Animal Friendships That Are Absolutely Wholesome

Do you need some wholesomeness right about now? I’m talking about some content that is so pure and adorable that it will make your heart all warm and fuzzy?

I know I sure do! And one of the most heartwarming things out there, in my humble opinion, is when animals that are completely different species become best friends.

And you can’t disagree with me because you know that it’s true, too!

I grew up in a house with dogs and cats and the times when they would put all their differences aside and enjoy each others’ company always made me feel wonderful…and so do these photos!

So let’s enjoy them together!

1. A horse and a husky.

A match made in Heaven.

"Friendship Between a Horse And Husky" (x-post /r/MostBeautiful) from aww

2. It’s gonna be okay, buddy.

This is so cute.

Comforting a friend from MadeMeSmile

3. Cats and rats.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.

My friend’s cat and rat are best buddies from aww

4. Wow! I’d like to see a TV show about these two.

Don’t you agree?

"A rare friendship developed between a gray wolf and brown bear." from aww

5. Only hangin’ with the dogs.

Well, what can you do?

My aunts goat thinks it’s a dog. It wont associate with the other goats and only hangs out with the dogs. from aww

6. A horse and a dog.

And a great friendship.

Friendship is a very beautiful thing ❤ from aww

7. Look very closely.

Hey, how did that happen?

Now this was an unexpected friendship ? from aww

8. Best friends until the end.

I love this so much.

Meet Mickey and John, they’re best friends from aww

9. Awwww. This is 100% pure.

They don’t know any different.

Dog and Raccoon Friendship from aww

10. Very unusual…

But extremely adorable!

unusual friendship from AnimalsBeingBros

11. Let’s go see your buddies.

It’s nice when you can catch up with your friends.

These horses always come for a kiss whenever we walk past from aww

Well, that sure was nice, wasn’t it?

Have you seen any other wholesome animal friendships lately?

If so, tell us about them in the comments and share some photos and links with us. Thanks a lot!

The post Animal Friendships That Are Absolutely Wholesome appeared first on UberFacts.

Nice and Wholesome Animal Friendships That Will Make You Smile

This is the kind of stuff I need in my life right about now.

Enough with the negativity and enough with all the bad news…what I want right this instant is to see wholesome animal friendships that are also unexpected.

Is that too much to ask for?

I don’t think so! And I’m here to share it all with you!

Take a look at these unusual and adorable animal friendships and just try to tell me that they don’t make you smile…let’s take a look.

1. This is amazing.

Look at these two best friends! Beautiful!

A pelican befriended a stray dog who was often spotted hanging out all alone along the boat docks. The man who photographed this has adopted him but brings him back every day to see his friend, Petey the Pelican. from aww

2. This is what true friendship looks like.

As they say, opposites attract, right?

Friendship goals from MadeMeSmile

3. Family can come in many forms.

And here’s a perfect example.

family isn’t always blood from Eyebleach

4. Best friends forever.

They have a lifetime bond.

Cheetah and doggo stayed best friends from the start! from aww

5. Getting all snuggled up together.

Isn’t that freakin’ adorable?

Friendship goals. from aww

6. Size doesn’t matter when it comes to friendship.

And here’s the proof!

Little and large from aww

7. I’d love to spend a day with these two.

Brothers from different mothers.

best buddies from aww

8. NOT fighting like cats and dogs.

In fact, it’s the complete opposite.

These best friends. Even the look in his eyes is adorable from aww

9. Pea and Jotto.

They’re friends til the end!

10. The best ones are unexpected.

This is very true, don’t you think?

Unexpected friendships are the best ones from aww

11. You don’t see this every day.

Get a load of these two!

Buddies from aww

12. I think this will work out just fine.

They both look pretty excited about it!

The start of an awwesome friendship! from aww

Those are great!

Now we want to hear from you!

Do you have any wholesome animal friendships going on under your roof? Dogs and cats? Hamsters and ferrets? Dingos and snakes?

If so, tell us all about them in the comments and share some photos with us!

The post Nice and Wholesome Animal Friendships That Will Make You Smile appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What They Think Their Dog’s Dating Profiles Would Look Like

Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about this at some point…don’t even think about starting with me!

What am I talking about, you’re wondering?

I’m referring to what your dog’s profile would look like on a dating website. You’re really gonna sit there and tell me you haven’t considered what you’d put on there? I bet some of you have even gone so far as to make up a mock profile already.

Listen, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay and that you’re not alone. These people are all thinking the exact same thing. So let’s check it out!

1. She’s new to this whole thing.

But I think she’ll be just fine.

2. That is a handsome lad.

Quite a dapper dog!

3. A real gentleman.

Oh, Buddy, you’re gonna get a lot of dates.

4. A special dog.

We wish you luck!

5. What do you think of Milo?

Let’s get the lowdown.

6. Loves to eat!

What else do you really need?

7. Used to be a little bit slimmer.

But still a handsome beast.

8. How can you resist her?!?!

Just a country girl at heart.

9. Looking for love.

Hopefully in all the RIGHT places.

10. Might have some baggage.

But still, pretty cute…

11. Nice and simple.

That’s all he’s looking for.

12. No false advertising.

Let’s be honest…

13. Meet Walter.

Get to know him!

Those are great!

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us what you think YOUR dog’s dating profile would look like.

We can’t wait to hear from you! Thanks!

The post People Share What They Think Their Dog’s Dating Profiles Would Look Like appeared first on UberFacts.

People Debunk Misconceptions About Ethical Farming Practices

The Internet is a vast resource for discovering all kinds of information, but these days it can be difficult to sort what is true from what is false.

Misinformation can spread easily, even if unintentionally. It’s important to correct false claims when we see them, like users did in this Tumblr thread on the ethics of raising bees and chickens for their honey and eggs.

From the get-go, there seems to be a misunderstanding on some basic fundamentals of caring for honeybees and chickens.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

The first user states that they don’t understand why some vegans refuse to eat “backyard eggs,” or eggs that are harvested locally from someone’s back yard, and blasts those who refused to support local farmers.

Chicken eggs that are fresh and local, from hens that are raised humanely, are much different than the average carton of white eggs you’ll find at the grocery store. I can tell you from experience, they’re usually brown or blue, and their yokes are darker and richer.

Consuming local honey is also better for your environment and community, especially if you have allergies. But user “feminist-james” disagrees.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

The claim that beekeepers collect all of a hive’s honey is not accurate. Skilled beekeepers will make sure to leave enough honey in the beehive for the survival of the colony.

It’s also not accurate to say all chickens are only meant to lay eggs once a month. It all depends on the type of chicken.

Luckily, a genuine beekeeper swoops in to school this misinformed user.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

As satisfying as it can feel to call somebody out or stand up for a cause you believe in, you will look very foolish if you start doing so without doing thorough research.

It’s one thing to think you know how an industry works, but when someone from that industry speaks up, it’s important to listen.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

This beekeeper explains that harvesting honey is actually part of taking care of their bees.

They say that the bees need space in the hive for giving birth to and storing eggs.

If a hive loses its queen and there’s no queen brood to replace her, that hive is done for.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It is in the best interest of bees and humans for the beekeeper to pay close attention to the health of their hive.

If they want to continue harvesting honey, they need their bees to be healthy and happy. It would be counter productive for beekeepers to starve out their hives by taking all of the honey and providing no supplementary food source.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

This beekeeper is right again. There is a big difference between factory farming and traditional farming.

Factory farms are generally much more crowded, with animals kept in small, cramped cages or enclosed areas.

They have a negative impact on our soil, air, and water. Their practices often include the use of antibiotics and hormones on animals to promote growth and prevent disease, which studies show can have negative impacts on the humans who consume them.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Our beekeeper ends their post with suggestions for what other topics we can research if we’re truly motivated to protect animals and our environment.

Another user joins in to speak to the claim that chickens weren’t meant to lay eggs more than once a month.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Forced molting is the action of denying a flock of laying hens food and sometimes water for 1-2 weeks. This is usually implemented when egg-production is naturally decreasing, toward the end of the first egg-laying phase.

By not allowing the hen’s body the necessary time to rejuvenate during the natural cycle of replenishment, farmers can increase egg quality and productivity.

But as this user points out:

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It is definitely possible to raise chickens humanely while still repeating the reward of fresh eggs.

My grandparents were old-fashioned famers, and I grew up visiting my cousins on their farm.

Their animals had room to graze and walk about. They were treated well, and in return my family members grew up eating delicious, fresh eggs.

Actual farmers can attest:

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Taking care of farm animals is hard work. It takes a lot of time and energy, and because of this, many farmers love their farm animals. Chickens can be a pet, just like a cat or a dog.

Also, chickens don’t need their unfertilized eggs, and there’s an easy way to ensure that a hen’s eggs remain unfertilized.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Eggs are quite nutritious. They’re a good source of vitamins B2, B5, B12, folate, phosphorus, selenium, and of course protein.

They also contain choline, an important nutrient that most of us don’t get enough of.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Purchasing eggs and honey (or any meant/produce) locally is always the best option if available!

From an ethnical stand-point, purchasing locally allows you to get to know the farmer and to ask about their farming practices, so you can ensure their animals are treated well and not pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.

Purchasing local is better for your community, it lightens your carbon footprint, and the food you consume will be much fresher and tastier. That is a fact, no misinformation here.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

As we already learned above, farmers can deny hens food to force them into a stage of not laying eggs. It stands to reason that if you continue to feed your chickens they will continue to lay.

If you’re interested in purchasing local produce and animal products, I highly encourage you to research and visit your local farmers market. This is the best way to meet farmers, buy from them directly, and sample what your community has to offer. By talking to farmers you can get the truth about their farming practices, straight from the horse’s mouth.

Are you a beekeeper or do you raise chickens? What’s your opinion on the ethical treatment of animals? Let us know in the comments below!

The post People Debunk Misconceptions About Ethical Farming Practices appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes that Will Teach You Something New

I love learning new stuff. Especially tidbits of information that aren’t necessary to know, but once you learn them you feel cool for being in the know. You know?

Knowledge is power. It’s always impressive when people can rattle off obscure facts and trivia. So check out these 14 informative memes and you too can impress your friends with your newfound knowledge.

1. Try turning this into a song:

Who knew “D” was the evolution of “fish”?

Image Credit: The Chive

2. The original “All My Children”:

“Burst full-formed from forehead…”

Image Credit: The Chive

3. Batman

Behind every great Batman is another Batman.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. Someone got REAL serious about finding this guy…

Oh, I know! He’s inside one of the lions!

Image Credit: The Chive

5. The next time you want to pass a note in class…

Try these hand signals instead! The teacher will just think you’re raising you hand to get a bathroom pass.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. This is actually useful information:

Ron Swanson would approve this message.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. Now that’s a horse of a different color:

Have horses been the most beautiful creatures on the planet this whole time? Why am I just learning this?

Image Credit: The Chive

8. If you’re riding horses, you’ll need one of these…

If each of these hats were one of the Seven Dwarves, “Gus” would be “Dopey.”

Image Credit: The Chive

9. It’s like the state flower, but with teeth and claws:

Gotta catch ’em all?

Image Credit: The Chive

10. This is kind of creepy:

But it’s striking how similar the human and chimpanzee brains are to one another.

Image Credit: The Chive

11. Keep this in your pocket for the next 4th of July:

Image Credit: The Chive

“That one? That’s a brocade crown. And see that babe? That’s what we in the industry call a silver dragon.”

12. That’s pretty impressive:

Can you imagine flying one of these bad boys?

Image Credit: The Chive

13. You can’t have success without failure:

Sometimes you have to take it one small step at a time.

Image Credit: The Chive

Isn’t learning fun? I never knew there were so many different types of cryptids in North America!

Now that you’ve accumulated all this new-found knowledge, it’s time to show it off to your friends and family. I’m sure they’ll be quite impressed with your thorough knowledge of horse breeds and your special strategy for finding Waldo.

Which one of these informative memes taught you something new today? Let us know in the comments!

The post Memes that Will Teach You Something New appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What Their Pets Have Conditioned Them to Do

Do we know who’s in charge here?

It’s supposed to be the humans, right?

Well, maybe you won’t think that’s necessarily the case after you read through these responses…because it seems like our pets have been training us all these years, after all.

Believe it or not, our dogs and cats condition us to do things just like we condition them.

Let’s take a look at the evidence!

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Do it NOW!

“Change the water in her bowl.

It can be all the way to the top and she’ll stand there staring at it until I take the bowl, dump it, and refill it with fresh water.”

2. Be very quiet.

“I open the tinfoil as quietly as possible.

My cat loves tin foil balls, and whenever he hears it he runs over and looks at it longingly (despite him having at least 24 tin foil balls already).

You can’t call him with a treat bag or tin, he only comes for the foil.”

3. Go get it!

“Check the mail every day…he’s so excited to walk to the mailbox with me it reminds me to actually do it.”

4. Let’s share.

“Before I run in the morning I usually eat a banana.

Ever since we got my sweet dog, I scarf down about two thirds of my banana and he gets the last part.

It’s become our little thing, an unspoken agreement.”

5. It must be done.

“Weaving his name into any song I can for no reason whatsoever.

Also, I was riding around with my dog the other day and motley crue’s ‘girl girls girls’ came on the radio but he likes it better if I sing it as ‘squirrels squirrels squirrels’.”

6. Good energy.

“Calm down when I start to lose my temper or get frustrated.

Whenever he hears me sigh or swear, he runs to me, rests his chin on my arm or leg and looks up at me with concern. This has made me so aware of how my energy can impact those around me and I have really gotten my anger under control since he started doing this.

He’s one of the goodest boys and I am grateful for him every day.”

7. Pick me up.

“My girlfriend’s older cat makes me pick her up to drink running tap water from her bathroom sink.

I also gotta pick her up to get on the dryer to eat, even though she can easily make the jump.”

8. Fetch!

“I have a cat that plays fetch, very insistently.

She brings me her toy mouse, and if I don’t throw it for her, she sits on my laptop keyboard.

Of course this all started when I would throw the mouse to keep her from sitting on my laptop.”

9. This is awesome.

“My mother’s dog tells her when it’s time for her evening meal. As in my mother’s evening meal. The dog knows she eats after my mother, so when she starts to get peckish she goes and bugs her to start cooking.

When I go back to visit, we’ll be sitting chatting and the dog will sidle in and become A Presence In The Room for maybe 30 seconds until my mother casually looks at her watch and says “I suppose we better think about eating”. She’s completely unaware of what triggers her decision.”

10. I hope you’re hungry.

“Yell “floor food!” whenever I’m cooking and I drop something.

Or go “cronch cronch cronch” when I’m chopping veggies, so my dog knows I have extras for her.”

11. Shuffle your feet.

“Shuffle my feet instead of walking when it’s dark so I don’t step on my small, black cat.”

12. Come on in!

“When I get up to go to the bathroom I stand in the door and wait for my elderly cat to come in before I close the door. He likes to keep me company.

If he doesnt come in right away I’ll call for him and if still nothing I’ll start walking around the house looking for him.”

13. Different barks.

“One of my dogs has several barks: a play bark and a squirrel bark and other dog things that are normal dog barks.

He also had what we call his “emergency bark”. The emergency bark is what he does when he thinks there is serious danger. It is EXTREMELY loud and makes us jump every time. He usually reserves it for things like the time I fell down the stairs and he scream barked for my husband to help, or when someone is in our front yard, or when he cornered a possum in the backyard.

However, since my husband started working from home this dog barks his emergency bark at my husband if he tries working past 4pm. My husband now has learned to stop working at about 3:50 every day to avoid that jarring sound.”

Has this happened to you with your dogs or cats (or maybe your other pets)?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you! Thanks in advance!

The post People Talk About What Their Pets Have Conditioned Them to Do appeared first on UberFacts.

This Fella Is Making His Neighbors Laugh With His Creative Fence Windows for Dogs

We all have to get creative right now with how we spend our spare time because everything we used to do for fun is closed for the foreseeable future.

I’m talking about concerts, sporting events, movies, etc. It’s a shame but for now, we just have to deal with it, right?

And a guy named Brian Stanley has been doing something I consider to be very worthwhile. Much to the delight of his neighbors, Stanley started The Dog Fence, which is exactly what it sounds like, but it’s a helluva lot of fun!

Stanley makes awesome, pop-culture influenced cardboard posters for his fence that also feature holes so his dogs, Burger and Ripley, can poke their heads through and make the whole neighborhood laugh!

Every few weeks, he updates the fence and shows off his artistic abilities. And it’s really a ton of fun!

Take a look at Stanley’s handiwork. We think you’ll be very impressed.

1. The Scream!

Do you recognize this painting?

2. Hey, what the ****!

You’re about to get eaten!

3. Jurassic Bark.

Doesn’t get much better than that.

4. The Dog with the Bone Earring.

This is perfect.

5. I want you!

To fill my water dish.

6. I can already hear the theme music.

It’s coming for us!

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#jaws #richarddreyfuss #thedogfence

A post shared by Burger & Ripley! (@thedogfence) on

7. Here are Ripley and Burger.

They’re having a blast!

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Burger is always smiling…

A post shared by Burger & Ripley! (@thedogfence) on

8. Weekly World News for the win!

America’s most trusted news source.

9. Behind the scenes.

He’s doing his job well.

10. A wide view of this great one.

It’s a masterpiece!

11. What will they do next?

Keep checking back to see what else they have in store for us!

What a cool project!

How have you been keeping yourself and your family busy during the pandemic and the shutdown?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you’ve been up to!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post This Fella Is Making His Neighbors Laugh With His Creative Fence Windows for Dogs appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What Their Pet Has Trained Them to Do

If you’ve ever tried to train a dog, you’ve probably used all kinds of commands before. And if you’ve tried to train your cat…well, that was a huge mistake because cats don’t listen to anyone, but they do learn a lot of things along the way from being conditioned. Like when to eat, where the litter box is, etc.

But sometimes, our pets condition us to do things as well, whether we realize it or not. Don’t believe me? I think you will very soon…

Here are the ways AskReddit users say they’ve been conditioned to do things by their pets.

1. Husky talk.

“My husky does this sneezing thing when she’s anxious and I imitate her every time she does it. Usually causes follow up sneezes.

I also know right when she’s about to groan when she’s anxious/annoyed and if I make the noise before she does she won’t do it.”

2. From the tap, please.

“My parents cat prefers to drink water directly from the tap before.

Every night before bed he’ll hop onto their sink and meow until someone turns on the tap for him, then when he’s done he’ll meow again until someone turns off the tap and carries him to bed.”

3. It’s okay, I’m in here.

“Leave the bathroom door cracked just a little so she can open it, see that I’m in there, and be on her way, instead of waiting outside whining and whining.

No, I don’t do this for pooping nor when there are people over, as I’m not a neanderthal, but she really needs to know it’s me peeing in there or she will freak out about my location.”

4. All about that cat.

“Last summer my cat had serious health problems, he had to spend some days in the animal hospital. My place was so empty without him and that was the time i realized basically i adjusted every aspect of my life to please/don’t scare/don’t hurt him.

I only open the windows to let fresh air in, if the cat is closed in a different room. I always watch where i step. I hurry home from work, so he won’t vomit on the carpet from stress and loneliness because he thinks i left him alone to starve to death.

I always check the washing machine, the dishwasher, the oven before turning on. And so on, i’m checking literally everything and i do everything carefully.

I really can’t imagine what will i do if he leaves me forever. I’m so used to his sweet fluffy presence : ( “

5. They’re in charge.

“I have three cats so I am as trained as a seal at SeaWorld. Here are just three:

In the evenings, Icy will sleep on the living room furniture. If I get up to get a drink she will stretch and roll over demanding belly rubs. And she wants me to tell her she is a pretty girl. If I don’t pet her and tell her that she will meow at me when I come back.

Luna likes to know where I am at all times. So she will call out to me and expect me to answer. I know the meow that means “Lisasimpsonfan where the hell are you?”. She wont stop until I answer her.

Mr. Saucy Pants is a big baby so he needs lots of reassurance and I have to leave the bathroom door cracked so he knows he can get to me if he is scared. If it don’t this little paw slides under the door and he cries. The only time I shut the door is if other people are here.

The cats run the house.”

6. Snuggle time.

“My dog likes to sleep under the bed covers.

If she wants to get under she will come and nudge me gently and no matter how asleep I am I lift the covers with my legs so she can get in.”

7. You are my pillow.

“My dog Yuri has conditioned me into being his pillow at night. At first I would immediately push him off when he tried but eventually he learned how to rest his head on my chest little by little so I didn’t notice.

Now I basically just let him do it.”

8. Better give it to him.

“In the mornings my GSD will not, at all, go outside to do his business until I give him his joint vitamin.

He’s gone through the doggy door and turned right back inside a few times.”

9. Oh, Kevin.

“My cat Kevin loves to drink water out of the sink, so every morning when I get up I fill up the bathroom sink with an inch or two of water.

He also loves to ‘bat’ things into the sink, so I grab a couple of Q-Tips and set them next to the edge so he has something to skooch in there.”

10. Gone, but not forgotten.

“I’ve shared this before, but I got my dog Snoopy when I was 10 years and ever since he was a puppy he had this weird love for lettuce. He would go absolutely nuts for it, so whenever I had a sandwich or a burger I would give him some of my lettuce.

Over the years it became a ritual that whenever I prepared any food for myself that involved lettuce, I would grab some extra lettuce for him, so I could toss it to him as I ate.

He passed away 5 years ago after nearly 17 years together, but I still find myself grabbing that bit of extra lettuce for him. It’s kind of funny that his little quirk has still stuck with me for all these years and I honestly never want it to go it away, because it’s a little way for me to remember him.”

11. Very nice.

“I talk in a very feminine voice to my dog, she was a abused rescue and was scared of men

So, being a man, I just change my voice when I would talk to her.”

12. The hunt is on.

“My cat Bo runs into another room when I get his treats out (he knows looking is cheating) so that he can come back in & “hunt” for where I placed them around the living room.

He won’t eat them if I place it on the ground at his feet.”

13. Feed me!

“When I’m having dinner, my cat would jump on the table and look at me with squinting eyes until I feed him. I try to resist but his eyes squint so hard it’s as though he’s about to fall asleep.

Too cute not to give him a little bit of my food.”

14. Turtle time!

“I seem to have inherited a turtle, a red eared slider.

It was originally the daughters and she bought it at age 13 with the help of her mum ???? It came with a tiny tank (I know).

Once it arrived home I thought “Well how unfortunate that your new owner is incapable of looking after herself never mind a pet”, she did try but as expected got bored by this new friend.

So I looked for information and found out he may live for 25-30 years, at this point it seemed to become my responsibility .

11 years later, (Daughter has moved out) several tanks later (don’t worry the one now is fine in size), two fluval filters, heaters, bulbs for heating and UVB, custom basking ramps and the general upkeep and well being of our not so small turtle it seems that he now 100% mine. I don’t mind to be honest.

Anyway, when we are out of sight he will continually swim near the water surface and splash like crazy, all four legs breaking the surface and creating a lot of noise. For some time I would hear this noise and run into the room, upon seeing me he would stop, I walk out, splash time again.

I look forward to the next 20 years of doing this ?

Sometimes we take him out the tank, he seems fine, not terrified or skittish but quite happy to explore, I never know if this splashing is him asking “Hey come on, get me out of here I need a change of scenery”.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about the ways YOUR pets have YOU conditioned to do different things.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Share What Their Pet Has Trained Them to Do appeared first on UberFacts.

Cat Posts That We Think You’re Gonna Love!

There’s only one way to say this: you NEED to see these cat posts.

We don’t want to hear any arguments. We don’t want to hear any sassy backtalk. We’re just demanding that you (and probably your friends and family) look at these posts about cats.

Because they are hilarious, delightful, and totally wholesome! And who doesn’t need a little bit of that in their lives right now, ya know?

So sit back, relax for a few minutes, and enjoy these stellar posts about those hilarious and strange animals that we share our lives with.

Let’s check it out!

1. Happy birthday, Meatball!

20-years-old and still going strong.

My sweet old Meatball celebrated a milestone birthday today ❤ from aww

2. Part of the family now.

I love seeing this!

Adopted a kitten, it seems he’s fitting in just fine. Or maybe a little too well ? from cats

3. You must watch this video.

And you’ll probably watch it over and over.

4. Oh, really?

He changed his tune on this one.

2 months ago: “we absolutely are not getting a cat.” Now:[REPOST] from cats

5. Hangin’ on tight.

Best friends forever.

the only boy who likes being around me this much from cats

6. This is incredible.

They can see you FROM SPACE.

7. No, we all feel that way.

They sure are adorable.

Is it just me or are cat paws like the cutest thing? from cats

8. That’s a lot of toes!

And that’s a good-looking cat!

Our cat, waffles. Total 25 toes. from cats

9. They’ve captured my heart.

Well, this is adorable.

I got the cutest photo of these two foster babies several weeks ago. from aww

10. What are you doing up there?

Well, since you’re here…

11. I would like to play with this cat.

I can say that with confidence.

12. Oh…there you are…

Anything else I can get for you?

13. I needed to see this! I did!

And I thank you for it!

Now we want to hear from all you wonderful folks out there!

In the comments, share a photo of your cat and tell us a little bit about them!

We can’t wait to meet these amazing felines! (And we’re sure that you’re amazing, too…).

The post Cat Posts That We Think You’re Gonna Love! appeared first on UberFacts.