Funny Knockoff Brands You Have to See to Believe

Pass me the Dr. Gulpster!

Or maybe the Dr. Rocket?

Okay, well if you’re out of those, I guess I’ll take the Dr. Thunder…

In case you have no idea what the hell I’m talking about, I’m referring to knockoff brands of Dr. Pepper. There are a ton of them out there for some reason, and I’ve always found them to be quite hilarious.

And, as you can probably imagine, there are knockoff brands for just about every kind of product out there, and they’re all pretty hilarious.

Are you ready to see some of them? Let’s take a look!

1. I can’t believe it’s not…

Man, there are a whole lot of these, huh?

What not butter! from crappyoffbrands

2. Something doesn’t look right here…

I can’t quite put my finger on it.

X-post from r/hmmm from crappyoffbrands

3. The exact opposite.

I wonder if it still keeps you warm…?

I love finding things like this at thrift stores. from crappyoffbrands

4. I love this guy.

A pretty funny story, if I do say so myself.

Oof, Starbucks. (Reposted from r/memes) from crappyoffbrands

5. Which one do you prefer?

Gimme that GFC!

Offbrand of offbrands from crappyoffbrands

6. You get what you pay for.

Don’t go cheap on any kind of cleaning robot!

Mother knew I wanted a Roomba but didn’t want to waste that much money on one. So she found one for a bargain! Note, it has zero vacuuming ability. from crappyoffbrands

7. Good thing your name is Mike.

Otherwise, it would have been embarrasing.

Paid $10 for it and didnt realize til I put it on.. at least it has my name on it from crappyoffbrands

8. This is blasphemy!

How dare you drag this name through the mud!

Who killed Orange Julius? Orange Brutus [Philippines] from crappyoffbrands

9. I think it might be FONY.

At least it’s kind of cheap…

Looks a bit… phoney doesn’t it from crappyoffbrands

10. That’s not a good sign…

I wonder if these are big sellers…

Saw this in a secondhand group. Not Uggs, but… from crappyoffbrands

11. I want Dave all over me.

Wait, did that sound weird?

My favorite soap from crappyoffbrands

12. Time to take a trip to Iran!

I need some Burger Next in my life.

Yum Yum from crappyoffbrands

What’s your favorite knockoff brand that you’ve ever seen?

Tell us about it in the comments.

And please share some pics if you have ’em. Thanks!

The post Funny Knockoff Brands You Have to See to Believe appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Nicest Celebrities They’ve Dealt With at Their Jobs

I know that celebrities seem like they have it all, but I think one aspect of their lives that would be kind of a nightmare would be dealing with people in their everyday lives.

I know, I know, they signed up for it once they decided to become an actor/singer/etc., but it’s gotta get old to have people always bothering you and wanting a photo with you when you’re just trying to have dinner with your family or go to the grocery store.

But still, people do like to hear stories about their encounters with bigwigs in ordinary situations.

AskReddit users talked about dealing with celebrities at their jobs.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. It was her.

“Amanda Seyfried came into the coffee shop I used to work in.

I made her a coffee and she even complimented me on it!

When I asked if it was her, she said, ‘No but I get that a lot.’

Two days later she posted a photo on Instagram where she was obviously in the same small town.

It was totally her.”

2. Sir Ian.

“I was working at a theatre café trying to get through the usual rush before the show started when I realized I was serving Sir Ian McKellen!

I kept my cool and was disappointed to learn that the guy who was in the bar with me didn’t know who he was!

We both loved Ian’s Ugg boots though.”

3. Please don’t.

“I met Morgan Freeman when he came to my work (a symphony hall) for a show.

He was so nice, he was asking me all these questions about my life, and his voice sounded even better in person.

I held it together pretty well but as I was walking away I said to my coworker (too loudly) “omg I’m gonna pee my pants.”

And he tapped my shoulder and said “please don’t.””

4. We miss him.

“Robin Williams was in town for a performance and was having an issue with his computer.

He brought it in for repair and spent the time waiting hanging out with us, taking pictures, cracking jokes and talking to us.”

5. Hmmm…

“Several years ago I worked at a nice, sit down pizza restaurant.

One night Miley Cyrus (Party in the USA era) and her whole family came in.

I waited on them. When it was time to bring out their pizza I put it on the table and said, “It’s a pizza party in the USA!”

She did not find it as amusing as my coworkers did.”

6. That was nice.

“I used to work at an oil company where we dispatched over a radio…

A driver was delivering to Ben Affleck’s house and mentioned that it was my birthday.

Ben got up into the cab of the truck and got on the radio to wish me a happy birthday!”

7. Big mug.

“This happened to a girl I work with but still awesome.

Nick Offerman came into the coffee shop we work at and ordered a large coffee.

When she gave him the mug he looked at her and said ” that’s a satisfyingly large mug” did his awesome laugh and sat down giggling at the mug.”

8. Maybe they’re just normal folks.

“I was working at a restaurant when Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel came in.

They were so nice and actually tried to help us bus their table!”

9. Funny.

“I was a barista at the time, and Brad Garrett (from Finding Nemo, Everybody Loves Raymond) came in.

It was a busy cafe and I had TONS of fun with customers there, while trying to be as efficient as possible.

I also had THE COOLEST eyeglasses ever at the time, they were rectangle with triangle shaped arms made of stainless steel.

It’s important that you know how cool these were (R.I.P. ?). Anyways, Brad comes over to watch me make his beverage. We make some small talk, and now Brad is wearing my glasses and impersonating me. ” I am a fancy barista, look at how cool I am with my weird glasses…” he says.

So I immediately shot back, in my most Brad Garrett-y voice: ” oh look, I’m Brad Garrett, I’m SOOOO funny and I’m a giant human” (said while walking around like Shrek). He laughed. I laughed. He even came back the next day asking where I was!

It’s the friendship that never was, but always should have been.”

10. Not a shocker.

“Taylor Swift came into the store I work in while she was in Westerly, Rhode Island and completely ignored all the workers and customers.

Her very attractive body guard was pleasant and chatted with us though!”

11. Oops.

“I work at a Starbucks drive thru and one day Kevin Bacon came through! He was wearing a beanie and sunglasses (at night ?) and I wasn’t 100% sure it was him so I decided to test it.

Right before he was gonna drive away I said “have a nice night, Kevin!” He said thank you very politely, then as if remembering he didn’t want to be recognized he mumbled “sh*t” and drove away.”

12. That voice, though.

“My mom, my sisters, and I were visiting Philadelphia on July 4, 2006. We went to the hotel penthouse to play a board game.

While we were playing, my mom realized that Lionel Richie was across the room and was being interviewed for the July 4 festivities. She was so excited that she stopped playing the game and started whispering her responses to anything Richie said as if they were having a conversation.

When he finished the interview, he walked by and my mom introduced herself. He was extremely pleasant, warm and friendly. He said to my mom, “Very nice to meet you, ma’am.” He then turned to my sisters and me and said, “You guys probably don’t know me. You probably know Nicole.”

I said, “No, we don’t go to school around here, so probably not.” He just stared at me, smiled, and gave my mom a hug. Once he left, my twin sister said, “No, you idiot, Nicole Richie. She’s on TV.” I said, “Oh, yeah, sure.” I still wasn’t sure who she was until I looked her up later.

In any case, Lionel Richie was very kind, and even though my mom apologized profusely for “bothering” him, he assured her that he always liked meeting fans and their families.”

13. That’s a weird comment.

“My family own a Mexican restaurant on the south side of Chicago. One day three men come in and talk about the charity work being done in the area. I nod along and go about serving them. One gentlemen in particular looked especially familiar but I couldn’t place him.

Eventually, they ask me about The Shawshank Redemption, if I have ever seen the movie. I said no. They point to one of the men, not the one who looked familiar, and said he was in the film. I shrug and say, “that’s cool”. All this while the one who looks familiar refuses to make direct eye contact with me, like he was shy. I almost said that he looked familiar but I didn’t want to bother them while they ate.

Eventually they finished and left, but not without telling me not to get knocked up at a young age. Later that day I tell my older brother about the encounter. He pulls up pictures of the cast. The shy gentleman who I recognized – Tim Robbins. Thanks for the life advice, Tim Robbins, 12 years later and I’m still not knocked up.”

How about you?

Have you ever had to deal with any celebrities at your job or out in public?

Tell us about your experiences in the comments.


The post People Discuss the Nicest Celebrities They’ve Dealt With at Their Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Something That You Can’t Understand the Popularity Of? Here’s What People Said.

Maybe I’m just getting way too old, but whenever I turn on the radio or flip channels on TV, a lot of the really popular stuff on there just…confuses me.

This especially goes for rap music. I love the stuff I grew up on: Ice T, NWA, Ice Cube, Cypress Hill, etc.

But when I hear current, HUGELY POPULAR rap artists…I don’t get it. At all.

I guess we all have those kinds of things, right?

People on AskReddit admitted what they just don’t understand the popularity of. Let’s take a look.

1. Same here.

“I don’t really understand influencers.

Like why do they have such big followings?

Why do people obsess over these random people who make their lives look better just for social media?

I don’t get it.”

2. Weird.

“Toddlers and Tiaras.

Why is there a bikini competition?

Why are we forcing kids to participate in these terrible pageants just for the entertainment of adult viewers?”

3. Ugh.

“Prosperity Gospel.

Literally allowing people like Kenneth Copland and Paula White to rake in their money while spitting all over their supposedly sacred Bible.”

4. It’s a mystery.

“TV evangelists.

I have nothing against religion, but why would anyone follow these guys to the point that they would be willing to give them money?

I just can’t wrap my head around why these guys are so rich.”

5. It ain’t reality.

“Celebrity worship.

I really don’t understand why people are so obsessed with celebrities to the point of following every single thing they do in their lives.

What do people get out of idolizing some rich people who probably don’t even care about you?”

6. Keep it to yourself.

“Taking videos of yourself crying and posting it online.

Also don’t understand the people who sympathize with them.”

7. Am I hallucinating?

“The Masked Singer.

I just don’t get it…

I saw that show for the first time in the hospital, in the early hours of the morning, hopped up on painkiller and half awake while waiting for an MRI.

Sat there groggily wondering why there were people in fur suits on a reality show and wondering if I was hallucinating or something.”

8. Bizarre.

“Politician worship.

It is puzzling to me that people will show up at a political rally and scream like they are at a Rolling Stones concert.

Not sure when this all started but it is very weird to me.”

9. Not doing it for you.

“I’m mostly a metalhead. I like some rap. I like even less county, but still some.

I can’t get my head around country rap. My brother goes bananas for it and it’s awful to me.

I haven’t heard anything from the genre that I would consider innovative, thought provoking, or even halfway challenging.

I’m not trying to be a super smart guy here, I don’t have the time to type the pants on head stupid things I listen to when I’m in the mood for the auditory equivalent of Spam and eggs.

But what’s cool about music is you can find people pushing the boundaries in any genre, but country rap reeks of complacency to me.”

10. It is a big hit…

“The Bachelor/The Bachelorette.

I have no idea why the most forward-thinking and progressive people I know regularly tune in to literal objectification every week.”

11. Yes!

“The Kardashians.

I have a theory.

They initially got popular because of their TV show. Now, every one on the internet seems to dislike them BUT, in disliking them, people still don’t stop talking about them.

Now when they keep talking about them, they get more popular.”

12. Odd…

“Why anyone cares about the British Royal Family.

They are just a bunch a rich people.”

13. I don’t get it.

“Beyoncé, and how talking in a non-positive way about her is sacrilegious.

I once said she was overrated on Instagram and I received literal death threats.”

14. Too much work.

“Night clubs.

Loud, sticky, claustrophobic. You can’t talk, just drink and dance, which I’m awful at. After 30 mins I’m ready to leave, and I wouldn’t even enjoy it for that short period of time.

I actually feel like I’ve missed out on something that sooo many people love, but you like what you like, and I HATE clubs!”

15. I’m feeling this one!

“Modern hip-hop, trap, mumble rap.

I honestly can’t get into the half-asleep triplet delivery of rappers nowadays, sh*t hit so much better back in the day.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what YOU don’t understand the popularity of.

Thanks a lot!

The post What’s Something That You Can’t Understand the Popularity Of? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

The McRib Is Back…for Real This Time

If it seems like 2012 was a long time ago, that’s probably because it’s the last time McDonald’s offered their legendary McRib.

It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, but hey. Time makes no sense anymore and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t mean anything, either, so here we are.

If you’re a huge fan of the maybe pork smothered in McD’s signature BBQ sauce sandwich (can someone explain to me where the bones went? And why there are meat lumps instead of bones? No?), you’re going to be jumping for joy – because the McRib is going to grace drive thrus everywhere very, very soon.

Like, it’s probably already happened since we published this article.

The McRib was first introduced back in 1981, and was on the national menu until 1985. Since then, there’s never been a schedule for it’s re-release, and though some locations have had it from time-to-time, it hasn’t been nationally available since 2012.

Recently, McDonald’s Twitter account teased customers, saying “It’s always ‘when is the McRib coming back’ and never ‘how are you doing person who runs the McDonald’s account.’”

Some other brands had fun with their replies, like Target…

And XBox.

But the important reply came from McDonald’s themselves, when the announced the McRib was going to be back nationally on December 2nd.

People are, understandably, thrilled.

Like, we’re losing our collective minds.

This is really happening.

Head down to your local McDonald’s, friends, and see for yourselves.

I know 2020 has been an absolute horror show, but McDonald’s is doing their best to make it just a little bit better.

All hail. For a little while, we can love them for more than their french fries.

The post The McRib Is Back…for Real This Time appeared first on UberFacts.

An “Elf” Version of Monopoly Is Now on Shelves

There are a ton of Christmas and holiday movies out there. If you love them, you have no end to your choices when it comes to holiday cheer.

That said, many people really, really seem to love Elf.

It doesn’t hurt that most people also love Will Ferrell, and as far as I can tell, Elf might be his most universally loved film.

Which is saying a lot.

Image Credit: Amazon

If you love Elf, maybe this Monopoly game would make the perfect gift for yourself – or for your household, if you’re into torturing everyone you live with, too.

USAopoly is promising us a “trip down memory lane,” in this version of the classic game, which includes characters, locations and quotes from the 2003 movie starring Will Ferrell.

Image Credit: Amazon

According to Amazon, we’ll be able to “relive the hilarious movie Elf featuring the journey of Buddy the Elf from the North Pole where he passed the seven levels of the candy cane forest, through the sea of swirly-twirly gumdrops, and then through the Lincoln Tunnel.”

Sounds kind of like Candyland to me, but ok.

Image Credit: Amazon

The Community Chest cards are renamed Christmas Cheer, and the Chance cards Christmas Spirit, because Buddy wouldn’t have it any other way.

Image Credit: Amazon

The tokens are said to depict Santa’s sleigh, a polar bear cub, a jack-in-the-box, a mailroom coffee mug, Santa’s toy sack, and maple syrup.

Image Credit: Amazon

Like the regular game, anywhere from 2-6 players are welcome, ages 8+, and it will take you at least 60 minutes to play.

Unlike the regular game, there will be some “special rules” specifically for this edition.

“Grab a token and your elf shoes, and travel around the board spreading Christmas cheer – and don’t forget to sing loud for all to hear! Set forth on your quest to own it all, but first you will need to know the basic game rules along with custom Monopoly: Elf rules.”

You can grab the special edition for around $40.

I mean, I guess torture-by-Monopoly is one of those rights of passage.

I just wish other, better games would start making themed versions so we could get excited about the tie-in and the game.

Know what I mean?

The post An “Elf” Version of Monopoly Is Now on Shelves appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Businesses They’ll Never Buy From Again

I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of a business that I felt was so terrible that I’d never go back or spend money on again and I just can’t really think of any.

There are definitely tons of places where I would never spend my money in the first place, but I don’t think I’ve had such a bad experience somewhere that I vowed “never again”…

But these folks sure have…

AskReddit users opened up and revealed the brands, stores, and restaurants that they’ll never spend money on again.

1. Not gonna do that again.


I will NEVER step foot on one of their buses again. Every single time I’ve rode with them, something catastrophic happens.

From buses breaking down to felons getting arrested mid-trip, I think it’s safe to say I’ve had enough.”

2. Sketchy.

“Wells Fargo.

Fake Accounts scandal

Auto Loan insurance scandal

Mortgage Loan scandal #1 (changing customer terms)

Mortgage Loan scandal #2 (2008)

PPP Loan scandal.”

3. Not satisfied.

“Never again restaurant was Jamie Oliver’s Italian.

Bloody awful menu, completely pretentious trite.

I think they all closed down.”

4. The friendly skies.

“Spirit Airlines.

The one time my family has flown Spirit there was a crushed taco salad in the pull-down desk, and the whole plane smelled vaguely like baby powder.”

5. Waste of money.

“Smokey Bones.

I ordered a “loaded nachos” from them recently. It arrived. It was basically a pile of plain corn chips with maybe a tablespoon of cheese sauce.

It included several tiny tablespoon portions of salsa, tomatoes, jalapeños, and sour cream. This was $13.00! Total waste of money.

I will never order from them again!”

6. Avoid at all costs.

“American buffets.

Ryan’s, Golden Corral, Old Country Buffet, etc…

I worked at one. Trust me. Do not.”

7. Brilliant!

“Soon after she left me in 1998, my ex wife wanted to meet for a post mortem conversation. I suggested we meet at Pizzeria Uno.

About 20 minutes into our agonizing conversation, she looked around and said: “Wait. You hate Pizzeria Uno.” I replied: “I sure do. I’m not going to ruin a place that I like with terrible memories. I’m never entering a Pizzeria Uno again.”

And I haven’t.”

8. Best Buy.

“Best Buy. I bought a washer and dryer there, and I paid for installation.

The guy came out, installed them, turned them on, and left. The washer started flooding my laundry room within minutes. I called them back, and they said they couldn’t come back to fix it. They’re just bring me a new washer in a few days.

New washer comes, gets installed, and again the guy leaves (even though I asked him not to). Again, it floods my laundry room. Again, they won’t come back even though it’s just a few minutes later. They said they’d bring a new one in a few days, but I said f*ck it.

I told them to take the washer and dryer back, and I’d purchase them elsewhere. It took them a whole week to come back and get them, and even then only after I threatened to put them outside.

When they finally took them back, I got a refund….of one cent. One. F*cking. Cent. I had to spend hours on the phone with them to get the full refund amount. Then, they didn’t refund me for the hoses (which they took back) and the installation (you know, that flooded my laundry room twice). It was another few hours on the phone to get them to give me that money back too.

Bought a new washer and dryer at Costco later. Came the next day, installed in minutes (for free), and worked great. Was even cheaper than Best Buy.

Seriously, f*ck Best Buy.”

9. Bad experience.

“Long Horn Steak House.

Reason: all but 2 people in our party (of 15 people) got horrid food poisoning. Mine was so bad that I threw out my back from vomiting and retching, and couldn’t take pain medicine without throwing it up.

So I couldn’t sleep because of having intense stomach and back pain that lasted a week.”

10. Not good.

“Skullcandy headphones.

Bought a pair once, they broke, got them replaced, they broke, got them replaced, they broke, gave up.

Didn’t do anything out of the ordinary with them, I’d pull them apart a bit to place them.over my head and SNAP, two pieces…”

11. Stranded.

“Yellow Cab. The driver ran out of gas on Hwy 59 in Houston at 3:00 in the morning which is a major road in a not so good area.

He left my friend and I on the side of the road for an hour while he walked to get gas twice since it still am didn’t start after the first trip. In the midst of all this I called Yellow Cab multiple times asking for another vehicle to pick us up only to be hung up on.

After we finally got to my apartment he requested full payment. I said f*ck you and offered $20 and that was all he was getting. Ended up getting into a massive cussing argument with this guy before he finally took the money and left.

I haven’t, nor will I ever use them again.”

12. Haven’t forgotten.

“Pottery Barn.

My wife was pregnant with our first child, so full nesting mode engaged. We ordered a chair for the kids room/nursery/whatever the f*ck it’s called, a nice glider with an ottoman, perfect, in theory, for 3am feedings. We ordered it at around 5 months out.

Everything was on track until 3 weeks from delivery date. We had called many times to confirm since shipping was delayed, but still on track for the due date. They told us it was now back-ordered for 6 months. These things happen, but there’s no way they found out about a 6 month delay 3 weeks from delivery on a 9 month lead.

It was a sh*t show! My wife, now fully in the grasp of preggers-crazy went ballistic. We got in cancelled and found another one from some similar place (restoration hardware?) it came in time.

Ok, then Pottery Barn’s ottoman shows up! What else came was a charge for the ottoman. Now we start fight 2 so they would refund our money and retrieve the ottoman. Kid turned 2 months old before it got cleared up.

My wife still flips the store off every time we drive by. This was 8 years ago.”

13. That’s pretty gross.

“I ordered a different type of gravy at Cracker Barrel, and they brought it out to me still in a plastic pouch with microwaving instructions on it.

I know things are prepackaged and reheated in a lot of places, but to not even bother dishing it up?”

14. Dude, you’re NOT getting a Dell.

“Dell, for laptops anyway. They have this devious little feature: the charging cable has a thin data wire inside that tells the computer the charger is from Dell.

If you plug in a charger that does not have this, even if the voltage is correct, the computer will throttle the CPU way down by sending false overheating signals, and will only increase the battery charge if the machine is off. To make this way worse, that data pin wears out and breaks very easily, and even if your charger still works, which it often does, it is borderline unusable. Since you can only get a replacement from dell, replacement chargers are unusually expensive.

This “feature” cannot be turned off in any intended way. There is a program you can use to bypass it by disabling the specific type of thermal cpu throttling they use, but that only works on intel cpus.

If you have an amd, tough luck, and even if you dont you shouldn’t have to disable hardware safety features using 3rd party software just to use hardware that is perfectly functional except for one unnecessary part that is designed to break.”

Alright, friends, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about the brands, stories, and other things that you’ve vowed to never spend money on again.

We look forward to hearing your stories!

The post People Discuss the Businesses They’ll Never Buy From Again appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Their Opinions About What Never Stopped Being Cool

Some things are cool and they always have been.

Bruce Springsteen. The Ramones. Martin Scorsese. Converse All-Stars. Also a whole lot of little things in life, too!

It’s just the way it is!

So let’s learn about some more eternally cool stuff.

AskReddit users talked about what was, is, and always shall be cool.

1. Nice and wholesome.

“Being the guy out of the group that waits for you when you have to stop and tie your shoe.

I LOVE that guy!”

2. Kindness.

“Being the type of person who is kind without trying to get recognized for it.

My whole family tries to be this way. As a kid, there were always strange people by the house……I asked my parents when I got a little older why they had a bunch of whacky friends.

They were nice to everyone unless you gave them a reason not to be. That lead to all the strangers and outcasts that were always dumped on by *ssholes feeling like they had a home and a friend.

I try to live by the same code because “normal” is nothing more than a setting on the dryer.”

3. That’s right.

“Sticking up for people in need.

I went to school with a mentally challenged girl from preschool through high school. She always said hi to me and I would ask her how she was, almost every single day.

One day in middle school she started walking across the street without looking and got hit by a car. She wasnt badly injured, just a few scrapes and bruises. Well a couple weeks after that she was trying to cross the street to get to school but the traffic was bad and she was scared to try to cross.

I had just parked my car and started walking to the school. I heard her yell my name from across the street and start waving. I yelled back and asked if she was ok. She asked if I would help her cross the street. I didn’t think anything of it and just kinda started walking across the street and stopped traffic.

I got to the side she was on and took her hand and I helped her across the street. She said thank you many times and we went about our day. I never thought it was a big deal but it must have been to her because throughout the rest of our school years she would randomly tell me thank you for helping her across the street.”

4. The best.

“Tony Hawk.

I’m not even into skateboarding and I think he’s cool.”

5. I agree.

“Finding money.

On the ground, in a pair of pants.

Doesn’t matter. Finding money is always cool.”

6. All ages.

“For me it’d be LEGO.

It sparks a joy in most/all people, no matter the age.”

7. Better with age.

“Bob Ross and Mister Rogers get cooler with age.

Both MUCH cooler now than when I was a kid.

They are never going to hit maximum coolness.

They’ll just keep expanding.”

8. Be gentle about it.

“A gentle but witty comeback.”

9. The good stuff.

“A cold beer after a long day of work.

Pizza and beer after helping someone move.

Makes an average beer, average pizza, taste Godly.”

10. Lookin’ sharp.

“Leather jackets.

I wouldn’t mind having one if I could pull it off.”

11. A classic look.

“Jeans, a white t-shirt and some black boots.”

12. Darn right!

“Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Dolly Parton.”

13. American icon.

“Converse will be cool until the end of time.

This is the hill I will die on.”

14. Skate or die!


It’s still absolutely awesome to watch and super fun to practice.”

15. Pretty awesome.

“Electric guitar.

The Les Paul is like 60 years old and still cool.”

What do you think has never gone out of style and will always be cool?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Their Opinions About What Never Stopped Being Cool appeared first on UberFacts.

Do You Love Oscar Mayer Weiners? Now You Can Propose in Front of the Weinermobile!

I’m not someone who judges the choices and preferences of others. When it comes to proposals of marriage, they are as varied and inventive and unique as every single couple involved in them, but listen – if you want, with all of your heart, to propose in front of the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile, by all means.

If this is your dream, I have good news for you – you can make it a reality.

Oscar Mayer has announced that starting now, “anyone who has mustard up the courage to pop the question to their significant other” can apply to do so in front of the Weinermobile.

You need to give them 3-12 months notice and fill out their application, called “Request the Weinermobile,” on their website. Requests are fulfilled based on availability.

And listen, you can request the use of the Weinermobile for any reason, technically, so if you’re happily single and just want to jaunt around town eating questionably smoked meats, have at it.

If your application is approved, Oscar Mayer will give you a week’s notice to finalize the rest of your plans before they roll into town and hand you the keys – no money changes hands, either, so that’s an added bonus.

Oscar Mayer got the idea to offer their signature vehicle for proposals when one of their drivers proposed to their girlfriend in front of the car.

And hey, if you significant other rejects your proposal, at least you still have the use of the Weinermobile.

You can take all of the selfies you want, and no one has to know why you rented it in the first place.

It’ll be our little secret.

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Get a Pumpkin and Creme Pie From McDonalds – While They Last

Let’s talk about pumpkin and pumpkin spice for a second, okay? I’m not the biggest fan of the (in)famous and largely beloved Starbucks‘ Pumpkin Spice Latte, but they do make a killer pumpkin scone.

I don’t care for pumpkin pie, but have a pumpkin bar recipe that’s out of this world.

Maybe you love autumn but you don’t love pumpkin at all, to which I say, to each their own – but then this post probably isn’t for you.

For those of us who enjoy some autumnal-flavored desserts that include some kind of pumpkin pie spice, McDonald’s is once again throwing their hat in the ring with their Pumpkin and Creme Pie.

I mean, it’s no McRib, but neither of them are like actual food, so let’s not pretend anyone is better than anyone else around here, eh?

The Pumpkin and Creme pies at McD’s are much like their hot apple pies – they’re doughy pockets with buttery, flaky outer crust that hold, in this case, some stuff that has the flavor and consistency of a pumpkin pie slathered in whipped cream.

Like the McRib and many other menu items people really like, this pie won’t be around for long. It will probably hang out until around Thanksgiving, before disappearing in favor of something more Christmas-y.

I have no idea what that might be, but i would love to see a hot chocolate inspired pie, wouldn’t you?

Enjoy, my pumpkins! Autumn is here, but before you know it, the dreary winter chill will descend, so don’t miss out!

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An Irish Court Ruled That Subway Doesn’t Serve Actual Bread

There can be no doubt that Americans eat a lot of things – and on a regular basis – that are essentially banned in other countries. Chains like McDonalds even have to adhere to higher food standards abroad.

Well… the time has come for Subway too. They’re going to have to shape up their bread or start calling it something else in Ireland, because the courts there have ruled that whatever is on the outside of their meats and cheeses, it’s not bread.


Image Credit: Pixabay

Here’s why…

For purposes of tax laws in Ireland, Subway cannot classify their bread as such because of its high sugar content.  Instead, it gets a label of “confectionary or fancy baked good.”

The case that led up to the ruling centered around whether or not Subway’s bread counts as a “staple food,” which would exempt it from the Value Added Tax and save Subway billions of dollars.

Sadly (for them, not Ireland), the amount of sugar in the bread – around a shocking 10% of the weight of the flour – far exceed the standard of 2% stated in the law.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

If you, like me, don’t understand numbers, that means that Subway’s bread contains around 5x more sugar than Ireland allows for something to be considered bread and not cake.

The court ruled that “the argument depends on the acceptance of the prior contention that the Subway heated sandwich contains ‘bread’ as defined, and therefore can be said to be food for the purposes of the Second Schedule rather than confectionary. Since that argument has been rejected, this subsidiary argument must fail.”


Image Credit: Ian Poelett

Well, there you have it. The next time you grab a Subway, just know you’re basically eating a cake sandwich.

Which is perfect if you enjoy a little salty with your sweet!

What do you think? Was this court a bit too salty itself?

Let us know in the comments!

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