People Share Life Hacks for Our Bodies

You should ALWAYS, ALWAYS listen to your friends, family members, and even complete strangers if they offer you advice about your wellness and overall health.

Because we’re all works in progress and there’s nothing wrong with learning some new tricks to help ourselves out.

So, what are some good life hacks for our bodies?

Let’s see how folks on AskReddit answered that question.

1. Give it a shot.

“I put lavender oil in my diffuser and turn it on about 30 min before I got to bed.

Fills my room so that I can fall asleep faster than my 1-2 hour normal. I call it my knockout gas.”

2. Foot massage.

“If you use a standing desk at home, buy a lacrosse/cricket/baseball and roll your feet around on it while you stand.

It’s like a high pressure foot massage”

3. Listen to your body.

“Lots of water and lots of sleep can cure SO many things.

Hydrate and rest.

Second favorite life hack is, when my body says “no,” I listen. I don’t mean a whiny no, like a little kid who just doesn’t feel like it, but an actual full stop Do Not Want.

I don’t argue with that.”

4. Pro tip.

“Take a shot of baking soda in water to immediately stop heartburn.”

5. Cut down on the meat.

“My digestive system operates most efficiently if I cut my meat consumption in half.”

6. Wow.

“Stop eating processed sugar…

Life long meds for anxiety gone within 5-ish days.

My thinking is more crisp.

My ADHD is slightly more manageable now…”

7. Good for you.

“Cold showers.

My ability to handle the cold has greatly improved, can happily walk around outside in shorts and t-shirt while everyone else is in big coats, hats and gloves.

Really good for your mental and physical health too.”

8. Get that outta there.

“If you have something in your eye and can’t get it out, pinch your top eyelid gently and then just pull it down over your eye and it will take care of the issue.”

9. Beat the fatigue.

“Whenever I’m extremely tired, to the point where my eyes are slowly shutting, make yourself strong coffee (or energy drink for those non-coffee drinkers) and take a 15-30 min nap right after.

Helped me pull off some papers due the next day for a class in high school and university.”

10. Do it at night.

“Showering before going to bed is like telling my body “Don’t wake up until you’re fully rested, no matter what”.”

11. I like this!

“Want to get some “automatic exercise?”

Put on a 20lb or heavier weight vest and wear it as you do chores around your home, take a walk outside, etc.

After months of slacking off on exercising, I found that wearing it for a couple of hours a day resulted in toning and loss of a bit of waistline.”

12. Stretch it out!


That’s all. Do it in the morning.

Doesn’t matter if you do a full on session or just a 1min “all the major areas” type thing (neck, back, legs).

Blood flows better and you feel looser in your skin.”

13. As simple as that.

“Eating well, sleeping enough, and regular exercise make you healthy and strong.

It’s insane how many people just let their health go to complete sh*t and then die years early for no reason.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about the hacks you use for your body.

We can’t wait to hear them! Thanks!

The post People Share Life Hacks for Our Bodies appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Weird Quirks Their Bodies Have

We all have weird quirks with our bodies.

Some of us are double-jointed, some of us have webbed toes, and others have birthmarks that look like Elvis.

The possibilities are endless!

But they’re all unique in special in their own way…and also kind of weird.

Let’s get weird with some folks on AskReddit.

1. Blurred vision.

“I can blur my vision at will.

Apparently some people can and some can’t. Means we can see those 3D eye puzzles immediately by just changing our vision. Has something to do with depth of focus.

Also great for watching horror movies or graphic scenes. Looks like I’m watching but everything is blurred. It’s like a visual censor switch.”

2. Check this out.

“My spine is about 2 inches to the left of where it should be in my lower back.

Cool party trick.”

3. Interesting…

“I only sweat on one side of my face and have a green eye and a blue one.

It’s called Horner’s syndrome, had it since birth.”

4. A new thing.

“Several years ago I underwent bariatric surgery.

Ever since shortly after I eat I peel off a series of strong sneezes.

Apparently it’s called “gustatory rhinitis”. Never had that pre-surgery.”

5. Are you human?

“I can spread all of my toes out really far from each other, with none of them touching at all.

It sounds insignificant, but every person I show ends up giving me a big reaction.”

6. Some eye issues.

“My eyes are not level.

Makes sunglasses look crooked and hard to trim sideburns evenly.

Also my right eye tear duct weeps sometimes.”

7. To the right.

“My head is tilted to the right (by default lol not that I can’t tilt it to the other side, it’s just my normal resting position).

My parents told me that’s how it’s been since I was a baby. No problems with bones or muscles as they’ve had it checked for years.

Doctors say it might be caused by a muscle in my eye which makes me tilt my head to see lines as straight.

I’ve never met anyone with the same case.”

8. Thumbs.

“I was born with an extra thumb on my right hand.

Unfortunately it was removed because it wasn’t functional and hindered the other thumb, but the remaining thumb is very strangely shaped and has a gnarly scar.

It’s also mostly not functional.”

9. You’re lucky!

“I can eat anything I want and I don’t really seem to gain weight or get fat.

I’m almost 40, still eating donuts and pizza whenever I want, still crushing bags of candies and chips every night and still have a 6 pack and look better now than I did when I was in the gym 4-5 days a week in my 20’s. My body seems to have learned how to process junk food like it’s clean protein.

People think it’s odd and make comments about it pretty often when they see me eat. I get a kick out of their confusion and curiosity. My BIL’s professional medical opinion is that I have a false leg.

All my blood work comes back great on an annual basis too.”

10. Like a superpower.

“I heal surprisingly fast.

Wipe out on skateboard and get nasty, deep scrapes? Gone with a scar in a week or two.

Cut my finger? Fold the skin back over, don’t touch it, healed overnight”

11. Ahhhhh!

“I was born without a uvula and I can spit out of my nose through a hole in the front of my mouth.”

12. That’s annoying.

“I aggressively sneeze during and after every hot shower for at least 45 minutes straight.

It’s horrible.”

13. Crackin’ and poppin’.

“All of my joints crack, pop and grind.

I sound like a glowstick all the time, especially if I’ve been sitting for more than ten minutes.”

14. Pitch black.

“I have really good eyesight in the dark, like I couldn’t read a book in pitch darkness but I could see stuff.

It p*sses my fiancée off as I’ll walk into a room at night and everything’s pretty much visible so I don’t turn a light on.

If we’re going to bed and I do this she then follows expecting me to have turned the lamp on but nope because I think it’s pretty light still and then she ends up tripping over something because apparently it’s really dark 😂”

15. Unusual.

“I can sleep while standing up.

I found this out during a summer bridge program I went to the summer before I started college. The counselors told us to stand up in the back if we ever got tired during class.

Little did I know just how tired I was going to get.”

Does your body have any odd quirks?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Talk About Weird Quirks Their Bodies Have appeared first on UberFacts.

The “Style Not Size” Series Shows that Body Type Doesn’t Really Matter in Fashion

Denise Mercedes and Maria Castellanos are entrepreneurs, models, and friends who have made quite a splash on Instagram with their “Style not Size” series – a collaboration between the two women, both of different height, shape, and ethnicity, showing off side-by-side displays of the same outfits, and absolutely rocking every one of them.

The idea here is simple but expertly achieved; fashion isn’t about having this or that body type, it’s about crafting your look and having confidence! Try as you might, there’s just no way to say who wears it better in any one of these. Here are just a few examples of this killer set!

10. Serving looks

I’m also impressed by how clean that kitchen is…

9. Keep it 100

Got good moves, too.

8. Natural light

Scroll to the last one for a bug attack.

7. Go, go, go

Here they are showing off some selections from American Eagle.

6. Looking snappy

Get it, girls.

5. Bilingual

It’s gettin’ hot in here.

4. One, two, three

Follow the rules.

3. Pop and lock

The music choice is…interesting!

2. Beach day

Golden sands and hot fashion.

1. Dip in

Nothing like a little bit of style on the rocks.

Check out their feeds for more great shots, as well as links to their stores and other projects! Their “style not size” series is just the beginning of what these two talented ladies are up to.

What has your experience been trying to look good and feel comfortable in your own body?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post The “Style Not Size” Series Shows that Body Type Doesn’t Really Matter in Fashion appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Envy About the Opposite Sex

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, right? As a millennial, I can’t relate to this at all because I’ve never had a yard. But I think the point is we tend to envy what we don’t/can’t have by default. This was put into a more thoughtful context when user Straifex-yin took to r/AskReddit to say:

What is the thing you envy of the opposite sex? from AskReddit

It’s an interesting question with a broad range of answers. Of course, more of us are becoming aware that sex and gender are separate areas, and that neither are actually binary, but the question remains, what do we see in others that we want for ourselves? Check out some of the responses.

1. The subject of children came up a lot.

As a man, being able to be friendly with kids that aren’t my own and nurturing in general without being worried about how it’s perceived by others, well some at least, as being sinister or weird.

Don’t like to say good things about myself, raised to be modest and all. But I’m really good with kids. Able to engage with them at a level they understand and teach them while being friendly.

Probably comes from having a sis 6 years younger. Be patient, entertain and protect.

I understand why people are suspicious these days but if I was a woman I don’t think I’d have to worry about it so much. That would be nice.

– Fuzzyphilosopher

2. Some answers were pretty light-hearted.

Female here.

Things I envy about men:

-Decent pockets in clothing

-Never expected to wear heels

-Can pee standing up (without making a mess)

-Much less shaving needed to be socially acceptable in summer

-Can usually reach higher shelves without a step ladder.

– MerylSquirrel

3. And sometimes, just typing out “why can’t I…” made users realize, they totally can.

Clothing options. I feel like women have such a broad range of clothing options compared to men.

And you can wear leggings without being seen as weird

Edit: fuck it, I’m buying some leggings

– Sinthex

4. It’s truly unfair to punish people for living in the time dimension.

Easier ability to age and it not be considered something to hide or cover up, but something that can even be seen as more “distinguished” or “respectable”.

– InannasPocket

5. Guys just wanna have not fun and have that be ok.

Not being ridiculed for being emotional and vulnerable.

– Mild_Wings

6. We need better birth control stat.

Not having to deal with the side effects of birth control

– jsmi813

7. A lot of men hate feeling like a constant threat.

Not being seen as always chasing sex.

I hate that I can’t sit down and get to know someone without them thinking that I want to get in their pants.

Also, people cross the street so they don’t walk next to me at night (I’ve started crossing the street first so they don’t have to and because I don’t want anyone to feel unsafe).

I totally understand why this happens, and why it should happen, and I support people protecting themselves! I just wish we didn’t live in a society where this was necessary.

– the_colton

8. A lot of women don’t feel heard.

I just want to be listened to. You have no idea how impossible it is to be a woman in a small town where everyone still holds the same 1950s values.

Nobody ever takes me seriously, nobody listens to what I have to say, and nobody thinks I have good ideas until a man repeats them.

– ArcadiaPlanitia

9. Some things are universal.

It’s much rarer for a guy to get a compliment than a girl.

Which sucks because compliments are just nice to get.

– Ericbazinga

10. And some things are…just ridiculous.

Being able to pee your name in the snow.

– snozberry_pie

Just remember: your identity is your own. Don’t hold yourself back from living the way you want to.

What do you think about this question?

Let us know in the comments.

The post People Talk About What They Envy About the Opposite Sex appeared first on UberFacts.

This Is How You Can Deal with Excessive Sweating

I sweat a lot. Probably too much, but what can I do about it?

Turns out there actually are some steps I can take to try to prevent over sweating. That’ll teach me to give up!

One easy thing you can try is to put on an antiperspirant before you go to bed at night. You should also try to avoid certain foods and drinks during your daily routine—for instance too much coffee can have an effect on your central nervous system and cause you to sweat more than usual. Drinking hot coffee might even make it worse because the heat of the drink increases your body temperature, which might make you sweat even more.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Other foods you might want to avoid: spicy foods. This one is tough for me because I love Indian food, Mexican food, and Vietnamese food, but if this is the price of less sweat, I suppose I can manage.

As Scientific American explains:

“Spicy foods excite the receptors in the skin that normally respond to heat. Those receptors are pain fibers, technically known as polymodal nociceptors… The central nervous system can be confused or fooled when these pain fibers are stimulated by a chemical, like that in chili peppers, which triggers an ambiguous neural response. The central nervous system reacts to whatever the sensory system tells it is going on. Therefore, the pattern of activity from pain and warm nerve fibers triggers both the sensations and the physical reactions of heat, including vasodilation, sweating and flushing”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If your excessive sweat results in body odor, there are other things you can do to try to keep that under control. Besides using deodorant, you should avoid foods that cause people to stink, like cabbage, broccoli, onions, garlic, and cauliflower. Alcohol also smells when you sweat it out, so you might want to cut down on the booze (that’s really not a bad idea for any person).

If you’ve tried everything, but you still sweat all the time, you can wear certain colors to hide your sweat (it’s not idea, we know). Very dark clothes and very light clothes hide sweat pretty well, so you can wear black, dark blue, and even white. You should avoid grays and bright colors if you’re gonna be out in the sun or somewhere you know you’ll be sweating because those colors practically highlight sweat stains. You could also consider wearing more athleisure, as it tends to be made from sweat-wicking textiles.

Try these tips out and see if they do the trick for you. If all else fails, go see your doctor. There are some genuine medical issues associated with excess sweating, although they are rare.

Good luck out there and stay cool!

The post This Is How You Can Deal with Excessive Sweating appeared first on UberFacts.