Person Wonders if They Have a Right to Be Mad After Getting Patted Down at Their Sister’s Wedding

I can’t say I’ve ever heard this one before…

Getting patted down at a wedding? That’s a new one!

But it happened and the woman who went through it took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to see if she was wrong for getting upset about it.

Take a look.

AITA for getting upset that my sister’s fiancé pulled me aside and patted me down at their wedding?

“The title sounds so stupid but here we go anyways.

I’m 24 and I’m an addict who has been in recovery for the past six months.

I used and used until I was basically in poverty and my older sister helped bail me out more than once.

She’s my best friend and I know it hurt her a lot to see me like that.

She also met her fiancé two years ago and he really only knew me as the junkie brother then. He’s not my biggest fan to say the least considering how much I put my sister through.

Despite this she still invited me to her wedding last week because I am her brother and she wanted me to be there.

When I get to the reception, my brother in law is greeting people as they walk in.

When I walk by he pulls me to the side and in front of everyone starts patting me down and says that he needs to check me to make sure I “didn’t bring anything in”. I instinctively pull away, because why wouldn’t I, and I tell him not to touch me.

He tells me to “calm down” and that if I want to be here then he needs to do this. I tell him he’s being ridiculous and I try to push past him. He stops me and tells me that he doesn’t want to throw me out but he “will if he has to.” I told him that he’s trying to look tough but it’s just making him look stupid.

At this point I’m getting more and more angry and I’m practically yelling in his face at this point. Bystanders came between us and separated us and told my BIL to just “drop it.” He said he would but that “they can deal with it when I get out of hand.”

I just went to go find a seat after that.

After the reception, a lot of my family told me that I should’ve let him just do it and that I was acting like a huge *sshole and like I had “something to hide.”

I don’t think he had any right to pat me down, especially in front of people and I don’t think my reaction was over the top. If anything, he was the one acting like a huge douche by trying to start drama so he can look tough. My sister has refused to take any sides in this.


And here’s how folks responded.

This reader said that the man’s reaction was totally out of line and he made a scene for no reason.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person pointed out that this could have been handled in so many different ways.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader had a totally different opinion and said that everyone was to blame in this situation.

They pointed out that the woman has been violent in the past but it probably could have been handled differently.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that the woman is to blame for getting that angry and that addicts just can’t be trusted at all.

Photo Credit: Reddit

One reader made a great point: if they didn’t want the drama, they probably just shouldn’t have invited the woman in the first place.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Well, that sure was a weird one…

And now we want to get your take.

Tell us what you think of this situation in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Person Wonders if They Have a Right to Be Mad After Getting Patted Down at Their Sister’s Wedding appeared first on UberFacts.

Is It Normal to Feel Like Everyone’s Secretly Mad At You?

There’s a saying that gets attributed to a lot of different people though its true origin is murky. It’s one that I come back to in my mind pretty often and it goes like this:

“You’ll worry less what others think of you when you realize how seldom they do.”

At first it feels cold and cynical, maybe even nihilistic, but that’s not how I interpret it.

We tend to live in this constant fear of the judgement we might be receiving from our peer groups, but the truth is, everyone else out there is also worried about themselves and their own issues. They’re probably not putting a ton of energy into evaluating you – they’re too busy for that.

And yet, thinking like this comes up all the time:

Is it normal to feel like everyone secretly dislikes you, being your friend only out of pity or kindness? If so, how did you over come this? from AskReddit

So what do we do about it? Here are ten pieces of seemingly solid advice from the people of Reddit.

1. Get some counseling.

Counseling – there is pure magic in moving your anxious thoughts into spoken word; once I heard myself speak these anxieties, they became kinda silly.

There is also magic in being able to bounce my anxious thoughts off of someone who is trained not to react to them. They are listening for the meaning and motivation behind your thoughts. Basically it’s like a doctor listening to your list of symptoms and determining what may be causing them.

I can remember being afraid of going to counseling because they might think I was stupid or crazy. It would be embarrassing!

Shift that thought…’s also embarrassing to have some weird thing going on in an unmentionable area, but you’re gonna go to a doctor because you’ve been to a doctor and know they are professionals that aren’t going to act like a 5 year old.

Counselors and Therapist are they very same.

– bostonbean7904

2. Remember, they’re busy.

[Something that helped was] the realization that I was giving people way too much credit believing they spent that much time thinking about me.

Seriously! We are pretty much the same in that when we walk away from some socially awkward conversation, that person is doing the exact same thing as you; worrying about how they sounded, looked, acted, what you must being thinking of them, analyzing every word and injecting (most often) wrong perspective, etc.

Their minds are no different than yours in that they shift to self more times than not. I call that little voice in my mind that creeps in my “Inner *sshole”.

I would never speak to a dearly loved companion the way that I talk to myself. I’ve learned to shift my perspective.

– bostonbean7904

3. It’s an ongoing process.

I have to do the work in my mind to keep [the good work] up.

Some people can just flip a switch and let that sh*t go, but i can guarantee that they didn’t just let it go that one time and then the anxiety never crept back in. Nope.

It just gets easier to let that sh*t go after you do the work and train your thought patterns.

The visual analogy that I use for something that I’m perseverating on is driving and seeing a billboard that catches my eye. It’s got this message that i just have to read and study so I pull over and just keep looking at it and I just get stuck at this billboard not being able to divert my attention enough to get back on the road.

And sweet Jesus, sometimes I just plow my car right into that mother f*cker and I’m really stuck. That billboard is not gonna move. I have to move. I have to shift my thought process just enough to get back on the road. The best is when you can see that billboard up ahead (because anxiety be what it be), roll down the window, and flip it off as you punch the gas.

– bostonbean7904

4. Communication is key.

Ask them!

I’ve really done my work on feeling like an imposter. […] I was one of those kids in class that was afraid of their own voice, never asking any questions, because what if they know I don’t know how to do this thing?


#1 on giving voice to your thoughts and realizing how silly they sound and then

#2, most people are stuck on self.

Ask them.

– bostonbean7904

5. Therapy won’t bite.

I was feeling like sh*t my whole life, but I also was afraid of therapy bc I thought that it would be too expensive, that I need years to find the one therapist who can help my very bad condition etc….

Instead I tried to cure myself with alcohol and drugs, you can guess how that worked. After 20 years of thinking about going to therapy, I finally did it, it was just how you say: hearing myself speaking out these thoughts was half of the rent.

It took me four sessions, best 500 bucks I ever invested, know I’m full of energy and good thoughts.

It happens from time to time, that the anxiety is crawling back, but therapy gave me the right instruments to deal with it

– fluent_sleeper

6. Calibrate your warning systems.

Sometimes it’s helpful to know why the anxiousness keeps creeping up, and it’s even more important to have a positive attitude towards its presence.

I’m not saying trick yourself into enjoying something unpleasant, because that’s inauthentic. But the anxiety is coming from our internal warning system, whose only two main functions are to keep us safe and productive.

Our minds know we function better with human connection, so sometimes the warning systems that need a little “calibration” go into overdrive pointing out things that aren’t necessary threats.

Like thinking everyone in your friend group pities you. Our minds know it’s within the realm of possibility for that to be a reality; it would be naive to think there aren’t any people on Earth who do that.

So go easy on your warning system, be sure to thank it from time to time, and press forward with that compassion for yourself.

[…]consistent practice WILL make good results come to fruition. Thank you again for discussing this.

– ur_therapist_says_hi

7. It’s not all about you.

I will say a big thing for me was about 6 years ago I asked a friend if they were mad at me because I felt like I had upset everyone. I hadn’t done anything, just that feeling.

He said something that hit me like a ton of bricks. He said ” No, im not mad and nobody is thinking about you.”

It didn’t all change right then, I’ve learned alot about my own self centeredness and I’ve done a lot of therapy in the past 6 years.

Its freeing to realize everyone is concerned with themselves just as you are.

– RangerDull4048

8. Don’t be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Let me be clear: If people are in your company, THEY LIKE YOU.

That feeling you have, though? That is going to keep worming its way into your mind, looking for confirmation that it’s right, even going so far as to cause you act in ways that make it right.

You might make negative faces you don’t realize. You might not respond in the way a friend needs when they need it because you miss it wondering if it was about you. You might just act weird sometimes.

When people react accordingly, you will take it as confirmation that the feeling was right all along and these people were just faking their friendship.

You would do well to heed the therapy advice and get a handle on how to recognize that feeling as nothing more than an inner guide, and to take it under advisement without trusting it, or worse, acting on it.

– jt004c

9. Watch out for substance abuse.

The answer is not drugs or alcohol, right off the bat. I struggled with this for years. I wish I could saw I woke up and brushed it off but honestly when I was around 21 I just stopped caring what people thought.

It got to the point where the friends I previously thought only liked me because they “had to” starting calling me and asking me what’s wrong and if I could meet up with them.

It showed me in the end that I needed to stop worrying about things that made me unhappy or upset because they were issues that were created by me in my mind to feel bad about myself.

Not that I pitied myself or think that you may be doing the same. But my advice I guess would be to just relax friend. Things are rarely as bad as you make them out to be in your mind.

The mind is a powerful thing, and what you force into it can affect you in a monstrous way. You don’t deserve that. You deserve to know that you matter, and your friend recognize that.

– charres1020

10. Grateful vibes.

What’s been helping me is trying to act on grateful vibes but commenting or messaging on social media posts or commenting or even texting the person off social media to say I saw a post or something made me think of them.

I like the good feeling of someone I know taking the time to send a message or post a comment or a special “like” on a video or something I’ve posted so I love tried to practice not hesitating and if something makes me think of them.

I purposely don’t ask people “how they are” because it opens up the door to me having to explain my life if I’m bummed, but it opens up the door for a little appreciation both ways.

Once I started doing that I was getting more interaction back from them which helped create a positive cycle and a feeling of connection.

– Venting2theDucks

I think those are all pretty great pieces of advice. And if it turns out that it wasn’t in your head, that you’re just friends with a bunch of jerks, find new friends. You don’t need ’em. You deserve better.

Do you have any other thoughts on this topic?

Share them with us in the comments.

The post Is It Normal to Feel Like Everyone’s Secretly Mad At You? appeared first on UberFacts.

Was I Wrong for Kicking My Cousin off My Sister’s Wedding Zoom Call? Here’s How Folks Responded.

Family drama alert! And it’s comin’ in really hot!

And, because of the world we currently live in, we’re having family drama on Zoom! Of course, this was going to happen…

Anyway, take a look at this person’s story about what went down during a monumental zoom call and check out the reactions from Reddit users on the other side.

Let’s check it out.

AITA for kicking my cousin off of my sister’s wedding Zoom call?

“My [27M] older sister [30F] and her fiancé [31M] were planning for over a year for their wedding to be this month.

Obviously, they can’t have the wedding as planned, but they still would like to get married, so they decided on a “Zoom” wedding where all of the family/friends would just call in to watch the officiant, my sister, and her fiancé.

My sister didn’t want to be in charge of hosting the Zoom call because she thought it would stress her out, so she asked me to and I gladly accepted.

She and her fiancé decided to invite everyone they originally wanted to, and it was a very big list. When we were going over the list, my sister mentioned to me that she wanted everyone else to be muted for the majority of the wedding as she was worried that others would talk over her and her fiancé and quote “overshadow” them on their big day “that was already scaled down”.

However, her and her fiancé said that I should unmute everyone at one point so everyone could talk and have a nice time with each other.

Fast-forward to the day of the wedding—everyone is muted during the ceremony which goes great, and so I then unmute everyone and ask to please raise a hand if they’d like to talk so it doesn’t get confusing. My cousin (around my age) starts waving his hand crazily, and he’s with his longtime girlfriend (also similar age I guess).

He’s a very gregarious guy, so I was not surprised. Then, he says stuff like “(my sister) and (her husband) are such an inspiration, it’s given me the courage to do this….” then turns to his girlfriend and pulls out a box that is the size of an engagement ring box??

I immediately saw this as him trying to steal the spotlight (something that he’s done since we were kids, ex: he would secretly mess up my sister and I’s drawings if the adults would praise ours) and booted him off of the call.

Then I quickly announced that my cousin had technical difficulties and would not be joining again. Everyone else accepted this and went about talking, and my sister and her husband did too.

The rest of the wedding went smoothly—except for the fact that my cousin kept texting me angrily saying that he finally wanted to propose as a surprise with family all around and I ruined it.

My aunt and uncle texted me the same. AITA??”

And here’s what people on Reddit had to say about what happened…

This person praised the Lord Almighty that the cousin was banished from the call!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that the person did the right thing for their sister…and I’m inclined to agree with them.

Photo Credit: Reddit

A reader said that it’s a good thing the wedding was on Zoom, because if the cousin had pulled this in-person it could have been a lot worse.

Photo Credit: Reddit

A reader commented that people who make these kinds of huge gestures on someone else’s special day are 100% wrong all the time.

Photo Credit: Reddit

So what do you think?

Is this person a creep? Or not a creep at all?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post Was I Wrong for Kicking My Cousin off My Sister’s Wedding Zoom Call? Here’s How Folks Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

A Waitress Asked if She Was a Jerk for Refusing to Return a Tip to a Customer

Waiters and waitresses really have to put up with a lot of bullsh*t, don’t they?

The folks who work in the back of the house in restaurants have their own sets of problems, but those who are out front and center have to deal with all the drama from customers…and you better believe that there is plenty of it.

A waitress shared a story on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page about dealing with certain customers that frankly sounds like kind of a nightmare.

Let’s take a look.

AITA for refusing to return a tip AND telling a couple that I don’t have time to play mediator?

“I’m a 22 year old, female waitress at Texas Roadhouse. This is one of my two jobs to put myself through college. Most days are fine but other days are a living hell.

Yesterday I was assigned a table that had a husband, wife and what appeared to be a teenage daughter (maybe 17). Everything was going smooth at first and the wife ordered a margarita. The husband then tried ordering a beer. The wife instantly lost her noodles and said “Uh, no. He will not have a beer. He will have a water.”

She then turned to him and said something along the lines of him not needing to drink because he was driving. He said no, the daughter could drive. It was childish.

Anyways, he keeps telling me he wants a beer. She keeps telling me no. In this industry, situations like this are a lose/lose for waitresses. If I get him the beer, wife wont tip. If I dont get him the beer, he wont tip. D*mned if I do, d*mned if I dont. So while they were arguing AT me, I said “Listen, I really dont have time to play mediator here.”

They went silent. I went and got both of them their alcohol. Daughter gives me an apologetic look upon my return, presumably because her mother was acting batsh*t crazy upon seeing me bring a beer in tow.

Flash forward to after their meals. Husband has had 2 beers at this point. Wife has stopped drinking and glares at me everytime I return. Wife and daughter go to the car while husband pays. Husband drops me a $40 tip on a $68 tab. I told him I couldnt accept it. He insisted. Eventually I pocketed it.

Wife comes in an hour or so later demanding that I give her the $40 her husband gave me, stating that I was a terrible host and went against her and I dknt deserve a tip.

She got my manager involved who said “She is not obligated to give you her tip. You left the restaurant and the tip has already been processed. Have a nice night.” She was fuming, screaming at me about how much of an AH I was for supplying her husband alcohol after she said no.

Other guests started chiming in saying that she was being ignorant and that I was doing my job, which is to provide guests with what they want and said that it wasnt MY fault that she was a controlling wife. She storms out.

Given the fact that I was put on the spot like that, I feel insanely guilty. AITA?”

And here’s what people had to say about her story.

One person brought up how bad they feel for the couple’s child.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said the woman did the exact right thing in this strange situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said there is absolutely no way the woman was wrong in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person pointed out that she was just doing her job and that she didn’t do anything wrong.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this Reddit user said that they also feel sorry for the husband in this situation.

The wife sounds like a real treat, huh…?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

Tell us what you think about this situation in the comments.

We look forward to it!

The post A Waitress Asked if She Was a Jerk for Refusing to Return a Tip to a Customer appeared first on UberFacts.

Am I a Jerk for Being Mad at My Husband Who Was Going to Give $10,000 to His Sister Without Asking Me? Here’s What People Said.

When money gets involved in any situation, things can go off the rails in a hurry.

And this story is a doozy.

A woman shared her story on the “Am I the *sshole” forum on Reddit to ask the readers there if she was wrong for getting mad at her husband for going behind her back to give a family member A LOT of money.

Here’s how it all went down…

AITA For being mad at my husband who was going to give away $10,000 to his sister without even asking me about it?

“On Saturday morning, I noticed my husband was sending a lot of text messages back and forth. He is usually not much of a texter. He left the phone next to me to charge while he as in the other room.

The phone kept lighting up with text messages when I decided to open it up to see what the big discussion was about.

I know some couples view it as big breach of trust to read through a significant other’s phone, but my husband and I do it regularly so this was not a huge invasion of privacy on my end. We both have nothing to hide and it has never been an issue before.

Anyway, of course I saw something on the phone that I shouldn’t have that got me upset. For background, my husband is 34, I am 32, and his sister is 31 (she’s in this story). Husband and I have been together for 10 years, married for the last four years.

We are all college educated with jobs now. My husband and I each make good salaries around $150k each. We own our house. I still have about $60,000 in student loans I am working to pay off (luckily low interest rates so I just pay the minimum).

We have about $40k liquid in savings. So we are doing good financially but still need to build up more savings as we will probably try to start a family in the next 1-2 years and want to be prepared for an emergency and have a rainy day fund. Anyway, my husband’s sister is trying to buy a 1 bedroom apartment in NYC.

I saw in the text messages that my husband offered to give her $10,000 for her down payment. The money is our savings is OUR money. Our bank accounts are 100% combined. My husband manages 99% of the finances because I prefer not to deal with it. However, it is understood we consult each other regularly on major purchases.

He did not ask me if I was OK with him giving this money to his sister. She didn’t ask, he offered. I immediately confronted him (calmly) and was like, “Hey – Did you tell your sister you would give her $10,000?” He said yes. I asked him when he was going to tell me.

He said, he probably wasn’t. He figured I wouldn’t notice and said he didn’t think I would care about “the details”. I said, “Um, do you think $10,000 is a detail?” He said, “No, that is lot of money. I should have told you about it. Are you OK with it?” I said, “No, I don’t think I am.”

Anyway we decided in that moment not to give the money. He said he would tell his sister and she would understand. He wanted the issue to go away after that.

But I am still mad. I said this was a big breach of trust. I let him control all finances because I trust him to never, ever take advantage of my ignorance. Shouldn’t you be able to trust your husband?

So now, I don’t have that full amount of trust I had before and I want to open my own bank account (which frankly, I should have anyway). But AITA for being totally upset and feeling betrayed about this?

I grew up poor and $10,000 is a ton of money to me (I mean, to most people right?!). I am horrified he would consider gifting it away and not even telling me.

Wow…let’s see what folks on Reddit said about this.

This person didn’t think the woman was wrong at all for being angry at her husband.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person made a good point: what else has her husband done with their money…?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader called the husband’s actions “a lie by omission”, and I think they’re right about that.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user called it “financial infidelity.” I’ve never heard that one before…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this reader said that $10,000 is a huge chunk of money and that the woman and her husband might want to think about getting separate accounts after this incident because there are clearly some trust issues here…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to get your take on the situation.

Do you think this woman was justified in her anger or did she overreact?

Tell us what you think in the comments.

The post Am I a Jerk for Being Mad at My Husband Who Was Going to Give $10,000 to His Sister Without Asking Me? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Uses and Features of Products That You Might Not Be Familiar With

I never realized until the last year or so how many uses gasoline has.


I mean, besides putting it in my car and making it go…but I’m assuming you already know about that one.

My point is, that a lot of products we use can be used for all kinds of different stuff.

What are some uses and features of common products that a lot of people don’t know about?

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Free air!

“Most gas station coin operated air compressors have a button on the back.

Press this button three times and the pump starts automatically.”

2. Good one!

“Baby onesies have the overlap at the shoulders so you can pull it down the kids and off if they have a diaper blow out.

So much better than trying to get a sh*t covered onesie over their head.

I’m so annoyed that I found out about this after I was done with the baby stage.”

3. Warm it up!

“There’s sometimes a “warming” drawer underneath some ovens. Looks like a regular cabinet/skirting that people overlook.

Obviously depends on what kind of oven and where it’s positioned, but is quite common in UK households, especially with smaller kitchens.”

4. Perfect portions.

“Most spaghetti forks (that funky utensil you use to pick up cooked spaghetti) have one large round hole in the center.

Aside from helping it drain, it is also sized to be exactly one serving of uncooked spaghetti.”

5. Very handy!

“Find parking function on Google Maps.

When you park in a stadium or airport parking lot or a city you unfamiliar with: Open Google Maps, hit bullseye (location) then the blue dot.

Pinpoints location and gives option to add notes for garage level etc.”

6. Make your life a little easier.

“Many dustpans for brooms have a jagged section for scraping clumps of hair off the broom bristles.

I didn’t know this for the longest time but since I figured it out it’s made sweeping up all the fur in the house much easier!”

7. Saves time!

“Vegetable peelers work in both directions.

Most of the time you don’t have to lift them up, you can just go all the way back and keep peeling.”

8. Brilliant!

“Soda cans.

The tab can be turned around and used to hold a straw in place after popping open the can.”

9. For foggy driving.

“If your vehicle has fog lights, (those lights on the bottom of your bumper), those lights are meant for driving in fog.

A simple experiment, go out at night, stop your car, turn your low beams on, fog lights off, see where your eyes are drawn to. Now, turn your fog lights on, and watch your eyes get drawn to a point closer to your vehicle. You can actually see less when you have your fog lights on, when it isn’t foggy.

I think vehicles shouldn’t even have fog lights, because the majority of people don’t seem to understand them.”

10. Booyah!

“You can lift the silverware basket OUT of the dishwasher to put away your utensils or make more space if you don’t have utensils to wash that round.”

11. Just in case.

“Not sure if this has been posted but your seatbelt buckle is designed to break your car window if and when underwater or trapped in the vehicle.”

12. Find the leak.

“If you think you have a leak in your house, shut off everything inside. Even the washer.

Go outside to your water meter. All water meters have a spinning shape that signifies when water is going through.

So if everything is shut off in the house and the shape is spinning you have a leak.”

13. And then there’s this…

“If you put a toothbrush to the the top of your vibrator, it’s a free vibrating toothbrush.”

Do you know about any cool uses or features for products?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post People Share Uses and Features of Products That You Might Not Be Familiar With appeared first on UberFacts.

Mothers-in-Law Shared Their Crazy Stories About Daughters-in-Law

We always hear about “crazy mother-in-law” stories, but now the tables are about to be turned, everyone!

Because it’s time for the mothers-in-law out there to let loose on the daughters-in-law of the world and tell us how those younger women can also be nuts sometimes.

This should be fun!

Let’s dig into some crazy stories about daughters-in-law from mothers-in-law from AskReddit users.

1. Wish they’d never met.

“We lived on the other side of the country from them so we didn’t have many visits — one or two a year. When we visited, all was well — the house was clean, the kids were cared for, etc. She was fun to be around.

However, once we left, life went back to “normal” for my son and grandkids. She would say she was going to the store and would not come home for 2 to 4 days. She did drugs. She did not clean — anything.

My son traveled for business and when he was gone she had many different men in the house. He would come home to a trashed house, trashed car, trashed everything. She would put the kids to bed, then leave to party. She kept the two oldest kids home from school when he traveled — she was too busy sleeping from partying all night to take them to school.

As he was making plans to leave her and take the kids, she killed the youngest child and is now in jail awaiting trial. all of this came out after she died. I wish they had never met.”

2. Hateful.

“When I first met her, she was a tweaker.

She knew I knew and she hated me. Now she stays home and knits and crafts and I have not seen my grandson in 3 years.

She still hates me.”

3. Walking out.

“My DEL decided, after years of manipulating my son, to walk out on him and their two kids.

A few hours later she changes her mind and bombards him with all kinds of cr*p for a week. And then she gains access to the house when he’s out and changes the locks causing him and their two young kids to be homeless.

She sucks!”

4. A tight leash.

“The stories I’ve heard of my aunt’s DIL are the worst. She’s kept my cousin on a tight leash after marriage.

Banned my aunt from communicating with him from any social media acct. It’s so bad whenever my cousin happens to see my aunt he acts like he doesn’t know her.

All this due to the DIL. Just hurts to see my aunt not see her own grandkids.”

5. I’ll take it from here.

“I will respond for my mother.

She hates the fact that her daughter in law does not respond to phone calls or texts. She understands that she is a new mom but how long does it take to reply to a text message.

I also want to add that she’s turned the holidays from a casual wear you PJs & bust out your paper plates into a sit down event with formal place settings. I don’t enjoy getting together to eat with my family during Thanksgiving and Christmas anymore.

This year I was at least smart enough to bring salt packets.”

6. Sounds like a real treat.

“My sons GF practically lives with us. After she graduates from college they will get married.

Things I HATE: I text him; she responds like she’s him.

We are doing major renovations on the house. She didn’t help AT ALL. I understand if renovation is not your thing. But I was running in and out of the house switching laundry and cleaning up little messes.

She didn’t even offer to help.”

7. Scary lady.

“Happened to a friend. Her brother married this girl who was his college friend.

Very happy, have a baby girl… Suddenly her father passed away so her mother went to stay with son and DIL. At first she was ok. But after like a month, DIL started to lock the fridge ( in india fridges come with internal locks) and pantry doors.

She started cutting down MIL’s food. When my friend came to know about this, we went to her brothers place, packed her mom’s stuff and brought her back to my friends house.

Scary lady that DIL. Brother didn’t say sh*t to his wife.”

8. A real catch.

“I’m gonna speak for my aunt: my cousin is a party guy. He married a party girl.

I met her the day of my grandfather’s funeral. She was dressed like Betty Boop; too much makeup and balloon-sized fake t*ts in a sheer, black tube dress stretched too far for the imagination. She was sitting at my grandparents’ table as I walked bleary-eyed into the kitchen for a bowl of cereal; half-awake, I barely stopped myself from exclaiming “what the f*ck!?”

After the funeral, we held a sort of Irish wake at my uncle’s house, whereupon she tried to hook up with every male cousin, one-by-one asking them to do shots with her. I avoided her, so I was last. She got to me when I was having a beer in the driveway with two other cousins. One she’d already tried. She went to my more attractive cousin-in-law first.

He shot her down with “The Mother. Of. My. Newborn. Child. Is. Inside.” (I like him) I’m less assertive, so I tried the “if you ignore bullies, they’ll get bored and leave you alone.” She tried grinding up and down my front. I ignored her and hoped she would leave me alone. She moved around to try slithering up and down my back. I pretended she wasn’t there. She slithered down my back one last time, and then-She bit my *ss.

I hopped across the driveway doing the Goofy yell. I honestly don’t remember what happened after that. Somehow she left. I had a dental impression in purple bruise on my *ss cheek the next morning. Let me remind you, this was my grandfather’s funeral.

I’m told that the morning of their wedding, my aunt offered to pay for 100% of the wedding if he wanted to back out.”

9. Let’s mix it up a little bit.

“How about a crazy daughter, son-in-law story?

So I have one daughter who at 20 “came out” to me. As gay? No. As a polygamist. A pregnant one. Pregnant by a 40 year old dude with a wife and three grown kids. I was 44 at the time. Long story short, the original wife got sick of all the crazy and left.

Now my daughter and the son in law are monogamous with five kids and I have a son-in-law who is 4 years younger than me.”

10. On behalf of my mother.

“I’m writing on behalf of my mother.

My SIL is a lazy, obnoxious cow. She hasn’t worked in 10 years, while my brother works 60 hrs a week minimum. Even though she gets an allowance for being a stay at home mum, that goes to cigarettes and until recently a sh*tload of pot. My brother went years without a birthday/Christmas/fathers day card or gift from her. (Like… not even a card?!?!)

So my mum used to come down for weeks at a time whenever my SIL was ‘unwell’ (read: withdrawing). Last year, my mum bought my brother a big, expensive, kick *ss birthday present. He’s worth it, we always try n show him what he’s worth. Well, Mrs SIL chucked a wobbly. “You need to stop buying him sh*t, or you n me will be having words OUT THE FRONT!!”

Mum looked dead at her, “you wanna beat me up because I treat your husband better than you?!” That’s just one story.”

11. Almost there.

“Not a DIL yet (my stepsons girlfriend and mother of my 2 grand babies) but I’m 19 years younger than my husband but 12 years older than my stepson.

She thinks I want to sleep with my stepson ( never gave her any reason to think this, I do not want to). She keeps the babies from us, rarely we get to see them unless of course she has a circumstance that were her only option for a babysitter. We’ve tried very hard to have a good relationship but she just hates me.

I once even stopped by their house to visit, she was cordial but my stepson got an earful when he got home from work. Just sad all around- she doesn’t want us in their lives.”

Okay, all the ladies out there, it’s your time to shine!

Do you have any crazy stories about your mother-in-law or your daughter-in-law?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments. Thanks!

The post Mothers-in-Law Shared Their Crazy Stories About Daughters-in-Law appeared first on UberFacts.

What Product Has a Feature or a Use Not Everyone Is Aware Of? Here’s What People Said.

You might just learn something today

How many times have you heard that in your life from a parent or a teacher?

Well, today it’s gonna come true! Because a bunch of people weighed in on an AskReddit question that we think will be of interest to a bunch of you.

AskReddit folks talked about uses and features for products that you might not know about.

1. That’s helpful.

“Baking soda is really good at removing baked on grease and soap scum.”

2. What?!?!

“When you are writing in Microsoft word or Outlook and accidentally leave caps lock on, select the text and press Shift F3.

It will change the text between upper and lower case, and there’s a third option to make the first letter of each word upper case too.

Always seems to blow peoples minds when I tell them.”

3. Be careful with that.

“With many car key remotes, you can make all the windows go down at once by pushing the “unlock” button 3 times.

I learned this the hard way, sat on my keys, all my windows and sunroof openned in the middle of a snowstorm.”

4. Use it!

“GoJo hand cleaner (the white gelatinous goop mechanics use) is a great for removing oily/greasy stains from clothes.

Rub it in with a retired toothbrush before you toss it in the washer. I’ve found it works a little better than dish soap.”

5. A lot of people don’t know this.

“Most ceiling fans have a switch to reverse direction of the blades.

Set to clockwise at low speed in winter for an updraft that redistributes warmed air at the ceiling downward.

Then switch to counter-clockwise at higher speed in summer to create a cooling downdraft.”

6. I had no idea!

“There’s a part at the end of a stapler where you can reverse so the staples bend out instead of in.

It’s a less permanent stapling that is easier to remove by hand.”

7. Take that thing off.

“Oven doors come off.

Just open till the first stop and pull straight up.

I don’t know how many people i’ve seen stretching to clean the back.”

8. Shortcuts.

“YouTube hotkeys

K – toggles pause/play on the video no matter where you last clicked on the page (except the URL bar)

The buttons to either side of it, J and L, skip forward or back by 10 seconds.

The arrow keys skip forward and back by 5 seconds.

The number keys skip you to whichever tenth of the video they correspond to (“0″ to go to the start)

M is mute, and C toggles the captions.”

9. Okay!

“Rubbing alcohol kills bed bugs.

Actually it kills most spiders and bugs, dries fast too so you don’t have to worry about a pet or kid getting sick.”

10. Use it or lose it.

“There are push in tabs on most aluminum foil and plastic wrap boxes to keep the roll from falling out.”

11. You never know…

“If you get kidnapped and stuffed in the trunk of a modern car, there is an emergency trunk release lever to help you escape.”

12. Ahhhh…

“The swtch on your car’s rear view mirror is to toggle between day/night-time driving.

It’s meant to dim the glare of headlights behind you.”

13. The more you know…

“Coffee cup lids have that small hole at the back to avoid you creating a vacumm when you take a sip.

It allows the air to flow and stops you getting a big glug of hot coffee down your front.

I always make sure the hole is open and not melted shut and people are often confused why I do it.”

How about you?

Do you know about some cool, unknown uses for products?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post What Product Has a Feature or a Use Not Everyone Is Aware Of? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Red Flags to Look Out for That Signal You Should Drop a Class

I remember I tried to take Biology 101 not once, but twice, and about two weeks in BOTH TIMES I realized it seemed like I was taking a foreign language class and I decided to drop them.

I don’t know why I bothered the second time…maybe I’m not too bright…

Anyway, you gotta keep your eyes and ears open when you start a class so you can be aware of the warning signs that you should probably get the hell out of there.

What are some red flags that should make you want to drop a class ASAP?

Here’s what people on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Nope.

“Assigning an unreasonable amount of classwork because, “you should treat my class like your only class.”

That is the only time I ever dropped a class, and after talking to my classmates who stayed in.

I made the right call.”

2. Biased.

“When the lecturer constantly tries to find ways to plug their ideology when it’s tangentially related, at best.”

3. William who?

“I signed up for a Shakespeare course.

In the first class, the professor talked about himself the entire time and didn’t utter the name Shakespeare once.

I dropped it that night and signed up for Chaucer instead.”

4. Oh, great…

“At the end of the semester, I’ll grade all your work and then you’ll see your grade.”

5. Enough of that!

“In art and design classes, if the teacher focuses more on what you write about your art than developing your skills, they have no clue what they’re talking about.

Unless your work ends up in displays and museums (unlikely) then nobody is going to care about the 3 page essay of bullsh*t you made up about metaphors.

Your teacher is just a pretentious *sshole who doesn’t actually know what they’re doing.”

6. Bored to tears.

“When the teacher is really, really f*cking boring and clearly doesn’t give a sh*t.

It’s hard to learn well if you don’t have a teacher that tries to do their job well. Here, it’s not so much about the lesson, more about a teacher who cannot do their job.

It’s good to know things, but in order to teach them well you need more than that.”

7. A real charmer.

“I had a low level math class as a Freshman in college where the professor said we were “retarded” for not being able to get in to a higher level math course, and that he would learn us real good

. Yeah, I knew I was going to major in History, this was just a gen ed requirement.

Dropped that class after a week.”

8. Okay, I’ll leave.

“I had an intro to chemistry teacher write some equation on the board and say, “if you don’t understand what that means, you should leave this class now.”

I thought for a minute, then grabbed my things and left. On the way out he said, “Wow, no one has every actually left.”

My friend who stayed in the class studied his tail off and got a C. He now has a degree in chemical engineering, and still says that particular chemistry class was one of the hardest he’s ever had.”

9. That’s not good.

“The professor starts making v*gina jokes and professing the moral superiority of a specific race.”

10. That sucks.

“Professors that have a clear bias. I had one that wanted to know everyone’s political affiliations. Who they voted for, if they supported a party, etc. That was the first day.

After that she spent the rest of the semester looking at anyone that didn’t tell her who they voted for that they better vote a certain way. Grades reflected this.

My Bio teacher spent a good portion of lecture on tangents about her personal life, her kid, her business. It was pointless to go but attendance counted. Some questions on her exams included her personal sh*t. It was my final semester so I didn’t give a sh*t at that point.

11. Treat me like an adult.

“If the professor has a policy that you automatically fail if you show up late or miss too many classes.

I’m an adult. Sometime stuff comes up with work or my wife. No college class is that important.

Ironically, the professor with that policy was always showing up late and canceling class.”

12. Cashing in.

“”The book is required. I wrote it. It is spectacularly expensive. I update it a little every year, so a used copy will not be adaquate.”

F*cker is getting paid at both ends.”

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us about the fastest you ever dropped a class.

Let’s see what you got!

The post People Talk About Red Flags to Look Out for That Signal You Should Drop a Class appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit Their Biggest Flexes That They’ll Never Tell a Soul

I enjoy social media just as much as the next person, but we all know that some people out there use it to toot their own horn just a little bit too much.

Okay, we get it, you made a nice dinner for you and your wife, congratulations.

But some folks out there prefer to keep it humble and on the down low…until now!

People on AskReddit talked about the biggest flexes that will be their secrets forever.

1. Hot wife.

“I secretly enjoy everyone’s shock when they first meet my wife.

I’m not insanely attractive. I’m a nerdy scientist. My wife is a doctor. She’s funny, driven, she’s smarter than me, she’s 5’9” and could very well be a model, in fact she’s been approached numerous times to move to NYC.

We’ve known each other since second grade, started dating in college. My high school/college friends are still baffled that I “casually married the most attractive girl we knew in high school/college”

Because we both have insanely busy schedules, We can go months or years without meeting each other’s’ coworkers. My favorite reaction from mine is “that’s your WIFE?!””

2. Like a ninja.

“When my girlfriend and I worked at the same bar, I threw a coaster at her like a frisbee. It arced over her and like twenty customers only to land perfectly on the neat stack of other coasters like 50 feet away.

It was so f*cking cool but nobody noticed except one customer who I later had to kick out for taking a nap on the bar. No point in telling anybody, but I look back fondly on that moment.”

3. Money for days.

“I have a TON of money.

I’ve always worked “whatever” jobs: restaurant server, retail, etc. boring kinda wage slave stuff. My living expenses are low, studio apartment and just pretty minimal spending. I live a comfortable life just as anyone would with my paychecks. But I got into investing and crypto currency online about 8 years ago and just got lucky. Spread out among multiple investments I’m at almost $8 mil.

Literally just kinda threw some extra money at stuff in the first couple years and was able to make really good returns. I live the same life I always did, almost doesn’t feel like I earned this money at all. No one knows, parents, family, friends. I don’t want anyone I care about to change their perspective of me because I have this money.

Still working a simple job and living in the same studio. I’m comfortable and happy outside of the money.”

4. A whole new person.

“I beat morbid obesity…which spiraled into a violent battle with anorexia, which I also beat…I eventually went on to get into modeling, weight lifting, and more.

Compare pictures of me now, with pictures of me from 5 years ago, with pictures of me from 10 years ago, and they all look like completely different people.”

5. A hard worker.

“I live in poverty. I don’t even have a car.

The retail job I work I bike to several times under several dangerous weather conditions, and on a narrow path alongside a busy road.. also 3rd shift, so black at pitch out. A strong wind storm going against you is the worst, BTW, I’ll take rain and snow over that any day.

I’m also the main worker in two of the most labor intensive departments which involves lifting all your heavy furniture items. And storage.

So often I arrive at work after battling storms and harsh conditions, exhausted. I just turned 37. But I show up more often than my coworkers who enjoy the luxury of a car. In fact, I have a near perfect attendance record.

I don’t think people know how far away I live, literally up in the mountain outside city limits. And my boss, who has never worked with me, gave me the worst performance review last year.. because he asked why things aren’t getting done and I told him I have to stock, back stock, pull from backroom, run cardboard, audit inventory and work price changes.

In 2 departments. Essentially, payroll was pushing labor, cutting hours, and I needed help or resources he couldn’t provide me with. So that was my fault.

I work so d*mn hard.”

6. You’re a hero.

“I pulled over when I saw a house on fire one morning.

Ran over and a woman was crying that her child was inside. I ran into the smoke and fire, down a hallway, followed the crying. Found the child and carried her outside to her mom.

I waited with them until the FD arrived, then left. Was late for work and got yelled at. Didn’t say anything to anyone.”

7. Helping people out.

“I anonymously send care packages from Amazon and drop off boxes of food and necessities to my hourly restaurant employees who are struggling.

I could get in huge trouble for using their personal information in this way, so I’ve never told anyone else, even my own family. I am limited by corporate or owners regarding their pay rates and hours, but I expect I’ve invested well over $3k in this work in the last five years.”

8. That is cool.

“I met Nick Offerman at a book signing and he told me “I’m jealous of your whiskers.””

9. I’m flattered…

“In 2004, an ex NFL cheerleader that I worked with propositioned me for s*x.

Like “hey, we should leave this bar and go have s*x.”

I couldn’t do it because I was secretly sleeping with another coworker who was at the bar with us.”

10. Lifesaver.

“I saved a guys life at a TGI Friday’s while having dinner with my wife.

He was choking on his food and no one else got up to help, so I went over and gave him the Heimlich.

Never experienced an adrenaline rush like that.”

11. Like a king.

“No one will see this, but you guys I’m so good at building forts out in the woods. I love to hike, find a secluded spot, and build myself a campsite.

I’ll make a fort for myself, build a little campfire, cook some ramen, and live for a couple of hours like the king of the forest.”

12. You did the right thing.

“Once while riding my bike to work, I stopped to report a house on fire. The 911 operated asked if anyone was inside, so I nervously approached the front door and heard a “bump”.

I opened the front door and saw an elderly lady collapsed in the hallway. I literally pulled and old lady out of a burning building. I waited with the lady til the fire Dept arrived, then got back on my bike and went to work.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us about the biggest flex that you’ve never told anyone.

We can’t wait to hear your stories!

The post People Admit Their Biggest Flexes That They’ll Never Tell a Soul appeared first on UberFacts.