Enjoy These Photos of Dogs Sleeping in Funny Positions

Dogs bring us endless amounts of joy.

They’re loyal, funny, sweet…and they love to sleep in really weird positions that border on the demented.

But, even if they are a bit demented sometimes when they’re snoozing, they’re still hilarious.

Are you ready to meet some pooches who are taking the whole “sleeping in weird positions” game to a new level?

Well, read on, and enjoy yourself and we’ll see you in the comments section!

1. What am I looking at here?

Something seems a little bit off…

My dog can’t get gravity right from AnimalsBeingDerps

2. You gotta keep those beans warm!

This is one way to do it.

Puppy warming its paws from aww

3. Down for the count.

Are you sure you’re comfortable?

PsBattle: This dog sleeping happily. from photoshopbattles

4. I don’t even know what to say anymore…

I guess you just gotta do you.

Want to know what? I’m done trying to figure you out… from WhatsWrongWithYourDog

5. You know you’re not allowed up there!

Even if it’s only half way!

We told our dog she couldn’t sleep up on the couch from aww

6. Now these two are cool.

The dog is even wearing sunglasses!

This guy chillin with his dog in London from funny

7. Make yourself at home.

He might be there for a while…

Long from WhatsWrongWithYourDog

8. This definitely brightened my day!

We thank you!

In case you need something to brighten your day, here’s a picture of my dog sleeping 🙂 from aww

9. This can’t be comfortable.

But I guess he was all tuckered out.

My buddies dog sleeping on the Mule steering wheel.. from aww

10. Okay guys, time to pile on.

You just know these pups are BFFs.

Neighbors dogs having a nap in my garage. from dogpictures

11. Are you hurt? Are you okay?!?!

Doesn’t look very pleasant.

Dog or pretzel from aww

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, please share some hilarious photos with us of your dogs sleeping in funny positions.

We want to see big dogs, small dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, old dogs, young dogs. All of ’em!

We can’t wait to see these guys and gals!

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Photos of Dogs Snoozing in Totally Derpy Positions

My mom and dad rescued a dog about a year ago named Coco.

She’s funny, smart, sassy, rambunctious…and she sleeps in some very strange positions that continue to surprise my folks on almost a daily basis.

What is she going to do today?

Perhaps some kind of odd yoga pose that we haven’t seen yet? Maybe a twisted head and neck routine that reminds us all of Linda Blair as the possessed child in The Exorcist?

The possibilities are really endless and so are the laughs!

Enjoy these pics from folks who shared the funny ways that their dogs like to snooze.

1. What’s going on here?

Can anyone explain it to me?

Is that comfortable..? from funny

2. I think she fell down the stairs.

You better make sure she’s not hurt…

This is what naptime looks like in our house. from WhatsWrongWithYourDog

3. Let’s see those teef!

That’s the good stuff!

his reflection is the greatest from AnimalsBeingDerps

4. Now no one can enjoy the living room.

Gee, thanks a lot…

He was snoring too… from WhatsWrongWithYourDog

5. Kind of looks like he’s flying through the air.

Like…Super Dog?

Ollie only sleeps under chairs from WhatsWrongWithYourDog

6. You’re not broken, are you?

You better wake her up and check.

I think my dog is broken from funny

7. Never seen one like this before.

You learn something new every day.

Does anybody else’s dog sleep like this? from aww

8. Must have had a long day.

What were you doing when you were gone…?

Bae caught me slippin from funny

9. It just ain’t right…

But it sure is funny!

This is Leela. She sleeps like this. It just ain’t right. from WhatsWrongWithYourDog

10. This is some kind of dog yoga, right?

That’s what it looks like to me…

My cousin sent me a picture of her dog sleeping.. from WhatsWrongWithYourDog

11. Just go ahead and use me as a pillow.

Now she’s down for the count.

This is how my dog is sleeping right now… from aww

How about you?

Does your doggo like to take naps in really funny positions?

If so, please share some photos with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Photos of Dogs Snoozing in Totally Derpy Positions appeared first on UberFacts.

Do You Think Fish is Meat? People Debated This Big Question.

I have a friend who told me that he was going vegetarian for a while to see how he liked it.

We were chatting a little while after he started his new diet and I asked him what he was making for dinner that night. His answer: salmon.

I was a bit confused and I asked him why he wasn’t a vegetarian anymore. He replied, “fish isn’t meat.”

Hmmmm…I’m pretty sure that it is…but maybe I’ve been wrong on this one the whole time?

So what do you think? If fish meat?

AskReddit users weighed in with their opinions.

1. I don’t get it…

“I don’t understand why people say that fish is not meat.

Meat is defined as “the flesh of an animal as food.” Why isn’t fish considered a meat then?! Why do religions act like it is not meat? Why is the flesh of a fish not considered meat?

It literally makes no sense to me. I understand it is food from the sea, hence seafood, but seafood is just meat from the “sea.””

2. It stuck.

““Fish is not meat” comes from the Catholic/Christian tradition of fasting (not eating) meat during Friday’s and during Lent. Depriving oneself of a luxury to remind yourself of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Fish was a common and inexpensive food in the area earlier christians lived. Hence it was not a luxury and didn’t need to be avoided while fasting.

That turned into “fish doesn’t count as meat” because it wasn’t part of the fast.

Of course fish is animal flesh, but that wasn’t the point. It’s kind of stuck since.”

3. It’s a mindset.

“In the modern day English speaking world, eg the US because it’s so large, a culture filled with “red meat”, fish is often perceived as less hearty, lighter.

In other words “meat” is often synonymous with “red meat”(primarily beef in an array of cuts and preparations(roast, steak, ribs, hamburger, etc), with most other animal flesh less common, many falling either into delicacies or inedible. Pork, fish, and poultry are more common than, say, shrimp or venison but are still less proliferate than beef for much of the nation.

It may have started with religion, but it continues in the US heavily because that’s what’s readily available and/or what the culture focuses on.”

4. It’s an animal.

“I have to say this to everyone who says, “can you eat fish” when I say I’m a vegetarian.

My mother in law does this all the time. No. Fish is meat. It’s an animal. It’s flesh.

I don’t understand how a fish can be considered not meat.”

5. Blame it on them.

“I think that’s more because over the years so many pescatarians said they were vegetarian.

And because no one knew what a pescatarian was and it was just easier to tell people you were vegetarian, but ate fish.”

6. LOL.

“This reminds me of one of the three jokes that I think of when someone says “tell a joke”.

What do you call a vegetarian who eats fish?

A liar.

It’s not a good joke, and the one time I posted it on Facebook 10 years ago someone pointed out that they’re pescatarian and just don’t know that word.”

7. No doubt about it.

“It’s meat.

It’s an animal that was living and breathing.

Therefore, it’s meat.”

8. It’s clean.

“It’s because we are not supposed to eat blood, and red meats are considered to be a lot closer to that and hence considered less “clean”.

Fish is “white meat” (despite some fish such as the salminidaes being orange and such), along with poultry. I also don’t think fish ISN’T considered meat, it’s just not improper to eat under different circumstances.

Another important thing too is that Fish is considered to be a much lower quality/cheaper item that is “easily replenishable without having to farm them”. On the other hand red meat is more of a luxury item (especially beef and lamb).

Fish IS considered meat by literally everyone. It’s just considered edible and pure to eat while the other meats aren’t across different religions.”

9. Good comparison.

“Same reason alcohol is usually considered separate from other drugs, I assume.

Maybe not in a literal sense, but the constant distinction of “Drugs and alcohol” always annoys me.

Kind of implies alcohol isn’t a drug…Yeah it is.”

10. Where’s the line?

“”I’m a vegetarian, but I eat fish.”

This has always upset me. Like. Fish are animals, why would you consider them differently? Honestly fish are dope. They’re super pretty, have homes where they spawn for generations, they can jump up waterfalls and grow swords out of their faces.

Fish are truly incredible and someone out there is like nah, f*ck them fish. They’re not animals. They’re just an addition to my veggies.

I just don’t understand where the line is drawn.”

11. Here’s another view.

“The reason Catholics are permitted to eat fish on what Catholics call “days of abstinence” is not because fish are not meat, but because fish are cold blooded. (so this means alligator would be fine as well).

This originated from a Jewish tradition where any cold blooded animal was associated with death, ex, snakes, lizards and so on. (hence the devil being referred to as a “serpent”).

On the other hand. Warm blooded animals were associated with life, ex lamb, goats, and cattle. In remembrance of Jesus being crucified as a “sacrificial lamb” Catholics are asked to observe days of abstinence on certain days.

Fish are indeed meat and the Catholic Church doesn’t actually claim that they aren’t.”

What do you think about this?

Is fish meat?

Sound off in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Do You Think Fish is Meat? People Debated This Big Question. appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out the Funny Corgi With Goofy Facial Expressions

There are few things on this planet that give me as much pleasure as animal pages on social media…and here’s another one for me to follow!

Gen the Corgi has almost 200,000 followers on Instagram and it’s for a good reason: this dog from Japan has a bubbly personality and routinely makes hilarious faces that have made her a huge hit!

I mean, what’s not to love?

If you don’t already follow Gen on Instagram, I have a feeling that you will be right after you finish scrolling through the photos below. Let’s get started now!

1. I think your food is about to go bye-bye.

Keep an eye on this one!

2. That’s a pretty mischievous look.

What are you up to…?

3. Out for a stroll.

And still making goofy faces!

4. What did you just say to me?

Cocking that head to the side.

5. Don’t mind if I do!

Careful, don’t get brain freeze.

6. Keep your head above water!

You’re doing a great job!

7. Definitely a fan of car rides.

What dog isn’t, really?

8. Smile big for the camera.

That’s a good dog!

9. Now I feel like you’re making fun of me…

Is that what’s going on here?

10. Jumping for joy!

And loving life!

We just can’t get enough of this pooch!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about some other animals that you think we should be following on social media.

And share some pics of your own dogs while you’re at it!

Please and thank you!

The post Check Out the Funny Corgi With Goofy Facial Expressions appeared first on UberFacts.

Guy Takes Hilarious Photos of Squirrels Interacting With Props

If you didn’t think life in Sweden looked delightful before, I think this article might change your mind. I’m sure this isn’t what it’s really like, but I picture it to be friendly, calm, cold, and with animals just frolicking everywhere…

And the photos that a guy named Geert Weggen takes do nothing to dispel those myths for me.

Weggen creates little scenes on his balcony for squirrels to interact with so he can photograph them and the results are awesome. Sometimes, he combines two photos into one for effect and he said he also sometimes Photoshops out wires, pins, and other things that he uses to keep props in place.

Let’s take a look at his great work!

1. Doing some acrobatics, are we?

I like this little fella!

2. Looks pretty refreshing.

Go ahead, help yourself.

3. Wake up and smell the roses.

Is that working for you?

4. It looks like a party to me.

Also, that camper is pretty awesome.

5. Looks like we have some artistic types on our hands.

You’re doing it all wrong!

6. Big fan of the mushrooms.

Hey, so are we!

7. Time for some deep-sea diving.

What did you find down there?

8. This belongs to me now.

Don’t even think about coming up here…

9. Reach for the sky.

And keep on moving forward, friends!

10. It’s your move.

You better choose carefully.

I’m not gonna lie…I kind of want this guy’s life…

But enough of that, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share some links with us of other folks on social media who interact with animals in unique and funny ways.

Thanks a lot!

The post Guy Takes Hilarious Photos of Squirrels Interacting With Props appeared first on UberFacts.

Guy Takes Hilarious Photos of Squirrels Interacting With Props

If you didn’t think life in Sweden looked delightful before, I think this article might change your mind. I’m sure this isn’t what it’s really like, but I picture it to be friendly, calm, cold, and with animals just frolicking everywhere…

And the photos that a guy named Geert Weggen takes do nothing to dispel those myths for me.

Weggen creates little scenes on his balcony for squirrels to interact with so he can photograph them and the results are awesome. Sometimes, he combines two photos into one for effect and he said he also sometimes Photoshops out wires, pins, and other things that he uses to keep props in place.

Let’s take a look at his great work!

1. Doing some acrobatics, are we?

I like this little fella!

2. Looks pretty refreshing.

Go ahead, help yourself.

3. Wake up and smell the roses.

Is that working for you?

4. It looks like a party to me.

Also, that camper is pretty awesome.

5. Looks like we have some artistic types on our hands.

You’re doing it all wrong!

6. Big fan of the mushrooms.

Hey, so are we!

7. Time for some deep-sea diving.

What did you find down there?

8. This belongs to me now.

Don’t even think about coming up here…

9. Reach for the sky.

And keep on moving forward, friends!

10. It’s your move.

You better choose carefully.

I’m not gonna lie…I kind of want this guy’s life…

But enough of that, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share some links with us of other folks on social media who interact with animals in unique and funny ways.

Thanks a lot!

The post Guy Takes Hilarious Photos of Squirrels Interacting With Props appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Drawings of Internet-Famous Cat Photos

If there’s one thing that we all know is true, it’s that cat memes and photos are everywhere and they are delightful.

Don’t even try to deny it!

Well, if you happen to love those famous cat images (which we’re sure you do), then we know you’re REALLY going to love these drawings done by an artist that goes by the name of Tactooncat.

The artist hails from Indonesia and they illustrate famous cat photos in their own style…and they’re really wonderful!

Be sure to click on the arrow on the right in the post so you can see the original photo.


1. Just struttin’ on by.

This one is a classic.

2. I always feel like…

Somebody’s watching me…

3. I got some new friends!

Well, isn’t this wholesome?!?!

4. The good, old face smush.

Just take a load off, okay?

5. Barely hanging in there.

That’s what friends are for.

6. I bet you can’t wait for this to be over.

Can we just end this thing NOW?

7. Almost ready for the runway.

You look fabulous!

8. All alone with your thoughts.

A time to reflect…

9. Get that camera out of my face!

This cat isn’t messing around.

10. Who says cats don’t like water?

This kitty is proving everyone wrong.

11. This looks a little bit obscene.

I’m not gonna lie…

Who are your favorite artists that you follow on social media?

Do us a favor and share some links with us in the comments of folks you think we’d like.

Please and thank you!

The post Funny Drawings of Internet-Famous Cat Photos appeared first on UberFacts.

Great Dog Videos We Know You’ll Enjoy

TikTok really is the gift that keeps on giving…

And I’m not even talking about the content on there that features actual human beings. Pssshhhhhtttt, I push that stuff to the side when I’m browsing!

I’m all about the dogs, PERIOD.

And, lucky for me, there are tons and tons of awesome dog videos for all of us to enjoy on TikTok…so I guess we do have to give humans a little bit of credit for uploading that stuff for us…thanks, I guess…

Anyway, enough about people! Enjoy these videos featuring DOGS.

1. I’m right beside you!

What do you think you’re doing?!?!


#callyourdog #dogchallenge

♬ original sound – Joey Senft

2. Getting in his morning exercises.

And one, and two, and three, and four. Nice work!


Pupdate: Do you remember Vincenzo (light blue collar)? Well here he is 6 months later, doing his morning exercises! @lordbowie #puppytiktok #puppydog

♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod

3. I love this oldtimer!

What a great face you have!


what even is that face😂😂😂. I promise I pet her after I made this video. #doggo

♬ dont pet challenge – The Real Cooper

4. I’m calling out for you.

I need more of these videos in my life, ASAP.


Sorry for the shake camera work i was lolling #truelove #petslover

♬ True Love – P!nk ft. Lily Allen

5. This is what mornings with a husky are like.

Does this look like fun, or what?


Mornings with a Husky #goodmorningvideo #funny #funnyvideos #funnyhusky #husky #huskiesoftiktok #fyp #foryoupage #foryou #huskies #happy

♬ original sound – Jennafer Salisbury

6. Got her dancing shoes on!

Look at her go!


i swear this dogggggggg 🥺🥺🥺 #goldenretrieverlife #goldenretriever #fypシ #fyp #dancingdog

♬ original sound – DJ Moody

7. Just splish splashin’ around.

Are you ready to come out yet?


#goldenretrieverlife #oursisbroke #naturalbornswimmer#icallbullshit

♬ original sound – user9774220170182

8. I think he’s definitely dreaming of cookies.

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that!


is he eating cookies in his sleep? #asmr #Bye2020 #cute #puppy #snooze #goldenretriever #sleepy #tinymicrophone

♬ original sound – Atlas the Golden

9. Wait a second. What am I seeing back there?!?!

Your little buddy might need a break.


WAIT FOR IT!!! 😂 #fyp

♬ original sound – Jake Lyons

10. In love with his favorite toy.

Well, is that adorable, or what?


When he’s got his favorite toy…#InLove #Homemade #fyp #fypdoesntwork #fypシ #dogsoftiktok #dogs

♬ original sound – Robert Collins

11. No privacy for you.

And I mean EVER AGAIN.


No privacy ever #dogsoftiktok #fyp #dog #noknock #foryou #gsd #viral

♬ original sound – Scott Tavlin

How about you?

Do you have any dogs in your house?

If so, please share some photos of them and tell us a little bit about those creatures.

Do it in the comments!

The post Great Dog Videos We Know You’ll Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.

Meet the Pet Raccoon That Falls Asleep Inside a Baby Bouncer

Social media can be a real bummer…but it can also be wonderful!

And one of my absolute favorite things to explore and enjoy on Instagram are all the pages that document the daily lives of adorable animals!

Well, we’d like to meet another one…a raccoon named Buri Buri!

It looks like he’s really living the good life and he even enjoys lounging and sometimes falling asleep in a baby bouncer. I mean, what else can you ask for, really?

Are you ready to fall in love with this domesticated raccoon? Let’s meet Buri Buri!

1. Buri Buri just snoozing his life away.

Looks pretty good to me…not gonna lie…

2. Time to get outside for a walk.

A fresh air does all of us some good.

3. Rise and shine!

It’s gonna be a big day!

4. Enjoying the winter wonderland.

It looks like he’s making some snowballs.

5. Can I go outside and play?

Be sure to wear a jacket. It looks cold out there.

6. Get out of my dreams…

Get into my car.

7. Now that looks like a lot of fun.

Care to join me in the ball pit?

8. What time is dinner?

Are we a little impatient today?

9. Getting ready for a job interview?

We think you’re gonna nail it!

10. Just straight-up chillin’.

Take it easy today, Buri Buri!

Well, that was adorable, wasn’t it?

You bet it was!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share a cute animal you like to follow on social media.

Thanks a lot!

The post Meet the Pet Raccoon That Falls Asleep Inside a Baby Bouncer appeared first on UberFacts.

Are You Ready for Some Wonderful Dog Videos? Here You Go!

I’m here for this in a big way!

Any time I’m feeling a little bit down in the dumps, I like to sit back, kick up my feet, and enjoy dog videos.

I mean, what else do you need, really? Am I right?

You know I am!

Here are some wonderful dog videos that people posted on TikTok that we think you’re gonna love. Let’s see what these pooches are up to!

1. I’m in love with this pooch.

Smiles for days! What else could you ask for?


#fy #fyp

♬ Jake25.17 sound – 🦋Olivia🦋

2. You’re really testing my patience here!

Enough with the acorns, already!


My dog tries to sneak acorns in every time we come in from a walk #MyRoutine #fyp #foryoupage #dogsoftiktok

♬ original sound – Clay Dixon

3. I need more attention and I need it now!

I think this is totally reasonable, don’t you?


When your sister doesn’t give you any attention🐶🥺 #attentionplease #chocolatelab #chocolatelabsoftiktok #dogsoftiktok #sisters #labrador

♬ Inside Their Head – TT remix

4. This dog looks like an absolute joy to be around.

It’s time to play!


my dog really said ✨weee✨ #dog #cute #happy #fyp #foryou #foryoupage

♬ Follow weeememes – Memes

5. Hey, the gang’s all here!

I’d love to spend all my days hanging out at this place.


Productive meeting today, hope we all learnt a valuable lesson. #meeting #dogdaycare #foryou #dogsoftiktok

♬ original sound – Destiny Sciuva

6. Just wait for it…

Trust me, it’ll be worth it!


Wait for it😂 #foryoupage #firstvideo #dogs #cute

♬ original sound – Simeonides

7. Uh oh…now you’re in trouble…

What do you have to say for yourself?


When you take your big sisters toys… #dog #puppy #dogs #puppylove #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #pup #pups #labradoodle

♬ Oh No – Kreepa

8. Hahaha, I love this one!

Wait for the beat to drop.


big smiles!!! #fyp #NBAIsBack #DontDropTheOhYeah #PerfectGifts #OREOFORSANTA #Santa

♬ true love by pink – alyssaaudios

9. This dog is really pushing it.

Don’t you have any manners?!?!


The nerve of this dog😳🤣

♬ original sound – user1924400620804

10. What did I do to deserve this?

Seems a little bit harsh, don’t you think?


Reposting my most viral TikTok to see if we can reach more than 12.3 million! #fyp #dogsoftiktok #appreciated #viral #repost

♬ original sound – mollie

Now we want to meet your pooches!

In the comments, share some pictures or videos of your dogs and tell us a little bit about them. Their likes, dislikes, what they like to do in their spare time. You  know, all the normal stuff.

We look forward to it! Thanks!

The post Are You Ready for Some Wonderful Dog Videos? Here You Go! appeared first on UberFacts.