock and pleading with her to stop because she is tearing her hands up. I suggest she leaves and that was the last time we were in the same room together. What a whirlwind of a relationship that on was!”

8. Not treating her right

“He kept treating his dance partner better than me (would take her out for drinks to try she hadn’t before, took her shopping with him, post photos of her online, etc) but wouldn’t hold my hand in public, nothing about me on social media whatsoever (totes fine but if you go on and on about how great your dance partner is and making it seem like your girlfriend doesn’t exist, it doesn’t feel great), etc.

I have no issue with female friends or dance partners, but don’t pay for dinner and drinks with them and then have your girlfriend pays for every single date night (I dropped $70 for a movie night, $40 of which were his drinks).

Dude still hits me up whining about how we could’ve worked out, how he misses my cat, etc. I dumped him over a year ago.”

9. Not gonna get better

“Things had been going downhill for a long time, and we ended up in marriage counseling, which was actually what did us in. Sitting in a room with her refusing to listen to me and her own counselor about things going on in our relationship really clued me in to fact that things weren’t going to get better.”

10. Paint colors?

“We moved into a house together and things were a little on the rocks, but I figured I could work a little harder and she would too. I had my doubts as she was a control freak and really only took what I said about things at face value (really saw that later on after we split). We had a huge fight about the living room paint color.

She said it was just awful and couldn’t put up with it. We went round and round about it for a week or so until I finally just decided I could concede on this one, but that I got to choose the bedroom color. She described it as a cream color, but like adding too much creamer to coffee. “Disgusted” was her word for it I want to say. Anywho, I’m standing in the paint aisle on my day off and utterly exhausted from a week of work and remodeling. I’m dead ass tired and she’s combing through the paint swatches.

She finds the color and we get it mixed. We end up in an argument in the car as I’m opting for bed and she wants to paint. I told her it is better to do it during the day so we can open the windows and let it air out better. It was currently raining and I didn’t want water marks. It escalated and grew until she finally just got so pissed that she left. I decided to be nice and start painting the opposing window wall to at least show her I heard her thoughts. I got it all mixed up and dipped the roller.

Rolled over once and it all hit me at the exact same time: I was sick of her and her controlling attitude. I was done feeling like an ass for things I didn’t do wrong. I was tired of living her dream life. You know why it hit me? That paint was the exact same damn color as the wall.”

11. That’s a dealbreaker

“When my now ex-wife was arrested for having a sexual relationship with one of her female students…”

12. Didn’t learn a lesson

“She just kept getting drunk and going crazy. I had to call the police on her because she took a bunch of pills when I left during one of her binges. She would call me at night often, drunk as hell and yell at me, and then threaten to cut herself when I refused to come over at 1 in the morning. She still drinks to this day.”

13. Addiction

“His crack addiction reared its ugly head – after he was clean for more than a year.”

14. Lies

“She started telling me how she had to defend me to my friends after I had to miss watching a show with them to go into work. My friends told me that wasn’t true and she spent the entire time shit talking me.”

15. Refusing to get help

“I got tired of carrying her to bed after her nightly binge drinking. Also, her complete denial of being an alcoholic and refusing to get help.”

The post 15 People Reveal the Moment That Ended Their Last Relationships appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ People Reveal the Reason Their “Crazy Ex” was So Crazy

Exes are exes for a reason. Often, it’s a matter of just drifting apart. You might build an amicable relationship, or you might never speak again. Some exes, though, are unique. They have been a little unhinged while you were together, or your break-up may have brought out their… special side. These 15 redditors reveal the stories behind what made their exes crazy.

1. 500 phone calls is 499 too many

This will get buried but that’s okay. I dated a girl my freshman year at university for 3 weeks. That’s right, not a full month. I noticed that I needed to bail when she asked to celebrate our 2 week anniversary. Like really celebrate. So after an awkward week I managed to break up with her, only to truly unlock the depth of her pool of crazy. She called my phone 500+ times, and left literal hundreds of crazy screaming/crying voicemails, all in one day. When I didn’t respond that day, she took to the Internet. She found my mothers contact information via LinkedIn (as my mother doesn’t use social media, unless it’s for her job) and called her countless times and even sent her emails. When all of this failed, she sent her meathead brother and his posse of upside-down triangle-shaped men to my house in broad daylight to stir shit up. Which neither my parents nor the neighbor, a fairly young former marine and his new wife, appreciated. After much police involvement, and a few drawn firearms, the crazy bitch gave up (sort of). I still get a call about every 2 months and letters in the mail asking to meet up and “work things out”. Thanks for letting me get that one off my chest.

2. Don’t date people in art school

When I was in art school, I became involved with a girl who was one of the most gifted painter/printmakers I’d ever seen. Everyone knew she was going places. Teachers unabashedly praised her in critiques. She was several years older than me, but I was so smitten it didn’t matter. On our first date, we smoked weed, then salvia, then drank whiskey til we blacked out.

Unfortunately, it hardly stopped there. I quickly realized she had a drinking problem. Every day, she began drinking in the early afternoon. By nightfall, she was belligerent, and often violent. Every night was a new horror…dragging her out of bars, breaking up a fight she’d started with a homeless person, finding her passed out on my porch in the early morning hours. Once, she even jumped out of my (moving) car after an argument.

I couldn’t handle it. I cared about her, but I couldn’t spend my life as a babysitter. Not now, but especially not at 21. I broke up with her sweetly one weekend. She was upset about it, but said she understood and hoped we’d still be friends. I agreed we could.

Monday rolled around, and I walked into my first class. “…You didn’t see the artwork on the wall, did you?” The first person to greet me asked. No, I said. “You need to go look,” said the friend. I sauntered back to the doorway, and looked around. Hung on the wall opposite my classroom was a life-sized woodcut print of me, drowning. I was gasping for breath, fingers clutching nothing but water. More dead than alive. I have a deep fear of the ocean. I haven’t been in a large body of water since I was 10.

For a month, I was faced with the aspect of my own gruesome death.

Everyone agreed it was beautifully done.

And that’s why you don’t date people in art school, kids.

3. Never threaten the dog

I suspect she was crazy long before I knew her, but I realized she was a fucking sociopath when she asked me to euthanize my dog because “he was taking up too much of ‘our’ time”.

4. Stuck in high school

My husband’s crazy ex (just girlfriend from high school) was crazy because she set up a appointment for portrait session to have pictures done of our 3 children for her house. No, we did not let that fruitcake take our children. They broke up their senior year of high school, and this is when we were in our 30s. Shocked at contact from her, nevermind the appt, we found out she also had her phone number listed (phone books then) as Mrs. Our Surname all those years, which was never her name. She was stuck in her high school fantasy, which was frightening.

5. Not the stained glass window!

She forcefully moved in with me, then a few weeks later managed to drink a bottle of Jager while I was at work, then proceeded to throw the case of bottles I brought home after work onto the floor, before throwing my bong off the front porch and storming off into the darkness.

My co-workers who came over to enjoy said beers were a little taken aback, but I managed to salvage a few beers from the mess on the floor and we sat on the couch to figure out what the hell to do with the beast when she returned. Didn’t take too long before all hell broke loose. You see, my door was janky. She thought we had locked her out and proceeded to punch her fist through a $1,000+ stained glass window before peering through the bloodied glass and screaming, “You think you can fuckin lock me out, huh?! HUH?! YOU CAN’T. I’LL BREAK MORE WINDOWS. I’LL DO IT, I SWEAR I WILL. LET ME IN!”

I calmly walked over to the door and cautiously opened it and immediately got punched in the face. Called her Dad and told him to come pick up his daughter before I called the cops. He told me to call the cops.

edit: she had like a 5 year run on The Dirty afterwards, and now she thinks she’s an IG model posting only 3 types of photos; her duck face, her 3 or 4 yr old son, and her partying in Vegas. I only know this from the updates my friends provide, bitch was cray so there’s no way I’d be lurking on that.

6. One date

Painted my name all over his bedroom, bathroom and lounge room. Proposed and then Photoshopped us into wedding pictures, sent invites all his family, mine and my friends, got an ultrasound photo online and tried to announce to Facebook we were expecting a baby, shaved our initials into his cat and left hundreds of love letters taped to my car So that was crazy… We went on half a double date with friends, I was just being a good sport, noped out when he proposed when my food came. The rest came over the next week.

Edit to clarify as I feel I wasn’t clear: this was all after the one and ONLY date. This wasn’t a ‘we dated for months and then his crazy came out’ this was ‘we met an hour ago why are you proposing to me’

7. Just creepy

Walked miles in the snow to my house, tapped on my bedroom window for an hour until I acknowledged him. I turned him away. In the morning I heard rustling in my closet upon waking up. The little fucker snuck into my house somehow and was hiding in my closet. I threatened to call the cops so he left. Weeks later, he emailed me pictures of me sleeping from that night. I still have nightmares about finding him in a closet.

8. This is really terrible

After I broke up with her, she used makeup to feign bruising on her arms, neck, and face. She then proceeded to send pictures of it to all of our mutual friends “warning them” about me.

9. It begun with a cat

Cat disappeared. strange, was a friendly cat.

upstairs neighbor with big dogs came down screaming that my ex had somehow convinced both dogs to jump out the window to their deaths.

she attacked me with scissors and a knife, different days.

blew some guy in his car outside of our apartment

finally, turned on her hairdryer and threw it in the shower with me.

takes a lot to piss me off.

EDIT: This has gotten more attention that I expected so I should probably elaborate a bit. Two disclaimers, I was young and stupid and she was sexy as fuck. This doesn’t excuse my not bugging out much sooner, but it might give you some insight into my frame of mind.

The above is pretty much all in chronological order.

Regarding the cat, not really that unusual, he was an indoor outdoor cat, so any number of things may have happened to him, a neighbor may have thought he was a stray and taken him in, he may have been hit by a car while he was out on a prowl, I have no idea. It’s more of a “in retrospect, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that crazy bitch killed him” thing.

The dogs; now that’s much stranger. My ex hated those dogs, they were big and noisy, and ran around the upstairs apartment playing all the time. As such she started a bit of a war the with upstairs neighbor who was herself, pretty nuts. I stayed the fuck out of it. My ex had said several times that she was “going to kill those fucking dogs”, but I passed it off as just being annoyed with the constant noise. Hell, I didn’t like it either. But otherwise the apartment was great. So we weren’t really too excited to find a new one. The incident, whatever it was, happened while I was at work. I came home to the crazy neighbor screaming at my crazy ex about how my ex somehow had coaxed the dogs to jump from the window. Now, my ex was very petite, and these were big dogs, so there was no way she could have broken into the neighbors apartment and physically thrown the dogs from the window. I’ve owned a few dogs in my life, and no matter how stupid they are, they were never so dumb as to just fling themselves out a window.

Now, I have no idea what the fuck actually happened, and to this day, (all this happened like 20 years ago) I can’t explain it. At all. BUT, at this point I did start looking at my ex from the corner of my eye, wondering.

Attacking me with scissors and later with a knife. Well, these incidents proved beyond a doubt that she was dangerous. But, both happened in the heat of a moment, during arguments. As I mentioned earlier, she was quite petite, and I was much faster than her, so I had little trouble disarming her without really being in harms way myself. I mean, it wasn’t like she was going to just try to kill me in my sleep in cold blood, right? Yeah…

I forgot to mention, there was another attack, where she tried to mace me in our apartment.


windows closed.

I just backed up, and raised one eyebrow, like wtf are you even doing? The mace just settled in a big cloud in the middle of the room, missing me entirely. This REALLY made her mad, she she charged in for another go with her can of mace.

Straight into the cloud she’d just created.

She dropped like a rock. I rolled my eyes. “Okay, come on, let’s get you to the bathroom and wash this out.” The make up sex was great.

But at this point the relationship was pretty much over, it was just a matter of actually, officially ending it. Which, neither of us really seemed to want to do.

All of these things, of course, happened over a few years, and of course in the time between these instances, it was all normal boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, shopping, vacations, laughter, dinners and talking about the future, and of course arguments and fights, some her fault, some mine, most we were both to blame. It wasn’t like it was two or three years of nothing but crazy 100% of the time. Relationships aren’t that simple.

Anyway, near the end we had both sort of stopped caring, that’s when I caught her having sex with a guy in a car outside the apartment. That was the “whelp, this is 100% done” moment. It was failing before but I had hopes we could still work though it or something (like I said, I was young and stupid, and she was hot). But nahhh… done.

So I set my mind and attention to finding a new place. I didn’t even want to bother with fighting over the apartment, it wasn’t THAT nice. I just wanted out. Oddly, we were getting along fine now. We had both accepted it, or so I thought.

One day I come home before her and hop in the shower. The past several days had actually been great. Laughs, sex, cooking. Like a normal couple. She comes home while I’m still in the shower, walks in the bathroom, turns on her hairdryer, and without a word, without emotion, just throws it in the shower with me. Just a dead eyed stare.

I pulled a fucking Matrix slow motion action jump, arms out, water droplets slowly flying out in some sort of hyper reality, as if, well, someone had just thrown a hairdryer in your shower. Probably yelled “WHAT. THE. FUCK?” Then I got dressed and walked the fuck out.

Came to get my things later with an army of friends.

10. I would also not let her in

In one of our many fights she tried to leave in MY vehicle and stormed outside. I had my keys on me so when she walked out i locked the door to get her to have her mom come get her. She turned her wedding ring around and while staring at me through the back sliding glass door, this bitch proceeds to use a diamond to fucking marr her face neck and arm, while saying “youre gonna go to fucking jail! Look at these scratches, you fucking did this to me! Let me in or ill call the police!”

Now i dont know about you, but if a woman is in a certain state of mind that she will use the hardest natural substance known to scratch her own body up, im not letting her in.

So she called the cops and i had to explain to them that i did not in fact attack her and if they would care to notice that out of all her scratches she had none on her left arm.(for the uninformed, here in merica we wear our wedding rings on that hand) then they had an “ah ha” moment so big i thought i was in the fucking take on me video. They finally saw the fuckery at play and hauled her off. Any way that was our second time being married…. thats my crazy ex story.

11. How did she get into the apartment?

In college I had a girl I use to hook up with for like a year. She comes over and invites her friends one night. I walk out to our patio area and literally talk to one of her female friends for maybe 15 seconds. 2 hours later we are leaving my apt and we are the last two to leave. She stops me pours her entire vodka drink on my head in punishment for trying to hook up with her friend. So I told her to get the fuck out and that our situation was over.

My roommates and I go out to ze barz for a couple of hours and come back to find our apt a mess…but only the common area and my room. She poured vodka all over my bed and My room was also covered in dog food. I guess she was trying to send a message. I called this chick and politely told her she’s out of her mind and if I see her again near my apt I’m calling the cops.

Having said that, hands down the best chick I’ve ever hooked up with. But as Mr. George Bluth says you never marry crazy. Or something to that effect.

12. Duck!

She woke me up because I had the night sweats and she was convinced I had Aids. For some reason I decided to appease her and got a full STD screen including an expensive Aids test. A few weeks later I drove to her house to give her my signed note (I had to specifically request) stating my clean bill of health. She accused me of forging the entire thing and in the following argument pulled the plates out of the cupboard and Frisbeed them at me. I left immediately. About 6 months later (I had just started dating my now fiancé) she contacted me to tell me she believed me and wanted to know if she and her two dogs could move in with me. I never responded.

13. A story from the crazy ex

Hey Reddit! Been getting more and more into this site and I really like it! Anyway, I figured I would post mine since I was actually the crazy ex (or I became it)

My first girlfriend (and romantic relationship) happened when I was in my late 20’s. Finally, it seemed, after years of dates, no replies, and rejection it seemed like the trend was finally broken!

She was a work colleague of mine and, despite my friends and family members warning to NOT DATE SOMEONE AT WORK I did not abide since I was so taken and surprised someone would be interested in me, I thought she was one of the most beautiful women I have met in body and mind. She was dorky, energetic, and seemed to be very mature especially considering my absolutely awful performances in the bedroom mainly regarding duration during intercourse – which did get better with time and experience.

We dated for a year and I finally felt such strong feelings for her. I remember waking up next to her and just smiling so much feeling like I found someone who could inspire me and I could look up to and rely on. However, after a year a new guy started working in our company. He was a bicyclist, cross-fit, and pretty attractive guy (even by my notice). A bit after he joined I noticed she became more and more distant. We then got into a fight over her not wanting to go spend a weekend at my aunt’s island and then she hit me with the “can we talk” text soon after. Her delivery was quick and efficient. She said all the nice things: “I am not ready for a long term relationship”, “You are amazing”, “I need to focus on me and my career now”, etc.

I was so sad I was actually surprised. I thought we made up over the trip issue, but then BAM this happened. I didn’t know what to do, I sat at my computer dumbfounded looking at Cheezeburger cat pics trying to make sense of it. My mind was numb. At first, I thought she was genuine and we could just be friends – NOPE!

Within a week of dumping me, she was at lunch with the other guy, he was going over to her desk, and after a month they were leaving the office together.

I cannot describe how much that hurts. I tried to get transferred, I tried to find another job, I tried to work from another location to no avail. And for 8 months straight I watch them together. In the halls, in the cafeteria, in the company gym. The all time worst part was that she would look at me like I was some kind of monster. She saw me with such un-ending fear and disgust in her eyes it drove me a bit crazy.

And crazy I did become. I started experimenting with steroids, weight gainer powder, heavy workouts & power lifting, boxing, and self harm (punching, belt whipping, and low level cutting). Eventually the roids, supplements, and lifting bore fruit and I went from 6’6” 195 (88 kg) to 295 lb (133 kg). However, as many know, roids and supplements spike testosterone which can spike anger easily. And when you have someone who is in a crippling depression getting their heart broken every day for days, weeks, and months – they lose it. I lost it.

I freaked out one night – Valentine’s day of all damn days – and drank a liter of Vodka and began yelling/screaming at everything. My best friend and roommate was terrified. Eventually I couldn’t take it. I took some Tylenol to thin the blood and walked into the bathroom with a knife and cut open my left arm. I bled out for a bit and – unbeknownst to me – my roommate did call the cops when he realized I was in the bathroom a bit too long and was silent – even the crying stopped. The EMTs arrived and stabilized me. After that it was a hard few months of rehab at a psych ward and a lot of anti-depressents, anti-psychotics, and sleep aids.

Once I got out and returned to work. She was still there – dumped the guy a bit after word got out I was in the hospital. And she began to see how big and utterly monstrous I became (still worked out even in rehab but sans the roids and supplements). I did not look at her with smiles and happiness anymore, there was only utter hatred and anger in my eyes. I honestly have never really recovered. She tried on multiple occasions to get me fired and poison the office against me. However, finally, I got another job and left the company I had been with for 6 years.

TL;DR – My ex left me for someone else, dated them in front of me. I took roids & got massive and then tried to kill myself. Then became somewhat of an office monster that made everyone a bit uncomfortable – her most of all in the hallways.

Wow…finally talking about that after a few years really feels good.

The post 10+ People Reveal the Reason Their “Crazy Ex” was So Crazy appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Couples Who Went from Married to Divorced Way Too Fast

These situations are always extremely uncomfortable. Not only for the couple actually imploding before your eyes, but for all the bystanders.

And that’s where you come in. These sordid AskReddit tales all detail stories of people witnessing marriages symbolically coming to an end.

Hang on tight!

1. 6 long months

“My friend married this woman after years of dating. They were together about 6 months, then on their first Christmas, he got her a present and she got him nothing. Later that night she left their house and didn’t come back until the next morning.

Apparently she had made an account on some dating site on Christmas, met a guy, and slept with him that night. She came clean the next day, but that was the end of their 6 month marriage.”

2. Oh my…

“Not sure how long it took the divorce to actually happen, but I went to a wedding where the bride didn’t go home with the groom afterwards. There wasn’t any cheating, she just decided she didn’t want to be a military wife. They were together before he enlisted, so I think part of it was that she wasn’t ready to move away from her family. It just sucked that she waited until that day to tell anyone.”

3. Holy sh*t

“Next door neighbor got married. Less than 2 months later she moved out, said he was abusive and a drunk. A couple of weeks later he shot and killed their neighbor through the front door after an escalating feud involving the neighbor’s dog getting shot with a bow and arrow.”

4. No sexting, please

“I went to a wedding where the bride got drunk and the groom picked up her phone and saw that she was sexting a coworker during the entire wedding… He told the officiant to not file the paperwork. Great reception though.

Edit: This occurred at the end of the reception as they were leaving to go to the honeymoon suite (the story is she was very drunk and her phone kept getting notifications so he picked it up). They did not go on their honeymoon and they returned the gifts to everyone. The guests weren’t told about what happened for a couple weeks as the bride was trying to save the relationship. I was also not privy to the legality of the nuptials not being submitted to the city clerk, so I can’t help on that front.”

5. A special day

“My wife’s family’s neighbor’s daughter got married and threw a huge wedding day bash like spent 50-70 grand. Then not even 2 weeks later got divorced. She had been cheating on her husband throughout the engagement but still wanted her ‘special day’. I heard later on that she had asked her mom if she had to live with her husband after they got married.”

6. Sad all around

“A relative of mine was forced into a shotgun wedding. The bride had a miscarriage, so they got divorced a month later.”

7. Meth is bad for you

“The husband had an unsolicited outburst at a family dinner, “I KNOW YOU GUYS KNOW I DO METH! AND YOU NEED TO BACK OFF ABOUT IT!” wife didn’t know; her dad didn’t know; nobody knew.”

8. Time to fly in the lawyers

“Some friends, who had been dating for a few months, got married in Las Vegas as sort of a drunken joke. The girl found out she would lose a lot of her trust fund because of being married. A gaggle of 4 lawyers were flown in and got a very quick retroactive annulment. Marriage lasted 4 days, except legally it was declared to have never existed at all. They dated for 3 more years then broke up.”

9. What did he expect?

“They got married in the October, she left him just after Christmas the same year. She was bored.

I don’t know what he expected really, she’d cheated on him when they were engaged too and he’d forgiven her.”

10. One annulment, coming up

“Years and years ago, my uncle’s girlfriend planned a wedding and invited everyone and didn’t tell him until the week of. I don’t know the whole story about why she did it but he went through with it and quietly got it anulled and broke up with her.”

11. Not a good idea

“I know two couples who got married for the sole purpose of having sex together. Both marriages lasted a year combined.”

12. Her last line is a zinger!

“I was a bridesmaid at a Mormon wedding (despite not being a Mormon myself.) The wedding was rushed because the parents had interstate travel coming up and didn’t wish to leave their respective children (late teens/ early 20s) without supervision while they were away. For fear of lost virginities.

I have some makeup I bought for the wedding that lasted longer than the marriage…”

13. Probably not the best idea?

“I work as a clerk at a Family Courthouse.

Bride f*cked the DJ. At the reception.

New record for the office pool.”

14. Cheater

“A relative of mine had a marriage last less than 3 weeks. They had been together for a couple years and even went to premarital counseling at their church for a few months to get ready. Their wedding was super lavish and it was clear a lot of prep and money went into it. At their wedding they announced they were expecting their first child.

Everything seemed great. Unfortunately the whole thing blew up when the wife discovered he had been cheating on her for almost their entire relationship with multiple women. She found this out while in a foreign country on their honeymoon, 4 months pregnant. I know from her mom that she had complications in her pregnancy that they attribute to the stress of all of this.”

15. Never seen again

“My dad and his second wife made it like not even four months before she left and I never saw or heard from her again. She said she was going to give me an old Nintendo 64, she never did.”

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10+ People Share the Brutal Truth They Learned from Failed Relationships

Breakups are rough, but they can also be a valuable learning experience – they help teach us what we really need from a relationship, what our own flaws are, and even what kinds of red flags to look out for.

That said, maybe the lessons learned by these 12+ people can save you some time (and heartache) the next time around.

#1. When it comes to kids.

“You can love each other as much as you can but if you’re not compatible when it comes to kids, future goals, etc it’s just not going to work out.”

#2. Not your responsibility.

“Sometimes, their mental health is not an excuse to stay with someone. Sometimes, you just need to let that go and it is not your responsibility to keep them healthy. If something does happen to them, it’s not your fault.
You can’t fix someone’s mental health. They can only do that themselves.”

#3. Don’t date a drinker if…

“Don’t date a drinker when you’re not one yourself.”

#4. Poor boundaries.

“I have poor boundaries and I’m too eager to please while simultaneously being too demanding.

Edit: Lol I wonder if I’ll tell her I got my first 1k comment over her.”

#5. Red flags.

“Cheating is a non-negotiable red flag.

Refusing to take responsibility is a red flag.

Ignoring your s/o is worse than arguing against your s/o which are both infinitely worse than communicating with one another about the topic at hand.

And the best one: you have to love yourself more than you love being in a relationship.”

#6. More red flags…

“If she gets fired from >10 jobs in 6 years because nobody can stand working with her…

That’s a red flag…

Edit: I guess the lesson would be to notice how other people that spend 8hrs a day with her….”

#7. It takes two.

“It takes two to make it work. And I was the only one doing any work, hoping if i worked hard enough, he would love me back as much as I loved him.

Doesn’t work that way.”

#8. Take them at their actions.

“if someone acts like they don’t care, its because they don’t care”

#9. The rest of your life.

“Dont put the rest of your life aside, when they leave you are then left with nothing.”

#10. You can’t stop them.

“People are who they are, not who you wish they would be. Loving someone and wanting a future with them won’t stop them from being a toxic person. And the only good option with toxic people is to get them out of your life. Even if it hurts.”

#11. You’ll never be able to be yourself.

“If you start the relationship by editing yourself and hiding the parts of you that you think they won’t like, it’s a trap and you’ll never be able to be yourself. Tears will follow. Do yourself a favor and at a reasonable point in the early relationship, be vulnerable and tell them all the things about yourself you are afraid of admitting. They’ll find them out eventually anyway….”

#12. Not great for each other.

“Accepting that life happens and sometimes two great people are not great for each other.”

#13. You can’t love away the issues.

“You can’t love away the depression. She self medicated with alcohol, and my love wasn’t enough to make her stop drinking.”

#14. Abusive households.

“Just because you both grew up in abusive households doesn’t mean the other person will be reluctant to abuse you.”

#15. How you react to this quirk.

“Everyone has a quirk. Everyone. Even you- you just might not know what it is. Day to day survival of a relationship can depend on how you react to this quirk. I dated a lot of guys who would just annoy the piss outta me daily with their quirks, and I’m not contributing our break ups solely to these habits, but it definitely didn’t help to be annoyed or disgusted on the daily by your partner. It took me some time to realize that this is just a part of who they are and I will never be able to change that. Learn to accept people for the funny little things they do.”

Keep your eyes on the prize out there!

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Woman Shames Her Engagement Ring on Reddit, Everyone Goes Nuts

Proposing marriage is one of the scariest things someone can do. It’s a moment that’s full of emotions, ideally a celebration of the love between two people. But when the bride-to-be finds the ring before her future fiance can pop the question, and she hates the ring instantly… that certainly complicates things.

Recently, a woman found her engagement ring stuffed into her boyfriend’s nightstand. She then proceeded to post a pic to a ring-shaming group online. The reaction on Reddit was less than sweet, and maybe for good reason…

The woman offered up a roast and an “EWWWWW” and asked Reddit users how to “tactfully say no” because she wanted something different. I think we passed “tactfully” the moment this picture was posted.


Photo Credit: Reddit.com

Reddit users spun out in different directions, from offering advice:

Photo Credit: Reddit.com

Or lightening the mood:

Photo Credit: Reddit.com

To defending her:

Photo Credit: Reddit.com

While a majority tore her apart:

Photo Credit: Reddit.com

Photo Credit: Reddit.com

Photo Credit: Reddit.com

It probably goes without saying, this marriage will be off to a “rock”-y start.

The post Woman Shames Her Engagement Ring on Reddit, Everyone Goes Nuts appeared first on UberFacts.

8+ People Share The One Thing That Made Them See Their Relationships in a Different Light

The longer a relationship lasts, the stronger it gets. We build up a foundation of trust, honesty, and love that helps us overcome life’s many obstacles together.

Sometimes, though, we may find out something that has us reconsidering our entire relationship. Something that rocks everything we thought we knew about our significant other. Here are 10 stories from people who learned something that made them rethink everything.

10. Well, that would have been good to know sooner

One weekend we were supposed to go out on a date and he stood me up. I couldn’t get ahold of him at all. I was freaking out thinking he was dying in a ditch somewhere!

Turns out he had gotten married over the weekend to the girl who had given birth to his child. I never knew about them.

9. Deja vu all over again

That I had been inside his house before.

Years before we dated, I went to a house party and did a “Centurion” (100 shots of beer in 100 minutes). Was obviously wasted and barely remembered the night.

Cut to us dating, I’m lying in his bed and I ask him his exact address to tell my friend. The second he said the address, it prompted my entire memory of that night. I just gasped and said I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE. Pretty sure he was like, “uh yeah no shit. You’re here all the time.” haha

Then a couple years later I discovered that I had vacationed at his parents’ property when I was 12. We were mutual friends with the family who owned it before, and it came up. It was truly bizarre.

Honestly a lot of weird shit like that has come up. It didn’t make me question the relationship exactly, but it made me feel like the universe had always intended for us to meet.

8. Love is blind

7 years in I found out he was a high school dropout without even a GED. He had initially told me he was a game design major and turned down a job opportunity (or internship, I can’t recall which) with EA Toronto because he didn’t want to leave me. I literally told him “GO, we can figure other shit out later, this won’t wait.” I should’ve known then. Ugh, love is blind, but only for so long.

7. Gaslit?

She would lie about tiny, inconsequential things. Made me question my own perception of truth and self-instinct. Eventually caught her in a lie, and she denied even when presented with full proof. It wasn’t something huge, but it was something that opened my eyes a little. My friend swears I was being gaslighted. Gaslit?

6. How someone talks about their exes says a lot

There’s a ton of things that I discovered over the years we were together but the biggest one was how he had lied about his exs. He talked terribly about them and would make them all sound like cheaters and liars or just plain psychopathic. It turns out, that’s not the truth at all. They were none of those things and I found out the hard way that it was him that embodied those qualities all along. We have broken up and gotten back together many ties over the past six years but it ended for the last time this weekend.

5. Wow

When I had my first child. The pregnancy wasn’t a surprise or an accident. We talked and planned. He got a little overbearing during the pregnancy, like insisting on breastfeeding without even discussing it with me. I put it down to new dad nerves, and not knowing any better.

Turns out that was only the tip of the iceberg. He believed that children were completely and totally a wife’s responsibility. He wouldn’t change a diaper. He wouldn’t pick up the baby when it cried. No way would he get up in the middle of the night. He expected me to work a full-time job, plus do all the childcare.

At that point, I was confused and appalled but I told myself he just needed time to adjust.

I realized how delusional I was when the baby got sick while he was on a fishing trip. The doctors thought baby had meningitis. So not just sick, but life-threatening sick. I called and asked him to come home. He refused. He’d paid for two more days of fishing. He didn’t want to lose the money.


Mine crashed and totaled MY car and blamed ME. He is incredibly reckless on the road and rear ended a guy at a RED LIGHT when we were going to TURN SO EVEN IF IT WAS GREEN HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN SLOWING DOWN. But fifty feet from the intersection, where another car was stopped, I realized he wasn’t hitting the breaks. He hates it when I say anything while he’s driving so I made the mistake of waiting until the last second to start screaming “STOP!” aaaaaannnnnddddd it was my fault for yelling at him. If I hadn’t said anything, he would have stopped in time. Sure. You can stop from 45 mph in 20 ft no problem.

Yet another reason I’m moving out.

3. Age was only the beginning

Found out my boyfriend of two years was actually ten years older than he originally told me (so instead of the 8 year difference I believed we had, it was actually 18…yup), had three kids (the oldest of which was only a year younger than me), and was in the middle of getting divorced.

It was a doozy and it sucked a lot and kinda derailed my life for the next three years.

Edit – To clarify the age stuff because I’m an idiot and made it sound like I was dating an 8 year old, I was 22 when we started dating. He told me he was 30. He was actually 40.

2. Extreme narcissism

After several years together my ex told me nonchalantly one evening that he stole $500 from one of his best friends because he “really needed it”. This ex was a college educated person trying to get into dental, medical, or pharmacy school. Not only was there no reason for this person to steal their friends’ money, I didn’t understand how someone could do that and feel no remorse whatsoever, especially to someone they considered a good friend. It was at that moment that I seriously began to believe I had given my trust and love to a total sociopath. It was the catalyst that pushed me out of the relationship.

I found out later that while I was working on a degree in another city, he found dates on tinder, spinning lies about being in med school, and owning a luxury condo overlooking the Wisconsin state capitol. He’d take girls for rides on my motorcycle and bring them back to the condo I owned; I don’t know who or how many, but a neighbor specifically went out of their way to tell me what was going on. One of his tinder dates was with a good friend’s best friend, and I heard through her the lies about being rich and working in medicine. A high school classmate of his texted me to warn me the same things; he hit on a girl at a reunion by saying he was in med school at Wisconsin, but the girl was *actually* in med school at Wisconsin and promptly told everyone about the exchange. When I went to kick him out of the condo, he told me that his mother had turned into a raging alcoholic and that kicking him out would mean he couldn’t take care of her anymore.

He stole a whole bunch of stuff from me, some of which he still has. And, after all of it, he had the gall to text and ask if he could manage my finances for me at his new job in– believe it or not– wealth management. I guarantee you he’s stealing from every one of his clients. But, when he said he stole from his friend, it really changed my opinion that he wasn’t just an insecure millennial trying to find his way between college and the real world; he’s a class-A raging narcissist and holy shit am I glad he’s out of my life forever.

1. And murder

She and her second spouse declared bankruptcy. She convinced me that her partner was all to blame and she knew how to manage money. She nagged me until I gave her control of the bank accounts. When I found out about the second part, they had racked up $40,000 in unnecessary credit card debt. Together we made about $80K/year so we should not have been hurting.

For the second part, my darling loving spouse started watching those true crime dramas. For the sole purpose of learning what real criminals did and how they got caught so they would be making the same mistake. Because they was going to use this information to not get caught when they were going to kill me.

I found this out as she took $45000 from my inheritance to pay her debt and as she ran out the door to go find another victim. I couldn’t sign the papers fast enough. She did leave me a whole $5000 to pay off my debt and take care of the house. So generous.

The post 8+ People Share The One Thing That Made Them See Their Relationships in a Different Light appeared first on UberFacts.