Check Out the Smallest Ocean in the World. It’s Also the Most Shallow.

Hi there!

There are times when you need to know something for reasons, and sometimes the knowing is enough – but also, being able to kick your friends and family’s butts at Trivial Pursuit has never felt bad, has it?

If the question on the table is “what’s the world’s smallest ocean,” and you find yourself hesitating, don’t worry.

We’ve got your back.

Image Credit: iStock

Oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, and geographers take this space and divide into smaller regions of ocean – the smallest of which is the Arctic Ocean.

Small is, of course, relative – it still covers around 5.4 million square miles (around 150% larger than North America).

Image Credit: iStock

It’s located at the polar region of the Northern Hemisphere and is almost completely surrounded by Europe, Asia, and North America.

For most of the year it is covered in ice, though as you may have heard, rising temperatures are melting it at alarming rates.

Image Credit: iStock

The Arctic ocean is 10x smaller than the Pacific Ocean, and it’s also the shallowest of the world’s oceans, with an average depth of around .65 miles (1.04 kilometers, 3407 feet).

For comparison, the average depth of the world’s oceans as a whole is 2.3 miles (3.7 kilometers, 12,100 feet), and the deepest ranges of the Pacific measure around 6.85 miles (11 kilometers, 36,200 feet) deep.

Image Credit: iStock

The gaps in size and depth have led some scientists to suggest reclassifying it as a sea, or simply including it as part of the Atlantic Ocean, but for now, it remains the Arctic Ocean.

It’s the sort of thing scientists love arguing over, as is evidenced by the continued debate in including the so-called Southern Ocean (or Antarctic Ocean) as the world’s fifth ocean.

Image Credit: iStock

Not all members of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) have officially accepted the parameters of that “new” ocean, but listen…it’s all one ocean.

*hums We are the World*

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Check out the Homemade Fruit Fly Trap That Actually Works

You’ve never known true annoyance until you’ve had to deal with fruit flies swarming your basket of lovely summer fruit on the counter.

You’ve never wanted to throw up in your kitchen until you’ve found fruit fly maggots on a bowl of cherry tomatoes you forgot existed.

I hear.

Image Credit: Taste of Home

There are all sorts of tips and tricks for getting rid of fruit flies, but listen – none of them work 100%. So when I heard about a trap that really works, well…consider me riveted.

First, let’s go over the 5 most popular kinds of traps, so we can see which one worked the best for this Reader’s Digest writer.

I promise, this will be fun.

5. Leave out a piece of rotten fruit – No fruit flies captured

Image Credit: Taste of Home

This seems like a good idea, because it gives your bad fruit a job, and we know fruit flies love ripe fruit.

You just chop up some fruit that’s past its eating prime, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and secure it with a rubber band, then poke some holes in the top with a toothpick.

In this woman’s test, though, no fruit flies were captured.

4. Milk, Sugar, Dish Soap, and Black Pepper – 3 fruit flies captured

Image Credit: Taste of Home

These common household items are easy to find, at least – 1/2c milk, 2tsp sugar, a squirt of dish soap, and a sprinkle of black pepper on the top.

You heat the milk and sugar on the stove until the latter dissolves, then stir in the dish soap (to make the surface sticky enough to trap the flies), cracking the pepper on top last.

It only caught 3 flies overnight.

3. Balsamic Vinegar + Red Wine Vinegar – No fruit flies captured

Image Credit: Taste of Home

Use equal parts and pour them into a glass. Cover it with plastic wrap and a rubber band, like the rotten fruit, and poke your holes.

You would think, based on how much they enjoy both vinegar and wine, that this would be a winner.

It was not.

2. Dish Soap, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Hot Water – 18 fruit flies captured

Image Credit: Taste of Home

Squirt your dish soap (just a little) into a glass, then add apple cider vinegar until the glass is about 1/3 full. Blast steaming-hot water into the glass to form a thick layer of bubbles on top.

The fruit flies were instantly interested in this one, and she caught 18 overnight.

1. Beer + Rotten Banana – 8 fruit flies captured

Image Credit: Taste of Home

One thing you probably need a use for and one you hate to toss, I guess.

You put a piece of a rotten banana in a jar, then pour in enough beer to partially cover the banana. Grab a cone-shaped coffee filter and poke a small hole in the bottle, then set it on top of the jar (make sure to hold it in place somehow.

She thought this was a sad waste of beer, trapping only 8 fruit flies overnight.

Well, there you have it my friends – the dish soap, apple cider vinegar, and hot water were the clear winner.

Go forth and conquer – that fruit is yours, and you paid a pretty penny for it, too!

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People Debunk Misconceptions About Ethical Farming Practices

The Internet is a vast resource for discovering all kinds of information, but these days it can be difficult to sort what is true from what is false.

Misinformation can spread easily, even if unintentionally. It’s important to correct false claims when we see them, like users did in this Tumblr thread on the ethics of raising bees and chickens for their honey and eggs.

From the get-go, there seems to be a misunderstanding on some basic fundamentals of caring for honeybees and chickens.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

The first user states that they don’t understand why some vegans refuse to eat “backyard eggs,” or eggs that are harvested locally from someone’s back yard, and blasts those who refused to support local farmers.

Chicken eggs that are fresh and local, from hens that are raised humanely, are much different than the average carton of white eggs you’ll find at the grocery store. I can tell you from experience, they’re usually brown or blue, and their yokes are darker and richer.

Consuming local honey is also better for your environment and community, especially if you have allergies. But user “feminist-james” disagrees.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

The claim that beekeepers collect all of a hive’s honey is not accurate. Skilled beekeepers will make sure to leave enough honey in the beehive for the survival of the colony.

It’s also not accurate to say all chickens are only meant to lay eggs once a month. It all depends on the type of chicken.

Luckily, a genuine beekeeper swoops in to school this misinformed user.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

As satisfying as it can feel to call somebody out or stand up for a cause you believe in, you will look very foolish if you start doing so without doing thorough research.

It’s one thing to think you know how an industry works, but when someone from that industry speaks up, it’s important to listen.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

This beekeeper explains that harvesting honey is actually part of taking care of their bees.

They say that the bees need space in the hive for giving birth to and storing eggs.

If a hive loses its queen and there’s no queen brood to replace her, that hive is done for.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It is in the best interest of bees and humans for the beekeeper to pay close attention to the health of their hive.

If they want to continue harvesting honey, they need their bees to be healthy and happy. It would be counter productive for beekeepers to starve out their hives by taking all of the honey and providing no supplementary food source.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

This beekeeper is right again. There is a big difference between factory farming and traditional farming.

Factory farms are generally much more crowded, with animals kept in small, cramped cages or enclosed areas.

They have a negative impact on our soil, air, and water. Their practices often include the use of antibiotics and hormones on animals to promote growth and prevent disease, which studies show can have negative impacts on the humans who consume them.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Our beekeeper ends their post with suggestions for what other topics we can research if we’re truly motivated to protect animals and our environment.

Another user joins in to speak to the claim that chickens weren’t meant to lay eggs more than once a month.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Forced molting is the action of denying a flock of laying hens food and sometimes water for 1-2 weeks. This is usually implemented when egg-production is naturally decreasing, toward the end of the first egg-laying phase.

By not allowing the hen’s body the necessary time to rejuvenate during the natural cycle of replenishment, farmers can increase egg quality and productivity.

But as this user points out:

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It is definitely possible to raise chickens humanely while still repeating the reward of fresh eggs.

My grandparents were old-fashioned famers, and I grew up visiting my cousins on their farm.

Their animals had room to graze and walk about. They were treated well, and in return my family members grew up eating delicious, fresh eggs.

Actual farmers can attest:

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Taking care of farm animals is hard work. It takes a lot of time and energy, and because of this, many farmers love their farm animals. Chickens can be a pet, just like a cat or a dog.

Also, chickens don’t need their unfertilized eggs, and there’s an easy way to ensure that a hen’s eggs remain unfertilized.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Eggs are quite nutritious. They’re a good source of vitamins B2, B5, B12, folate, phosphorus, selenium, and of course protein.

They also contain choline, an important nutrient that most of us don’t get enough of.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Purchasing eggs and honey (or any meant/produce) locally is always the best option if available!

From an ethnical stand-point, purchasing locally allows you to get to know the farmer and to ask about their farming practices, so you can ensure their animals are treated well and not pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.

Purchasing local is better for your community, it lightens your carbon footprint, and the food you consume will be much fresher and tastier. That is a fact, no misinformation here.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

As we already learned above, farmers can deny hens food to force them into a stage of not laying eggs. It stands to reason that if you continue to feed your chickens they will continue to lay.

If you’re interested in purchasing local produce and animal products, I highly encourage you to research and visit your local farmers market. This is the best way to meet farmers, buy from them directly, and sample what your community has to offer. By talking to farmers you can get the truth about their farming practices, straight from the horse’s mouth.

Are you a beekeeper or do you raise chickens? What’s your opinion on the ethical treatment of animals? Let us know in the comments below!

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Even Before Discovering Fire, Our Ancestors Might Have Had a Way to Cook Food

The awesome thing about science and archaeology is that just when we think we know everything about our human (and human-ish) ancestors, we uncover something new.

Kind of like a never ending Easter egg hunt, and who doesn’t love that?

For a long time, we’ve sort of defined human evolution by our ability to create and use fire to our advantage. It was the evolutionary leap that led us to be able to safely eat protein, which enhanced our brain size and development, and eventually set us apart from other mammals.

Image Credit: iStock

A recent discovery, though, suggest that people may have used hot springs to their advantage long before man lassoed fire.

Archaeologists from MIT and University of Alcalá reported their findings in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and claim that they’ve found evidence of hot springs near sites where ancient humans settled more than 1.8 million years ago – which was a long time before we learned to control fire.

The site was a rift valley in northern Tanzania, Olduvai Gorge. The area appears to have been rich in hydrothermal vents that were capable of heating the water to over 176 degrees F (80 degrees C), which would have been warm enough to cook meat.

The vents were very close to sites where archaeologists have found stone tools and animal bones, which lends credence to the idea that the early human ancestors settled there on purpose.

Image Credit: iStock

Lead author Ainara Sistiaga, said in a statement that “if there was a wildebeest that fell into the water and was cooked, why wouldn’t you eat it?”

Around the same time, a big environmental change occurred in East Africa, one that say the lane shift from wet and lush to a dryer, grassier terrain.

In addition, lipids produced by a specific group of bacteria – typically seen living in the hot springs of Yellowstone – showed up in the soil, hinting again that hot springs were in the area, says MIT professor Roger Summons.

“They won’t even grow unless the temperature is above 176 degrees F (80 degrees C).

Some of the samples Ainara brought back from this sandy layer in Olduvai Gorge had these same assemblages of bacterial lipids that we are unambiguously indicative of high-temperature water.”

Image Credit: iStock

Of course, they don’t know for sure how these extinct people might have interacted with these hot springs, but since we know they lived nearby, we can imagine that they knew the springs were useful in one way or another. They could have used the water to stew or boil protein, fruits, and vegetables.

Imagine something is possible and it just might be, and these discoveries seem to point to the idea that human beings have always been looking for ways to push the evolutionary envelope.

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Memes that Will Teach You Something New

I love learning new stuff. Especially tidbits of information that aren’t necessary to know, but once you learn them you feel cool for being in the know. You know?

Knowledge is power. It’s always impressive when people can rattle off obscure facts and trivia. So check out these 14 informative memes and you too can impress your friends with your newfound knowledge.

1. Try turning this into a song:

Who knew “D” was the evolution of “fish”?

Image Credit: The Chive

2. The original “All My Children”:

“Burst full-formed from forehead…”

Image Credit: The Chive

3. Batman

Behind every great Batman is another Batman.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. Someone got REAL serious about finding this guy…

Oh, I know! He’s inside one of the lions!

Image Credit: The Chive

5. The next time you want to pass a note in class…

Try these hand signals instead! The teacher will just think you’re raising you hand to get a bathroom pass.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. This is actually useful information:

Ron Swanson would approve this message.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. Now that’s a horse of a different color:

Have horses been the most beautiful creatures on the planet this whole time? Why am I just learning this?

Image Credit: The Chive

8. If you’re riding horses, you’ll need one of these…

If each of these hats were one of the Seven Dwarves, “Gus” would be “Dopey.”

Image Credit: The Chive

9. It’s like the state flower, but with teeth and claws:

Gotta catch ’em all?

Image Credit: The Chive

10. This is kind of creepy:

But it’s striking how similar the human and chimpanzee brains are to one another.

Image Credit: The Chive

11. Keep this in your pocket for the next 4th of July:

Image Credit: The Chive

“That one? That’s a brocade crown. And see that babe? That’s what we in the industry call a silver dragon.”

12. That’s pretty impressive:

Can you imagine flying one of these bad boys?

Image Credit: The Chive

13. You can’t have success without failure:

Sometimes you have to take it one small step at a time.

Image Credit: The Chive

Isn’t learning fun? I never knew there were so many different types of cryptids in North America!

Now that you’ve accumulated all this new-found knowledge, it’s time to show it off to your friends and family. I’m sure they’ll be quite impressed with your thorough knowledge of horse breeds and your special strategy for finding Waldo.

Which one of these informative memes taught you something new today? Let us know in the comments!

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This is Why Dogs And Cats Have Different Feelings About Belly Rubs

If you’ve ever had a dog, you know one thing for sure – they love a good belly rub. They don’t have to be in the mood or anything, because they’re always in the mood for any affection you’re willing to give them, and the belly rub is basically the holy grail.

If you’ve ever owned a cat, you know that putting your hand anywhere near their belly is a great way to turn your skin into actual ribbons. They’ll get you with the teeth, grab you with the front claws, and scratch you with the back ones all at the same time.

Image Credit: iStock

Why, though, do two equally furry animals have differing opinions on how amazing it feels to be scritched on the belly?

First up, dogs. They love belly rubs not only because they feel great, but because it mimics how dogs socialize with one another.

When dogs play, they’re high-touch creatures. They crave frequent physical interaction from anyone who is part of their pack, so a good belly rub is a neurological boost – their brains light up when hair follicles are stimulated, which makes a belly rub extra delicious.

Belly rubs can lower your dog’s heart rate and blood pressure – and a nice spike of oxytocin means it can do the same thing for you, too.

Image Credit: iStock

A dog will tell you pretty clearly if he wants his belly rubbed – he’ll sort of melt into a dog puddle on the floor and go belly-up. If a dog’s posture is meant to protect the belly, start with his head and earning some trust.

Cats, on the other hand, roll onto their backs not to invite pets, but to put themselves in the best defensive position possible – from there, they can use all of their claws and their teeth to destroy you.

To be fair, the hair follicles on their tummies are easy to overstimulate, which could explain why some cats seem to enjoy the belly rub for awhile, but then suddenly decide they would rather kill you than enjoy any more pets.

Image Credit: iStock

Also, your cat is a great and passionate predator, which means exposing their belly – the thin protector of vital organs – isn’t really in their nature. It will trigger natural defense mechanisms, so if your cat loves belly rubs, she’s probably the exception and not the rule.

There you go!

You already knew dogs love, cats not so much, but now you know why, too.

It’ll just help you love them all better, if you ask me.

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We Might See a “Robust” Invasion of Stink Bugs in the Near Future

If you think fall and cool temperatures mean more pleasant, less-buggy time spent outdoors, think again – Penn Live reports that the brown marmorated stink bug is expected to make a “robust” invasion this fall.

The new study comes from Penn State entomologist Greg Krawczyk, and predicts that our mild winter, followed by our hotter-than-average summer, will result in two new generations of stink bugs flying about this fall instead of one.

Image Credit: iStock

You’ve probably spotted these bugs – which generally keep to themselves – outdoors this summer, but as the temperatures drop, Krawczyk and his team say you’ll be seeing them indoors, too.

The bugs, native to East Asia, has been present in the United States since the 1990s. They can be found in 43 states, so chances are, you’ll see them in and around yours in the coming months.

Image Credit: iStock

The good news is they don’t bite, and they’re not harmful to humans in other ways, either. Y

ou can even avoid their “stink” but not threatening or squishing them – you can either try to gently trap and escort them out, vacuum them up, or try luring them into dishes of soapy water before disposal.

Image Credit: iStock

I take a pacifist attitude toward bugs, myself, but if a bunch of these start invading, well…they’ll get the tiny ant treatment. No prisoners!!!

What about all of you? Have any tips you want to share about dealing with these stinky critters? Ever been attacked by a bunch of them?

Share your thoughts in the comments!

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A Veterinarian Weighs in on What Items to Avoid at Pet Stores

If you’ve ever had a pet, you know there are an overwhelming amount of choices when you walk through a pet store. Toys, supplies, supplements, training, leashes, food…the list goes on and on, and honestly, most of it can feel superfluous.

I mean, people had dogs and cats and birds centuries ago, and I doubt they had this many options.

So, if you’re wondering what exactly your pet needs – and not only that, what items could actually be harmful to your pet once they’re in your home, this veterinarian has a few thoughts.

Image Credit: TikTok

The main points of advice from Dr. Hunter Finn’s first video were mostly treats and chews to avoid.

First up, rawhides with double layered ends – apparently they are choking hazards.

Image Credit: TikTok

I definitely am guilty of buying these!

Next, he says to avoid fatty treats like pig’s ears, because they can upset doggie tums, and in rare but serious cases, can cause pancreatitis.

Image Credit: TikTok

Dr. Finn also says that both raw and cooked bones can break teeth and cause intestinal issues, as well, so it’s best to avoid them.

Image Credit: TikTok

His advice is that if you can’t easily make an indent with a fingernail, it’s too hard.

Image Credit: TikTok

Jerky treats, especially those that originate outside of the US, can also contribute to renal disease in pets.

When it comes to cats, Dr. Finn says to avoid giving them stringy toys when you’re not able to supervise, since they can get lodged and tangled in cats’ digestive tracts easily.

Image Credit: TikTok

If you’re wondering what dental treats would have the best shot at actually combatting your dog’s (or cat’s) terrible breath, Dr. Finn says to check the packaging for the VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council) stamp, and buy accordingly.


#petsoftiktok #veterinarian #vettech #veterinarylife I’m on vacation, but promise to make more videos if y’all like these. Cats next.

♬ Send Me on My Way – Guy Meets Girl

Our pets are family, after all, so you can’t be too careful.

Make sure you’re following Dr. Hunter Finn on TikTok for more tips and tricks for the future!

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This is Why Dogs “Run” in Their Sleep

Dogs do all sorts of hilarious things, and honestly, most of them make us love them more. They’re doofuses, but adorably so, right?

It’s no surprise then, that we’re naturally curious about these animals who are truly our best friends. We love to learn why they do the funny things they do, so we can understand and love them that much more.

In short, they’re family, and there’s nobody we need to “get” more.

Image Credit: iStock

If you’ve owned (or watched) a dog, chances are you’ve watched them dreaming. Right? Yeah you have.

They twitch, they whimper, and yes, they act like they’re running as they lie on the rug.

But why? After all, do they really dream? Or is there something else going on?

Image Credit: iStock

Well, it actually depends on what stage of life they’re in.

If your dog is young, the “running” might be a simple muscle twitch, which is just their bodies developing into adults.

Image Credit: iStock

If your dog is older and still moves its legs, it’s possible they are indeed dreaming about running toward – or away – from something.

Experts don’t know for sure whether dogs dream, and of what, for obvious reasons. We do know they experience REM and slow-wave sleep, though, and that humans dream during REM.

Image Credit: iStock

Dogs spend less time in that state than we do, though they do sleep more hours of the day than we do, so it’s definitely reasonable to think they are dreaming.

And of course, we love to think they’re more like us than not.

Now go and snuggle that sleeping pooch!

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Real Things That Totally Look Like Glitches in the Universe

Sometimes, you see something that just doesn’t make sense. Instead of trying to rationalize the irrational, it’s often better to just accept things as they are and roll with them.

There are abnormalities in our realities that we cannot even begin to understand – like UFOs and people who still wear Ed Hardy t-shirts.

Here are 14 things in real life that seem like glitches in the universe.

1. You’ve heard of upside down cakes, now here’s…

An upside down house. At least I can finally fulfill my Alice in Wonderland fantasy.

This upside-down house. from mildlyinteresting

2. A real biological phenomenon

Take a look at this super rare albino sea turtle. Animals really are out of this world.

An albino turlte I saw on my vacation in Sri Lanka from mildlyinteresting

3. From a bygone era

Here’s a grocery store that used to be a theatre – for those of us who love sad, dystopian nostalgia.

Supermarket in Venice used to be a theatre from mildlyinteresting

4. Well, I guess everybody does it

Feel like an actual alien in this London restaurant’s space-themed bathroom, complete with a flying saucer and toilet pods.

These “toilet pods” are the restroom at a London restaurant from mildlyinteresting

5. In all shapes and sizes

This little door in the woods is perfect for any talking dormice looking for prime real estate.

This tree has a tiny door built into it. from mildlyinteresting

6. That’s a lot of power

I guess a giant outlet must be useful for something.

This power company has a giant plug and socket on it from mildlyinteresting

7. A true hybrid

Which recycling bin are you supposed to put this in?

This sparkling water is in a plastic bottle with an aluminum top from mildlyinteresting

8. I think I’ll pass

Nature, you’re beautiful – but you’re also seriously terrifying. This looks like my candy-coated nightmare.

Beautiful Elephant Hawk Moth found in my garden, UK from mildlyinteresting

9. They’re real!

Only 0.0000005% of lobsters are blue. This jewel-toned crustacean was caught in Nova Scotia and promptly put back into the ocean.

Blue lobster caught in St. George’s Bay, Nova Scotia from mildlyinteresting

10. In a world where the 50’s never ended

This looks like something out of the Bioshock universe.

Buffalo wing soda. from mildlyinteresting

11. A multi-purpose business

If only the car wash this drive-thru is in was still functioning – then we could really knock out two birds with one stone.

This fast food drive thru used to be a car wash. from mildlyinteresting

12. Could you say that again?

These signs are in a Coast Salish language, native to the indigenous folks of the Pacific Northwest.

Stop sign on the Musqueam reserve in Vancouver, BC from mildlyinteresting

13. Speed racing in Antarctica

This tunnel in Norway makes you feel like you’re driving through giant glacier.

This roundabout in the middle of a long tunnel in Norway. from mildlyinteresting

14. It’s a pretty patty!

Don’t get it twisted – this burger’s designer.

This blue hamburger from mildlyinteresting

If that last one is blue raspberry flavored, I’m totally down. Still not totally sold on the buffalo wing-flavored soda.

What do you think of these real life glitches in the universe? Are they amazing or totally off-putting?

Share with us in the comments below!

The post Real Things That Totally Look Like Glitches in the Universe appeared first on UberFacts.