People Share Their Biggest Pet Peeves and We Can All Relate

We all have our pet peeves. I know I certainly do. Some of the things I’m petty about are, admittedly, pretty stupid – like my hatred of large tablespoons. I hate the way they feel in my mouth. I’m #TeamSmallerSpoons all day.

With that in mind, let’s have a look at the seemingly inconsequential things that really annoy the hell out of other people, shall we?

This tweet got the ball rolling:

Photo Credit: Twitter

1. What even is that

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3. Sidewalk hogs

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4. Drives me nuts

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5. Doesn’t work like that

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6. Relax, buddy

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7. Grammar patrol

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. What would the south think?

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9. That’s what it means

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10. The least you could do

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11. STOP

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12. Mobile etiquette

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Yeah, so anyway…

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Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Just wrong

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16. *Rips hair out*

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17. Hmmmm

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18. Oh lord, yes

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19. Please clear. PLEASE.

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Don’t get her started

Photo Credit: Twitter

I don’t know about you, but I see myself in some of these tweets.

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10+ Everyday Problems That Are Just The WORST

Life is hard. Just when you think things are going your way, you run into something that ruins your day. Sometimes the problem is big, but more often than not, it’s just some small pet peeve that happens at the perfectly wrong moment. For me, it’s the so-called “easy-open” bags that somehow seem even harder! This list is made up of other things like that — things that should make your life easier but definitely don’t, or things that should be simple but instead turn out to be very, very hard.

#1. Again with the “easy” open lie.

Image Credit: Twitter

Okay, not they’re just mocking me.

#2. When you can’t find your phone, and it’s like you’ve lost an appendage

Image Credit: GIPHY

Or a child.

#3. OCD friends, look away

Image Credit: Twitter

Crumbs. In. Butter…[face melts].

#4. When the person in front of you in line gets chatty with the check-out person…

Image Credit: Pixabay

I have places to be, people!

#5. Man vs oven

Image Credit: Twitter

#6. Why doesn’t everyone use the easy peel stickers?!?

Image Credit: Pruefplaketten-news-de


#7. No one’s fingers fit in there.

Image Credit: Twitter

But you’ll get zipper burn trying.

#8. Just say no to reusing your knife, people

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No joke, this should be outlawed.

#9. Three words: spreading hard butter.

Image Credit: Twitter

Don’t pretend like you don’t empathize.

#10. Seriously, don’t tease me

Image Credit: Pr0gramm

Just looking at this gives me the rage shakes.

#11. Instant angry face

Image Credit: Twitter

They’re conspiring to make my day worse, aren’t they?

#12. Hard Nutella is no better than hard butter

Image Credit: Twitter

In fact, it’s worse because you want its creamy, hazelnut-y goodness so much more.

Ah yes, the gates of hell. I remember them well.

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15 Ways You’re Annoying Your Servers and Bartenders Without Even Realizing

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of working in the service industry, you know just how infuriating customers can be at times. While most people are generally fine, there are always those customers who are just plain rude, pushy, and completely oblivious to any sense of boundaries.

Maybe as a customer, you have no idea how annoying you are, and you really don’t mean to be. If you’re genuinely trying to be kind to your servers, it’s time to listen up. DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING THINGS, EVER.

1. Say how well you’re going to tip once the meal is over

Photo Credit: Pixabay

2. Sit on the same side of the table as your date instead of across from them

Photo Credit: Pexels

3. Make a million special requests

Photo Credit: Flickr,Joi Ito

4. Send your food back after you’ve made those 1 million requests

Photo Credit: Max Pixel

5. Talk about being gluten-free and then order a beer

Photo Credit: Pixabay

6. Tip badly because the food wasn’t great

Photo Credit: Flickr,Jason Lander

7. Complain that Ranch isn’t free

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Play with your napkins and sugar packets

Photo Credit: Instagram

9. Say “I hated it!” as a joke even though you ate everything like an animal

Photo Credit: pxhere

10. Staying at your table forever after you’re done eating

Photo Credit: pxhere

11. Asking for a table right before closing

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

12. Complaining about the food after you ate all of it

Photo Credit: pxhere

13. Trying to make small talk when the server is obviously busy

Photo Credit: Flickr,Adikos

14. Asking for your drink to be “strong”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

15. Snapping your fingers at a server. DON’T DO IT

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Now go eat and be courteous!

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10+ People Share Their ‘Are You Kidding Me’ Moments

Are you kidding me?!?!

These folks shared some of their most ridiculous stories on AskReddit. Enjoy.

1. Bath & Body Works

“Worked for Bath & Body customer service for years. It was nothing but “are you kidding me” moments.

One winter we had hand soaps with a cartoon polar bear and penguin on the label, wearing scarves and sledding. I had a lady call and YELL at me for nearly an hour about how inaccurate that is, since polar bears and penguins don’t live in the same place. She demanded that I tell her why we put them on the label together.

I didn’t last much longer after that.”

2. SMH

“I have a last name that is common but comes in multiple spellings. Think Smith/Smyth. I always spell the name out when I tell people my last name because mine is the less common method. I was checking into a hotel and the employee checking me in was having a hard time finding our reservations. I believe it was her first day so she asked the manager for help. I tell him how to spell my name but he wasn’t really listening. More of a let me show this new girl how it is done.

After what seemed like 20 minutes he says “Oh here it is. Someone misspelled your name. They put a y instead of an I” Me: “That is the correct spelling” Him: “No it isn’t! I know how to spell Smith. I am going to change it in our system it will only take me a second”

That was the day I realized I didn’t know how to spell my own name.”

3. The good ol’ DMV

“Denied a drivers license because my birth certificate was “invalid” for having a tiny hole in the center. I waited 4 hours.”

4. Teacher of the year

“I had a college professor scold the class for helping each other study for exams because she stated we were all competing for a program spot/future job and needed to be more competitive. She magically was not teaching any classes next semester.”

5. Thanks, teach!

“I had a teacher in a base level chem-phys class yell at my class after everyone failed a test because we hadn’t been taught half of the unit.

His exact words were “it’s not my job to teach you the materials” “.

6. How dare you!

“I got suspended for the horrendous crime of taking Tylenol on school property last year. I was waiting for the shuttle to marching band practice when I had cramps, and there was no way to get to the nurse and back to the bus stop on time. I of course complained about my impending miserable practice to a few friends and one offered me Tylenol.

Practice went great, I thought nothing of it. Next day my friend and I were dragged to the office and interrogated because someone told the school I took 6 pills of speed. I never had broken a rule before that so I was panicking. I remember the quote of the year being “if it was just Tylenol that doesn’t explain why you’re so upset right now”. Apparently I was the only person at that school who cared when they were in trouble. They ended up confirming it was Tylenol though, and just when I thought Truth, Justice, and the American Way had prevailed, they suspended me anyway.”

7. Bad Driving 101

“Going to the dreaded blue store and a woman on her phone nearly pulls into me (big blue dodge van) as she suddenly decides she needs to be in the turn lane and then nearly rear ends me because she assumed we would just continue to go when the light changed to red (there were two cars ahead of me too). If that wasn’t bad enough she nearly hits me again in the parking lot as she drives across the parking spots and has the nerve to flip me off when I honk at her to stop her from slamming into me.”

8. Poor pooch

“I used to work at an animal shelter. A woman brought in a Rottweiler puppy, age 8 weeks. Said she was surrendering it because she did not realize it would get that big. O.O

(Honestly, though, thank you thank you thank you lady. You brought him in young, cute, and supremely adoptable and not a year and a half later, out of control and completely unsocialized from living in your yard. You did the right thing!).”

9. It’s my name

“When people correct me about my last name, or claim to know where it originates. Here’s a typical cringe conversation I have about it:

“My last name is (last name)”

“Oh, you mean (mispronounces last name)”

“No, it’s pronounced (correct last name)”

“Well, in Russia its pronounced my way”

“…my last name isn’t Russian, it’s German.”

“Actually, I know it’s Russian and…blah blah blah (I stop listening at this point)” “

10. Engaged

“At one point I was engaged. I was together with this girl for nearly 7 years. Her car died so I bought her a brand new one of her choice. She wanted something small and easy to drive with good storage space so she chose a Scion xD. We drove 4 hours to the next state to get one in the color that she wanted.

A few months later she’s leaving me to be with an older mid 30s, unemployed, uneducated, no skills, married loser who she knows fulls well is cheating on his wife with her. He stayed at home all day while his wife worked. They would do their thing together and be sure to get him back home before his wife so she wouldn’t know.

Well, here’s this brand new car. It was in my name. I was making the payments. And she’s leaving me to go be with this mutual cheater. I told her that she had two options regarding this car. She could either get a loan to purchase this car off of me or I’m taking the car back. I’m not going to pay ~$18,000 after interest for a car for you now.

She wasn’t happy about this. She was also using my old cell phone since she broke hers. I told her that I wanted my phone back, too. After I got it back I looked at what she left on it. She deleted the contact of her new cheater fuckboy but the text messages remained. I knew his number so it was easy to see who she was talking to.

She was saying to him that I was “driving her crazy” about this car and that I wouldn’t just leave her alone about it.

You think that you can leave me for the guy that you were cheating on me with and that I’m still going to pay for this brand new car of your choice for you?”

11. Genius

“I work fast food, we have a relatively popular item which is a strawberry slush made with actual strawberries. It says as much on the menu.

Customer orders a strawberry slush. Sixty seconds pass, and they call back in and want to speak to a manager.

Dipshit: “My strawberry slush has strawberry in it?”

Me: “Well, yes, of course?”

Very itchy dipsh*t: “I’m allergic to strawberries.” “

12. A strange reaction

“A customer in the restaurant I work in had a seizure and an ambulance was called. My reaction when the ambulance pulled up was to prop he door open for the paramedics so they could get in faster. The assistant managers reaction was to complain to me about how they parked right in front of the entrance, and that they should have more respect for the business…”

13. They’re everywhere!

“I spent 30 minutes talking to a flat earther.

A REAL flat earther.”

14. It wasn’t me

“My license got suspended for several months because a woman with my exact name (not at all common) got caught driving without insurance and the officer mistakenly assigned the ticket to me. After finally figuring out what happened, my boyfriend and I had to take a day off work and drive an hour to the town she got the ticket in to go to court and basically prove I wasn’t her.

After I was cleared it still took well over a month for my license to be reinstated. It was so inconvenient and beyond frustrating because I had done absolutely nothing wrong! Fast forward two years and I’m denied when trying to get a library card because the same woman had a late fee for a Fast and Furious 6 dvd.”

15. Time to quit

“Was in a training period for a job I tried to land to pay the bills after I graduated and was meandering in search of career direction.

I got the flu in my 2nd week of training, during a blizzard in which we were maybe one of a handful of offices open in town. I was really, really sick, like “don’t go into work” sick, but it was training, and even if it was a sh-t anyone-can-do-it job, I still wanted to tough it out by going in. I just had my girlfriend at the time drive me because I was so out of it.

We’re getting toward mid-afternoon, and the weather has been getting worse. I’d spent most of 11am-2pm excusing myself to go to the toilet and vomit.

Finally, it occurred to me this was a bad job and lives weren’t at stake by me toughing it out. So I went to my supervisor and explained to her: look, I’m sick, I’ve been sick all day, I haven’t been productive as a result, and since I didn’t drive today, I’d like to leave ONE hour early due to the weather and me being sick.

My supervisor said: OK, you can leave, but you will get a written warning for leaving work early. If you get another warning, you will be fired.

I put in my two weeks’ notice the next day.

(And to my surprise: they accepted it and said “OK, sit here for two weeks without any incentive and be totally unproductive”. That was weird.)”

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12+ Moviegoers Share Their Worst Experiences at the Theater

People talking, looking at their cells phone, and otherwise making noise at the movie theater is my biggest pet peeve. It drives me insane and that’s why I only go see movies on Tuesdays at 11 a.m.

Anyway, enough about me. AskReddit users divulge their worst movie theater experiences…and they’re making my blood boil.

1. Teenagers

“Worst – Went to see Borat opening night (for some reason I thought it had been out a week already). The “obnoxious teenager level” was dialed up to 11 that night.

Best (at least most memorable in an amusing way) – nothing to do with the film, but years ago I went to see Wishmaster in the theaters with my girlfriend at the time. We were a minute or so late, so the movie already started. It was very dark, and we can see two people sitting right as we walk in. Thinking it was packed, we took the first two seats we could tell were open (which happened to be right across the aisle from the two people we saw.

A few minutes later, the next scene is the skyline of the city in the middle of the day. This cast light into theater, and those other two people we saw were the only other people in the movie, and we were sitting two feet away. I turn to my girlfriend and whisper “maybe we should move” which she said “no, it would be embarrassing.” _A minute later I hear the other guy whisper to his date”maybe we should move”and her say \”no, it would be embarrassing.” _We give each other apologetic looks and sit awkwardly through a pretty forgettable film.”

2. Didn’t even get a refund

“They were offering cheap tickets at a movie theater in a rougher area.

Group of kids playing with lighters the whole time.

One lit a chair on fire.

Smoke alarm went off.

Didn’t get a refund.”

3. It really does…

“I went to see one of the G. I. Joe movies with my brother in one of the worst theaters in my area. We were the only one in the room while watching. At one point my brother says out loud “man this movie sucks a**” and the guy working the projector said back “yeah it really does.” “

4. Ugggghhhhh

“Best/worse? A couple came in to a movie (Thor Ragnarok) with an infant and sat down not far from us. I was picturing the baby screaming through the whole movie. Nope.

The woman behind us talked through the entire thing. It was her 1st marvel movie.”

5. Waterworld

“Worst but best story

I saw Waterworld with Kevin Costner…and the ceiling started leaking from a storm so the rain literally soaked us. It was a $1 theater and I demanded a refund. And got it.”

6. I love this story for some reason

“I had the misfortune of watching Gone Girl in a theater with someone who thought it was a comedy. Gone Girl is a dramatic mystery, not a comedy in any sense of the word. At every mildly funny line, this person was hooting and hollering like it was an Adam Sandler movie. It really broke the mood of a tense, dramatic film.”

7. No sound

“Went to see _”Arachnophobia” _with my boyfriend at the theatre next to our college campus. Lights dimmed, previews played… then the movie started. About three minutes in, the sound goes out. Movie still playing. People start yelling _”Sound!!!”_ but nothing happens. A few jokers start improvising the dialogue, and it’s hilarious. More people chime in, effectively covering the entire soundtrack with gut-busting results. Never laughed so hard in my life. Then the sound came back on and disappointment permeated like a wave through the audience.”

8. WTF

“Experiencing “the crawler”

someone crawling under the seats to steal from people’s purses.


9. Great guy

“Drunk guy in front of me sh*t himself.

He waited at least 40 minutes before moving.”

10. Classy

“The couple immediately in front of us were getting pretty hot and heavy with a make out session, then the girl moved into the guys lap. At first I thought this was just cuddling, then it became quite clear they were having sex in a crowded cinema, and her head bobbing up and down was ruining my view of the film.”

11. WHAT

“The most outrageous experience was when the guy sitting next to me (in the dark) put his hand down into my hot-buttered popcorn and started helping himself.”

12. Best and worst

“I guess my worst and best cinema experience happened all in the same time.

In the very very early days of online ticket purchases… I purchased 4 tickets online to see 12 Monkeys, on opening day. I was taking a special date and wanted to impress her. Evidently, I was the first one to ever purchase tickets online for this particular theater. We got to the theater and the movie was sold out, even though we had purchased online tickets… The ticket booth was confused as to what was going on so they called the manager. The manager come out and explained that we were the first people to ever order tickets online and that it didn’t quite integrate with their ticketing system causing the theater to overbook. I was thinking… Just great. First date and this happens. I felt like an idiot.

The manager actually made it right in the long run… He suggested that we see another movie that was starting at the same time. He gave us tickets and we went to the theater. Right before the movie started he come in and brought us a full/big snack package, drinks, popcorn, candy, etc. Really great gesture. He said he would meet us after the movie to see how it went.

After the movie, sure enough, the manager was waiting right by the door waiting for us to come out. He stopped us and asked how the movie suggestion was. He then handed us tickets to come back and see the movie that we really wanted to.”

13. Oh boy

“In Doctor Strange, I was in the theatre opening weekend or something and so the theatre was pretty crowded. Right as the movie is starting, one mans phone starts ringing. In my head I’m thinking he will hang up and it’ll all be fine but NO.

So the guy picks up the phone and begins a conversation, at which another person in the theatre tells him that other people are in the theatre and he should hang up.

He responded to that suggestion by saying something along the lines of “I had cancer surgery yesterday and this is my f*cking doctor” much profanity was used.

The other man said “well you can walk out of the theatre so all of these people can not be disturbed”.

And at this point the one mans son is even telling him to stop but he feels it is important to argue his case so he says “I paid for my f*cking movie ticket now why don’t you piece of sh*t leave me the f*ck alone because this is more important than the f*cking movie”.

At this point he was standing up and yelling at the top of his voice. The other man had backed down and stopped responding but the one man was just saying “f*cking hell” and other profanity under his breath for the next 5 minutes.

I was in my theatre with my sister and I was actually scared a fight was going to break out, let alone the fact I was distracted and pulled out of the theatre experience the whole movie and missed the first 5 minutes.”

14. Nice family experience

“Went to see “Finding Dory” a few weeks after its release. Only people in the theater were my SO and I, another older couple with their kid, and a group of 4 teens in the back.

Anytime the movie showed Dory, one of the people in the group of teens would yell “FOUND HER!” with the entourage chuckling at their hysterical joke.

Eventually the man of the older couple ran out of patience and told the group to please be quiet. You would’ve thought he threw poop at them.

They all stand up and start harassing the couple. Telling them that they are going to rape their kid and force him to watch. Next thing I know, the dad flung himself over the seat and a 4-on-1 brawl began.

My SO and I ran out of the theater to get help. Fortunately this was a bigger chain of Movie Theaters and they had security on site. All 7 of them (teens, parents and kid) were escorted out of the facility even though it was the teens who instigated the whole thing.

At least I was able to enjoy the rest of the movie in silence.”

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10+ People Reveal the Things They Hate That Everyone Else Loves

We all have examples of this sort of unpopular opinion in our lives: things that everyone in the world seems to love that you just HATE. Could be a movie, a band, a trend, food, etc.

People on AskReddit revealed the things they really don’t care for that everyone else loves. What’s yours?

1. No thanks

“Take me out to eat for my birthday and get the waitresses to sing and smear cake in my face.”

2. Dummies

“To be irresponsible. FFS I’m not going to a party in a town a few dozen kms over without knowing how will I get back home. And even if I did, you can bet I wouldn’t spend all my money on booze.

They got stranded there, over 50km from home, with no money, with no one that could go get them, at 8 am.”

3. Weird

“Calling out to strangers pretending to know them. Walking up to them. Having a proper conversation and after they convince the stranger they met somewhere before saying oops wrong person…”

4. Different groups of friends

“Two different groups of friends. One loves heading out to places on the weekends where there’s always pounding music and shots, the other would rather stay in and watch netflix all weekend.

It’s killing me trying to drag either group towards a happy medium. I just want to go out somewhere for casual drinks where we can actually hear a conversation.”

5. Seems kinda pointless

“Buy the most expensive clothes and then not wear them again and buy more after a month or so.”

6. Nerd alert!

“Magic the gathering. Now I shouldn’t say I absolutely hate the game, I just never could get into it. What I absolutely hate is when we all get together to hang out, and they all end up playing for hours while I sit there not caring.”

7. Introvert

“Going out and bar hopping. Too much money and too many people. I’ll get faced at home, thanks”

8. Crappy

“I have friends who are in a really crappy punk band. I like punk, but their band is god-awful.”

9. No sex talk, por favor

“Unbeknownst to most of my friends, I am still a virgin. I don’t like hearing them talk about sex. It freaks me out.”

10. Anti-social media

“Taking pictures to post on social media. Can’t we just do something without having to talk about how many likes we’re getting!? It’s so annoying to me, I couldn’t care less. I mentioned this to one of them and apparently it was offensive. We’re in our mid-twenties. No one gives a s**t that we went out. Also I think it’s embarrassing to take a bunch of pictures over and over because they don’t like any of them, like get over yourself!”

11. I would not be friends with this person

“Horror movies. They go to the cinema on the regular to see whatever slasher-jump-scare movie is playing, but I just don’t enjoy it. I tried. I really did.

Now I either go and see a different movie that’s playing at the same time, or just meet them for drinks afterwards. It’s a good system.”

12. Let’s move on

“Get together and talk about their children. I liked it before when they had a personality and I could talk about more than 1 topic.”

13. Mallrats

“Hang around the mall. They never even get food while they’re there, they just look at clothes for 2 hours and leave! I just wanted Auntie Anne’s.”

14. No kids allowed

“This bar and grill that allows children after 10 p.m. My roommates and I come from the same city and they’re friends with some mutual acquaintances who have a daughter, so they always go to that place on Saturday nights because they can’t be assed to pay for a babysitter.

I’m not even a kid person in the first place, I refuse to have my Saturdays held hostage to a child.”

15. Let’s go to White Castle instead

“Going somewhere “nice” almost always entails some complicated booking system where we’re told we’ll get our table for 90 minutes only, and we have to jump through hoops if the party is larger than 6, somebody needs to leave a credit card number. You can sit down till everyone’s there. Half your group just want to instagram stuff so there’s that. The food is good but fussy and overpriced, you don’t want to say it but the steak you had at your local spot for a fraction of the price is more pleasant. If the order is not quite right you feel awkward or that you’re making too big a deal of it. Everyone’s sort of anxious and tense because we’re all uncomfortable both psychologically (ehh this is a place where some drinks cost more than my car) and physically (had to dress up to fit in). just can’t resist them.

I’m all for places that have better quality food, I’m 100% about getting out of my comfort zone and yes, sometimes it’s nice to be a little fancy. When I look back on some of the “ohh let’s go somewhere special!” evenings, objectively speaking I did not enjoy it.”

The post 10+ People Reveal the Things They Hate That Everyone Else Loves appeared first on UberFacts.