It’s widely believed that lemmings commit mass suicide by leaping to their deaths from cliffs. In fact, this is a myth brought about by the nature of lemmings’ mass migration and popularized by a Disney movie from the 50s.
7 Facts About Hamsters
Hamsters are stout-bodied, omnivorous and cute-butt rodents with much more to them than just running on their wheels or being experimented on in scientific laboratories. The following are some facts about these much-in-demand and adorable rodent pets. The discovery of the first ‘one of a kind’ pet Even though all of them look similar, there […]
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Why Do Cats Have Tails?
Have you ever seen a cat fall and land on their back? The vast majority of you will answer ‘No’, because cats pretty much always land on their feet. Has a cat ever rubbed itself up against your leg in delight, its tail fluttering high, or against a wall or a table that it likes […]
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The Biggest Spiders in the World
A lot of times, it seems that we underestimate some species that exist on Earth quite a bit. Spiders, for one, are something that most of us think as a small, tiny creature, nowhere near to being harmful or scary. However, like almost every category of creature on this planet, even spiders have something to […]
The post The Biggest Spiders in the World appeared first on Factual Facts: Interesting Facts, Fun Facts and Weird Facts.
Herodotus wrote about fuzzy, dog sized ants living in India which dug…
Herodotus wrote about fuzzy, dog sized ants living in India which dug up gold to build ant hills. For centuries, people assumed it was made up. In the 1990s, scientist discovered a fuzzy marmot living in India that digs up gold whenever it burrows.
Why Do Dogs Lick You?
It is a truth universally acknowledged that any dog within tongue-licking distance of a human being, if given half the chance, will lick them. My friend’s adorable springer spaniel doesn’t even care if he gets your skin or not, he’ll just lick your clothes. You stretch your legs out past where he’s sitting on the […]
The post Why Do Dogs Lick You? appeared first on Factual Facts: Interesting Facts, Fun Facts and Weird Facts.
10 Facts About Guinea Pigs
Some facts about Guinea pigs are well known. The most common being the ambiguity behind their name – they are not pigs and neither do they hail from Guinea or New Guinea for that matter. Let’s take a look at some lesser known facts about Guinea pigs. Guinea pigs groom themselves using a milky white […]
The post 10 Facts About Guinea Pigs appeared first on Factual Facts: Interesting Facts, Fun Facts and Weird Facts.
Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?
Probably all puppies have chased their tails at some point. For a puppy, chasing his tail is as common as a child spinning in circles. Puppies seem to become aware that they have tails and, therefore, they are something to try to catch. Who hasn’t had a laugh at a puppy spinning around trying to […]
The post Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails? appeared first on Factual Facts: Interesting Facts, Fun Facts and Weird Facts.
A Japanese zoo unsuccessfully tried to mate a pair of hyenas…
A Japanese zoo unsuccessfully tried to mate a pair of hyenas for four years before realizing both were males.
There is a species of pig called “Mangalitsa” which has…
There is a species of pig called “Mangalitsa” which has wool on it which resembles that of a sheep.