A Woman With a Sick Husband Talked About the “Cheapest” Health Insurance Plan Available to Them

It’s no secret that the United States has a very expensive healthcare system. Insurance costs can easily eat up or exceed a person’s paycheck, and there are over 100 million Americans struggling with medical debt.

That number is so enormous, it’s hard to even conceptualize, which is why we need personal stories to really feel the impact. Stories like this Twitter thread.

Lori, or @iCounterSpin, shared a screenshot of the costs of healthcare plans available to her sick husband. The reality is devastating: Lori’s husband needs to stay covered so he can stay alive. But how can they afford coverage with prices like these?

As you can see from the screenshot, the only plans available to her are not only expensive, but they involve sky high deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses as well.

Lori did everything she could to try to find ways to save. She tweeted out one her ideas:

Healthcare and illness are a sensitive topic in the United States today. Lori’s thread elicited plenty of responses from people who face similar struggles.

Others promptly tried to help her find solutions.

Another well-wisher tried to impart advice as well.

Others wanted to find ways to pitch in more directly.

People from other countries also showed their concern.

Though the subject of Lori’s thread was serious, she chose not to accept offers to start a crowdfunding page. Instead, she encouraged people to support presidential candidates that have discussed their desire to change healthcare policies in the U.S.

Airing out grievances can be a hit or miss on Twitter, but once again, people on social media showed that they have compassion and just want their fellow people to be OK. Good on Lori for sharing her story so others can understand how the backwards U.S. healthcare system truly affects people.

What are your thoughts on Lori’s thread? We’re all ears in the comments section!

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Americans Share the Most Absurd Medical Bill They Ever Received

Healthcare is on many people’s mind these days, and the 2020 election is full of ideas on how to take our broken system and hopefully improve it.

Senator Bernie Sanders is and has been passionate about the topic for much of his career, and is championing a controversial Medicare for All plan that would see the end of private insurance offerings for good.

Regardless of what you think about Medicare for All, I’m sure we can all agree that healthcare costs are too damn high, and something has to be done.

Recently on Twitter, he asked his followers to share the most absurd medical bill they ever got in the mail, and you guys.

They delivered.


20. Always decline the ambulance ride.

19. Nobody should be worrying about the bill.

18. Yeah, that’s not a choice.

17. This one might win for most ridiculous.

16. I’m not sure that’s really science.

15. Heartbreaking AND absurd.

14. A whole new level of insult to injury.

13. We need equal opportunity healing.

12. I’ll bring my own Band-Aid.

11. Only the rich get to live.

10. I mean what else can you do?

9. It would be funny if it wasn’t so infuriating.

8. Answer: hardly anyone.

7. That’s a pretty penny for stuff you could have gotten at Walgreens.

6. You need a surgeon for that?

5. That’s a pretty high price for wielding a pair of tweezers for under 5 minutes.

4. Kidney stones are the worst and if $16k would help, I would have paid it.

3. I think they’re billing the wrong person.

2. Everyone should have a problem with this.

1. What on earth does most of that even mean?


I’m not here to discuss politics, but I think we can all agree that most of these are pretty darn silly.

If you were running for president, how would you solve the problem of rising healthcare costs, access to care, care for veterans, and all the rest?

There’s no easy answer, of course, but give it a go!

The post Americans Share the Most Absurd Medical Bill They Ever Received appeared first on UberFacts.