A man was arrested for trespassing at the Budweiser brewery. His name? Bud Weisser.
This Beer Company Is on a Mission to Feed the Hungry
One beer company is on a mission to make a positive difference in the world by donating 100% of its profits to feed the hungry.
Jacquie Berglund, the founder of the beer brand Finnegans, says she was inspired by the Paul Newman Foundation and their 100% profit donation model. Finnegans is sold in four Midwest states, and every cent earned goes toward the Finnegans Community Fund, which works to provide food to the needy.
As the child of a waitress and janitor, Jacquie understands poverty and food insecurity on a personal level, FreeThink reports.
“I understand the condition of the working poor,” Jacquie said.
One in six people in the U.S. don’t have enough food for a healthy lifestyle, according to Allison Karpyn, associate professor in Human Development and Family Sciences at the University of Delaware. Food insecurity doesn’t just mean starvation; sometimes it means a lack of consistent access to grocery stores with real, nutritious food.
“I’m a basic needs gal,” Jacquie said. “We live in the wealthiest country in the world. It’s a crime that people can’t meet their basic needs.”
Finnegans’ motto is that they “turn beer into food.” The profits go toward buying organic produce from local farmers and distributing that produce to food banks in the area. They also run a “reverse food truck” which collects food and monetary donations in exchange for beer samples.
In 20 years of business, Finnegans has distributed about 2 million pounds of organic food to families in need, and they’re not slowing down anytime soon.
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A Man Checked a Single Can of Beer After an Airline Wouldn’t Let Him Board with It
Doesn’t it seem like air travel keeps getting more and more strict? From beating up doctors to killing adorable, giant rabbits, they’ve been total dicks lately. The latest incident? Refusing to let a gentleman bring his beer onto the plane with him.
Photo Credit: Dean
Passenger Dean Stinson was on his way to Perth, Australia via Qantas Flight QF777 when was told he couldn’t bring his can of Emu Export lager, so he hatched a rather hilarious plan: he checked his beer as luggage!
Photo Credit: Dean
According to News AU:
The beer was tagged and sent off to be loaded onto the plane with the rest of the baggage, which the Melbourne ground staff happily did — but not until they had snapped a few pictures of the unusual check-in item.
Incredibly, the beer actually made it to its destination and apparently was the first thing to come out at the baggage claim – proving that the baggage handles at Perth clearly have a great sense of humor.
Photo Credit: Dean
Sure, it might be all shaken up and skunked from the changes in pressure and temperature that it undoubtedly experienced in the cargo bay, but it’s the principle of the matter. This hero of a man stared the tyranny of modern air travel right in the eye and literally said, “Hold my beer.”
Absolute legend.
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Drunk People Can Sometimes Be Really Entertaining. Here’s the Proof.
Sometimes, drunk folks can be totally annoying, unbearable, and even violent.
But other times, people who’ve had a little too much booze can be awesome, hilarious, generous, THE BEST.
These folks definitely fall into the second category.
1. Not disappointed
Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter
3. That’s why
Photo Credit: Twitter
4. Big business
Photo Credit: Twitter
5. Crimesolvers
Photo Credit: Twitter
6. That’s not good
Photo Credit: Twitter
7. Super strength
Photo Credit: Twitter
8. Hahaha
Photo Credit: Twitter
9. Sounds like a catch
Photo Credit: Twitter
10. That’ll help
Photo Credit: Twitter
11. Very late
Photo Credit: Twitter
12. That is incredible
Photo Credit: Twitter
13. Help me, Alexa
Photo Credit: Twitter
14. New BFF
Photo Credit: Twitter
15. On top of it
Drink up and be somebody!
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A German Town Came up with a Genius Plan to Deprive a Neo-Nazi Music Festival of Beer
This might be the best story of 2019… so far.
Recently, a neo-Nazi rock festival took place in the small town of Ostritz, Germany. Attendees descended on the small town of just over 2,000 people for the Sword and Shield (SS) music festival to do what neo-Nazis do: get drunk, listen to terrible music, and find like-minded boneheads to act like idiots with.
But the far-right folks were in for a surprise when they found out that a court had recently ruled that no alcohol was to be served or consumed at the event due to the fear of potential violence.
Police kept an eye on the festival to make sure that the ban was upheld.
But the best part?
Locals even chipped in and bought more than 100 crates of beer to really make sure that the far-right festival attendees wouldn’t have any brewskies for the weekend.
German residents buy up all of town's beer before white supremacists arrive for 'Shield and Sword Festival' of Nazi music driving the point home they are not welcome in Ostritz. https://t.co/ZBdwNHhUn4
— Official KAOS Radio Austin (@KAOSATXofficial) June 24, 2019
How to protest a right-wing music festival: take away their beer! Last weekend, hundreds of neo-Nazis in the eastern German village #Ostritz were cut off at the source.
The residents joined forces to show extremists they weren't welcome. Locals bought over 100 crates of beer. pic.twitter.com/h6DijJOa6X— DW Politics (@dw_politics) June 25, 2019
A local activist named George Salditt said,
“The plan was devised a week in advance. We wanted to dry the Nazis out.
We thought, if an alcohol ban is coming, we’ll empty the shelves at the local supermarket.”
An estimated 2,000 people also gathered for anti-racist demonstrations in Ostritz during the weekend as well. An estimated 500-600 people attended the Sword and Shield festival and were outnumbered not only by protesters but also by police, who numbered roughly 1,400.
"Thick necks, bald heads and NO BEER"#Nazis gather in #Ostritz for the ‘Shield and Sword’ Nazi festival. pic.twitter.com/Iwqmzz2zzN
— Maggie Aitch (@FreeBesieged) June 26, 2019
The mayor of Ostritz, Marion Prange, said,
“There are people here in Ostritz who do not tolerate the event, who stand for different values and who try to be role models,” Prange said.
Now this is what I call teamwork, and this is what I call community.
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This Inflatable Irish Pub is Available to Rent for Parties, So Dreams Do Come True
Ever since I was a young lad, I dreamed of having a bar in my backyard. You know, a nice, casual place to kick back and get sloshed with my buddies. Well, I’m here to tell you today that dreams do come true.
You see, you can now rent your very own, inflatable Irish pub for your next backyard shindig!
Think of it as a kind of bouncy-castle contraption like the ones the kids enjoy, but it’s stocked with booze and you can get hammered! And I guess you can probably bounce off the walls as well, right?
The Paddy Wagon Pub is a Boston-based business that brings the whole party to you, so to speak. When you hire these good folks, you get the inflatable Irish pub that can hold 80 people, complete with booze, Irish food, and even traditional Irish music if you’re interested.
We’re talking full service here, people. And they’re flexible too. The company says,
“It is no secret that Boston is internationally recognized as the hub of the Irish American community and within that community the pub is the place where friends and neighbors gather for good conversation, lively music, traditional fare and the Irish experience of home. Our team will work with you to make the perfect event. We can help design a customized drink menu, ranging from locally made microbrews to eclectic craft brews. We offer a wide range of culinary options and can provide staff to tend bar and provide food service.”
And just to make sure that neither you nor any of your friends get stuck behind the bar for the evening, the inflatable pub is staffed. So – sit back and enjoy.
Honestly, this sounds like a blast! Sláinte!
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Guinness Goes Green: Beer Giant to Stop Using Plastic Packaging
Plastic waste is one of the biggest environmental issues of our time, and one of the most famous beer brands in the entire world is taking a huge step towards being part of the solution: they’re going to stop using plastic packaging materials altogether!
The manufacturer of Guinness, Diageo, announced that they’re getting rid of their plastic beer packaging and will replace it with cardboard that is 100% recyclable or biodegradable. That’s great news!
Guinness maker Diageo removes plastic from multipacks: http://ow.ly/Ytv430or4iN#NoPlastic #NoWaste
Posted by Love Clean Streets on Monday, April 15, 2019
The company also announced it is investing $21 million (U.S.) into the new project, and that getting rid of plastic rings and shrink wrap will remove the equivalent of 40 million plastic bottles from its operations.
Diageo owns Harp and Smithwick’s as well and plans to move away from plastic on those brands, too. The sustainable beer packs are supposed to debut in Ireland in August 2019 and expand to the rest of the world in 2020.
Guinness is good for you
The maker of Guinness is eliminating all plastic packaging for its products.
Posted by Marm O'Melia on Thursday, April 18, 2019
Oliver Loomes, the director of Diageo in Ireland, said, “Managing our environmental impact is important for the planet and the financial sustainability of our business. We already have one of the most sustainable breweries in the world at St. James’s Gate and we are now leading the way in sustainable packaging. This is good news for the environment and for our brand.”
Good work Guinness! Now head to the pub and order a couple to celebrate!
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New Beer for Dogs Lets You Get Wasted with Your Furry Best Friend
Do you love dogs? Do you also love beer? Well then listen up!
Good Boy Dog Beer is here and it’s brewed specifically for your dogs, so you don’t have to slip them a sip of your Old Style anymore when they won’t stop begging.
Photo Credit: Facebook, Good Boy Dog Beer
Good Boy Dog Beer (obviously non-alcoholic, sorry Fido) was created by a Texas couple named Megan and Steve Long so they could drink with their pooch, Rocky. They’ve turned their hobby into a business, and they now distribute their product throughout East Texas. The Longs skip the fermentation stage of the brewing process, though, because hops and alcohol are poisonous to dogs.
The Long’s line of dog beers has some pretty great names, including Mailman Malt Licker, Session Squirrel, and Crotch Sniffin’ Ale.
Photo Credit: Facebook, PET WANTS Austin West
Megan Long explained the reason behind their special dog beer. She said Good Boy is for their “love for our own puppies and all the animals out there. Our oldest Rottweiler, Rocky, is very sensitive to foods and allergies so we started creating him his own treats and managing his diet better. It helped his allergy outbreaks significantly and we just seemed to progress from there eventually starting our own line of beer for dogs.”
You read that right, Good Boy Dog Beer might also help settle your dog’s stomach in addition to quenching their thirst. Cheers!
If you want to learn more, check out Good Boy’s Frequently Asked Questions page HERE.
Also, please drink responsibly – duh.
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5,000 year old beer receipt
This picture of an ancient tablet is actually a 5,000 year old beer receipt. ‘Alulu beer receipt’ records a purchase of “best” beer from a brewer, c. 2050 BC from the Sumerian city of Umma in ancient Iraq.
When the Airline Wouldn’t Let Him Board with It, This Australian Man Checked a Single Can of Beer as Luggage
Air travel has gotten pretty rough over the years, and they’ve really taken a beating (or given one, rather) in the way they treat customers. Let’s just call a spade a spade, y’all: They’re dicks.
But out of the frustrated masses, every so often a hero emerges to light the way forward. The latest incident? Refusing to let a gentleman bring his beer onto the plane with him.
Photo Credit: Dean
Passenger Dean Stinson was on his way to Perth, Australia via Qantas Flight QF777 when was told he couldn’t bring his can of Emu Export lager, so he hatched a rather hilarious plan: he checked his beer as luggage!
Photo Credit: Dean
According to News AU:
The beer was tagged and sent off to be loaded onto the plane with the rest of the baggage, which the Melbourne ground staff happily did — but not until they had snapped a few pictures of the unusual check-in item.
Incredibly, the beer actually made it to its destination and apparently was the first thing to come out at the baggage claim – proving that the baggage handles at Perth clearly have a great sense of humor.
Photo Credit: Dean
Sure, it might be all shaken up and skunked from the changes in pressure and temperature that it undoubtedly experienced in the cargo bay, but it’s the principle of the matter. This hero of a man stared the tyranny of modern air travel right in the eye and literally said, “Hold my beer.”
Absolute legend.
The post When the Airline Wouldn’t Let Him Board with It, This Australian Man Checked a Single Can of Beer as Luggage appeared first on UberFacts.