People Break Down The Absolute Worst Trends Of 2021

As 2021 draws to a close, people are taking time to reflect on the year that was, is and could’ve been.

Regarding work-life, education and parenting, the uncertainty of the pandemic’s future prevented many of us from going back to a sense of normalcy. But one thing remained constant and that is our use of social media.

With many of us glued to our phones more than ever, you may have noticed trends have come and gone or have stuck around.

Curious to hear of the more disastrous viral events, Redditor SweatyCure asked:

“What is the dumbest trend of 2021?”

Observe the examples below to determine which do you think were the lamest trends of this year.

The Video Sharing App

“Anything on tik tok.” – CryptographerOwn3688

“Case in point: That school shooting day rumor last week.” – BayushiKazemi

Dance Trends

“Moms tik tok dancing next to their new born baby who’s either dead or dying.” – ThatOneFilmPerson

“All this booty and stomach stuff. All those dances that are so sexual. I don’t know if that’s so good for the youngsters to learn. I just find it cringey.” – iiipzy

Social Media In General

“Literally all of it.” – 44untrue

“twitter and tik tok.” – E190wings

“Tiktok is mainly children under 10.”

“Children are dumb.”

“It adds up.” – tuwabau

The Root Cause

“I’m not sure, but I’m 99% sure it started on Tik Tok.” – InfiNicty

Wreaking Havoc In Schools

“Hard to say, but maybe the whole ‘devious lick’ thing.” – Writy_Guy

“Devious licks licking icecream and dec 17 school shooter challenge.” – BobOfBrazil

“God the devious lick trend was so stupid.” – pyjamapants14

“Except that disappearing clothes trend. I’m good with that one.” – LexLuthorJr

“Milk crate challenge was one of the dumbest but also one of the most entertaining.” – Filtaido

School Shooter Challenge

Devious licks licking icecream and dec 17 school shooter challenge.” – BobOfBrazil

“December 17th – School Shooting Trend.” – sfisher923

A Violent Challenge

“You remember the skull breaker challenge?”

“It was a while ago. Three people would stand shoulder to shoulder, and the one in the middle would jump. The two people of the sides would then kick the middle’s legs in mid air, so they would fall backwards and crack their skull on the ground.”

“A few people died.” – uninterestedcrab

Gun Violence

“The new trend where they are threatening to shoot up schools on Tik Tok.” – OnasoapboX41

“What the actual f’k is wrong with people? How do they not know that threatening to shoot up a school is illegal?” – DogsAreCool69420

“That’s the exact reason why my parents didn’t let me go to school last Friday, there were too many threats towards my school.” – garvin1313

“My middle school was threatened to be shot up by a killer clown when that was going around 2017.” – OnasoapboX41

The Hair Don’t

“I hate that mullets have come back strong in Australia.” – flibblewobble88

“2020 wtf is the point of a crop top hoodie???” – Gilligan_Gurl

Pushing A Cause

“Making your political affiliation a major part of your personality and then cheerleading politics like it’s a goddamn sport.”

“And the worst part? Maybe 10% of these people actually knows sh*t about politics and political issues. And maybe 5% knows sh*t about how the government works.” – PunchBeard


“Gamestop and meme stock investing. Ruins price discovery and the entire equity market turned to sh*t.” – CapableScholar16

Conflicting Responses

“Treating CRT[critical race theory] like a pandemic, and COVID like a theory” – MacSanchez

“Honestly, the CRT thing gets under my skin. They can’t define it nor describe it to save their lives, but they hate it anyways because that’s what they’ve been told.” – BayushiKazemi

Anti-Biden Slogan

“Let’s Go Brandon” – cowboybluebird

COVID Reaction

“Antivaxxers” – gixanthrax

“Not wearing a mask in public.” – Laurence_Bloke

“Not washing your hands and using hand sanitizer.”


“Vaccine refusal and fake vaccine passports.” – muusandskwirrel

“Making the decision not to have a vaccine that could save your life because needles are sharp.” – AncientZebra0

The 5G Conspiracy Theory

“COVID shots give you 5g!!!”

“Then sign me the f’k up.” – muusandskwirrel

COVID Deniers

“The continued refusal of the general population of the planet to accept that covid has no easy solutions. Only one very hard solution.”

“Like a broken ankle, they would rather walk on it than get it taped up, plastered and immobilised giving it time to heal.” – BraveLittleToaster77

“During the height of Covid we stopped my stepdaughter from visiting her bio dad or his parents. The grandparents went absolutely crazy over this becuase according to them.Covid didn’t exist in their house.”

“Then they went silent for a few months. Found out later it was because grandma got covid.” – Kanagaguru

A Neglected Routine

“Not washing your hands and using hand sanitizer.”


Over The Variants

“Delta and Omicron.” – YashSrivastav17

Stupid Inconveniences

“Losing the tv remote and masks.” – doomslayercurse

Social Disgraces

“Inviting someone out to brunch whwn it’s obviously ypur treat and tgen expecting them to pau half.” – CollegeAssDiscoDorm

Baring It All

“Naked in front off your loved ones.” – Hugosimpon

Fashion Disaster

“The ‘big t-shirt as a dress’ look. The only thing frumpier is those god forsaken high wasted pants.” – BEJimmy

In The Buff

“Naked in front off your loved ones.” – Hugosimpon

In Summary

“2021 itself.” – MarvelSanctuary

“Its ability to pass by in the blink of an eye.” – Own-Jacket-1929

“I don’t know, if this is from 2021, but I really don’t like 💀when something is funny, I don’t get it.” – Kalle579

Back in the day, trends focused more on fashion and food. While those still apply, the introduction of social media was a game-changer in many of our daily interactions.

Madonna was a huge trendsetter in the 80s, thanks to visual media like MTV showing her ground-breaking and very risque music videos. Soon, fans started dressing like her and wearing gummy bracelets–often purchased at grocery store toy dispensers.

Now, anyone can be a trendsetter as an influencer on various social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.

However, this time, trends have become harmful “challenges.”

From TikTok challenges to COVID deniers, there were many trends from 2021 people could do without and are looking forward to a clean slate in 2022.

One thing’s for sure, many of the viral challenges that encouraged violence were the ones most Redditors detested and hoped would never continue as we head into the new year.

The “2020 vs. 2021” Memes Are Funny…and Accurate

What a year it’s been, huh? I think some folks might even describe it as HELL.

I don’t think any of us could have predicted what would transpire during the last ten months of the year 2020…and now we’re into 2021 and things still aren’t back to normal yet.

But, while it looks like we’re making some progress, a lot of us have aged a lot and been through a lot of sh*t in the past twelve months. And these memes people shared comparing themselves in March 2020 vs. March 2021 really sum it all up.

1. It’s been a little rough, huh?

It might be time to break out the razor. Just a thought…

2. Look out for that car!

You always gotta look both ways, people.

3. Well, here we are…

It’s been a rough year, huh?

4. Now what am I supposed to do?

The walls are closing in on us.

5. We’ve all aged a lot this past year.

But things are looking up! I think…

6. You look different…

Did you do something with your hair?

7. Forget about all the plans you’ve made.

It’s not gonna happen!

8. You’ve really been through the ringer.

But keep your head up!

9. Things have really gone downhill.

But maybe we’re on the upside?

10. We owe them a lot.

Go out of your way to thank them!

11. Oh, boy…this does not look good.

Someone needs a nap.

Now we’d like to hear from all the readers out there.

How has the last year treated you?

Talk to us in the comments and give us a life update!

The post The “2020 vs. 2021” Memes Are Funny…and Accurate appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes for Those of Us Who Are Thankful It’s 2021

2020 taught us a lot, but it still sucked. Few things can put a damper on an entire year like an unprecedented global catastrophe.

Add everything else that’s pretty crummy about life on top of that, and you’re in for a real pickle. And I hate pickles.

Luckily, 2020 is over, and we can all finally breathe a collective sigh of relief as we continue onward into 2021!

Here are 11 memes for those of us thankful for 2021 and the hope this still young year might bring.

10. That’s real

Truly – has much of anything actually changed?

Via: Someecards

9. Time to celebrate

Nothing quite hits the spot like a hot cup of “oh no, we’re all doomed!”

Via: Someecards

8. Accurate

I mean, is there really much else to say?

Via: Someecards

7. Lies

Listen, we all need to find a way to unwind sometimes.

Via: Someecards

6. Wow

Yeah guys – remember movies? Remember how going to see those in a theater was actually a thing?

Via: Someecards

5. At least it’s over

Hopefully 2020 won’t come back for a bunch of increasingly worse sequels.

Via: Someecards

4. Yup

What else is there to do but eat your feelings every waking second of the day?

Via: Someecards

3. Yowch

Whatever you do, don’t touch it.

Via: Someecards

2. Avoid predictions at all cost

You don’t want to fill the universe with any negative energies right now.

Via: Someecards

1. Sounds great

If this is all you do throughout 2021, then consider yourself lucky.

Via: Someecards

Get ready to wash 2020 out of your hair. It’s firmly 2021, folks – and that means it’s time for a whole new outlook on life.

What are your goals for 2021? Do you think this year will be better than the last one?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post Memes for Those of Us Who Are Thankful It’s 2021 appeared first on UberFacts.

14 Times People Kept it Really “Trashy Classy”

It usually doesn’t take much for people to show you their true colors, especially in an age where we’re all showing each other everything all the time on the internet.

You’re not always gonna like what ya see. Here’s some unbelievably trashy recent behavior, via Reddit.

14. Get the shot

Check the speedometer in the background. This is a moving car with no hands on the wheel or eyes on the road.

MLM hun thinks taking pictures of her fake nails (while making sure to show off her Benz) is imperative while driving 60mph. from trashy

13. The rat pack


Someone slashed two tyres and spray painted the words Contagious Rat on a medical doctor’s car in Barcelona from iamatotalpieceofshit

12. Give it up

Ah yes, the ultimate place for public discourse. A bridge wall.

Graffiti in my area from trashy

11. Accidents happen

I hope somebody dents your door off.

Trashy human (sry if repost) from trashy

10. A clean break

There’s so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to begin.

This was posted in as restaurant facebook group from trashy

9. Cut the lights

Do you live next door to the actual literal Grinch or?

Why on earth would anyone do this from trashy

8. Snitch tips

You do know that servers could lose their jobs and restaurants could lose their licenses if they serve alcohol to underage people, right?

My friend waited on two underage kids who tried to order drinks. Stiffing servers has always made someone a bad person, but during a pandemic when benefits have run out and restaurant employees are struggling more than they already did? Despicable. from trashy

7. Good parenting

“I suppose I could use this as an opportunity to teach my kids about one of life’s hard truths, but instead I’ll just extend the heartbreak for two years and give my neighbors a corpse to deal with.
Then brag about it.”

“Good parenting” from trashy

6. Sick burns

You do know that you can like, be a Christian AND wear seatbelts and stuff, right?

This gem is from an old friend. They blocked me soon after I left the comment in green. I would 100% do it again! from trashy

5. Mind yourself

Are you getting paid by the tear, my dude?

POS professor still wants student to attend zoom meeting despite her father’s funeral being the same day. Says “it could take your mind off things.” from iamatotalpieceofshit

4. Flower power

Imagine doing this and then posting about it like it’s charming or something.

Trashy from trashy

3. Got ya pegged

Imagine just adopting “screw the elderly” as your new proud ethos.

Pour one out for Aunt Peggy from trashy

2. Bullying

Um, pretty sure this would be unacceptable even in normal times.

Ah, a genuine asshat in its natural habitat. Twitter. from iamatotalpieceofshit

1. The paper trail

Remember when this was our big concern? Good lord.

trying to profit off of a crisis from iamatotalpieceofshit


Remember to stay classy out there, everybody.

What’s the trashiest thing you’ve seen lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 14 Times People Kept it Really “Trashy Classy” appeared first on UberFacts.