People Share Their Lovely Older Pets with the World

One of the best things any human can experience in this life is the bond we form with our pets.

And one of the most heartbreaking realities is how short their lives tend to be compared to ours.

It feels like some cruel irony – an absolutely perfect and unconditionally loving companion who only gets to stick around for about about a fifth as long as do. But that short span also makes the time we do have with them all the more precious, and to be enjoyed.

Which is exactly what these older pet owners are doing. Let’s meet some cuties. (Names invented by yours truly where not provided. I just go with the vibe.)

11. Luis – Nine Years Old

We goin for a ride today?!

This guys been with me through elementary, middle and now high school, and today he just turned 9 years old from aww

10. Lexi – Ten Years Old

Wherever you go, I’ll be right there with you.

My dog Lexi is turning 10 soon. Through college, 3 cities, 2 apartments, and our first real house – anywhere we go, we go together. from aww

9. Derpinger – Eleven Years Old

Hows come they look so very skeptical?

11 years ago today, this derpy angel fell from heaven and into my arms. from aww

8. Ramble – Fourteen Years Old

He’s a ramblin’ man, and he’s still ready for some adventure.

Meet Ramble. He’s been my best friend for 14 years and is, of course, the goodest boy. from aww

7. Lucy – Fifteen Years Old

Your time is our time, and it is valued.

My old girl is still up and running at 15 years old – I give her the biggest hugs and tell her she’s loved every single day because I will never know when she decides it’s time 🖤 from aww

6. Kendor – Sixteen Years Old

You lay right there until he decides he’s done.

My old friend is approaching 16 years, yet he is still as fresh as he ever. Today he wanted to cuddle, so I guess my chores have to wait from aww

5. Ms. Kitty – Seventeen Years Old

She looks as vivacious as ever!

17 years later she is still my baby from aww

4. Gregory – Eighteen Years Old

In need of boops, please.

My Buddy is 18 years old today! from aww

3. Fritz – Nineteen Years Old

Practically a kitten, still.

My 19-year-old Fritz content in his favorite spot under the table from aww

2. Snag – Twenty One Years Old

There’s wisdom in those eyes.

Just turned 21 years. He has accompanied me through teenage years, college, marriage, and was still able to meet my 4 month old baby. Thank you for a lifetime of companionship…I love you with all my 💓. from aww

1. My Boy – Twenty Five Years Old

He is absolutely a cutie, what are you talking about?!

He may not be a cutie but my boy turned 25(human years) today and I wanted to share his beauty with all of you from aww

Much love to them all. Go hug your pets.

Who’s your favorite pet you’ve ever had?

Tell us about them in the comments. Several-way ties allowed.

The post People Share Their Lovely Older Pets with the World appeared first on UberFacts.

Wholesome Memes to Make You Feel Better About Things

There are plenty of terrible things in the world, but we don’t need to focus on it all the time. However awful things get, there’s always lots of wholesome to be found, and what’s more, much of it is in meme form!

Here are fifteen wholesome memes to help you feel a little better about everything.

15. Live slow, live long

Enjoying your passions doesn’t have to mean showing off.

14. Don’t phone it in

We’re all the clown sometimes.

13. Color coordinated

Fun fact: those color norms used to be reversed, proving that it is all entirely arbitrary.

12. The absolute dad lad

Puns this strong are dangerous and should not be tampered with.

11. And I helped

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high…

10. Making progress

That’s the smile of simple accomplishment.

9. Horsin’ around

Or wait, I guess that’s a donkey? Who cares, it’s a friend.

8. Special hideaway

We have a clear and present danger.

7. Pop up

The best use of a megaphone.

6. Feline ok

It’s alright, they really need him right meow.

5. Hype man

I’m just so lucky to be included, yanno?

4. A neat trick

“Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic.”

3. The purrfect response

This is the stuff of fantasy and I long for it.

2. A match made in r/Heaven

Dreams really do come true!

1. What a waste

…ok but then let’s actually get wasted.

Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Go tell somebody you care about to have a nice day and a nice life. Spread the wholesome along!

What sort of things do you find the most encouraging?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Wholesome Memes to Make You Feel Better About Things appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at These Funny “Problems” With Having a Dog

Dogs. They’re the worst, right?

You adopt one thinking they’re so adorable and before you know it your whole LIFE is revolving around these puppers.

I mean, where do they get off? Invading our sleep and our free time, our relationships, our memes – they’re out of control!

Here are the top ten problems with having a dog and why they should be stopped.

10. They’re always chewing something

And you’ll never ever find out what it is.

Via: Someecards

9. They’re after your snackies

Once you pop, the barks don’t stop.

Via: Someecards

8. They’re so needy

When do pets become petulant?

Via: Someecards

7. They won’t stay off the couch

Look at all the adorable fur you left here!

Via: Someecards

6. They just look at you all day

Like they love you or something. It’s creepy.

Via: Someecards

5. They take your turkey

And not just on Thanksgiving.

Via: Someecards

4. They’re always preening

And for some reason they want you to be around for it?

Via: Someecards

3. They have no sense of priorities

What exactly are you guarding, guard dog?

Via: Someecards

2. They fill your phone up

Not even the cloud can be trusted with these beauties.

Via: Someecards

1. They’re master guilt-trippers

Look into those judging eyes and tell me you can withstand them.

Via: Someecards

In conclusion, these are the reasons that dogs are the bestest ever. That’s why I started writing this, right? I honestly don’t remember now. I’m just staring at widdle paws.

What’s the best/worst thing about having a dog?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Take a Look at These Funny “Problems” With Having a Dog appeared first on UberFacts.

Wonderful Indirect Compliments That People Have Received

Some of the best compliments we ever receive aren’t the ones that come to us directly. If someone tells us that we’re beautiful, or talented, or kind, that’s a very nice and bolstering thing to hear.

But what about the times when it arrives in a more roundabout or unexpected way, a way that maybe we weren’t even meant to find out about? It almost makes it feel more authentic, and that can be huge.

There were a lot of examples of that mentioned in this thread on Ask Reddit:

What compliment do you still remember being given? from AskReddit

Here are some of our favorites.

1. I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.

I frequented a toy store in town when my son was small.

One day I learned the staff’s nickname for me was “Jessica Rabbit”, which I took as a compliment.

– AustinTreeLover

2. Playing matchmaker.

I was at a track meet for my brother and some girl was walking up the bleachers and she dropped 20 bucks and i proceeded to grab it walk up to where she and her mom were sitting.

I said hey you dropped your money and she said thank you but as i was walking back down her mom said to her “you need to get a boyfriend like that”

– deathbygaschamber

3. This sounds like a great job to have.

Walking up to the stage at my graduation, I encountered a guy whose job was to stand there and say, “Congratulations, doctor.”

Over a decade later, I still feel warm and fuzzy thinking about that, even though I have no idea who that was.

A guy on my committee said it first, right after my defense, but I was too shellshocked to process it then.

– ViolaNguyen

4. Compliments AND pizza? Deal.

I once went into a pizza place to pick up my order and the guy behind the counter said “this is free for you, beautiful. Just take it.”

I smiled big, said thank you, and awkwardly just turned and left.

He called out “have a good night!” I think I responded in kind? Got back in the car with my sisters and told them “that dude gave me the pizza for free because he thinks I’m pretty.”

One sister high fived me and took her share of the pizza money back, the other one asked if I know him or had gone in there before.

Nope. Never saw him again, either.

– EverElusiveKudo

5. Small things with big impact.

I’m 5’2” and petite. I know it’s average, but I’ve always felt small.

In college, an acquaintance and I stood up after class. She looked at me and said, “I always forget how short you are, unincorporated. You have such a big presence.”

Whenever I feel small, I think of this and stand taller.

– unincorporated

6. From the mouths of babes…

Just yesterday, my step kids said to me “Daddy’s changed so much since he met you. He’s a much nicer person now.”

Ngl, totally teared up.

– ShadyElmm

7. A truly wild comparison.

At 16, my best guy friend described me as a wildflower.

We didn’t even hook-up until years later, by then the teen fickle butterflies were long gone- but that compliment reminds me of that time in my life

– ativangirl

8. Carrying on a legacy.

Not sure if this was a compliment but when I showed my grandmother my first office.

She looked at me and said, “this was the reason why I came to America and worked day and night in the restaurant.”

– shaka_sulu

9. It’s so cute I could die.

When I was 5 I met a famous Polish sportsman at the airport, but I was too shy to say anything.

When he was walking away he told his wife that I was a cutiepie.

I remember how wholesome it felt to this day.

– Oslawiony

10. We love a good doppelganger compliment.

I feel shallow for thinking of these ones right away, but… a few people have told me I look like Penelope Cruz and while I don’t see it, I appreciate hearing it!

– not-a-real_username

11. It’s surprising to learn what’s expected of us.

When I worked at a video store I started checking in the movies in that came in right before closing and then left them in the late bin so the morning people would have to put them back on the shelf.

My boss came in one night after we had closed and went to the pile of late movies and started to scan them. I walked over to him and told him they were already late and he quietly took a few and scanned them. He knew right away he had found the person slacking.

He turned beet red and looked at me and said “Don’t Do that!!! I expect that from those losers (pointing at my coworkers) over there but not from you. You are not like them, you are better than that.!!!” I learned a very valuable lesson that night and anytime I have even thought about not doing the best I think about this. Thank you Ray!!!

– Obieousmaximus

12. Giving someone room to breathe.

I used to have a horribly messy room for years. It was dim and moist from never opening my window and having a heavy curtain over it. I rarely washed my sheets and blankets. I had tons of old stuff from the years piled up in my room. It was disgusting.

One day I got fed up with the mess and began cleaning. It took almost a week but in the end it was a whole new room. I got rid off my old stuff and clothes, took down the curtain and opened my window, got new sheets and blankets that I wash frequently, began painting on canvases and hanging them up. I essentially switched to minimalism.

One of my best friends and I were sitting in my room, when he told me that he could meditate in my room because the energy was so good. That compliment means so much to me

– CrescentMoon1127

13. Everything’s better under the sea.

I’ve always dealt with self image issues due to being a bigger woman. I hate myself most days, but just for fun, a friend who does professional photos let me have some fun taking cute photos. We messed around with some LED light strips, and I just remember him saying to our other friend, “Heh. She looks like a mermaid.”

For some reason that made me feel awesome, especially coming from him because he kinda loves mermaids. I dunno. Weird complement but it stuck.

– Beesechurger88

14. Socks to be you.

In high school I wasn’t disliked but I was pretty quiet and only had like 4 friends. One of my wardrobe staples was always wearing funky socks with my outfits, and somehow during senior week (when our whole senior class goes to the beach for a week after graduation) I ended up at this house party with a bunch of the popular kids. In passing conversation one of the popular guys mentioned to me that I “always wore cool socks”.

Never forgot that lmao it was really cool to hear that people actually noticed me when I thought they didn’t

– BacardiLime

15. I need more information about this story, but I like it.

That this one girl that is being escorted out of the cafeteria while being loud and obnoxious, then she pointed at me and said ” I like his laugh”. It made my day.

This happened in 6th grade middle school, now I graduated high school.

– flavor_town_fugitive

You’ve always got the power to brighten someone’s day. Take that power seriously, and use it often.

What’s a great compliment that you remember?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Wonderful Indirect Compliments That People Have Received appeared first on UberFacts.

Relationship Memes That Are Really Too Sweet

Are you ready for some real cute relationship memes? Yeah you are. You’re a total sucker for that stuff. And that’s fine. We all are. No layers of irony here. Just heartfelt expressions of how cool and weird it is to be in love. Yanno, in meme form.

Enjoy these ten cute memes about the person of your dreams.

10. Miss you already

To this I can only say: boo.

9. Catch a flick

You’re about to find our real quick if you truly have the same tastes or not.

8. Your just desserts

Don’t get greedy – you gotta time that stuff out.

7. Over the air waves

What does sleep have that I don’t got?

6. Shifting dynamics

When the darkness meets the light.

5. Don’t let the bed hugs bite

The tightest sleep you’re likely to find anywhere.

4. Chicks, man


3. Time frames

Stupid work and its stupid face.

2. Sweet dreams

And then you gotta mumble all about it to your pillow until you fall asleep.

1. Change your tuna

This is wedded bliss and you can’t let anybody tell you otherwise.

That’s the good, cute stuff. Maybe send this list to your love to test their limits for how much sweetness they’re willing to put up with. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.

If you could pass on just one piece of relationship advice, what would it be?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Relationship Memes That Are Really Too Sweet appeared first on UberFacts.

Cute Compliment Memes You Can Send To Your Special Someone

Valentine’s Day is far off, but that’s no excuse not to send Valentines to the people you love. Or at the very least a sort of off-brand version where you just text them cute meme compliments about how much you like their butt or whatever.

Any day of the year is the right day for those kinds of adorable shenanigans.

In that spirit, here are ten cute compliment memes for the special someone in your life.

10. Sweets for the sweet

You absolutely knock me out.

9. Stark realities

I may not be a billionaire, but I’ll scare off danger with my mighty growls.

8. Happy little me’s

Just take those feelings of loneliness and beat the devil out of ’em.

7. Snack attack

How does this dog look so smooth and why can’t I deal with it?

6. Crash into me

Gonna crush so hard they call me the super nova.

5. Needed contributions

Together, we can reach these goals. Not me, us.

4. Let’s get this bread

Garlic may not be easy on the breath but it’s still pretty great for the mouth.

3. Lizard licks

When your man saves you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

2. Pretty potassium

“Why is any of this?” – dog, probably

1. Reporting for booty

Your future looks very bright.

If you want to brighten somebody’s day, just send them one of these. Or the whole list. You can’t lose, really.

What’s your favorite thing about being in love?

Share it in the comments.

The post Cute Compliment Memes You Can Send To Your Special Someone appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes that Prove Pets are Simply the Best

You ever see that movie The Secret Life of Pets? Neither did I. Nobody did. Wait – I’m being told that it actually made over 800 million dollars and got a sequel?! So. Scratch that, I guess.

Anyway, I’ve always imagined that the actual secret life of pets is just them trying to see what they can get away with chewing on while we’re not in the room. They’re little stinkers, every one of them. But where would we be without them?

At the end of the day, the animals in our lives are the greatest, and deserve to be celebrated. With memes.

12. The missing links

He’s just chillin’ in there.

11. Eyes on you

They judge from above, as in the days of old.

10. Big fan

Doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of January, this is a must.

9. Sweet freedom!

Turns out I’m just lazy. Who’d have thunk?

8. Insert coin

Friggin’ DLC again.

7. Clucked up

My son’s beak is too short and too wet, but I still love him.

6. Fetch me a drink

Slobber on the rocks.

5. Welcome, traveler

I’d save up all my in-game currency for him.

4. I scream

Hand over the treats and nobody gets hurt.

3. On the attack

That is one angry cloud you got there.

2. In tents

They already look like they’re having bitter fights about who gets to use it when.

1. Expensive taste

“Don’t try to pander to me, John.”

I tried to show my foster cat this meme collection and he just derped at me and walked away. He’s magic. All pets are magic.

What’s your fur baby like?

Tell us about ’em in the comments.

The post Memes that Prove Pets are Simply the Best appeared first on UberFacts.

A Customer Accidentally Ghosted a Struggling Local Restaurant, Then Made Good

I grew up in a small town. There were a couple of local pizza joints and they were both delicious. I remember getting excited whenever a time would come when we could go pick up from there. Then, when I was about 13, a Pizza Hut came to town. We were a small enough place that this was an event. I met the manager, my older sister got her first job working there, there were parties and get-togethers, it was something special.

Unfortunately, it also meant the other places shut down. Pizza Hut, the gargantuan national chain, just swept in and took all the business. That was my first exposure to the concept of economic competition and how the big guys thrive while the little guys struggle, even when the little guys are just as good or better. I was also introduced to the idea that where we choose to spend our money makes a difference.

Local businesses and restaurants have a perilous enough time in general. When there’s economic downturn, every little order can matter. Which is why this story from Reddit user Wellworn5 on r/TIFU (Today I F*cked Up) makes for such a satisfying read. Check it out.

Part 1: The Absent Order

Part 2: The Name

Part 3: The Mix-up

Part 4: The Abandonment

Part 5: The Reconciliation

Part 6: The Gratitude

Epilogue: Support Local

Epilogue Part 2: Plot Holes

I’m sure this customer wasn’t the only one telling this story afterward. Little things like this add up quick, especially in tough times. Think through what you can do today.

What’s your favorite local spot you hope people will support?

Let us know in the comments.

The post A Customer Accidentally Ghosted a Struggling Local Restaurant, Then Made Good appeared first on UberFacts.