Terrible Reasons Why People Got Fired

No one likes to getting fired. When the economy takes a turn for the worse, sometimes it can’t be helped.

And then there are times when it seems like maybe the boss is to blame.

Here are 12 reasons why some truly bad bosses gave their employees the axe.

1. They say “know your worth”

But do they mean it though? Honestly, the nerve.

Image credit: Whisper

2. Last one hired, first one…

Sacrificed at the altar of marital harmony? Eesh.

Image credit: Whisper

3. Do as I say, and as I do

Even if it’s totally illegal. Wow!

Image credit: Whisper

4. Yelling at doggos crosses a sacred line

They say you can tell a lot about the way a person treats their dog.

But should the dog have even been there at all? Was this a trick?

Image credit: Whisper

5. Toddlers gonna toddle

And they all fall down.

Image credit: Whisper

6. Lying liars lie

Seems like maybe HR was jealous.

Image credit: Whisper

7. Sorry, you’re out of sick days

Maybe next time cough on your boss and he’ll send you home instead of firing you.

Image credit: Whisper

8. Pretty sure it wasn’t the breaks

Pretty sure they didn’t want to pay for maternity leave.

Image credit: Whisper

9. Sounds like a really fun office

But if we’re honest, haven’t we all been that person at work?

Image credit: Whisper

10. Invent teleportation or you’re done

It’s not your boss’s job to figure out the schedule. Oh wait…

Image credit: Whisper

11. I’ll fire you before they can fire me

Oldest trick in the book.

Image credit: Whisper

12. Honestly, should’ve seen it coming

Can’t risk being reported for sexual harassment, right?

Image credit: Whisper

Frankly, those bosses sound pretty awful.

As annoying as job hunting can be, I think most of these people would be better off in new jobs.

What do you think? Have you ever been worried a truly bad boss was going to fire you over something stupid? Tell us in the comments!

The post Terrible Reasons Why People Got Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

Bad Boss Tells Great Employee to Quit. Immediately Regrets It.

I’m sure you’ve found yourself at jobs where management just didn’t appreciate you or give you the proper respect you deserved.

Hey, we’ve all been there at one point or another!

And it’s always so darn satisfying to hear a story about someone who quits a job and the boss knows almost immediately that they made a mistake.

A person took to Reddit to share their own story.

Here’s how it started.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He started out slowly at the job but started taking on more responsibility quickly when management knew they could count on him…and when they didn’t want to do certain things themselves…

And so he started doing just about everything about the joint.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He was working his tail off and the owners would sometimes tell him they wanted to make him a manager…

Photo Credit: Reddit

But after they kept bringing up the management position and not delivering, the person decided to have a sit-down with one of the bosses and bring it up.

That’s called being a go-getter!

But the boss didn’t see it that way.

Photo Credit: Reddit

So this employee decided to only do what they were originally hired to do.

Hey, if the bosses want to play that game, then that’s how it will be.

But the boss clearly didn’t catch on after that first conversation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Wow! That’s totally ridiculous!

The conversation continued…and the boss laid down a challenge that he probably didn’t expect this person to take.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But they did!

See ya later…but the bosses still didn’t catch on…they don’t seem too bright.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And things went downhill very fast after this employee left.

Here’s how the story ended.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this?

Have you had jobs where you wanted to just walk out sometimes?

Or maybe where you DID walk out?

Share your stories with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Bad Boss Tells Great Employee to Quit. Immediately Regrets It. appeared first on UberFacts.

An Evil Boss Forgot His Employees Are Humans and Got Instant Karma When They All Quit

If you’ve spent time employed by someone else, it’s possible you have encountered a terrible boss here or there.

It can be really demoralizing when your boss or manager treats you badly, and even worse when they treat the entire team that way. Sometimes, it seems like bosses even forget that their employees are actual human beings.

One person shared a pretty sweet story of how their evil boss got instant karma and lost an entire department.

The person starts by noting that they were hired on to help manage some problems that their predecessor had left behind. That’s not ideal, but it’s doable.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

And as these things so often do, everything started out really well. As long as the person did what they were supposed to do, the boss mostly left them alone.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Unfortunately, it turns out that the boss has some pretty hardcore anger management issues.


Photo Credit: Cheezburger

And of course, as soon as they asked for a raise… total crickets.

Fast forward a few weeks, and it turns out the employee made a mistake.

They say it wasn’t huge, and the problem was fixed… but the boss totally overreacted.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

The employee also knows their rights, and lives in a country that really supports workers. In news that will surprise no one reading along, it turns out the boss violated pretty much all of the rules and protections put into place.

The employee is obviously going to be fine, and to make matters even better, they were the only member of the marketing department. Guess what the boss doesn’t have now?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Isn’t that story of instant karma pretty sweet?

Let us know what you think about it in the comments!

The post An Evil Boss Forgot His Employees Are Humans and Got Instant Karma When They All Quit appeared first on UberFacts.

Horrible Bosses Who Got the Shaming They Deserve

Almost all of us have or have had bosses in our time, and for me, at least, they’ve run the gamut. A few have been despicably horrible, a few have been outstanding, and most have labored somewhere in between. I’ve been tempted to call them out before, but the truth is, most people are doing their best.

That, though, cannot be said of these 13 peaches, who totally deserve to be called out and publicly shamed.

13. Dream on, jackash.

We’re outta here sorry not sorry about your party.

Quit my job yesterday because I was tired of the unprofessional environment – got this text from my supervisor today. from mildlyinfuriating

12. That is a truly bizarre thing to say.

And how do you know whether or not you’re “ready?”

My boss has a chest of random items that she likes. She told me on my first day to “look in the chest when you’re ready.” from WTF

11. I would have thought I was being pranked.

And when I found out I wasn’t, I would not know how to handle this.

Came to work to find that my boss threw away everyone’s desks and replaced them with dressers, a sheet of glass, and saddle chairs. from mildlyinfuriating

10. I hope they called the cops AND a lawyer.

Artists at my local tattoo shop left this for their boss after finding a motion detector that records video in the unisex BR

9. That is legit the smallest monitor I have ever seen.

It might be smaller than my laptop monitor.

Leave work for one day and my boss replaced my large monitor that I use to make prototype models and engravings on products with this tiny one. from mildlyinfuriating

8. Yes, when is a good time.

But why is also an acceptable answer.

My boss’s texting style from mildlyinfuriating

7. I don’t…why would this make you think of someone?

I think it’s time to run away.

My boss gave this to me and told me he was thinking of me…(I’m pretty sure its human skin) from WTF

6. Why are dolls so horribly creepy?

I would have straight-up had a heart attack.

My boss left this in the bathroom for me from WTF

5. That was a question, you know?

Guess he either didn’t know or didn’t read it. Or both.

I present my boss lady’s and gentlemen. from mildlyinfuriating

4. That seems like a totally appropriate way to get revenge.

And no, I don’t care about the customers.

My coworker went all Wet Seal on our boss today. from pics

3. If I was the “public” I wouldn’t be leaving a tip for someone who didn’t help me.

What a complete ashhole, no?

When your good service rewards only your boss from mildlyinfuriating

2. This is actually fairly amazing, right?

Don’t act like you’re not mentally giving this guy a high-five.

So my boss likes to make soap… from WTF

1. She’s probably kidding, right?

But I would order more pens just to be sure.

The way my boss asked me to order her more pens like this one. I’m sure she’s just bluffing……. from funny

I’m aghast at how purposefully horrible so many people are at their jobs.

Do you have a boss that could have made this list? Tell us why in the comments!

The post Horrible Bosses Who Got the Shaming They Deserve appeared first on UberFacts.