People Describe The Most Unappetizing Food They’ve Ever Eaten

Food is an integral part of our lives, serving both to sustain our bodies and to delight our senses.

Not all food is created equal, though.

Sometimes our senses are tormented rather than delighted.

Redditor phillygirllovesbagel asked:

“What’s the worst food you’ve ever tried?”

Knock-off Chain Restaurants Are Bad News

“I was visiting Fort Huachuca, AZ for work (not in the military).”

“They have a knock-off Panda Express there. Identical menu with different names. Like those bootleg KFCs in China that are identical to KFC but it’s ‘Kevin’s Funky Chicken’ or something.”

“Anyhow, I’m hungry, bootleg Panda seems like a good deal. I order up the usual. Chinese food, like pizza, gets pretty wide latitude. Even if it’s lousy, it’s not that bad.”

“This was straight-up inedible. I don’t even have the words to describe it. Just gristle and batter all fried together.”

“Ended up just tossing the whole thing out and going to Burger King.” -Deadlifts_n_Riffs

Home Cooking Can Be Dangerous Too

“my own chicken, honey, lemon concoction which was less ‘Italian summer’ and more like fisherman’s friend lozenge.” -Candy_Lawn

“Reminds me of the time I tried to make up my own orange-juice-based reduction/sauce thing for chicken and pasta. I don’t know what made me think I had any idea how to make that work. It did not work.” -super_aardvark

The Chili That Wasn’t

“There was a week where my mom was out so my dad had to cook for my brother and I. His first day he made chili. By chili I mean that he browned some beef, threw it in a pot with water and added one single packet of chili seasoning to the water and served it to us.”

“We had frozen pizza the rest of the week.” DrGingeyy

“I’m impressed he browned the beef first, that’s a common overlooked thing with first-time cooks.” –satooshi-nakamooshi

“Ah, watery ground beef soup–a college dorm classic.”

“That it was followed with frozen pizza only makes me more certain this exact sequence has played out on thousands of college campuses across the globe.” -drewhead118

“We have a chili cook-off at work every year before Christmas. There is usually 10 or so entries and 6 are really good, two are okay and two are absolute war crimes. Beef, water, chili packet, chopped and uncooked onions and green peppers and a can of beans.”

“It’s like badly flavored chili soup. I don’t know who makes them, but I feel horrible for their family.” -SafewordisJohnCandy

It Is Technically A Loaf Of Meat

“My ex MIL’s meatloaf. She literally just pressed ground beef into a square baking pan and threw it in the oven. Zero spices. Zero anything but hot ground beef.”

“She also made ‘baked spaghetti’ which was cooked spaghetti noodles with plain tomato sauce in a pan and baked.”

“Her cooking made me realize why I had to twist my ex’s arm to try REAL meatloaf and baked ziti the way it’s supposed to be made.” -SugarHooves

World’s Worst Burger?

“In the Dominican Republic, there is a mountain in Puerto Plata called Isabel de Torres. On that mountain there is a restaurant. That restaurant sells the worst goddamn burgers you will ever eat in your life.” -JoshPoshTheGreat

“Ok this is so f*cking oddly specific, I need more details.” -ThirdFloorNorth

“I actually came to say this. Amazingly, I’ve had these burgers twice. The second time we didn’t plan well and assumed the first time was a fluke. Fool me once…” -Semi-Pro_Biotic

“It’s incredible that 2 people both find the same obscure restaurant’s burgers so memorably bad but you guys GOTTA elaborate on the actual burger.” -JeromesDream

“Funny enough, I’m in Puerto Plata right now. I was going to take the cable car to the top of the mountain so I could take pics, give the play by play. However, the attraction doesn’t reopen until I leave. I wanted to go full metal Reddit, but whatever.”

“From memory, the beef in the Caribbean comes from a different species in the Bos genus than what is common in the US. The flavor is different, closer to farmed venison.”

“Side effect or intentional, it’s about 95-99% lean. Take that meat, ground coarse, make a very thin patty, cook it so that it doesn’t stick to the griddle, basically steams in it’s own moisture.”

“Throw that on a Latin roll, leafy lettuce, cheap tomato, gas station condiments. The sliced onion is the shining star.”

“Onions here are very good, sweet but tasty. The ultimate injustice then is when you bite, the texture is pasty and rubbery at the same time. Hope that helps.” -Semi-Pro_Biotic

“Jellied Salad” Says All You Need To Know

“Jellied salad.”

“Lots of my family still thinks aspics are a necessity for family dinners so there’ll usually be a variety of jellied salads. Tomato salad, shredded cabbage salad, usually some kind of weird olive and hard boiled egg combo for some reason.”

“All sitting on their plates, perfectly rectangular, wiggling away…” -LycheeEyeballs

“My mother constantly posts pictures on facebook for sole reason of grossing people out. The spagettio’s one that looked like a bunt cake got me.” -WinksAtLemons

“I didn’t know that people actually ate that stuff. I really thought they were a joke until this year.” -crackhappy

“My family has an orange one with veggies (canned corn or similar) and marshmallows.” -TheRealKestrel

Don’t Eat Rancid Meat

“On New Year’s day a few years ago, my dad bought ribs to make for dinner. Upon taking my first bite, I spit it out immediately.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever spit food out like that other than this one time. It turned out they were totally rancid, and to this day I still can’t eat ribs. Thankfully, none of us actually got sick.” -that-nerd

“I smoke ribs often. I’ve been going to my butcher for 10 years and never had an issue.”

“Over the 4th of July, I bought 3 racks of baby backs to smoke for the family up at the cabin. I thawed them out in the fridge.”

“Opened up the vacuum pack and it was the absolute worst smell in the history of smells. Pure f’king sulfur smell.

“Almost 5 months later, I can still smell it in my nose. I don’t know what the hell happened or even if they were edible but at that point, there was no cooking them. In the trash they went.”

“I had to air my cabin out for a solid 7-8 hours.” -DC4MVP

At Least She Tried

“My mom made this thing when i was younger called cheeseburger pie. no clue what box she got it from but my god did 9-year-old me not enjoy it.”

“I just thought it was a deconstructed cheeseburger, but no, there were like five other things in there and nothing made sense together.”

“She also made meatloaf a few weeks later and it was drier than the damn Sahara desert. never again.” -spacepharmacy

“My mom is a very good cook, but once she decided to make a recipe from the back of the Bisquick box, it was called impossible cheeseburger pie. The idea was that the bicuit mix was supposed to rise to the top and create something like a shepherd’s pie but with a dumpling topping instead of mashed potatoes.”

“After we all tried to choke some down, mom apologized, threw it in the trash, and we had waffles or something for dinner. Impossible cheeseburger pie became a running joke in our family. I wonder if that’s what you had.” -strum_and_dang

The Worst Flan

“I was in France and stopped by a place in Paris. I had been traveling for several months and missed Mexican food.”

“When the owner found out I was Mexican she insisted I try the flan she just made as a first attempt. The food was pretty alright, not like home but it hit the spot. She brought out the flan and stood there expectantly waiting for my response.”

“It was absolutely the worst flan I had ever had in my life. Like it just tasted bad. Like eggs that were off.”

“I couldn’t hide my reaction and she became visibly upset. I ate a little more to be polite but just couldn’t anymore.”

“I told her I’m just very picky and suggested a few things as I had worked in a bakery that had made some in the past (aside from family recipes). I gave her my contact info and a few weeks later got an email thanking me.”

“A group of Mexican musicians came through and told her while it wasn’t traditional it was very tasty and had a good texture and that any time I was back to please stop by for a meal on the house.”

“Unfortunately the next time I was back the place had closed down.” -Malignantrumor99

Let It Ripen First

“Unripe persimmon. It tastes ok but the tannins in the fruit, if not properly soft and ripe, make your mouth immediately feel fuzzy, like your tongue is shot with novocaine.”

“A completely unexpected mouth feel where your immediate reaction is ‘Get this out of my mouth NOW!’ Now i know!” -1_art_please

One can only hope to never experience any of the dreadful foods in this list.

Food’s primary purpose may be to sustain our bodies, but there’s no reason eating it should have to be a chore.

15 People Reveal When They Had Weird Feelings About a Situation and They Were Exactly Right

Has your gut ever given you a dire warning that a situation just wasn’t right?

These people certainly have, and their intuitions turned out to be right.

Read on as their share 15 stories of times when their gut was totally spot on at detecting a creepy situation.

1. Thank goodness they didn’t let her go

“A tennis coach at my kid’s club called to ask me if he could take my 10-year-old daughter with the other five players on road trips to play other clubs. I didn’t like it, she was tiny and just 10 years old. He wasn’t even her coach but another coach at the club. We thought he was creepy and to call like that…so I said no.

The coach ended up going to prison for being a creep and violating several girls older than my kid. His son was also 10, and the poor kid was also a victim of the scum bag. He got 15 years in 2009, and will probably be out soon.

He was convicted of three crimes, but the prosecution dropped an additional 22.

It still blows my mind.”

2. Something was off

“My sister was going to visit her friend out of state, so her friend’s friend offered to drive her there. He drove a few hours to get to our house and was noticeably tired when he arrived, so my sister suggested that he just sleep on our couch and they’ll go in the morning.

The entire night, my mom was going in and out of our rooms saying that there was something off about the guy; that she didn’t really like him but couldn’t figure out why. She actually quietly went out the side door and wrote down his license plate at one point.

The next morning, my sister was in the guy’s car for maybe 30 minutes before she felt sick and asked him to just take her home. Which he does, much to my mother’s delight.

>About six months later, my mom was looking at her news feed when she saw a familiar face and called my sister and me over and yelled, ‘I told you something was off about him!’ It turns out that about a year earlier, he murdered his ex-girlfriend and that his friend, who helped him bury her body, finally decided to tell the cops not because he developed a conscience, but because he was mad at him for stealing his toaster.”

3. The new guy

“In college, I worked at a bar and they brought in this new bouncer. From the second I met him, I immediately felt like there was something seriously wrong with him. His smile and eye contact were too intense. I told a coworker that the guy gave me the creeps and she told me she thought he was ‘cute and nice,’ and didn’t get where I was coming from.

A quick Google search pulled up his mug shot and articles about how he was watching his college roommate’s dog one weekend and horribly attacked and abused it.

He burned this poor dog and poured bleach on her. The dog survived and he was arrested. The article talked about how he was laughing at the police arresting him, saying he knew he wouldn’t get in any trouble.

He was fired and told to never come back once management found out.”

4. In on it?

“My mother, who was extremely emotionally and physically abusive, raised four kids by herself. Although she had many siblings and lots of other relatives, no one helped us.

When I was around 12, my mom had a female cousin who started coming around, out of the blue, trying to get my mom to attend church with her. Then, all of a sudden, this same cousin wanted to become my kid sister’s godparent. Okay, whatever.

But I certainly resented the fact that we were all of a sudden being forced to go to church almost every Sunday. I saw it as nothing more than a form of brainwashing.

I always had a sick feeling about her, especially when I had to sit near her in a room. A couple of years later, she started insisting I come along on weekend getaways she would have with my sister at her house. I had absolutely no interest in going.

Not only was I older, but I was thinking, ‘Why do I have to come? She’s not my godmother.’ But, my mom was so weak-minded, psychotic, or just plain evil that she always forced me to go.

When I was around 14 years old, I was still being forced by my own mother to go somewhere that wasn’t necessary, with someone who made me physically sick. I still hadn’t figured out exactly what it was about her that made me so sick.

She was a nurse and had access to certain medications. It turns out that she was medicating me with sedatives when I was at her house, then violating me with her fingers and who knows what else. It really started to bother me how sore and painful I was down below, knowing that I was still pure, or so I thought, and I NEVER felt like that until after I had left her house.

I don’t think she did this to my sister because she was always so fixated on me.

She just used my sister to get to me. It also turns out that pills lose their full effect on you after you’ve been taking them for a while. That is how I found out. I eventually woke up in the middle of being assaulted by her.”

5. Across the street

“I got a bad vibe from the dad across the street when I was a kid. He was a military guy who always seemed to be on a power trip. His oldest son and I went to the same school, and would occasionally carpool.

One day, it was his dad’s turn to drive us. His son stayed home sick, but he offered to drive me all the same.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a long ride, but the entire time he talked about his beat-up Camero. It definitely creeped me out.

A couple of years later, his wife threw him out one morning. It turns out he had been beating the crap out of her for a while. One morning, while hitting her again, he stepped on their 1-year-old baby who was crawling on the floor and broke the kid’s arm.

We never saw him again after that.”

6. Just a phase

“A neighborhood kid I grew up with liked to play with matches and was fascinated with fires of any kind. It made me nervous because a sort of ‘wild look’ came over his eyes when he’d stare at the fire he created.

I even told my parents, who mentioned it to his parents, who thought it was ‘just a phase’ he was going through.

Then, a few years later, it was reported that he burned his parents’ garage down and was being charged with arson and clinically treated for pyromania.”

7. New to the area

“I met a random guy when I was out one night. He was new to the area and was friends with my friend’s brother. He came across as nice and friendly, but then he started being a bit strange, like he kept rubbing my back and touching my legs.

We all went back to my friend’s house, and I was pretty wasted, but this guy kept trying to get me to leave with him without anyone seeing.

I told everyone something was weird about him. It turned out he had been charged with violating a 10-year-old, and that’s why he had left his previous city. He also assaulted a 13-year-old a few weeks before he met me, and the police found he was in possession of a lot of child smut.

My friends had no idea about this guy’s past.

He lived near my friend’s brother, and he had him over at his house in the summer when his kids were running around in swimming suits prior to the discovery. He was devastated and full of guilt when he found out.”

8. Controlling

“My mom and I were in a café and she had her handbag down by her feet. This couple comes in and sits at the table behind us, and he attracted my attention because he kept poking his girlfriend and telling her how to sit and stuff.

The hairs on my neck went up, I hate that controlling type of behavior. He was in my periphery and this guy wouldn’t sit still when my mom asked: ‘Hey, where’s my bag?’

She found it a second later, moved and open – she reached in to get her purse and said: ‘My card is missing!’

So the couple behind had stood and were quickly walking towards the door, and I didn’t even hesitate to say: ‘STOP THAT MAN!’ because I figured I could apologize later if I was wrong. One of the waitresses was right by the door and she followed him out the door, at which point, the guy dropped my mom’s card, mumbled something about having found it, and then ran for it.

I guess if he hadn’t been such a jerk to his girlfriend, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

9. A sixth sense

“My parents tell me that when I was around 4 years old, I was the most extroverted kid. I LOVED going out and about with my parents so I could wave hello to every single person I saw. I never met a stranger.

Little old ladies LOVED me. I would let anyone hold me if they wanted. To the point that my parents were alarmed at how I didn’t mind people I had never met before holding me and bouncing me on their lap.

We had some elderly neighbors who were nice as could be.

One day, their 30-something son came to live with them. The old couple had told my parents about him moving in and how excited they were. Well, they came to our house to introduce him to us since we were in the driveway.

Apparently, I got really quiet when they were walking toward me and when the guy spoke to me, I screamed and hid behind my dad’s legs. My parents thought it was out of character so they actively avoided allowing me to be near him in the weeks that followed.

A few months later, he was arrested for child trafficking and possession of hundreds of pictures and videos of child smut.”

10. Watch out

“I worked for a call center a few years ago and there was a guy that sat at the desk across from me. He was about 50 years old and was not married. I’m young enough to be his daughter.

He would do anything to talk to me.

Come by my desk, run into me in the break room, get in the elevator with me, and what not. It was excessive, but never threatening. At least not at first.

He started to say inappropriate things about my outfits, but I figured he was an awkward dude that did not know how to flirt.

I just brushed him off time and time again, but something was definitely off about him.

At one point, the secretary came up to me and asked if he was bothering me, and I told her what had been happening.

He only did this with the blonde women at the office. He was notorious for harassing them. It started small, but then he would slowly transition into asking them to hook up, even offering to pay for it.

Knowing this, I avoided him altogether. I would pretend he was not there, even if he was talking to me directly. I would catch him staring at me, but he backed down a lot after he realized that I wouldn’t give in.

One day, I came into work and he was gone.

His desk was cleared off. Totally empty. He apparently had sent another blonde woman a bunch of flowers and followed her out to the parking lot when she got off work. He had parked his car right next to hers and tried to force her into his car to go home with him, but she got away.

He was fired and escorted off the property THE NEXT DAY by police.

I’m not sure why he decided to come back, or why he wasn’t arrested sooner, but he was caught at work and removed.”

11. Knives

“When I used to work at a deli, we hired a 20-something kid that looked like the serial killer, Ed Kemper sans the mustache.

At first, he would amuse us by telling us stories about how he had fought off eight guys carrying weapons, or how his girlfriend was a model who traveled all the time (and that is why we never saw her).

Then things started getting bad, especially when someone angered him. I would catch him talking to himself, saying things like, ‘If I see her again, I am going to stick this in both her eyes.’

Management caught wind of this and canned him almost immediately.

Ten months later, we found out he actually went to prison for attempting to assault someone with a knife.”

12. The stepdad

“I always had a weird feeling about my stepdad.

He always made me uncomfortable and I always felt like he was watching me. He would make comments about my body and wardrobe, causing me to feel insecure and watch what I wore around him.

When I told my mom, she would say things like ‘he’s old-fashioned’ or ‘he’s just looking out for you.’

My mom had gone out of the country to visit family leaving my stepdad, myself and my older brother to take care of the house.

One night, my brother went to a party and I stayed home because I worked early the next morning, but left my bedroom door open so I could hear my brother come home and make sure he made it safe. Instead, my stepdad decided to crawl into my bed and try to assault me.

It was one of the scariest moments of my life.

I pushed him off and ran to the bathroom. I was so freaked out I just grabbed my work clothes and went to my car and drove off to a random neighborhood and slept in my car.

My mom found out a year later because I told my older brother, but she’s never talked to me about it.

She’s still with him too. As for me, I am in therapy to deal with my trauma and I feel like I’m getting better.

When I told my brother, we gathered all the money we had been saving up and moved out a month later.

I am blessed to have a brother who loves me and took me out of a bad place. He’s been one of my support systems through all of this.”

13. Jokes

“I used to work at a local restaurant when I was 19 years old. I loved working there, but I ended up quitting because of some jerk that was hired. He was in his mid-30s and gave every girl in the restaurant the absolute creepiest vibes.

He was constantly saying inappropriate stuff about his past and was just a jerk to people in general.

I hated working with him because he creeped me out and was also just mean. I started trading shifts to get away from him.

One day, a night shift manager was fired, and our boss put the creepy guy in a temporary managerial position. I immediately went to our boss and told him I was uncomfortable with the idea and explained how creepy he was.

My boss leveled with me and said that the guy had no actual manager power and was just temporary until he found someone else. He was just there to run shifts. My boss arranged it so my schedule never crossed over with the creep.

One day, a coworker of mine got sick and I was asked to cover her shift.

I got there and the creep was managing. I thought I could deal with one night, but a friend of mine called the store sobbing. She had tried to call my cell around a hundred times but it was in my purse.

She was crying hysterically and told me she had been assaulted and didn’t know what to do or where to go but that she was horrified and too scared to leave.

I told my friend I would be right there and told the manager I had an emergency and would be leaving.

It was a slow night and I wasn’t needed anyway but he freaked out and tried to physically stop me, demanding to know my emergency. I tried to sidestep it, but I eventually told him my friend had been assaulted.

He burst out laughing in my face and told me that was hilarious and not an excuse to leave. I told him to get lost and shoved past him. He told me I couldn’t leave and I said watch me. I went outside and burst into tears and called my boss and told him I quit after explaining what happened.

A few months later, I was working at my new job and a former coworker came in and said they had some news for me.

Apparently, two police officers showed up at my old workplace and served papers to the guy. He had been stalking a girl for the last five years and it started when she was 14 years old. He had also assaulted her.”

14. A new priest

“This is creepy in a different way than most, but I think it’s relevant. Twenty years ago, when I was a practicing Christian, my church got a new priest. He may as well have been God himself the way people fawned over him.

I liked him at first, too. Then, after a few brief conversations, I got this feeling that his entire life was a major power trip, and he was in no way cut out to lead a congregation of actual human beings.

After he made an off-the-cuff remark to me about being divorced (the shock!), I was like, ‘Later dude’ and transferred to another church.

People thought I was nuts, because how could I not adore Father Perfect the way they did?

After a few months, I noticed a trickle of people from my former parish in my new church, and that trickle eventually became more like a flood.

‘Father Perfect’ had formerly been a highly respected surgeon with a God complex, and he was quite used to giving orders and having them carried out without question (as I would imagine is necessary for a surgical suite).

Not the best quality for a man of the cloth.

Eventually, he drove out several deacons, the choir leader, the sexton, and about half the congregation. He put a message on the church answering machine about what types of messages could and couldn’t be left.

He was a total control freak who apparently mistook himself for God. He finally left after the parish completely fell apart.”

15. He loved to chat

“There’s an older guy who visits my workplace a lot just to chat with our staff. He never buys anything – he just really loves talking to us. The first time I met him, we wound up chatting for a solid 15 minutes.

It was ALMOST a pleasant experience (I love chatting with friendly customers), but for some reason, he put me on edge. He spent the whole 15 minutes telling me about his life’s adventures – starring in a Smashing Pumpkins tribute band, getting detained at the airport for having a weapon (he said he was in the military and was flying overseas to do some training exercises in America or something and there was a misunderstanding about his paperwork), and he told me about his work as a guidance counselor.

He flowed from one story to the next without any discernible link connecting them but he was charismatic enough to keep the conversation flowing smoothly anyway. I felt lost at sea.

On the surface, he seemed like a well-traveled, genuinely friendly guy.

But he still set off a bunch of alarm bells in my head.

My general rule with chatty people is: ‘Friendly is good unless you are AGGRESSIVELY excited to be talking to me.’ He definitely fell into the aggressive category.

Later I mentioned the guy to a coworker. He said he thought the guy was creepy too.

Apparently, during one of this guy’s visits, he held my coworker hostage and told him (very cheerily) all about the time he got in a bar fight and he murdered a guy with his three buddies.”

The post 15 People Reveal When They Had Weird Feelings About a Situation and They Were Exactly Right appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Absolutely Insane Confessions by People Who Got Away With Something Serious

This is some crazy shit folks.

I’ve gotten away with like, stealing some candy from a store once. That I went back and paid for because my conscience wouldn’t let me rest until I did.

I don’t know how these people live.


Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Oh how I wish this person would be found out…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Wow. That must have been some excuse!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. That’s a lot of work to essentially be super lazy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Jeezus, what job is that?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. 128 million reasons to lie…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. What would mom think?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Hmmm, something seems fishy here…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. How do schools not check this stuff?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, if you’re going to do it, do it right!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Told you those were nuts!

The post 10 Absolutely Insane Confessions by People Who Got Away With Something Serious appeared first on UberFacts.

People Reveal Times that Their Weird Feeling About a Situation Was Completely Right

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where things just didn’t seem quite right? These people certainly have, and their intuitions turned out to be right.

Read on as their share 15 stories of times when their gut was totally spot on at detecting a creepy situation.

1. New to the area

“I met a random guy when I was out one night. He was new to the area and was friends with my friend’s brother. He came across as nice and friendly, but then he started being a bit strange, like he kept rubbing my back and touching my legs.

We all went back to my friend’s house, and I was pretty wasted, but this guy kept trying to get me to leave with him without anyone seeing.

I told everyone something was weird about him. It turned out he had been charged with violating a 10-year-old, and that’s why he had left his previous city. He also assaulted a 13-year-old a few weeks before he met me, and the police found he was in possession of a lot of child smut.

My friends had no idea about this guy’s past.

He lived near my friend’s brother, and he had him over at his house in the summer when his kids were running around in swimming suits prior to the discovery. He was devastated and full of guilt when he found out.”

2. Controlling

“My mom and I were in a café and she had her handbag down by her feet. This couple comes in and sits at the table behind us, and he attracted my attention because he kept poking his girlfriend and telling her how to sit and stuff.

The hairs on my neck went up, I hate that controlling type of behavior. He was in my periphery and this guy wouldn’t sit still when my mom asked: ‘Hey, where’s my bag?’

She found it a second later, moved and open – she reached in to get her purse and said: ‘My card is missing!’

So the couple behind had stood and were quickly walking towards the door, and I didn’t even hesitate to say: ‘STOP THAT MAN!’ because I figured I could apologize later if I was wrong. One of the waitresses was right by the door and she followed him out the door, at which point, the guy dropped my mom’s card, mumbled something about having found it, and then ran for it.

I guess if he hadn’t been such a jerk to his girlfriend, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

3. In on it?

“My mother, who was extremely emotionally and physically abusive, raised four kids by herself. Although she had many siblings and lots of other relatives, no one helped us.

When I was around 12, my mom had a female cousin who started coming around, out of the blue, trying to get my mom to attend church with her. Then, all of a sudden, this same cousin wanted to become my kid sister’s godparent. Okay, whatever.

But I certainly resented the fact that we were all of a sudden being forced to go to church almost every Sunday. I saw it as nothing more than a form of brainwashing.

I always had a sick feeling about her, especially when I had to sit near her in a room. A couple of years later, she started insisting I come along on weekend getaways she would have with my sister at her house. I had absolutely no interest in going.

Not only was I older, but I was thinking, ‘Why do I have to come? She’s not my godmother.’ But, my mom was so weak-minded, psychotic, or just plain evil that she always forced me to go.

When I was around 14 years old, I was still being forced by my own mother to go somewhere that wasn’t necessary, with someone who made me physically sick. I still hadn’t figured out exactly what it was about her that made me so sick.

She was a nurse and had access to certain medications. It turns out that she was medicating me with sedatives when I was at her house, then violating me with her fingers and who knows what else. It really started to bother me how sore and painful I was down below, knowing that I was still pure, or so I thought, and I NEVER felt like that until after I had left her house.

I don’t think she did this to my sister because she was always so fixated on me.

She just used my sister to get to me. It also turns out that pills lose their full effect on you after you’ve been taking them for a while. That is how I found out. I eventually woke up in the middle of being assaulted by her.”

4. Across the street

“I got a bad vibe from the dad across the street when I was a kid. He was a military guy who always seemed to be on a power trip. His oldest son and I went to the same school, and would occasionally carpool.

One day, it was his dad’s turn to drive us. His son stayed home sick, but he offered to drive me all the same.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a long ride, but the entire time he talked about his beat-up Camero. It definitely creeped me out.

A couple of years later, his wife threw him out one morning. It turns out he had been beating the crap out of her for a while. One morning, while hitting her again, he stepped on their 1-year-old baby who was crawling on the floor and broke the kid’s arm.

We never saw him again after that.”

5. Something was off

“My sister was going to visit her friend out of state, so her friend’s friend offered to drive her there. He drove a few hours to get to our house and was noticeably tired when he arrived, so my sister suggested that he just sleep on our couch and they’ll go in the morning.

The entire night, my mom was going in and out of our rooms saying that there was something off about the guy; that she didn’t really like him but couldn’t figure out why. She actually quietly went out the side door and wrote down his license plate at one point.

The next morning, my sister was in the guy’s car for maybe 30 minutes before she felt sick and asked him to just take her home. Which he does, much to my mother’s delight.

>About six months later, my mom was looking at her news feed when she saw a familiar face and called my sister and me over and yelled, ‘I told you something was off about him!’ It turns out that about a year earlier, he murdered his ex-girlfriend and that his friend, who helped him bury her body, finally decided to tell the cops not because he developed a conscience, but because he was mad at him for stealing his toaster.”

6. Thank goodness they didn’t let her go

“A tennis coach at my kid’s club called to ask me if he could take my 10-year-old daughter with the other five players on road trips to play other clubs. I didn’t like it, she was tiny and just 10 years old. He wasn’t even her coach but another coach at the club. We thought he was creepy and to call like that…so I said no.

The coach ended up going to prison for being a creep and violating several girls older than my kid. His son was also 10, and the poor kid was also a victim of the scum bag. He got 15 years in 2009, and will probably be out soon.

He was convicted of three crimes, but the prosecution dropped an additional 22.

It still blows my mind.”

7. The new guy

“In college, I worked at a bar and they brought in this new bouncer. From the second I met him, I immediately felt like there was something seriously wrong with him. His smile and eye contact were too intense. I told a coworker that the guy gave me the creeps and she told me she thought he was ‘cute and nice,’ and didn’t get where I was coming from.

A quick Google search pulled up his mug shot and articles about how he was watching his college roommate’s dog one weekend and horribly attacked and abused it.

He burned this poor dog and poured bleach on her. The dog survived and he was arrested. The article talked about how he was laughing at the police arresting him, saying he knew he wouldn’t get in any trouble.

He was fired and told to never come back once management found out.”

8. Just a phase

“A neighborhood kid I grew up with liked to play with matches and was fascinated with fires of any kind. It made me nervous because a sort of ‘wild look’ came over his eyes when he’d stare at the fire he created.

I even told my parents, who mentioned it to his parents, who thought it was ‘just a phase’ he was going through.

Then, a few years later, it was reported that he burned his parents’ garage down and was being charged with arson and clinically treated for pyromania.”

9. A sixth sense

“My parents tell me that when I was around 4 years old, I was the most extroverted kid. I LOVED going out and about with my parents so I could wave hello to every single person I saw. I never met a stranger.

Little old ladies LOVED me. I would let anyone hold me if they wanted. To the point that my parents were alarmed at how I didn’t mind people I had never met before holding me and bouncing me on their lap.

We had some elderly neighbors who were nice as could be.

One day, their 30-something son came to live with them. The old couple had told my parents about him moving in and how excited they were. Well, they came to our house to introduce him to us since we were in the driveway.

Apparently, I got really quiet when they were walking toward me and when the guy spoke to me, I screamed and hid behind my dad’s legs. My parents thought it was out of character so they actively avoided allowing me to be near him in the weeks that followed.

A few months later, he was arrested for child trafficking and possession of hundreds of pictures and videos of child smut.”

10. He loved to chat

“There’s an older guy who visits my workplace a lot just to chat with our staff. He never buys anything – he just really loves talking to us. The first time I met him, we wound up chatting for a solid 15 minutes.

It was ALMOST a pleasant experience (I love chatting with friendly customers), but for some reason, he put me on edge. He spent the whole 15 minutes telling me about his life’s adventures – starring in a Smashing Pumpkins tribute band, getting detained at the airport for having a weapon (he said he was in the military and was flying overseas to do some training exercises in America or something and there was a misunderstanding about his paperwork), and he told me about his work as a guidance counselor.

He flowed from one story to the next without any discernible link connecting them but he was charismatic enough to keep the conversation flowing smoothly anyway. I felt lost at sea.

On the surface, he seemed like a well-traveled, genuinely friendly guy.

But he still set off a bunch of alarm bells in my head.

My general rule with chatty people is: ‘Friendly is good unless you are AGGRESSIVELY excited to be talking to me.’ He definitely fell into the aggressive category.

Later I mentioned the guy to a coworker. He said he thought the guy was creepy too.

Apparently, during one of this guy’s visits, he held my coworker hostage and told him (very cheerily) all about the time he got in a bar fight and he murdered a guy with his three buddies.”

11. A new priest

“This is creepy in a different way than most, but I think it’s relevant. Twenty years ago, when I was a practicing Christian, my church got a new priest. He may as well have been God himself the way people fawned over him.

I liked him at first, too. Then, after a few brief conversations, I got this feeling that his entire life was a major power trip, and he was in no way cut out to lead a congregation of actual human beings.

After he made an off-the-cuff remark to me about being divorced (the shock!), I was like, ‘Later dude’ and transferred to another church.

People thought I was nuts, because how could I not adore Father Perfect the way they did?

After a few months, I noticed a trickle of people from my former parish in my new church, and that trickle eventually became more like a flood.

‘Father Perfect’ had formerly been a highly respected surgeon with a God complex, and he was quite used to giving orders and having them carried out without question (as I would imagine is necessary for a surgical suite).

Not the best quality for a man of the cloth.

Eventually, he drove out several deacons, the choir leader, the sexton, and about half the congregation. He put a message on the church answering machine about what types of messages could and couldn’t be left.

He was a total control freak who apparently mistook himself for God. He finally left after the parish completely fell apart.”

12. Watch out

“I worked for a call center a few years ago and there was a guy that sat at the desk across from me. He was about 50 years old and was not married. I’m young enough to be his daughter.

He would do anything to talk to me.

Come by my desk, run into me in the break room, get in the elevator with me, and what not. It was excessive, but never threatening. At least not at first.

He started to say inappropriate things about my outfits, but I figured he was an awkward dude that did not know how to flirt.

I just brushed him off time and time again, but something was definitely off about him.

At one point, the secretary came up to me and asked if he was bothering me, and I told her what had been happening.

He only did this with the blonde women at the office. He was notorious for harassing them. It started small, but then he would slowly transition into asking them to hook up, even offering to pay for it.

Knowing this, I avoided him altogether. I would pretend he was not there, even if he was talking to me directly. I would catch him staring at me, but he backed down a lot after he realized that I wouldn’t give in.

One day, I came into work and he was gone.

His desk was cleared off. Totally empty. He apparently had sent another blonde woman a bunch of flowers and followed her out to the parking lot when she got off work. He had parked his car right next to hers and tried to force her into his car to go home with him, but she got away.

He was fired and escorted off the property THE NEXT DAY by police.

I’m not sure why he decided to come back, or why he wasn’t arrested sooner, but he was caught at work and removed.”

13. Knives

“When I used to work at a deli, we hired a 20-something kid that looked like the serial killer, Ed Kemper sans the mustache.

At first, he would amuse us by telling us stories about how he had fought off eight guys carrying weapons, or how his girlfriend was a model who traveled all the time (and that is why we never saw her).

Then things started getting bad, especially when someone angered him. I would catch him talking to himself, saying things like, ‘If I see her again, I am going to stick this in both her eyes.’

Management caught wind of this and canned him almost immediately.

Ten months later, we found out he actually went to prison for attempting to assault someone with a knife.”

14. The stepdad

“I always had a weird feeling about my stepdad.

He always made me uncomfortable and I always felt like he was watching me. He would make comments about my body and wardrobe, causing me to feel insecure and watch what I wore around him.

When I told my mom, she would say things like ‘he’s old-fashioned’ or ‘he’s just looking out for you.’

My mom had gone out of the country to visit family leaving my stepdad, myself and my older brother to take care of the house.

One night, my brother went to a party and I stayed home because I worked early the next morning, but left my bedroom door open so I could hear my brother come home and make sure he made it safe. Instead, my stepdad decided to crawl into my bed and try to assault me.

It was one of the scariest moments of my life.

I pushed him off and ran to the bathroom. I was so freaked out I just grabbed my work clothes and went to my car and drove off to a random neighborhood and slept in my car.

My mom found out a year later because I told my older brother, but she’s never talked to me about it.

She’s still with him too. As for me, I am in therapy to deal with my trauma and I feel like I’m getting better.

When I told my brother, we gathered all the money we had been saving up and moved out a month later.

I am blessed to have a brother who loves me and took me out of a bad place. He’s been one of my support systems through all of this.”

15. Jokes

“I used to work at a local restaurant when I was 19 years old. I loved working there, but I ended up quitting because of some jerk that was hired. He was in his mid-30s and gave every girl in the restaurant the absolute creepiest vibes.

He was constantly saying inappropriate stuff about his past and was just a jerk to people in general.

I hated working with him because he creeped me out and was also just mean. I started trading shifts to get away from him.

One day, a night shift manager was fired, and our boss put the creepy guy in a temporary managerial position. I immediately went to our boss and told him I was uncomfortable with the idea and explained how creepy he was.

My boss leveled with me and said that the guy had no actual manager power and was just temporary until he found someone else. He was just there to run shifts. My boss arranged it so my schedule never crossed over with the creep.

One day, a coworker of mine got sick and I was asked to cover her shift.

I got there and the creep was managing. I thought I could deal with one night, but a friend of mine called the store sobbing. She had tried to call my cell around a hundred times but it was in my purse.

She was crying hysterically and told me she had been assaulted and didn’t know what to do or where to go but that she was horrified and too scared to leave.

I told my friend I would be right there and told the manager I had an emergency and would be leaving.

It was a slow night and I wasn’t needed anyway but he freaked out and tried to physically stop me, demanding to know my emergency. I tried to sidestep it, but I eventually told him my friend had been assaulted.

He burst out laughing in my face and told me that was hilarious and not an excuse to leave. I told him to get lost and shoved past him. He told me I couldn’t leave and I said watch me. I went outside and burst into tears and called my boss and told him I quit after explaining what happened.

A few months later, I was working at my new job and a former coworker came in and said they had some news for me.

Apparently, two police officers showed up at my old workplace and served papers to the guy. He had been stalking a girl for the last five years and it started when she was 14 years old. He had also assaulted her.”

The post People Reveal Times that Their Weird Feeling About a Situation Was Completely Right appeared first on UberFacts.

These 15 Real Stories Prove That Karma Is Totally Real

Karma is the idea that your past actions determine your future. Do good, and good will come to you. Do bad, and you sow the seeds of your own suffering. These 15 Redditors share stories of people who definitely got what was coming to them, and after reading these stories… I think there may be some truth to the concept of karma.

1. A severe accident

“We had a blood drive at school after a classmate had gotten himself into a pretty severe accident. A while later, I decided to donate again. I was told that after they had tested my previous donation, I had missed out on some childhood disease.

This meant my blood could be given to infants. I regularly donate now and feel good every time.”

2. Just a bonus

“I pulled into a parking lot to go and pick up a little kitten that we had seen curled up on the ground. I immediately ran out of gas, but if we hadn’t pulled in there, then we would have run out of gas in the middle of a busy, traffic-heavy road.

The kitten was just a bonus!”

3. Living out of a car

“When I was 16, I lived out of my car because I couldn’t get an apartment because no one would rent to a 16-year-old. It was an old beater, and I had to push start it everywhere. I pulled into a Walmart to buy some decent clothes (which I needed more than I needed the parts for my car), and there was a purse in the basket of the cart next to me.

I opened it and inside the wallet was a $1,000 in cash, several credit cards, and an ID. I wanted so badly to spend it all, and I was going to. ‘Score!’ I thought. ‘New clothes, plus the parts that I need.’

I grabbed the cash and put the purse back in the cart.

As I was paying for the clothes, I just couldn’t bring myself to pay with her money. So, I paid with mine and went back to my car. The purse was still where I had left it, so I put the money back and looked at the address.

It was right down the road, but it took me about an hour to find. I finally got there, parked in the street, and the lady was standing in her garage next to her nice new car in a fancy neighborhood on the phone canceling all of her credit cards.

I walked up and asked her if she had lost her purse.

I was pretty rough looking, and I could tell she was a bit nervous. I handed it to her and told her that I had had to open it to find her address. She didn’t say anything. I got into my car and left. I was disappointed because it seemed like she didn’t even appreciate it.

Anyway, I continued to where I worked (I stayed there in my car most of the time.) The next day, I woke up and went to McDonald’s to get some breakfast. I got to work and saw the lady leaving but then thought, ‘Ahh, that wasn’t her.

It must’ve just been a coincidence.’

When I went inside the parts for my car were there, $100, and a note that read: ‘Thanks.’ I was confused (How did she know which parts I needed? How did she know where I worked?) A few days before I had gone over what I needed for my car, wrote it down on the back of a pay stub along with the number to the parts house.

Apparently, when I got out at her house, this paper came out of my car. She wrote in the note that she had seen it after I had left and picked it up. After she realized all her money was in her purse along with everything else, she went down and picked up the parts and dropped them off for me.

This was easily the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me.

For about an hour’s drive, I got over $300 worth of car parts and $100 in cash. The good feeling that I had for weeks, though, well that was worth way more than the $600+ I would’ve made if I had kept her money.”

4. Sorry, bro

“My brother and I were stuck at a friend’s house because they had a wild guard dog that broke its chain. My brother pushed me out, so I had to run to the gate as the dog chased me. I managed to escape and went home.

My brother got home 30 minutes later and went to bed crying because I told my mum he was sleeping over and had eaten his dinner.”

5. Secret Millionaire

“We went out with my uncle and his family for dinner at a nice restaurant in Dallas/Ft Worth. There were seven of us there and just spent the night trying to see how much we could spend on one dinner. This guy from the bar kept coming up to our table and making conversation by commenting on how awesome my 6-month-old son was, etc.

By the end of the night, he was starting to get annoying, and my uncle was discussing with us whether or not he should say something, but we told him not to.

I said, ‘Don’t worry about it, he’s just having a good time. Plus, he seems like a good guy.’

So, when it came time to pay our bill, the waiter just said, ‘Have a nice evening, and thanks for coming in.’

My uncle and I were confused and asked the waiter about the check. He told us that the guy who had kept coming up to us paid our tab and that it was already done so there nothing we could do about it.

He even told us that that guy did stuff like this all the time. Our bill was $1,500. Later, my uncle sought the guy out in the other room and gave him a big hug.

The guy just said, ‘You have such a beautiful family just remember to pay it forward sometime.’

The guy even tipped the waiter some crazy amount from the look the waiter gave us.

So, I learned always be nice to the loud guy in the bar because you never know who might be a secret millionaire.”

6. Perfect catch

“The drama nerd that I am, I once had an armload of bags and was running late for a rehearsal. No parking spots were available outside of the theatre, so I got stuck parking outside of the quad on my campus and had to walk towards the theatre.

There was a load of jocks throwing a football around by my spot goofing off. I parked and proceeded to struggle with balancing the bags while looking like a complete geek.

As I passed by the jocks, the ball ‘accidentally’ came my way/ right towards me, but as it ebbed towards my legs, I coolly kicked the football upwards and caught it with my nondominant hand (even as both of my arms were still loaded down with bags).

I then proceeded to toss it back to them casually and continue my journey while they were left completely shocked.”

7. Just what he needed

“I found a purse that was left in a cart outside of a store where I used to work. I went against policy and opened it and found a name and then contacted the lady. It was her purse, and she had been frantically looking for it.

I waited at the store after hours for her to come by and get it, and she gave me an envelope to open when I got home. It turned out to be almost exactly how much I was short on for rent ($120).”

8. Bonus

“I worked for an events company, and the morning of our biggest annual event last year, I was sent to the office to pick up a couple of things. As I was leaving the office, another guy approached me with a sob story. I was in a hurry, so I cut him off and was just like, ‘How much do you need?’ He said $10 would do, so I gave him the money and headed on my way.

The event went fine. It wasn’t great in terms of how much money we made, but we sometimes got bonuses at my job which were usually tied to the event and how much money it made. I wasn’t expecting a bonus due to a sub-par year, but two days later, I had a bonus check worth five percent of my salary sitting on my desk.

I’d like to think the karma gods were smiling on me.”

9. The easiest money he ever made

“I was out with my girlfriend at a late night movie when I spotted another older couple walking. Now I have to admit now, the guy I saw had on a long coat, cane, and wore sunglasses during the night. That being said, I’m fairly certain the man was a hustler or held some related job.

The wind was blowing hard that night. All of a sudden, I watch this guy’s hat fly off into the street. He didn’t seem to mind and just kept walking. I assumed it was because he didn’t want to look dumb chasing his hat down the road.

I, on the other hand, had no shame and began chasing it just for fun trying to be helpful.

I brought his hat back to him, and he said, ‘Thanks, brother.’

I replied, ‘No problem, man. I just like chasing stuff.’

He then went in for a handshake, and I felt something in his hand. At this point, I’m not sure if he just handed me a bag of something bad or a business card. So, I walked away with my girlfriend.

Once we got in our car, I turned to her and said, ‘That guy just gave me this.’

I unfolded a crisp $100 bill and proceeded to buy drinks for everyone that night.

It was the easiest $100 I’ve ever made.”

10. Furniture salesman

“At one point in my life, I sold furniture and was terrible at it. It was a rough point in my life where I made MAYBE $1,000 a month (This was around 10 years ago) and pretty much had nothing left after rent and bills. There were a lot of times when I didn’t eat for days because I couldn’t afford to buy food.

One day, I was trying to sell furniture and was selling absolutely nothing. It was nearing the end of the day, and I had made $0 (I was on commission).

An old couple came in, and they were looking at TV stands. All of the other sales representatives avoided them because we all knew that they were going to take up a bunch of time and probably just end up buying something for around $100 (and that was around a $2 commission). There were also no add-ons because who in their right mind would purchase a $29.99 extended warranty on a $100 item.

I looked at them and figured, ‘Oh well…

If I can sell anything today, then at least I won’t get skunked, and maybe my luck will turn around after that.’

They ended up buying two stands (which was a $6 commission for me) but asked how they would be put together. They were old and couldn’t do it. There was a service I could’ve referred them to (for a fee, of course), but I was desperate and didn’t want to lose the sale especially after having spent around 45 minutes with them.

So I said, ‘I’m off at 9 p.m. If you pick me up, I’ll come and set up the stands for you for free.’ They took the offer, paid for the furniture, and left.

The other sales reps laughed at me. They laughed at me more when my quitting time came around, and I hadn’t sold anything else. The old couple picked me up promptly at 9 p.m., and I loaded the boxes into their trunk. As we drove to their house, I found out he was a retired judge, and she was a housewife.

We got into their beautiful condo, which was a lot bigger than most houses, and I began working on assembling the furniture.

I could smell some food cooking and tried to ignore it (I hadn’t eaten in three days, so it was hard). I worked for almost three hours straight until it was all done. I then moved the finished product into position and even moved their TVs for them.

It was getting close to midnight, and I was trying to politely excuse myself from their home.

The old lady then grabbed me and took me to their kitchen. She seated me and pulled out a plate of freshly made roast beef. This itself was better than any money. I was so grateful and thankful that I held back tears as I ate the delicious homecooked meal she had just prepared for me. It was now after 12:30 a.m. I thanked them again and was about to leave when the old man stopped and offered me a ride home.

The old lady packed up the rest of the roast beef and told me to keep the Tupperware. They both came for the ride, and I couldn’t stop thanking them for helping me.

As the car stopped and I got out and thanked them one last time, the lady handed me an envelope. I didn’t open it but just said, ‘Thank you.’ I happily went up to my apartment knowing that I was going to sleep with a full stomach that night and that I would get to eat for the next couple of days.

I was feeling great. I opened the envelope, and there was a ‘thank you’ card with $100 inside. I cried so much.

After that, for the rest of the time that I sold furniture, I always ran to help the people nobody else wanted to. I changed my focus from getting a big sale every day to getting all of the smaller ones that nobody cared about, and it got me through until I got a better paying job.”

11. Karma’s a trip

“I was out for dinner with my then-fiancee, who is now my wife, and her dad. He was always a bit mean to her. He got divorced and remarried and seemed to love those kids more than my wife. He tended to give her smack over too many things, etc.

Anyway, we were at the end of the dinner, and my father-in-law offered to pay for the meal.

Okay, that’s a nice gesture. My wife asked to get her leftovers boxed so that she could take it home.

He started with, ‘Well, you’re just going to leave it in the fridge, and then it’ll just get thrown out.

Blah, blah. blah.’

I told him, ‘Listen, it’s not your fridge, so leave her alone.’ (We were living together at this point).

He got all mad and said, ‘Don’t tell me how to raise my daughter!’

I replied with, ‘Then don’t speak to my fiancee that way!’

He threw the bill and folder thing at me and said, ‘FINE! THEN YOU PAY’ and stormed out.

By now, everyone was upset, and my fiancee was saying to me, ‘Why did you have to start something?’

I paid the bill and was waiting for the receipt (for a good 10 minutes or so).

I thought to myself ‘What’s going on?’ There was a lot of tension, and her dad was just waiting outside at this point building up steam probably getting ready to blow once we got out.

I asked the waiter, ‘Can I just get our bill and go?’

‘Oh no sir, you have to wait for the manager.’

It turns out, they were having a running promotion where ‘Every bill was a winner.’ Normally, you would win a free drink or an appetizer with your next meal, but we won the GRAND PRIZE which was a trip for four to Florida.


12. Pizza delivery

“I used to deliver pizzas. I was taking redelivery for an order that was done wrong the first time around. It was going to the worst hotel in our delivery area. The redelivery was a single one-topping medium pizza.

I pulled up, and there was a guy that said he needed some cash for a tow truck.

He gave me a typical sob story about how his wife and kids were blah, blah, blah. Normally, I don’t give into those kinds of things, but on occasion, I take the approach of, ‘Well, if this guy is lying to me then shame on him.’

Aside from that, for some reason, his story seemed more plausible. Supposedly, we had graduated from the same high school (Although he was a little bit older than I was). I cut to the chase, asked him how much cash he needed, and gave him $7.

He ran back over to the gas station, and I didn’t see him again. I had a pizza to deliver!

I ran up the stairs of the hotel to the room, gave them their replacement pizza, apologized for the first mistake, and left.

As I was walking away, the guy came out and was like, ‘Oh wait, we forgot to give you a tip.’ Any tip on redelivery was a win, so I hustle back to the room. The guy handed me a $50 bill and told me to have a good night.”

13. Not a bad paycheck

“I was a $10/hour employee at a ski resort. I found a wallet with $500 in it that I turned in. Later, I was called to the office to meet the man who owned the wallet. He gave me $100 as a reward.”

14. Groceries

“I had just finished grocery shopping and loaded my bags into my car, got in, and turned the key to get nothing… oh no. My car was dead for whatever reason. I sat there for another 20 minutes, checking the wires on my battery to make sure that everything was properly in place.

I just changed the battery a month ago, so I knew that it couldn’t be that. I called my girl to come and pick me up. She said that it was going to be another 20 minutes, so I had time to kill.

I happened to see an elderly lady pushing her cart to her car.

This cart had four times more bags than mine did. I already know it was going to be a struggle for her. I went over and offered her help. She accepted. So, I help her load her groceries into her car.

I headed back and thought, ‘What the heck?

Why not give my car one more try.’ Bam. It started. My first thought, ‘This car must run on karma.’”

15. Take a seat

“One time when I was about 8 years old, my older sister and I were fighting over a seat. This seat was ‘Godlike’ and was the softest and coldest in the summer heat. She won the argument with brute force and sat down on it as a result of her victory over me.

There was a wasp lodged in the cushions with its stinger exposed right where she sat. She was allergic and cried the whole day.”

The post These 15 Real Stories Prove That Karma Is Totally Real appeared first on UberFacts.