During the battle of Stalingrad, Mikhail Panikakha had only two Molotov cocktails left after helping repel German attacks. He raised the one to throw when a bullet hit it, setting him on fire. He then took the last bottle, jumped out of the trench and hit the nearest German tank with it.
During the Battle of Stalingrad, factories in the city…
During the Battle of Stalingrad, factories in the city continued to produce tanks. These tanks, unpainted and lacking gunsights, were driven directly from the factory floor to the front line and were often crewed by factory workers.
During the Battle of Stalingrad, factories in the city…
During the Battle of Stalingrad, factories in the city continued to produce tanks. These tanks, unpainted and lacking gunsights, were driven directly from the factory floor to the front line and were often crewed by factory workers.
More Nazis were killed by the Russians in the Battle of Stalingrad…
More Nazis were killed by the Russians in the Battle of Stalingrad alone than were killed during the entire WWII by America.