13 People Admit the Legal Substances They’re Addicted To

I have this debate with older people a lot, but they are just absolutely horrified that marijuana is now legal in so many states across the country.

But ci**rettes and al**hol? Hey, those are no big deal at all!

And yes, as you all know, those are perfectly legal if you’re of age.

It’s just kind of funny how the stigma of things being legal or illegal influences the opinions of people out there.

People on AskReddit admitted what legal substances they’re addicted to.

Let’s take a look.

1. Still calling to you.

“Potato chips. Salt and vinegar especially.

I can eat entire family bags of them in a sitting. I’ve been making serious efforts to cut that out lately, I’ve been chip free for almost a week.

And yet the crisps call to me…”

2. Good stuff.

“La Croix.

Specifically passion fruit and coconut flavors.

I go through about 3-4 12 packs a week.

This s**t is expensive too.”

3. Might be overdoing it.

“Diet Coke.

Hands down.

It’s a problem.

Or maybe it’s not.

Brb, getting some Diet Coke.”

4. Your babies.

“PLANTS. I talk to mine every single day and want to always grow more and more and more and more of them. My plants aren’t even mine!

Most are my friend’s. Him and his bf are gonna come get them when it gets warm but actually I might fight them now cause they’ve become my babies.”

5. Hello, old friend.

“Flaming Hot Cheetoss 🔥 .

They’re terrible I know, but I’ve been eating them longer than I’ve known most my friends.”

6. Mary Jane.


Yes, I have been using more than I should.

Yes, you can abuse it.

No, it is not good for you in these quantities.

No, it is not easy to kick the habit.”

7. I love them!

“Cheez Its.

I used to go over to my best friend’s home growing up and eat all their Cheez Its.

Every year for my birthday, Christmas, and any big event in my life, her parents would buy me a box.”

8. Do the Dew.

“Mountain Dew.

No, I’m not addicted to the sugar. Or the caffeine. I have tried substitutes. If I don’t have a Mountain Dew for about 48 hours, I will get MEAN.

I’ve lost a lot of weight and kept it off for like 6 or 7 years. One of my friends told me I’d probably lose another 5 or 10 pounds if I could stop Mountain Dew.”

9. Rare, but delicious.

“Lilikoi flavored Hi-Chews. You can only get them at this one chain of stores in Hawaii.

Luckily for me, as someone who lives in CA, my girlfriend’s sister lives in Honolulu and sends me boxes of them a few times a year. They’re heavenly. Kicks the s**t out of a Starburst.

Honorable mention to Sour Mambas. I really like fruity, chewy candy.”

10. Doesn’t sound very pleasant.

“Red pepper flakes. Every time I eat pizza, I have to sprinkle a lot, knowing full well it will burn coming out.

The sensation is like I’m trying to s**t out the sun.”

11. A lot of people are like this.

“Video games. Sometimes it feels as if it’s as destructive as hard drugs. I’ll stop for weeks at a time but can never quit completely.

When I binge it feels like I’m wasting away my life and falling into a self destructive hole.”

12. A tough one.


I actually quit ci**rettes for a few months (was hell first few weeks) then suddenly bought a pack few days ago when was feeling really off, finished it then promised not to get back to it.

Aday later got news of a cousin passing away, so here I am sitting with my brand new pack. If you don’t smoke, dont start.”

13. Time for rehab?

“Trader Joe’s Peanut butter filled pretzels.

Two bags a week, would be more but I have to limit how many I buy.”

Okay, it’s confession time.

What legal substances are you addicted to?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post 13 People Admit the Legal Substances They’re Addicted To appeared first on UberFacts.

What a Legal Substance That You’re Addicted To? Here’s What People Said.

Tacos. Chinese food. Pizza.

Those are my weaknesses.

And yes, I’m gonna go on the record today and say that I am 100% addicted to these legal substances.

I only eat them in moderation these days, but I can still dream about them as much as I want, right…?

Are you addicted to any LEGAL substances?

AskReddit users spoke up.

1. Recovering addict.

“Not so much anymore but I was very addicted to peanut butter.

It was somehow incorporated into every meal of the day for me for some time but one day I just stopped.”

2. Nasal spray.

“When I had a cold, I used this nasal spray that shrinks the blood vessels in the nose and makes it easier for you to breathe.

It is an over the counter drug store item and you dont need a prescription.

Once you stop using it, your nose clogs up or at least it feels like it because you used to breathe like a superhero for a week. The longer you use, the worse the withdrawals are.

I couldn’t properly breathe without it so I ended up using it for almost half a year.”

3. They are tasty.


I was a massive addict. I used to buy a couple whole boxes of them. I used to drive to Frito Lays to buy them directly from the factory because was the only places where you could buy this much without people asking questions.

What makes me stop was in one occasion i went to a “Colmado”(Is pretty much a 7/11 or mini market here at Dom.Rep). Told the guy “give me this just on doritos”. Was around 800 DPO, which is 14 USD One bag personal bag of Doritos is 25 DPO here.

Around 30 something bags of Doritos. The guy looked at me and told me “D**n. You just wiped my whole shelf. Now i need to call Frito Lays to bring me a couple boxes”. I looked at the empty shelf i was so embarrassed and disgusted of myself.

On my way walking home i started to gift them away to people. I kept like 3 bags, ate them and since them I slowly were reducing my numbers of Doritos at weeks for the next couple months. I stil love them, but I don’t have the impulse anymore.”

4. Slow down!

“Oreos… I can knock down a sleeve before looking down.

It only stops when the stomach pain sets in and even if it subsides for a moment, that moment will be filled with an Oreo.”

5. What a story.

“Sweet Baby Ray’s honey chipotle BBQ sauce.

I had a bad accident as a kid from drinking what I thought was Koolade but nope, so a very good portion of my tongue and cheeks got scar tissue. Since then I haven’t been able to taste a lot of foods.

I literally can not taste most bread, crackers, light soup broths, a few juices, etc. The worst easily is that I can not taste most red meats…

But for some reason, I’m super sensitive to honey and Smokey flavors and that sauce was a godsend. I am no medical doctor, and I don’t know how to explain it(?) but when I use it on something I not only taste the sauce but can actually taste a lot of foods I couldn’t before. So I put it on everything like a weirdo.

In the same vein, I also keep a small bottle of ghost pepper hot sauce as well but mostly for pasta as chipotle bbq doesn’t seem to work with most red sauces but the ghost pepper does?”

6. The better choice.


I gave up sm**ing years ago and substituted it with an addiction to chocolate.”

7. Comforting.

“I’m not even addicted to caffeine, but to the idea of coffee, that larger than life promise of absolute comfort and solution to any imaginable problem that a cup of coffee holds.

Whether you’re getting irritated by politics, experiencing legal trouble, your boss pi**ed you off, your personal relationships are a mess, you’re pondering the pointlessness of existence or have a small practical task you just don’t feel like dealing with, a cup of coffee is the obligatory first step you have to take to figure it out.

You have to spread it out over 3 hours and have someone nodding their head in understanding too as a part of the ritual. Enlightenment should follow.”

8. So good.

“Thin Mints.

Lucky is the first Girl Scout I spot each season. I’ll tell them “stay right there, don’t go anywhere.” Then I’ll go home and get my van. Come back as quick as I can hoping the girl hasn’t left the area. I’ll pull up, throw a bunch of money on the table and just grab what I came for.

I’ll load my prize in the back of the van, secure it well and take off. I’ve got a special place in my home where nobody can find them, but it’s easy for me to get to when I want to treat myself. Usually they’ll last a few months. Then I start looking forward to spotting the next lucky Girl Scout.”

9. Insomnia cocktail.


A lifetime of adult insomnia led me to search for stronger sleep cocktails and I took a Benedryl with Meletonin.

It got so bad I was up to a few every night but happy to report now I am down to a half and going to go down to zero soon.”

10. FOOD.

“Food. This isn’t a joke. It is 100% a real addiction.

When when you’re almost 400 lbs and unhappy with yourself, your brain still convinced you unhealthy eating is the answer to happiness. That’s a fu**ing addiction…but an addiction you need to feed into in order to survive.

Imagine being addicted to m**h, but you needed to take “healthy” less potent meth 3x a day to live. It would be impossible to overcome. That’s how I feel about food.”

11. Might want to look into that.

“Unintentionally, Codeine. I’ve had to take it for around 7 years now for a chronic pain disorder.

I don’t like crave it in the way people crave a ci**rette for nicotine but if I have a good pain day and I don’t need to take as much I get itchy and really irritable and dizzy.

So that’s fun.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us what legal substances you’re addicted to.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post What a Legal Substance That You’re Addicted To? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.