Quarantine and Ants: Apollo Astronauts Return from the Moon

After returning to Earth, the crews of Apollo 11, 12, and 14 underwent a mandatory three-week quarantine period to prevent the spread of any possible contagions from the moon. During this period, the astronauts were closely monitored and studied to ensure that they were not carrying any harmful lunar microorganisms. Interestingly, during their quarantine, the […]

Microsoft Japan’s 4-Day Workweek Increases Productivity by 40%

As part of its “Work Life Choice Challenge,” Microsoft Japan implemented a 4-day workweek by shutting down offices every Friday. This trial resulted in a remarkable 40% increase in productivity, as measured by sales per employee, compared to the same period the previous year. Furthermore, the shortened workweek resulted in a host of other benefits […]

Pablo Escobar’s Luxurious Private Prison: La Catedral

In 1991, after surrendering to Colombian authorities, drug lord Pablo Escobar was granted permission to construct his own prison, which he named “La Catedral.” This facility was more akin to a luxurious private resort than a correctional institution, featuring amenities such as a football pitch, a giant dollhouse, a bar, a jacuzzi, and a waterfall. […]

The Birth of the TV Dinner: How Swanson Transformed Mealtime

Swanson ended up with an unexpected 260 tons of frozen turkey after Thanksgiving in 1953. This led to the creation of the iconic TV Dinner, which revolutionized mealtime for busy Americans. The original TV Dinners came in aluminum trays and were marketed as a convenient and modern way to enjoy a complete meal in front […]

Jimmy Carter Led Nuclear Reactor Disassembly in 1952

In 1952, a nuclear reactor in Canada was undergoing a meltdown, and Jimmy Carter was tasked with leading a team of nuclear scientists to disassemble it. To complete the dangerous task, Carter and other American military personnel had to lower themselves into the reactor and disassemble it manually. It is worth noting that Jimmy Carter […]

The Gruen Transfer: How Shopping Malls Disorient Visitors

Shopping malls, much like casinos, are purposely designed to create a disorienting experience for visitors, leading them to lose track of time and location within the complex. This sensation is known as the Gruen Transfer, named after Victor Gruen, an Austrian architect who disapproved of such manipulative tactics. The Gruen Transfer is achieved through various […]

Lottery Winner’s $40 Million Donation to Cancer Research

Tom Crist, a lottery winner from Canada, made one of the most generous charitable donations by a lottery winner in history. After losing his wife to cancer, Crist won a lottery and pledged to donate all of his winnings to organizations fighting the disease. As Canada does not tax lottery winnings, Crist was able to […]

North Dakota’s Law Promotes Local Ownership of Pharmacies

North Dakota has effectively eliminated corporate chain pharmacies by implementing a law that mandates pharmacies to be owned by licensed pharmacists. This means that corporations owning pharmacies must be majority-owned by licensed pharmacists. It is worth noting that this law was enacted in 1963 as a response to concerns about the unethical practices of chain […]

The Self-Healing Power of Roman Concrete

Roman engineers created structures that have withstood the test of time thanks to the use of lime clasts in their concrete. Unlike modern concrete, which often deteriorates within a few decades, Roman concrete exhibits remarkable durability due to its self-healing properties from lime clasts. As a result, ancient wonders like the Pantheon and aqueducts still […]

Raccoon Invasion: The Unintended Consequences of Pet Imports in Japan

In 1977, the airing of an anime based on the book Rascal in Japan led to the importation of thousands of North American raccoons as pets, which were eventually released into the wild and have since become an invasive species in the country. As a result of the raccoon population explosion in Japan, government officials […]