A Family’s BBQ Was Crashed by Dozens of Giant “Robber” Crabs

No, not the kind of crabs that you need to inform your intimate partner about, either. Those are scary, to be sure, but they’re not giant…and also we know how to get rid of them.

Instead of that horror show, try picturing this one: you’re enjoying a nice, relaxing campground getaway with your family. You’ve had a great day, and as dinner time nears, you bust our your grill and meats and get the BBQ underway.

A BBQ that’s soon interrupted by dozens of gigantic crabs crawling up the tables and over the chairs, all in search of food.

Probably not human food, but who are you to say for sure?

If you’re thinking this sounds like a bad horror movie, I doubt Amy Luetich and her family would argue with you, even if it did really happen to them.

Since the Luetichs are Aussies, however, they did not run away screaming. On a scale of 1 to those spiders that kill everything they touch, coconut crabs are nothing more than a source of entertainment down under.

The family smiled for the photos while the crabs nosed around like small dogs for food. They’re robber crabs (also called coconut crabs) and are the world’s largest land crustacean.

Which, of course they are, because we all know by now that Australia doesn’t do pint-sized anything.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The grabs can weigh between 8 and 9 pounds  and grow up to over 3 feet in length (width?) so these guys will definitely let you know when they’re around.

And dozens of them?

I don’t think I would be as chill as the Luetichs.

I guess that’s why they get to live in Australia and I don’t.

The robber crab gets its name because they’re known for walking away with people’s belongings – including food, as they stole from the Luetichs – and are a protected species on Christmas Island, where the encounter took place.

Here’s a video of those crabs… um… robbing!

Leutick had this to say about the crabs…

“They started to climb up to the table, and another climbed onto the barbecue.

We kept our tents away from where we had eaten, but one of the families said the whole night they could feel one tapping on the outside of their tent.”

Well, that’s creepy AF!

By the way, the crabs can live up to 50 years, so there’s a chance they talk about where to find the best human food and other things that catch their beady little eyes.

Anyone else thinking of the crab from Moana all of a sudden?


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Learn About the World’s Deepest Underwater Trench, and 5 Other Facts About the Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire”

There are few things as fascinating as the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean. We have no idea what’s down there, for one, and the mythology and lore surrounding spots like the “ring of fire” in the Pacific are enough to pique anyone’s curiosity.

The “ring of fire” is a vast loop of volcanoes, trenches, and other seismically active delights that run all through the in-aptly named Pacific Ocean. Those 24,900 miles are where the majority of the world’s earthquakes and volcanic events take place.

If you’re chomping at the bit to learn more, don’t worry – we’ve got 6 great facts for you below!

6. It could help set up a new “supercontinent.”

Image Credit: Wikipedia

The Pacific has so many subduction zones that it should shrink significantly over the next 250 million years, bringing Asia, Australia, and both Americans together again.

As with most far-off science, there’s no consensus – others think the Atlantic or Artic Oceans will disappear first.

5. It touches more than 15 countries.

Image Credit: Public Domain

The “ring of fire” touches the western coasts of South, Central, and North America, sweeping up toward Alaska before ambling by Russia and through Japan.

From there, it lines up to hit the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand on its worldwide tour.

It ends in a number of volcanoes near northwestern Antarctica.

4. It produces a ton of geothermal energy.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

The interior of our planet is a source of nearly endless renewable energy, none of which emits greenhouse gasses.

The United States, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Philippines have all capitalized on these natural hot water reservoirs for years.

3. It all comes down to plate tectonics.

Image Credit: Public Domain

The planet is divided into 15-20 tectonic plates that drift over molten lava-like stuff that exists deeper inside the earth. There are three types of boundaries between them, and the “ring of fire” are home to all three.

Divergent boundaries occur when two neighboring plates move in opposite directions, generating new crust in the process.

The huge Pacific Plate is bring pushed away from four others by the another type, the East Pacific Rise.

And in California we have the transform boundary, where two plates sideswipe each other horizontally. The friction is what causes earthquakes.

2. Volcanoes and earthquakes abound.

Image Credit: Public Domain

There are around 452 active and dormant volcanoes through the “ring of fire,” which accounts for around 75% of the world’s volcanic activity.

90% of the world’s earthquakes occur in the general area, with some of history’s most shocking natural disasters all originating around the area’s volatile tectonic boundaries.

1. It’s home to the Mariana Trench.

Image Credit: Hussong, Fryer

A convergent boundary appears when plates collide head-on, and an excellent example sis how the Nazca plate is currently being driven underneath the South American continental plate. The ensuing subduction zone is setting off earthquakes like crazy, while lifting mountains and causing volcanoes to erupt at the same time.

The giant Pacific Plate is being overridden by the Philippine Sea Plate and creating the Mariana Trench, a yawning underwater chasm that’s deeper than Mt. Everest is high. The deepest part of the Mariana Trench, the “Challenger Deep,” has been measured at 36,070 feet below sea level.

The more you know, right?

Good luck to your opponents at your next night of Trivial Pursuit – they’re gonna need it!

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This is How Much Water Exists on Earth

You probably know that there’s a whole lot of water in our oceans, but if you add in all of other bodies of water, not to mention what’s floating around in our atmosphere and up in the clouds, well, that number is probably bigger than any of us can imagine.

What is it exactly?

Image Credit: Pexels

326 million trillion gallons, or 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters.

Yeah. That’s obviously A LOT.

The oceans, of course, make up the vast amount of that number. They cover around 70% of the planet, with their average depth being 12,100 feet (3,688 meters). 98% of the water on the planet exists in the oceans, which makes it unusable as far as irrigation and drinking.

Less than 3% of the water on the planet is fresh, and 1.6% of that is frozen in glaciers and in the polar ice caps. Another 0.36% if underground, which means we’re left with only 0.036% of fresh water that’s available aboveground for us to all share.

Image Credit: Pexels

That’s still thousands of trillions of gallons of water, mostly found in lakes and rivers.

The earth contains around 117 million lakes – about 4% of the world’s land. The United States alone is home to 1681 lakes.

The rest of our water is floating in the air or is locked up in plants and animals (including your body, which is 65% water), and sitting in our fridges.

Image Credit: Pexels

Now you know a little bit more about our world’s water, salt and fresh.

And it probably seems a whole lot more obvious why we need to protect the fresh water that we have, don’t you think?

Let us know in the comments!

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This is When Turquoise Is More Valuable Than Diamonds

There are a lot of stones and gems out there that are more valuable than diamonds. The coveting of diamonds, the idea that they’re the end-all, be-all for women around the globe, that you must have a large one ready if you’re going to propose marriage, is all a marketing scheme.

That said, if I asked you to name a gem other than a diamond that has a large inherent value, I bet you would say a ruby, or maybe an emerald.

Not, probably, turquoise.

Image Credit: Rob Lavinsky

There are people, though, who have been mining, buying, and selling turquoise in the American Southwest for generations – people who know it’s history, it’s value, and can pick out both with a quick glance at the raw stones.

People like Michael Garland of Sedona, Arizona, whose family has worked with American Indian art for four generations.

He told How Stuff Works,

“Turquoise has a fascinating and unique history. This beautiful stone has captured human imagination all over the globe for thousands of years, from King Tutankhamun’s death mask to Aztec and Mesoamerican art.

Turquoise has been cherished and used by the Southwest Native American Indian tribes for centuries in trade, for ceremonial purposes, and to enhance their beautiful art forms — from sandpaintings to jewelry. Its rarity and beauty continue to make it a highly coveted stone.”

Cultures all over the world have long treasured the precious stone, and though its chemical compound is well known, the truth is that its value goes far beyond the science.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Here’s more from Garland…

“Turquoise is formed by a complex combination of aluminum, copper, phosphorus, water, and other local ingredients that may change the color or add matrix (host rock). Turquoise is found at elevations between 3,000 and 8,500 feet (914 and 2,590 meters) and typically in dry, arid climates.

Only certain regions on earth provide this recipe for turquoise to form. Turquoise mines in the Southwest United States are the most famous, such as Bisbee, Lander Blue, Number Eight or Lone Mountain. However, other areas in the world produce high quality natural turquoise such as Iran, Tibet, China, Egypt and Kazakhstan.”

Emerald Tanner and her father, who own Tanner’s Indian Arts in New Mexico, talk about how the value can vary widely.

“The value of turquoise comes from the quality and rarity of the stone. Some mines produced tons of material over numbers of years — others, only a hundred or so pounds and for a very short period of time. Turquoise can be as soft as chalk or as hard as a 6 or 7 on MOH’s scale — the harder and more intense colors tend to be more valuable. Another variable in valuing turquoise is comparing all-natural turquoise to ‘stabilized’ or ‘enhanced’ turquoise.”

The fact is there’s a lot of turquoise out there – but not a lot that’s strong enough to survive the cutting and polishing process.

There is a process for “strengthening” turquoise that’s not naturally strong enough, but since it has to be manipulated and stabilized, it’s not as valuable.

Which means that even though you’ve probably seen something touted as turquoise in gift shops all over the world, only about 10% of turquoise on the market is natural and untreated.

The tanners say this definitely matters.

“Over 90 percent of the ‘turquoise’ on the world market has been stabilized, treated, or tampered with to enhance the color or harden the stone. Some of the ‘turquoise’ on the market isn’t even turquoise at all, but an imitation material that has been dyed or colored to look like the stone.

We always encourage anyone looking to purchase turquoise or turquoise jewelry to ask questions about the stones and forever say ‘if you don’t know your turquoise, know your turquoise dealer.’ Natural gem quality turquoise is one of the most rare and collectable natural commodities of our world. It is indeed a special stone and one to be collected and celebrated.”

Turquoise is graded like any other gemstone, on the four C’s of color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. There are other factors to weigh, as well, such as where it was mined.

Image Credit: Tim Evanson

Since it’s so much rarer than a diamond of the same grade, turquoise definitely qualifies as more valuable.

It’s worth more than gold, as well, and most other precious gems that people consider high value.

Garland says that, when it comes to turquoise, the hardness, aesthetic beauty, and rarity all play a huge role.

On hardness:

“Only a small percentage of all turquoise mined is naturally hard enough to be used in jewelry. In some cases, as much as 90 percent of the turquoise mined is chalky and soft and would need to be stabilized in order to be used. The top-level of turquoise that is naturally hard enough to be used is called ‘natural’ or ‘untreated’ turquoise. Within this top tier of natural turquoise, there are further categories such as ‘high-grade’ and ‘gem-grade’ that describe the absolute best and hardest natural stones.”

When it comes to aesthetic beauty:

“The depth of the stone’s color and the presence of matrix or host rock can both add value. Deeper, darker colors are generally more expensive. Tight webbing in the matrix (called ‘spider webbing’) can also add value to turquoise. There is an ongoing debate regarding value in the turquoise world: matrix vs. clear gem turquoise,” they write. “A gemologist will tell you the more clear, the more perfect the stone, and the more valuable. Collectors and Native American jewelers may deem the more matrix with intense and beautiful webbing, the more valuable.”

And last, the stone’s rarity:

“Rarity is a huge factor in price, specifically as it relates to the turquoise mines. A fantastic example of this is the Lander Blue turquoise mine in Nevada. Lander Blue was considered a ‘hat mine,’ meaning the entrance to the mine was so small you could cover it with a cowboy hat. High-grade Lander Blue turquoise can sell for as much as $500 per carat.

To put that in perspective, that’s more than $1.1 million per pound. Why is it so expensive?

Because it is considered to be some of the hardest and highest grade turquoise ever discovered. On top of its quality, it was an extremely small deposit — only about 100 pounds was mined before the deposit completely ran out in the 1970s. The rarity, combined with the quality of the stones and their aesthetic beauty, makes Lander Blue the most expensive turquoise mine in the world.”

It’s not uncommon, then, for gem-grade turquoise to sell for anywhere before $40-$200 per carat – nearly four times the price for the same amount of gold, even at the low end.

Image Credit: Mike Beauregard

All of the experts recognize the significance the stone has for Native Americans who populate the American Southwest, and the Tanners make sure to point it out at every turn.

“Turquoise is a sacred stone to many of the Native American tribes of the American Southwest.

The unique appeal of turquoise comes from its color kinship to the sky and compatibility to water, which is the most precious thing in the Southwest.”

The Navajo, especially, says Garland, have a connection to the stone.

“Turquoise took on special meaning for the Navajo people, specifically, as one of the four sacred stones of the Navajo tribe.

Along with white shell, abalone and jet, these stones are associated with the Four Sacred Mountains, which form the traditional boundaries of Navajoland.”

In short, there are many things that make a stone valuable.

When it comes to turquoise, none of them are man made, and marketing is the last thing on any miner’s mind.

Just a few things to think about the next time you pass through a gift shop or visit a gem show – the turquoise might be a better investment than you might have thought!

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Could Planting 1 Trillion Trees Help To Save Us From Climate Change?

Most of us are looking for ways to combat climate change, since the science is irrefutable – we’re running out of time. If we want to have a viable earth to pass down to our kids and grandkids, time is of the essence.

What’s the answer, though? That’s a little harder, but even if planting trees couldn’t hurt anything, could planting a whole lot of trees actually save us?

The answer is… scientists think so.

In a recent report, the U.N. suggested that adding 2.5 billion acres of forest to the world could limit global warming by 2050.

What’s more? Data backs up their claims.

Image Credit: Pexels

A group of researchers out of Switzerland found that restoring around 223 million acres of canopy cover (that’s an area roughly the size of the contiguous United States) is “our most effective climate change solution to date.”

That number of trees could store about 205 billion tons of carbon – 2/3 of the carbon that has been emitted since the Industrial Revolution.

Jean-François Bastin, from the Switzerland study, lays out what that really means.

“The idea was to estimate what tree cover could be expected when you removed the ‘human factor,’ i.e. what specific types of forest would naturally occur in the absence of other development, and where.”

They built a “model to link tree cover with climate/soil/topography, based on 78,000 observations of tree cover in protected areas.”

Image Credit: Pexels

They used some more fancy math to exclude land currently being used for urban settlements, croplands, and existing forests, which left them the total amount of land available for restoration.

These studies align with global efforts like the Trillion Trees Vision, which wants to plant those trillion trees by 2050, and the Bonn Challenge, a partnership between Germany and the U.N. that wants to restore 371 million acres of deforested land by the end of this year.

If you’re thinking this sounds easy, and we should just do it like, yesterday, but things are always more complicated than they seem.

Mostly, the fact that only a few countries are willing to chip in, says Jim Hallett, chair of the Society for Ecological Restoration’s board of directors.

“Implementation of forest restoration on the scale discussed in this paper is not as straightforward as it might seem.

By 2018, there were commitments of over 420 million acres (170 million hectares) by 58 nations, which exceeds the Bonn Challenge goal.

Current estimates indicate that around 29 percent of the committed lands are now under restoration, but most of this work has been done by a few countries.”

Other major challenges, according to Hallett, include “financing, governance, land tenure and ownership, [and] capacity to do the work. There is ample evidence that, in some contexts, if the benefits of restoration are not equally shared, the project will fail. So incentive programs have to be carefully developed.”

Image Credit: Pexels

Experts also warn that planting trees alone is not enough, even if we plant a billion of them. The models depend on us not further degrading the forested lands we currently have, too.

Not only that, but there are other scientists, like climate change researcher Eike Luedeling, who are skeptical for other reasons.

“Many of the allegedly available restoration areas are clearly unsuitable for more trees than they currently support.

If you look closely at the map, a large proportion of these areas are in regions where soils are permanently frozen.

The methodology implicitly (probably not on purpose) implies that carbon stock is proportional to canopy cover, i.e. ecosystems without trees contain no carbon.

This is clearly false and strongly inflates the global estimate [of restoration].”

Basically, for some, these studies and proposals are nothing more than interesting academic proposals that will never be able to be implemented in the real world.

The U.N. and Hallett, recognize that nothing they’ve proposed will be simple, but it could be a viable course of action if the kinks could be worked out.

Image Credit: Pexels

“What we need is universal action: international agencies, NGOs, governments, all citizens — anyone can be involved.

Local communities and small organizations may be especially effective.

While they do not have the same reach as national agencies, they have the benefit of knowing what works best in their own backyards.”

It seems like this could be a great solution, or at least the start to one.

I mean, who doesn’t love trees, right; they’re the best!

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The Arctic Circle Is Owned by 8 Countries, and 4 More Facts We Think You’ll Love

Ready to learn some good stuff?

Geographers define the Arctic Circle as everything at or above 66 degrees and 34 minutes north latitude -more simply, anything between the 66th and 67th parallels in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Arctic Circle keeps strange hours, with the entire winter being more or less dark and other times of the year being sunny all the time. The land encompasses less than 4% of the globe’s surface, but it’s home to hundreds of thousands of people.

If you’re intrigued to know more, we’ve got you covered – below are 5 super cool facts about the Arctic Circle!

5. It’s not totally dark.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

First of all, even if the sun doesn’t make it all the way over the horizon, there’s still a sort of twilight that lends light to the skies. Even if the cities there don’t get a true sunrise for up to 65 days each winter, it’s not completely dark all the time.

If you’re looking for the “astronomical polar night” you’ll have to head farther north than 88 degrees latitude, where there are no human settlements. There, the complete and total darkness lasts for around 11 weeks.

4. It’s owned by 8 different countries.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

The United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Denmark, and Sweden all own land that falls north of the border for the Arctic Circle.

That’s fun!

3. It’s far colder in the Antarctic Circle.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

All of the seawater beneath the North Pole moderates the climate, while the South Pole is a larger, deeper landmass with a far lower average winter temperature – -76 degrees F. The North Pole only (!) gets down to around -40 degrees F.

There are no human settlements in the Antarctic Circle.

2. Murmansk, Russia, is the biggest city.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

It’s home to around 295,000 people, as well as the tallest building (236 feet high) in the Arctic Circle.

The second largest city, Norilsk, is also located in Russia, and famous for its mining operations and the historic Nord Kamal Mosque.

Around 295,000 people live in Murmansk, a port city founded in 1916 at the height of World War I. One of its Soviet-era landmarks, the 236-foot (72-meter) Arktika Hotel, is the tallest building north of the Arctic Circle.

The region’s second-largest city is Russian, too. Norilsk, a community of some 179,554 souls, is famous for its mining operations and the historic Nord Kamal Mosque. Outside of Russia, the Arctic Circle’s most populous municipality is Tromsø, Norway, which boasts the world’s northernmost university.

1. It’s shrinking.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Earth’s axial tilt is changing, which means every 40,000 years or so, the boundary line retreats by between 46 to 49 feet.

Scientists project that the first human settlements will move outside the Arctic Circle by 2050.

I’m feeling ready to best someone at a trivia game any time, anywhere!

What’s your favorite fact about the Arctic Circle? If you’ve got one, lay it on us in the comments!

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Researchers Believe Crows Have at Least as Much Self-Awareness as Humans

If you’ve read about crows or other members of the corvid family, there can be no doubt in your mind these birds are smart.

Super smart. Scary smart.

Until now, though, scientists have assumed there still remained a gap between primates and every other sort of living being, and that had to do with the way our consciousness works.

Image Credit: Pexels

Researchers, though, are becoming increasingly convinced that the minds of crows work more like our own than we probably want to believe.

A new study has shown that crows possess some degree of subjective experience and sensory consciousness – and not only that, they’re able to display consciousness despite not having a cerebral cortex. That’s the part of the primate brain scientists have long considered necessary for achieving this sort of higher intelligence.

Sensory consciousness involves being able to have a subjective experience, access it, and respond to it – which is exactly what researchers at the University of Tubingen claim to have proven.

For their study, researchers trained two carrion crows to move their heads in response to seeing different colored marks on a screen. Using implanted electrodes, they were able to record the activity of individual neurons, and were able to show that the nerve cells in the bird’s brains were influenced by their subjective experience and the way they reported their answers.

Image Credit: Pexels

They weren’t, in layman’s terms, responding instinctively to the brightness of the colors, but were responding to their own internal assessment of those colors.

Andreas Nieder, one of the study’s authors, expounded in a statement.

“Nerve cells that represent visual input without subjective components are expected to respond in the same way to a visual stimulus of constant intensity.

Our results however conclusively show that nerve cells at higher processing levels of the crow’s brain are influenced by subjective experience, or more precisely produce subjective experiences.”

Their results are challenging many long-held beliefs about the nature of consciousness, Professor Nieder told IFLScience.

“I think the results of our study open up a new way of looking at the evolution of awareness and its neurobiological constraints.

It becomes more likely that also other animals on different branches of the tree of life, and with brains that strikingly differ from ours, also have sensory consciousness.”

Another recently published study supports this, finding similar sensory connections being made in the brains of owls and pigeons.

Image Credit: Pexels

Which is all to say, not only are birds probably smarter than we’ve ever thought, they’re actually more intelligent, as well.

No matter how small their brains are, they’re definitely making the most of the headspace.

What do you think about this news? Have you always suspected that our fine, feathered friends have more going on upstairs than we previously thought?

Let us know your POV in the comments!

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A Lucky Duck Will Earn $50K a Year Exploring National Parks

If you’re a certain type of person, wandering the nation’s national parks – even if you’re getting paid – does not sound like your idea of a dream job.

For someone who lives for exploring, for hiking, for communing with nature and spending your days outdoors instead of in an office would seem like what they’d been dreaming of for a lifetime.

If you’re the latter type of human being, good news – you can earn $50K a year roaming America’s national parks.

Image Credit: Pexels

The position is for CEO – Chief Exploration Officer – with Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold. And no, you can’t apply because they got so overwhelmed with applications, that the process is now closed. Sorry.

The person who gets this job will be provided one camper van (with a complete bathroom), and 6 months to visit, hike, and photograph a list of national parks that includes Yosemite, Sequoia, Joshua Tree, Saguaro, and Big Bend.

Your $50,000 salary doesn’t include money for necessary expenses like gas or the van, and you’re welcome to take a friend along for the ride.

Image Credit: Pexels

The website lists the following qualifications:

  • An affinity for outdoor/nature photography and/or videography
  • A deep appreciate for the joy that connecting with nature brings
  • A willingness and an ability to hike through national parks and other outdoor areas
  • A valid U.S. driver’s license
  • Being at least 21 years old

They would also prefer the candidate enjoy and respect the great outdoors, have a knack for seeing the big picture, and be willing to follow all CDC guidelines on traveling responsibly.

Being a natural strong leader with a clear sense of direction is also a plus, as is – of course – a love of beer.

Image Credit: Pexels

The deadline might be passed, but you can root on the person who gets the job this year, and remind yourself to apply next year for your own adventure.

Better yet, maybe this will catch on, and all of the beer companies will hire their own CEO for summer 2021.


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Elephants Are Firefighters and Other Memorable Facts About these Great Animals

Elephants are amazing – they share strong family bonds, they’re crazy smart, and they’re way nicer to humans than we deserve (as is true of most animals) – and after reading these 9 facts, you’re going to adore them even more.

These gentle giants are around 10 feet tall and weigh over 6.5 tons. Sadly, they’re also being wiped out by poachers – around 100 African elephants die at their hands every day  – which means it’s past time for us to stand up for them.

9. Elephants grieve the deaths of their own.

Image Credit: iStock

When a member of their family or grouping dies, elephants get vocal, use their trunks to “hug” their dead, and often have to be physically pulled away from the carcass after hours at its side. They have also been seen trying to “bury” the body with leaves and soil.

We can’t know what they’re feeling or thinking, but most experts agree these behaviors have all the hallmarks of grief.

8. Elephants aren’t actually afraid of mice.

Image Credit: Pexels

Zoologists have conducted plenty of experiments, and elephants aren’t really afraid of mice.

Elephants do have poor vision, so they tend to get startled easily by things too small to see clearly – the myth probably came from an elephant being surprised by the sudden movement of a nearby mouse.

7. They visit hotels in Zambia.

Guests at the Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia might see families of elephants walking through the reception area between October and December.

In fact, when the mangos are ripe of the trees, you can’t keep them away.

6. Baby elephants suck their trunks.

Image Credit: iStock

They comfort themselves the same way human children do when they suck their thumbs – though baby elephants can also use the exercise to learn how to better use their trunks.

Most elephants outgrow the behavior, though you’ll catch the occasional adult doing it if they feel anxious.

5. In 2015, we learned that they yawn.

Scientists from the University of California captured the first video of an elephant yawning, confirming long-held theories that they probably did just that.

4. They’ve been the Republican party’s symbol since 1874.

Image Credit: iStock

The elephant was occasionally sued as a symbol for Republicans before the Civil War.

It wasn’t until cartoonist Thomas Nast drew one in an 1874 issue of Harper’s Weekly that they became permanently linked with the party.

3. Elephants are the OG YouTube stars.

The first video ever posted to YouTube, on April 23rd, 2005, was an 18-second scene of Jawed Karim standing in front of zoo elephants.

He speaks briefly about their trunks, and has amassed 74 million views.

2. They’ll snack on your old Christmas tree.

Image Credit: iStock

Zookeepers at Tierpark Berlin in Germany feed unsold Christmas trees to their elephants every January.

The trees are pesticide-free, and the elephants seem to look forward to it.

Prague zoos also treat their pachyderms to the seasonal nosh.

1. Trained elephants in Indonesia fight fires.

Image Credit: iStock

In 2015, 23 trained elephants from a conservation center were sent to help fight fires in East Sumatra. They carried water pumps and hoses, and helped patrol the land to make sure new fires weren’t ignited.

See? I told you that you would love them even more now!

If you’re feeling inspired to help, please visit the World Wildlife Fund’s website – or a charity website of your choosing – to find out how you can help save elephant lives.

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These People Got Their Dog a Step Stool So He Can Chat With Neighbor Dogs Over Garden Wall

There are a couple of adorable, svelte, very good boys online named Vito and Bambino.

As they’re Great Danes, these pups have no problem surveying their kingdom beyond the confines of their garden, since they can easily stand on their hind legs and look over the wall.

When they got new neighbors, though, they found they had a problem – the very good boi next door was a normal-sized dog (a Chocolate Labrador), and they couldn’t see and sniff each other according to their whims.

Guiseppe, the Lab, couldn’t meet their noses over the wall!

Vito and Bambino’s owner, Afton Tarin, told the Dodo how seeing his puppers struggle to fit in with his new friends inspired him.

“He has tried many times to jump up and get a good whiff of his big doggy friends whenever we’re all outside.

Guiseppe would furiously jump as high as he could and try to say hello. I would always say, ‘If only you had a step stool.’”

Oh, the humanity!


Then, of course, Guiseppe’s human, Robert Carnes, remembered he did have a step stool – and the rest is happy, happy history.

Robert snapped a photo of Guiseppe standing on the stool, his tail wagging too fast to be caught on film, as he sniffed and licked his new pals faces for the first time.

Afton loved the picture, calling it “so stinkin’ cute,” and said it made her feel good to see the dogs so happy to “meet” in person for the first time.

Animals are amazing, and if we let them, they can even bring neighbors together!

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