This stuff really makes me shake my head.
The anti-vaxx wars seem to be heating up, with countries around the world making them mandatory while folks on the other (non-science) side refuse to back down despite the fact that no one can come up with a shred of proof that the vaccines recommended for children are harmful in any way.
#WednesdayWisdom h/t @GodlessEngineer cc: @AndyRichter
— Christian Nightmares (@ChristnNitemare) July 31, 2019
When one of them busted out a “Jesus Wasn’t Vaccinated” shirt, I don’t know….I kind of feel like she was just asking for responses just like these.
19. Or anyone else who lived in a world before microbiology.
Neither was Satan
— Andy Richter (@AndyRichter) July 31, 2019
18. What would Jesus do?
He didn’t tweet either
be more like Jesus
— SnowPDX (@Snowpdx) August 1, 2019
17. Some people just can’t pass up a good pun.
But he certainly became cross contaminated.
— Sean Patrick (@veryaveragemale) July 31, 2019
16. Listen up.
Thats right kids if you want to stay healthy get murdered at 33
— Ryan Hall (@cornpuddy) August 2, 2019
15. Details.
Spoiler alert: infant mortality rate was nearly 50% and life expectancy was 30-40 years.
— Stephen Tures (@stevetures) July 31, 2019
14. I’m sure that didn’t help.
yeah and he died from tetanus because of the rusty nails
— Adam (@kels_316) August 2, 2019
13. I wouldn’t put that much faith in your immune system, but you do you.
You’re saying you have an immune system equivalent to that of God? Bold.
— Torville Redenbotter (@TravBot) July 31, 2019
12. We’re all a bit confused.
I genuinely don’t understand the message this is trying to portray
— Brunette Bohemian (@WinterRae82) August 2, 2019
11. Are you sure?
And if he hadn't been nailed to a cross, his life expectancy would've been about 40 years because diseases were rampant. But, lo and behold, once vaccinations were invented, people lived longer… because science. Ignorance is not a cure all
— jeepgirl (@Jeep_TJ_Girl) August 1, 2019
10. That seems pretty specific.
Spoiler alert… Jesus didn't wear t shirts or have poorly bleached hair
— Participation Trophy Wife (@a_cays) July 31, 2019
9. Yeah people weren’t aware of germs for some time after Jesus’ life.
Jesus infamously taught not to wash your hands before eating – he didn’t even know germs existed just like those around him. Just typical apocalyptic cult leader who hit the cult lottery when the Roman Empire came on board.
— wintertao (@wintertao) July 31, 2019
8. What even is logic?
Spoiler alert, they didn’t HAVE vaccines when he was alive. Nice try.
— Kate (@CelticPixie87) August 1, 2019
7. No lying, either. God will know.
To be fair, he was the son of God. So maybe vaccinate your kids unless the baby daddy is God.
— Just Me (@azulgris27) August 1, 2019
6. That seems like a good number of years.
He died at 33 at a time when the life expectancy was 27.5. So yeah, if you want your kid's life expectancy to be 27.5, by all means don't vaccinate.
— Rodrigo Barbosa (@darkoverorg) August 1, 2019
5. There is that.
Why would the son of god need a vaccine? If he can get sick he's not much of a god…
— Allan from HR (@AllanUnicornCat) July 31, 2019
4. The smart ones are.
Most fictional characters aren't vaccinated.
— Patrick Roark (@sailor_sunk) July 31, 2019
3. We can get behind this rule.
Spoiler alert: Jesus was born to a virgin, turned water into wine, walked on water, and came back from the dead.
New rule: if you can do those things, you don't need to be vaccinated.— That Conservative F*ck
(@HarryThetech76) August 3, 2019
2. I’m guessing she can’t cure a ham, either.
LOL, if you can cure any disease in others? Yeah, you’re probably good to decline vaccines. If you can only cure a ham? Stick to the vaccine schedule.
— TheMcSnerd (@TheMcSnerd) August 2, 2019
1. Too steep a price for my babies.
Spoiler alert: Until the age of vaccines, a large percentage of children died in childhood. For example: Half of Bach's 20.
— Seymour Kreevich (@SeymourKreevich) August 1, 2019
Inspired, right?
The post An Anti-Vaxxer Wore a “Jesus Wasn’t Vaccinated” T-Shirt. Here Are the Best Responses. appeared first on UberFacts.