The Japanese have been producing…

The Japanese have been producing wood for 700 years without cutting down trees. In the 14th century, the extraordinary daisugi technique was born in Japan. Pruning as a rule of art that allows the tree to grow and germinate while using its wood, without ever cutting it down.

One of the first things ever sold….

One of the first things ever sold online was pizza. PizzaNet, owned and operated by Pizza Hut, was created in 1994 and serviced Santa Cruz, California. It was one of the first few thousand on the web. The site is still running today.

In Hungary in the 1940’s, while…

In Hungary in the 1940’s, while the country was experiencing the worst hyperinflation in recorded history, they issued a bank note with a denomination of 100 quintillion Hungarian pengős, which was worth approximately US $0.20.

JP Morgan bailed out banks in 1907 but…

JP Morgan bailed out banks in 1907 but a severe recession occured anyway. Nelson Aldrich, a powerful senator with close ties to Morgan, led a mission to Europe in 1908 to study the workings of the central banks in England, France and Germany. The Federal Reserve was created a short time later.