Get a Black Icee at AMC Theaters in Honor of the New ‘Addams Family’ Movie

I’ve been praying for a black Icee to come along for almost my entire life, and now here it is!

I guess you could say this is my personal peak. Is that sad? I’ll let you be the judge.

But I digress: in honor of the new animated version of The Addams Family that hits theaters on October 11, AMC will sell a black cherry Icee that is totally jet black. Boom!

It's creepy, cooky, altogether ooky, just like Addams Family Movie. Try the Spooky Black Cherry Icee at participating…

Posted by AMC Theatres on Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Spooky Black Cherry Icee will be available at the concession stand at AMC Theaters, and you know what the really good news is? It’s gonna turn your tongue black when you drink it so you can run around the lobby after the movie is over and creep out people waiting in line!

Going to the movies has never been so much fun.

If you’re a youngin’, let me fill you in with a brief history of The Addams Family. The characters are based on a comic strip by artist Charles Addams that ran in The New Yorker from 1938-1988. There was a live-action version of The Addams Family on TV in the 1960s (in glorious black and white) and then the early 1990s saw a revival of the characters with two feature films.

Posted by Ashley Slone on Saturday, September 7, 2019

AMC released a similar black Icee drink this summer for the release of Men in Black: International, and I’m sure there were a whole lot of black tongues at those showings as well.

Here’s the trailer for the new film that comes out on October 11.

See you at the theater with my black Icee in hand!

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17 Funny Jokes About the New iPhone Announcement

Apple revealed the new design for their iPhone 11, and people everywhere are ready to fork over (literal) handfuls of cash to get their hands on one.

But…there’s still time for some pretty spot-on, pretty valid, pretty funny jokes about the latest offering from America’s fruit-shaped God, no?

I think so. Here are 17.

17. Just take my money.

16. That looks like a wasp’s nest and I am triggered.

15. But probably still without so many muscles.

14. YOU need a new phone and YOU need a new phone and YOU need a new phone!

13. I’m not even trying to keep up anymore.

12. I just don’t know how much longer I can make it, Sir.

11. IDK honestly the spider is cuter.

10. Are you sure you can’t squeeze out just a little more?

9. I’m such a liar.

8. Yeah, I’m going to need to test that out.

7. Live from Cupertino, California.

6. Yeah yeah find a new argument.

5. So many kidney jokes, so little time.

4. Trying not to yawn.

3. You know you’re gonna do it anyway.

2. It’s called combining two things people love okay?

1. Because purple come on.

I love my Apple products as much as the next person, but not a one of these tweets is wrong.

Are you in line for the iPhone 11? Why or why not?

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Period Trackers Used by Millions of Women Are Sharing Your Sensitive Data with Facebook

A new research study showed that period tracking apps, including MIA Fem and Maya, have sent your personal information to Facebook. This not only includes when you’re on your period, but the type of contraception you use, how often you are having sex, and any PMS symptoms like mood swings.

When does the invasion of privacy stop?

Photo Credit: Pedro Sandrini, Pexels

Buzzfeed news explains:

“The data sharing with Facebook happens via Facebook’s Software Development Kit (SDK), which helps app developers incorporate particular features and collect user data so Facebook can show them targeted ads, among other functions. When a user puts personal information into an app, that information may also be sent by the SDK to Facebook.”

Great. So they know about your period because – you guessed it –advertising.

“Advertisers are often interested in people’s moods because it helps them strategically target ads to them at times they might be more likely to buy. And women who are pregnant or seeking to become pregnant are likely to change their shopping habits.”

When BuzzFeed News broke the story, the owner of the Maya app emailed a warning to BF, fighting back:

“As BuzzFeed has not been the intended recipient of the email, it should have never been shared with BuzzFeed and you as its representative,” the email said. “Considering that the unauthorized disclosure has already happened, we hereby urge you to erase all the material erroneously obtained without prevarication and delays. We shall be waiting on your confirmation of the erasure.”

“All data accessed by Maya are also essential to the proper functioning of the product. Predicting information pertaining to menstrual cycles is complex and dependent on thousands of variables,” the email added. “Location information, the significance of which is highlighted in the report, helps us triangulate regional variations in cycle lengths and thus help improve accuracy of our prediction over time.”

Right…as if a news agency that received info on a story ‘erroneously’ is required to delete the info because of its ‘erroneous’ origins. NOT.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I mean, maybe they don’t share all your info, as they suggest, but there is residual proof that what their app collects can trigger certain ads even without specific information. Per Buzzfeed:

“MIA Fem asks users about all kinds of habits ranging from smoking to coffee consumption and tampon use. This data isn’t immediately shared with Facebook, Privacy International’s analysis found, but it enables MIA Fem to suggest articles to app users. Those articles — which are tailored to a user’s selected interests — are shared with Facebook. It also shared “reminders” within the app to take birth control medication with Facebook.”

Really what this is telling us is to read the terms of service before downloading an app. As consumers, we need to understand what information these companies are collecting. Sure, it might seem like a waste of time to read pages of legalese, but it just might save you the headache of your privacy being invaded.

Or maybe our government could step up and regulate an industry that is clearly flouting the reasonable standards of privacy that we’ve lived with in the law for generations? Or not. Whatever.

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10 Foods You May Have Been Eating the Wrong Way This Whole Time

Have you ever noticed that, sometimes, you eat certain foods differently than “normal” people? 

For example, I have a thing for pizza combos. And there’s only one way to eat them. Pop a few into a toaster oven for a minute, then when they are warm suck the cheese out of the center, then eat the pretzel. Odd right?

Buzzfeed opened up to their community about the strange and perhaps a better way of eating our favorite foods.

10. A new way to enjoy nachos!

@cheyannemehus says: My grandma takes Nacho Cheese Doritos and covers them with shredded cheese them bakes them until the cheese melts.

9. A taco technique to ensure you don’t lose the good stuff.


@jayleeh: Eat tacos from the top not the side because everything falls out

8. You’ve haven’t eaten a Pringle until you eat it topside down.

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Ich habe gerade noch ganz spontan einen langen Spaziergang mit meinem Papa gemacht. Ich wusste schon, dass er mit mir reden wollte. Wegen der Essstörung und meiner momentanen Verzweiflung wegen der Klinik usw. Es wurde dann auch ein sehr tiefgründiges Gespräch. Mein Papa schafft es wirklich, mit mir so darüber zu reden, dass ich nochmal nachdenke und nicht auf meiner Meinung festgefahren bleibe. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass er mich immer annehmen würde, egal wie dick oder dünn ich bin. Wir sind sogar nochmal bei meiner Tante gewesen, sodass ich ihr doch noch zum Geburtstag gratuliert habe. Meine Mama hätte mich nie überreden können, aber bei meinem Papa ist das einfach anders, weil er ruhiger ist und mich nicht gleich wegen allem anfährt und die Entscheidung am Ende trotzdem noch mir überlässt. Er kann zwar nicht nachvollziehen, warum mir gewisse Dinge so schwer fallen, aber allein, weil er mir seine Sichtweise schildert, gehts mir besser und ich betrachte das Ganze aus einer anderen Perspektive. Zum Beispiel meinte ich vorhin, dass man vielleicht nicht sieht, dass es mir schlecht geht, wenn ich im Normalgewicht bin. Dann hat er entgegnet, dass man so im Untergewicht denkt, es geht mir immer schlecht und wenn es mir mal gut geht, sieht man das ja dann nach meiner Denkweise auch nicht. Darüber habe ich noch nicht nachgedacht. Ich bin gerade einfach nur dankbar. Sorry für diesen verwirrenden Post, ich musste das gerade irgendwie niederschreiben. Morgen kommt dann mein Post über die Ängste. Macht euch einen schönen Abend ❤ . #weightgain #weight #minniemaud #gewicht #zunahme #pringles #essen #food #foodporn #foodinspiration #chips #keks #biscuit #healthy #pringleschips #magersucht #anorexie #essstörung #anorexia #ed #edrecovery #edwarrior #challenge #fearfood #fearfoodchallenge #recoverywin #recovery #recoveryisworthit #healthyfood #edfam Werbung

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@wavesandwonder: “Sometimes the bottom sides have a little flavoring because of how they’re stacked in the container, but most of the flavor is from the top side!”

7. A perfect breakfast treat.


@kirstinpeter82: “Bite off each end of a Twix so you can use it like a straw in your milk, hot chocolate, or tea.’

6. If you freeze your gummy bears, they become sweeter!

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#heaven #frozengummybears

A post shared by Cherry C. (@cherrychowfun209) on


@mentalcandy0702: “”They become sort of like mini popsicles!”

5. A gourmet grilled cheese by simply adding sliced tomatoes.


@royairavani01: “You can cook them in there or ~porn it up~ and add cold tomato slices after the sandwich is already grilled and melty.”

4. Cream cheese bagel? Amp it up with jelly!


@buckedupbabe: “I grew up with my grandma making cream cheese and jelly sandwiches. Toast the bread first, then put cream cheese on one side and your fave jelly or jam on the other. Heaven.”

3. Turn boring vanilla ice cream into a cereal topping explosion

@mtyskies: “It’s so good, and it works with any sugary cereal!”

2. Instead of putting seasoning on your fries, add it to your ketchup. YUM!

h/t: vivianc4f70749fa

1. A frozen pizza can become a calzone.

@smrtblonde77 “When I lived in a dorm without a kitchen, I used to pull frozen pizzas out of the freezer and let them soften enough to fold in half. Then I cooked those bad boys in a George Foreman Grill. Quick and easy calzones!”

Any food hacks you want to share? Leave them in the comments!


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A Man Opened a Can of Heinz Beans…And Found One Single Bean

If you’re from the U.S., you might not believe a man went home looking forward to cooking the last can of Heinz Beanz in his cupboard.

Apparently, blokes across the pond enjoy a can of beanz for dinner now and again – and it was just what 41-year old lawyer Steve Smith fancied that night after a long day of work.

But inside the can was just a bunch of savory bean juice and one, lonely bean.

Luckily for Steve (and all of us), this happened in 2019 and not 1999, because at least instead of tossing the can and grumbling to himself, he could take his woes to Twitter.

He tweeted a video of his sad attempt at dinner, tagging Heinz before chucking the beans idea and making some eggs, instead.

Steve told The Independent, “I thought it was funny – but annoying. I thought they might see the funny side.”

The jury is out on whether or not Heinz found the incident even slightly amusing, but they did ask for details on the can and offer an apology.

An average can of Heinz Beanz, in case you were wondering, contains around 465 beanz.

Which is…a lot of beanz. Enough to fill you up, I guess!

Here’s hoping Steve’s eggs were just as delicious that night, and that a lifetime supply of beanz are on their way to Bristol, England, right now!

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Here Are Some Quick Tips for Capturing Those Cool Blurred Background Photos on Your iPhone

All of us want to take that perfect photo with our iPhone, especially those super-sharp portraits with the blurred background where your subject appears to be professionally shot. For all you budding photographers out there, here are three easy ways to make your photo skills the envy of your friends (even if you don’t own a new phone with a great camera).

Photo Credit: Pexels, Element5 Digital

3. Portrait Mode

This is the simplest method. If you have an iPhone X, XR, XS, or XS Max or an iPhone 7 or 8 Plus, you should have a Portrait Mode feature.

Open up your handy camera app, swipe until you find “Portrait” and simply position your subject within the limits of the lens. It will tell you if you need to move closer or farther away. When the words “Natural Light” appear, then you are set to snap at your heart’s content!

Photo Credit: Pexels, Oleg Magni

2. Position your subject just right – For older iPhones

Place your subject within a few feet of the lens. A yellow box should appear, tap it and the lens will be forced to focus on the object, leaving the background out of focus. Just move closer or farther away until the background fully blurs. You can also tap an object and hold on it to force the camera to lock into focus on it. Then it will keep the same focus, even if you or your subject moves.

1. Third-Party Apps

Sometimes, older iPhones just aren’t capable of capturing that desired blur. Therefore, we recommend trying out a third-party app that performs this feature. There are free apps available (like Blur Photo Background) or paid ones with better features (like AfterFocus). Either way, try some out!

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This Is How 5 Famous Fast-Food Restaurants Got Their Names

We all know fast food isn’t great for us, but that doesn’t mean you (and I) still don’t love it! Just in moderation, right? Or something like that…

Anyway, we all have our favorite fast food joints, but do you know where their names come from?

Let’s take a look and find out!

1. Whataburger

#TBT to the 9th Whataburger location in Corpus Christi, TX which must have been spectacular at night with its neon sign.

Posted by Whataburger on Thursday, March 7, 2019

What a taste, what a place! The regional burger chain started at a time when there were no patties bigger than 4 inches. What to do? Founder Harmon Dobson wanted a 5-inch burger that would make people exclaim “What a burger!” And the name stuck…

2. Wendy’s

Posted by Wendy's on Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Dave Thomas opened the first Wendy’s restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, in 1969, and he named his burger joint after his daughter Melinda, who was nicknamed Wendy.

3. Subway

Posted by Subway on Thursday, October 4, 2018

In 1965, Pete’s Super Submarines was opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut, by Frank DeLuca and Peter Buck. They renamed it “Pete’s Subway” a few years later. In 1974, DeLuca and Buck wanted to franchise their shop, so they simply renamed it Subway.

4. Starbucks

Where it all started. #coffeepassion

Posted by Starbucks on Saturday, January 12, 2013

Starbucks co-founder Gordon Bowker heard from a friend who worked at an ad agency that words that started with “st” were considered powerful. While brainstorming, they came across a map with a town on it called “Starbo.” Bowker was reminded of the character Starbuck from Moby Dick and a coffee giant was born. They also considered calling the place “Pequod,” after the ship in Moby Dick.

Side note: Pequod’s is the name of my favorite deep-dish pizza place in Chicago. Booyah!

5. Domino’s

Eenie, meenie, miny, moe…LOL, JK. We'll take a slice of each!

Posted by Domino's Pizza on Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The pizza favorite owes its name to a deadline. Brothers Jim and Tom Monaghan bought a pizza place called DomiNick’s in Ypsilanti, Michigan, in 1960. When the original owner decided he wanted to retain his rights to the name, the brothers had to make a decision so they could put their name in the phone book before a deadline.

Domino’s was reportedly dreamed up by a delivery driver named Jim Kennedy. Good choice.

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Lego Launches a Feature to Help Make Their Products Accessible to Blind Children

Unless you know someone who is blind, you probably don’t give a whole lot of thought to how blindness affects people – how difficult certain chores and tasks might be. And that includes hobbies and fun as well, especially for kids.

A young blind man named Matthew Shifrin remembers how difficult it was to just be able to play with LEGOs when he was growing up. Because the instructions for LEGOs are represented with images, a family friend of Shifrin’s had to spend hours writing out the instructions and then Shifrin had to upload them into a program that converted the instructions into braille.

A pretty complicated process for a kid who just wants to build things with LEGOs.

Get some #inspiration. Matthew Shifrin has been working tirelessly for several years to spread audio and Braille Lego building instructions to children around the world.

Posted by Mike Parsons on Tuesday, September 3, 2019

That’s why Matthew Shifrin teamed up with LEGO to create braille and audio instructions for the company’s toy sets.

LEGO is intent on making its products more accessible to people with disabilities, and earlier this year, the company launched its Braille Bricks that teach people the braille writing system.

Lego launches new feature to make building sets accessible to blind childrenRead more Technology News Here –>…

Posted by Technology News on Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The new sets that come with braille and audio instructions will be sold until December 31, and they include sets of buildings, vehicles, and a spaceship from The LEGO Movie 2. The sets are available for sale and then people can access free instructions on this website. Users can also share feedback on the site, which LEGO will use to make improvements to their instructions. The company also plans to add more sets with braille and audio instructions next year.

Matthew Shifrin says of the partnership with LEGO, “I just want to foster as many blind Lego addicts as I can and help them get into the hobby because it’s helped me so much … I really want to give back to these kids.”

Here’s a video of Shifrin giving a Ted Talk.

Great work!

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This Under-The-Desk Hammock Is Designed for Napping at Work

Now you can be just like George Costanza and sleep under your desk instead of working! But with this gadget, you’ll be a little more comfortable than he was in that classic episode of Seinfeld.

As someone who used to occasionally sleep in their car during lunch breaks, I wholly approve of this product.

The hammock is manufactured by Uplift Desk, and it comes free with every full desk purchase. It hangs below the company’s standing desk model, and, by the looks of it, you’ll be snoozing in no time if you decide to get comfy in one of these.

Take a break from the hectic workday in the Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Free with every full desk purchase, choose yours in gray or blue. Or buy it by itself!

Posted by UPLIFT Desk on Friday, August 23, 2019

You can also buy the hammock from Uplift by itself for $55.

It comes in blue or gray.

Take a break from the hectic workday in the Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Free with every full desk purchase, choose yours in gray or blue. Or buy it by itself!

Posted by UPLIFT Desk on Friday, August 23, 2019

All you’ll need to do is install the two anchor plates on the frame, then clip the carabiners that come with the hammock into the anchors, and you’ll be ready to go to Zzzzzzzz-Ville.

The bag that the hammock stuffs into hangs off the side of the hammock when opened, so you can put your phone (with the alarm set!), your keys, and anything else you want to keep next to you in there while you doze off and forget about all that paperwork you have to catch up on.

Ugh, we all know that feeling.

Here’s a video of the hammock in action. Will you be able to resist this product?

I love this idea – the more nap opportunities, the better.

I’m gonna order mine today.

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All of the Muppets Have Their Own Twitter Accounts

The Muppets are timeless, hilarious, wholesome, and deserve all of the attention they’ve ever gotten.

Also, some of them have activated Twitter accounts, and if you’re on the social media platform and love a daily dose of laughter, you definitely need to be following these gems.

There’s Cookie Monster (my personal fav).

Oscar the Grouch (I can so relate to him!).

Pepe the King Prawn should never be overlooked….

And Fozzie Bear has bad jokes for dayyyyyyys.

Statler and Waldorf get funnier the older I get, I swear.

Ernie and Bert are the best roommates ever, don’t @ me.

Sure, Elmo can be annoying, but someone loving you every single day can’t be bad.

Abby Cadabby loves Mean Girls as much as you do. No, really.

For insight into life as a rat, why not give Rizzo a follow?

And Gonzo is full of puns, and I know I need that in my life.

Big Bird makes you smile…

And Kermit never lets you down.

Then there’s Piggy (obvious)…

And Grover, because adorably naive never gets old.

You’re welcome!

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