Check out the Amazing Pop Culture Mashups from This Tattoo Artist

This guy is goooooooood.

If you’re not following a French tattoo artist Mat Rule on Instagram, do yourself a favor and do it immediately.

Rule specializes in taking pop culture characters and mashing them up with cartoon scenes and vice versa. They’re super impressive, and the detail on them is incredible.

Take a look. I think you’ll like what you’re about to see.

1. Alice in…wait a second….

2. Eminem and some M&Ms.

3. Lisa Simpson is always a good choice.

4. Marvin the Martian.

5. Half real/half cartoon coyote.

6. This one might be my favorite.

7. Crash Bandicoot.

8. This one is trippy.

9. Actually, this might be my favorite.

10. Pretty cool mash up.

11. Hockey tattoo for the win!

12. No mistaking that face.

13. Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction.

14. The one and only Kurt Cobain.

15. Stallone in Cobra.

Pretty awesome, right?

Tell us what pop culture mashups you’d like to see in the comments below!

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These Pictures of Endangered Animals Have as Many Pixels as There Are Remaining Members of the Species

We’re seeing a mass extinction of animals and plants from the face of the earth at a frightening pace. It’s strange to think that our children or grandchildren will live in a world where giraffes or white rhinos could cease to exist in the wild – could, perhaps, vanish altogether.

Every Pixels is one animal. The more pixelated the image, the closer it is to extinction.

The World Wildlife Fund wanted to shine a spotlight on the often-forgotten but still looming tragedy, so they worked with creative designers Nami Hoshino, Yoshiyuki Mikami, and Kazuhiro Mochizuki at Hakuhodo C&D in Tokyo to create the concept of population pixelation.

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

Recently, Imgur user JJSmooth44 made a followup to the project then posted it on Imgur and Reddit, and people seem just as taken.

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

The results, as you can see, are stark and sad.

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

Sadder still? These population declines are all driven by humans.

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

Will we do something to turn the tide in time?

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

That remains to be seen.

Image Credit: JJSmooth44

But as long as there are a few pixels left, there’s still hope.

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Serbian artist Uroš Predić…

Serbian artist Uroš Predić made a painting of drunks in his village returning home from the pub at dawn. He hoped the painting would convince them to change their ways but instead they ended up loving it. Some even complimented how accurate it was.

When a painting was stolen…

When a painting was stolen from the Museum of Bad Art, the museum initially offered a reward of $6.50 for its return. This was latter upped to $36.73. Ten years later, the thief contacted the museum and demanded a $5000 ransom for the painting. No ransom was paid, but it was returned anyway.

Hike Atlanta’s ‘Doll’s Head Trail’ If You Really Want to Be Creeped out

If you’re looking for a different kind of scare this Halloween season and you find yourself in the Southeast, you should consider making a trip to Atlanta to check out Doll’s Head Trail, a one-of-a-kind, eerie experience that will leave you unsettled.

The trail is in Atlanta’s Constitution Lakes Park, and it is decorated with, as the name implies, creepy doll’s heads.

The park used to be home to a brick factory that closed about 50 years ago. Since then, the woods have overtaken the area, and in 2003 the county bought the 125-acre site and built boardwalks and trails so people could enjoy the natural beauty of the spot.

But in addition to natural beauty, there’s also the doll’s heads.

A local carpenter named Joel Slaton created the trail after seeing all the discarded junk that littered the park. Slaton decided to use the junk to make the trail into an art space with doll’s heads, and other forgotten materials, dotting the hiking trail.

Slaton encourages others to add their own art pieces to the trail, with the only stipulation being that any materials used must come from inside the park itself. So if you do go, you can do some exploring and digging around to add to the creepiness of Doll’s Head Trail.

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If you do decide to hike the trail, you’ll forget that you’re in the middle of a huge American city and instead think you’ve wandered into a nightmare. Sounds good to me!

Also, I bet this would be a great place for a first date. You’d find out immediately if your date is as weird as you are…

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Hike Atlanta’s ‘Doll’s Head Trail’ If You Really Want to Be Creeped out

If you’re looking for a different kind of scare this Halloween season and you find yourself in the Southeast, you should consider making a trip to Atlanta to check out Doll’s Head Trail, a one-of-a-kind, eerie experience that will leave you unsettled.

The trail is in Atlanta’s Constitution Lakes Park, and it is decorated with, as the name implies, creepy doll’s heads.

The park used to be home to a brick factory that closed about 50 years ago. Since then, the woods have overtaken the area, and in 2003 the county bought the 125-acre site and built boardwalks and trails so people could enjoy the natural beauty of the spot.

But in addition to natural beauty, there’s also the doll’s heads.

A local carpenter named Joel Slaton created the trail after seeing all the discarded junk that littered the park. Slaton decided to use the junk to make the trail into an art space with doll’s heads, and other forgotten materials, dotting the hiking trail.

Slaton encourages others to add their own art pieces to the trail, with the only stipulation being that any materials used must come from inside the park itself. So if you do go, you can do some exploring and digging around to add to the creepiness of Doll’s Head Trail.

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If you do decide to hike the trail, you’ll forget that you’re in the middle of a huge American city and instead think you’ve wandered into a nightmare. Sounds good to me!

Also, I bet this would be a great place for a first date. You’d find out immediately if your date is as weird as you are…

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A Student Taught Her Pet Rat How to Paint with His Feet—and He’s Pretty Good

The rat’s name is Darius, and he creates little masterpieces with his little feet.

Recently, he and his paintings caught the attention of Tumblr and Twitter users who thought he was both adorable and talented.

His owner and art teacher is a student of animation and digital arts herself in Askim, Norway. Amalie Markota Andersen said his posts have gone viral several times on social media.

According to Anderson on her Tumblr page, Darius created his first watercolor in January, 2018.

Insider reported she dipped his paws in non-toxic watercolors and let him walk back and forth across the paper. She estimated each of his creations took about ten minutes to finish.

She posted images of Darius and his paintings on Tumblr, but she didn’t anticipate how popular they would be. “Darius going viral was very exciting, I was so happy people liked him,” Andersen said. “It is what he deserved!”

Photo Credit: Tumblr

She actually sold several of them and used the money to buy Darius a halter for when she took him outside.

Darius was adopted in 2017 and described as timid but a cuddler. Anderson never knew his real age but assumed he was mature, possibly a senior citizen.

Earlier this year, Darius passed. Though sad, Anderson was grateful for the years they did have together.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Now, her focus is on her new furry friends, male rats named Gucci and Mango.

Seems as if Mango will soon be following in Darius’ talented footsteps.

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A Memorial in Turkey Commemorates the Women Killed by Their Husbands Last Year

Violence against women is an epidemic worldwide, but in some countries, it’s more extreme than others. In Turkey, for example, 42% of women over the age of 15 have suffered from physical or sexual violence.

Last year in Turkey, 440 women were murdered by their own husbands. An artist decided to come up with a powerful memorial to pay tribute to the murdered women and to bring awareness to the problem in his country.

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#KahveDünyası’nın 2017 yılında hayata geçirdiği sanat platformu #Yanköşe, dördüncü edisyonunda #VahitTuna’nın “#İsimsiz” adlı çalışmasını ağırlıyor. 440 çift siyah kadın ayakkabısından oluşan “İsimsiz” projesinin çıkış noktası, Türkiye’de sayıları gitgide artan kadın cinayetleri. 2018 yılında Türkiye’de erkekler tarafından çeşitli şekillerde ve sebeplerle öldürülen kadınların sayısına işaret eden ve Yanköşe’nin her iki duvarını da nizami bir şekilde kaplayan 440 çift ayakkabı, neredeyse bir tür soykırım ya da kadınkırım anıtı gibi yükseliyor. Ölen kişilerin ayakkabılarının evlerinin kapısının önüne bırakılması geleneğine de işaret eden çalışma, kadına yönelik şiddetin hafızasını tutarak sokağa taşıyor; kamusal bir tartışma ve bilinçlenme için bir aracı olma görevi üstleniyor. Sanat üretiminde iktidar, iktidarla hesaplaşma ve ona göre pozisyon alma konularına odaklanan Tuna, bugün her üç kadından birinin fiziksel ya da cinsel şiddet mağduru olduğu bir dünyada şiddetin, özellikle de bu coğrafyaya ait şiddet olgusunun temellerine bakıyor. • ℹDaha detaylı bilgi için adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz. • • • Daha fazlası için ? @ajans.isleri • • • #ajansisleri #arts #creative # #staj #stajyer #seo #AdAgency #reklam #stratejist #arayüztasarımcısı #stajyer #markatemsilcisi #MarkaYöneticisi #ArtDirector #DijitalAjans #DijitalReklamcılık #ReklamAjansı #Advertising #Agency #DigitalAdvertising #grafiktasarım #socialmedia #dijitalajans

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Vahit Tuna said he had seen a lot of posts about the Turkish problem on social media, but he also realized that the stories came and went with a disturbing quickness. Tuna was determined to keep the issue in the public eye somehow.

Tuna chose to use 440 pairs of high heels in his memorial as a sign of female empowerment and independence that he sadly wishes was more of a reality in Turkey. In some parts of Turkey, it’s a tradition to put a person’s shoes outside after they pass away, so the memorial has even more cultural significance in the country.

The memorial is set up in central Istanbul so it will be seen by many people in the busy city. Tuna said, “We wanted everyone passing by the road to see [the work]. This is why we did not want to host the exhibition in a closed area.”

The 440 pairs of shoes are set to remain on exhibit for six months. Hopefully, as many people as possible will see the memorial and it will spark some painful and necessary conversations in Turkey.

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Check out These Hats for Cats Made out of Their Shed Fur

If you’re a kitty owner, you know that you spend a lot of time cleaning up after them as they shed. You’ll find mounds of fur in the corners, under the beds—basically everywhere and anywhere.

Japanese photographer Ryo Yamazaki and his wife Hiromi have come up with an inventive way to use all that fur shed from their three cats, Nyaa, Mar, and Mugi: they take the fur and make  little hats for their kitties to wear around the house.

I love it! And I think you will, too…

1. From high on the perch.

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なんと!? ? サントリー「GREEN DA・KA・RA」( @suntory_greendakara )のCMでお馴染みのダカラちゃんが遊びに来てくれたよ♪??✨ 実は、我が家の三男坊ムギの名前は「やさしい麦茶」のムギちゃん(ダカラちゃんの妹ちゃんです?)からいただいたので、何だか感慨深いものがあります?✨ せっかくなので、ムギちゃんのオカッパヘア&帽子でコスプレして、ダカラちゃんと御対面〜?‍❤️‍? 一緒に写真を撮ったり、猫じゃらしで遊んでもらいました? ダカラちゃん、ありがと〜? . ちっちゃい頃からTVCMで見ていたので、随分大きくなったね〜と親戚のおじさんの様な気持ちで思わず嬉しくなってしまいました♪?? クリクリおめめのダカラちゃん、とっても可愛かった?? . ニャア兄貴は、ダカラちゃんに水滴とちゅ〜るまでもらって終始ご満悦? そしてマル兄貴はというと…案の定ソファ下から1度も出て来ず??‍♂️? . OMG!? Japanese cutest TVCM actress "Green Dakara-chan" came to my home!? . #? #サントリー #グリーンダカラ #やさしい麦茶 #ダカラちゃん #ムギちゃん #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり #水滴ソムリエ #cat #scottishfold #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #猫 #ねこ #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ #茶トラ #しろねこ #白猫

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2. Sunflower cat in the hat.

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「ねこ休み展 夏 2019 in Gallery AaMo」? 本日をもって無事会期を終えました? 開催中は多くの方にご来場頂き、抜け毛三兄弟より厚く御礼申し上げます??? そして主催のベーコン様、ギャラリーAamoスタッフの方々、出展者の皆様、暑い中長期間に渡って本当にお疲れ様でした?? かつてない程の大きな展示会に参加させて頂き、素敵な夏の思い出となりました? 重ねて感謝申しあげます♪??‍♂️ . Neko break Exhibition in Tokyodomecity just finished.? Thank you for your attendance. I look forward to seeing you again.??? . #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり #抜け毛ジャビット #東京ドームシティ #GalleryAamo #ねこ休み展 #cat #scottishfold #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #猫 #ねこ #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ #茶トラ #白猫 #しろねこ

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3. Looks very studious.

4. Is there a fire?

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9月1日は防災の日??‍? 近所で大規模な東京都と多摩市の合同総合防災訓練があったので見学してきた? 我が家も猫3匹連れて逃げる時の為に日頃からイメージと備えをしておかねば? . 9.1. Disaster Prevention Day??‍?? . #umatan先生の新作2つ #抜け毛消防ヘルメット #抜け毛ピーポくん #防災訓練 #防災の日 #多摩センター #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり #cat #scottishfold #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #猫 #ねこ #猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #ペコねこ部 #みんねこ #NEKOくらぶ #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ #茶トラ

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5. Kind of looks like a wig. Boris Johnson?

6. A very solid entry. Let’s play ball!

7. Now that is impressive.

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『ねこ休み展 夏 2019 in Gallery AaMo』追加情報⚾ 読売ジャイアンツの人気マスコットキャラクタージャビットくんを三兄弟の抜け毛で再現した「抜け毛ジャビットくん帽子」が東京ドームシティのアーモギャラリー会場に実物展示されます⚾(※オフィシャル公認) 更にrojimanブースでは過去の人気帽子パネルに加え、抜け毛で出来た動物達をテーマにした「抜け毛動物園(Zoo)」を展開します。????? 夏休みのちびっ子達も是非遊びに来てね〜? #読売ジャイアンツ #巨人 #ジャイアンツ #ジャビットくん #抜け毛ジャビット . 開催日時:7/12(金)〜8/25(日) 場所:東京ドームシティ Galley AaMo . The Cat Holiday Exhibition summer 2019 in Tokyo dome City starts soon⚾ . #ねこ休み展 #galleryaamo #抜け毛サロン #抜け毛貯金 #抜け毛帽子 #抜け毛アート #帽子屋NUKEGE #ねこかぶり #cat #scottishfold #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #猫 #ねこ #猫部 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #もふもふ #スコティッシュフォールド #サバトラ #白猫 #しろねこ #茶トラ

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8. Ready to listen to some yacht rock.

9. About to get beamed up to space, perhaps?

10. Emperor of the house.

Adorable, don’t you think? And very creative.

Don’t forget to follow them on Instagram.

Do your pets wear any hats or clothes? Share some pics in the comments!

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Check out This Artist’s Amazing Steampunk Sculptures Made out of Broken Watches

Dan Tanenbaum‘s work is pretty mindblowing. The Toronto-based artist utilizes old watch parts and makes incredible “steampunk“-inspired art pieces.

A lot of Tanenbaum’s creations are miniature motorcycles, but, as you’ll see in these photos, he makes plenty of other one-of-a-kind objects as well.

Take a look at these, you’ll be blown away.

1. A mini chopper.

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Custom chopper

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2. Steampunk teddy bear.

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Custom KAWGS holiday

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3. The details are amazing.

4. Rip it up!

5. Big wheel bagger.

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Custom big wheel bagger

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6. Sweet pair of Jordans.

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Baby Jordan1s “sneakgear III” @nike #nike #jordan1 #HSKicks

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7. A pride motorcycle.

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Custom “Pride MotorcycLGBTQ”

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8. The Knight Rider.

9. Heart like a hand grenade.

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Time bomb IV

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10. Get a load of this skull.

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My one and only encrusted skull

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11. Luke, I am your father.

12. A café racer.

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Custom cafe racer

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13. Vintage hot rod.

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Watch parts rat rod

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14. Encrusted concrete robot.

15. This is so cool.

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throwback to the custom full encrusted Watch parts camera I made

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I’m blown away by how amazing Tanenbaum’s work is. Simply incredible!

Which piece is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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