The Nazi’s went on an Antarctic…

The Nazi’s went on an Antarctic expedition to claim it before WW2. When doing airplane surveys they had to drop weight, so they dropped boxes of metal swastikas that were supposed to be dropped all over Antarctica. So there’s boxes of swastikas on the Antarctic ocean floor somewhere.

There is an exclusive..

There is an exclusive club in Antarctica called Club 300. In order to become a member one have to warm themselves in a 200 degree sauna, and then run outside naked and touch the Ceremonial South Pole where it’s 100 degrees below.

In 1977, Argentina flew a pregnant…

In 1977, Argentina flew a pregnant woman to their military base in Antarctica so she could have first baby to ever be born on the continent. In doing so, the Argentine government believed this would give them an undisputable claim on the land, but the claim is not recognized internationally. 00