Tweets for People Who’d Like to Stop Aging NOW

Were you aware that the longer you live, the older you get? I know. It’s weird.

And unwelcome. I didn’t sign up for aging, or having responsibilities, or being a sentient life form of any kind, really. If I had my druthers, I’d probably have chosen to be a nice tree. Something chill and low maintenance. But noooo. I had to become a being of inexplicable consciousness formed within the miracle that is the human brain. Plus I have to pay bills and stuff. Lame.

Here are fifteen tweets about getting older to help soothe the joint pain.

15. We all scream

That’s a cold, hard fact.

14. Loosen up

The only thing I’m chugging now is Metamucil.

13. Poetry in Motrin

You can never be too careful.

12. Take a hit

You’re officially an adult when you stop being surprised by the presence of a dinner table.

11. Taking inventory

This is why digital assistants need to step up their game.

10. Pride of ownership

See it’s funny because the economy that enriched our parents was stolen out from under us by greed.

9. Real cool

Sitcoms are people in their 30’s playing people in their 20’s with no jobs and a $3,000/month apartment.

8. Wine about it

The date stamp on this tweet is ironic. Little did they know this would be the legal limit for all of us pretty soon after.

7. Bring the noise

It’s called the old man creak and I’ve made peace with it.

6. Plot holes

What are friends for?

5. Cut to the chase

Let it grow, let it grooooow, can’t hold it back anymore…

4. Consequences

Thanks a lot, biology.

3. Diminishing returns

For most of us $1,000 just means “you’re allowed to keep living in your home for another few weeks.”

2. Key phrases

Should probably keep it in a drawer for the rest of my life just in case.

1. High standards

Smokin’ hot takes over here.

That’s it, I refuse to age. Somebody get me Benjamin Button on the line, I need to learn his weird secrets.

What’s the weirdest thing about getting older to you?

Tell us in the comments.

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Times When People Had Serious Questions About Millennials That Turned Out to Be Jokes in Disguise

Millennials…prepare to get dragged all over the place, because 12 people decided that today was the day to ask you serious questions that weren’t so serious.

You know the drill. They tweet. They funny. You don’t respond. We all laugh. Repeat.

Thank you to this site for bringing all these together, and thanks to us for going through them and finding the best.

You’re welcome, internet

1. Eggplants just doing eggplants things

I’m endlessly amused by what emojis mean.

2. Because they can!

It’s all meta, all the time!

3. Chef’s kiss!

You can eat it AND drink it. Win win!

4. A true rite of passage.

I deleted it, btw. Because reasons.

5. Is it their 6th or 16th?

Seems like MOST of the people on TikTok are drunk.

6. I can’t even with this

I use adjectives in place of verbs. So there!

7. Yes, it looks distressed! It doesn’t want to be that way!

Shabby indeed!

8. 80s kids and 70s kids are so much cooler.

We’re colder because we’re older and old people get colder faster.

9. Why do so many of them have back problems?

Maybe because they have drinking problems? Hmmm…

10. This tweet is wrong.

GIFs are hilarious and DO NOT pronounce that word with a J.

11. Well, I don’t blame them.

This is their fight son.

12. Isn’t it?

Buzzfeed, you keep on feeding us that buzz.

In all the history of all the tweets… these were among the finest. Don’t you agree?

I’m really asking a rhetorical question there, but you can feel free to respond if you want. I won’t judge. Much.

See ya soon!

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Completely Justified Times Millennials Clapped Back at Baby Boomers

Let’s give these Millennials a break, shall we? Actually, these young people don’t even need any help, because they totally put these Baby Boomers in their place! Amen!

1. Shut up old person!

2. You have an INSANE amount of money and you don’t even realize it!

3. Define “joke”

4. Yeah, did you enjoy the 80s? Because we certainly didn’t!

5. Oh, boo fucking hoo… sorry you can’t drive somewhere to buy cheap shit…

6. Savage

7. These fucking people…

8. There is no logic for some boomers…

9. This!

10. Rip it up

11. This! Means! War!

And so it goes.

But hey, forward this in an email to your mom and her friends! I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of it!

The post Completely Justified Times Millennials Clapped Back at Baby Boomers appeared first on UberFacts.

These #10YearChallenge Photos Show What a Different 10 Years Really Makes

Did you participate in the #10YearChallenge? I know a lot of people who did, and it was honestly fascinating to see! It’s crazy to see how much your friends have changed over the last decade… plus a few possible vampires lucky few who seem to have stayed eternally youthful.

So, how did 10 years change you?

1. Yep. I feel that.

2. Getting MORE awesome.

Photo Credit: Distractify

3. Working out paid off.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @maxthieriot

4. Ditching the emo.

Photo Credit: Distractify

5. Aging like a garbage can

Photo Credit: Twitter, @veganistotkist

6. Did Pharrell get younger?

Photo Credit: Distractify

7. WOW! She hasn’t changed a bit!

Photo Credit: Distractify

8. From karate instructor to actor.

9. Really she’s 70 years older.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @LenaArmas

10. Same hair, same face, more facial hair.

Photo Credit: Distractify

But some found the 10 years to be more…um…well, keep going.

How did your 10 years pan out?

The post These #10YearChallenge Photos Show What a Different 10 Years Really Makes appeared first on UberFacts.