People Explain Which Jobs Are A Lot Less Fun Than People Think

It can be difficult to figure out what you’re going to do as a career for the rest of your life. In fact, the job you’re working in now might have started out as, “Just that thing I’ll do until I find the real thing I want to do.”

Usually, these careers are filled with long hours, difficult clientele, and a secret load of hardships the outside world is not privy to knowing. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the “dream” jobs, the ones people spend all day wishing they had while they work their dead-end feeling jobs, may not be as great as some hoped.

The smells. So. Many. Smells.

A Redditor wanted to know what jobs may not bring as much joy as some think when they asked:

“Which job is a LOT less fun than most people expect?”

Imagine The Smells. Now Imagine Them Every. Day.


“Don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome to be around so many amazing animals and care for them…”

“But the smells are ridiculously, insanely foul.”

“I have a really strong stomach and it’s still tough for me…we’ve had some interns quit over it.”

“I was warned about the smells when getting into the field, but thought ‘oh I’ve volunteered at animal shelters, I know what animal stink smells like’”

“Nope. Not even close.” ~ wekoo9

So, I’m Not Like Indiana Jones?

“Paleontologist. You don’t get to work with full dinosaur skeletons and do all kinds of awesome expeditions.”

“You’re mostly sitting at a desk looking at some pictures and logging stuff on your computer, maybe examining a fossil occasionally.”

“If you’re lucky you can go on a real dig, and OMG SPEND HOURS IN THE HOT SUN DUSTING OFF ROCKS!!!” ~ MidwesternMonkey

Someone Has To Make The Donuts

“Baker. Coming into work at 3/4 am so you can have a six am baked goods is miserable.” ~ haireypotter

‘”o00Oo0h y0u MuST L0vE tHe wAY U SmëlL WhEn ù G0 h0Me!’”

“nope…I go home smelling like burnt oven” ~ Vdd993

No “Smoke On The Water”

“Working in a music store ( musical instruments )”

“Your days are spent listening to 50 different people play 50 different riffs poorly simultaneously, as if they’re all putting on their own concert.” ~ [usernamedeleted]

“Some of my (least) favorites:”

“Person who thinks playing well and playing loud are the same thing.”

“Person who wants to make sure you know they are very smart and you are very lucky to be in their presence.”

“Person who goes to absurd lengths to test out drum sticks to make sure they’re pitch matched without knowing how to execute any of those techniques. Extra points if they’re just going to shred them to splinters in a week anyway.”

“People who act like you’re in their way because you’re trying to do your job.”

“People who assume you couldn’t possibly know anything about the instruments you play and sell all day long.”

“Side note – I mostly loved my time working in a music store and I enjoy helping people but the people who come in with aggressive egos and nasty attitudes are insufferable.” ~ JessicaMessica

No Running!

“Lifeguarding. Everyone expects Baywatch, act, saving lives all the time. But It’s usually just sitting there blowing your whistle telling little sh-ts to stop f-cking around.” ~ Theholynun

I Just Wanted To Smash Stuff


“Everyone wants to break shit with a sledgehammer. Everyone is tired of lifting that sledgehammer by 5 swings.”

“Nobody wants to load the broken stuff into bags or a wheelbarrow and take it to the dumpster.” ~ Bill_S_Preson_Esq

The Key Is Not In The Wall!

“Gamemaster at an escape room.”

“It’s the same repetitive script, resetting the same stuff, giving clues and hints about the same things.”

“The patrons are often competitive families who argue, obnoxious impatient 13-year-olds, college students who have been drinking, idiots who break sh*t and touch sh*t that I SPECIFICALLY TOLD THEM NOT TO.”

“They never remember your initial instructions. If something gets broken during one group, you have to hurry and fix it before the next group.” ~ Reddit

You Know How Frustrated You Get When You Have To Replay The Same Level Of A Game?

“Video game tester.”

“You aren’t spending your time playing completed fully realized games. You are playing the same level of a game over and over seeing if there are bugs.” ~ Mr_frumpish

“Also, you are probably not going to test the next GTA, but something like Barbie’s Super Happy Funland 3, or some other game aimed for kids 8 and under. And you’ll have to play it for 8-10 hours a day, every day.” ~ __Hello_my_name_is__

“Lets see if I can clip through the wall in position 131, 875, -121”

“Lets see if I can clip through the wall in position 131, 875, -122”

“Lets see if I can clip through the wall in position 131, 875, -123” ~ RoboNinjaPirate

It’s Insane How Much We Don’t See On Screen

“I have seen this question before and then it was zookeeper at the top comment too. Nice.”

“Anyways, there’s this making-of Frozen 2 mini docu. Most animators work weeks for a minute of animation of one character, if not less.

“At one point they decided to leave out a piece that one person had solely been working on. Must be crappy to be part of the credits without being able to say “this is my part!”.” ~ ArrrSlashSubreddit

“I couldn’t believe it! It was even crazier to me when Sterling K. Brown recorded an entire song and it got scrapped. It’s insane how much ends up on the cutting room floor for a movie to be just right.”

“I was so psyched for the animator that did that end scene for ‘Into The Unknown’ though! She killed it.” ~ heronlyweapon

The Magic Never Leaves, It Just Changes

“Being a Character Performer at Disney.”

“Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing perks and truly magical moments. I know I’m super lucky and tons of people would love to be in my shoes.”

“But the day to day work is EXHAUSTING in ways I never thought possible. Guests are ridiculously abusive…I’ve had things said and done to me I never would have imagined.”

“The company isn’t always great – it highly depends on your leadership. And there’s so much focus on your body and face (good and BAD) that it can be incredibly depressing and difficult emotionally.”

“Plus, you have to accept that there’s very little upward mobility. Most people “grow out of it” and it’s rough to know that one day you’ll get “too old” or “too fat” and you will have to start all over in a new career field.”

“So you constantly are thinking either, 1) what you’re going to do when you leave, 2) how you’re going to keep yourself there.”

“I personally knew it would be temporary, and I now only work there seasonally while I have a “normal career”. But Disney has a way of sucking you in.” ~ TheMarvelPrincess

They say do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.

It’s clear after taking a look at these entries, that is not the case and coming home smelling like burnt dough and elephant feces is not the life many thought they wanted.

Therapists Divulge Their Biggest ‘Holy Sh*t’ Moments With Their Patients

Going to therapy is the first big step you should take if you feel like your mental health needs assistance.

If you need it, do it. Don’t be ashamed.

That being said, there is a lot therapists have to deal with on a daily basis, not all of it good. Sometimes they can’t help but judge the people they’re trying to help.

It’s not explicitly said, and from the sounds of it they maintain their professionalism, but sometimes that’s what the internet is best used for—venting your frustrations about what awful people your clients are.

Reddit user, homowithoutsapiens, wanted to know what happens when the hour starts.

They asked:

“Therapists of reddit, what was your biggest “I know I’m not supposed to judge you but holy sh*t” moment?”

Trying To Inform Them Of The Proper Way To Cope

“I work with youth and adolescents who have anxiety, trauma, and/or depression. Some of the kids I worked with had some pretty severe attachment issues. Regardless of this, I never thought I’d have to seriously explain:”

“You can’t just buy a straitjacket for your kid.”

“Feeding your kid ultra Spicy Ramen each night instead of the meal everyone else is eating isn’t specifically defined as abuse, but you have to understand the emotional abuse that this causes.”

“Your kid isn’t trying to kill you because they stand in your doorway at night crying. Thats likely because they’re scared of their traumatic nightmares, but feel like you will just yell at them if they wake you up.” ~ Shozo_Nishi

That’s The Opposite OF Social Distancing.

“Here’s my most recent one: As the pandemic worsened here in the US and more lock downs are on their way, one of my most extroverted clients and I brainstormed ways to meet her social needs while remaining safe.”

“The following week she canceled her session and told me that she’s positive for COVID after attending an orgy, which definitely wasn’t one of our ideas. I let out the deepest most defeated sigh after I hung up the phone.” ~ gyakutai

You Are Allowed To Move On

“Not a judgment – you kind of train your brain not to judge, because you are seeking to understand and help. When you do those things, you can’t simultaneously judge. We could all use a little more of that in real life, I suppose.”

“I’ll share this though. I do feel concerned about this recent phenomenon of young people I worked with self-diagnosing, sharing, and identifying very closely with mental illness; as if the pendulum quickly swung from ‘never, ever share your feelings’ to ‘OMG, you’re depressed? All of us are too!’”

“Life’s challenges can be tough and they don’t need a scientific-sounding label to be valid and real. You are not your diagnosis. We can find validation and support in healthier ways.” ~ Reddit

Take. Care. Of. Your. Child.

“Clinical psychologist working primarily in forensics here. This means my clients are usually involves in legal proceedings (family court, juvenile court, criminal court, etc…)”

“My job is usually to evaluate or provide treatment. I’m not there to judge, that’s the judges job, but of course I have my thoughts.”

“I am usually impressed by the justifications people make for sh-tty behavior. The one that irks me the most is when parents manipulate their child against the other parent.”

“I’ve had to do therapy for a 5yo who said she doesn’t want to see a parent because they haven’t paid child support. Excuse me? What 5yo knows, understand, or needs to be worried about child support.” ~ FriktionalTales

Aware Of Your Own Shortcomings

“Once had a patient whose wife shook their baby to death. He wanted help reconnecting with his wife.”

“At the time I was a young father of a newborn myself, and he triggered a lot of fear in me for my own child, a deep loathing of his spouse, and pity (the ‘how pathetic’ kind) for the patient.”

“I tried for 3 sessions, met his spouse and everything before handing the case over to my supervisor (who knew about my initial reactions, and tried to help me through it).”

“Unfortunately, it ended up being more about my feelings than his, and I was new to the profession at the time. These things are expected to crop up from time to time, but I was still taken aback by my own reactions.” ~ PrimeGuard

A Serious Lack Of Support At Home

“I work in mental health and have worked in acute and crisis settings for the majority of my career. The most notable event I experienced was when a young person had presented with significant ongoing suicidal ideation who was dealing with a lot of sh*t.”

“I spent a lot of time with them mostly deescalation and working out what the plan should be moving forward.”

“One of their parents came in a little while later and I had the opportunity to speak to them about where their child was and what had been going on, with their consent of course.”

“Midway through me trying to explain some of the psychological constructs and ways the parent could help they said to me, ‘is this going to take much longer I have a show to go and watch’.”

“All I can say is, I never judge my patients, I have never walked their path or viewed the world through their eyes. But the people around them who perpetuate the suffering of the people I work with through ignorance, malice and selfishness, I judge them.” ~ Tedkin

Seriously. Why Dunk On Your Child Getting The Help They Need?

“Therapist here,”

“To piggy back on what others have said, it is highly unlikely for me to have moments where I judge my clients. It happens sometimes, but I’m able to shut down those thoughts quickly in my head and return to being present for the people I see.”

“People are so incredibly complex that my judgment wouldn’t have any meaning anyway and it doesn’t have a place in our work together.”

“I will admit though, something that does get me feeling a little salty is when I have a client’s parent that attempts to sabotage the therapeutic relationship I have with their child, or pulling them out of therapy entirely when some of the things we talk about challenges some potentially unhealthy family dynamics. I don’t feel anger toward the parents, mostly I feel bad for the kid.” ~ dirtyberti

I’m Here To Help, But You All Suck

“Lots of people discussing pedophilia as an example of the toughest stuff to not judge despite our training. I haven’t yet treated a pedophile thankfully. At least not an identified one.”

“I did run a men’s anger management group though, and some of those men had done some terrible things to women. Most of them I found ways to like and admire for their positive aspects, but there were two guys in that group I just could never find ‘unconditional positive regard’ for.”

“One guy basically never spoke in group. He would give one word answers and occasionally just discuss how unfair the ‘system’ was to him. I worked really hard to open him up and find things to connect over but he never opened up to me or the group.”

“He left the group after he strangled his girlfriend and went to jail. She survived thankfully.”

“The other left group early routinely, showed up late, participated minimally and similarly never wanted to open up honestly. He left early one group after we had discussed him staying to the end and threatened me when I told him he wasn’t going to get credit for attendance (something the court required).”

“Oddly, I eventually moved into the apartment below him (completely without knowledge) and listened to him scream at his girlfriend and break sh*t while I called the cops.”

“I judge these men. They’re sh-tty. Maybe they’re redeemable, but redemption requires self-exploration and they both refused to do so.”

“It’s worth noting how differently I felt about them than so many others in the group; men I found ways to help and admire and respect even in spite of their awful behavior in the past.” ~ MyFianceMadeMeJoin

People Are Too Down On Themselves

“Okay, real therapist here. I got one.”

“Some of my clients are SHOCKINGLY BAD at giving themselves credit, holy sh*t!!

“Like they might get a nearly straight A GPA in a brutal major while battling depression, or overcome years of phobia and get behind the wheel again, or write a literal novel, or raise a kid as a single parent with low income, or build new relationships after being burned, or cope with OCD well enough to hold down a job.”

“And they’ll talk about themselves as if everyone on earth is better than them, as if their accomplishments are worthless. And I know it’s because of depression or anxiety or another condition, but I’m often stunned by how differently I see them compared to how they see themselves.” ~ Reddit

Don’t be afraid to share with your doctor.

That’s what they are there for.

Get the help you need.

People Share The One Thing Their Parents Said To Them That Still Haunts Them Today

WARNING: some stories involve threats of physical harm or assault of a child

Not every parent is perfect.

A lot of the time, you don’t have to be.

You just need to show up, do your best, make sure your kids(s) have enough food and water for the day and know where they are at any given time. Some days there doesn’t have to be more to it than that.

Yet there are those parental figures who seem resentful of their position, as if they’re angry or unable to let go of their ego in regards to raising their child. From there, the stories only seem to get worse and worse, as we see a litany of stories all starting and ending the same way, with terrible parents.

Reddit user Angry_Cheesecake_ asked:

“What’s the thing that your parents did/said to you that still haunts you to this day?”

Small Remarks With Lasting Effects

“Maybe you could run a few laps”

“One year when I was 12 I attended Christmas at my stepmom’s parents house. It was cool. They get us a few things including some jeans from JC Penny’s.”

“They were the right size but when I got to his house I tried them on and they didnt fit, so I told him they were too small. He responded with ‘maybe you could run a few laps’. He always made off handed comments about my weight but this is ingrained in my brain” ~ hillern21

Tell Me What You Really Think, Dad

“Mom, Dad and I were in the living room watching 60 Minutes one night when I was doing a college program for Graphic Design, which I was really struggling with. 60 Minutes was doing a segment on really skilled art forgers, and I made a comment at the end that being able to fool professionals was really impressive, even though it was obviously illegal and wrong.”

“I added that last part in due to my Dad’s penchant for jumping onto random stuff to be upset at you for, but it wasn’t enough. He angrily burst out that he didn’t want me thinking that what the forger did was impressive, because he didn’t want me turning to that when my art career failed.”

“I mean, I am not and never will be that good, but thanks I guess? I did finish that degree but am changing careers now. All I know is that while I won’t name drop him, that story is going into an acceptance speech somewhere down the line.” ~ morgan145

An Overreaction To A Small Situation

“i hit my brother or teased him or something I can’t remember but it wasn’t very serious (or maybe I said ‘damn’ and my brother picked it up or something) but my dad backed me into the sofa and yelled at me with his face all red from anger ‘I WILL KILL YOU’.”

“I was like 12”

“my parents are usually kind and are very loving so this memory legitimately brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it and any time I need to stop myself from smiling or laughing I think about it and my mood shifts and I hate myself for it” ~ owidh73923sksbha2083

Excluded From The Family

“When I was about 8 or 9, my dad relinquished his parental rights and my step dad adopted me. At the time, he told me he had to take care of his other kids, and just couldn’t take care of me.”

“His wife (during that same final visit) told me that they were trying to have another girl so my sister could have a ‘real’ sister. (All my siblings are half siblings). She ended up having 3 more sons, but no other daughters.”

“Honestly, it broke me as a kid. Since all my siblings were half siblings, I already didn’t feel a part of my own family.”

“My mom couldn’t understand because I was her only kid. All of my siblings had each other and then I was just—by myself.”

“I have struggled with the fear of rejection, and not felt good enough for a long time. It definitely damaged me.” ~ danireeseetc

There’s Nothing Wrong. Some People Can’t Cope.

”What is wrong with you ?! You really have a f-cking problem!”

“By my grandma. I had undiagnosed ADHD, autism and auditory processing disorder, and she was asking why I was not like everyone else. Still hurts years later.” ~ Elisaelle_Alexandre

A Long Series Of Terrible, Fatherly Scorn

“’I hope you die’ ‘Let me just tell everyone how my daughter’s legs are open for every guy’ ‘I’m just gonna go to my other daughter and take care of her since she’ll turn out way better than you’ ‘I don’t care I don’t wanna be your father anyway’ ‘You are just as bad as your mother’.”

“He in fact didn’t have another daughter. He fought for custody years ago only to kick me out.”

“He shouldn’t have lied to court all those years ago if he never wanted me. And if I’m just as bad as my mother he would’ve never tried to get back with her again and cheat on his wife and then use me as an excuse.” ~ GianKMore

A Horrendously Awful Take On A Horrendously Awful Situation

“’If he really wanted to rape you, he would have’—my dad in regards to me being sexually assaulted.” ~ hcomesafterg

Sounds Like An Outstanding Mother

“‘You can die and I wouldn’t care’—said by my birthgiver for struggling in school. She’d also often threaten to kill me if I didn’t improve.” ~ congolesequeen

Just A String Of Them, It Would Seem

“‘You are a disgrace to your father’. He died months before I was born so I never knew him. This was just because I hid my report card from her.”

“Bonus: ‘yeah, I think you’re a whore’. This was because I slept over at my boyfriend’s house for one night. I was 22.” ~ Syntt_

Misreading The Scenario

“‘You’re an emotional terrorist’ because I was suicidal. I was like 15/16.”

“Clearly I was only suicidal because I was trying to manipulate them and not because I was severely mentally ill and being abused.” ~ s9631245

Had bad parents?

While that’s horrible, you’re not alone.

Don’t let what anyone says get you down, even if those people supposedly raised you.

If you or someone you know is struggling, you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

To find help outside the United States, the International Association for Suicide Prevention has resources available at

Aestheticians Share Their Biggest Client Horror Stories

Not every job is a glamourous endeavor.

Sometimes you work in the deep underbelly of the world, making things work behind the scenes and helping society function as a silent hero.

And then there’s aestheticians, people who work in salons or a spa and remove unwanted hair—often with wax.

And sometimes things go wrong. Beauty isn’t pretty, it would seem.

Also, in case it wasn’t obvious, some of these stories are certainly NSFW.

Be warned.

Reddit user, Hairy-Whodini, wanted to know:

“People who shave or wax private parts for a living – what are your horror stories?”

It’s Nature

“Laser Tech for 4 years. Lady started her period on the table mid session. Luckily the area was completely covered for sanitization and I was almost done zapping her. Finished up and sent her on her way.”

“She was MORTIFIED, I felt bad for her. Not her fault, aunt Flo is a nasty cruel bitch sometimes. Lol. She gave me a generous tip tho, that was nice.” ~ JadedFennel999

Stepping Up To Be Practiced On

“I wasn’t the practitioner but my BF and I were practice models thanks to my high pain tolerance and he was the only male willing to do it. They did sugaring practice…”

“I had a girl get her hand sugar wax glued to my arm for 20 minutes, another get her hand stuck literally to my bf ass cheeks, and a third girl got her glob of wax stuck to her own face.:.all in the span of one session.”

“I felt so bad for them, the trainer had to go get the dissolve spray stuff to unstick everyone.”

“Also one girl apparently accidentally got a tampon stuck to the wax and pulled earlier that week…” ~ S3xySouthernB

Missing. Parts…

“My mom was an aesthetician and she told me of a horror story she had. A woman came in for a Brazilian waxing, a regular of my mom’s.”

“My mom said that she must have been dehydrated that day, which can make the skin easier to tear, because when she pulled the strip way, she ripped her lady bits. Blood everywhere.”

“My mom described it as ‘looked like a bowling ball down there’.”

“The woman was totally chill and made a joke saying something along the lines of ‘I guess I won’t be having sex for a while!’ It took a while to heal but she eventually did go back to my mom as a regular again.”

“And made sure she was hydrated.” ~ 

The Worst Class Of All Time

“When I was in cosmetology school, we had to practice Brazilians on one another. My usual class partner (who was chefs kiss at waxing) wasn’t there for the day it was my turn to be waxed, and I was partnered with another girl.”

“I liked her as a person but omg she had no idea what she was doing.”

“She wasn’t pulling my skin at all so I was trying to grapple down there and make everything taut. She was waxing in improper directions, and PULLING THE STRIP THE WRONG WAY THEN HAVING TO REWAX AND DOING IT AGAIN.

“A classmate stood over my face at one point and asks ‘how’s it going?!’ and I SNAPPED. Do NOT approach me while my coochie meow meow is being massacred.”

“The prof ended up having to take over. By the end of it, I had burns, some tears, and my entire no no square was red for a week. 0/10 do not recommend.” ~ funnygirlsaywhat

Take. A. Shower.

“I talked to a beautician friend about this once so I’ll just get the big one out of the way…”

“People who don’t wipe properly and lie about it like they did.” ~ MrShortPants

“Who the f-ck doesn’t shower before this sort of thing?” ~ prostateExamination

Even The Instructors Get It Bad

“Not my story, but our teacher in beauty school. She was waxing someone on her period (not uncommon, just wear a tampon) and she didn’t realize that the wax had stuck to her tampon string.”

“When she went to pull the strip, the tampon flew out and was obviously an embarrassing mess. Now we’re taught to put an applicator over the string or push it out of the way while laying the strip.” ~ supagirl277

“One of my instructors in beauty school told us about when she was a student and her class learned to do waxing (back then cosmetologists in my state were taught to wax everything but these days we only do neck and above).”

“Her instructor grouped the ladies up and then told them, ‘ok, go ahead and remove everything below your waist’ and the students proceeded to wax each other. Talk about getting to know your beauty school pals well!” ~ BurningValkyrie19

Please Don’t Talk To Me…

“While in esthetics school during Brazilian training I was a model for 2 girls. One of the girls spreads my butt cheeks apart to the point my skin was hurting to evaluate the situation and she commented on how nice my butthole was.”

“Will say it was extremely awkward and interesting sitting there on all 4s while they wax me lol. Just for reference, typically when waxing you start from the back coming forward or at least that’s how we were taught” ~ Kashhuu

Take. A. Shower. People. It’s Not That Hard.

“Oh wow I have so many. I am a full body waxer and I probably do 15-25 Brazilians a day.”

“The amount of women who come in with poop in their butts is ASTOUNDING. Like it’s a regular topic of convo between me and my coworkers.”

“I used to have a male Brazilian client who would always tell me I was hot during his wax and then ask me to leave the room when I was finished so he could get dressed (in private, after I already saw the whole kit and caboodle??).”

“And then there would always be a mountain of tissues in the garbage. Not discreet bro.” ~ msnic21

Throw Away The Entire Internet

“A coworker was doing this nice lady’s bikini. When the time comes to do around the butthole, the lady grins and says « you’ll get a little surprise! »”

“So coworker, of course, wants to know what she means, client tries to get cute by going « oh, you’ll see, haha! » Coworker stands her grounds so the clients finally says that she was back from a trip where she got some sort of butt worms that she called her « little buddies » and that she says are « very cute, haha! »”

“Coworker sent her out without touching the client’s butt.” ~ Leipreachn

“Oh Damn. I’m leaving my phone in the garbage just reading that. Goodbye!” ~ RegularLisaSimpson

Just All Of The Worst Stuff

“STDs, unknown smells, unknown discharge, and a guy who blew his load everywhere while I was waxing his balls. Beauty industry is not glamorous at all.” ~ _3309

Oh. My. Lord.

I think I’ve hit my TMI limit.

People Confess What Their Generation Experienced That Kids Today Will Never Understand

Nostalgia can be a powerful thing.

Have you looked at any of the movies to come out in the last year or so?

While nostalgia can be a fun trip to go on—letting you live in the past and feel like you did when you were younger, the lights were brighter and the sugar didn’t quite hurt your teeth as much—it can be damaging to the present. If your eyes are on the past, you’re not looking at the now.

That being said, there is a strange idea that what you went through in your youth might never be replicated now. After all, life goes on, and we’re never going back to dial-up internet service.

Thank goodness.

Reddit user, incrementaler, wanted to know what some kids might have missed out on when they asked:

“What is something your generation got to experience that no other generation will be able to experience?”

Never Forget

“Going up in the cockpit to meet the pilots. Thanks terrorist, ruined it for everyone.” ~ paksman

“You’re right. In flight it’s a no-go for the vast majority of airlines that all fall under certain TSA regulations.”

“However it’s no problem while boarding, unless we are busy with something. Just tell the flight attendants right when you step on that you’d like to say hello to the pilots, or that your kid would.”

“The flight attendant will check with us really quick then let you come say hello. Usually it’s children and they get pictures etc…, but I’ve also had the occasional nervous passenger or curious individual.” ~ duprass

Pics, Or It Didn’t Happen

“If something bad happened to you, there was no video of it.” ~RoriksteadResident

“We would have absolutely ended up in jail had there been smartphones & social media when I was in high school.” ~ Jealous-Network-8852

“When good moments would become memories, instead of desperate attempts to whip out your phone and document every moment” ~ Guava_

What Are You Up To?

“Walking over to a friend’s house because of boredom and knocking on the door. Them coming to the door to see who is knocking and discovering it’s a friend who dropped by unannounced and being happy.” ~ LurkJerk55

Let’s Go To The Mall, Everybody!

“Malls being the town hub. They were always really crowded.” ~ Ohsoeasy

“I remember going up to the mall to ‘hang out’ in high school. Friday nights the mall was packed with teenagers walking around, hanging at the food court, smoking ciggs out the main entrance, skateboarders out back.”

“Today’s kids buy everything online. Totally different world.” ~ PrincessPeach1229

Pay To Win

“Video games that required cheat codes rather than credit cards to unlock features.” ~ Leesider1

“I remember when my mom figured out from a magazine we got at the library that you could cheat code Bill Clinton into NBA Jam on SNES. How 90s is that?” ~ iStealyournewspapers

Is It Clear?

“Changing the channel on the TV and having to go outside and turn the antenna until my older sister yelled ‘OK!’.” ~ NagromTrebloc

No Winging It On Hangs

“Having to schedule things with your friends that either A, was well planned out in advance with very agreed upon meeting times, or B, waiting around the house to get a phone to call to set up the aforementioned plans.”

“Also knowing all of your friends and family phone numbers in your head so you could call from pay phones” ~ febreeze_it_away

But Not Streaming. Imagine That.

“Not that big of a deal but I got to go home from school knowing there would be new episodes of Are You Afraid of the Dark, Ahhh Real Monsters, Rockos Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Cow and Chicken, TMNT, Mighty Max, Street Sharks, Kenan and Kel, All That, Angry Beavers…” ~ SimpinOnGinandJuice

Seriously. This Was A Thing.

“Porn mags hidden in the forest” ~ blindsniperx

“We were on a weekend Scouting trip and were hiking uphill on a paved road. We were fortunate that the Scoutmaster was up ahead and out of sight because I spotted something over the hill behind a tree.”

“We went down to check it out and discovered porn and pints of Iron City beer. Some of us ended up having an especially fun time that weekend. I suppose that we violated several tenants of The Scout Law.” ~ NagromTrebloc

To See It Evolve From Both Sides

“Being a kid and a teenager without social media.” ~  paksman

“I’ll add too growing up along with the internet evolving. When I was a kid there was no social media and basically no internet.”

“Around my late middle school/early high school years AOL became a thing. So we experienced the anonymous internet.”

“Everything was through user names. You connected with people on themed message boards.”

“Then came the personal but still a little anonymous part. Programs that let you connect with people you know but still in a semi private way. Things like ICQ, AIM, Xanga, LiveJournal, etc…”

“About halfway through high school came the first modern social media: MySpace. Learned a lot about connecting with people, music, etc…”

“It was opening the door to internet that was connected to your actual person. And all the top 8 drama that went with it.”

“When I went to college my first semester I couldn’t get on Facebook because my college had not registered with them yet. Spring semester they had.”

“It was a great way to connect with others in my college and stay in touch with friends at other schools.”

“Then we got to watch it all grow and become more sinister and become the influencer culture with instagram and tiktok. Also all the data collection and lack of privacy that seems unimaginable when I think of the early days of anonymity.”

“It seriously feels like I grew up along with the internet and got to go through all its phases too.”

“It’s been a unique perspective being on both sides of the internet revolution.” ~ dont_blink_angels

The old days might have been fun, but they’re gone.

Don’t forget to love and live in the present.

You might find it’s just as good as things used to be.

People Explain Which Unwritten Rules They Always Abide By

Standards for a life well-lived will obviously vary for everyone.

Though the internet will tell you there’s a few simple rules to follow—Don’t be a dick, Support one another, etc…—there can be those unspoken laws which you live your life by that no one else follows.

The silent credo you keep in your mind, guiding you towards being the best version of yourself.

Most of the time.

Self-preservation also seems to be a common theme among these rules.

Reddit user, Embarrassed_Age_8463, wanted to know what lifestyle rules to follow when they asked:

“What is an unwritten law you abide by ?”

You Live In A City, So Act Like It

“When walking in a busy part of the city or transit hub go with the flow of foot traffic, even if you’re lost, don’t abruptly stop. Step to the side where it’s convenient for everyone else, not just you!!” ~ VincentVanGoghst

Everything Gets Kept And Nothing Goes Away

“Assume anything you tell anyone will be repeated!” ~ Appropriate-Rough563

“To build on this, assume anything you put in writing could be read in front of a jury. Paper, text, email? Imagine what you’re about to hit send on gets read aloud to a courtroom before you hit send” ~ AdjNounNumbers

It’s Not That Hard

“Always let the people on the elevator get off before you get in.” ~ littlemisspuppy

“Same for buses” ~ vrettossss

“And trains.” ~ EmeraldMoose12

“And airplanes” ~ wessoflo

“Those people who stand right in the f-cking doorway when I’m trying to get off the bus make me so goddamn mad I’m scared one day I’m just gonna snap and shove them on their ass.” ~ SpookyVoidCat

Protect Your Kids

“Don’t let your kids be a nuisance to other people when in public. I’m not talking about babies and toddlers, but kids running around in restaurants or going ham kicking plane seats.” ~ Grumblegrumblehiss

“Not even just for others’ sake, but for their sake, too. I worked in a restaurant, and some parents would just let their toddlers and sh-t wander around while they stayed seated at their table. I remember when I found a 3-4 year old waddling around a room away from his mom in a packed restaurant and almost lost my mind.”

“I can’t tell you how many times my instinct to swoop them up and scold the parent/s almost took over, but I had to remain professional. I don’t mind a little rowdiness, but for the kids’ sake, stop being inattentive.” ~ MyLifeHurtsRightNow

Start High. Be Ready To Rescind. 

“Respect is given”

“Disrespect is earned” ~ Rocky1963

“I agree that respecting someone as a person should be given. But people shouldn’t expect you to “respect their authority” just because their old or in a position of power. That type of respect needs to be earned.” ~ xxx148

It Makes So Much Sense

“Rechts stehen, links gehen.”

“Which is the German term for our unwritten rule that when you use an escalator, you use the right side if you want to just stand around and take a chilled ride, and that you use the left side if you’re in a hurry and want to speed up the ride by additionally walking up-/downwards.”

“They tried to officially abolish it in Munich, but we aren‘t having it. We Germans love our escalator rules.” ~ freakinandout

“London has this too, and as an American, I love it. When I go to the malls here, it makes me sad Americans don’t tend to follow the same idea” ~ olympusarc

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

“If they didn’t extend an invite, I don’t ask to come. I know a few people who unknowingly try to intrude on trips/activities in situations it’s obvious that they 100% should not” ~ Burdturds

“Same. However, the flip side is don’t talk about group activities in front of people who aren’t invited.”

“Obviously, there is a difference between something coming up briefly and discussing it at length. “I’ll see you at the show next week.” Is different from “I can’t wait to go to the show next week. What are you wearing?” The second one is rude to do in front of people who aren’t invited.” ~ Zula13

Listen To People Who Show You Who They Are

Don’t trust anyone who backstabs others in front of you” ~ Hoxtoful

This was kind of a big thing in the military. There’s this presence of the idea that we’re all best friends and brothers and sisters and inseparable and will die for every one around us. I literally can’t count the number of guys I’d see hit the pier overseas and take their rings off then head into town.”

“Same guys would blow all their money, then come back to the ship asking for loans, “we’re boys right?!?!”. No dude, your own wife can’t trust you. I don’t believe a f-cking thing you say.” ~ aDrunkSailor82

What Kind Of Moral Character Do You Possess?

“Put the f-cking cart in the f-cking cart return like a decent human being.” ~ Whatsa-Throwaway

There’s actually a shopping cart theory: ” The theory posits that the decision to return a cart is the ultimate test of moral character and a person’s capacity to be self-governing.” ~ MrEvetbody

Appreciate Your Fans, Confuse Your Enemies

“Always say thank you and please , even to asshole people, it works like a sarcasm to them . Edit 1 – Thanks everyone for the upvotes.” ~ _Virtual-Life_

“Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #76: Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.” ~ AzraelleWormser

If Only Everybody Followed This

“Be kind if at all possible” ~ Basic_genXer

“Practice random acts of kindness when you are able to.” ~ Newstargirl

“But don’t brag about it. If it comes up in conversation that’s fine but I know someone who puts everything on Facebook for the likes” ~ SnooCapers9313

Be Honest With Yourself

“The real you is who you are when nobody is watching” ~ Unicorn_Boots

“But that doesn’t matter to anyone. In other people’s reality, the only ‘you’ they know is the one you show them.” ~ XxuruzxX

Do your best to stick to the unwritten laws you’ve set up for yourself.

It can only lead to success and a peaceful life.

Flight Attendants Break Down Their Absolute Craziest Experiences On The Job

What is it about flying that brings out the absolute worst in people?

Take a quick glance at the last year and you’ll see a rise in assaults on the people trying to make your flying experience more pleasurable.

Perhaps it’s the nerves piling up before the passenger gets on board? Or it could be the idea, “I’m paying for this so I can do whatever I want.”

Whatever the reason, if you make a fool of yourself on a flight, they’ll make a fool out of you online.

Reddit user, THESILENTPRINCESS06, wanted to hear some horror stories from the skies when they asked:

“Flight Attendents, What Are Some Of Your Craziest Stories?”

No One Is Getting Food On This Flight

“I did a flight on New Year’s Day a fair few years ago. A older gentleman pass out and his wife thought he had died. The other crew all went to assist and there was a doctor onboard luckily. We had to stop the food service while the gentleman was stabilised which took ages.”

“Once he was stable we tried the food service again. However just as we were getting the trolly from the back galley a woman dramatically collapsed in front of it so we had to deal with her. We get her stable and back in her seat and then go for the trolly only for her to come back and collapse again in front of the trolly. It was news years day so this woman had partied too hard the night before and was why she felt sick.”

“A crew member from the front comes down and says they had to stop the food service as well because a kid had thrown up all over the front galley and the toilet. We also had a parent who kept letting their child press the call bell for fun. I had to explain twice that it was not a toy and to stop lifting your child up to press the button. The paramedics came and the guy was taken to hospital but not before his wife said that the same thing happened on their flight out. Moral of this story is don’t fly if you are very unwell and don’t fly hungover.” ~ posh-old-bird

Enjoy Your Pickles

“I was on a flight from Seoul to Jeju Island in Korea. Jeju Island is a very, very popular honeymoon destination for Koreans in the mainland. Most of the attractions are geared towards couples.”

“Some poor guy had brought a huge jar of pickled eggs wrapped (he thought) carefully. Maybe he needed to bring some of mama’s home cooked food with him?”

“As we took off and began the ascent, liquid started dripping down on the festively dressed passengers. It started in the overhead compartment in the 3rd row and dripped in everyone’s hair and shoulders. All the way back to the last row in the little plane.”

“Lots of little shrieks, then immediately angry voices. The sharp smell of pickle juice (not US style), permeated the plane.”

“An annoyed flight attendant dashed over, reached deep in to the overhead compartment, and removed a very wet, still dripping bag.”

“We could hear the broken glass pieces moving against each other. She stalked off with it, back stiff with disapproval.”

“The very, very red-faced man under the compartment stood up and faced the passengers behind him. He made an apologetic speech and bowed frequently during it.”

“I don’t speak Korean, so I don’t know what the passengers replied specifically, but it was not a great way to start a honeymoon for all the couples onboard.”

“I hope it became a funny story to tell back home later.” ~ meowhahaha

They’re Here To Help?

“The nicest flight attendant I ever had was the one that put in my grandpa’s eyedrops so my grandma didn’t have to. thank you, JetBlue!” ~ superdude311

Fun To See Board

“You come on the plane rocking your Gucci belt, Houston Street-worthy Louis Vuitton duffle, torn True Religions, a killer fade and a swagger that could make a woman’s ovaries cry… and then you take your seat in 22B and play Candy Crush on a cracked screen.”

“I’ve been a flight attendant for almost 12 years and this is a common occurrence.” ~ MSotallyTober

Everyone Making Bad Decisions In This One

“I had a punch-up kick off on a 767 over the Atlantic Ocean once whilst enroute from London Gatwick to Barbados. That was pretty fun to deal with as the only male steward.”

“The fight began following an argument after the woman broke her partner’s iPod. He wasnt happy about it so had a row which developed into a full blown punch-up. Turns out they had never met before until earlier that day when he saw her in London and asked if she wanted to come to the Caribbean on a free holiday (drug mule anyone).”

“They both began to behave once I told them that we will divert and the nearest diversion airport was in the USA, where they take that kind of sh-t seriously. Obviously had to keep them apart and we let the authorities deal with them once we’d landed in Barbados.”

“I’ve had a lot go on on my flights before and seen some sh-t before but that one makes me shake my head with a little chuckle too of course.” ~ Expo737

Don’t Wield It Like A Weapon. Don’t Be That Person.

“My best friends a flight attendant, so here’s the story From her perspective.”

“it was a pretty Normal flight. Most people were already sleeping, while the others were reading a book, but a women had her baby with her, and the baby was crying. not to big of a deal, if we didn’t have a Karen on the flight.”

“she called me over, as I was just about to go to the back, she said “ can you get that baby to stop crying“ ” sorry ma’am, it’s not under my control. I’m sure the mom in trying her hardest to keep the noise down.” She screamed “ I HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS IF THAT BABY DOESNT SHUT UP ILL DO IT MYSELF!” everyone Stared at her.”

“But, she got up. And was walking with a red face to the baby. I went infront of the baby and mom, she pushed me back, but i held myself up with the two seats in between. By that point, another flight attendant came rushing in. “ ma’am I need you to calm down.“ “ FINE. BUT JUST TO LET YOU KNOW, I HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS.” ~ IconicDarkness

Like In The Movies, But Sadder

“Cousin is a FA. Had a VERY pregnant woman who was en route to deliver at a different hospital in the last 2 weeks of her pregnancy. Unfortunately, her baby wasn’t waiting.”

“Halfway through the trip, she starts going into labor. They move first class back one row (wasn’t full) so they had room. Luckily, the flight had a shock trauma cardiothoracic surgeon and a Navy corpsman on board. She didn’t know she was having twins(thought they were obligated to tell you?).”

“One didn’t make it. I’m guessing that’s why she went intro labor.” ~ tidytibs

Wait, It’s Allowed…?

“Former flight attendant here.”

“Funniest story always is people who are joining the mile high club. You are absolutely allowed to have sex in a lavatory and we won’t stop you. People slinking out of the bathroom with sh-t eating grins and red faces was always hilarious.” ~ TJeffersonsBlackKid

“It’s allowed? Wait it’s ALLOWED?! you’re telling me this now?!” ~ Deedum78

“Family member used to be a flight attendant. The theory is as long as they’re quiet about it and not disturbing other passengers it’s better to let them screw rather than risk a potential confrontation in a steel tube with no escape.”

“Family member also told me the US to Australia flights had the most f-cking – apparently Aussie gals are wild.” ~ EastGlencoe

…And A Merry Christmas To You

“On Christmas Day we were working the last flight of the night and it was completely full. Every seat. There was a couple in the last row window and aisle seat. He proceeds to diddle her under their coats. We notice but don’t make an issue out of it. Well when she’s satisfied she proceeded to return the favor for him. Once again we notice but don’t want to make a big deal out of it.”

“When we land they were the very last two off the airplane and the grizzly senior lady I’m flying with calls out to them as they were about half way down the aisle. “Just so you know… that’s sh-t you pulled doesn’t put you in the mile high club… that doesn’t count. Merry Christmas.” They just turned beat red and scampered off the airplane as fast as they could. I looked at her like she was crazy, sure we were about to get fired.”

“She winked at me and said what are they going to do? write a letter to the company that we called them out for diddling each other on the airplane? We will be fine now come on kid let’s go get a Christmas cocktail.” ~ canthav814

Be safe up there in the skies.

A lot of misbehavior on board.

Lawyers Describe The Most Messed Up Court Cases They’ve Ever Seen

Crime is the one thing we’d all prefer wouldn’t come in many varieties.

Unfortunately, a quick talk with any lawyer over drinks and you’ll hear of some of the worst parts of society they’ve had to defend. While some might venture into the weird, there are those criminal cases which fall under the “horrific” and “depressing” category of humanity, like the stories people shared below.

Reddit user, HolyMotherOfDragons, wanted the inside scoop when they asked:

“Lawyers of reddit, what is the most f-cked up case that you have fought or seen?”

Doesn’t Matter If You’re Dead Or Not

“Client insisted on suing an employee who failed to show up to work which caused a contract to be cancelled.”

“The employee didn’t show up to work because he died.” ~ alejandrosalamandro

Maybe Think About That Before Having Children

“Worse I’ve heard was a divorce case where both parties fought to NOT have the kids stay with them. It’s so depressive to think about the children in that case.” ~ maximef1

Sitting Next To Someone, Knowing What They Can Do…

“In a pro bono program, I was assigned to handle the request of an inmate to be released after serving 2/3rd of his sentence. When I read his file, I discovered that he was convicted for kidnapping a woman, tying her to the right front wheel of his jeep and torturing her to death with some sort of home made flamethrower.”

“When I went to see the guy, he denied everything, and told me he was appealing the verdict (which legally was not possible anymore).”

“It was really weird sitting in a room with this guy, knowing what he was convicted of, and knowing that he’d been denying the conviction for almost 20 years.”

“Needless to say, his request to be released early was denied.” ~ ExistenceisObsolete

Lack Of Follow Through

“A sociopath in a psych ward making suicide pacts with vulnerable people and never following through. Charged with murder, determined he was too out of his mind to be accountable.”

“Gonna be in an asylum for the next two decades unless something major changes within the case” ~ expressiii

A Practical Joke Gone Wrong

“Case told to me by another lawyer on one of my cases: two guys decided to give a marijuana laced brownie to their co-worker without telling him it had marijuana in it… right before he started his shift… as a crane operator.”

“It went predictably badly, resulted in an accident and even their union agreed the guys should be fired.” ~ tintedpink

Keeping It All In The Family

“I am not a lawyer, I work for one.”

“We represented a family who tried to ruin a teenage boy’s life. They fabricated police reports, falsely claimed he stole expensive electronics from them, and took their claims to the very uninterested school the boy attended.”

“When cops tried to investigate, the family evaded the investigator and lied to him.”

“Why do all this? The family’s son was crushing on a girl they were hosting in their home.”

“She chose to date the boy in question over the son. All three kids were classmates.”

“The boy got a hefty settlement from the family. This case was outside our typical areas of practice, but they came from a friend of the attorney.” ~ No-The-Other-Paige

Perhaps Learn A Little Latin?

“Took a pro bono divorce case. The husband tried to attack me in the parking lot claiming I was screwing his wife.”

“He said no lawyer works for free so she must be screwing me.” ~ Thom803

Leaving A List Of Posthumous Demands

“Not my case, but I was sat in chambers waiting to be heard when it came before the judge…”

“A reasonably successful businessman had died, leaving a will in which he left all his business assets to his wife, on the condition that she destroy everything. Inventory, parts, records, office equipment, all of it.”

“If she refused, everything was to be given to the Hemlock Society, an organization in the States somewhere that advocates for assisted suicide.”

“Shortly after making the will, he committed suicide, having arranged for his death to be video recorded and the recording to be emailed to his wife and kids automatically. The lawyer didn’t say what the method of suicide was, but did say that it was traumatic for all who received the video, unsurprisingly.”

“The lawyer sought, and received, a consent order to amend the will to delete the destruction condition. He had the agreement of the Hemlock Society, which wanted nothing to do with a donation under those conditions.” ~ YVRJon

A Little Levity Before The End

“I’m here to provide comedic relief!”

“My buddy is an attorney and was working on a case against some company that was dumping pollution in a large, local body of water that had a direct opening to the ocean.”

“He gets a letter from an incredibly concerned local dude. He wrote this LONG ASS LETTER begging my buddy’s team to do all they can to win the case against the polluting company for the sake of the…mermaids that were living in that local body of water.”

“He had seen them often guys. He had been trying to befriend them for quite a while now and was concerned for their well-being and for the possibility that they would move out to the ocean to find a cleaner home if the company kept dumping pollution into their area. I wish I could find that pic of part of the letter.”

“In case you are as concerned as he was, fear not! My buddy’s team won the case and that company is no longer dumping their waste in that body of water” ~ Raccoon_Army_Leader

You Take The Case. You Keep Working. That’s The Job.

“A woman was alone with her baby after her husband got deployed. This was not long after the baby was born. Then the baby passed away, and the body had some strange bruising. The mother insisted the baby crawled out of her sight and fell down the stairs. The case ultimately got reassigned from our office, and the mother was pissed.”

“She told the primary lawyer on the case that she had indeed killed the baby. She basically bragged about it, and she had zero remorse at all. Seeing the infant’s autopsy photos was absolutely horrific.” ~ Fat-Pat_813

“Was she convicted?” ~ jazzygyal

“Yes, she ultimately got a fair bit of time.” ~ Fat-Pat_813

While it can never be easy to be assigned cases like the ones above, you just hope those involved in the handling of the case, as well as the verdict, are level-headed, reasonable people.

You know?

The complete opposite of the individuals they represent.

People Explain What Makes Them Nervous No Matter How Many Times They Do It

The world is a dangerous place sometimes.

According to a study by the CDC in 2018, nearly 24.8 million doctor’s visits were the cause of some sort of accident. While the odds are still in your favor of nothing happening to you when you step outside the door, the chances of it happening at all are enough to make people a little panicked whenever they do anything.

Driving behind a service truck with a lot of dangling equipment? Walking through a grassy field filled with sprinklers which haven’t been turned on all day? Going for that big meeting with your boss?

A lot can happen.

And you never really know, do you?

Reddit user, WinstonChurchillin, wanted to know what never gets easier.

They asked:

“What makes you nervous no matter how many times you do it?”

They’re Going To Disappear Into The Land Of Elves

“Walking over a storm drain with my keys in my hand” ~ Groovy_Chainsaw

Even When It’s Your Job

“Using my table saw. Even though I am a Carpenter.” ~ jakobrivers

“Handling an angle grinder makes me nervous. I have to use it frequently because of my job, but it never gets easier.” ~ CatCatRatRat

“For a couple months I had a job in a college machine shop. I was always healthily scared of those machines. You’d get trained up hearing the story of the lathe-hair girl and worse bloodcurdling tales.”

“Always follow procedure, always double-check, always know the emergency stops, and if possible always have someone within shouting distance.” ~ dishonourableaccount

It Could Mean Lots Of Things

“When my boss goes ‘can we just have a quick chat?’” ~ zagreus9

“Or “Come into my office when you get a chance. There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.” ~ DareWright

Teacher? Don’t Be This Teacher.

“Let’s break ourselves into small groups and…” ~ mayoroftheed

“And also, “Before we start, let’s go around the room and say a little bit about ourselves…” ~ ylssa26

“At meetings when they say, ‘Ok, everyone, let’s go around the room and introduce yourself’. Even worse when they require stupid things like, ‘Include your favorite food and why you like it’ or ‘Tell us why you’re here’. Uhhh…because it’s mandatory?” ~ DareWright

“The problem I have with this is I suddenly forget everything about myself.”

“Favorite food? ‘Oh god what have I eaten ever?’ Favorite movie? ‘I watch movies?’ Hobbies? ‘Is sleep a hobby, did I even sleep last night?’ Typically how it goes in my head.” ~ shermanerma

Nerves, Yes, But Perhaps A Little More Justified

“Driving in between two semi trucks on the freeway. Bonus points if one or both is carrying a bunch of logs…”

“…For the record, I am very aware that this is something one should not do unless you have to. The only times this happens to me is if I am in one of the middle lanes on a 4 or 5 lane highway and semis come up on either side.”

“In those cases, I speed up as quick as I can to pass one or the other. Always drive defensively!” ~ princess_mediocrity

“Driving behind a truck with an overhanging load too. I’m always terrified my depth perception will fail me and I’ll ram it with my windshield” ~ SxeySteve

“My fear is driving behind a car with even a mattress attached to roof….my former boss died after a mattress came off the car in front of him….I sure miss him as he taught me to drive a stick, which was cool, though the truck was older, 1992 type truck. :)” ~ shana104

Are They Clocking My Speed Or What?

“Drive in front of a police officer when I have no reason to be nervous.” ~ DapperCam

“sit next to one at traffic lights. Do I look at them? If I don’t does it look suspicious? do I pretend like I’m bored? WHAT DO I DO” ~ Jcit878

Wasting Everyone’s Time

“Walking out of a store without buying anything!” ~ KillerJupe

“I’m always paranoid that I’ll trigger the security alarm for no reason” ~ Violet_Hill

Anyone Ever Seen Children Of The Corn?

“Using a mandoline slicer.”

“Even using the safety guard I get a little queasy when I have to use it.” ~ yourtemporaryBFF

“I sliced my thumb open once because I thought I was too good for the guard. I never ever use it without the guard now and still get too nervous to cut that far down with it.” ~ TeamToaster2014

Your Entire Wobbler In Your Joinster Is Shot

“Anything that has to do with my car. I have been scammed even over a simple oil change.”

“even if I try to be confident, it’s very clear once I start talking that I have no clue about cars. Literally had someone quote $400 to change an air filter.”

“I said no because I could not afford it…. found out later how insane that quote was. Sadly that just fueled my fear.” ~ sebastianrileyt2

“I love it when they pull out my air filter to show me how dirty it is so they can charge me $100 to change it, and I’m like oh wow yeah I’ll have to change that. Now go put it back.” ~ SirWigglesVonWoogly

Concert Performers Everywhere Know What’s Up

“Tuning my violin.” ~ TheLettre7

“Ugh, when that E string snaps and whips you in the face…” ~ dailysunshineKO

“The E string is the worst, had one time it snapped while tuning before a concert. I was able to get a backup, but still it’s nerve racking.” ~ TheLettre7

How Do You…Use…Speak…Things?

“Calling someone on the phone. I’m a fairly outgoing person and I love talking to people, but I rely a lot on seeing a person’s face and observing their body language, which isn’t possible on the phone.”

“Voicemails are less terrible, but I still panic a little because if I mess up while leaving a message, the other person has a freaking recording of me being really awkward. I’m so thankful texting exists.” ~ smugmisswoodhouse

Double Check, Triple Check, Unplug It

“Sticking my hand inside the disposal when I drop a fork In it.”

“I’ve seen people telling me to unplug the disposal, how does one do that?” ~ The_Point-Man

Most of this is in your head.

Still, it never hurts to be a little extra cautious out there and make sure the disposal is unplugged.

People Explain What They’d Want To Do With Their Final Hours On Earth

The average human lives an approximate 692,040 hours on Earth, according to a recent sleep study done by Dreams mattress company. This tops out at 28,835 days, or roughly 79 years.

While it might sound like a long time, considering time is ticking away as you’re reading this, we never have as much as we think.

So if life ended tomorrow and you knew about it in advance, what would you do with your final hours?

Reddit user, di_guyo, wanted to know what you would do with finite time when they asked:

You find out you have 1 hour to live, what do you do with your last hour on earth?

Indulge In Your Wildest Fantasies

“I have allergies. I will eat everything I had to stop eating because of them.” ~ shortinha

If We’re Being Real With Ourselves Here…

“Panic for an hour then die” ~ Grape_Jamz

“Most realistic answer here.” ~ lemaquilleur

Actually, This Feels The Most Realistic

“Scroll Netflix or Hulu until I find something to watch while I wait it out.” ~ bitterherpes

“You’ll be dead before you find anything!” ~ di_guyo

Get Those Likes In While You Can

“Have a beer and post on facebook—“if this post doesn’t get 5,000 likes in the next hour I will die.” ~ Talkaze

Why Change Perfection?

“Hang out on my couch with all my pets i guess. The usual” ~ induceddaftfan

Make The News In The Most Violent Way Possible

“Get in my car and drive as long as I can and as fast as I can. I’m talking 5 star wanted level; I want to make national news. And right before my timer goes off, I want to drive straight off a cliff and put on the most spectacular car crash anyone’s ever seen.” ~ StaySharpp

Say Good-Bye And Take A Seat

“Load the kids into the car, drive out to my parents’ place, give them all hugs and kisses, grab one of their whiskey bottles, walk out back to the lake, sit on the pier, and spend the last 10-15 minutes drinking and enjoying the view.” ~ AZNDavyJones

Get All The Important Messages Out Of The Way

“Hug all my immediate family. Make videos to send to all the people I love. I just lost someone and I’d kill for more voicemails and videos of them to replay when I miss them. I don’t wanna forget how they looked or sounded.” ~ Crimtot

“I’d have to hug my family as well, all jokes in this thread aside. My kids especially. Then for the last ten minutes I’d drive somewhere and park my car, call an ambulance. I want to give my family hugs, but I don’t want them to end up suddenly holding onto a corpse.” ~ Akhi11eus

“Record messages to my daughters for all of their major events in their life they have gotten to yet, graduations, weddings, births, that I won’t get a chance to be there for.”

“I would tell them how proud of them I am, and how they need to always look out for they mom.”

“I would tell my wife I love her, and my dogs they are the best boys/girls.” ~ An_aussie_in_ct

Give Blessings, Not Trauma

“Assuming I’m at home when I find out…Facetime my family and tell them I love them and talk about the good times we’ve had and tell them that they’ve made my life amazing.”

“Text my friends and let them know how much they mean to me and thank them for their friendship.”

“Hug my dogs and give them scratches. Sit on my balcony with my girl in my arms, dogs beside me, and let death take me.”

“…yeah dying in front of my fiancé would probably traumatize her…maybe I’d slip away the last 5 minutes and walk to a bench down the road so a passerby could find me.”

“Also I’d tell her it’s ok to move on, I wouldn’t want her to be alone the rest of her life” ~ adirtymedic

Mess With People In The Future

“Take a couple thousand dollars out of the bank. Die with that money clutched in my hand and surrounded by cryptic messages with allusions toward a much greater hidden treasure.” ~ remembernottopost

“Put GPS coordinates in a note that lead to a landmark/statue/whatever that you hate. People trying to find the statue will destroy it.” ~ BlatantConservative

This Does Feel The Most Likely…

“fall in a spiraling anxiety attack, trying to find out what to do for my last hour.”

“go see my parents? spend the time with my bf? eat my last meal? watch one more good show? walk in nature? say my good byes to my friends?”

“I have to make choices, what if I disappoint people because I didn’t contact them? I don’t have a will, what do I want to leave to whom? the dog won’t even understand that I’m dead!! I spent all my life studying for WHAT?”

“I’m gonna die having done nothing but that! No time to think about that, I should go play fetch with the pup… Do UberEats deliver lobster?”

“Is it gonna be good? Imagine having for last supper rubbery cold lobster. Let’s go out in a bang with champagne and sex! I don’t want to die naked though.”

“I don’t want my bf to be traumatized that way either. I’ve wasted already 5 minutes out of my last 60 minutes trying to figure it out, what if I get to do nothing because I was indecisi” ~ ChibiSailorMercury

But What Happens When You’ve Actually Lived It?

“I lived in Maui during the ‘Ballistic Missle Inbound this is not a drill’ event. We had 15 minutes. I was frantic trying to find out if it was true.”

“Then the resolve I was gonna die hit. I went outside smoked a cigarette and looked out at the ocean. I called none of my 6 kids.”

“Nobody picks up anyway and I didn’t want it to look like I favored one over the other. I reviewed my life and I was good.”

“Luckily it was a mistake. But I’ll never forget that feeling.” ~ itsrainingkids

Maybe have that donut today?

After all, it’s not like the world is ending tomorrow, right?