A Young Man With Autism Opened His Own Coffee Shop After No One Would Hire Him

This is a perfect example of persevering in life despite all the odds stacked against you.

Michael Coyne has struggled with many things in his life, including autism, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. Despite these challenges, Coyne has accomplished a lot, including competing in the Special Olympics. When he turned 21, he decided he wanted to join the workforce in the food service industry. But there was one major roadblock: no one was willing to hire Coyne because he is autistic.

He said, “I applied to multiple places. None of them would hire me.”

Come on by for muffins and coffees, Michael's here until 6! ☕

Posted by Red White & Brew Coffeehouse on Friday, November 22, 2019

So Coyne, ever the fighter, decided he would take his life into his own hands and opened up his own coffee shop in North Smithfield, Rhode Island, called Red, White & Brew. Coyne said he will hire people with and without special needs to help run his business because he wants to help people who are autistic to integrate into regular jobs.

Can the days get any better here at Red White and Brew?? I am honestly not sure they can! Not only was our day VERY…

Posted by Red White & Brew Coffeehouse on Monday, November 25, 2019

Red, White & Brew’s Facebook page spells out the coffee shop’s mission very clearly: “We are a family-owned coffee shop serving up more than a cup of coffee. We employ people with developmental disabilities, encourage community engagement, and change the way the world sees those with disabilities.”

What a weekend here at Red White and Brew!! Wow! You all brought it!! We are so humbled by the outpouring of support….

Posted by Red White & Brew Coffeehouse on Sunday, November 24, 2019

Coyne’s mother Sheila helped her son get his business off the ground. She said,  “As parents, we look at our kids and see the value,” Michael’s mother Sheila Coyne said. “We see what they are capable of, instead of the system that’s consistently labeling them and putting barriers.”

Congratulations, Michael!

And, reader, if you happen to be in the area, stop by and have a visit and a coffee.

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Creative People Have a 90% Higher Chance of Becoming Schizophrenic

If you look to history (which you always should), you’ll find plenty of anecdotal evidence that creatives tend to lose their minds at a higher rate than the average population. Famous people, too – van Gogh, Beethoven, Plath, Hemingway…the list of creators with mental illness is as long as my arm and yours put together.

Though previous studies attempting to link the two have been small and varied, a recent study in The British Journal of Psychiatry found that people with “artsy” degrees are 90% more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, 62% more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder, and 39% more likely to struggle with depression.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

This new study is in line with brain scans published in 2010 that revealed similarities between neural pathways of schizophrenics and creative people. In 2015, a different study also found a raised risk of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in creatives – though a 2012 study found that only writers fell into the higher risk category.

The reason behind the growing links remains a mystery, with some believing that a tendency to think more deeply can cause emotional instability and depression. Artists also tend to create in spurts, and bouts of productivity and high energy are also linked to bipolar disorder. Genetics could, of course, also influence both mental health and a creative nature.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

One of the study’s authors, James McCabe, sums up further:

“Creativity often involves linking ideas or concepts in ways that other people wouldn’t think of, but that’s similar to how delusions work – for example, seeing a connection between the color of someone’s clothes and being partof an MI5 conspiracy.”

If you work in a creative field, it’s important to be mindful of your own mental health. That said, the incidents of schizophrenia in the world as a whole are still small, so your chances of being diagnosed remain slim.

h/t: IFLScience

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