Run For It! Catzillas Are on the Loose!

Uh oh…

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Actually, what the hell am I looking at here…?

Oh, no, it’s much worse than we thought!

It’s giant Catzillas on the loose and they’re invading AND destroying big cities all over the globe.

I don’t mean to say “I told you so”, but I’ve been warning people about this happening for a long time now…so…I TOLD YOU SO.

Be careful out there, my friends…and good luck to you.

1. Well, now you’ve caused an accident?

Don’t you even CARE?!?!

2. Looks like a good place to take a break.

The only cat on the planet that likes that much water.

3. She’s got her eye on something.

And that might not be a good thing…

4. On the prowl…

Hey, leave those dogs alone!

5. Just chilling on the river.

But he definitely sees something up in the sky…a plane, perhaps?

6. Just pretend like she isn’t even there.

But…she looks like she might want some belly rubs.

7. Licking her chops.

I think she might end up going after that whale in the water.

8. Perched up there like King Kong.

Send in the military!

9. Oh no, this doesn’t look good!

What did you do to make her mad this time?

10. We can still see you.

You can’t hide when you’re that big, kitty.

11. Coming out of the sinkhole.

This would be pretty scary, don’t you think?

How about you?

Do you share your life with a kitty?

If the answer is YES, please show us some photos and introduce us to them in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

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Enjoy These Photos of Huge and Lovable Great Danes

I love all dogs, but I really, REALLY love the HUGE pups that are rightfully known as “Gentle Giants.”

And Great Danes are some of the sweetest, most loyal, and biggest dogs out there. And, boy, are you in for a big treat today!

Because we have a collection of great photos of these beautiful and goofy dogs that we think you’re gonna love.

Heck, these pics might even convince you to get a Great Dane of your own…you never know…

Enjoy these photos! We know we did!

1. These two are bosom buddies.

I’m just surprised they both fit in the bed.

Ny daughter was home sick one day. When I peeked into her room, this is what I found. from greatdanes

2. Afraid of everything.

The bigger the dog, the more scared they are of everything. It’s true!

This 6-foot Great Dane named Presley is also known as Scooby-Doo duo to being afraid of everything, from tiny dogs, to plastic bags and vacuum cleaners from aww

3. Can I bring my new friend inside?

This needs to be a reality TV show.

Looking out the front door… "I made a new friend, please can I keep him?" from aww

4. This is so freakin’ cute.

Look at the size of that thing!

5. Are you having a good time?

It’s a new game she likes to play.

Gave her a tp tube to play with, and she proceeded to breathe through it like this for over a minute… from AnimalsBeingDerps

6. A gentle giant, if there ever was one.

Looks like he found a friend!

7. The only way to fly.

I wish this happened on every flight.

Today’s flight just got interesting from pics

8. What a difference a year makes.

This pooch got HUGE.

My Great Dane puppy one year difference from aww

9. He looks like a lot of fun!

A goofy, playful pooch.

My aunt’s goofy great dane, Louis. from funny

10. What stop are you getting off at?

Do you think he might be riding solo?

This dog sitting at a subway from aww

Now we want to meet your dogs!

In the comments, share some photos of your pooches with us.

Big, small, fat, skinny! We want to meet all of them!

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A Zookeeper in Australia Shares Pictures From His Job and They Are Wonderful

It was always one of my dreams to become a zookeeper…but then I realized I was really bad at science and there was no way in hell I’d be able to ever do anything with animals or medicine…

But these days, I get to live vicariously through other folks who make a living working with animals, and that’s just about the best thing I could ask for!

And one great example is a zookeeper in Australia named Chad Staples. He shares great and wholesome photos of his daily activities on his Instagram page and we think you’re gonna love it. We know we do in a major way!

Let’s take a look at some of Staples’ photos from his job. Enjoy!

1. I think you have a new friend.

That’s a huge tongue bath!

2. Not as vicious as you might think.

Say cheese!

3. I love that face!

Chad looks pretty good, too.

4. Come in for some snuggles.

That’s a good tiger.

5. Who doesn’t love koalas?

They got plenty of them Down Under!

6. Feeding a wombat a bottle.

How adorable is this?

7. That animal is ENORMOUS!

His caption on this photo is right on.

8. Get a load of these dingo babies!

Are they precious, or what?

9. I call this one “wombat love.”

Be careful of those nails, though.

10. Oh my gosh, I can barely handle this one.

Look at how adorable this little fella is.

11. A true gentle giant.

Big love!

12. Climb aboard!

They seem very lovable.

This guy rules! And the animal ain’t half-bad, either!

And now we want to hear from YOU.

In the comments, tell us about your favorite zoo that you’ve ever been to in your whole life.

Thanks in advance!

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Check Out the Tricks Zookeepers Use for Weighing Animals

Fair warning – these pictures are about how zookeepers weigh all kinds of animals, but mostly, they’re an excuse to look at adorable baby animals mugging for the camera.

I have a feeling you’re down for both, though, so check out these 17 tricks zookeepers use to make sure they get accurate weights on all of the animals under their care.

17. Be a good pupper, get a treat.

That’s how we weigh our seal lions.

Sea pupper gets weighed from aww

16. The next time you puppy won’t stay still.

This will only work for a couple of months with the bigger breeds, though.

Weighing a stray puppy I took in from aww

15. Upside down on a can?

The turtle looks like he thinks this is undignified.

14. I have a hunch he’s not going to stay that little for long.

But he’ll still be cute.

13. Brand new baby.

This world is confusing, isn’t it?

12. That hedgehog does not look amused.

Then again, someone stuffed him in a jar.

11. He’ll be ready for his first frat party soon.

But not too soon.

10. How is that a porcupine?

Is someone punking me?

9. It’s best to let him sit where he likes.

Or he might decide he prefers your head.

Image Credit: Demilked

8. Baby hummingbird.

Maybe the only bird that’s cute.

This is what a baby hummingbird weigh in looks like from aww

7. Just stay now.

Don’t move…please.

6. Give him a treat, of course.

That’s the way to get me to stand still, too.

5. You have no right to be so cute, little penguin.

NO RIGHT, I say.

4. He looks kind of angry.

Maybe he just has resting b*tch face.

3. Wait until they’re asleep?

The puppy life is a hard one.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. Snacks seem to be a good trick.

I can see how that would work.

Image Credit: Demilked

1. The second one wants to know what’s going on.

What’s in the box?


I warned you, and I delivered in the best possible way, right?

Which one of these baby animals made you awwwwww the hardest? I know it’ll be a tough call, but give it a shot!

The post Check Out the Tricks Zookeepers Use for Weighing Animals appeared first on UberFacts.

Clever Tricks That Zookeepers Use to Weigh Animals

Anyone who has ever owned a dog or a cat knows that it can be tricky to get a good weight for them. They’re wiggly, they’re uncooperative, and that’s just for relatively small animals, right?

Now think about being a zoo vet and having to weigh things like hippos and giraffes…it would get pretty complicated, right?

Luckily, people have learned plenty of tricks over the years – here are 20 clever ones you probably never imagined.

20. Just weigh the whole cage.

I mean, you could totally catch him if he got out, though.

19. If you don’t take have to take the koala out of the tree, don’t.

I guess that’s probably a good rule of thumb.

Its weigh day! Regular weighing of the koalas, especially the joeys, is important to make sure they are staying healthy, putting on weight and keeping it on. Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park

Posted by Kangaroo Island Koala and Wildlife Rescue Centre on Tuesday, April 7, 2020

18. Little baby is big mad!

You put him in a bowl!

17. Are you weighing the human or the giraffe?

That takes one confident zookeeper.

16. That is a very large rodent.

But also somehow cute?

This baby bat sitting patiently whilst being weighed from mildlyinteresting

15. I know this probably is supposed to keep them calm.

Maybe owls always look panicked.

I work at a bird banding station, and we use burritos to weigh the owls we catch. from aww

14. Look at his little face!

Don’t take his blankie!

13. Just like weighing a human baby.

He looks just about as thrilled about it, too.

12. A frog in a spoon.

So tiny!!

Forbidden cocoa puff from forbiddensnacks

11. I cannot get enough of these owls.

Their faces are priceless.

Image Credit: The Raptor Center

10. Convince him it’s a trick!

They love tricks, because they’re bored out of their minds.

Image Credit:

9. A penguin in a bucket.

A penguin is cute anywhere.

8. Who knew they started out so small!

Just keep him in the water!

7. I cannot with this.

The cuteness is way too much.

6. It fits, he sits.

For a few seconds, anyway.

Our new kitten had to be tricked into being weighed from aww

5. He looks so happy!

He could teach my kids a thing or two.

4. That lion cub doesn’t look like it wants to sit.

There’s a cat for you.

3. Bless his heart.

Baby just wants to stay with his mama.

Image Credit: ZooBorns

2. Can we have a whole page of these?

Or more than one?

1. I guess anything with long legs gets held.

It’s probably the safest route.

I love the idea of working at a zoo, but I don’t think I could hack it.

Which one of these surprises you the most? Tell us in the comments!

The post Clever Tricks That Zookeepers Use to Weigh Animals appeared first on UberFacts.

This Account Is Dedicated to Funny and Weird Animal Photography

It takes a special eye to be able to capture animals in the wild.

And what you’re about to see is pretty much the complete opposite of the sentence above.

Because these photos all come from a funny Instagram account called “Crap Wildlife” that features, well, photos that really aren’t that impressive.

But they sure will make you laugh! And that’s the most important thing, right?

Darn right!

Let’s take a look at some crappy pics, shall we?

1. I think you interrupted something.

What are you guys up to?

2. How’s this for an extreme close-up?

Getting that mug right up into the camera.

3. I knew someone was stealing my beer!

Looks like we’ve found the culprit.

4. Do you need some help, buddy?

How did you end up in there?

5. A little blurry, but I see what you were going for…

At least I think I do…

6. That darn ear got in the way again.

Other than that, it was a perfect shot.

7. Giving you the double bird.

I wonder what you did to make this crab so angry…

8. You clearly invaded their space.

And they’re here to give you a piece of their mind.

9. Haven’t you ever seen The Birds?!?!

You better run for it!

10. This is very intimidating.

Also, look at how BUFF that kangaroo is.

11. Someone’s at the door, go check it out.

Oh no, not you again!

12. I think I’m looking at a dance-off?

Does anyone else see that?

How about you?

Do you have any examples of weird animal photography that you’ve taken?

Well, don’t keep them to yourself!

Share them with us in the comments. Thanks!

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Supermodel Cats That Are Looking Mighty Fine

Enough with the influencers on social media who are actual PEOPLE, I’m ready for animals already!

And I’m finally in luck, because these cats are can be classified as two things: supermodels AND influencers.

And boy, are they impressive!

They’re fancy, sexy, glamorous, fabulous, and pretty much every other snazzy adjective you can imagine…trust me on this one.

Are you ready to see some ferocious felines strut their stuff? Let’s take a look!

1. Wow, this is a unique kitty.

She knows she’s fabulous.

Dina the Russian Blue is so beautiful! from aww

2. Just take it all in.

I think I’m in love!

Gorgeous cato from SupermodelCats

3. Look deeeeeep into my eyes.

Now we’re all in a trance.

looking through the eyes of love from aww

4. Oh, she definitely belongs there.

The world is her oyster.

Happy floof in the snow! Was told she belonged here from SupermodelCats

5. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen a cat with eyebrows before.

But, there’s a first time for everything.

eyebrows from aww

6. Just look at what love can do!

This cat is now living its best life.

The difference a few months and lots of love makes! from SupermodelCats

7. Oh, she definitely knows it.

You gotta flaunt it if you’ve got it.

She’s pretty and she knows it from aww

8. Straight out of the wild.

This cat is drop-dead gorgeous.

Eyes. Whiskers. Face. from SupermodelCats

9. Looks very distinguished.

May I help you, sir?

I love his mustache, incredibly cute from SupermodelCats

10. I don’t understand how people don’t like cats, either.

Just take a look at this one!

I honestly can’t believe some people hate cats,, they’re amazing little bundles of beauty. from aww

11. Definitely ready for the cover of Vogue.

And then it’s time for the runway.

Put my cat on the cover of vogue already. from aww

12. This cat is in charge of the kingdom.

What a great photo!

Found this majestic cat in turkey at the apollon temple from pics

Now we want to hear from you! Yeah, you, ya rascals!

In the comments, share some pics of your furry friends and tell us all about them.

Please and thank you!

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Cats Can Be Total Jerks and Here’s All the Proof You Need

Those cats are never gonna change…

No matter how many times we scold them, punish them, or take their treats and toys away, they still, well, act like total jerks to us.

But we love them anyway, don’t we?!?!

Because they are our life partners and they sure tend to make life interesting…

But the proof is in the pudding about them being jerks, no doubt about it.

And we have photographic evidence to prove it. I think these pics speak for themselves…

1. This is amazing.

The cat put a stop to that.

2. Digging for scraps.

And not a fan of his new diet!

He’s on a diet. It’s not going great. from AnimalsBeingJerks

3. Too late for that.

You can’t control this wild beast.

4. You’re now a thief?

Where did you find those keys?

My cat just came back from one of her evening strolls with someone else’s keys in her mouth from funny

5. She did this on purpose.

Her whole plan was to ruin your night.

My cat, deeply asleep with the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle. We’ve been searching for it for 10 minutes. from cats

6. This cat is definitely guilty.

We all know it.

That smile, that damn smile from Wellthatsucks

7. Don’t believe him!

Another cat trying to pull a fast one.

‘This cat is not stuck’ from aww

8. You’re not helping, Stevie!

And you’re driving me nuts!

Every time I straighten them, Stevie jumps up and "fixes" them from CatsAreAssholes

9. I think we know who did this…

Time to track down Mr. Whiskers.

Vandalism from pics

10. Are you trying to make me fall down the stairs?

This cat is pure evil.

My cat Furgus. He also doubles up as a step. from funny

11. Just like Norman Bates.

Stupid cat, never sneak up on someone in the shower!

Heard my husband screaming while in the shower..walked in on this from CatsAreAssholes

12. I guess you’re getting take-out.

Dinner is now officially ruined!

Turned my back for a minute and she peed in 20 cups of uncooked rice… from Wellthatsucks

Do you have any cats under your roof?

If so, please share some photos with us in the comments and tell us all about them.

We can’t wait to meet your furry best friends!

The post Cats Can Be Total Jerks and Here’s All the Proof You Need appeared first on UberFacts.

These Cats Are All Confused About How to Be… Cats

You would think that they’d have the hang of this thing by now, wouldn’t you?

I’m talking about our cats and how they sometimes forget how to…well…be cats.

We can try to figure out what’s going on inside their heads, but you know that’s pretty much an impossible task.

They’re weird and they’re gonna do their own thing, no matter what us lowly humans try to say to them.

Here are some cats that are clearly having a few struggles…

1. You need to learn how to loaf properly!

You’re still not getting it!

My cat Luna doesn’t loaf properly. Instead she does… whatever this is. from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

2. She can wait all day if she needs to.

Well…you better get busy…

She’ll hold this pose until you pet her… from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

3. I think she had too much catnip.

Are you okay?

BEHOLD… MY CAT from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

4. A very unusual way to sit.

It’s like he’s from another dimension.

He’s sitting on the wall from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

5. She likes the warmth…

Of macaroni and cheese…

she doesn’t even eat it, she just likes the warmth from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

6. You’re a little too big now, buddy.

But you can still try if you want to.

when he was little, would crawl into my hoodie pocket and purr while i carried him around the house…. he still tries. from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

7. All kinds of weird poses.

He’s kind of like Gumby.

He always has a weird pose for his naps from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

8. You’re gonna hurt yourself!

Don’t bite too hard!

Chomp! from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

9. I need to know what you’re doing at all times.

I think she might be a little OBSESSED.

My sisters cat is obsessed with whatever she’s doing, ALL the time! from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

10. You touched his back…

And he immediately turned to Jello.

I touched his back from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

11. Whatever makes you comfortable.

Be careful that you don’t fall off.

Soup’s sleep spot of the week is the couch crack from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

12. Be honest with us…how much have you had to drink?

Or maybe you were smoking the Devil’s Lettuce?

Living the high life from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

Now we want to hear from you!

Do you have any cats under your roof?

If the answer is YES, share some photos with us and tell us about all the mischief that they cause. Thanks!

The post These Cats Are All Confused About How to Be… Cats appeared first on UberFacts.

These Cats Are Total Weirdos…There’s No Doubt About It

If you’ve spent any time around cats, you know a couple of things for sure: no two kitties are the same, and they’re all TOTAL WEIRDOS.

I don’t think they do it on purpose, but all cats seem to have one mission on this planet: to make their human “owners” question their actions and to completely confuse them.

Hey, it is what it is, right?

Let’s take a look at some pics of cats being WEIRD.

1. He’ll only drink it one way.

I love his name, by the way.

This is Earl. He insists on drinking from a bowl in the sink. from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

2. You can’t be comfortable up there.

I tried to tell you!

She eventually did fall from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

3. Maybe he was doing yoga?

And then he zonked out?

I don’t understand how he fell asleep like this… from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

4. Help! My cat is melting!

Are you okay, buddy?

Not my cat, but my sister’s. I think she’s melting. from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

5. What are you looking at?

I think you upset her. She doesn’t look pleased…

Blep from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

6. Care to explain what you’re doing?

You’re making us very worried!

I’m not sure, does he belong here? from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

7. Caught in the act.

I told you to stay out of there!

Busted from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

8. A nice place to take a snooze.

I guess you can use the hose outside if you need to wash your hands.

Seems the sink is a little clogged? from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

9. Is Santa here yet?

I hope you got a lot of catnip this year!

Just waitin for the big guy…. from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

10. They look like they enjoy being weirdos together.

But…which one is weirder…?

My favourite picture of my cats, Luna and Sirius from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

11. Are you sure that you’re comfortable?

Okay, if you say so…

Comfy? from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

12. I see that you’ve done it again.

How many times do we have to tell you?!?!

Halp! from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

Do you share your household with any kitties?

If so, please share some photos of them with us and introduce us to them.

We can’t wait to meet these furry little devils!

The post These Cats Are Total Weirdos…There’s No Doubt About It appeared first on UberFacts.