A Person Asked, “Is It OK to Ask People to NOT Post Pics of My Kid Online?” 15 People Share Their Opinions.

Everybody has different rules when it comes to their kids and social media. Whether it’s screen time for them or how often we choose to share their images ourselves, parents’ expectations really run the gamut.

It seems to follow that we would ask others what they’re comfortable with – and then follow their lead with their kids – before posting pictures of minors on the internet.

Am I being unreasonable asking people to not post pictures of my kids on social media? from NoStupidQuestions

This woman is not finding that to be true, though, leaving the rest of us to realize, once again, that you can’t assume much of anything when it comes to human behavior.

Here are 15 people weighing in on what expectations are reasonable, and what might be expecting too much.

15. Names have power.

I have a friend who, in addition to never posting pictures, also asks that nobody ever say what her child’s NAME is on social media.

As a dad myself, do I think that’s crazy over the top levels of protection? Sure.

But do I also respect her wishes as a parent? Of course.

14. Don’t back down.

That’s not unreasonable at all. That’s your decision as a parent and anyone that argues might have their baby picture taking privileges revoked. I don’t blame you and it’ll be how I handle my children if/when I have them.

People need to respect your decisions. Don’t back down no matter what they say.

13. People have their reasons.

My biological father accidentally found out we had our daughter and we do not say her name or post her pictures on social media. He’s into little girls and our closest family knows and backs us 100%. The less he knows about her the better it is. We never mentioned the name part but it just happened organically and I didn’t realise till you mentioned it in the post.

It’s a special case for us but we’ve had no push backs from people not in the known.

People like you that respect our boundaries( even when it is over the top and you don’t know why) makes it so much easier for people in our situations.

12. Applause, please.

I’d even say OP’s stance is the most reasonable possible. Remember how embarrassing it is for teenagers/young adults, to have photo albums with their baby pictures shown to friends or partners. Now imagine your parents had shared those pictures with the whole world.

People are way too careless about posting shit on social media and i applaud OP for not wanting to subject his/her baby to that.

11. She’s just doing her job.

It’s your job to protect their privacy until they are old enough to do it themselves. You’re doing exactly what you should be doing!

10. What about privacy?

A family friend of mine recently had a baby (about 1.5 years ago). She’s made an Instagram page in the baby’s name where she posts embarrassing pictures of the baby with captions pretending to be the child – for example, captions like “Mama said I have to take a bath after soiling my diapers, but that ruins the fun!” and the like. I am mortified for her and feel bad for the child once the kid is old enough to read. It’s so painfully cringy and such a violation of the child’s privacy!

It’s bonkers to me that a parent could be so selfish & not consider the fact that eventually, their child will grow up, and the child won’t want their name and pictures plastered all over the internet from before they were even old enough to understand consent.

9. One day they’ll understand.

Not only is it reasonable, it’s responsible and forward thinking. There is no guarantee that any of our kids would thank us when they get older for posting pics of them online for all to see. If they want to share them one day then that’s their business.

The way I handled it was to set up a private group for close friends and family to share the occasional picture, but only because those people knew my kid in day-to-day life anyway. That said, my mother-in-law still kept reposting pics to Facebook until we threatened to block her.

8. It’s all a learning curve.

I’ll double down on this, as an already established mother. I didn’t let people post pictures of my kid for a long time. Immediate family is allowed to post pictures now, because they respected my boundaries. More than that, they respected me as I figured out what my boundaries were. I needed to figure out as a mother what felt appropriate, what felt like an overshare.

If OP wants to keep their children off the internet, especially after their previous experience, absolutely everyone needs to respect that wish. There is no reason the child’s picture is needed online.

7. Everyone should have to sign a release.

It would be good to look up what the laws are in your area, as chances are posting a picture of your child on social media would constitute “publication”, and you would have to provide permission for that.

I’m a drama tutor for after school classes and whilst the business I used to work for would encourage us to post on Instagram, I refused to do so unless I had consent from the parents. Too easy for a business to get sued.

6. It’s not funny.

I have asked my family to consult me/us prior to posting any photo of our kids or ourselves.

Most do, but a few wanna tease me or argue with me.

I do not talk to them anymore.

My kids, my life, my decisions.

5. Simple but true.

No way!

Privacy is a right, which you should be able to exercise whenever possible

4. Parenting is personal.

My sister is pretty adamant about not using social media.

The kids are teens now and they have their own accounts but post very rarely.

It’s a personal preference and I think it’s a pretty reasonable one.

3. It’s not all that uncommon.

I know numerous people who exercise their right to keep the image of their baby private.

2. And not just reserved for babies.

My aunt and her spouse specifically had a sign outside their wedding ceremony location entrance requesting that while photos were allowed, they were not to be shared on social media.

That same announcement was also made immediately before the ceremony started.

AFAIK, nobody shared anything.

1. Consent is everything.

You aren’t being unreasonable at all.

My husband and I decided before Baby was even born that he wasn’t going to have on online presence until he could fully appreciate what that meant, and decided he wanted one. Meantime we send pics and vids of him through WhatsApp etc, but his relatives on both side of the Atlantic know that none of these images or vids are for wider dissemination, full stop.

I feel pretty badly for the generations who have had their whole lives put on the internet without their knowledge or consent. Family vloggers are gross, becoming a meme clearly has some downsides, and it’s been pretty well proven that excessive exposure to social media had a deleterious effect on a person’s self-esteem. I want my kid to be aware of what he’s getting into.

Can’t we all just respect each other? I’m starting to think the answer is not really.

What are your rules when it comes to your kids and social media?

Let’s compare in the comments!

The post A Person Asked, “Is It OK to Ask People to NOT Post Pics of My Kid Online?” 15 People Share Their Opinions. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Statement, “Morning People Are Not Better Than Night Owls.”

You think you’re better than me, buddy?

I see the way you’re looking in my direction and I feel like you’re judging me because I’m more of a morning person than a night owl.

Oh, sure, in my younger days I was probably more of a night owl, but now I like to be in bed at a decent time so I can get up early and get to work!

And people do seem to go back and forth over which side is better.

AskReddit users weighed in on this subject…let’s see what they had to say.

1. Drives me nuts…

“It drives me nuts when people who wake up early brag about it like it’s some accomplishment. These people usually go to bed early too!

So why is it that people who go to bed late and get up late are seen as lazy? Some of my best ideas and work happen at night when everyone is asleep, my mind is more clear. I just enjoy night time more than day time, what is so wrong with that? It would be crazy to think that everyone can just have the same sleep schedule and thrive.

People have different needs and different rhythms, that is perfectly fine. If you’re a functional person, it shouldn’t matter what time you go to sleep or wake up.”

2. A lifestyle choice.

“I will say this…

Morning people enjoy more of a normal life.

Night owls……well…night owls enjoy themselves, period.”

3. Society says…

“It’s really a societal issue that morning people are seen as “normal” and night people are seen as lazy and unhealthy.

Because waking up insanely early is just as unnatural and unhealthy as staying up super late.

Both go against a human’s natural sleep cycle, so sleep whenever you want.”

4. Seen it all.

“I’ve swung both ways in my life.

Total night owl in high school and college. Morning person for a few years, swung back and for a few times. While there are benefits to both, it is way easier to live a “normal” life as a morning person.

Businesses are open, you can do outdoor activities, and its way easier to stay up late than to wake up early.”

5. At peace.

“I prefer the night, just because it’s the only time no one demands anything from you.

If the nagging people in my life weren’t also early birds, I’d be one. But for now I can only be at peace in the late hours.”

6. No issues.

“As long as you’re able to get up, get your work done, and pull your weight then it’s not an issue.

My husband (when he doesn’t need to work) gets up around 9 or 10. I only wake him up if we have plans.

He wakes up, does his own thing for maybe an hour, and then gets his sh*t done. I don’t see the issue.”

7. Circadian rhythm.

“Technically the human body has evolved in a way to be the most productive when waking up early and getting a good night’s sleep. It’s a part of our circadian rhythm.

Being a morning person has actual mental and even some physical health benefits. I used to be a night owl but I also struggled with depression. One of the things my doctor recommended for my depression was to have a consistent sleep schedule that involved waking up early.

This actually ended up helping me out way more than I was expecting. Do not underestimate what it is like being a morning person.”

8. We’re all different.

“I have been getting up at 6am for 3 years as part of my work.

I still feel tired all day, and have only been depressed since I’ve been forced to be a morning person!

I don’t think age has got anything to do with it I think it is just how different people work.”

9. Works for you.

“I struggled with depression and honestly being a night person kept me a lot more calm and safe and made me more productive.

My therapist made me a morning person for a while and I really didn’t feel better – if anything, it was worse.

10. A night person.

“I used to have school and work in the mornings and I’ve had chronic fatigue and depression for years.

But since I started working 3rd shift it’s like I’m a new person. I have so much more energy and I just feel so much better.

So it definitely depends on the person and your natural rhythm and what not. Apparently mine is backwards.”

11. Transitioned.

“I’m a natural night owl who has forcefully transitioned myself to a morning person.

The reason for this is that once you’ve adjusted to waking up early, those first few hours becomes the most productive time of day for you. Your brain is fresh and ready to go full steam ahead. This is actually proven through studies.

So I’ll wake up at 5, go to the gym and be back home by 6:30. I’ll have breakfast and a shower and be ready to go for my day by 7. Then in the two hours before my classes start, I can generally get more work done than I would in the entire rest of the day.

When night time rolls around, I can use that natural pickup from being a night owl to invest in my own interests. I don’t benefit as long because I need to sleep earlier, but I also don’t have to share the time with school work.

This routine gives me more freedom than just staying up late ever did. It sucked for the first week or two waking up before the sun, but now I’m able to feel like I’m giving good attention to all parts of my life.”

12. Not feeling it at all.

“I’m a night owl forced to turn into a morning person ever since I had a kid. I feel like crying. I love the night.

No postman who can bring unexpected bills. No one nagging at your head, every annoying person is asleep. It’s quiet outside.

Now i’m wasting my time sleeping in this precious time.”

Now we want to hear from you.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Talk to us in the comments. Please and thank you!

The post People Discuss the Statement, “Morning People Are Not Better Than Night Owls.” appeared first on UberFacts.

Is It Okay to Want a Job for Money and Not Passion? People Share Their Thoughts.

Do what you love in life! Find your passion!

How many times did you hear that when you were growing up and going to school?

I know I heard it a lot. And while I think that’s good advice for certain people, it definitely isn’t for others. We’re all so different and that kind of “one size fits all” life advice just isn’t practical for everyone.

AskReddit users talked about whether they think it’s okay to do a job just because the money is good. Here’s what they had to say.

1. For the money.

“I’m so sick of people telling me to not only want to go into IT for the money, and instead choose something I like to do. What I like to do is play video games, and make music, but that isn’t secure at all.

I feel like it shouldn’t be looked down upon, pursuing a career just for the money it brings, because some people just want financial freedom more than anything and thats ok to want.

Also, some successful people originally just went into it for the money.”

2. A noble ambition.

“I for one am a firm believer of the concept that working to support you hobby is a noble ambition.”

3. Show me the money.

“I’ve been applying for insurance type jobs and its always, “Why do you want to be a claims specialist (for example).”

Seriously who the f*ck actually wants to do this?

I WANT MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

4. Good point.

“I think the problem people see is that if you do it just for the money, and not because you like it, you won’t necessarily do a good job since you don’t have an actual interest in it.

It’s partially why so many Wall Street people get burned out real quick.

They make a stupid amount of money in a short time working 100+ hours but because a lot of them don’t necessarily like it they have to get out after like 2 or so years.”

5. Gotta pay the bills.

“I don’t think any kid thinks growing up they’ll want to be an MBA in Supply Chain Management or Finance but they grow up and they see how important money is.

Most want to do something that they enjoy (or think they will enjoy) or something that has a lot of glamour like films, TV, sports, politics but then the success rate in those isn’t that great and you need something to pay the bills.”

6. It helps to be good at it.

“Nobody has a passion for sh*t like this.

I mean, why would someone want to be a tax attorney or a proctologist?

However, what you do need to have is the right set of skills and personality traits that will make you GOOD at a job.

Being good at something gives you satisfaction.

Maybe if you are really meticulous and like reading, you’ll be a good tax attorney.

If you are good with math, you’ll be a good actuary, etc.”

7. To each their own.

“Some people want big families.

Some people want flexible hour jobs.

Some people want money.

To each their own.”

8. Words of wisdom.

“I quit a job once and my grandfather asked me why…Because I didn’t like it.

He shook his head and said “You think I like what I do? I do it because it pays good money.

It bought me a house, two cars, and a boat I can fish in on the weekends.

I work for money, because I like to fish.”

The man said maybe a few hundred words to me his whole life.

I remember most of them because when he spoke, it was meaningful.”

9. Working towards a goal.

“I’m working a job that I just tolerate as a decent paying job with low stress.

It affords me enough to develop my programming skills while I make a video game.

But my ultimate goal is to be able to work full-time on my own projects.

Everyone’s got goals and that’s mine. “

10. Problematic.

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make money, and your 9-5 doesn’t have to be your passion.

I think it’s problematic to convince people they have to love every second of their job, because frankly very few people actually do.”

11. It’s true…

“Go for the money.

If you’re ever truly broke, like homeless broke, for a chunk of time your perspective on work(or at least mine) changes dramatically. Make your money my dude. If you ever are trying to bath yourself with the $.99 gallon of water and a five gallon bucket the importance of money seems pretty clear.

Do what you have to do and then if you get some free time do what you want to do. Real life is hard no matter how rich you get, but at least you don’t have to worry about an empty stomach and a bed.”

12. Not the right thing to do.

“If only all jobs were actually useful.

Some of the least important things make the most money. I’d be happy for people going for money, if the most important stuff were also incentivized the most with money.

Until then, it’s literally not the right thing to do. I understand it, but don’t sugar-coat bullsh*t either.”

13. Think about the jet ski!

“I have 2 teenage children and it seems that every adult at their schools says something to the effect of “find a job you love to do, and you never will work a day in your life”.

I used to love to fish until I worked as a 1st mate on a fishing boat over a summer.

Haven’t enjoyed fishing since the 2000s.

I tell my kids to get a job that makes enough money to afford a jet ski, because have you ever seen a sad person on a jet ski?”

14. A sign of maturity.

“I honestly think it’s a sign of maturity and being realistic if you can simply find something you’re good at and qualified for and just be content.

The idea of a dream job just isn’t realistic for most people. I spent too long chasing a career I thought I wanted, and it just wasn’t anything I’d ever break into. I’m at a job now that isn’t the best job ever, but I’m getting by and I really like the company. I’m hoping to figure out a way to maybe move up or around within, whether I earn certifications for something or whatever.

I like it because I have a flexible schedule, we get more paid holidays than I’ve ever had anywhere, company culture is super chill, and I’m just not crazy stressed or unhappy like I was at my last job.

I don’t go home exhausted and mentally drained, and were it not for COVID I would certainly be enjoying more hobbies and socializing in my spare time.”

What do you think about this?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Is It Okay to Want a Job for Money and Not Passion? People Share Their Thoughts. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Completely Legal Things That Make Folks Look Like Really Bad

What I’m doing is LEGAL! I’m not breaking the law!

How many times have you heard that in your life out in public when someone is acting like a total psychopath? Probably more than a few, right?!?!

Human beings sure are weird, and we’re about to get a heaping helping of weirdness from people on AskReddit.

Let’s check out their thoughts on what legal things people can do that make them look like total psychos. Enjoy!

1. No, I’m good.

“Walk into any store and just lay down.

If anyone asks if you need help, tell them you’re fine.

Then, after a minute or so, stand up and go about your business.”

2. Whatever floats your boat.

“Take a stroller/chest carrier with a fake baby in it, proceed as if it is in fact your living child.

Bonus points if you can throw your voice.”

3. Creeping people out.

“Sitting on a park bench as a grown man brushing your dollie’s hair and telling her what a pretty girl she is.”

4. You looked crazy, I’m sure.

“I went on a little hike with my family. We got lost and went on the wrong trail.

Dumped the kids stroller with a big monkey from Ikea in it. Carried my daughter on the shoulders.

Anyway I went back at 18:00 to pick it up and retrieve our car as well. Sweden so its black outside. So I walk with a stroller with a monkey in it in a pitch black trial in the woods.

If someone saw me, they would think i was a psychopath.”

5. Do you need some help?

“Do T-Rex arms while humming quietly to yourself the Jurassic Park song.

When someone looks at you, stare back and start humming louder.”

6. Pretty specific.

“Wearing a pair of whitey tighties on your head so your eyes see out the leg holes and you can feed yourself through the Y-front.”

7. I’m gonna be sick.

“Take a mayonnaise jar, empty its contents, and fill it with vanilla pudding.

Sit down and eat in public.”

8. I’ll try this.

“Eating a burger upside down.

People look at me like I’m crazy but it’s the best way to get the flavor”

9. Perfectly legal.

“Sit on your front porch in a bathing suit and start eating jello with great enthusiasm.

Then begin rubbing it all over your body.

Nothing illegal about it.”

10. Not cool.

“Sitting next to someone on public transport, when there are plenty of other seats where you wouldn’t have to sit next to anyone.”

11. You’re scaring people!

“Taking photos of people on the street, or even on their property.

If you can see them from public locations it’s perfectly legal to photograph them here, but can be creepy as f*ck.

It’s for this reason I don’t do street photography – too easy to be seen as a creeper!”

12. What are you doing?

“My husband likes to go outside and cut the weeds in our lawn with scissors and put them in a small plastic bag because our pet Guinea pigs like to eat them.

A few neighbors have stopped to ask him why he’s cutting his grass with scissors, and he just tells them he’s the new landscaper.”

13. Hmmm…

“Apparently, eating cold spaghetti out of a plastic bag, because my friends constantly give me sh*t for it.

It’s a versatile food container, it will fit wherever you put it in, and the only dish I have to worry about cleaning when it’s done is the fork if I even brought one.

Cold spaghetti for the win.”

14. Uh oh.

“Fill a Windex bottle with Gatorade and drink in public.

One of my friends did this the last day of middle school.
It was funny until a teacher had a full panic attack and both poison control and an ambulance was called.

He was heavily reprimanded and barred from participating in the graduating ceremony once he finally had a chance to explain that it was just blue Gatorade.

It’s a day that lives in infamy only just eclipsed by the hot sauce incident.”

People sure are weird, huh…?

And now we want to get even weirder!

In the comments, tell us about more things that are perfectly legal that you can do but make you look like a psycho.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Completely Legal Things That Make Folks Look Like Really Bad appeared first on UberFacts.

Unpopular Opinion: Adults Shouldn’t Tell Teens That High School Will Be the Best Years of Their Lives.

Do you remember that line in Dazed and Confused when Randall “Pink” Floyd says to his friends, “All I’m saying is that if I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life, remind me to kill myself”?

I think a lot of people probably feel that way about their high school days. And it’s true that a lot of teenagers are told that those years will definitely be the best of their lives for some reason…

I got news for you, young folks, it gets way better! But it’s also up to you to make it happen.

Should adults keep telling young people that high school will be the best years of their lives?

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Disheartened.

“I am senior and the number of adults that have told me that these will be the years I’ll miss for the rest of my life is disheartening.

I feel I have a lot to look forward to in life and I think the message we should be sending to kids is not “it’s all downhill from here.””

2. Missing it.

“I’m 21 and I miss high school.

Got to see all your friends everyday, did what ever you want, constantly surrounded by girls.

Now I just work 6 times a week for 12 hour days so I can afford to be alive.”

3. Maybe it was the best…?

“Ah nostalgia. I just turned 26 and have a small/growing family of my own.

It’s very rewarding, but I definitely miss all those good nights of getting f*cked up at a house party and kicking it with a bunch of people I knew.

My senior keg party was 120+ kids all camping in the mountains and making bonfires.

One of the best times of my life.”

4. Wants to go back.

“I Never smoked.
Never Drank
Never hooked up at parties, or even went to parties.

When I was a teenager my only concern was getting hold of enough money to supply my D&D crew with enough Mountain Dew for our next session. We’d go through 2-3 cases in a night of that disgusting swill.

I didn’t worry about having health insurance. I didn’t worry about whether my job was going to collapse and leave me unemployed with 3 kids to feed. I didn’t worry about living in a country that doesn’t give a f*ck if one of my kids gets cancer. (which, to be clear they dont, but it still sits on my mind)

I didn’t worry about what I’ll do if my parents die, and suddenly I have to care for my permanently mentally disabled brother.

When I was a teenager, my biggest worry was if my dice would roll well for me that night and my character would be able to take out the big bad guy of the week.

God I wish I could go back to those days. Days without constant pain in my back and knees from when I worked 12 hour days 5 days a week in a factory, standing on concrete floors. Days where i don’t feel the next kidney stone getting ready to pass.

Days when I could eat whatever I wanted and i wouldn’t be stuck on the toilet for an hour. Days before I had an organ torn out because I drank half a case of mountain dew every night for years.

Being a teenager was great.”

5. Not a good time.

“High school in my opinion are some of the worst years of anyone’s life. You are basically stuck, you can’t move, you can’t earn much of a living, you can’t really do anything but stay for 4 years and suck it up.

It really is awful and if anyone tells you they were the best years of their life, the life they built afterward must have been pretty miserable.

I’m in my mid 30s with 2 kids and a wife and a job now and it’s infinitely better. I drink when and where I want, the s*x is so much better and more frequent and I don’t have to use a d*mn condom, I make money and I can move or change jobs or do whatever I want really.

It’s so much better in virtually every single way possible. I actually look forward to the day and week and month ahead of me now.

I grew up in a poor family in a sh*t neighborhood in a sh*t city (at the time at least). So your mileage may vary.”

6. Dysfunctional family.

“As someone who came from a dysfunctional family…

Despite not having any financial responsibility, my environment growing up gave me so much emotional distress that I would NEVER go back. I f*cking hated being a teenager, having no control over the irrational decisions of the “adults” in my life, and no real skills to get away and provide for myself.

I love my parents and I’m still grateful for my parents’ financial support back then, but as someone with a “real job” (which I don’t really like right now due to a dysfunctional office environment), I’d still rather have this than ever live with them again.”

7. Don’t want to do it again.

“I’m 31 and a mature student and I do catch myself looking at the youngsters and thinking, god you have no idea what’s coming, do you?

But I also absolutely would not want to revisit that time in my life either knowing what I know now, both about the world and my life.”

8. Don’t miss it.

“I absolutely do not miss being a teenager.

My parents weren’t responsible, so I had all of the responsibility of being an adult with none of the power (age, money).

I was expected to do things that actual adults would fight to deal with, in addition to everything terrible that comes with being a teenager.”

9. Pure nostalgia.

“It’s rose colored glasses.

I had a decent time in high school but I wouldn’t want to relive it. We always look back and remember the good parts and forget about the bad.

My 20s we’re F*CKING awesome, but there’s a lot of bad sh*t I would not want to relive. F*ck that. There’s no better time than the present.”

10. Keeps getting better.

“High school was pretty great for me, but college has been way better so far.

The key is to remember that nobody gives a sh*t who you are or what you do, so don’t be afraid to try new things and have fun.

Live your own life and enjoy it”

11. Not your glory days.

“You’ll miss the carefree days of being a kid/teen without responsibilities like paying bills and such, so enjoy that while it lasts.

But high school shouldn’t be considered anyone’s “glory days”.

You grow a lot in your twenties and your brain finishes developing.

But over the years you just won’t really care about what happened in high school any more.”

12. Late bloomer.

“I’m 39 and really hitting my stride. In the best shape of my life, great house, beautiful wife.

There is no set time for when the best years of your life are, but I actually feel a little bad for people that peak in high-school.

I can’t imagine how depressing it would be looking back at high-school now and wishing I was back there.”

13. Carefree times.

“I think really what adults mean when they say this is that they miss being young and relatively carefree.

I understand that high school is hard work and, as someone who hated high school so much that he actually dropped out, I understand that it actually can really, really suck major balls. But, being 30 now and looking back, I do miss being a teenager. I didn’t have to worry about bills and other stuff like that, it was nice to be taken care of by someone else (parents) and to be generally protected from serious consequences.

I remember fondly being a hoodlum – smoking cigarettes under bridges and getting sh*tfaced at house parties, flirting (or at least trying to) with girls and just generally discovering who I am and who I wanted to be. I doubt very much most adults are referring to the act of going to high school itself.

It also doesn’t mean it’s all downhill or anything, just that it’s a period in your life where you’re sort of both an adult and a child, that you will never get to experience again. There are good things about being an adult too, and you should look forward to it.”

What do you think?

Should kids be told high school is the best time of their lives, or do you think that is completely ridiculous?

Sound off in the comments and let us know your thoughts. Thanks!

The post Unpopular Opinion: Adults Shouldn’t Tell Teens That High School Will Be the Best Years of Their Lives. appeared first on UberFacts.

Are Quiet Guys or Outgoing Ones More Attractive? Here’s What People Said.

If you’re a man, this is a question that you’ve thought about before.

How do I get people to be attracted to me?

Do I try to play the strong, silent type? Or do I present myself as an outgoing, fun person who is the life of the party?

Well, we’re about to find out what people prefer, aren’t we?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. The same level.

“Guys who aren’t as good looking but are charismatic and outgoing are on the same level as a shy, introvert, good looking guys.

It’s like yin yang or something.”

2. True.

“I’d like to posit that there are a lot of things “unattractive” people can do to make themselves attractive.

People really don’t realize what dressing well and grooming can do for a person. And dress doesn’t have to be fancy clothing, just wear clothing that somewhat matches and fits your body.

Very few guys are actually ugly. Maybe not good looking, but compared to women, average is very achievable for a lot of men.”

3. Well, there’s this…

“Quiet guys are only attractive if they themselves are attractive.

If an ugly guy is quiet, you’d consider them weird or creepy.”

4. This guy knows from experience.

“Being the “quiet guy” for the majority of my life and now being the “loud, semi obnoxious guy”, I have gotten much more female attention lately being the latter.

Just my two cents.”

5. Interesting…

“I had times where I was loud and times when I was quiet.

Being loud got me laid, being quiet made me mysterious but never led to anything physical, despite there being a clear understanding that we liked each other.”

6. Gotta get noticed.

“I can imagine that there’s a market for quiet guys, but there’s still the first hurdle of them getting noticed in the first place.

A girl can’t fall for a quiet guy if she never even heard of him before.”

7. Confidence is key.

“As a heteros*xual woman I can say it’s not about being loud or quiet but rather about having confidence.

Typically someone with confidence isn’t shy and quiet, and confidence is attractive. I am much more attracted to a guy with confidence who knows how to express themselves and hold up a conversation, rather than a guy who acts timid and isn’t willing to open up.

It screams insecurity”

8. There’s a difference.

“There’s also a difference between extroverted and talkative.

Most of the guys I like never shut up and have no filter, but in a nerdy “okay now that I’ve started talking about this I can’t stop” way. None of them liked parties, big social outings, etc.

They are just very excited about whatever it is they happen to be excited about at that moment, and you never know what they going to say.”

9. Not a fan of the loudness.

“I am a quiet person so I prefer guys who are also quiet.

I don’t really like when guys are super loud, I find that if I am trying to talk it always gets overshadowed.”

10. Being outgoing helps.

“Everyone has a type, though as an ambivert I’ve found it way easier to get to know and date girls when I’m outgoing than when in more reserved.

I think the sweet spot is being outgoing enough to get people to notice you and want to be with you and be reserved enough so you’re not annoying and people get interested in getting to know you.”

11. You can do both.

“The best is a combination between quiet and outgoing. Usually if there are a lot of outgoing people in a group, I’ll be quiet.

If people are a bit awkward and the ice isn’t broken, I’ll be the first to try and make conversation.”

12. Good luck out there…

“As an older guy, i will just throw this out. Guys, you MUST learn to approach women.

I don’t mean you have to be the life of the party. I don’t mean you have to be Vic Ferrari. (Andy Kaufmann character) But, unless you are good looking, especially in the slim willowy poet, or nerdy genius with curly hair and a big schnozz that some women find attractive sort of way, forget it. Women will not spy you across the room and want to meet you.

Now, loud boisterous jocks are not every woman’s cup of tea. But that does not mean they do not expect a man to have the balls to approach her.

For lack of a better venue, I will throw this out. Learn to meet women on the street and in bars. You would not believe how easy it is. In the street, walk up to a woman and say, hi, I saw you and wanted to say hi. She will either blow you off or stop and chat. After a few minutes, invite her for coffee.

In bars, take your drink and walk around a crowded bar and say cheers, what are we toasting? when they ask you what you are toasting, say, I just met some awesome people. Cheers. people love that. Sooner or later, a nice woman will be intrigued and want to talk to you.

If you are shy, I know it sounds hard. Start with baby steps. Just way hi to women in the street. Rejection will not kill you. Sooner or later it will work.

If anyone wants a little encouragement, feel free to message me. Am I a master seducer? No. But I know how to actually converse with real live women. And, trust me, women these days can barely believe a guy talked to them on the street. I once met a woman in a bar.

She heard my name and said , I met a guy a while back with that name., with this romantic haze look in her eye. It was me, having met her last month for a minute on the street. She still remembered because most guys do not do that. I didn’t follow up the first time because she was too young. But it as pretty sweet to be remembered like that.

Not even sure why I am writing this. Believe me, it is not to brag. I was a flop with women most of my life, then I realized how easy it was to walk up to women on the street. They actually are more responsive on the street than in bars because it is more unusual. it is like a movie to them.

Anyway, too much wine. But, to all the quiet guys, it is not helping. You do not have to be a macho jock studs. Most of them have no nerve, especially without alcohol . Just learn to walk up to a woman and say hi. Even if she is not interested, she will usually be nice about it, so don’t worry.

Good luck. Every good man and good woman deserves a good partner to marry and have a nice family. Cheers.”

13. Let’s end on this note.

“Girlfriend of an introvert here!! I like to joke that we’re only together because I talked for the first 3 hours of our first date (I was nervous – it was like word vomit).

In reality it’s because while he’s quiet in big spaces, when it’s just the two of us he makes me laugh until I cry, he’s sweet, sensitive, and absolutely the best person I’ve ever met.”

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

Which do you find more attractive: quiet men or outspoken fellas?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Are Quiet Guys or Outgoing Ones More Attractive? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Legal Things Make You Look Like a Crazy Person? Here’s What People Had to Say.

Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it looks normal, folks.

We don’t think about it very often, but we’re allowed to do all kinds of wild, weird, and crazy stuff that is totally, 100% legal…but it still makes us look like psychos if we actually do them in public.

Are you ready to get weird?

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Out on the street.

“There’s a guy in my town that has a portable karaoke machine and casually walks around singing to himself and dancing.

He’s not a busker or entertainer, just in another world.”

2. I live here! I swear!

“Lockpicking the door to your own house because you’ve lost your key.

Did that a few years ago at my old apartment, a few times actually.

Then the hair salon downstairs was broken into one night, back door had the lock picked.

I then quickly became the prime suspect…luckily I was in the next state that night due to a morning funeral, got there a day early because I wasn’t going to be a pallbearer right after a 4 hour drive.

Believe it or not, caskets are  heavy.”

3. Just minding my own business.

“I’m not sure if other people see me this way, but I always feel like a creep when looking straight ahead alone.

I feel like the person in front of my is gonna turn around, see me, and think I’m a creep.

What’s worse is I forcefully look around, but I also feel like that’s weird, and that people will think I’m trying to make it look like I’m not looking at them when I really am.

It’s a weird dynamic.”

4. What are you doing?

“Jogging in place. Anything short of waiting for a light to change and it’s just odd.

In line at the DMV? Jog in place.

Waiting to use the bathroom at Starbucks? Jog in place.

Standing awkwardly in the middle of a full park when you don’t have kids? Jog in place.

Waiting for the hot dog vendor to add relish? Job in place.

Waiting for the waitress to come back with the check? Jog in place.

Standing in an elevator? Jog in place.”

5. I need directions.

“Asking a person for directions like “which way is the forest?” and then going the completely opposite direction.

I didn’t want to go to the forest, my dude!”

6. Gross.

“Empty a chocolate sauce bottle and use it as a water bottle in the gym.

That was tasty.”

7. You look crazy.

“My old landlord’s husband was clearing out a bunch of stuff recently after an operation, and the dude collected medieval weapons that he had to get rid of. Asked me if I wanted one, I said sure it would be pretty sick.

So walking back to the car at 10:30 at night, in pitch black, lit only by streetlights, I discovered there is no way to hold a two-handed axe without looking like a crazy person.”

8. You okay, Mom?

“My mom legit started vacuuming the lawn one day when I was in high school.

Mom… wtf are you doing?”

9. Nothing to see here.

“Talking alone/to yourself.

I do it sometimes when alone but it makes you look like a crazy person if you do it in public.”

10. What’s in the box?

“It’s fine to carry around human bones (*ahem* I mean legal specimens) in creepy looking boxes.

Everyone in my anatomy class was given a box and we took public transit with it while smelling like death.

You could literally see creepy people on the bus move slowly away from us.”

11. I’ll take that!

“Taking somebody’s groceries at the checkout.

They haven’t paid for it yet, so it isn’t theirs”

12. Digging graves?

“Digging at night.

I’ve dug a lot of holes at night. It’s too hot to dig during the day.

But the whole time you are thinking, I probably look conspicuous to the neighbors.”

13. Now, here’s a story.

“This one time my ex girlfriend asked me to pick up her prom dress from a friend. I went to the friends house at around 9 pm and picked up the dress. She gave me no coat hanger or anything so I just carried the dress in my clenched fist.

As I was walking back home through a dark alleyway It occurred to me that my hand is pretty sweaty and the dress might actually start smelling bad from all the sweat of my hand. I wanted to check the situation so I smelled the dress.

As I was standing in the alleyway in the darkness of the night, smelling a red dress that I was gripping in my sweaty hand I saw a woman standing several feet from me, scared sh*tless, reaching for something in her purse (a phone? A pepper spray?).

At that point I became more scared/embarrassed than her and ran off. I assume that to this day she’s telling her friends a story about how she was almost murdered by a dress stealing maniac murderer…”

What do you think?

What perfectly legal things make you look like a crazy person when you do them in public?

Sound off in the comments!

The post What Legal Things Make You Look Like a Crazy Person? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

Should Everyone Be Cremated Because Cemeteries Are a Waste of Space? Here’s How People Responded.

In my humble opinion, people should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies when they die.

Want to be buried? Cool.

Leaning toward getting cremated? Go for it!

Want to be put on a raft and set on fire and pushed out to sea? Actually, I’m not sure if that’s legal, but it sounds pretty cool.

The question posed to AskReddit users was, “Should all people be cremated because cemeteries are a waste of space?”

Let’s check out the responses.

1. More trees, please.

“Keep the cemeteries, but instead of just burying people’s bodies, bury them with a tree seed.

So we can have a bunch of trees instead of rotting dead bodies.”

2. A place to remember.

“I’m still happy to have a place to go and sit and still talk with my husband even though he’s six feet below now.

I feel like it may not be quite the same if it was just ashes to the wind.

I like to picture both of us together on that mountainside someday.”

3. Habitats.

“In a lot of cities, cemeteries are important habitat for a lot of animals and birds.

They’re large stretches of green space that aren’t too frequently visited by (living) people, so are important refuges.

Although I agree with you that there are less impactful methods of interment, and I don’t want to be buried, I quietly support them for the animals.”

4. To each their own.

“I have opted for a green burial when my time comes. The whole embalming-casket-headstone thing creeps me out.

But I get that green burials creep other people out. It’s just that my way leaves room for future generations unlike traditional graveyards.”

5. Please cremate me.

“I want to be cremated and spread in the forests of my home, laws allowing.

My fiancé is wholeheartedly against this, wanting to be buried side by side.

I don’t like being around a lot of people while I’m alive, what makes you think I want to be close to other people in death for eternity?”

6. I agree, BUT…

“I do think that some cemeteries are way too big and a waste of space, but as someone who lost both of my grandparents this year, I’m very glad to be able to go and see them.

I have a big family, and if they weren’t buried, I would have to go to someone else’s house to see their urns.

Since they’re in a cemetery, I can go and sit and talk to them about what’s going on as long as I want.”

7. Emotional support.

“Having a place to go visit a loved one even after they pass away is a huge emotional support for many people.”

8. Respect the dead.

“I don’t necessarily like cemeteries and what they do, but all matters of body disposal isn’t really environmentally friendly regardless. My biggest thing about death is respecting the dead.

Do what they want you to do with their body. Don’t be disrespectful  because “they’re dead and don’t care”. Like if they told you a plan, they obviously cared while they were here and did not want you to do the opposite.

Your final say before you die is how you shall be taken care of and it disgusts me when a family doesn’t respect the final request because they don’t agree with it.”

9. A new idea.

“Cremation is a terrible waste of fuel and source of pollution.

What would make sense is to bury bodies in a biodegradable sack, and after they’ve decomposed for 50 years or so, after everyone who remembered them is dead, recycle the ground for another grave.”

10. Make them more beautiful.

“Some people are (due to religion) are only allowed to be buried.

But I think they should make cemetery’s more like….parks? Like maybe some trees and have like sidewalks.

It would be more prettier and also less depressing that bodies just laying all in a row.”

11. Get natural.

“Cremation increases the carbon footprint. Each death is 100 L of fuel and 200 kg of CO2.

It also risks burning the cremation center (anything that handles fires, gets fires).

I recommend natural burials: no casket, no chemicals, bury me directly in a field. I just become anonymous compost, and create trees or something.”

12. See you on the road!

“I don’t get why people are so caught up with being preserved after death.

It might be the atheist in me but throw me in the middle of the road and use me as a temporary speed bump.

At least that is more useful than being placed in a cemetery.”

13. Interesting point of view.

“If I learned one thing about cemeteries when working in one for some time, it’s that they exist to serve the living rather than the dead.

The dead don’t care, but the living need somewhere to mourn, somewhere memorialize their loved ones. We remain protective of our loved ones remains even after death, and burying them in a safe and beautiful place helps us in our grief.

This is what people critical of cemeteries don’t understand.

Another thing people often aren’t aware of is that the picture of a cemetery as a somber resting place that’s off limits for anything but grief hasn’t always been the case.

In the Victorian era it was perfectly common to hold picnics and other activities in the cemetery amongst your loved ones. In some senses it was a park, just one that bad a bunch of rocks in it.

If we went back to this mentality we wouldn’t have such as issue with cemeteries being a waste of space.”

14. Create gardens.

“Make it into a botanical gardens.

People pay for ceremonies where the deceased person’s ashes are scattered over the Japanese garden or the rose garden or the bamboo forest. Maybe put up kiosks of people’s names on small plaques with names and dates of birth/death.

Then people who want to visit their deceased loved ones can do so in beautiful surroundings.”

15. And then, there’s this.

“In the words of Danny De Vito, “when I’m dead just throw me in the trash.””

Cremation or burial?

What do you think you’d prefer?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know how you feel about this subject. Thanks!

The post Should Everyone Be Cremated Because Cemeteries Are a Waste of Space? Here’s How People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Wildest Butterfly Effect Stories From Their Lives

You never know how one supposedly insignificant action or decision in your life can snowball and spin out of control.

And that’s where we get the term “the butterfly effect” from.

I’m sure you’ve experienced something like this in your life at some point. And we’re about to get some wild “butterfly effect” stories from people on AskReddit.

Let’s take a look at what they had to say.

1. Best decision ever.

“4 years ago a kid I barely knew from school invited me to a Six Flags. I was a bit of a loner at the time and I heard rumors about this kid being weird, so I intended to not go.

On the day he wanted me to go, I was feeling extra bored and decided on a whim “why not?”. So I went and met this kid and two of his friends I’ve never met at a Six Flags.

4 years later and that kid is my best friend, and I have 3 other very close friends I met through him. Not only that, but I also met my first girlfriend because of the connections some of my new friends had. It transformed my high school years from being alone to having an amazing group of friends I could do almost anything with.

I intended to ask my best friend to be my best man one day, and I don’t intend on ever getting out of touch with any of them. I’m home from college now, and we are going to have a lot of fun together. Best decision I’ve ever made.”

2. Funny how that works out.

“The older I get, the more I am constantly cognizant of the vast cascade of seemingly insignificant decisions and actions that led me to where I am.

For example, a decision 25 years ago to change a refrigerator light bulb before going out resulted in my being at the “wrong” time and place so as to get mugged, which resulted in my decision to move out of the city I had been living in, which resulted in my meeting my wife, and from there to having all my kids and the whole shebang.

I would have had a different whole shebang had I not changed that lightbulb that afternoon, but the path to the present leads through that (and a thousand other) similarly trivial decisions…”

3. Career fair.

“At a university career fair and just has a long day taking to companies and heading out when I see a Honda booth. Designing cars would be awesome but there is a huge line, it has been a long day, and what are the chances?

But wait! They are giving away hats and shirts and model cars! So I talk to them. A day later I get a callback for an online assessment. I fill that out and don’t hear anything back for a month or so, the I get a call one night saying I was an alternate and someone cancelled last minute so they want to fly me up for on-site interviews.

I go and end up getting and accepting an offer. After graduation I move about 1000 miles away from home for my new job where a few years after I meet my now wife and we have 2 kids. I never would have crossed paths with her otherwise.

So the entire course of my life was shifted because Honda gave away good swag at their career fair booth.”

4. Wow, your parents sound awful.

“My parents dream was to have a “famous child”.

When my older sister’s figure skating career ended in her early twenties, the spotlight shifted to me. I was a fine oboist, and took private voice lessons with intent to audition for the local music faculty (opera?). In any case, there was a lot of pressure, and while I was successful at school and classical music, it was never enough.

At 17, before senior year began, my sister gifted me a kitten. My parents had given her 2 in her senior year and the implication was that it was my turn. When my sister dropped me off, my parents locked me out, saying that if i wanted my own pet I needed my own place.

So I found one – that night. I worked 3 jobs to support myself through senior year and graduated with entrance scholarships to both of the local universities.

I couldnt afford a music degree while living on my own, even with the entrance scholarships. And good thing. Entering the work force showed me how much I love active jobs. 3 years later, I enrolled in college and became an industrial mechanic/millwright, to my parents great shame.

After a few years of this I landed a sweet contract where I work on Saturdays and Sundays but receive a full week’s pay. Although I am a living beacon of disappointment, I comfort myself with my 100k a year job, 2 day workweek, and 2 cats.

Being kicked out over a kitten saved me from wasting years chasing an improbable career just to please my parents.”

5. The film biz.

“My wife got an email from her old colleagues the day we returned home from our honeymoon, asking if she wanted to star in a short film they were doing for fun.

She said sure, and asked if I could come along, as she knew I had an interest in movies, but at the time I worked in life insurance and was miserable.

It was more than an interest- I had always wanted to make films, but never made the right connections with people and didn’t know where to start.

I made friends with the producer of that short film my wife was in, and 11 years later filmmaking and video production is my career. I’ve shot feature films, short films, video for tv and web, and all over the world because of that one email to my wife. Changed our lives!

Oh, and that original short film never got finished.”

6. Old friends.

“I sent a friend from secondary school (who I had a huge crush on) a message saying happy birthday a couple years after we left school. Did the whole ‘we’ll have to catch up soon!’ thing, not expecting much.

He replied with ‘how about Monday?’. I saw him that Monday for a coffee. Next month will be our 6th anniversary. Best thing that ever happened to me.

My friends joke I’m ‘queen of escaping the friend zone’.”

7. Sounds like Jim and Pam.

“I was always super flirty with the girl from HR, but we were always seeing other people / don’t date at work so when she left the company I was bummed. A year or two later a coworker asked me to search my email archives (that was a thing back then) for something he needed.

I ended up stumbling across the “farewell to my work-friends” email from HR girl and she sent it from her personal email address. I reached out to her, we had coffee, then a date, then many dates, then I love yous and I put a ring on it ASAP.

12 years later, extremely happily married, 2 goofy kids, 2 evil cats, and she still puts up with my bullsh*t.”

8. What a story!

“I chose to rearrange the sequence of classes slightly before starting my education. By doing this, I had to commute to a different branch of the school in a different town than the one I was originally signed up for.

On my first day there, I helped a girl who had managed to break both of her arms in a drunken shopping cart accident, I learned later.

This girl, whom I would absolutely never have met had I not changed my classes around, is my wife through 14 years.”

9. Still here.

“My friends took me to mMalaga in Spain for a long weekend to cheer me up after my mum died.

4 years later I’m still here and have never been happier. I owe them everything for that spontaneous trip.”

10. Close call.

“In Afghanistan, wasn’t done with my coffee, so I passed on a trip from one base to another (there was another convoy a few hours later).

Most everyone died who took the 1st convoy. My 2nd cup of coffee wasnt even cold when I found out.”

11. That burns!

“Burned my arm on an extremely hot plate working at a restaurant in NYC.

New manager didn’t like that I told him we were out of towels to hold hot plates, had a vendetta against me.

Six months later, found a reason to fire me.

Friend got me a job working on the set of a low budget movie, met a woman named Dorothy who was key PA.

A full year later I ran into her on the street, she asked if I still worked in production, got me a job on reality tv.

Worked 9 seasons on a renovation show, learning finish carpentry and eventually becoming an on screen carpenter.

New PA on set. Beautiful, sassy, amazing.

Ask her out (was just a key PA at the time)

Two years later we move to New Orleans together, a year later we move back to NYC and have our first child.

Three years later we move to Montreal. Been here for three years.

I now have a wife, two kids, and a successful contracting business all because I burned my arm on a plate ten years ago.”

12. Isn’t that funny?

“Ordered some shirts off the internet, company sent a size too small. Emailed them and they sent the correct size and let me keep the other ones too.

My grandpa’s house was being redone, noticed one of the workers liked a band i did and gave him the shirts that didn’t fit. Years later working and having a smoke break, guy overhears me and a friend discussing a concert we were going to, asked about it and said he had some old shirts I could have. Met up with him after work to hang out. They were my shirts from a couple years before.

We start hanging out and he is dating this girl, she says she has a friend that she thinks would be perfect for me. We hook up. Been married for almost 10 years with 2 kids. All for a few shirts that the company sent me the wrong size for.”

13. The girl with the mohawk.

“I was dating a girl in college. I didnt actually go to college as I was doing an apprenticeship instead.

One day I had a day off midweek and figured I would pop into college to see my old friends and chat to this girl I was dating. At the time I was very I to skateboarding. So I take my skateboard into the building but had to leave it in the reception bit.

As luck would have it a girl saw me (with bleached blond hair and a pink mohawk) place the skateboard and decided she was in love with me. She went to the local skate park after school until eventually she found me. We swapped numbers and now 15 years later we are married with 3 kids.

Also my skateboard was stolen by someone and by the time I made my way out of the college my brother had noticed someone carrying my board and stole it back for me. As I walked out and noticed it was gone my bro came in and asked if I was looking for my board.

It was a wierd day that I had no idea would impact my whole life to this point.”

Do you have any interesting butterfly effect stories that have happened to you?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Share the Wildest Butterfly Effect Stories From Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Statement “Construction Work Is a Respectable Job and Shouldn’t Be Stigmatized”

I’ve never understood when folks say things like “you’ll end up working construction” or “you’ll end up being a garbageman” if you don’t get your act together.

Both of those jobs are honorable, pay well, and I’m sure a lot of the people who do them enjoy them. There’s still kind of a weird bias in this country against people who work with their hands, for some reason…I don’t get it.

But, you still do hear comments like that from people out there.

Folks on AskReddit discussed this mentality. Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Something to think about.

“I always took “you don’t want to end up in construction” as you don’t want to do something your whole life that takes a toll on your body.

At least that’s how my parents always pushed it on me.”

2. Changed my life.

“I did construction work from 24 years old to 30 years old. I made $31 a hour and anything over 8 hours in a day was time and a half.

Saturdays and Sundays were automatic time and a half no matter how many hours your worked throughout the week. At 30 years old I was injured on the job and had to have a major spine surgery on my lower spine.

I can no longer play most sports without extreme discomfort afterward. It has completely changed my life.”

3. Lesson from Dad.

“My dad farmed for 40 years and supported a family on it.

But he outright refused to let any of us come back and take over the farm without trying college and other careers out.

It destroyed his body and he didn’t want the same for us.”

4. Won’t age well.

“I worked with my dad in construction every summer while in high school and college.

People on the job site tell you they’re all proud of their hard work and get payed appropriately, but they’ll all tell you to get out while you can.

You don’t age well in construction.”

5. Tough work.

“It’s a respectable job and the people who work it deserve respect.

But it’s also back-breaking work with a high risk of injury and will ultimately lead to a lot of nasty health problems as you grow old.”

6. Not for everyone.

“I’m a pipe fitter.

With only a technical high school diploma I make over 6 figures.

Pros are I get to go to different places everyday and fix things, good pay and I don’t have college debt.

Cons are it’s back breaking work that has given me two shoulder surgeries (one on each) and bad knees. Having to have surgery because of your job isn’t for everybody.”

7. A lifestyle?

“Unfortunately even though the money can be great, there’s a certain lifestyle that’s rampant.

Drugs, alcohol, crazy spending.

Obviously not true for all construction workers, but it’s definitely there.

My cousin could makes great money, but he’d have nothing left a week after payday.”

8. They were wrong.

“My grade school teachers would say “study hard or you will end up a construction worker”.

Well, now I make more than them and have one of the most valuable skill sets a person can have, in my opinion.

So y’all can suck it!”

9. A hot take.

“It’s not about it not being respectable. It is a respectable job.

It’s the fact that it’s hard labor.

No parent wants their child to get a job that’s going to take a tole on their body over the years they’re working it.”

10. Good advice.

“I’m a construction worker and I do make $100,00 or more a year.

I respect my job and the opportunities it has afforded me but I tell my three sons all the time to stay in school and get an education because I’m outside everyday when it’s nice, when it’s crazy hot, or when it is freezing cold.

That sucks and your body pays the price for that lifestyle.”

11. Miserable.

“Take it from someone who did it for years…

It’s about the most miserable sh*t I’ve ever done.

Enough to motivate me to actually go to college so I never have to do it again.”

12. Get out early.

“It’s a great job to have when you are young but be careful and get out early. The type of work you find on most construction sites is very back breaking.

I suggest it while someone is young because the body can handle it then but doing the job for too long, even with the proper technique and equipment, your body is going to start falling apart.

Then you have the worst case scenario where you can get hurt far easier than other jobs. My best friend was on a site where they were removing cases with glass panels. Someone accidentally bumped a case while not paying attention on a forklift.

The case hit another case which fell on top of my friend. He instinctually put his hands up to stop it but it came down on his glass facing him and it broke when it hit him. A piece of glass sliced the muscle or whatever it is that allows you to move your pointer finger.

Surgery was able to reconnect it so he can use his hand fully again but he was told flat out by the doctor this is an injury that will haunt him his entire life. And when my friend spoke to a lawyer he repeated what the doctor said and was told basically ain’t sh*t he can do about it.

He can sue for medical bills or years later when it starts to really bother him again he cant go after them again. He’s f*cked and now has an injury his entire life to deal with and the job wont do sh*t for it.”

13. Hard work.

“I’ve heard the pay is well but doing back-breaking work for so usually isn’t ideal.

It’s a very important and necessary job just doesn’t seem like one many think a lot about.”

14. As simple as that.

“I know it comes with some negative connotations, but construction work is a respectable job.

They build the houses we live in and the schools we learn and teach in.”

Alright, now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this issue.

Please and thank you!

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