Really Uncomfortable Things That Happened to People Who Clearly Wish They Hadn’t

YIKES. We’ve all been embarrassed and humiliated at some point in our lives (some of us more than others…), but you still get a little bit of that EFO (Embarrassment for Others) when you see stuff like you’re about to see.

Hang on tight…I think you’ll be feeling sorry for these folks in just a minute…

1. Can’t go back there…

2. Is your friend a genius?

3. No clue who you are.

4. Just hold me.

5. Smack-dab on the lips.

6. You blew it.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Congratulations!

8. Be very careful…

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Smooth move…

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. A true patriot.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Are you hungry?

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Oh…I’m sorry…

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Not yours.

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

15. That’s…very awkward.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Were those cringe-worthy, or what?

Did something really awkward happen to you recently? Please tell us about it in the comments, we can’t get enough of this kind of stuff!

The post Really Uncomfortable Things That Happened to People Who Clearly Wish They Hadn’t appeared first on UberFacts.

20+ Times Things Got Really Weird with Complete Strangers

Meeting new people can be a fun part of life. But for some folks it can be cringey AF because they’re just so damn awkward and they make every situation they’re in that way.

Yeah, don’t blame the strangers. Blame your own damn self!

Let’s get real, y’all!

1. The vomit comet

When I was about 13, I went on a school trip which included a boat ride.

It was a windy day and the sea was rough, so like most of my friends, I got extremely seasick. The toilets were full of puking school kids so when it was my turn to churn I found a space along the rail and let loose.

I aimed down at the sea but the wind whipped my vomit about 20 feet over to a middle-aged man who was enjoying the sea air. As I watched in horror, he registered that he was being spattered with something, but it was only when my second wave hit that our eyes met and I saw his face change from confusion to horror.

I had no words, just more vomit, so he hurried off, presumably to clean himself. Thankfully, I didn’t see him again; but I’m sure I ruined his day.

2. Wait… what?!? DAD!!!

Once, when I was about 10, I got in the passenger side of what I thought was my dad’s car.

I was waiting for a few minutes and then the real owner of the car came. At first, I was terrified that he was going to kidnap me and steal the car, so I started scrambling for the door handle. Then he started yelling at me for being in his car. That’s when I realized I was in the wrong car and booked it back to the store, where my dad was waiting and laughing hysterically.

He saw me get in the wrong car and just waited to watch it play out.

3. Yeah, race isn’t a good conversation starter…

I worked security at an aquatic theme park and was watching Jeopardy in the employee entrance. One of the veterinarians came through and watched it with me for a bit. He said he watched it religiously and was hoping to get selected as a contestant. He’d heard that they like to have a diverse group of contestants, and they hadn’t had a black guy for a while, so he liked his chances.

A few days later, there were two black contestants on the show, so when I saw him the next time, I asked:

“Hey, did you catch Jeopardy last week?”

“No, why?” he responded.

“There were two black guys on it,” I explained.

He just stared at me blankly for a few seconds, then walked off. That’s when I realized I was talking to a completely different gentleman.

4. Abort hug! ABORT!

I went to a new doctor years ago because the medicine I was taking to help quit an addiction of mine was making me very sick.

After meeting with her and having a great conversation about how she also struggled with the same addiction for years, our appointment came to an end.

As I was leaving the room and opened the door, I turned around to thank her for the encouraging words. Her arm was raised up in a “gimme a hug, not a handshake” position. I thought, okay sure, and went in for the hug.

As soon as I did, I heard her say, “Oh, okay?” in a puzzled tone and immediately realized she was reaching for the door behind me, not asking for a hug.

I aborted the hug which made me look more awkward and raced out of the doctor’s office as fast as I could.

5. TBH… this is fucking hilarious!

My dad loves buying clothes for me but he’s bad at guessing my size.

He’ll find a complete stranger that he thinks looks like me and have them try the stuff on. Then he’ll take their picture and send it to me.

It’s super weird and I can’t get him to realize how creepy it is.

My favorite pics he’s sent is a five-year-old wearing a hat (we had the same hair color) and a scared looking older woman wearing a coat (we were the same height).

6. Stealing a fist bump…

I thought some random guy was trying to give me a fist bump while walking down the street.

It turned out, he just was trying to scratch his nose. I just got an awkward high five and fist bump thing.

I avoided all eye contact after that and slowly shuffled back to my grandmother.

7. SLAP! Oh shiiiiiii…

I played this game with some buddies in college where we would slap each other’s necks really hard.

I saw my friend studying at the library, went from behind him and slapped him really hard.

It turned out to be some total stranger and not my friend! I almost went #2 in my pants and so did the other guy.

8. Speechless…

One time, I was driving around town with my friend when I noticed I was being followed by an older car. I made several left turns that eventually made us go in a big circle, to which he followed. At this point, I was getting nervous, so I pulled into a convenience store and turned around. He did the same exact thing.

After this, I decided I’d pull into the closest business and go inside. I pulled into a shop where I knew the owner and walked in with my friend. The stranger followed us in, looked around a bit and said, “My soul is saved… Is yours?”

At that point, my friend, the owner and I were all speechless. The stranger then stared at us, calmly walked back to his car and drove away. I’ve never been so confused in my life.

9. Sores

I worked at a hotel front desk. An old, maybe 75-year-old lady called the front desk and wanted a pillow delivered to her room. When I got there with the pillow, she wanted me to come inside. I’m like “Uh no, here is your pillow,” but she insisted, so I did.

I got inside and she shut the door. She told me to put the pillow on the bed, then went to a drawer in her dresser. At this time I was like, “I need to return to the front desk,” thinking the worst.

She proceeded to pull out a box of bandaids and wanted me to put them on the open sores on her feet.

I noped out of there as fast as I could and left before she came down for morning breakfast.

10. Behind you…

I was standing behind this guy waiting for the elevator in a hotel. We were down in the lobby and it was busy with lots of people coming and going, so he obviously hadn’t noticed me. Once the elevator doors opened, he got in, but he still didn’t see me walk past him on the other side. As SOON as the doors closed, while obviously still under the impression that he was alone, he let out this heinous flatulence that went on for about ten seconds.

Midway through, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted me standing just behind him. The poor guy almost jumped out of his skin. He was staring at me as if he’d just seen a ghost. I was staring at him with what I can only assume was a fairly horrified expression.

11. Toe virgin

The first time I went to get a pedicure, I went with my mother-in-law. She’s a very loud woman who often doesn’t understand what she’s saying.

She kept screaming at the pedicurist, “BE GENTLE WITH HER, SHE’S A TOE VIRGIN. SHE’S A TOE VIRGIN. DON’T POUND HER.”

God help me, I will never go back.

12. Walmart is always weird…

An old man behind me in a Walmart checkout called out a common nickname of mine. I turned to face him and didn’t immediately recognize him. He was gushing with tears in his eyes about how much he loved me and how he couldn’t wait to go home with me.

I asked him if it was possible he had me confused with a different person. The guy’s tears started falling, and he began choking apologies through sobs. Apparently, I was a dead ringer for his long-dead wife.

Combine that and the dementia setting in and presto, Walmart meltdown.

13. Beardfinger!

I did something awkward at work.

There was a guy who came in with his kids and had a big bushy beard. He came up to the cash register and asked me where to find an item. I was a little overenthusiastic I suppose because I stuck my fingers out straight ahead to point him in the right direction and they went straight into his beard!

I felt like I had assaulted him, but luckily we laughed it off.

14. Too many feelings…

One time, I was in a sporting goods store at the mall. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shirt with a really cool design and fabric.

I started feeling the fabric to see how warm it would be, when all of a sudden I heard, “Dude. What’re you doing.” I looked up and it wasn’t a mannequin. It was a man.

My eyes grew wide and I fled. Left the mall even.

15. Hey, a compliment is a compliment!

I got on an elevator with a woman and she had on these really nice boots on, so I complimented them by saying, “Nice boots.”

She cupped her breasts and said, “Well, you’re not shy; thank you, they’re real.” Then I immediately realized I said she thought I said, “Nice boobs.”

Longest elevator ride ever.

To this day, whenever I say boots in any context, I do so with a very hard deliberate “T.”

16. Oh hai!

I hooked up with a guy in college and fell asleep in his dorm room.

I woke up in the middle of the night needing to go #1 so badly but I was unable to find any of my clothes right away. I ended up spending so long trying to find them in the dark that by the time I had enough to wear out in the hall, I didn’t think I’d make it.

He was still sleeping, so I grabbed a big reusable water bottle and squatted over it. It was blissful relief until I looked over and saw his roommate staring at me in horror.

17. 7/11 moves…

I tried to make some moves on a girl when I was in high school.

We were in a 7/11 near the back, and because of the late hour, I figured we were alone. When she turned me down and left, I decided to drown my sorrows with a bag of Sour Patch Kids and physically ran into the older, bearded man who had been buying nuts.

He gave me a sympathetic look and opened his mouth as if to say something, and I panicked. I said, “See you tomorrow!” and left the store.

18. Yeah, and….

The first time I hung out with a girl I knew from a bar, I paid for dinner because she had comped me so many cocktails before.

She took that as a sign that I wanted to hook up with her and I got really uncomfortable.

I ended up apologizing for buying dinner.

19. Donut judge me!

I was at the grocery store with my wife and when we were passing the donut section I said, “I’m going to humiliate those donuts.”

I knew it was something that would make her laugh.

When I said it, I turned around and saw that there was a woman in line who was not my wife.

She didn’t laugh.

20. Well, this worked out tho…

When I was in college, I was waiting for a shuttle bus and a girl I had previously been in a class with walked up to the stop with a guy I didn’t know.

I said to her, “Hi, how are you,” and we had a short exchange of pleasantries. Then she turned to the guy next to her and in sign language said: “I don’t remember her name.”

So I sign, “That’s okay, I don’t remember your name either.” I then offered my hand to the guy with her and introduced myself.

21. Oh you want some of this…?

I took an Uber once where the driver obviously stopped at McDonald’s on his way to get me and had the bag on the passenger seat.

He kept munching on fries and my desire for them grew so much that I asked him if I could have some. I wish this was a love story and I wish I could tell you we shared his fries and are still great friends to this day, but I cannot.

He gave me a firm no and kept on driving.

22. Ya best leave them alone…

I was at a bar bathroom in a stall doing illicit drugs with a friend and he started talking about the two hot chicks at the bar.

All of a sudden, we heard a guy say, “Are you talking about the two girls at the bar?” My friend said, “Yeah, they’re hot.” He responded, ‘Well, one’s my sister and the other’s, my girlfriend.”

We tiptoed out of there as he was finishing his business in his stall.

23. What a jerk off…

Had to use a public restroom and the guy in the stall next to me forgot to lower the volume (or put his headphones in) and I heard the jingle from a very specific company that makes animated adult entertainment.

The person quickly made sure the video was no longer audible for me but it was too late, I knew what he was going to do. I don’t think he knew that I knew what he was watching, but to have to sit there waiting for my body to clean itself out while knowing that he was watching animated adult videos in the stall next to me made me nervous as all hell.

Hey, nice boots! 🤣🤣🤣

The post 20+ Times Things Got Really Weird with Complete Strangers appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Share the Most Awkward Things That Happened to Them in Public

Getting humiliated in public is THE WORST.

Get ready to cringe, because guys, if any of these happened to me I would just disappear due to sheer humiliation.

#15. Behold.

But isn’t it all about the journey? from Wellthatsucks

#14. Someone didn’t learn their lesson from Seinfeld.

#13. Not true but still funny.

#12. You weren’t supposed to touch that.

(Loses security deposit)

#11. I mean he could have been nicer about it.

#10. Awkward conversation ensues.

No need to explain from WhitePeopleTwitter

#9. Talent.

#8. Pretty sure he knew.

#7. You asked for it, really.

#6. There aren’t enough explanations in the world.

Go crazy from Wellthatsucks

#5. When there’s nothing to say.

#4. Now you’ve got to do laundry, too. Boo.

#3. Seems reasonable.

Whoops. from WhitePeopleTwitter


#2. I’m kind of thinking he deserves whatever if he yells at his mom like that.

#1. We’ve got a biter.


There aren’t enough cringes in the world.

The post 15 People Share the Most Awkward Things That Happened to Them in Public appeared first on UberFacts.

Embarrassed People Reveal Very Awkward Moments They Had with Strangers

This was the incredible question someone posed on Reddit: What’s the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in with a stranger?

12,000+ comments later… we have these gems!

1. That amused sparkle…

This happened to me in Japan. I was in a clothing store and my wife was shopping.

Being the dutiful husband that I am, I remained silent and stayed out of the way, barely moving a muscle.

A little girl, maybe 4 years old, approached from one side and slipped her hand into mine.

I looked down. She must’ve thought “Wow, this mannequin’s hand is warm.” Then it clicked.

She looked up at me with such a look of terror.

In a flash, she was gone, and I hope she will forever remember with terror the amused sparkle in my eyes.

2. Pure fear!

One time, I was in a parking lot waiting to get into my friend’s dad’s car.

I saw a car that looked identical to the one I needed to get into, so I got into it.

It turned out, it was not the car I was supposed to be in.

The stranger’s expression of pure fear still pops into my head from time to time.

3. The gas station

When I was a teenager, my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night, I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run I took earlier that day.

While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks, I announced to who I thought was my friend, “Man, my pecs really hurt.” Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail, I simply stared at him and said, “You’re not my friend” and walked away.

I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.

4. Tickle, tickle, tickle…

My wife and I went out for a drink one night.

We walked into the bar and I immediately saw someone I knew. I walked up behind him and tickled his sides. It turned out, I didn’t know this person.

He just gave me a weird look and walked away. We got his spot at the bar though.

5. Hey franges!!

I had just pulled into a parking spot at the mall. I saw my friend and his girlfriend pull in a few spaces past mine.

Thinking it would be funny, I snuck up to their car and started slapping their window like a crazy person.

It turned out, it was not them in that car.

I still cringe years later remembering the look of pure terror on that poor girl’s face.

6. You’re not my dad!

We were lining up for Disney’s Tower of Terror.

12-year-old me spent the entire lineup desperately trying to catch the attention of a cute guy who was there with his dad. I ended up sitting in the same car as him on the ride.

As the ride started, I grabbed my mom’s hand for support.

Near the end, I realized that my mom was on the other side of me and I’d been holding hands with the cute guy’s dad the entire time.

7. Deleted!

I was at a bar with my brother’s old phone.

A random girl asked me if she could use my phone to call her own because she had lost it. She began dialing her number and bam, right there on the screen is her name saved on my phone.

My brother’s contacts must have transferred when I took his phone. Her eyes got real big and she looked up at me with what could only be described as confused fear!

I tried to ask her if she knew my brother, to which she said she did, but she was obviously still weirded out.

She deleted her number from the phone and fled so fast.

8. Dat ass!

I was at a bar with some friends watching a basketball game, and this guy kept asking me to check out his girlfriend every time she went away.

For example, when she got up to go outside for some air, he stayed in and was like: “Be honest, is that not the best butt you’ve ever seen?”

He did this several times. I felt so uncomfortable, and there’s no nice way of putting it — she wasn’t attractive whatsoever to me.

I’m glad that guy is happy with her, though.

9. Awkward, but necessary…

My boyfriend and I were with another friend and we were walking home from a movie.

We came across a guy sitting in a small patch of grass rocking back and forth. My boyfriend wanted to keep walking, but I felt the need to ask if he was okay. He immediately broke down and said he wanted to end it all. It turned into a really awkward situation because the other two didn’t know what to do.

We ended up sitting with him for a while as he broke down, and we called emergency services because he was apparently very far from home.

He eventually calmed down enough and we drove him to the hospital. He was very thankful once he was there and safe.

I still think about him every time I walk past that patch of grass, I really hope he is okay.

10. Cheese explosion!

During my first week at college as a freshman, I wandered into the cafeteria, still unsure of how things worked.

I spotted a pizza station and waited in line. I grabbed a slice of pizza with the pizza slice grabber, but the scalding hot pizza slid off and landed face down on the cute girl’s foot behind me.

Sauce and hot cheese explode everywhere up her leg. And since it was the end of summer, she was wearing sandals.

In a panic, I muttered “I’m so sorry,” and ran out of the cafeteria without eating for the rest of the day.

11. “Nevermind me!”

I worked at Old Navy and some lady was looking at men’s shirts.

She stopped me and held up a shirt to me, asking if I thought it would fit her son. I looked around and no one else was there.

We stood in silence for maybe 30 seconds before she started laughing and said, “Oh! Haha, you don’t know my son; he lives in Michigan. Nevermind me! Haha.”

And then she went and bought it.

12. “I could be!”

On a trip to Orlando, my husband, son, and I spent some time in the swimming pool at our hotel.

There was a large family enjoying a family reunion at the hotel that week as well. They were a super nice family! We were all kind of hanging out together and our kids were playing.

Well, imagine my surprise when I watched my husband swim into the shallow end and wrap his arms around a woman standing there.

He burst out of the water and said, “Oh, you’re not my wife!” to the 50-something lady.

She said, “I could be!”

He has since had Lasik!

13. What. A. Dick.

A woman at a gas station didn’t know how to put air in her tires, so I helped her.

She called her husband on speaker phone to let him know she found some nice man to help her. Then, I heard him call her an idiot and say that I was only helping her because I wanted to get together with her.

She stammered and tried to explain that nothing was going on between us.

After she got off the phone, she looked at me as if her husband just caught her cheating. No thank you; nothing.

And for some reason, I felt guilty for even helping her out.

14. British things…

Not long ago, I made a short visit to the local supermarket on my usual dog walk.

My dog was tied up outside, and as I was crouched down to unclip him a woman came out of the shop and fell over me.

For a few brief seconds, I was sandwiched between my dog and an old woman.

We’re British though, so everyone looked embarrassed and we both said sorry.

15. Nose rip!

The most awkward moment of my life thus far was with a stranger. I was in a Quebec airport going through customs with my family. Because of some recent changes to their system, they didn’t have everyone in a line, but instead in a large pen where they would release around 50 people at a time.

When my family got to the front, they released us and everyone was running forward in a mass, trying to get to the kiosks. Next to me was a tall Swedish man trying to get his family a kiosk; he was running forward and waving his arm behind him in a “come on” motion, clearly frantic. Well, somehow his middle and pointer fingers went perfectly into my two nose holes.

As he then ripped his arm upwards to motion his family forward, my nose was also ripped forward, and I immediately began bleeding everywhere.

He looked at me in horror, and the customs agents looked at me in bewilderment. The language barriers made the situation all the more awkward!

Those were the cringiest, craziest stories!

What’s yours?

The post Embarrassed People Reveal Very Awkward Moments They Had with Strangers appeared first on UberFacts.

People Reveal the Most Awkward Situations They’ve Had with a Stranger

Weirdos are EVERYWHERE! And sometimes, unfortunately, we have to interact with them sometimes.

In this AskReddit article, people share their very awkward stranger encounters.

1. That is incredibly awkward

“Was adopted at birth. Learned who my birth family was in early 30s. Had met a sister but nobody else yet. Sister tells me grandpa is being taken off life support (cancer) and wants to talk to me before he dies. Travel to hospital several hours away. Meet mom in hospital lobby for the first time ever. Go to grandpa’s room where all of his, and my, family are.

They are all there to say their goodbyes. Probably only 5% of them knew of my existence. Suddenly all the attention is on me, the stranger. The have me kneel by his side and he apologizes through tears for pressuring my mom, that I just met, to give me away for adoption. People looked pretty shocked including me. The experience was a thousand emotions and awkward was in there somewhere.”

2. That is kind of crazy

“I am a pediatric nurse, but we “float” (substitute) to other floors when we have more nurses than we need. So I was sent to an adult floor to work as an assistant, since theirs had called in sick. An older male patient called out asking for help to get up to the bathroom. He stood, tried to pivot, and the newly operated on knee gave out. All 320 pounds of him came down on top of me and we laid there for almost an hour. I had closed the door for privacy, and neither he nor I could yell loud enough nor reach the call light for help.

My phone was 10 feet from me on the floor after it fell out of my scrubs and rang incessantly. Finally the other assistant came to find me because she wanted to go on break and was tired of having to do all my work. The patient was fine, since he fell on me, I was sore for a week. We were nose to nose the whole time and boy was it awkward. His breath was terrible, but he was a nice man and felt so bad.”

3. Mistaken (dog) identity

“Once I was at a dog groomers to pick up my dog. It’s fairly small (20lbs) and white. Usually when I take him, he’s got long semi curly hair and when I pick him up he has short straight hair, which is quite a change and this is what I expect when I go to pick him up.

I walk up to the counter and request my dog and the clerk tells me he’ll be out in a moment. 30 seconds later an attendant walks out to the lobby from the back door with a dog that immediately gets excited and tries to run away as soon as it rounds the corner to me.

“Hey buddy!” I say as I walk up and attempt to pick up my dog, but it turns around and starts recoiling back and gives me a nip as I try picking him up. An old man behind me asks “Hey is that your dog?” And me thinking it’s a pretty weird question respond “yep!”

At that point he goes “I don’t think so mister, that’s my dog” and as I turn and realize this dog that looks just like mine after a grooming is 100% not my dog my face goes completely red and the whole lobby starts laughing. To make it worse, the old couple whose dog it was stuck around just because they wanted to see what my dog actually looked like and of course when he came out with a different haircut there was only a vague resemblance. Yikes.”

4. Dating game

“I serve in the Air Force and one time I got injured at work and had to go to the hospital, nothing serious, just dinged my finger super hard (f*cked up the ligament, my finger was shaped like an “N”). Anywho, when I get to the hospital I walk in the front door, I’m still in uniform, and some nice older man comes up to me and Thanks me for my service, I told him I appreciated his support and then he abruptly asked me if I was married.

I told him no and right at that moment he turns to this woman walking by heading for the door, he turns to her and says something along the lines of “You see this nice man? You should go on a date with him!” at first I thought maybe he knew the woman, maybe his daughter or something but the shocked look on her face I could easily tell he did NOT know her.

She stopped for a moment and he asked her again and she just went wide-eyed, kind of stuttered for a moment and then B-lined it for the door. I really didn’t know what to say so I just stood there looking like a guy who just got whacked in the head. The old man then turns back to me and says “Let’s see who else is here an available.” At this point I just made some excuse about being late for my appointment and walked away.

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so red before or again in my life.”

5. In shock

“I was with my mum buying flowers at a florist for a new year’s eve party. The florist was obviously a very lonely woman and wouldn’t stop going on about how she isn’t doing anything for New Year’s and how it’s so nice we have friends to visit, to the point where it became really saddening. My mother obviously really felt for her.

Every now and again, maybe twice a year, she has a brain fart and accidentally says what she is thinking. That day was one of those rare days. After paying for the flowers, my mum said ‘thanks! Hope you find a friend soon!’. I look at her in shock, the woman looks at her in shock, and my mum just gasps, apologises and literally backs out of the store. God it was so awkward.”

6. The plumbing incident

“While my dad was out of the country there was a major leak from the water tank in the loft which caused serious damage to the property and caused lots of other issues, including a hole in the ceiling.

I called out a repair guy only to hear a huge “boom”, followed by a string of expletives before he called for help. I found him half in a cupboard, soaking wet, with his hand on a burst water pipe.

I ended up having to help. This involved me climbing up to the loft (in a short dress and stockings while he was basically laid on the floor underneath the ladder) and trying to turn off the water from there. This didn’t work so we ended up switching places so he could professionally investigate.

Swapping places involved me getting soaking wet, and having to press up against the guy and contort myself into position in order to minimise the risk of further damage and water explosively spraying everywhere.

There was further pressing against each other and awkwardly closer contortions, as water was sprouting out like from a fountain unless we held it, before the leak was resolved.

The situation was like a bad porn parody.

Our dialogue even included things like: “if you come here you’ll get wet” and “I don’t mind getting wet, let’s do it”.

My friends now refer to this as my plumber porn story.”

7. That’s odd

“That time I screamed at a woman over poo.

My little village has a small annual dog show. We normally enter our little dog who has won “friendliest dog,” “waggiest tail” and “dog the judge would like to take home” in the past. This year she was unfortunately in season so we didn’t enter to prevent any ‘fuss’ from the other dogs but took her along to watch.

Half way across the park she decided to poo and I suddenly realised I’d forgotten a bag. There were loads of other people with dogs around due to the show so I wandered away a little to to ask someone for a bag. I turned back and to my horror a lady was picking up my little dog’s mess. Not wanting to feel like one of those a-holes that doesn’t clean up, I ran towards her to advise here she didn’t have to do that because I was going to get it.

Instead, in a sort of panic, I waved my arms and barked “NO, THAT’S MY POO!” Please note that I did not say, “that is MY DOG’S poo.”

She physically jumped then turned a deep red. She sort of mumbled an apology, dropped the poo and marched off with her dog.

It was at that point that I looked to my left and saw my dog’s poo sitting a few feet away from the lady’s dog mess that she was attempting to pick up.

I think about this at night sometimes.”

8. No more bike rides at night

“I went for a bike ride in my neighborhood at about 12 at night a month ago. It was pitch black other than streetlights every 5 or 6 houses.

I was kinda just zoning out, enjoying the fresh air, when something moved out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look, and I immediately assumed it was some kind of monster (I had just finished a horror movie), so I let out an extremely loud, bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night in a silent suburban neighborhood. The thing, which turned out to be a blond soccer mom, screamed back at me, with pretty good reason.

I zipped past her on my bike, yelling “oh my god I’m so sorry!” over and over again until I got off the street..

I haven’t gone on a nighttime bike ride since then.”

9. Man, my nipples…

“When I was a teenager my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run earlier that day.

While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks I announced to who I thought was my friend, “Man, my nipples really hurt.” Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail I simply stared at him and said “You’re not my friend” and walked away. I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.”

10. I’m not responsible

“I used to do security work at parties. One night there was an alert call for a young woman gone missing. I found her with her dress hitched up looking for her underwear in the bushes. I managed to unlock her phone to call her dad, who from his name I recognised as the district attorney. He comes over to pick up his intoxicated daughter.

While I was carrying her to the car she was making very sexual remarks about me carrying her, all the while her father is hearing me out like I was responsible for his daughter ending up that way, even suggesting I had raped her. His lecture continued after I put his daughter in the backseat, still making the same remarks while pressing up her body against the car window. When the cops arrived at the scene, she was stark naked, putting her ass out the window.

I told the cops my side of the story, as soon as she picked up my name she started moaning it to the point of waking up nearby neighbours. I was brought to the police station for interrogation, surveillance footage proved my innocence. 5 years later I see this district attorney on a weekly basis at my job.”

11. Way to go

“I was at a wedding reception and went to use the bathroom. I’m standing at the urinal and this guy comes up and stands next to me and let’s off some whopper farts. He goes “oof check out the smell of these! Whew! You gotta let ‘em out here and not by those girls, knowwhatimsayin’?” And I just go “ha! Yep.” And walk out felt very uncomfortable.”

12. That is weird

“I worked the entrance gate for a theme park. Our season pass holders used a biometric scan of their right index finger to verify their identity. One day a little girl walks up with her family, who only spoke Spanish, scans her pass and places her left finger on the scanner. I say, “Can you use your right finger sweetie?” Then, her mother raises the girls right arm to show me she doesn’t actually have a right hand. Seemed to be due to a birth defect rather than a horrific accident.

However, her left finger keeps getting rejected, so I call a lead over to override the old scan and re-do it. He then proceeds to say the same thing to the girl, followed by her mother raising the arm again. It was definitely more awkward for me than the family, but it gets worse. About three months later it happened again, the same little girl. Absolutely mortifying.”

13. Hold me

“Discovered, while at the top of St. Pauls cathedral, that I am terrified of heights. A Norwegian woman was having the same experience. We were so unnerved we ended up holding one another and bumping down the spiral staircase on our backsides. Parted ways at the bottom without a word or a backward glance.”

14. Adventure

“In Denver Colorado I met some man with a giant suitcase full of stolen clothes and a little falling apart backpack that he asked me to carry. We stop to take a break because that suitcase he lugs around is like 100 pounds of clothes and then he says to check out what’s in ‘my’ bag. I open his backpack and it’s full of over the counter pills and a bag of meth. He asked me if I wanted to try it and I just gave him his bag immediately and went away. Shit was wild. Denver 18′ a homeless adventure.”

15. Wrong butt

“At an art studio in LA, my girlfriend was wearing a denim jacket As we looked at a piece together, out of the corner of my eye I saw the jacket and I reach over to grab her butt. A sudden “Oh!” Comes from beside me and a woman 30 years older than me is standing there blushing. I tell her I thought she was someone else and run away to my girlfriend. A few minutes later the lady comes and finds us to talk about young love and how cute we are while making too much eye contact with me.”

The post People Reveal the Most Awkward Situations They’ve Had with a Stranger appeared first on UberFacts.

People Reveal the Most Awkward Situations They’ve Had with a Stranger

Weirdos are EVERYWHERE! And sometimes, unfortunately, we have to interact with them sometimes.

In this AskReddit article, people share their very awkward stranger encounters.

1. That is incredibly awkward

“Was adopted at birth. Learned who my birth family was in early 30s. Had met a sister but nobody else yet. Sister tells me grandpa is being taken off life support (cancer) and wants to talk to me before he dies. Travel to hospital several hours away. Meet mom in hospital lobby for the first time ever. Go to grandpa’s room where all of his, and my, family are.

They are all there to say their goodbyes. Probably only 5% of them knew of my existence. Suddenly all the attention is on me, the stranger. The have me kneel by his side and he apologizes through tears for pressuring my mom, that I just met, to give me away for adoption. People looked pretty shocked including me. The experience was a thousand emotions and awkward was in there somewhere.”

2. That is kind of crazy

“I am a pediatric nurse, but we “float” (substitute) to other floors when we have more nurses than we need. So I was sent to an adult floor to work as an assistant, since theirs had called in sick. An older male patient called out asking for help to get up to the bathroom. He stood, tried to pivot, and the newly operated on knee gave out. All 320 pounds of him came down on top of me and we laid there for almost an hour. I had closed the door for privacy, and neither he nor I could yell loud enough nor reach the call light for help.

My phone was 10 feet from me on the floor after it fell out of my scrubs and rang incessantly. Finally the other assistant came to find me because she wanted to go on break and was tired of having to do all my work. The patient was fine, since he fell on me, I was sore for a week. We were nose to nose the whole time and boy was it awkward. His breath was terrible, but he was a nice man and felt so bad.”

3. Mistaken (dog) identity

“Once I was at a dog groomers to pick up my dog. It’s fairly small (20lbs) and white. Usually when I take him, he’s got long semi curly hair and when I pick him up he has short straight hair, which is quite a change and this is what I expect when I go to pick him up.

I walk up to the counter and request my dog and the clerk tells me he’ll be out in a moment. 30 seconds later an attendant walks out to the lobby from the back door with a dog that immediately gets excited and tries to run away as soon as it rounds the corner to me.

“Hey buddy!” I say as I walk up and attempt to pick up my dog, but it turns around and starts recoiling back and gives me a nip as I try picking him up. An old man behind me asks “Hey is that your dog?” And me thinking it’s a pretty weird question respond “yep!”

At that point he goes “I don’t think so mister, that’s my dog” and as I turn and realize this dog that looks just like mine after a grooming is 100% not my dog my face goes completely red and the whole lobby starts laughing. To make it worse, the old couple whose dog it was stuck around just because they wanted to see what my dog actually looked like and of course when he came out with a different haircut there was only a vague resemblance. Yikes.”

4. Dating game

“I serve in the Air Force and one time I got injured at work and had to go to the hospital, nothing serious, just dinged my finger super hard (f*cked up the ligament, my finger was shaped like an “N”). Anywho, when I get to the hospital I walk in the front door, I’m still in uniform, and some nice older man comes up to me and Thanks me for my service, I told him I appreciated his support and then he abruptly asked me if I was married.

I told him no and right at that moment he turns to this woman walking by heading for the door, he turns to her and says something along the lines of “You see this nice man? You should go on a date with him!” at first I thought maybe he knew the woman, maybe his daughter or something but the shocked look on her face I could easily tell he did NOT know her.

She stopped for a moment and he asked her again and she just went wide-eyed, kind of stuttered for a moment and then B-lined it for the door. I really didn’t know what to say so I just stood there looking like a guy who just got whacked in the head. The old man then turns back to me and says “Let’s see who else is here an available.” At this point I just made some excuse about being late for my appointment and walked away.

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so red before or again in my life.”

5. In shock

“I was with my mum buying flowers at a florist for a new year’s eve party. The florist was obviously a very lonely woman and wouldn’t stop going on about how she isn’t doing anything for New Year’s and how it’s so nice we have friends to visit, to the point where it became really saddening. My mother obviously really felt for her.

Every now and again, maybe twice a year, she has a brain fart and accidentally says what she is thinking. That day was one of those rare days. After paying for the flowers, my mum said ‘thanks! Hope you find a friend soon!’. I look at her in shock, the woman looks at her in shock, and my mum just gasps, apologises and literally backs out of the store. God it was so awkward.”

6. The plumbing incident

“While my dad was out of the country there was a major leak from the water tank in the loft which caused serious damage to the property and caused lots of other issues, including a hole in the ceiling.

I called out a repair guy only to hear a huge “boom”, followed by a string of expletives before he called for help. I found him half in a cupboard, soaking wet, with his hand on a burst water pipe.

I ended up having to help. This involved me climbing up to the loft (in a short dress and stockings while he was basically laid on the floor underneath the ladder) and trying to turn off the water from there. This didn’t work so we ended up switching places so he could professionally investigate.

Swapping places involved me getting soaking wet, and having to press up against the guy and contort myself into position in order to minimise the risk of further damage and water explosively spraying everywhere.

There was further pressing against each other and awkwardly closer contortions, as water was sprouting out like from a fountain unless we held it, before the leak was resolved.

The situation was like a bad porn parody.

Our dialogue even included things like: “if you come here you’ll get wet” and “I don’t mind getting wet, let’s do it”.

My friends now refer to this as my plumber porn story.”

7. That’s odd

“That time I screamed at a woman over poo.

My little village has a small annual dog show. We normally enter our little dog who has won “friendliest dog,” “waggiest tail” and “dog the judge would like to take home” in the past. This year she was unfortunately in season so we didn’t enter to prevent any ‘fuss’ from the other dogs but took her along to watch.

Half way across the park she decided to poo and I suddenly realised I’d forgotten a bag. There were loads of other people with dogs around due to the show so I wandered away a little to to ask someone for a bag. I turned back and to my horror a lady was picking up my little dog’s mess. Not wanting to feel like one of those a-holes that doesn’t clean up, I ran towards her to advise here she didn’t have to do that because I was going to get it.

Instead, in a sort of panic, I waved my arms and barked “NO, THAT’S MY POO!” Please note that I did not say, “that is MY DOG’S poo.”

She physically jumped then turned a deep red. She sort of mumbled an apology, dropped the poo and marched off with her dog.

It was at that point that I looked to my left and saw my dog’s poo sitting a few feet away from the lady’s dog mess that she was attempting to pick up.

I think about this at night sometimes.”

8. No more bike rides at night

“I went for a bike ride in my neighborhood at about 12 at night a month ago. It was pitch black other than streetlights every 5 or 6 houses.

I was kinda just zoning out, enjoying the fresh air, when something moved out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look, and I immediately assumed it was some kind of monster (I had just finished a horror movie), so I let out an extremely loud, bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night in a silent suburban neighborhood. The thing, which turned out to be a blond soccer mom, screamed back at me, with pretty good reason.

I zipped past her on my bike, yelling “oh my god I’m so sorry!” over and over again until I got off the street..

I haven’t gone on a nighttime bike ride since then.”

9. Man, my nipples…

“When I was a teenager my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run earlier that day.

While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks I announced to who I thought was my friend, “Man, my nipples really hurt.” Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail I simply stared at him and said “You’re not my friend” and walked away. I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.”

10. I’m not responsible

“I used to do security work at parties. One night there was an alert call for a young woman gone missing. I found her with her dress hitched up looking for her underwear in the bushes. I managed to unlock her phone to call her dad, who from his name I recognised as the district attorney. He comes over to pick up his intoxicated daughter.

While I was carrying her to the car she was making very sexual remarks about me carrying her, all the while her father is hearing me out like I was responsible for his daughter ending up that way, even suggesting I had raped her. His lecture continued after I put his daughter in the backseat, still making the same remarks while pressing up her body against the car window. When the cops arrived at the scene, she was stark naked, putting her ass out the window.

I told the cops my side of the story, as soon as she picked up my name she started moaning it to the point of waking up nearby neighbours. I was brought to the police station for interrogation, surveillance footage proved my innocence. 5 years later I see this district attorney on a weekly basis at my job.”

11. Way to go

“I was at a wedding reception and went to use the bathroom. I’m standing at the urinal and this guy comes up and stands next to me and let’s off some whopper farts. He goes “oof check out the smell of these! Whew! You gotta let ‘em out here and not by those girls, knowwhatimsayin’?” And I just go “ha! Yep.” And walk out felt very uncomfortable.”

12. That is weird

“I worked the entrance gate for a theme park. Our season pass holders used a biometric scan of their right index finger to verify their identity. One day a little girl walks up with her family, who only spoke Spanish, scans her pass and places her left finger on the scanner. I say, “Can you use your right finger sweetie?” Then, her mother raises the girls right arm to show me she doesn’t actually have a right hand. Seemed to be due to a birth defect rather than a horrific accident.

However, her left finger keeps getting rejected, so I call a lead over to override the old scan and re-do it. He then proceeds to say the same thing to the girl, followed by her mother raising the arm again. It was definitely more awkward for me than the family, but it gets worse. About three months later it happened again, the same little girl. Absolutely mortifying.”

13. Hold me

“Discovered, while at the top of St. Pauls cathedral, that I am terrified of heights. A Norwegian woman was having the same experience. We were so unnerved we ended up holding one another and bumping down the spiral staircase on our backsides. Parted ways at the bottom without a word or a backward glance.”

14. Adventure

“In Denver Colorado I met some man with a giant suitcase full of stolen clothes and a little falling apart backpack that he asked me to carry. We stop to take a break because that suitcase he lugs around is like 100 pounds of clothes and then he says to check out what’s in ‘my’ bag. I open his backpack and it’s full of over the counter pills and a bag of meth. He asked me if I wanted to try it and I just gave him his bag immediately and went away. Shit was wild. Denver 18′ a homeless adventure.”

15. Wrong butt

“At an art studio in LA, my girlfriend was wearing a denim jacket As we looked at a piece together, out of the corner of my eye I saw the jacket and I reach over to grab her butt. A sudden “Oh!” Comes from beside me and a woman 30 years older than me is standing there blushing. I tell her I thought she was someone else and run away to my girlfriend. A few minutes later the lady comes and finds us to talk about young love and how cute we are while making too much eye contact with me.”

The post People Reveal the Most Awkward Situations They’ve Had with a Stranger appeared first on UberFacts.

20+ Times Things Got Really, Really Weird With Complete Strangers

Meeting new people is an inevitable part of life, and for some folks it can be cringey AF because they’re just so damn awkward and they make every situation they’re in that way.

Yeah, don’t blame the strangers. Blame your own damn self!

Let’s get real, ya’ll!

1. SLAP! Oh shiiiiiii…

I played this game with some buddies in college where we would slap each other’s necks really hard.

I saw my friend studying at the library, went from behind him and slapped him really hard.

It turned out to be some total stranger and not my friend! I almost went #2 in my pants and so did the other guy.

2. Walmart is always weird…

An old man behind me in a Walmart checkout called out a common nickname of mine. I turned to face him and didn’t immediately recognize him. He was gushing with tears in his eyes about how much he loved me and how he couldn’t wait to go home with me.

I asked him if it was possible he had me confused with a different person. The guy’s tears started falling, and he began choking apologies through sobs. Apparently, I was a dead ringer for his long-dead wife.

Combine that and the dementia setting in and presto, Walmart meltdown.

3. Beardfinger!

I did something awkward at work.

There was a guy who came in with his kids and had a big bushy beard. He came up to the cash register and asked me where to find an item. I was a little overenthusiastic I suppose because I stuck my fingers out straight ahead to point him in the right direction and they went straight into his beard!

I felt like I had assaulted him, but luckily we laughed it off.

4. Too many feelings…

One time, I was in a sporting goods store at the mall. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shirt with a really cool design and fabric.

I started feeling the fabric to see how warm it would be, when all of a sudden I heard, “Dude. What’re you doing.” I looked up and it wasn’t a mannequin. It was a man.

My eyes grew wide and I fled. Left the mall even.

5. Wait… what?!? DAD!!!

Once, when I was about 10, I got in the passenger side of what I thought was my dad’s car.

I was waiting for a few minutes and then the real owner of the car came. At first, I was terrified that he was going to kidnap me and steal the car, so I started scrambling for the door handle. Then he started yelling at me for being in his car. That’s when I realized I was in the wrong car and booked it back to the store, where my dad was waiting and laughing hysterically.

He saw me get in the wrong car and just waited to watch it play out.

6. The vomit comet

When I was about 13, I went on a school trip which included a boat ride.

It was a windy day and the sea was rough, so like most of my friends, I got extremely seasick. The toilets were full of puking school kids so when it was my turn to churn I found a space along the rail and let loose.

I aimed down at the sea but the wind whipped my vomit about 20 feet over to a middle-aged man who was enjoying the sea air. As I watched in horror, he registered that he was being spattered with something, but it was only when my second wave hit that our eyes met and I saw his face change from confusion to horror.

I had no words, just more vomit, so he hurried off, presumably to clean himself. Thankfully, I didn’t see him again; but I’m sure I ruined his day.

7. Yeah, race isn’t a good conversation starter…

I worked security at an aquatic theme park and was watching Jeopardy in the employee entrance. One of the veterinarians came through and watched it with me for a bit. He said he watched it religiously and was hoping to get selected as a contestant. He’d heard that they like to have a diverse group of contestants, and they hadn’t had a black guy for a while, so he liked his chances.

A few days later, there were two black contestants on the show, so when I saw him the next time, I asked:

“Hey, did you catch Jeopardy last week?”

“No, why?” he responded.

“There were two black guys on it,” I explained.

He just stared at me blankly for a few seconds, then walked off. That’s when I realized I was talking to a completely different gentleman.

8. Abort hug! ABORT!

I went to a new doctor years ago because the medicine I was taking to help quit an addiction of mine was making me very sick.

After meeting with her and having a great conversation about how she also struggled with the same addiction for years, our appointment came to an end.

As I was leaving the room and opened the door, I turned around to thank her for the encouraging words. Her arm was raised up in a “gimme a hug, not a handshake” position. I thought, okay sure, and went in for the hug.

As soon as I did, I heard her say, “Oh, okay?” in a puzzled tone and immediately realized she was reaching for the door behind me, not asking for a hug.

I aborted the hug which made me look more awkward and raced out of the doctor’s office as fast as I could.

9. TBH… this is fucking hilarious!

My dad loves buying clothes for me but he’s bad at guessing my size.

He’ll find a complete stranger that he thinks looks like me and have them try the stuff on. Then he’ll take their picture and send it to me.

It’s super weird and I can’t get him to realize how creepy it is.

My favorite pics he’s sent is a five-year-old wearing a hat (we had the same hair color) and a scared looking older woman wearing a coat (we were the same height).

10. Stealing a fist bump…

I thought some random guy was trying to give me a fist bump while walking down the street.

It turned out, he just was trying to scratch his nose. I just got an awkward high five and fist bump thing.

I avoided all eye contact after that and slowly shuffled back to my grandmother.

11. Hey, a compliment is a compliment!

I got on an elevator with a woman and she had on these really nice boots on, so I complimented them by saying, “Nice boots.”

She cupped her breasts and said, “Well, you’re not shy; thank you, they’re real.” Then I immediately realized I said she thought I said, “Nice boobs.”

Longest elevator ride ever.

To this day, whenever I say boots in any context, I do so with a very hard deliberate “T.”

12. Oh you want some of this…?

I took an Uber once where the driver obviously stopped at McDonald’s on his way to get me and had the bag on the passenger seat.

He kept munching on fries and my desire for them grew so much that I asked him if I could have some. I wish this was a love story and I wish I could tell you we shared his fries and are still great friends to this day, but I cannot.

He gave me a firm no and kept on driving.

13. What a jerk off…

Had to use a public restroom and the guy in the stall next to me forgot to lower the volume (or put his headphones in) and I heard the jingle from a very specific company that makes animated adult entertainment.

The person quickly made sure the video was no longer audible for me but it was too late, I knew what he was going to do. I don’t think he knew that I knew what he was watching, but to have to sit there waiting for my body to clean itself out while knowing that he was watching animated adult videos in the stall next to me made me nervous as all hell.

14. Ya best leave them alone…

I was at a bar bathroom in a stall doing illicit drugs with a friend and he started talking about the two hot chicks at the bar.

All of a sudden, we heard a guy say, “Are you talking about the two girls at the bar?” My friend said, “Yeah, they’re hot.” He responded, ‘Well, one’s my sister and the other’s, my girlfriend.”

We tiptoed out of there as he was finishing his business in his stall.

15. Speechless…

One time, I was driving around town with my friend when I noticed I was being followed by an older car. I made several left turns that eventually made us go in a big circle, to which he followed. At this point, I was getting nervous, so I pulled into a convenience store and turned around. He did the same exact thing.

After this, I decided I’d pull into the closest business and go inside. I pulled into a shop where I knew the owner and walked in with my friend. The stranger followed us in, looked around a bit and said, “My soul is saved… Is yours?”

At that point, my friend, the owner and I were all speechless. The stranger then stared at us, calmly walked back to his car and drove away. I’ve never been so confused in my life.

16. Sores

I worked at a hotel front desk. An old, maybe 75-year-old lady called the front desk and wanted a pillow delivered to her room. When I got there with the pillow, she wanted me to come inside. I’m like “Uh no, here is your pillow,” but she insisted, so I did.

I got inside and she shut the door. She told me to put the pillow on the bed, then went to a drawer in her dresser. At this time I was like, “I need to return to the front desk,” thinking the worst.

She proceeded to pull out a box of bandaids and wanted me to put them on the open sores on her feet.

I noped out of there as fast as I could and left before she came down for morning breakfast.

17. Behind you…

I was standing behind this guy waiting for the elevator in a hotel. We were down in the lobby and it was busy with lots of people coming and going, so he obviously hadn’t noticed me. Once the elevator doors opened, he got in, but he still didn’t see me walk past him on the other side. As SOON as the doors closed, while obviously still under the impression that he was alone, he let out this heinous flatulence that went on for about ten seconds.

Midway through, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted me standing just behind him. The poor guy almost jumped out of his skin. He was staring at me as if he’d just seen a ghost. I was staring at him with what I can only assume was a fairly horrified expression.

18. Toe virgin

The first time I went to get a pedicure, I went with my mother-in-law. She’s a very loud woman who often doesn’t understand what she’s saying.

She kept screaming at the pedicurist, “BE GENTLE WITH HER, SHE’S A TOE VIRGIN. SHE’S A TOE VIRGIN. DON’T POUND HER.”

God help me, I will never go back.

19. Oh hai!

I hooked up with a guy in college and fell asleep in his dorm room.

I woke up in the middle of the night needing to go #1 so badly but I was unable to find any of my clothes right away. I ended up spending so long trying to find them in the dark that by the time I had enough to wear out in the hall, I didn’t think I’d make it.

He was still sleeping, so I grabbed a big reusable water bottle and squatted over it. It was blissful relief until I looked over and saw his roommate staring at me in horror.

20. 7/11 moves…

I tried to make some moves on a girl when I was in high school.

We were in a 7/11 near the back, and because of the late hour, I figured we were alone. When she turned me down and left, I decided to drown my sorrows with a bag of Sour Patch Kids and physically ran into the older, bearded man who had been buying nuts.

He gave me a sympathetic look and opened his mouth as if to say something, and I panicked. I said, “See you tomorrow!” and left the store.

21. Yeah, and….

The first time I hung out with a girl I knew from a bar, I paid for dinner because she had comped me so many cocktails before.

She took that as a sign that I wanted to hook up with her and I got really uncomfortable.

I ended up apologizing for buying dinner.

22. Donut judge me!

I was at the grocery store with my wife and when we were passing the donut section I said, “I’m going to humiliate those donuts.”

I knew it was something that would make her laugh.

When I said it, I turned around and saw that there was a woman in line who was not my wife.

She didn’t laugh.

23. Well, this worked out tho…

When I was in college, I was waiting for a shuttle bus and a girl I had previously been in a class with walked up to the stop with a guy I didn’t know.

I said to her, “Hi, how are you,” and we had a short exchange of pleasantries. Then she turned to the guy next to her and in sign language said: “I don’t remember her name.”

So I sign, “That’s okay, I don’t remember your name either.” I then offered my hand to the guy with her and introduced myself.

Hey, nice boots! 🤣🤣🤣

The post 20+ Times Things Got Really, Really Weird With Complete Strangers appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal Their Most Embarrassing Moment With a Total Stranger

Oh reddit… you entertain us for hours and hours…

The question was this: What’s the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in with a stranger?

Listen, meeting new people is nothing new, and most of the time we can navigate all of that with relative ease. But what happens when things go south quick and we just can’t fucking even?

12,000+ comments later… we have these gems!

1. Dat ass!

I was at a bar with some friends watching a basketball game, and this guy kept asking me to check out his girlfriend every time she went away.

For example, when she got up to go outside for some air, he stayed in and was like: “Be honest, is that not the best butt you’ve ever seen?”

He did this several times. I felt so uncomfortable, and there’s no nice way of putting it — she wasn’t attractive whatsoever to me.

I’m glad that guy is happy with her, though.

2. Awkward, but necessary…

My boyfriend and I were with another friend and we were walking home from a movie.

We came across a guy sitting in a small patch of grass rocking back and forth. My boyfriend wanted to keep walking, but I felt the need to ask if he was okay. He immediately broke down and said he wanted to end it all. It turned into a really awkward situation because the other two didn’t know what to do.

We ended up sitting with him for a while as he broke down, and we called emergency services because he was apparently very far from home.

He eventually calmed down enough and we drove him to the hospital. He was very thankful once he was there and safe.

I still think about him every time I walk past that patch of grass, I really hope he is okay.

3. “I could be!”

On a trip to Orlando, my husband, son, and I spent some time in the swimming pool at our hotel.

There was a large family enjoying a family reunion at the hotel that week as well. They were a super nice family! We were all kind of hanging out together and our kids were playing.

Well, imagine my surprise when I watched my husband swim into the shallow end and wrap his arms around a woman standing there.

He burst out of the water and said, “Oh, you’re not my wife!” to the 50-something lady.

She said, “I could be!”

He has since had Lasik!

4. What. A. Dick.

A woman at a gas station didn’t know how to put air in her tires, so I helped her.

She called her husband on speaker phone to let him know she found some nice man to help her. Then, I heard him call her an idiot and say that I was only helping her because I wanted to get together with her.

She stammered and tried to explain that nothing was going on between us.

After she got off the phone, she looked at me as if her husband just caught her cheating. No thank you; nothing.

And for some reason, I felt guilty for even helping her out.

5. British things…

Not long ago, I made a short visit to the local supermarket on my usual dog walk.

My dog was tied up outside, and as I was crouched down to unclip him a woman came out of the shop and fell over me.

For a few brief seconds, I was sandwiched between my dog and an old woman.

We’re British though, so everyone looked embarrassed and we both said sorry.

6. Nose rip!

The most awkward moment of my life thus far was with a stranger. I was in a Quebec airport going through customs with my family. Because of some recent changes to their system, they didn’t have everyone in a line, but instead in a large pen where they would release around 50 people at a time.

When my family got to the front, they released us and everyone was running forward in a mass, trying to get to the kiosks. Next to me was a tall Swedish man trying to get his family a kiosk; he was running forward and waving his arm behind him in a “come on” motion, clearly frantic. Well, somehow his middle and pointer fingers went perfectly into my two nose holes.

As he then ripped his arm upwards to motion his family forward, my nose was also ripped forward, and I immediately began bleeding everywhere.

He looked at me in horror, and the customs agents looked at me in bewilderment. The language barriers made the situation all the more awkward!

7. Standing novation

It was my first time voting in a presidential election and my polling place was at a library.

When I got to the front of the line and started filling out the required papers, I mentioned that it was my first time and asked what to do next.

After hearing this, the woman who was working there raised her voice and said “Hey everyone, we’ve got a first-time voter here!”

She started clapping so they would all clap as well.

Nobody clapped, and I was just standing there really embarrassed before quietly saying, “Can I just go vote now?”

8. Pure fear!

One time, I was in a parking lot waiting to get into my friend’s dad’s car.

I saw a car that looked identical to the one I needed to get into, so I got into it.

It turned out, it was not the car I was supposed to be in.

The stranger’s expression of pure fear still pops into my head from time to time.

9. That amused sparkle…

This happened to me in Japan. I was in a clothing store and my wife was shopping.

Being the dutiful husband that I am, I remained silent and stayed out of the way, barely moving a muscle.

A little girl, maybe 4 years old, approached from one side and slipped her hand into mine.

I looked down. She must’ve thought “Wow, this mannequin’s hand is warm.” Then it clicked.

She looked up at me with such a look of terror.

In a flash, she was gone, and I hope she will forever remember with terror the amused sparkle in my eyes.

10. The gas station

When I was a teenager, my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night, I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run I took earlier that day.

While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks, I announced to who I thought was my friend, “Man, my pecs really hurt.” Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail, I simply stared at him and said, “You’re not my friend” and walked away.

I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.

11. Tickle, tickle, tickle…

My wife and I went out for a drink one night.

We walked into the bar and I immediately saw someone I knew. I walked up behind him and tickled his sides. It turned out, I didn’t know this person.

He just gave me a weird look and walked away. We got his spot at the bar though.

12. Hey franges!!

I had just pulled into a parking spot at the mall. I saw my friend and his girlfriend pull in a few spaces past mine.

Thinking it would be funny, I snuck up to their car and started slapping their window like a crazy person.

It turned out, it was not them in that car.

I still cringe years later remembering the look of pure terror on that poor girl’s face.

13. Deleted!

I was at a bar with my brother’s old phone.

A random girl asked me if she could use my phone to call her own because she had lost it. She began dialing her number and bam, right there on the screen is her name saved on my phone.

My brother’s contacts must have transferred when I took his phone. Her eyes got real big and she looked up at me with what could only be described as confused fear!

I tried to ask her if she knew my brother, to which she said she did, but she was obviously still weirded out.

She deleted her number from the phone and fled so fast.

14. You’re not my dad!

We were lining up for Disney’s Tower of Terror.

12-year-old me spent the entire lineup desperately trying to catch the attention of a cute guy who was there with his dad. I ended up sitting in the same car as him on the ride.

As the ride started, I grabbed my mom’s hand for support.

Near the end, I realized that my mom was on the other side of me and I’d been holding hands with the cute guy’s dad the entire time.

15. Cheese explosion!

During my first week at college as a freshman, I wandered into the cafeteria, still unsure of how things worked.

I spotted a pizza station and waited in line. I grabbed a slice of pizza with the pizza slice grabber, but the scalding hot pizza slid off and landed face down on the cute girl’s foot behind me.

Sauce and hot cheese explode everywhere up her leg. And since it was the end of summer, she was wearing sandals.

In a panic, I muttered “I’m so sorry,” and ran out of the cafeteria without eating for the rest of the day.

16. “Nevermind me!”

I worked at Old Navy and some lady was looking at men’s shirts.

She stopped me and held up a shirt to me, asking if I thought it would fit her son. I looked around and no one else was there.

We stood in silence for maybe 30 seconds before she started laughing and said, “Oh! Haha, you don’t know my son; he lives in Michigan. Nevermind me! Haha.”

And then she went and bought it.

Those were the cringiest, craziest stories!

What’s yours?

The post 15 People Reveal Their Most Embarrassing Moment With a Total Stranger appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Times People Had The Most Awkward Situations With A Stranger

The question on reddit was simple: “What’s the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in with a stranger?”

Being in awkward situations is a nightmare scenario for many people. They would do anything to avoid awkwardness with somebody they don’t know. My question: why?

If you just LAUGH immediately at the situation, and acknowledge the inherent humor of it all, the entire situation is diffused. No weird anxiety. And if the other person or people don’t laugh, oh well. That’s on them. Yes, yes… easier said than done, but this method has been working for me for years and it hasn’t failed me yet.

Still, it’s fun to read when things went super awkward for others, so here are 15 of the best from that Ask Reddit thread.


1. “This set off the assault alarm…”

On the first day of my new job, I was in the elevator going up five floors.

As the doors were closing, a girl barged through and thumped her backpack down.

This set off the assault alarm in the external pocket of her bag.

So awkward.

2. “I found him half in a cupboard, soaking wet, with his hand on a burst water pipe.”

While my dad was out of the country, there was a major leak from the water tank in the loft which caused serious damage to the property, including a hole in the ceiling.

I called a repair guy. While he was working on the leak, I heard a huge “boom,” followed by a string of expletives before he called for help. I found him half in a cupboard, soaking wet, with his hand on a burst water pipe.

I ended up having to help. This involved me climbing up to the loft (in a short dress and stockings while he was basically laid on the floor underneath the ladder) and trying to turn off the water from there. This didn’t work, so we ended up switching places so he could professionally investigate.

Swapping places involved me getting soaking wet, and having to press up against the guy to minimize the risk of further damage.

3. “…he gave me a REALLY strange look when I walked in.”

My girlfriend and I were eating with some friends and I needed to go to the bathroom. It was open, so I walked right on in.

The room was pretty big, with a urinal and sink on one side, and a toilet on the opposite side. There was a guy in at the urinal and he gave me a REALLY strange look when I walked in.

I went on over to the toilet, went #1, then totally realized I was in a SINGLE PERSON BATHROOM.

By that point, the guy had hastily run out after finishing his business. I took care of my own affairs and had to do the walk of shame past him as I walked back to my table.

I told my significant other later that night and she thought it was hilarious.

4. “…I saw her jacket and reached over to grab her.”

At an art studio in LA, my girlfriend was wearing a denim jacket.

As we looked at a piece together, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her jacket and reached over to grab her.

A sudden “Oh!” could be heard from beside me and a woman 30 years older than me was just standing there, blushing.

I told her I thought she was someone else, then ran away to my girlfriend.

A few minutes later, the lady found us to talk about young love and how cute we were together.

5. “Do you have a large Woody?”

My son had small Toy Story figurines but wanted big ones for Christmas.

I walked into Toys R Us and asked the male clerk, “Do you have a large Woody?”

He turned bright red.

I wheeled around, marched out and didn’t go back for months.

6. “See this nice man? You should go on a date with him!”

I serve in the Air Force. One time, I got injured at work and had to go to the hospital. Nothing serious; I just dinged my finger super hard ( and messed up the ligament).

When I got to the hospital, I walked through the front door, still in uniform. Some nice older man came up to me and thanked me for my service. I told him I appreciated his support, and then he abruptly asked me if I was married.

As soon as I told him no, he turned to a random woman walking by and said something along the lines of: “See this nice man? You should go on a date with him!”

At first, I thought maybe he knew the woman, but by the shocked look on her face, I could easily tell he did NOT know her. She stopped for a moment and he asked her again. She just went wide-eyed, kind of stuttered for a moment and then bee-lined it for the door.

I really didn’t know what to say.

7. “Probably only 5% of them knew of my existence.”

I was adopted at birth. I learned who my birth family was in when I was in my early 30s. I met one of my sisters, but nobody else yet.

My sister told me that our grandpa was going to be taken off life support and that he wanted to talk to me before he died. We traveled to the hospital, which was several hours away. We met our mom in the hospital lobby for the first time ever, then went into grandpa’s room together. All of our family members were there to say their goodbyes.

Probably only 5% of them knew of my existence. Suddenly, all the attention was on me, the stranger. They had me kneel by his side as he apologized through tears for pressuring my mom, who I just met, to give me away for adoption years ago. People looked pretty shocked. The experience flooded me with a thousand emotions, and awkward was definitely in there somewhere.

8. “He then let out giant flatulence.”

I was at a wedding reception and went to use the bathroom. I was standing at the urinal when a guy came up to me.

He then let out giant flatulence.

“Oof, check out the smell of this! Whew! You gotta let ‘em out here and not by those girls, you know?”

And I just go “Ha! Yep,” and walk out.

I felt very uncomfortable.

9. “Then, her mother raised the girl’s right arm to show me…”

I worked at the entrance gate to a theme park. We used a biometric scanner to verify the identities of our season pass holders. They would scan their pass, then scan their right index finger to get in.

One day, a little girl walked up with her family, who only spoke Spanish. She scanned her pass and then placed her left finger on the scanner.

I asked her, “Could you use your right finger sweetie?”

Then, her mother raised the girl’s right arm to show me she didn’t have a right hand.

Seemed to be due to a birth defect rather than a horrific accident.

10. “…I immediately assumed it was some kind of monster.”

I went for a bike ride in my neighborhood at about 12 a.m. It was pitch black other than a couple of streetlights that were lit every 5 or 6 houses.

I was kind of just zoning out, enjoying the fresh air, when something moved in the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look, and I immediately assumed it was some kind of monster. I let out an extremely loud, bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night in a silent suburban neighborhood. The mysterious figure turned out to be a blond soccer mom, who screamed right back at me.

I zipped past her on my bike, yelling, “Oh my god I’m so sorry!” over and over again until I got off the street.

11. “All 320 pounds of him came down on top of me…”

I’m a pediatric nurse, but we “float” to other floors when we have more nurses than we need. One time, I was sent to an adult floor to work as an assistant since theirs had called in sick.

An older male patient called out asking for help to get up to the bathroom. He stood, tried to pivot, and his newly operated knee gave out. All 320 pounds of him came down on top of me and we laid there for almost an hour. I had closed the door for privacy, and neither he nor I could yell loud enough to get anyone’s attention.

My phone was 10 feet from me on the floor after it fell out of my scrubs and it rang incessantly. Finally, the other assistant came to find me. The patient was fine since he fell on me, but I was sore for a week. We were nose to nose the whole time and boy was it awkward.

12. “We were so unnerved we ended up holding one another…”

I discovered, whilst at the top of St Paul’s Cathedral, that I am terrified of heights.

A Norwegian woman was having the same experience. We were so unnerved we ended up holding one another and bumping down the spiral staircase on our backsides.

We parted ways at the bottom without a word or a backward glance.

13. “Instead of jumping into my arms, he started recoiling back…”

One time, I was at a dog groomer’s to pick up my dog. He’s fairly small and white. Usually, he just gets a short trim, so that’s what I always expect to see.

I walked up to the counter and requested for my dog. The clerk told me he’d be out in a moment. 30 seconds later, an attendant walked out to the lobby from the back door with a dog that immediately ran to me.

“Hey, buddy!” I said as I walked up and attempted to pick up him. Instead of jumping into my arms, he started recoiling back and gave me a nip. An old man behind me then asked, “Hey, is that your dog?” Thinking that was a pretty weird question, I responded, “Yep!”

At that point, he said, “I don’t think so mister, that’s my dog.” When I took a closer look, I realized the dog looked exactly like mine after grooming.

My face went completely red and the whole lobby started laughing.

14. “Thanks! Hope you find a friend soon!”

I was with my mom buying flowers at a florist for a New Year’s Eve party. The florist was obviously a very lonely woman and wouldn’t stop going on about how she wasn’t doing anything for New Year’s. My mother really felt for her.

One thing to know about my mom is that every now and again, she has a tactless episode and accidentally says what she is thinking out loud. That day was one of those rare days.

After paying for the flowers, my mom said, “Thanks! Hope you find a friend soon!” I looked at her in shock, and my mom gasped. She apologized immediately and literally backed out of the store.

It was so awkward.

15. “…and a bag of other unknown substances.”

In Denver, Colorado, I met some man with a giant suitcase full of stolen clothes and a ripped backpack that he asked me to carry. We stopped to take a break because the suitcase was like, 100 pounds.

Then, he told me to check out what was in the backpack. I unzipped it to find a bunch of over-the-counter pills and a bag of other unknown substances.

When he asked me if I wanted to try some, I just gave him his bag back and went away.

Large Woody… heheheheh.

He said Woody.

The post 15 Times People Had The Most Awkward Situations With A Stranger appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Interpreters Reveal the Most Awkward Things They’ve Ever Had to Translate

Being an interpreter is a pretty interesting job. You have the potential to really help someone who doesn’t speak a given language (or possibly doesn’t speak/hear at all). That being said, it’s also extremely challenging at times – imagine if you mess up a translation between two hostile world leaders… you could end up starting a war!

Even when the stakes aren’t that high, there’s still plenty of potential to have to translate something rather awkward/unpleasant. Case in point: these responses from translators on AskReddit.

1. Try to remain calm

“I’m an interpreter for the deaf as well, and over the past 11 years interpreting, I’ve had quite a few awkward experiences.

My first most awkward was when I was interpreting for a client and his mom, both were deaf, the son was on probation but had done something to get called into his Probation officer’s (PO) office. He was cussing out both his mom and PO. I’m sure that was just a normal situation for them both, but to force myself to say the vulgar words and phrases he was using was painful for me. Don’t get me wrong, I can cuss like a sailor, but I know my place when I’m in the company of someone in authority and my own family, so I would never say such things in front of people like them. But I did because that’s what he was trying to convey and he has that right.

Second one that comes to mind is when I was interpreting for a couple trying to conceive. They had to test the husbands sperm count so he had to ejaculate into a cup. He’d never done this procedure before so the nurse had to explain step by step what he had to do. Trying my best not to blush was the hardest part of this job.

I just maintained as neutral a face as possible and did this job as professionally as I could, but when I walked out of that room I knew what he was doing behind that door, and then I had to wait with him in the lobby until they analyzed the count. Then there was more after this to explain the results. It was very detailed, and I know they had to give that information and this office deals with it everyday, but I don’t and it was a very interesting experience.”

2. Bad news messenger

“There are a few. One of the worst is having to relay bad news, like cancer diagnosis, especially when the doctor is extremely blunt or hurried. As an interpreter, you cringe and wish you could change even just the tone or the insensitive wording to make it sound more humane, but you really shouldn’t because as an interpreter your job is to relay the info as closely as possible.

Another difficult situation is when you’re called to a patient that is coding (this was especially difficult when I worked with pediatric patients at the Children’s Hospital and trying to calm down the frantic parents).

Another one is being called to the ER and then upon arriving, finding out it’s a person I know outside of work, like a family friend. In that situation, I would try to get someone else to interpret because of ethics, but it’s still a tough situation, because you want to help as much as you can while you wait on someone else to take over. I honestly could go on and on, but these are usually the exceptions, as I love my job. There’s just some days that are more difficult than others.”

3. Not gonna translate

“This may not be awkward/uncomfortable per se, but I once worked for an American teacher in Taiwan who expected his interpreters to be able to translate puns into another language. He did not or would not understand that a pun in English isn’t a pun in Chinese.”

4. Time for a talk about the birds and the bees

“I’ve been on multiple medical trips to Mexico with my urologist father. Bringing translators that have little to no medical experience is incredibly difficult, and in the OR, no one knows the different names for instruments (differs between states/ countries).

I’ve sat in on multiple appointments and surgeries with translators, and by far the worst is when my dad makes the (usually very religious) translators talk about sexual health.

In addition, often times people only speak Mayan in this particular village, so there has to be a English to Spanish translator, and a Spanish to Mayan translator.”

5. RIP

“I was interpreting for a high school teacher who was participating in an event to try to get dropouts to come back to hs in a majority hispanic neighborhood. Anyway, the school gave us a list with addresses that we had to go to to try to persuade the kids/parents. We go to this one house and ring the bell, the mother answers. I start translating what the teacher was saying and we go back and forth with the mother, asking her to see the kid, lets call her Maria. The mom kept insisting we couldn’t talk to Maria and the teacher kept giving the whole spiel about dropping out and to think of the future etc.

About 10 mins into the conversation, the frustrated teacher wants me to ask the mother why on earth couldn’t we talk to Maria, to which the mother breaks down crying and says that she died a week before from a long illness, that’s why she had dropped out. Ensues the worst and most awkward maybe 5 mins of our lives, between apologies and condolences. Needless to say, we didn’t go to any other house that day.

Btw, the school turns out was aware of the kid’s passing but had forgotten to take her out of the list, smth…”

6. Your number

“I was called to the lab to help a patient register for, understand, and drop off his semen analysis following his vasectomy. I am a female. As we were finishing up the interaction, I asked the patient if he needed anything else.

“Your number.”

“The lab has our number (their interpreter team) and can get us if anything else is needed or to call you for results.”

“No, I need your number.”

“Um, sorry but I don’t give out my personal number to patients.” Cue guy putting sunglasses on inside, under the florescent hospital lights and awkwardly trying to get out of there as fast as possible. It still took at least 5 minutes before he was done confirming everything with the lab team.”

7. Sexy time

“I worked at a place that captioned telephone calls for customers who were hard of hearing. We only heard one side of the phone call then basically repeated what we heard into our voice recognition software and then corrected it on the fly. Most of the conversation we’re boring as hell old people talking to other old people, 50 people in a row calling in to vote for Dancing with the Stars.

But ever so rarely you get a good one, mine was what I’m assuming was a deaf young lady and her boyfriend because the conversation very quickly turned from how are you doing to I want to to tie you spread eagle on the bed and lick you all over. This continued for about 15 minutes but the best part is all the cubicles around you hearing you loudly and very clearly speak (so the voice recognition doesn’t f— up) graphic sex acts while they are trying not to lose their shil*t laughing and still keep up captioning an old ladies cookies recipe.”

8. Vulgar language

“The company I work for has a Spanish translation team that I use very frequently and know all of them. We basically do customer service. The most awkward conversations is when you have an irate person on the other line that is cussing you out. Our translators are supposed to translate word for word unless vulgar language is used, then they can summarize.

Basically what I hear is about a minute of someone screaming at me, using multiple choice words that I can recognize as curse words, then the translator “translating” essentially “they are not happy with your answer.”

It’s awkward for everyone because the translator is basically getting yelled at and has nothing to do with anything other than he picked up that call, and I have to just sit there for minutes at a time listening to someone scream and a short 5 word translation. The customer usually catches on after the first tirade or two that there is no point and they should just calm down and be a decent human being and talk it out.”

9. I don’t need your advice, thanks

“Similar to others, not an actual translator but my parents spoke poor English when I was younger. When I was 12 they filed for bankruptcy and took me to the lawyers office to translate for them. Having them go through and tell me everything they blew money on was extremely uncomfortable. Now as an adult they get offended when I don’t want to take financial advice from them.”

10. Metaphors

“Translator – was working with a group translating transcripts that were going to be used in a legal case, and the speakers were using really filthy, really creative curse words. We all had to discuss frequently, either to figure out what it meant, or the best way to say it in English.

So there we all are in a law office, in our suits and ties, deciding whether it should be “rip his a** up and drag him home” or “plow his a** and drag him home”. (Subject matter was financial, they just enjoyed a colorful metaphor, those guys).”

11. Not until the age of 50

“My elderly parents spoke English very poorly and I often translated for them. After my father passed away, I took my mother to the Social Security office to take care of paperwork. One of the questions they asked was whether there were any other potential beneficiaries of my father’s benefits such as other children or ex wives. Being an only child, I immediately answered “no”.

My mother asked me what the question was. I interpreted with my answer. She looked at me sheepishly and answered, ‘that’s not exactly correct’. It was then, at the age of 50 in the Social Security Building, that I learned that my father had previously been married and had had a child. Mother and baby died during childbirth.”

12. Try to keep up

“I was translating during a divorce trial. You have to swear that you’re translating to the best of your ability, just like a witness swears that they’re telling the truth. No sweat. You’re pretty much a machine, you just translate whatever they say so the judge, clerk, attorneys, and husband and wife hear what is being said.

Well, at one point the accusation comes out that he was sleeping around. Well the husband loses it and starts cursing up a storm, calling her a whore, prostitute, etc. Well… I just translated what he said the best I could. Eyebrows were raised and I just shrugged my shoulders. Just doing my job. The judge reprimanded him (the wife was testifying at the time) and the guy yells back at me asking what did I say? The judge was cool and winked at me. It was awkward. But he did tell me afterwards that I did a great job.”

13. Cussin’

“My mom is a sign language interpreter. And she’s the most sweet as pie mom you can imagine. I’ve never seen her take a single sip of alcohol (I’m 30), she says things like oh durn, and son of a gun…

She told me about one time interpreting on the psych ward at the hospital. The deaf patient was throwing chairs at the doctor and signing every obscenity you can think of and many that don’t even have an actual sign to them. And, as an interpreter should.. my American sweet as pie mommy had to aggressively cuss the doctor out word for word.

It was the best thing I could ever picture… I was dying laughing.”

14. Emoji translation

“I’m a trained interpreter and translator but I’m a better at the former. I recently had to translate a document for immigration that were text messages from a married couple that frequently used emojis. It makes sense, they’re two people still learning each other’s language, so they would use the emojis to completely replace the words in the text (eg I love your 😘). I had to send out a huge email blast to my colleagues on how to translate emojis, it was a bizarre moment for me. I think I’ll stick to the spoken form.”

15. “Not kind things”

“I work tech support and often have to use a language line. My favorites are Asian languages and when people are pissed. The interpreters bless their hearts will faithfully translate, but every so often will say “They are saying not kind things about you personally.”

The post 15 Interpreters Reveal the Most Awkward Things They’ve Ever Had to Translate appeared first on UberFacts.