These Interesting Images All Happened Totally by Accident

We don’t have to make art on purpose for it to be beautiful – sometimes, the stuff that happens by accident can be just as amazing as the things we create on purpose.

If you’re not sure what accidental art looks like or what that might mean, these 13 images should totally prove my point.

13. Thin your carrots.

Or they’ll hold on for dear life.

This is what happens when you fail to thin out your carrots. from mildlyinteresting

12. Windmills in the fog.


What happens to windmills when there’s fog from pics

11. Careful with your food in Antarctica.

I don’t even know what this is supposed to be.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

10. M&Ms in water.

Going to try this with my kid!

What happens when you put M&Ms in a dish of water. Diffusion force barriers from mildlyinteresting

9. A candle on a hot patio.

Do you think they make a pill for that?

This is what happens when you try to display candles on a hot patio from mildlyinteresting

8. Nature will always reclaim its space.

I love this image.

What happens when nature takes over- This boat on a river in Frankfurt, Germany from Damnthatsinteresting

7. An 8-year-old’s hands in a petri dish.

This is unsurprising, except for the part where it’s kind of pretty?

What happens when an 8-year-old puts his hand in a petri dish of agar from interestingasfuck

6. When the triple foam breaks at the car wash.

Psychedelic, man.

This is what happens when the triple foam breaks at the car wash from interestingasfuck

5. Even dirty coffee cups can be pretty.

You still have to clean it up, though.

What happened to my coffee cup after I left it sideways for a while… from mildlyinteresting

4. Mesh patio furniture in an ice storm.

Ice storm photos are the best.

This is what happens to mesh patio furniture in an ice storm from mildlyinteresting

3. A highlighter in the microwave.

When stoners or teenagers get bored.

this is what happens when you put a highlighter in the microwave in case you were wondering from pics

2. This is the inside of a bike seat that’s been left outside.

It’s like a whole little world in there.

PsBattle: This colony of moss growing inside a bike seat. from photoshopbattles

1. After lightning strikes asphalt.

It looks like some kind of fungus.

This is what happens when lightning strikes asphalt from interestingasfuck


I could honestly scroll through these forever.

Which one amazed you the most? Share your awe in the comments!

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This Account Is Dedicated to Funny and Weird Animal Photography

It takes a special eye to be able to capture animals in the wild.

And what you’re about to see is pretty much the complete opposite of the sentence above.

Because these photos all come from a funny Instagram account called “Crap Wildlife” that features, well, photos that really aren’t that impressive.

But they sure will make you laugh! And that’s the most important thing, right?

Darn right!

Let’s take a look at some crappy pics, shall we?

1. I think you interrupted something.

What are you guys up to?

2. How’s this for an extreme close-up?

Getting that mug right up into the camera.

3. I knew someone was stealing my beer!

Looks like we’ve found the culprit.

4. Do you need some help, buddy?

How did you end up in there?

5. A little blurry, but I see what you were going for…

At least I think I do…

6. That darn ear got in the way again.

Other than that, it was a perfect shot.

7. Giving you the double bird.

I wonder what you did to make this crab so angry…

8. You clearly invaded their space.

And they’re here to give you a piece of their mind.

9. Haven’t you ever seen The Birds?!?!

You better run for it!

10. This is very intimidating.

Also, look at how BUFF that kangaroo is.

11. Someone’s at the door, go check it out.

Oh no, not you again!

12. I think I’m looking at a dance-off?

Does anyone else see that?

How about you?

Do you have any examples of weird animal photography that you’ve taken?

Well, don’t keep them to yourself!

Share them with us in the comments. Thanks!

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Supermodel Cats That Are Looking Mighty Fine

Enough with the influencers on social media who are actual PEOPLE, I’m ready for animals already!

And I’m finally in luck, because these cats are can be classified as two things: supermodels AND influencers.

And boy, are they impressive!

They’re fancy, sexy, glamorous, fabulous, and pretty much every other snazzy adjective you can imagine…trust me on this one.

Are you ready to see some ferocious felines strut their stuff? Let’s take a look!

1. Wow, this is a unique kitty.

She knows she’s fabulous.

Dina the Russian Blue is so beautiful! from aww

2. Just take it all in.

I think I’m in love!

Gorgeous cato from SupermodelCats

3. Look deeeeeep into my eyes.

Now we’re all in a trance.

looking through the eyes of love from aww

4. Oh, she definitely belongs there.

The world is her oyster.

Happy floof in the snow! Was told she belonged here from SupermodelCats

5. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen a cat with eyebrows before.

But, there’s a first time for everything.

eyebrows from aww

6. Just look at what love can do!

This cat is now living its best life.

The difference a few months and lots of love makes! from SupermodelCats

7. Oh, she definitely knows it.

You gotta flaunt it if you’ve got it.

She’s pretty and she knows it from aww

8. Straight out of the wild.

This cat is drop-dead gorgeous.

Eyes. Whiskers. Face. from SupermodelCats

9. Looks very distinguished.

May I help you, sir?

I love his mustache, incredibly cute from SupermodelCats

10. I don’t understand how people don’t like cats, either.

Just take a look at this one!

I honestly can’t believe some people hate cats,, they’re amazing little bundles of beauty. from aww

11. Definitely ready for the cover of Vogue.

And then it’s time for the runway.

Put my cat on the cover of vogue already. from aww

12. This cat is in charge of the kingdom.

What a great photo!

Found this majestic cat in turkey at the apollon temple from pics

Now we want to hear from you! Yeah, you, ya rascals!

In the comments, share some pics of your furry friends and tell us all about them.

Please and thank you!

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Cats Can Be Total Jerks and Here’s All the Proof You Need

Those cats are never gonna change…

No matter how many times we scold them, punish them, or take their treats and toys away, they still, well, act like total jerks to us.

But we love them anyway, don’t we?!?!

Because they are our life partners and they sure tend to make life interesting…

But the proof is in the pudding about them being jerks, no doubt about it.

And we have photographic evidence to prove it. I think these pics speak for themselves…

1. This is amazing.

The cat put a stop to that.

2. Digging for scraps.

And not a fan of his new diet!

He’s on a diet. It’s not going great. from AnimalsBeingJerks

3. Too late for that.

You can’t control this wild beast.

4. You’re now a thief?

Where did you find those keys?

My cat just came back from one of her evening strolls with someone else’s keys in her mouth from funny

5. She did this on purpose.

Her whole plan was to ruin your night.

My cat, deeply asleep with the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle. We’ve been searching for it for 10 minutes. from cats

6. This cat is definitely guilty.

We all know it.

That smile, that damn smile from Wellthatsucks

7. Don’t believe him!

Another cat trying to pull a fast one.

‘This cat is not stuck’ from aww

8. You’re not helping, Stevie!

And you’re driving me nuts!

Every time I straighten them, Stevie jumps up and "fixes" them from CatsAreAssholes

9. I think we know who did this…

Time to track down Mr. Whiskers.

Vandalism from pics

10. Are you trying to make me fall down the stairs?

This cat is pure evil.

My cat Furgus. He also doubles up as a step. from funny

11. Just like Norman Bates.

Stupid cat, never sneak up on someone in the shower!

Heard my husband screaming while in the shower..walked in on this from CatsAreAssholes

12. I guess you’re getting take-out.

Dinner is now officially ruined!

Turned my back for a minute and she peed in 20 cups of uncooked rice… from Wellthatsucks

Do you have any cats under your roof?

If so, please share some photos with us in the comments and tell us all about them.

We can’t wait to meet your furry best friends!

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A Quieter World Makes the Sparrow’s Song More Alluring to Mates

You’ve probably seen a headline or read an article about how the natural world seems to have righted itself in a few ways lately.

There’s less pollution, there are fewer people driving, and in general, nature really seems to be enjoying their time free from human machines.

It’s not really surprising, if you think about it!

Image Credit: iStock

Scientists have dubbed the relative silence “anthropause,” which has led to an increase in wildlife sightings and a short-term reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

And listen to this – even sparrows, the world’s most underwhelming birds, are getting sexier. The reason is that they’ve basically had to scream to be heard over all of the other ambient city noise, but without the competing background sounds, they can really focus on their singing.

Their song has turned almost soulful, and I can only imagine the lady sparrows are loving it.

Image Credit: Pexels

Research shows that they do prefer the softer, lower notes that can be heard not that the noise pollution in some major cities has fallen as much as 50%.

The effect, said lead researcher Elizabeth Derryberry, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Tennessee, has been great.

“These birds use their songs to defend breeding territories and attract mates, therefore any change in their mating songs will likely affect reproductive success.”


A whole bunch more sparrow females are going to swoon, more guy sparrows are going to get lucky, and we’re all going to get more little babies come spring.

Scientists believe that, as lockdowns continue to ease and the pandemic hopefully becomes a thing of the past, their songs will return to “normal” within a year or two.

It was nice while it lasted. At least, it was for the sparrows.

What do you think about this news?

Let us know in the comments!

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The Cabins Provide a Luxury Treehouse Escape in the Forests of Norway

Do you have childhood memories of playing in a treehouse? Do you enjoy the outdoors? BUT… do you dislike camping?

Woodnest has the perfect vacation getaway for you.

You can now rent a luxury treehouse experience in the forests of Norway.

Nestled in the forest, near the town of Odda, Norway are two luxury treehouses. Each Odda Treehouse is attached to a single tree, which shoots through the center of the house.

The steel collar, attached to the trunk of the tree, eliminates the need for additional support, leaving the forest floor below untouched and giving the impression of a nest free-floating among the trees.

This minimally invasive design is the work of Helen & Hard Architects, who say their aim was “to create a space that truly embodies what it means to dwell in nature.”

Each treehouse includes wifi, running water, sleeping accommodations for up to 4 people, a kitchenette, and is accessible via ramp.

Although, the Odda Treehouses are not accessible via car. Renters must hike to their designated Odda Treehouse, but the journey is part of the overall experience.

No more sleeping on the cold earth or squatting in the bushes when nature calls.

You can enjoy a warm shower, heated floors, and remarkable views of the fjord all from the comfort of your Odda Treehouse.

The creative team behind this breath-taking experience is the Aano family, including partners Kjartan and Sally and their daughter Lily. The treehouse plays a significant part in the love story of Kjarta & Sally, making this endeavor even more special.

It is important to the Aano family that their guests experience that “wow” moment when they gasp at seeing the treehouse for the first time.

Each rental starts at 2800 nok, which translates to $331.34 in United States dollars. The treehouses are currently booked through September 2021, and are taking reservations as far out as September 2022.

Would you book a night in one of these Odda Treehouses?

Let us know in the comments!

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Memes That Will Make You Do a Double-Take

When you think of the word “optical illusion,” you might picture the familiar illustration of vases that turn into faces or the image of a duck that is actually a bunny, but we can find optical illusions in everyday photographs.

Fight those winter blues and maintain your sanity as you social distance by taking a good look (or two) at the optical illusions in these 17 memes deserving of a double take.

1. Off with her head!

Or maybe on with her jacket?

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

2. Stop, thief!

I know his arm isn’t that long but I can’t NOT see it that way.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

3. This is what happens when cats play with weapons:

Do you see the hole?

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

4. I still haven’t figured this one out:

It’s like he’s staring right into my soul.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

5. Booty booty booty booty rockin’ everywhere:

Pants are required ma’am.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

6. It’s not what it looks like.

God as my witness.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

7. I’m gonna rock and roll all night:

Play Cotton Eye Joe!

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

8. What am I missing here?

D*mn, that camo really works.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

9. Quick, someone get this kid a snack:

OH phew, nvm, she already has one.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

10. There’s a new super hero duo on the block:

Step aside Batman & Robin.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

11. First look: T-Rex

Second look: what is that man doing and why? Is he on a roof?

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

12. You know what I heard?

Her owner’s husband is SO in the doghouse.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

13. Talk about getting ahead:

One of the hottest new trends of 2021.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

14. Don’t panic:

It’s not what it seems.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

15. Which animal do you see?

A crow or…a cat?

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

16. I told you he was in the dog house.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

Image Credit: lotsacreamlotsasugar

Cool your jets. That’s an EAR.

But I bet it got you for a moment, huh?

#15 was the one that made me look twice. I am ashamed to say, I did NOT think those were her feet…

Which meme made you do a double take?

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Increase Your Health and Happiness With Biophilic Design

Do you ever wonder why people buy fresh cut flowers for their home? Have you noticed how cultivating potted plants has boomed in popularity since the start of the pandemic?

Interacting with nature makes us happier and healthier. But many of us spend the majority of our lives indoors, so it only makes sense that we would bring nature in along with us.

There’s a word for design dedicated to this practice. No, we’re not talking feng shui, we’re talking biophilic design.

Image Credit: iStock

The concept of biophilic design was introduced by E.O. Wilson, a renowned biologist and professor at Harvard, in his 1984 book Biophilia.

Biophilia means “love of life.”

Living Future describes biophilic design as “the practice of connecting people and nature within our built environments and communities.”

Image Credit: iStock

Constructing our homes and workspaces in a way that incorporates access to sunlight, plants, and views of the natural world isn’t just aesthetically pleasing. It’s better for our overall physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Studies show that interacting with nature is beneficial for human health, whether you’re taking a walk in the woods or feeding birds.

Image Credit: iStock

According to Terrapin Bright Green, by bringing nature into your home or work space, biophilic design can reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and enhance mood and creativity.

Healthier employees are happier employees, and happier employees are productive employees.

Image Credit: iStock

Biophilic design can also be incorporated at home.

One crucial element is sunlight. If you have windows in the home, open the blinds and pull back the curtains to let the sunshine in!

Remember to keep them clean and clear of obstructions.

Image Credit: iStock

Next, add some greenery: potted plants, hanging plants, herb gardens, the more the better. Fresh cut flowers work as well, and come with the added bonus of a pleasant aroma.

You can also incorporate Earth tones and patterns into your interior design, or hanging pictures of natural landscapes on the wall if you don’t have access to natural views.

Image Credit: iStock

You’d be surprised how the simple action of incorporating the elements of nature into your home or workplace can increase your quality of life.

Do you practice biophilic design? Let us know how in the comments!

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These Before and After Animal Adoption Pics Will Melt Your Heart

About a year ago, my parents rescued a dog from a local rescue. They hadn’t had a dog in the house in over five years since their last one had passed away, and I think they were a little bit nervous about it.

But Coco has been an absolute delight and my parents absolutely love her to pieces!

It just goes to show you how much love and happiness that animals bring into our homes.

Are you ready to meet some rescue animals that will melt your heart? Let’s take a look!

1. Fred’s getting fat!

And that’s a good thing!

When I found Fred on the side of the road he was skittish, neurotic, and sweet as could be. One month later he’s still all those things, but now he’s fat too. Love him more every day. from BeforeNAfterAdoption

2. Don’t get a pet if you don’t “want to deal with it anymore.”

But we’re glad that Dooby is now living his best life.

This is my precious little man, Dobby. He was dumped off at a shot clinic. The owner said she did not want to “deal with him anymore“. I cannot imagine the pain that he was in. He has made a miraculous recovery and is a very special little guy! from BeforeNAfterAdoption

3. Rescued from the streets.

This one was a major turnaround.

Phoenix was rescued from the streets and was covered in hot tar. Little over a month later, he looks amazing, he loves humans and is ready to enter a loving home 🥰 from BeforeNAfterAdoption

4. We’re going to take care of you.

And we’ll keep you safe.

When we met her in the shelter my daughter immediately started whispering in her ear “your okay, we’ll take you home and keep you safe, we love you already” from BeforeNAfterAdoption

5. Now you can relax and enjoy yourself.

Look at how calm she is in her new home.

After 4 years in the street, Annie found her home with my parents. First day vs 1 week later from aww

6. Keep losing those pounds.

Way to go, Shiloh!

Fed junk food and never given any exercise her whole life, Shiloh couldn’t walk more than 10 meters before having to stop and rest. 3 months later, she’s lost 30 pounds and can walk over 1 km without stopping! from BeforeNAfterAdoption

7. What a good boy!

Clearly enjoying his new home.

This is Edgar before and after getting adopted. (My first shelter pup, Steve, is in the back there.) from BeforeNAfterAdoption

8. A heart of gold.

Bringing joy to her owners every single day.

After surviving severe neglect, heartworm and mange, Waffle still has a heart of gold and loves everyone she meets. She makes us smile everyday! from BeforeNAfterAdoption

9. Who the hell would do this?

People are really terrible sometimes.

My next-door neighbors abandoned their dog and got a new puppy. She was in the shelter for a full month before I realized what happened. This is Missy in the shelter, and when she realized she’s never going back. from BeforeNAfterAdoption

10. Look at this transformation.

Hello, Midnight!

My Midnight’s transformation from BeforeNAfterAdoption

11. He loves taking car rides!

And he’s loving his life now!

Ride from the shelter VS. Ride for fun from BeforeNAfterAdoption

12. Saved from underneath a car.

You did a good thing. Bravo!

One year ago, Jake was found underneath a car, alone and half frozen. He was 4 weeks old and his mom was gone. Now he’s the biggest kitty with the most personality that I’ve ever met. from BeforeNAfterAdoption

I can’t get enough of these pics!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share some photos of your furry friends.

Thanks in advance!

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Do You Need a Pick-Me-Up? We Think These Photos of Rescue Pets Will Do the Trick!

If you’ve been down in the dumps, we have something special for you that we think is going to make you happy INSTANTLY.

I’m talking about photos of rescue pets who have found their forever homes and who are clearly living their best lives!

Oh yeah, you know that’s the good stuff!

Unless you have a cold, black muscle pumping in your chest instead of a heart, we think you’re gonna love every last one of these pictures of very good boys and girls.

Are you ready?


1. She stole your heart.

And now she has a new home!

I rarely adopt (I always rescue then adopt lol) but this little cutie that was born with a facial birth defect stole my heart the second I saw her adoption post on Reddit. Please say Hi to my new adopted kitten, Nala! ❤❤❤ from cats

2. These two will be best friends forever.

Hey, opposites attract sometimes!

This Cat Adopted a puppy from aww

3. I think he likes you, too.

No doubt about that!

My newly adopted friend. I think he likes me from aww

4. Adopting a senior kitty.

She looks like she has a huge personality.

We adopted this 11 year old senior, ShayShay, today from a woman who couldn’t keep her anymore. Her first photo matches her personality. We are so happy to have you, beautiful girl. from aww

5. One step closer to his dream.

Well, isn’t this cute?

Our son’s dream of becoming a k-9 officer got one step closer today. We adopted him at 2.5 after his parents passed away. His new best friend, a little girl named Jovi, was born on his biological mother’s birthday. Meant to be! 💗 from ProtectAndServe

6. Welcome home, Arnold!

He looks like a very good boy.

Rescued this very good boy, Arnold!! He looks so handsome in his sweater!! from aww

7. This cat looks amazing.

Like a beast straight out of the wild.

We adopted Nova 12 weeks ago today and I wanted to share with you all how much he has changed since he arrived! from aww

8. Take a snooze.

You’re safe and sound now, buddy!

I accidentally adopted a sleeping machine from pics

9. Her twilight years will be her best.

A new addition to the family.

Just rescued this sweet lil old lady, Chloe. She’s 12 and she’s gonna have her finest years yet! from rarepuppers

10. Awwww. This is very wholesome.

Just look at that face!

This is Dalton, the 13 year old diabetic dog my family adopted today from aww

11. You had to keep these two together.

And we’re glad you did!

Been telling myself the only way to keep them together is to just adopt them myself. It’s not my fault. I have no choice. from aww

Well, now I feel a whole lot better! No doubt about it!

How about you?

Do you have any rescue pets at home? If so, please share some photos of your friends with us in the comments.

We’d love to meet them!

The post Do You Need a Pick-Me-Up? We Think These Photos of Rescue Pets Will Do the Trick! appeared first on UberFacts.