Check out these wild and lesser-known facts about alcohol that’ll surely make you think twice before raising that glass next time. It has some surprising effects on your smarts and health, plus insane stories and weird discoveries. Alcohol fits into our lives and affects us much more complexly than one would imagine! 1. High School … Continue reading 8 Surprising Facts About Alcohol You Didn’t Know
Defending Liquor with Machine Guns: The Byron’s Warehouse Story in Oklahoma
Established by Byron Gambulos, Byron’s Liquor Warehouse stands as one of Oklahoma’s largest liquor outlets. This Oklahoma City landmark came into existence in 1959, soon after the state’s legalization of alcohol.
The infancy of the legal alcohol era in Oklahoma was marked by chaos and confusion. “The system was haphazard. Both wholesalers and retailers seemed to operate according to their own rules,” Gambulos explained.
In an era when many retailers attempted to inflate market prices to maximize profits, Gambulos held his ground against such practices. This didn’t sit well with some in the liquor industry, a few with alleged connections to the mafia, who viewed his stance as unwelcome competition.
Tensions escalated to the point where an unidentified individual hurled a homemade bomb into Byron’s Liquor Warehouse, causing damage to a small section of the establishment. Upon a second bombing shortly after, Gambulos decided to take measures to ensure his, his employees’, and his property’s safety.
In response, he erected a rectangular, fortified wooden structure with windows on all sides, essentially a watchtower, atop the business premises. Gambulos, along with a group of his friends that included off-duty police officers and dedicated employees, kept vigil from this tower during the night. They were armed with various weapons, from handguns to shotguns, with Gambulos himself wielding a World War II-era machine gun.
The presence of the watchtower proved effective in deterring further attacks. Threats towards Gambulos and his family gradually decreased, and one of his team members successfully prevented at least one bombing attempt.

Photo by Oklahoma Historical Society
However, after about a year, officials from Oklahoma’s Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission requested that Gambulos dismantle the tower. Subsequently, some of the individuals suspected to have been involved in the earlier bombings were reportedly apprehended by the police.
Incarcerated prisoners make a contraband…
Incarcerated prisoners make a contraband drink in prison called “pruno” which entails fermenting fruit, sugar cubes, bread, and water in a ziplock bag a several days. And, they frequently make it in their toilets.
France banned serving alcohol…
France banned serving alcohol with school lunches in 1956, but only for kids under 14. Before the 1950s, French children were not only allowed to drink wine, beer or cider in the canteen, but they were encouraged to do so.
Doctors in Lithuania removed…
Doctors in Lithuania removed over 1 Kilo (2.2lbs) of metal objects, including screws and nails, from a man’s stomach after he was admitted for abdominal pain. Some of the objects were up to 10cm (4in) long. The man claimed he started eating the metal after quitting alcohol a month prior.
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A drink called Kalimotxo or Calimocho which…
A drink called Kalimotxo or Calimocho which consists of equal parts red wine and cola, dates back to the 1920s, originating in Spain. However, the drink didn’t become popular until around 1953 when Coca-Cola became readily available in Spain.
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Mexico has a Ley Seca (no alcohol)…
Mexico has a Ley Seca (no alcohol) tradition during elections to promote peace and order and holds elections on Sunday allowing the most voters to participate without worry of missing school or work.
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Mexico has a Ley Seca (no alcohol)…
Mexico has a Ley Seca (no alcohol) tradition during elections to promote peace and order and holds elections on Sunday allowing the most voters to participate without worry of missing school or work.
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A study conducted in 195 countries…
A study conducted in 195 countries, over a 26-year period, concluded that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. The researchers admitted that moderate drinking may protect against heart disease, but found that the risk of cancer and other diseases outweighs these protections.
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All These Folks Belong in the Drunk Hall of Fame
You’ve heard of the Football Hall of Fame. And the Baseball Hall of Fame.
But did you know that there’s a Drunk Hall of Fame?
It’s true! It’s a hallowed place where legends like the ones you’re about to meet are honored for their total and complete drunkenness and bad behavior!
And you and I both know there’s no shortage of that these days.
Do you think you have what it takes to be on the same level as these folks?
Let’s take a look at their shenanigans and you can let us know in the comments…
1. That’s what I call a loyal companion.
How cute is that?!?!
got drunk and fell asleep on the floor last night. my dog just laid there with me. she wasn’t even sleep
— 12 cell phones and I look like Kurt Angle (@3O1TY) December 24, 2019
2. Don’t do it!
That’s never, ever a good idea.
RT @curryspic3: a friend and I were in a public washroom at a bar last night and she said “shit I want to text my ex” and 3 different girls in the bathroom stalls screamed out “don’t fucking text your ex”
— Ari (@HKL23) October 1, 2018
3. Good thing you made it home.
And that was nice of you to respond…to yourself.
Last night I was so drunk I replied to my own text
— OwlKing (@losingseIf) February 1, 2015
4. Not bad at all.
I think this was time well spent.
Last night I got drunk and woke up to a fake tinder I made using the girl filter
— Dylan Nash
(@DylanParkerNash) May 10, 2019
5. You’re really killin’ it!
Or something like that…
Footage of me drunk af last night applying concealer to my lips thinking it was lip gloss I love myself
— cass (@cas1ynch) July 12, 2019
6. Dad, you have no idea.
He might not be super proud of that one.
my dad said “i’m so glad you’re not one of those kids that gets drunk and does stupid shit” sir i was once so drunk i accidentally threw a party 6 hours before i was supposed to move out of my apartment and called t-mobile support crying because i couldn’t get everyone to leave
— Colleen (@Coll3enG) September 16, 2019
7. What did you buy last night?
Looks like a crazy evening!
This is why you don't buy things when you're drunk,
— Shervin (@ShervinSinatra) March 2, 2016
8. You did it!
No regrets here at all.
9. Mom…put down the wine.
I think she’s had enough.
My mother is drunk. I walked in to the kitchen to find her having aligned the potatoes in size order.
— Marcus (@MariusPole) July 22, 2012
10. Hahahaha. This is amazing.
I wonder if this booty call worked?
Rough night from drunk
11. It’s been a while!
Glad to see that you’re back at it!
my sister finally drank after 9 months of being pregnant and this is what happens
I am crying
— jooooo (@josie_grady) April 14, 2018
12. I wouldn’t be mad either.
Your roommate did a good thing.
Okay, it’s confession time…
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done while you were drunk?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know.
Thanks in advance!
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