Irene Triplett, an 84-year-old woman in North Carolina, still collects a monthly Civil War pension of $73.13 from the Department of Veterans Affairs. She is the last child of any Civil War veteran still on the VA benefits rolls.
When a person dies, hearing is the…
When a person dies, hearing is the last sense to go.
For centuries before refrigeration, Russians dropped live frogs into their milk…
For centuries before refrigeration, Russians dropped live frogs into their milk to keep it from spoiling. Secretions from their skin inhibited the growth of bacteria.
In Ancient Egypt, little people were well-respected and some were considered…
In Ancient Egypt, little people were well-respected and some were considered to be gods. The Egyptians were tolerant of of many medical disorders, and they thought that caring for all people was a moral duty.
ABC has been cutting scenes from “A Charlie Brown Christmas”…
ABC has been cutting scenes from “A Charlie Brown Christmas” to make room for more commercials.
Russian and NATO troops were very close to using force against each…
Russian and NATO troops were very close to using force against each other in Kosovo, 1999. A NATO commander disobeyed the orders he was given, reportedly saying “I’m not going to start the Third World War for you” to his superior, who was later fired.
Hitler had a relative called “Paddy Hitler” who ended up joining the US Navy…
Hitler had a relative called “Paddy Hitler” who ended up joining the US Navy, where, along with all recruits, he had to fill out a form listing any relatives who might be fighting for the enemy.
In a Fox News interview for Now You See Me, Morgan Freeman fell…
In a Fox News interview for Now You See Me, Morgan Freeman fell asleep while co-star Michael Caine was chatting. Freeman responded, “Regarding my recent interview, I wasn’t actually sleeping. I’m a beta tester for Google Eyelids and I was merely taking the opportunity to update my Facebook page”
A man fought for nearly a decade to prevent the bank from foreclosing…
A man fought for nearly a decade to prevent the bank from foreclosing on his home, saying “I’ll tear it down before I let you take it.” When foreclosure proceedings began, he leveled the house with a bulldozer.
A man lived in a French airport departure lounge for 17 years…
A man lived in a French airport departure lounge for 17 years. He entered the airport and ‘lost’ his passport. As he had no passport he could not fly to his destination, the UK, but he had entered France legally so could not be expelled.