15 Excellent Photos of Service Dogs

Are service dogs the absolute best or what?

When you see these pups, you know they’ve already gone through countless hours of training and now are spending most of their lives helping people out who need them most. It’s enough to bring anyone to tears. **sniff**

Take a look at these 15 stupendous service dogs who all deserve a treat and a pat on the head at the very least.

1. Portrait time

2. Valedictorian

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3. Needs a little rest

4. Awwwww

5. Fetch!

6. All decked out

7. Happy birthday!

8. In training

9. Gentle giant

10. Wearing earmuffs

11. Don’t get wet!

12. Legend

13. Her shadow

14. They even do cosplay!

15. Best buddies

The finest furry friends a human could ask for!

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15 Excellent Photos of Service Dogs

Are service dogs the absolute best or what?

When you see these pups, you know they’ve already gone through countless hours of training and now are spending most of their lives helping people out who need them most. It’s enough to bring anyone to tears. **sniff**

Take a look at these 15 stupendous service dogs who all deserve a treat and a pat on the head at the very least.

1. Portrait time

2. Valedictorian

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3. Needs a little rest

4. Awwwww

5. Fetch!

6. All decked out

7. Happy birthday!

8. In training

9. Gentle giant

10. Wearing earmuffs

11. Don’t get wet!

12. Legend

13. Her shadow

14. They even do cosplay!

15. Best buddies

The finest furry friends a human could ask for!

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This Man’s Dog Passed Away and He Asked Chewy for a Refund. He Received an Oil Painting as a Tribute.

Losing a pet is an incredibly difficult and heart-wrenching process.

Dogs are called “Man’s Best Friend” because their undying loyalty to us human beings enriches our lives in so many ways. The hashtag #wedontdeservedogs exists for a reason.

A man named Joseph Inabnet recently reached out to the pet product company Chewy for a refund on some unopened dog food after his beloved dog Bailey passed away and he got an incredible response that he did not see coming.

Posted by Joseph Inabnet on Sunday, May 5, 2019

On May 1, Inabnet shared this post on Facebook.

“If anyone has ever dealt with Chewy.com, they probably know just how wonderful their customer service is. But today, it went to the next level. I had to put my Bailey down in October. She had been on prescription dog food, and I had a brand new unopened bag (about $70).

I asked Chewy if I could return it. They told me to donate it instead, and they returned my money. GREAT customer service; right? IT GETS BETTER!! Today, completely out of the blue, I received from Chewy.com the card and painting below. I have also provided picture of Bailey that I must have uploaded to Chewy at some time.

This is a real oil painting, and the artist, Sharon LaVoie Lamb, did an amazing job. I don’t know how to make something go viral, but Chewy.com deserves recognition for their outstanding attention to detail and customer service.”

First, here is the note that Chewy sent to Inabnet.

Posted by Joseph Inabnet on Wednesday, May 1, 2019

And here is the beautiful oil painting of Bailey by artist Sharon LaVoie Lamb.

Posted by Joseph Inabnet on Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Here’s how people reacted to the touching story.

Photo Credit: Facebook


Photo Credit: Facebook

I mean, whoever thought of this is amazing.

Photo Credit: Facebook

More companies need to do things like this!

Photo Credit: Facebook

Go Chewy!

Photo Credit: Facebook

Now that is wonderful customer service.

I’ll be right back, I have something in my eye…

The post This Man’s Dog Passed Away and He Asked Chewy for a Refund. He Received an Oil Painting as a Tribute. appeared first on UberFacts.

This Man’s Dog Passed Away and He Asked Chewy for a Refund. He Received an Oil Painting as a Tribute.

Losing a pet is an incredibly difficult and heart-wrenching process.

Dogs are called “Man’s Best Friend” because their undying loyalty to us human beings enriches our lives in so many ways. The hashtag #wedontdeservedogs exists for a reason.

A man named Joseph Inabnet recently reached out to the pet product company Chewy for a refund on some unopened dog food after his beloved dog Bailey passed away and he got an incredible response that he did not see coming.

Posted by Joseph Inabnet on Sunday, May 5, 2019

On May 1, Inabnet shared this post on Facebook.

“If anyone has ever dealt with Chewy.com, they probably know just how wonderful their customer service is. But today, it went to the next level. I had to put my Bailey down in October. She had been on prescription dog food, and I had a brand new unopened bag (about $70).

I asked Chewy if I could return it. They told me to donate it instead, and they returned my money. GREAT customer service; right? IT GETS BETTER!! Today, completely out of the blue, I received from Chewy.com the card and painting below. I have also provided picture of Bailey that I must have uploaded to Chewy at some time.

This is a real oil painting, and the artist, Sharon LaVoie Lamb, did an amazing job. I don’t know how to make something go viral, but Chewy.com deserves recognition for their outstanding attention to detail and customer service.”

First, here is the note that Chewy sent to Inabnet.

Posted by Joseph Inabnet on Wednesday, May 1, 2019

And here is the beautiful oil painting of Bailey by artist Sharon LaVoie Lamb.

Posted by Joseph Inabnet on Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Here’s how people reacted to the touching story.

Photo Credit: Facebook


Photo Credit: Facebook

I mean, whoever thought of this is amazing.

Photo Credit: Facebook

More companies need to do things like this!

Photo Credit: Facebook

Go Chewy!

Photo Credit: Facebook

Now that is wonderful customer service.

I’ll be right back, I have something in my eye…

The post This Man’s Dog Passed Away and He Asked Chewy for a Refund. He Received an Oil Painting as a Tribute. appeared first on UberFacts.

You Need These 15 Photos of Puppy Bellies in Your Life

These photos of puppy bellies are FREAKING ADORABLE. I can barely take my eyes off them. They’re so cute I want to rub all the puppy bellies in the entire world!

Is that possible? Well, it’s now my mission in life so I will do my best.


1. Two-for-one

2. Lounging

3. Awwwwww

4. Snoozin’

5. LOL

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Just my mom and I having a snooze ?

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6. He’s cool with it

7. Down for the count

8. Pink belly!

9. I really want him

10. All tuckered out

11. Teeny tiny

12. Hahahaha

13. Can’t get up

14. Cuuuuuuute

15. Let’s close with a video

Damn, those are all adorable.

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This German Circus Replaced Animals with Holograms, and It Is Great

Accusations against animal cruelty in the circus have led to a worldwide decline in the circus’ popularity (rightfully so), and legal restrictions on animal performances in many countries have made it a less attractive way to make a living, financially speaking.

But this German circus has gotten creative, finding a way to satisfy both those seeking the magic of close-up encounters and those worried about the safety and welfare of performing animals: holograms.

Circus Roncalli has been in business since 1976, but they’ve only recently begun using holographic animals in their performances. They are projected onto a 360-degree screen, which means there isn’t a bad seat in the house for what seems like a show that goes way above and beyond the offerings of a regular circus.

Because the animals aren’t real, the Circus Roncalli doesn’t let reality hold them back. Among the “regulars” like elephants and tigers, you’ll find giant fish and other species that wouldn’t exactly feel at home elsewhere.

And don’t worry – clowns, acrobats, and magicians are still very much a part of the “live” performance.

That said, I’m pretty sure the holographic animals are, and will remain, the stars of the show.

And now the circus can say – and mean – that no animals were harmed in the pursuit of your entertainment. How great is that?

They’re touring Europe now, but one can hope they’ll bring their show across the pond soon – or that an American circus will take a page from their holographic book.

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Minnesota Offers Money for Residents to Create Bee-Friendly Lawns

Bee awareness has become engrained in popular culture in recent years, and for good reason – a dearth of our pollinating friends would spell disaster for humanity in terms of crop production and yields for years to come.

And if helping save the planet isn’t enough incentive, the state of Minnesota is willing to hand over some cash in exchange for its residents creating yards that are welcoming and sustaining for bees.

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20.06.2019 ''Ihr Zuckerwürfelchen, groß und klein, wir laden euch herzlich in unsern Garten ein. Kommt herbei von nah und fern, ihr seid willkommen, wir haben euch gern! Wir bieten euch Bettchen, Speis und Trank, für die reichlich Ernte ein herzlich Dank!'' Huch! Da ist mir doch glatt dieses kleine Bienchen während der gestrigen Eskalation im Gartencenter in den Einkaufwagen geflogen. Na sowas…wie konnte das bloß passieren? ? Wenn man einmal nicht aufpasst… Was mach ich denn jetzt? Ratlos stand ich nun da mit meinem Wagen und dem kleinen Bienchen. Zurückbringen? Aber wohin? Wo ist die Kleine überhaupt hergekommen? Mit hoffnungsvollem Blick schaute das kleine Bienchen über den Wagenrand ? Hierlassen oder gar am Straßenrand aussetzen? Oh nein! Das kleine Bienchen bricht in Tränen aus und flutet sogleich den Einkaufswagen ? Nein, das kann ich nicht über‘s Herz bringen. Mitnehmen? Was für eine Frage!?! Natürlich! Das kleine Bienchen hat doch überhaupt kein Zuhause mehr. Der Garten platzt zwar schon aus allen Nähten, aber für kleine fleißige Bienchen ist doch immer ein Plätzchen frei. Das war die beste Entscheidung! Seht euch die Kleine an…habt ihr schon mal so ein glückliches Bienchen gesehen? ? #bienenweide #wildbiene #wildbee #savethebees #beebetter #bienenwiese #wildblumen #wildflowers #natur #nature #bee #bees #biene #bienen #flower #gardening #insekt #insect #gardenlove #plant #vielfalthatimmersaison #garten #gartenliebe #blume #garden #gärtnern #flowerpower #spring #frühling #blumenliebe

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Legislators there recently passed a bill that was signed into law by Governor Tim Walz that sets aside an annual budget of $900k to be specifically used to help state residents convert their lawns into bee sanctuaries.

Specifically, they’re concerned about the safety and survival of the rusty patched bumblebee, a pollinator native to the Midwest that is in serious trouble – their numbers have declined by up to 87% in less than 20 years.

Once the law takes effect, people will be able to apply for financial assistance to convert their lawns, with 75% of the total cost covered – or up to 90% for projects specifically aimed at helping rusty patched bees.

The projects should be planted with “native vegetation and pollinator-friendly forbs and legumes,” according to the bill, including “undesirables” like white clover and dandelions.

They hope to put the bill into effect next spring, though there are some details (like who will handle the disbursement of funds) to figure out.

Minnesota isn’t the only place willing to go the extra mile when it comes to the bees, either – the UK has banned pesticides that are harmful to bees, and Holland has instituted “insect hotels” to be strategically placed in order to give bees a safe place to land.

If you’re wanting to do your part on your own dollar, have at it!

Just make sure your homeowner’s association is down with “weeds” in your “lawn.”

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This Dad Took the Family Cat to the Groomer and Returned with an Accordion-Shaped Cat

There’s probably no one alive who hasn’t left a hair salon with that sick, annoyed, or angry feeling in the pit of their stomach that can only mean one thing – you got a bad haircut.

Our pets are not exempt from this rule, though whether or not they feel embarrassed over a poor snip is up for discussion.

Twitter user Caitlin Christine shared these hilarious images of her family’s cat after a botch job that honestly? Might not have totally been the groomer’s fault.


Because her father dropped the cat off and asked for it to “look like a tiger, do what you can do” in order to mess with his wife.

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Expectation vs. reality #slinkycat

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And this is what they got. Pure genius.

The family was fairly amused, but mom didn’t quite see the humor in owning an accordion-shaped cat for the weeks to come.

Image Credit: Twitter

Twitter, however, definitely came down on the “this is hilarious” side.

Because, come on… this IS hilarious.

Mom needs to grow a sense of humor.

Classic dad move…

Decide for yourself, but idk. I think she’s going to find the whole thing funny.


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A Road Trip Expert Plotted Your Perfect Path Through Every National Park in the (Continental) US

Randy Olson is a road trip mastermind, and he’s back with the ultimate road trip through all 47 national parks located in the lower 48 United States. National parks are restricted from development for the preservation or conservation of important land and/or animals, and have been set aside in the States since President Ulysses S. Grant granted Yellowstone the status on March 1, 1872.

The map is an ideal route that leaves out the 12 national parks in Alaska, Hawaii, and other U.S. territories (cause including them it becomes less of a road trip). As with his other maps Olson created this one by plugging the destinations into the Gurobi TSP solver. TSP – the Traveling Salesman Problem – calculates the shortest route between cities while making a loop that has you ending up back where you started.

Image Credit: Randall Olson

He used it to create the ultimate road trip across America, the optimal strategy for finding Waldo (lol), and the ultimate Euro-trip that hits major European monuments.

For this one, Olson suggests setting aside at least 2 months to enjoy the 14,500 miles of driving and all of the sites along the way. Since the route goes in a circle, you can begin at any point you want and find your way back home.

If you’re a national parks enthusiast, you’re going to geek out from the Cascades all the way to the Dry Tortugas, and, for bonus material, the site also points out stops for hundreds of monuments, battlefields, and historic sites you’ll want to check out along the way.

Check out the “Optimal U.S. National Parks Centennial Road Trip” map if this sounds like something calling your name, and make sure to Instagram your trip – I want to see it!

The post A Road Trip Expert Plotted Your Perfect Path Through Every National Park in the (Continental) US appeared first on UberFacts.

A Road Trip Expert Plotted Your Perfect Path Through Every National Park in the (Continental) US

Randy Olson is a road trip mastermind, and he’s back with the ultimate road trip through all 47 national parks located in the lower 48 United States. National parks are restricted from development for the preservation or conservation of important land and/or animals, and have been set aside in the States since President Ulysses S. Grant granted Yellowstone the status on March 1, 1872.

The map is an ideal route that leaves out the 12 national parks in Alaska, Hawaii, and other U.S. territories (cause including them it becomes less of a road trip). As with his other maps Olson created this one by plugging the destinations into the Gurobi TSP solver. TSP – the Traveling Salesman Problem – calculates the shortest route between cities while making a loop that has you ending up back where you started.

Image Credit: Randall Olson

He used it to create the ultimate road trip across America, the optimal strategy for finding Waldo (lol), and the ultimate Euro-trip that hits major European monuments.

For this one, Olson suggests setting aside at least 2 months to enjoy the 14,500 miles of driving and all of the sites along the way. Since the route goes in a circle, you can begin at any point you want and find your way back home.

If you’re a national parks enthusiast, you’re going to geek out from the Cascades all the way to the Dry Tortugas, and, for bonus material, the site also points out stops for hundreds of monuments, battlefields, and historic sites you’ll want to check out along the way.

Check out the “Optimal U.S. National Parks Centennial Road Trip” map if this sounds like something calling your name, and make sure to Instagram your trip – I want to see it!

The post A Road Trip Expert Plotted Your Perfect Path Through Every National Park in the (Continental) US appeared first on UberFacts.