People Share the Oddly Specific Rules They’ve Run Into Because of Somebody’s Stupid Mistake

Have you ever have one of those jobs that you don’t really like and they’ve got a bunch of strange rules that you’re not even sure how they came up with them?

Yeah, pretty much all of us have.

I remember one job I had people weren’t allowed to go out on a perfectly nice patio to eat lunch. The reason? Because somebody tried to do a handstand on the railing and fell over and killed themselves.

Yeah. I mean, I feel for that guy and his family… but that was a nice patio and those would have been some nice lunches (PS… I did it anyway).

Let’s take a look at some people who ran into similar situations!

1. The things we do for love!

In rehab our cottons swabs were taken away because a guy decided to jam one into his eardrum to get sent to the hospital and get painkillers.

Every seemingly dumb rule we had in there had a backstory to it.

2. Prisoners are so ingenous!

Used to work in a prison, and they had to ban Marmite spread, because the inmates used the yeast to ferment alcohol.

And Kit Kats, because they used the foil wrappers for heroin.

3. Students are sneaky AF

My Professor had a system where he said “Homework Due by 12:00.”. I turned it in about ten minutes early…then realized I’d made a mistake, so I fixed it and uploaded the new one, which hit at 12:00:23 or so.

The next day he talked about how various people knew that if they opened the submission page, they could submit their homework after the deadline because the system only stopped you from accessing the page at the given time. He told us that such homework was going to be given a zero despite being submitted.

He then said “There was one submission however that was submitted at 23 seconds past midnight…I will allow this one as I had not specified to the second that the homework had to be submitted. Henceforth, all homework MUST be submitted by 12:00:00.” and gave me a smirk.

I just gave him a cringy little salute and we had a chuckle.

4. Well, these people are no fun!

“Absolutely no roller skates in the lab”

My husband worked for a private lab startup and half the women there did roller derby. The lab was (as many are) a repurposed warehouse with nice smooth concrete floors. One of the women thought it would be fun to skate between machines. She got a lot done but the boss figured osha wouldn’t be too thrilled so the sign went up a few days later.

You could still wear your skates in the break room.

5. Taking snacking seriously

On an AirFrance flight from Morocco to Mauritania, the flight attendant gave the safety brief in French at first. My french is not good but my ears pricked up when I heard the words “feu de camp.” I obviously discounted my translation as misunderstanding the brief until she went into the brief in English.

We were given the standard safety brief on all aircraft, but at the end we were specifically reminded that there are to be no cooking or camp fires lit on the plane at any time.

Can you imagine your seat mate getting hungry and deciding to start a fire on an airplane to cook up some snacks?!?!?

6. Now THAT is a specific rule!

My father’s hometown, Marion, Ohio, had a rule that you couldn’t eat a donut while walking backwards.

If I remember correctly, it had something to do with attracting police horses to lure them away from the police.

Cops are weird.

7. Count on Walmart for the sage wisdom.

“Do not put 14 rolls of toilet paper in the toilet”

– Walmart 2019


In my lease, I had a clause to properly dispose of my used tampons.

I asked why and apparently my landlord had a tenant that caused $50,000 of damage because she threw her used tampons into the cabinet under the sink. She rented the apartment for years and there were 3+ years worth of used, bloody tampons in there.

The, uh, blood caused a bunch of damage akin to water damage to the bathroom. The floor under the cabinet was rotted through. From bloody tampon storage.

The thought of a steamy, gelatinous glob of blood gooping through the sh**ty linoleum and blooming a bloody Clicker from The Last of Us makes me want to actively die.

9. Trash panda circus!

At my last job, we had a sign on the back door that said “you must walk trash all the way to the dumpster; DO NOT TRAIN THE RACCOONS!!!”

The story behind that is the facility I worked at does dog daycare and training, and Darcy the Human (not to be confused with Darcy the Poodle) didn’t like having to walk all the way across the parking lot at the end of the night to take out the trash, and trained about three raccoons to drag the bags to the dumpster because he couldn’t be bothered to walk 50ft to it.

He got away with it for about a year, and even named them. The manager only found out when she opened the back door to throw out some boxes and saw a bunch of raccoons immediately run up and cart them off.

10. A spite rule!

The ten-bin bowling alley in Geelong implemented a “Patrons must not play blindfolded” rule.

The manager claims it was for safety reasons… but I will always know in my heart it was solely because I beat him three games in a row wearing a blindfold.

Geelong is an awesome city on the bottom of the Australian mainland. Lived there 18 years. Sadly, the bowling alley was demolished around 2001.

11. This had to be a rule?

My all time favorite, in the Taco Bell i frequented as a teenager:

“Please do not spit on the managers.”

It wasn’t even a f**king paper, it was a plaque, someone got spit on enough times to go out and pay for a plaque.

12. These employees were outlaws!

I worked for a company that would send us out of town and put us up in hotels for weeks.

We had per diem for food but they told us we could absolutely not use it on alcohol.

Found out the company use to have an open bar at the hotel for employees until some former employees got so drunk they hired prostitutes and ended up doing cocaine and were kicked out of the hotel and arrested.

13. A reasonable set of rules!

Wish I had a picture but in EVERY restroom stall at my work there is a sign that says

THREE COURTESY FLUSH Flush once to prepare for elimination Flush between “the go” and the paper Flush upon completion

Wonder who put that together in their head and said “I have a solution.. hear me out guys”.

14. You’d think this would be obvious?

Back in the 90s, I used to work in a convenience store in New Jersey. Once a year I’d have to go to the health department and get certified as a food handler.

It is in this capacity that I learned that there is a law on the books in the state of New Jersey that you cannot store food under a leaking sewage pipe.

You just know health inspector went into a store and said “what the hell?! You can’t store food under leaking sewer pipe!”

And the store owner said “cite the statute!”


There was this one residence hall on campus where we had to inform students on move-in day not to twist their apartment room key a certain way into their bathroom door otherwise they could possibly get locked in if closed.

They were encouraged just to use the inner lock bolt body system. Students got charged $5, after one free pass, if a staff member got a call and had to rescue them from trapping themselves in their own bathroom.

Working in that hall for two years, I rescued students 7 times and 4 of those times it was the same girl.

Jeez… that last one sounds like quite the fire hazard, right? Hope they got it all sorted out.

Okay, which one of these rules did you find the strangest?

Let us know in the comments!

Thanks, fam!

The post People Share the Oddly Specific Rules They’ve Run Into Because of Somebody’s Stupid Mistake appeared first on UberFacts.

What Food Should People Try if They Visit Your Country? Check Out These Answers.

When I travel I get excited about two things: drinking and eating.

Sure, I’ll check out some museums. Yes, I’ll walk the streets for hours on end.

But the highlight is always the food and the drinks, baby!

And these responses gave me some ideas about some future trips.

AskReddit users talked about the food everyone should try from their respective countries.

1. Yum!

“East Africa.

An omelette made of fries, eggs and spices (chips mayai).

Spicy sugarcane juice.”

2. I’ll take all of that.


Fries, belgian waffles, pralines, beer…”

3. Viva Mexico!

“If you visit Mexico I always recommend mole, chilaquiles, and horchata water to drink.”

4. My mouth is watering.


Pho, banh mi (of course).

But also try bun cha if you are in Hanoi.

It is a MUST.”

5. Interesting.

“In Finland we have a breakfast thing called “Plörö”.

You put a coin on the bottom of a coffee mug and pour coffee until the coin is not visible anymore. Then you pour vodka until the coin is visible again.

Best enjoyed with a cigarette.”

6. Germany.

“I love Käsespätzle with Speck and Röstzwiebeln — egg noodles with cheese, bacon and crispy fried onions.”

7. France.

“Tarte flambée, Paris Brest, kouign amann

And of course a proper croissant.”

8. Denmark.

“Flæskesteg sandwich. Just go for it.

These are what I miss most about living in Denmark.

And kanelsnegls.”

9. Poland.

“Honestly the best thing is to stop in a Bar Mleczny (Milk Bar).

Every single one is run by weird clones of 2 old angry ladies, one is short and one is tall. One is fat and one is skinny.

You will pay next to nothing for an enormous plate of food and you’re pretty much guaranteed to love it.”

10. Delicious.

“Shwarma if you go to Syria.

I’ve had Shawarma in many places. Including a couple countries in the Middle East and USA.

Syria’s Shawarma is the absolute best. Too bad most people will probably never get to taste it.”

11. Iceland.

“Try skyr.

It’s like cottage cheese/yogurt.”

12. Holland.

“Two things really, one that probably a lot of people will hate but it’s Soo good.

Raw Atlantic herring with white onion and pickles.

And the other one which everyone will love, stroopwafels!”

13. When in Colombia…

“Colombia: chocolate santafereño, or hot chocolate.

I know what you’re thinking. “What’s so distinctive about plain ol’ hot chocolate?” Or maybe, “[insert dumb Colombia drug joke here],” but let me tell you right now, there is nothing better on a chilly morning in the altiplano than a mug of hot chocolate to fill you with vim and vigor.

What makes our take on hot chocolate so different? Three things:

First, ours has a richer concentration of cacao. The rest of the world takes what is essentially sugar with powdered cocoa and mixes it with milk. Not so in Colombia. Our chocolate actually comes in bricks of pure cacao paste with a tiny bit of panela (unrefined cane sugar) and cinnamon. The result is a beverage that is less cloyingly sweet and more rich and flavorful, with a deep aroma that is at once sweet and nutty.

Second, preparation. This, too, is different in Colombia. Rather than grind our wonderful chocolate into dust, we make it by heating our delicious ingots of dark gold in an olleta, a tall pot that resembles a metallic pitcher, along with milk, cloves and a couple of sticks of cinnamon.

Once the chocolate softens, we take a molinillo, a type of grooved, wooden, mace-like whisk, and beat the mixture with a motion akin to that of prehistoric man making fire. The result is a light, foamy beverage that goes down smooth.

Finally, there’s the cheese. Yes, you read that right, we put cheese in our chocolate! I can see your brow furrowing even now, but rest assured, this is a soft, fresh, unsalted cheese (also known as farmer’s cheese or white cheese) that has a chewy texture, like unsalted mozzarella.

Drop a few pieces in your chocolate while you snack on a pandebono (cornflour sourdough bread) or a pandeyuca (pillowy, savoury manioc bread) and fish then out once they’re soft.

There are many wonderful dishes that make up Colombia’s cuisine. But as someone who doesn’t live there anymore, there’s only one dish I really truly miss, and that’s chocolate santafereño.”

Okay, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us what foods you’d recommend from your country.

Please and thank you!

The post What Food Should People Try if They Visit Your Country? Check Out These Answers. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Worst Pain They’ve Ever Felt

I have a couple of answers to this question. The first was when I broke my hand in sixth grade. The second was when I had kidney stones when I was in college.


Both were pretty terrible and I hope I never have to relive those experiences again.

What’s the worst pain you’ve ever felt?

AskReddit users opened up about their most painful experiences.

1. That hurts.

“Tore an abdominal muscle once because I had a respiratory infection and wouldn’t stop coughing.

Because it was a core muscle, I could do almost nothing without experiencing excruciating pain.”

2. Awful.

“When I was 12, I was hit by a car at 45 mph. The impact snapped my left humerus and shattered my left tibia/fibula. I was thrown 20 feet into a busy intersection.

In the ER, the attending decided to lift my broken leg without support in order to get a board under it. Everyone told him not to, from the EMTs to the trauma nurse to my mother (who had been an RN for years).

He did it anyway. The pain sent me into a grand mal seizure; every muscle in my body contracted – including my left tricep, deltoid, and trapezius*, which caused the jagged edge of my broken arm to slip its setting and move toward my neck.

I never once lost consciousness.”

3. Shot at and hit.

“I was shot in an attempted carjacking.

Took a .45 hollow point point blank in my back. Bullet entered my back, collapsed my lung, paralyzed me and broke 2 ribs. To top that all off my foot was stuck on the gas and I hit a brick wall going 70 mph. Was in the hospital for 7.5 months, numerous surgeries and stage 4 bed sores.

After the swelling went down I was able to rehab and get back on my feet but still can’t run but not complaining. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, if you are lucky.”

4. Ugh!

“Cornea transplantation.

Imagine 100 spiders itching all over your eye after the operation and for the following 4/5 days.”

5. Sounds bad.

“I’ve broken several bones.

But when I dislocated my left knee, that was by far the worst pain. My knee cap spun around the backside of my knee.

And took all the nerves and tendons with it.”

6. Yowza!

“IUD insertion.

It was brief, but the worse pain I ever experienced. The nurses said I handled it well, then I proceeded to throw up at a stoplight while driving home.

Apparently some women only feel mild discomfort during the process.”

7. Those things are nasty.

“Got bit by a brown recluse when I was eight, which caused a staph infection on my back.

I had it for a week before noticing it, and when I got to the doctor they told me that if it wasn’t for the infection digging into my muscle I’d be dead already. He then told me I was in for some serious pain and told me to bite down on this leather strip. He had to push everything out of it and cauterize it. I have never experienced pain like that since.

And I’ve broken quite a few of bones, one of which came out of my skin. It was NOTHING compared to this. I passed out 3 separate times from the pain, and the police were called by the neighboring business because they heard “a child being brutally tortured”.

And this was with morphine and local anesthetic. My mom was crying her eyes out because she felt so bad about what was happening, and the doctor told me it was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. The newest harry potter book had just come out, and was expensive, but my mom bought it for me and cooked my favorite meal of or THREE days in a row.

I’m not gonna lie, I was f*cking BAWLING when I had to go back for the check up on it because the doctor warned me that he might have to do it again if the infection returned. Which it didn’t. The doctor gave me the $50 my mom had paid for the appointment and said that he couldn’t accept money for what he did to me (still charged my insurance though).

Which I gave to my mom for the book (I usually had to work for the money for the harry potter books). Which my mom used to take our family out to dinner as a celebration for the infection not returning.”

8. Water!


I was in college and I got mono terribly. I had a high fever and my throat was mostly closed and I couldn’t swallow at all. Eventually everything just felt like a dull pain, until I’d move and it would become a very sharp pain.

I remember somehow getting to the campus medical ward, and the nurse telling me I was at a 10 pain level. In any case 2 IVs later and I was feeling a lot better.

Later on I broke two vertebrae in a car crash and the dehydration was considerably worse.”

9. Intense pain.

“Being burned alive on 30% of my body and surviving in critical condition and then having to rehab in an ICU.

The searing neurological pain of repeated debriding to promote healthy tissue growth was so much worse than the initial burning.

This was 10 years ago and I literally started crying as I am writing this, just from how vividly I can remember the pain.”

10. Jesus!

“In my early 20’s I had 6 operations for a pilonidal sinus, for which there wasn’t ONE procedure that was 100% effective.

One surgery left the wound open and packed with gauze. A full bottle of gauze. The idea was to remove the gauze and the wound heals from the bottom up.

By the time the initial change of dressing happened over 6 hours had passed and the blood on the gauze had dried and adhered to the walls of the wound. It took 3 big orderlies to hold my legs still and I gripped the handrails of the bed so hard the IV popped out of my arm.

My dad said it was like watching a clown pull the endless rainbow handkerchief out of it’s mouth.”

11. Scooter accident.

“Was going about 50mph on my vespa when the car to the right of me decided that the right lane between two intersections was the best place for a u-turn.

I was luckily thrown clear, did a couple of flips and smacked into the pavement. No serious injuries except for some road rash and… a compound dislocation on my big toe.

Get to the ER and the doctor says, “if we can’t get this back in you are going to need surgery.” He then spends the next 10 minutes trying to force my bone back into the body manually with small breaks while he examines and tries to figure out why it isn’t working.

Turns out the bones in the tip of my toe were basically shattered so while he is squeezing my toe trying to shove the bit of bone back in the shards in the tip were just grinding together.

He eventually got frustraded and gave up. A young orthopedic surgeon came in later wanting to take a crack at it, first question he asked was, “has he gotten any morphine yet?” followed by, “why the f*ck not?”

Dr. Kim, I will be forever grateful to you.”

12. Not numb enough.

“Did surgery to remove my two wisdom tooth but the dentist just used 1/4 of the anesthesia dosage.

I felt everything and even nearly passed out when she got to broke my tooth in 4 pieces .”It’s gonna hurt a little bit”, she said. And I didn’t complain cause thought I was overreacting.

She also touch the nerve while removing the tooth pieces and again almost fainted. Got back to my house like I’ve had been violated, remaining in the fetal position for hours.

All this cause I had dental insurance and didn’t actually pay for the surgery.”

13.  And it happened in public.

“Sneezed while holding my nose and blew out my eardrum. Guys, you know how your parents told you not to do that? There is a really good reason.

I was traveling on the subway when it happened and ended up rolling on the ground almost screaming in pain. I may have been screaming, I don’t know as I couldn’t hear it. Massive ringing in the ear, stabbing pain right into the brain.

Felt like my head exploded and it doesn’t go away. Pain was there for days, hearing loss was a heck of a lot longer although it does fade.”

What’s the worst pain you’ve ever felt in your life?

Tell us your stories in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share the Worst Pain They’ve Ever Felt appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Knew Killers Talk About When They Knew Something Was Wrong

Have you ever know anybody who killed someone?

I haven’t…at least not that I know of…

But, as you can imagine, there are a lot of people out there who have. And we’re in luck because they have some tales to tell.

People on AskReddit shared their stories about knowing murderers. Let’s check them out.

1. Distracted.

“He lived down the hall from me and we hung out sometimes but not like just the two of us. Still, we’d chill at each other’s place regularly.

I passed him one day in the stairwell and I said hi. He said hi back but called me by the wrong name. He was really distracted and kind of awkward. He didn’t make eye contact and kept moving.

I remember thinking maybe we we don’t know each other as well as I thought. Later he was playing Nintendo (yep, my N64 – this was a while ago) with my roommate when I came home. He apologized and said his mind was elsewhere.

A couple days later there are cops all over the building, interviewing people and searching his place. They’d found the guy’s roommate with a bullet in the back of his head in an abandoned lot across town. The next day he confessed.”

2. The creeps.

“There was a kid I went to high school with who always gave me the creeps, we had a lot of mutual friends so we always ended up hanging out and it always made me feel really uncomfortable.

Our senior year he got suspended for like a week because someone had found and turned in a hit list he had made, no one really took it too seriously. About three years after we graduated he was in the news for murdering a man in our town that he barely knew.

He told the police that he held the man’s eyes open so he could watch his life leave his body.”

3. A little odd.

“Had an employee on my work crew, acted strange and wouldn’t listen to direction.

Had goofy huge sideburns. Ended up going to jail for a short time, when he got out he shot his girlfriends and her parents.”

4. Uncomfortable.

“Looking back, I should have known immediately, but I didn’t even know what I was seeing.

In 2016, I was working as a server, and one of my coworkers was always complaining about her sh*tty husband and how they always fought. They were from Chicago, and kind of just always loud and aggressive, so I didn’t think much of it.

One night, they both came in for dinner and drinks and sat in my section, and I was looking forward to finally meeting her husband so I could give him a face…I just remember not being able to look him in the eye; feeling super uncomfortable any time I needed to go over to their table, because my friend would try to spark convo—and I wanted to talk to her—but the guy’s presence just sitting there would make my skin crawl.

They left that night but soon she stopped coming to work and then, a couple weeks later, news broke about the murder-suicide (husband being the murderer).

It was heartbreaking…and I no longer take lightly word of domestic disputes.”

5. A kind person.

“I knew this kid my entire life. We were friends in elementary and middle school (more middle school.) He was your typical redneck kid but a kind person.

Imagine if Pinky from Pinky and the Brain grew up in the rural south. Well as people do in school we drifted apart. He honestly wasn’t the person in the group I was friends with he was just in that circle. So we went about out lives.

A year after we graduated in the same town we all grew up in he killed his entire family. Mother, brother, stepsister, father. Just for no reason. Nothing really provoked him from my understanding. He left and went to ride atv’s with his friend later that day. They caught him and he had no memory of it.

He went to court and got life and never could recount a single moment (at least he said.) It was weird seeing this kid who was to your knowledge just dumber than a bag of hammers yet a odd innocence to him, on trail for such atrocities. He just sat stone faced the entire time.

Almost like he didn’t understand what had happened. Not to say I felt bad for him but I felt something, sadness perhaps.”

6. Anger issues.

“My biological dad ended up murdering my step-mom. Everyone in my family, my mom and two older brothers definitely knew that something was up.

He had severe anger issues and was very abusive, some of the earlier memories I have are of him choking one of my brothers. He even almost choked my mom to death a couple of times. Obviously my mom was smart and divorced him as he didn’t want to see him kill my brothers.

Years later I come home from school and my mom and step-dad take us all to the side and tell us he shot our step-mom and was currently in jail. None of us were surprised. If anything I was just so grateful my mom left him.

It’s so strange that I am directly related to a murderer.”

7. Jose.

“The first time I met him.

Jose was a friend of my ex and something immediately seemed off. He was sneaky, always lying and cheating (but not good at it cause he was dumb), and a total narcissist as well. I told my ex to keep his distance, that Jose would only get him into some sh*t.

Not only did he set my ex up to be robbed, Jose snitched on a bunch of other people, and finally snapped on stranger in a fit of road/roid rage and stabbed him.

The guy he killed was fairly young and a good kid, just in the wrong place at the time. I hope that *sshole rots in prison.”

8. Class clown.

“Kid I went to school with from 5th to 8th grade. He was always a d*ck. Typical class clown but with a mean streak.

When we hit middle school he was always making comments about/to girls that were incredibly inappropriate. I never liked him and hated being around him.

He ended up getting into meth and shot his mom and dad in their sleep while high. His mom died and his dad survived but was severely injured. Last I heard he was crying crocodile tears saying he regrets everything and wants another chance.

But knowing him, it’s total bullsh*t. He deserves to rot.”

9. Right away.

“The moment he told me that back home in Russia he once shot a guy who kept insulting him.

Weirdest wedding party encounter ever – but it seems I’m distantly related to a murderer since around 13 years or so.”

10. Rage.

“I know one and still keep in contact with him. We all knew he had issues with rage, but we never thought he would’ve killed someone.

We worked together at this restaurant for a while and we got really close. Like if I wasn’t in a committed relationship at the time I would’ve dated him. He was super chill, down to earth and the sweetest person…until something triggered him. He didn’t get angry often, but he had triggers that would send him into a rage.

He was horribly abused as a child by his father, so there was a lot of resentment towards men that looked like his dad or talked down to him. That is where we bonded, because I was abused by my mother. Thankfully, I had the resources to manage my trauma. Unfortunately, he did not.

His parents believed that God was going to cure his traumas. It got to the point where his mother left, because his father would pull him out of therapy as soon as they would start making progress and she couldn’t deal with it anymore.

He ended up suffering from a concussion about 6 months after I met him. He was helping a friend move and had a dresser fall on his head. After this he wasn’t the same. He quit coming into work and went almost radio silent. We would still talk, but we weren’t as close as we were before.

At the time, I was moving into the city and he lived in the suburbs so we had planned on getting together to catch up! A week later, I got a call from my friend at 7 in the morning saying that he was in jail for hiding a body…I was shook.

After an investigation, they interrogated him and he confessed pretty quick. He beat his dad to death with a barbell and tried to hide the body in the house. Afterwards he ended up trying to kill himself but was unsuccessful, so he just left the house. After he was booked, I sent him a letter to check in on him.

He had suffered from a psychotic episode and only remembers moments from the act. He’s now serving 40 years with the possibility of parole after 20. He’s medicated and doing really well! Last I checked he had a few activities he was responsible for managing and he was working through his traumas with a psych.”

11. Whoa.

“When he came looking for me because I was the only one that knew of the abandoned mine we both found when exploring as kids.

It had been years since we had talked and he suddenly showed up looking for me.

He killed his roommate because he was gay and made a pass at him. Dumped the body in the mine in Boulder County, Colorado.”

12. Wasn’t “off” at all.

“He was the sweetest, kindest, gentle giant kind of guy. Kind of a weirdo, but still a great guy overall. I remember once that he shed a tear just by talking about his kid, because he was so filled with emotion from having him in his life.

He turned out to kill his wife, kidnap his child, start the longest Amber Alert in the history of Canada, as he tried escaping to a different province he killed another man to steal his car.

I’m still unsure today if I should have seen anything at any point. It comes to haunt my nightmares from time to time.”

How about you?

Have you ever known someone who turned out to be a killer?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments. Thanks a lot.

The post People Who Knew Killers Talk About When They Knew Something Was Wrong appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Knew Murderers Share When They Knew Something Felt Off

I have a buddy who grew up and went to school with a guy who, a few years out of high school, ended up murdering two women.

He’s often told me about what this person was like before he became a killer and I’ve always found the whole thing very fascinating.

And you probably feel the same way if you’re here reading this article.

AskReddit users who knew killers talk about when they knew something was wrong.

1. Awful.

“Sat next to him in choir class. He was always kind of off.

He operated on his own wavelength. Constantly in his own world, never really engaging with anybody. People just didn’t really exist on his radar. On a class trip we slept in the same hotel room and he walked around naked like I wasn’t even there.

I always assumed he was autistic, but in hindsight it might have been something much worse, like schizophrenia. He never seemed violent, but nobody ever talked to him enough to ever make that conclusion in the first place.

A few months ago he beat and stabbed his mother to death with a kitchen knife. It was so bad dental records were needed to identify the body. He cut off one of her breasts and implied in his confession that he ate part of it. He waited until his dad came home from work to show him what he’d done.

Claimed he saw a sign from the devil that told him to kill her. (That may have been a lie. From what I heard he was very excited to tell the police what he had done. And from what I do know about him, he might have said it for the attention.) He turned himself in, waived his Miranda rights, and confessed to everything.

When the cops found him he was literally soaked in blood. He refused to shower it off, so they had to hose him down before they put him in a cell. He’s looking at 40 years in prison.

His Mom was an amazing woman, she tailored our suits for choir and was constantly volunteering. If there was an event, she was there. She was gonna be her town’s councilwoman next year. She loved her son very much. She didn’t deserve to die like that.”

2. Distant.

“I went through primary and high school with a guy in the year below me who seemed a little… distant. We lived near each other and caught the bus from the same stop.

He was a bit of a bully but it was something more. Like you could tell he wasn’t a bully because he was hurting inside or because he felt threatened in some way, he was a bully because he did what he wanted to do and didn’t realise that it hurt other people. Like the kind of kid who enjoyed pulling wings off flies.

Not long after I left my hometown I heard that he had been charged with the murder of a 2 year old. Apparently his girlfriend at the time left her daughter with him for an hour or so while she ran an errand. He couldn’t deal with the toddler crying anymore so he beat her.

He caused severe internal bleeding and she died in hospital not long after. He would have been around 22 when he did it. He was sentenced to 36 years with a non parole period of 27 years.

This happened in Australia around 2014.”

3. Cold and angry.

“I moved to a new town when I was 19 and was making new friends at my new job. I met this girl at work and she invited me over to hang out with her and her best friend.

I went and the best friend’s boyfriend was there and the vibes were waaay off. I was uncomfortable. He was cold, and just seemed angry for no reason. They had mentioned to me before he got there that he was always controlling and had hit the girl before.

Turns out controlling was an understatement. She came home one day and he was digging a hole in the backyard and she asked what he was doing and he replied “digging your grave.” He hit her, said if he can’t have her, nobody could have her, all of that.

So eventually she left him and had to get a restraining order and everything. He somehow persuaded her to get in a car with him on her work break and they went missing for a few days. Turns out he stabbed her to death, threw her in a river and killed himself.

I met the girl only a few times and him only the once but the face that I was in such close proximity to someone capable of that gives me chills. She was so young, it was really sad.”

4. Always off.

“I worked at a box store about 20 years ago, a guy I worked with was always “off,” and would give away pocket knives to other employees.

One day he came in with scratches all over his face; he had r*ped and murdered a disabled girl the day before, using a pocket knife he had given our co-worker later that day.”

5. My uncle.

“My uncle murdered somebody and is currently serving life in prison.

From my earliest memory I knew he had some screws loose.”

6. Father and son.

“I knew a guy who killed his dad with a baseball bat (found not guilty).

I met his dad when he came in to the bar I worked at. He was a nightmare. He would squeeze peoples’ hands when he shook them. He and his son were both boxers and the dad was really rough with him apparently.

The day he was found not guilty he sent a text to someone at the bay saying ‘I told you I would get off”.”

7. Not surprised…

“I know a guy who murdered a nurse and wanted our towns first serial killer. He bought a “murder kit” online and stabbed her over 50 times. Let’s call him Steve.

I knew him through scouts. Now, to preface, our scout troop was pretty laid back. We didn’t tend to bother with badges and the two troop leaders were pretty cool guys. Mostly we played silly games like crab football, built catapults to fire stuff across the hall at each other etc. You get the picture.

We were a little bit a gang of misfits. But Steve was really weird. First time it came out was when he would do this thing where he’d get his b*tt out and dance around. At first it was like outrageous and funny, and he kept getting told to stop.

When he kept doing it got a bit annoying (none of us were keen to see his bare arse…), then it got boring, then just outright weird when its not remotely funny, no one wanted him to do it and he continued.

He also used to bring in print outs of super gross porn (obviously confiscated and thrown away). Again, he was clearly trying to gross people out for his amusement.

A few times he was suspended for a week or so but give we were quite laid back and the troop leaders were good guys, they probably couldn’t bring themselves to bin him off completely.

It was a long time ago so I can’t recall all the details but I recall him being quite childish in mentality but also veeeery creepy.

When I found out i was shocked, but not surprised. Then I remembered I’d played hide and seek in the dark with this guy, in a hall with a kitchen full of knives…”

8. Regular guy.

“A regular customer in my shop.

He would come in to buy beer and tobacco. On one occasion he caught and helped us to evict a shoplifter. He seemed friendly enough. A local girl went missing and was eventually pulled out of a river a few weeks later.

Police announced they were looking for a man in connection with her death and it was him. They had CCTV footage of him tailing her through a park and footage of him buying beer in a shop, still unconfirmed to this day being our shop as they blurred out the surroundings.

Anyway, as we had a TV in our shop switched to the news channel as it was a rolling story local to us, we started to discuss the guy, if we saw him on the day she went missing, that kind of thing.

We hadn’t, but it was at that point when one of my staff, a young girl, who had previously said to management that she didn’t want to work the closing shift anymore because there was “too many creepy men around”, told us that he used to stare at her when he came in to the store in a way that made her uncomfortable enough to not want to be on the floor when he came in.

They never got to question him about the murder as he was found dead in a local park a few days later. He’d hung himself.”

9. Didn’t suspect anything.

“I never suspected a thing. She was the nicest woman, I even let her babysit my cousin when I had custody of him for a little while.

She was my neighbor (couple houses down) and everyone loved her, she grew gigantic pumpkins, was always outside, so everyone interacted with her a lot. I moved away and a few years later and was shocked to hear everything from my family and friends who still loved in the area.

The story: She was married to a man, I knew him from my time living there too. One day, he was just gone. She was all beaten up. She said he beat her up (we always suspected this happened before this incident) and had left her because he got a woman pregnant a few towns over. We never heard from him again, but didn’t really have a reason to.

She would mention every once in a while that he was still harassing her and was even beat up on another occasion after his disappearance. He was self-employed and didn’t really have any family, no one suspected anything. Three years later she was dating another man. While dating this man, the police had been investigating her for stealing money from the grocery store she worked at.

They went to the boyfriends cabin, where they both were, to arrest her. She came to the door, said ok, let me go put on some clothes. The police waited at the door (I obviously wasn’t here for this part, so this is what I hear). The police then hear two gunshots. They run inside and she had poured gasoline and set the house on fire then shot her dog then herself. It took some time to get the house fire under control.

Once they did, and began investigating, they found another body in the basement that didn’t die in the fire, but several days earlier. The body in the basement was her boyfriend. Then, they began investigating further, and found a blue 55 gallon drum in her backyard that contained her husband.

So, she killed 2 people and her dog, and all she was suspected of was stealing from the grocery store.”

10. Nobody liked him.

“My ex-coworker was always a huge d*ck who nobody liked to work with.

He’d always be on his phone and talking to someone, even when he had a customer waiting to order in the drive-thru. The moment I knew he had something wrong with him was when I caught him “looking for his dab pen” in one of the lockers in the backroom.

He always used a top locker, but he was searching through one at the bottom, which happened to be my locker for the day. I told him that, so he just stared me in the face for a second, and walked away.

Later that same year, I learned that he shot and killed someone at a gas station.”

11. Deep sadness.

“A co-worker lived with his elderly dad. He was a super nice, but just always had this deep sadness behind his face.

His gf broke up with him, his dad’s health went south. Everything became too much so he shot his dad and then himself. Even after hearing that, I felt bad for him.

He seemed like a dude with a big heart and if he just had a day to decompress and someone to talk to, I think it would have gone a lot differently.”

Have you ever been acquainted with a killer or a violent criminal?

If so, tell us about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you. Thanks.

The post People Who Knew Murderers Share When They Knew Something Felt Off appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Farthest They Ever Went in a Game of Truth or Dare

Do you remember the good old days of Truth or Dare from when you were a youngster?

Or hell, maybe adults still play it, too? They probably do, knowing what society is like these days…

Anyway, the point of the game was to really push the limits and see how insane things could get…

AskReddit users talked about how far they went in games of Truth or Dare. Let’s take a look.

1. That worked out.

“I was dared to grab a girl’s bo*bs and let her grab mine too.

I was a fat kid, but also girl bo*bs are great so it evens out.”

2. Backfired.

“In grade 6 I was dared to lick a fence in the playground.

The day after I had this pleasant little disease called ‘Thrush’.”

3. Close call.

“I almost drowned in my friend’s duck pond because they dared me to swim with the ducks.”

4. Better fun fast!

“A female friend and I chose dare together.

Our friends said take off all your clothes and run across a recently frozen pond.

We did it but man was that ice cracking.”

5. Shenanigans.

“Rowed across a lake naked at night.

During the expedition some random campers saw a “white thing” floating across the lake and shined a flashlight on me.

They busted up laughing. I hid at the bottom of the canoe until they turned their light off.”

6. Gettin’ wild!

“Hanging out of a window with only my legs still in the room, in order to touch the outer wall with my forehead.

Really drunk and being held by drunk friends.

13 floors off the ground…”

7. You never know what’ll happen.

“Two extreme opposites that stand out are:

Full s*x.

Roly-poly down some stairs.”

8. This is epic.

“After a looooooong night of drinking, a small (five-ish?) group of us decided to play truth or dare as the sun was coming up.

At some point, I was dared to streak down two city blocks. I did so, in cowboy boots and covered in mustard from an earlier dare. It was cold, I was bad at running due to drinking and smoking cigarettes all night, and I was pretty sure I was going to die.

Alas, I lived and ended up with a brutal hangover later that morning.”

9. Ouch!

“I jumped over a snowball and broke my nose.”

10. Let’s get naked.

“We were a group of 8 friends, in a friend’s house. 3 males and 5 females.

All of us were pretty conservative when it came to nudity and anything s*xual, because all of us were raised in a conservative environment.

We decided to play truth or dare, and at some point all of us were in just our underwear, and later completely naked.”

11. Putting on a show.

“Put my d*ck in a cantaloupe in front of girls.

Should’ve microwaved it for warmth first.”

12. Drunken antics.

“We, a group of good friends of 5 – consisting of three females and us two males – had a game night with classic quiz and card games plus drinks of course.

It was a light affair with reasonable alcohol consumption since we are in our mid- 20s.

Then suddenly my buddy pulled out some Vodka and made all of us drink shots in “quick fire mode“. One of the girls insisted on playing Truth& Dare.

It ended up in us stripping our clothes, giving lap dances to each other, *ss spanking and some making out.

A real passionate night between friends. Our little secret.”

13. Good times…

“Was in the Marines, at a party and was dared to run outside and dance a jig in the middle of a generally suburban street…

Wearing a sombrero and naked except for my white socks. I did a little river dance while they completely lost it from the balcony.

Ahhh, good times.”

How about you?

Do you remember the farthest you went during a game of Truth or Dare?

Confess your sins to us in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Farthest They Ever Went in a Game of Truth or Dare appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss What Food Folks Should Try if They Visit Their Home Countries

One of the great joys of traveling is trying different cuisines from all kinds of regions.

It just never gets old, ya know?!?!

And I’m the kind of person who could spend a lifetime traveling and eating and I’d still never be satisfied…are you like that, too?

What food should people try in your country?

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Polish food is great.


Pierogi (Slavic dumplings). Try cheese and potato pierogi, fried and topped with sour cream/bacon/fried onion. Also try sweet pierogi’s- with blueberries, strawberries etc. You can also eat them as is or top them with sour cream and sugar or a little bit of whipped cream.

Bigos (Hunter’s stew with cabbage, sausage, mushrooms)

Placki po zbojnicku/wegiersku (potato pancakes with goulash- meat stew). They are often topped with sour cream

Golabki: stuffed cabbage with rice and ground beef. It’s served mostly with tomato sauce or mushroom sauce

Barszcz czerwony: beet soup. It is freaking delish.

Zapiekanka: toasted open faced sandwich that’s made on baguette bread. It’s usually made with mushrooms, cheese and topped with ketchup and green onions but there are MANY different varieties. It’s a very popular street food

Cwikla/Buraki – grated beet salad, often with horseradish. It’s a very popular side dish

Mizeria- made with either tomatoes or cucumbers. It’s a salad with vegetables and sour cream.”

2. Holland.

“I used to live in The Netherlands and I love the country, but the food I was enjoying a lot was Kibbeling!

I can really just recommend it to anyone.

Eat it when you are in Rotterdam at the Maarkthall.”

3. Yummy.

“For Austria I would say Kaiserschmarren (sweet, a little bit like pancakes) and Gulaschsuppe (soup with vegetables and sausage).”

4. Germany.


Imagine Mac’n’cheese, but instead of noodles it’s with some dough stuff. And with onions.

I would kill for this dish.”

5. Down Under.

“If you want to try Vegemite DO NOT eat a spoonful of it or spread it thickly on toast.

You butter the toast then put a thin spread on.

I always cringe when I watch people trying Vegemite and eating a ton of it not even most Australians who have grown up on the stuff would like it like that.”

6. Sounds good.

“Scottish Indian Food

It’s a distinct thing, different even from British Indian. Lots of onion based gravy blended down to hide the vegetables, crisp fried pakoras, huge pillowy naan.

It wouldn’t be recognizable by an Indian person but it follows its own conventions – every Scottish Indian Restaurant will have largely the same dishes on the menu with some house specialities.

It’s the most comforting thing to me, and there’s probably an argument for it being the most authentic Scottish food – the vast majority of people here will have eaten a tikka masala way more often than venison or salmon.

And we love to argue about which place does it best.”

7. USA!

“A crab/seafood boil (if you’re up in Maine, USA).

It’s a delicious mess of crab, red potatoes, ears of corn, sausage, and whatever seafood you want to add like shrimp, mussels, lobster, etc.

You boil it all together in a big pot with old bay, white wine, and a bunch of other seasonings and then you dump it out onto a picnic table and everyone goes to town on it.

It’s a glorious mess!”

8. Viva Mexico!


Taco Bell ain’t nothing compared to the original here in Mexico.

Also this plate called birria which is kinda like beef stew but with a little twist.”

9. England.

“Fish and chips, out of the paper. Preferably eaten on the sea front, on a cool day. Mushy peas or curry sauce optional but delicious.

Alternatively, go to the black country and get the battered chips because for some reason it’s not enough that the fish is covered in batter, we must have the chips battered too.

And it is glorious.

While you’re at it, get some bread and butter and make a chip butty because that is comfort food. You want the chips hot enough to melt the butter a little bit.

A full English breakfast. And then you must also try a Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish and Irish version at some point too.

And find a pub with a nice fire on a cold night and drink a pint of something local. We have so many breweries in the UK, so look for guest ales or ciders and try one. Most good pubs will recommend something.”

10. I’m getting hungry…


Milanesas, asado (for meat lovers), dulce de leche, mate, chocotorta, empanadas, choripan (we eat them usually with asado.

We also have morcipan but the most popular one is choripan hahah) and alfajores.”

11. Different regions.

“If you’re traveling to India, each frekkin region will have excellent and distinct cuisine.

Pork Vindaloo, Chettinad Chicken and appam, Bhapa Ilish (Hilsa fish coated with spices, wrapped in banana leaves, steamed), Makkai roti with sarson saag, vada pao, aloo tikki and other chaat, some mutton gosht and naan (I forget the name of the area now where this is found, in Mumbai).. these are just a few that come to mind.

Indian cuisine is so diverse and brilliant.”

12. When in Spain.

“If you go to Spain, maybe try Tumbet. It’s a Majorcan dish consisting of stacked layers of fried eggplant, zucchini and potato, with some bayleaf dressed tomato sauce on top.

Yep, it’s absolutely amazing, and sadly, I think people don’t really know any Spanish dish other than tortilla, jamon and paella.”

13. Okay, now my mouth is watering.

“Chicken Rice in Singapore.

It is a staple everywhere and you can select either steamed or roasted chicken. Rice is fragrant and cooked in chicken broth.

The accompanying sweet soy sauce and chili-garlic-lime make the whole dish.”

What do you think?

What foods should people definitely try in your country?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Discuss What Food Folks Should Try if They Visit Their Home Countries appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What Ruins a Movie for Them Every Single Time

If you’re a movie lover, there’s probably at least one thing that happens in films that really makes you mad and ruins the whole darn thing for you.

Mine is an unnecessary love story. If it doesn’t fit, just get rid of it!

Now I’m all worked up and I need to calm down…

Let’s see what ruins movies every time for AskReddit users out there.

1. The big blow.

“Fight scenes where someone make a big blow (usually the villain), but instead of finishing the deal by smashing the brains out they start talking, bragging or some other cocky sh*t.

And whoops, the fight is back on like nothing happened…”

2. Annoying.

“Having to constantly have my remote in hand to turn down the absurdly loud action scene, to then have to crank the volume for the next dialogue that is far too low.

I’m sick of it.”

3. What’s the point?

“Added love story to an adaptation of a book with no love story.

(cough) The Hobbit (cough).”

4. Yeah, we see it.

“Badly implemented product placement.

Product placement itself doesn’t bother me. If there’s a character driving a Toyota, or eating a Pizza Hut pizza, I don’t care.

If there’s a pointless shot in the movie that shows the Bud Light logo for 10 seconds, I mind”

5. I love you…

“Unnecessary love scenes where the main character and a side character fall in love just cause, despite having known each other for like five minutes.”

6. Beauty standards.

“When the movie calls for an ugly guy, they get an ugly guy.

When the movie calls for an ugly girl, they get a s*xy girl and dress her in dumpy clothes.”

7. Well, that doesn’t seem real.

“When it’s very obvious when someone isn’t actually having a conversation on the phone.

They just say their lines without giving enough pause for the other person to respond.

I also hate when you’re supposed to be looking at security footage but it’s clearly just a previous shot that’s had a filter put over it.”

8. That was easy.

“The bit where hackers take 20 seconds of furious typing to disable a country’s infrastructure.”

9. Not a fan.

“Action scenes with lots and lots of cuts, that make it obvious (or appear like) the actors can’t do the fight choreography.”

10. The whole shebang.

“When the premise for a major conflict in the movie is something that any sane person would have just said “oh no there’s a misunderstanding” and they all have a laugh and go on with their days…but instead it turns into some convoluted drama.

Roger Ebert called it The Idiot Plot, where a ten-second conversation would have eliminated the need for the movie.”

11. We gotta hurry!

“When there is a timer and it takes longer to count down than the time that was called/shown. It drives me crazy.

Generic example, 50 seconds until a bomb explodes. Dialogue for 30 seconds. Timer is showing 30 seconds left. More dialogue for 40 seconds. Timer is at 5 seconds.

Quick one-liner, bomb defused with one second to go.”

12. Okay, it’s over.

“When all you have to do is beat the boss and the entire army just collapses.

Pretty much every alien and robot-using invasion has this hive concept.”

13. This doesn’t look right…

“When there’s a 20+ year age gap between the leading actor and actress and it’s not addressed in the movie, especially when the movie pretends like they’re around the same age.

“We’re both experienced, leading scientists in our fields, even though I look like a grizzled war veteran and you’re fresh off the set of High School Musical.””

14. This person has some thoughts.

“I’ve got six things get me every time:

Motivation. The antagonist has to have a motivation that the audience can understand, and perhaps even sympathize with. The cardboard, “I’m a bad guy, because I like being bad and being bad is good – GRRRRR!” is so tiresome. I’ll even accept the “banality of evil” like your Adolph Eichmann’s, but the ones who make a display of relishing being bad? Not so much.

Violence without consequence. Sure, the good guy got beaten within an inch of his life, but the next day he’ll get up and mete out justice, where he would normally be looking at 3 months of PT/OT. I have friends who’ve been on the wrong end of a physical trauma. It’s not pretty.

War without consequence. War is brutal and ugly, and lots of people die in it. This should include multiple key characters in your movie. Not just the “we’ll give this guy screen time with the stars and he’ll be the one we kill off”. Saving Private Ryan was fantastic in this regard, because they were willing to kill off characters and you cared when they did.

Timing/monologuing. Nobody delays the start, middle, or end of a fight for a monologue. If someone is intent on killing someone, the moment that opportunity comes, they’re probably going to take it without launching into a 3 minute speech and give them time to rally.

Guns and gunfights that defy physics. The pistol that launches a guy 3 feet backwards when shot. The gun with a suppressor that makes a sound like a mouse farting from across the street. The guy who dies instantly from a gunshot to the chest. The gunfight in a confined space where everyone isn’t deafened at the conclusion.

“BASED ON A TRUE STORY” is so abused. There’s time when you have so much to tell that you have to abbreviate it or change the story to keep the key elements. HBO’s Chernobyl is an example where they had to consolidate multiple characters into Ulana Khomyuk, and that’s fine. But when there’s a tapestry of fiction to make the thread of truth interesting, I’m out.”

Now we want to hear from you.

What ruins a movie for you every time?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Share What Ruins a Movie for Them Every Single Time appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Farthest You’ve Gone in a Game of Truth or Dare? People Chimed In About This.

Truth or Dare is part of growing up.

Yes, it is a terrifying staple that caused me great anxiety and emotional scars, but it’s still something that most people play at some point in their lives.

And things definitely got weird…

What’s the farthest you’ve gone in a game of Truth or Dare?

It’s time to get wild with some folks on AskReddit.

1. Run for it!

“Got dared to run around the block naked, it wasn’t NYE’s but might have been close. I’m running I took the half block option because well I’m chubby and therefore less running.

So I do the main street portion of the run few honks all is well. The back stretch runs along a park on one side church on the other. There’s a guy running from the park and at first I think awww, poor little white guy running from the big black naked guy what a f*cked up evening for him.

Then I glanced over at the church and see fire in the windows and realize ohh he’s running from the fire he started and give chase. My friends waiting outside our apartment complex with a robe and a shot see random stranger run by, then me in full on naked chase mode yelling call the cops and the fire department.

So I gained a bit on that guy, but like a block down I realized we just called the cops and the fire department the fire department is an alley away from us and I’m naked black guy running through the neighborhood I need some clothes. Turn back and make it to my friends and a robe just in time for the cops to roll up. Fire department showed came over a few minutes later.

Fire was an xmas tree in the park, my drunk *ss saw the reflection in the church windows. Cops had also got a call about streakers but didn’t mention it till they left. So the furthest I’ve gone is about a half mile balls out.”

2. Had to do it.

“Once when I was a teenager I was dare to urinate in the middle of the road.

It was the middle of winter and there was about 4″ of snow And of course, Of Course my bladder decided to be shy. I thought my lady bits would freeze off.

But, a dares a dare.”

3. Caught!

“Thought that it was a good idea to take a dare of streaking across the school football field, without taking notice of the security cameras.

Long story short I got suspended for a week.”

4. Escalated quickly.

“A girl dared me to take my clothes off, so I did.

I dared her to take her clothes off, so she did.

My friend dared us to kiss which just led to us having s*x on the floor of the host’s bedroom.”

5. That worked out!

“Got dared to kiss this guy [repeatedly] at a birthday party.

He was one of two single guys, I was the only single girl.

10 years later, we’re still together and have a 16 month old.”

6. You asked for it.

“Someone once dared me to stab them with a pencil, no hesitation. So I stabbed him with my pencil. No hesitation.

Broke skin, but didn’t cause much damage, luckily”

7. You’re a true champion.

“Ended up giving a bl*wjob in front of our friends to a one handed guy named Lefty off of a dare.

I get overly competitive!!”

8. Not shy.

“Was dared to kiss my best friend, also a guy.

We did, and the crowd went wild. They wanted us to strip each other naked.

Jokes on them though, we’d been friends so long I had seen him naked more times than I could count (in the locker rooms and during group s*x).”

9. Foot fetish.

“Some chick dared me to suck some dudes toes and I obliged.

Later I had her gagging on mine.

Overall it was an alright night.”

10. Lost your V Card.

“Lost my virginity to my neighbor on a dare.

I’d say that’s pretty far into crazy territory. Her name was Tara, and I was so smitten by her. If you must know, I have zero regrets.

She grew up to be a beautiful woman and has a loving husband and three children. Life is beautiful.”

11. Classy.

“Anal s*x with a really cute and really crazy redhead

No regrets.”

12. Bad idea.

“In middle school my brother and I were dared to jump down a flight of stairs.

It was about 9 or 10 steps and we had seen it done before and thought it wasn’t a big deal. I went first and landed pretty hard but nothing serious. When my brother jumped he landed wrong and dislocated his ankle and messed up his arm pretty badly.

To this day he can actually pop his ankle in and out of its socket without feeling pain. It looks disgusting and freaks people out though.

I cringe when people ask him if he can do any cool party tricks…”

13. You won!

“I was dared to swap underwear with a girl and come out wearing them to prove it.

I was a virgin at the time.

I won.”

14. Dangerous.

“I once dangled from a 50 foot bridge.

I’m my defense I was suffering from a dissociative disorder at the time so nothing felt “real”.

I did a lot of stupid sh*t that year.”

How about you?

What’s the farthest you’ve ever gone in a game of Truth or Dare?

Spill your guts in the comments!

The post What’s the Farthest You’ve Gone in a Game of Truth or Dare? People Chimed In About This. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Worst Pain They’ve Ever Experienced

Pain don’t hurt.

Honestly, it does, but I just REALLY wanted to quote Patrick Swayze in Road House because it’s the greatest film of all time…

What do you think is the worst pain you’ve ever felt in your life?

Let’s feel the pain with folks on AskReddit!

1. Not pleasant.

“A drunk girl decided to start cooking during a house party at my place while I was in university…

She filled a pan with oil, turned it on max then went outside to have a smoke. (I was not in the kitchen). Few minutes later, the smoke alarm goes off as the oil had started to burn.

I didn’t realize how full it was, and when I grabbed the handle, the boiling oil spilled back onto my hand and I got severe burns all over it.

The pain just kept getting progressively worse the for hours and hours. Ended up getting a skin graft.

…. I’ve also had MASSIVE kidney stones and have been stabbed twice. Oil burn > Kidney stones > Stabbings.”

2. Sounds terrible.

“I once had an infection inside my wisdom tooth, that was the worst pain I’ve experienced.

Painkillers didn’t touch it, and just breathing was agony.

I spent 2 days awake before I could get it removed.”

3. Well, that’s weird.

“One time I woke up to terrible pain in my lower stomach, it was so bad that I kept on fainting and throwing up.

I was taken to the hospital and they couldn’t find anything, then the pain just magically went away.”

4. It was ugly.

“Appendix rupturing.

Thought I was just having a stomach ache, waited in bed for hours, got so bad I couldn’t walk.

Ambulance came and had to wheel me out in the fetal position. Emergency surgery, almost died, hospitalized for 2 1/2 weeks.

It was ugly.”

5. Broken arm.

“When I was in third grade I broke my arm jumping off a swing.

It was Labor Day weekend, so I guess all the good doctors at the hospital were on vacation, and the resident who was treating me set my arm wrong. They didn’t notice until I went back for follow up x-rays a couple weeks later, to check how I was healing.

My bones had already partially healed, but the angle was wrong, so what they did was saw open a bit of my cast and insert a wedge device, and crank it until my forearm was straight (they needed to bend it a good 30 degrees). I didn’t get any sort of pain killer.

Hurt like hell.”

6. Not big enough!

“Gallstones trying to move through a tiny space that wasn’t big enough for them.”

7. Scary.

“Had an ovarian cyst that burst. First it felt like normal pediod pain. Fast forward an hour later, I am throwing up in the bathroom and crying.

Of course I had no painkillers in the house and it was around 6 am so no store was open. The only thing I could think of doing, was drive to work because I knew there was medical kit with painkillers.

So I drove there in complete agony (very safe). I took few painkillers and went to lie on the conference room floor. Nice suprise to my colleagues when they arrived.

After that episode I got endometriosis diagnosis.”

8. Intense.

“I had to get a physical for the Navy. They found minute amounts of blood in my urine. You couldn’t see it when I peed, only using their testing process.

They had to figure out what was wrong with my bladder. First was a ultrasound of my full bladder. Annoying, but not painful. Then, apparently, the prostate can cause that type of issue. Got a finger up the b*tt. Again, uncomfortable, but not really painful. The last thing was to shove a camera up my urethra.

They gave me Vicodin and Valium, the same thing that gave me for my vasectomy. Nothing else pain wise was given. We’ll, as soon as they shoved the camera up my d*ck, I sobered up and felt the most intense pain ever.

They proceeded to wiggle it around in my bladder and trip my bladder is full switch. Got done and tried to pee. Visible blood this time and I felt violated for the rest of the day.

Found the same blood about 4 years later. Made them knock me out because I wasn’t doing that awake again.

Nothing conclusive was found. Doc said that some people have microscopic amounts of blood in their urine. I happen to be one of the unlucky ones.”

9. Whoa.

“I had a student stab me once.

16 stitches across my right ribs. It sucked, a lot, but when I got to the hospital and they started stitching it up, the adrenaline had worn off and the local anesthetic they gave me was not working.

The doctor (who I’m pretty sure studied medicine under Dr. Mengele) was not gentle or polite about it. Feeling him pierce my skin as he stitched me up made me throw up and black out.”

10. Agony.

“I once had to re-inflate my own lung after a 500cc pleural effusion was drained from one side.

Every breath was agony. I had to keep taking deep breaths over several hours to fully expand my lung to full size. Dr’s gave me Dilaudid every two hours that didn’t even touch the pain.

Only time I’ve ever gotten close to hitting a 10/10 pain.”

11. OMG.

“Got my foot cut off, but that wasn’t the worst pain.

When they removed the dressing from where they took the skin graft from my leg to replace the skin on my foot, it felt like they were peeling my skin off.”

12. Infected.

“I got a parasitic infection in my eye from using contacts in the shower, transmitted by my roommate’s ferret.

The months of light sensitivity sucked, as my eyes were effectively open sores.

Even a breeze on my face was rather painful.

But then came the surgery & treatment, where they anesthetized my eye and proceeded to scrape at it with a needle while I had to look on in horror and feel my eyeball pushed up against my skull.

Then for the next month I had to put literal bleach on my eye every 3 hours to sterilize it.

Imagine setting an alarm, putting bleach in your eyes, trying to fall asleep amid the burning, finally falling back asleep just before the alarm goes off again for another drop.

That definitely broke me.

Don’t f*ck around with contacts, kids.”

13. That sounds painful.

“I had a wart on the inside of my nose removed without any type of numbing.

It took two hours.”

14. Thanks for helping.

“I was getting in my car with my dog and my breakfast. I must’ve gotten in at a weird angle because my knee slipped out of place and I went crashing to the ground in pain.

As I got my bearings and tried to fix my leg, my dog just looked at me and ate my breakfast burritos.”

15. Bad timing.

“One time my Irritable Bowel Syndrome got so bad at a party that I had to call my wife to the bathroom to hold my hand because I couldn’t take it any more.

If it had gone on much longer I honestly think I would have passed out.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about the worst pain you’ve ever felt.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Talk About the Worst Pain They’ve Ever Experienced appeared first on UberFacts.